Yasir Qadhi – Humor and Joking in Islam

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of humor in Islamic culture, citing examples such as the use of jokes and lightening up the mood, the importance of being gentle and being humorous, and the importance of being aware of the process and not just giving people what they want. They also touch on the hesitation of people to admit to being too busy to be honest, and the importance of not making fun of one's statement as a prank. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to be aware of the culture and its potential, while also acknowledging the potential for light in the face.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Hamdulillah

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Ohana study no horn is still fiddle. We're not really the biller, Himanshu Rudy and fusina woman say Dr. Molina Mejia Hilah who Fela mandala woman who further ha de Allah. Wa shadow Allah. Allah Allah Allahu wa the hula Shetty kala wash hadoo Anna Mohammed Abu humara sudo U haul Latina am an otaku Allahu Akbar Jakarta. What are the Moto Illa one two Muslim moon? Yeah Johanna Soto Cora como la de Hala Coco Mina FC Wahida wahala come in Huzzah. Jaha Weber salmon Hammadi. Jalan cathedra one is what? Hola. Hello. What's up? Hola. Hola de Tessa Ilona be here Well, or ham in nulla? How can I de como la pizza. I'm about my Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam. As we are all aware. Our Shetty our

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religious law dictates each and every facet of our personal life and our social interactions. And in today's hutzpah, I will examine one of the facets of that social life and cultural interactions that is somewhat of a more light nature. And that is what does our Shetty I say about joking and being humorous with one another within our faith tradition. Believe it or not, even this topic has been discussed in so much detail, that will Allah He as I sat down to write this hotbar I realized that even this one hood book can be made into two or three holdovers. But of course, we do not have the time for that. So I will summarize what some of our scholars have said about the Islamic guidelines

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and requirements about what our own tradition says about being humorous within one another about cracking jokes and lightening up the mood. There are in fact specific treatises and books written by our scholars of Islam about this one topic, and why would they not write books when it is narrated in dozens of a hadith that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regularly lighten the mood and was humorous and yes, even cracked jokes. Do you know that in a Shambhala, Timothy, which is the most authentic and the most famous book that describes the characteristics of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam by Mr. Timothy, Timothy has his famous sunnah. And he also has a book called Shama,

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Shama ill the characteristics of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has an entire chapter entitled, The chapter of the jokes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is in our most standard orthodox mainstream book about the characteristics of Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was selling them and so he Bahati the prophets of salaam said, write down my statements write down the Hadith, and O'Hara said Dr. Rasool Allah, but sometimes you joke with us, sometimes in the color Tomasi. Hoonah you're joking with us? Meaning do you want me to write down your jokes as well, and the prophets has held on to his tongue. And he said, octobe Write down everything that comes from

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Allah de la ilaha illa, who I swear by the one that there is no God besides him. Nothing comes from here other than the truth, meaning, even the jokes of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam have moral benefit, have wisdom, and today we'll discuss some of them and you will see each and every one of them actually has some wisdom, some benefit to it, sometimes even theological benefit. We learn from the jokes of our solar system, but to point here, Abu Hurayrah the Allah one wanted to ask or messenger of Allah, you are joking with us so often do you want me to write those jokes down as well? What does that demonstrate that it was the constant characteristic of Rasulullah Salam, to be

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humorous to be gentle, and that is because being gentle, being humorous, is a part of the perfection of a clock. It is a part of being the perfect associated companion. We all know there are those people amongst us. They're always morose. They're always they're always frowning. They're always serious. We don't like being around them. Our processing was not like that. Our Prophet Muhammad system was the best of the people was the savior of the children of Adam, and as a perfection as an asset. I never saw anybody smile more than the Prophet SAW sort of, he's always smiling as a perfection. He would laugh as his perfection. He would even be humorous and crack jokes. And all of

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this he did sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to legislate unto us that this

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Do is a part and parcel of our religion of Islam. And so many of the humor of the Prophet system is narrated. And typically, most of the humor and if not all of it, our Prophet system would use double meanings because he never said a lie. He never said them said a lie. So what were the humor, what was the humor of the process, he'd use a phrase, he'd use a word, the meaning that comes to mind is not the meaning that is intended, but both meanings are permissible by the language. And there are so many instances of this and at times, he would name somebody something as as as a point of being funny or as a point of being humorous. Or as a point of earning the heart of this person by using a

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gentle name, a sweet name, that a name that would make make the person love. The Prophet SAW Selim, and a symptomatic the young child on a symptomatic was seven years old, when his mother said that I'm going to give you an all day long, he'll be your servant. So he gifted and this was not a slave, he gifted the mother gifted the time of Anas that throughout the day, you will be with the process of them come home at night to our house. So unless would spend 10 years with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he tells us that at times, he would he was a child, he's seven, eight years old, that process and would tell him to do something, and he would be going on his way and people

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would children would be playing. So he'd stopped to play, but he wouldn't listen. So he would do what every child does. So the next time the Prophet system gave him a command, he said, Yes. oh nine. Oh, you have two ears. Listen to him about to say to he called us Oh, you have two ears. Meaning you didn't listen to me last time. Make sure you listen to me this time. Anna says that I had a younger brother. I had a younger brother who would have a pet of a bird this bird in Arabic is called no Laird. It's a small little bird with red stripes on it and and this bird fell sick so the child took it and took it as a pet. He took it as a pet and he would carry with it all the time. And

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this was a young boy of maybe four years old five years old. One day the process of saw him crying in the corner. So he asked us what is the matter with your brother? So he said his no lady died his little pet died his little boy and you know typically this little boy is not addressed in the audience. I'm in the process of wouldn't say anything to him because you know he's a four or five year old boy so in front of everybody to make the boy feel so special to make the boy feel as if he is being paid attention in front of everybody the process of addressed this little child and he invented for him a cornea he made for him a cornea, which is not something you do for a five year

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old. That's what you do for an adult but to make the boy feel special. And he said that famous phrase which was reported in Behati yeah about Romania. My father no hate. Oh Father of Romania. This little boy is not the father of anybody. His name is about Romania. Just be joke full. Get some humor. Yeah, about Romania. What happened to a little bird. So here it's not quite a joke, per se, but it's being somewhat humorous. It's like lightening the moment so that this child feels consoled so that the child feels this is Rasulullah says I'm addressing me in this big audience where Abu Bakr Omar are sitting and he's taking time out and smiling at me and saying yeah about oh man, my

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father No, oh boy made what happened to a little bird in order to calm the child down. And it is also reported that in fact the process of actually said what we would call jokes, and the famous hadith is inside Buhari as well and Abuja with that a man came and he said, O Messenger of Allah, I, you call to go out on an expedition I volunteer, I'm going to join the expedition and I will go with this force, but I don't have any camel. So you will have to give me a camel to write on. Now. In Arabic. A baby camel is literally called what I do not call baby camel. When you want to say a baby camel. There is no word baby. You say what do Naka so the process and I'm said I don't have any

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thing to give you other than what to do now. What I do now, the child of a camel and the man said O Messenger of Allah What will a baby camel do for me? Because what you understand from what I do now is a baby. And the Prophet system said wasn't every child wasn't every camel born by the previous camel isn't every child what do NACA so well I do NACA linguistically it means that the offspring of a camel, but it's understood to mean the baby of a camel. So when the process said I only have a baby camel What to do now? He understood a little camel and the process from then joke with him said and what is a camel except the child of another camel isn't every child what to do. Napa isn't every

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camel what to do? Naka and of course, there's the very famous story that we've all heard of growing up and it is an authentic hadith. It's an authentic hadith, that when the process of was sitting with the Sahaba an old lady hobbles up, and she says yeah rasool Allah make dua that Allah causes me to enter agenda, make dua that Allah causes me to enter agenda and you know,

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You see this sweet old lady? You see this lady you know she has such a sweetheart what not so the Prophet sister wanted to cheer her up. How did he cheer her up? By saying something that was true and yet humorous. It was true and yet it was a joke. He says, oh, all Mother Oh aunt Oh lady. Oh, and I'm Falon Haven't you heard? All ladies will not enter Jana Haven't you heard didn't didn't somebody teach you this? All ladies shall not enter Jana. So the Hadith says farewell wallets. You know she started like raising her voice what what's gonna happen now how am I gonna enter Jannah and so the Profit System said Didn't you read what Allah says in the Quran? In and shut now Hoonah in

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sha for Jalna Hoon upcard on Ruben Terada, we shall bring them back and recreate them in nature Nona Isha and we will bring them back to be young, beautiful maidens. Oh Falana, OMA Falana Allah azza wa jal will not cause you to enter Jannah as an old lady, you will come back to being at the prime of your youth at the most beautiful, the most beautiful, then Allah will cause you to enter agenda. Now imagine if the process of didn't say this humorous, he just went straight to the point, you will enter Jana. It's not as good. It's not as uplifting even she the happiness she would feel after the joke is much more than if the process simply said that you shall antigen rather than saying you're

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going to enter Jannah he actually was humorous with her. And she said all ladies don't enter agenda, and then gave her the good news, you shall enter Jannah as a beautiful young lady as you were. That's how you're going to enter agenda. So this actually Hadith demonstrates for us, the purpose of the humor of the Prophet SAW Selim, that it is meant to make a point to uplift the cheerful spirit to make people feel better. And this is a part and parcel of our religion, that we're supposed to cheer people up, we're supposed to uplift the spirits. And at times, the best way to do that is through humor. It is narrated that a woman came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he

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said Who is your husband? She said so and so. And the process of wanting to basically would we would call play a joke, but we say that he wanted to be humorous with the husband. So he said, Oh, I know your husband. He is the one who has a whiteness in his eye. Now the Arabic whiteness in his eye means a disease that causes the eye to go yellowish. Okay. And the Arabs say they all feel it. This has something to do with the sickness, right. And the lady became shocked. No, no, that's not my husband. That's not the one my husband's fine. And the problem. No, no, I'm positive. He is the one that has the sickness, biography. I mean, she understood sickness, but it's not sickness. So she

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went back home, because she thinks if the process of says you must be sick, and she began looking at her husband carefully, staring into his eyes, and the husband says, What's the matter with you? Why are you looking at me like this? So she said, the process that I'm said that you have a sickness by ultrafine, you have a sickness in your eye? And the husband understood because obviously, he understands what's going on. They have that relationship together. And he said, Yeah, tell me, Fernanda, don't you see, there's more whiteness in my eye than darkness, right? Meaning in his eyes, there's a whiteness, the whiteness of the eye. That's what the process is talking about. Once again,

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there, there is the feeling that imagine how special the husband would feel. Imagine that unique bond, that the husband will feel that the process and him is making me laugh in this manner. This is the purpose of Islamic humor. This is why we are supposed to be gentle, we're supposed to be easygoing, we're supposed to bring happiness unto others. And the Companions as well, in fact, would return back the humor to the prophets and when it was appropriate to do so in the most appropriate manner, when they understood that the process of his joking with them at times they would be humorous back, ultimate respect, even in the humor Hadith narrated that the Prophet system visited

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Sohaib, a Roman, the Roman, he was the Roman convert to Islam, so hey by Rumi, and so he was very sick and he was not coming to the masjid. And so we expected him to be on his bed completely moaning and groaning when they came in. They found that he is sitting upright, and he's eating dates. But his sickness was there, one of his eyes was swollen. So the process would have joked with him and said, You Are you sick, your eyes are swollen, and yet here you are eating dates, meaning we have heard you're so sick, but now you're enjoying life, right? So he's being humorous, and you could see by the expression that the process is being humorous, and he said, your eyes swollen up and you're

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still eating dates. So he said O Messenger of Allah, I'm using my other eye to eat. I'm looking at the other I'm using this I as I pick the dates up to eat. Now this is again imagine being so hype. Just imagine the feeling the relationship with the Prophet system, right? That he's

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cracking a joke with me. And he's then responding back. Yeah rasool Allah is the other I'm using this one, this one swollen, I can still see what this one that's what I'm eating with. And so again, the point being all of this demonstrates that it is a part and parcel of our religion to bring this happiness unto others. In fact, it's not just words, our Prophet sallallahu either he was seldom even went beyond just words, humor at times involves playing around with other people at times involves literally using your hands or doing things. And we have one of the interesting narrations here as well, that our processor would play and, and basically be jovial with little children. Now

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we know this, of course, from many a hadith that he was the kindest to children, the one of the companions, who died, the very last of the companions, or one of the last, so he died around 100 Hijra. Imagine 100 Hero, right? He says, And he and he, of course, are the processes little child. He says, I still remember when the Professor Sam came to our house into our neighborhood that he played with me and he threw some water from the glass that he had into my face, that He sprinkles some water onto my face. Now this is like, you know, you're teasing little children, you're you're just playing with them. So the child now becomes a Sahabi. He's now 90 years old, actually, actually

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he was 100 or something when he passed away, says I still remember the process of him coming and playing with me and throwing water from the mug onto my face. So again, this is like teasing the child learning around with the child. So the fact that process is even being what we would call basically playful with the children. And this is again, well reported. It is narrated that and this hadith isn't Buhari by the way that

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Abu Bakr Siddiq came to visit his daughter Asha, and the Prophet system was there and from outside, he hears Isha raising her voice at some irritation, I mean, husbands and wives, husbands and wives doesn't matter who they are, right wives or wives or husbands or husbands. Right? So it's just raising her voice. And the process of them is quiet. Abu Bakr becomes enraged. He says that allow me in so they let him in. And he begins rebuking Ayesha? How dare you raise your voice above the voice of the Prophet says to them, how dare you say, and he kept on going and going, and he got in front of Isha. And his hand began going up and down such that he felt he might even strike me. This is the

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father feeling anger that How dare you do this in front of the Prophet system. When it became very tense, the prophet system put his body in between, and he put his hands to protect Atisha. So the Abu Bakar then eventually left, then he said to Asha, they've just been having not an argument, but you get the point back and forth. He says to Arusha, don't you see how I defended you from that man? Now this is humorous, we all get it? We all get it. We every husband here sees his playing with her Isha. Don't you see how I defended you from that man, her own father, meaning how could you be yelling at me and I'm the one defending you from Abu Bakr. And so many other incidents that take

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place, we have the story of Asha again, Aisha Radi Allahu anhu, was with the Prophet salallahu, salam, and Sodor. And of course, so there was the eldest of the wives of the process, I'm an issue is, of course, the youngest. And so the visited, and Asha had cooked some food actually was a very, what would be considered to be a expensive dish because there was meat in it. So when you have meat at that time, it's a very big thing. And it's called a zeal. It's a meat dish with bread type of stuff in it. So so that says, I don't want to eat, I should have felt She's not eating because I cooked it

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that she's not eating because she doesn't trust my cooking, or she doesn't think my cooking is good. So she said, wala Hila Codina, you will Allah, you're going to eat it. And she said, Well, I'm not going to eat it.

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And the process of sitting in the middle, I just said, You're going to eat it, or I'm going to put it into your mouth. She's getting angry. Now she feels insulted that you've come to my house, I'm cooking food for you. And and you know, between the CO wives maybe this is even more so than it otherwise so she feels something tension, like Why aren't you eating? So so this is I'm not going to eat? So I should literally take some food and puts it on her mouth, puts it on her mouth, and the process of him is not interfering. When this happens. So the loses her temper and the Profit System. He's sitting with his legs crossed legged right? When he sees that sodas going to respond, he lifts

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one knee up, and he says Go ahead Your turn now. So so that literally takes the food and puts it on our issues face in anger and the Profit System is laughing at what is going on now.

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other point again is that he is allowing this humor, this is a part of life it happens. This is the reality that this type of relationship. Again, our profit system is the ultimate role model. And of course, my all time favorite story and everybody loves the story when they hear it. It is such a sweet and beautiful story. And it demonstrates the perfection of the clock of the Prophet so seldom is regarding that Sahabi who was actually not from Medina, he was a Bedouin, he didn't live in Medina. He was a Bedouin, he was from the Arab, but he was of the righteous Arab. And his name was Zahra Hill, his name was Zaha. And he would come to Medina and always give the Prophet system

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something and the process and would give him back they had a very good friendship together. But Zaha was mocked by the other people. The other people made fun of him. He was short and they said he was ugly looking and they said he was this and that, but the process of didn't care about this. He liked him a lot to the process and had a good relationship with him. One day, that process was walking in the souk, and he sees Zion and he hasn't seen him for a long time. And Zaha has not yet come to the masjid. He has to sell some merchandise that he's going to come to the masjid. So the process is pleasantly surprised that he is seeing Zion. So he walks from behind zire not informing him that he

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has seen him. And he's in the zoo. Everybody's buying and selling saying who's gonna buy who's going to purchase those days, everybody would have to scream, I have this I have that purchase this. So the Profit System held on to him from the back. I mean, this is unbelievable. When you think about it, he is Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and this is Zion. You know, I we tried our best to scholars micelles, we tried our best to look up about Zion, we only know three or four things about him. He's not one of the big famous Sahaba he's not like Abu Bakr and Omar, he doesn't have a long history of of guitar. And yet, we don't know much about him. But for some reason, there's something in his

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o'clock something in him the process and I'm really loves Zion. And so he held on to his idea from behind, and he holds on to him like this. And then in the middle of the souk, he says, who is going to purchase this iPad from me, you all get the double meaning out here, who's going to purchase this iPad. Now of course in the souk the hub here would mean a slave, but when he is saying it, it means the worship of Allah and Zaha is a worshipper of Allah. Right? Who is going to purchase this out from me? This is what we would call a humorous prank. And it is our Prophet says I'm doing it. Man yesterday had an abdomen knee and Ziad becomes angry. Who is this playing this prank? Who is that?

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Because I mean, who wouldn't be irritated? Then he sees who it is what happens? The narrator says Zara had just melted and became limp so that he could feel that his back could feel the skin of the Profit System, and that he could get the baraka from the Profit System as much as possible. Immediately he limped so that he could feel the blessing. It just said of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he said, Hey Rasool Allah, you want to sell me, but I'm going to come for a cheap price. What are you going to get for me? Right? I'm going to be and the reason he's making fun of himself because the people say bad things about him, you know how sometimes cruel people are

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and they would make fun of him for his expression or his facial features or whatever they they would say that he's not a handsome man, that he's what not. And the Prophet says that I'm said, rather, you are very expensive in the eyes of Allah in the Quran de la Hilah haulin. You are very expensive in the eyes of Allah. Now, this incident, if it doesn't humanize the process, and what will if it doesn't show us his perfection of a clock than what will and that is why when our Prophet system established this as a as a reality, then it is not surprising that we find the Sahaba the tabby rune, the great Imams every single Imam, Imam Ahmed Imam, Shafi, Imam, Malik and whatnot, we find

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from them as well, this type of humor, even in their fit, we find it here and there when they give fatawa. And again, much can be said time does not allow us to do so we find the same type of, of humor, softness and gentleness in the greatest scholars of Islam. And in fact, many are the quotations from our scholars, that it is a part of being a gentleman, it is a part of being a good Muslim, that there is an element of humor, an element of of joking and whatnot. And that is why even some of the most classical authentic books of even political science of being a ruler and leader al Marwadi is a great scholar of medieval Islam, and he has books about how to be a leader and how to

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he has sections in it. The etiquettes of joking, it's been hasn't it been headband, the great scholar of Hadith YBNL, Josie, all of these scholars, they actually wrote treatises in our times, we would call them joke books. They didn't have the genre back then. But they said the stories of

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of foolish people, or they said that, you know, incidents of humor. So they're having entire treatise easy these are printed, I have most of them at home by the way, they are printed, they are available, great scholars even hasn't even a Josie even rubber. These are of the most authentic, serious scholars of Islam, but we see another side of theirs. And therefore brothers and sisters, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being humorous with being gentle with being joke full, but there are conditions what are those conditions very quickly. Number one, there cannot be blatant lying. We are not allowed to lie or to deceive. And by lying what we mean here is to say something

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that is an intentional lie, you invent a fabrication about about Mustafa about Xena and you just say something that is completely untrue. And the person doesn't even realize that oh, and then you say, Oh, I was just kidding with you? No, it doesn't work that way. And by the way, as for the jokes that we say the standard jokes, there was a man or there's a rabbi, a priest, enema, that type of stuff. It's not quite lying, because you know that it is a fable. So that's not covered in the Hadith. But what we mean is you intentionally lie about somebody and the other person doesn't realize, and then you say, Oh, I was just joking. This is not allowed in our religion, as well. Obviously, it goes

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without saying that no joke can have anything that is haram inside of it, of backbiting of slander, of lewdness of vulgarity. This is not of the lack of our religion. So we cannot have anything and it goes without saying that not nothing that is humorous, can have something intrinsically haram in it as well. If the joke involves a prank or something of this nature, then it is not allowed to bring about terror upon a person, you cannot terrify a person. Our Prophet system said in hadith is an Abu download. It is not allowed for a believer to bring fear into the heart of another believer. So even as a joke, or as a prank, you cannot do something that will terrify the person that is not something

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that is a part of our religion. And as well of the conditions that are scholars mentioned that look at all of the incidents, I said to you of the Hadith of the Prophet system, every one of them. The end result was the person felt closer to Rasulullah saw Saddam, the person felt better camaraderie, the person felt genuine oho the person was cheered up. So if the joke offends, if the joke makes the person feel bad, if you have denigrated the person, then no this isn't funny. And it is not something that Shetty allows jokes and humor should cheer people up, bring happiness to them, not make them feel bad. So once you've insulted somebody, don't say, Oh, it was only a joke. If the

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person feels insulted your fault, not the other person. And if and at times, it is possible that you say something and you intended as a positive joke, but the person you overestimated you made a mistake and the person is offended. In this situation. Islamically it's your fault. You have to apologize and don't say, oh, take a joke, brother. No, you're the one who went beyond the bounds that said something that was a gray area, and the other person was offended. So it is your responsibility to clear up that misunderstanding and of the etiquettes as well of being humorous and joking is that it is done in the appropriate manner at the right time and place to go to extremes.

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To go too much is something that obviously goes against the etiquettes of Islam. Our prophets, Allah seldom said, I warn you against excessive laughing, laughing too much, because he didn't say I warn you against laughing or processing laughed, excessive laughing all the time, joking laughing all the time. Because we have something serious to just the worship of Allah jokes as the scholars say, and this is an Arabic tradition and an Arabic phrase and an English phrase. Jokes are like salt to One's Food. This is an Arabic and English jokes are like salt to One's Food, you add it to the right amount perfect. And this is the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Salem. Humor has its place when you go

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beyond the bounds, then you lose the respect of the people and your status is demeaned and you will be ended up offending people. So the process some sent I warn you against excessive laughing for excessive laughing makes the heart hard. And the final condition. And the final condition is that and the most important, really is that the joke not involve anything that is denigrating to Allah and his messenger to the religion of Islam. It is not just how wrong it is prefer to joke about Allah and His messenger. It's not just to sin it to Schofer because a heart that understand who is Allah and who is Rasulillah Salam can never then be sarcastic against them. We in our tradition in

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our religion, there is no such thing as cracking humor against Allah making fun of the messenger SallAllahu sallam. This is

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not Islam. This can only come from a heart that doesn't understand what it means to be sacred what it means to be to have sanctity. We do not joke about our mother. We do not joke about the kindness or the clock or the purity of our mother. Well Allahu Allah and His Messenger deserve infinitely more respect and love than our parents do. There are things we do not joke about, and of them are that witches of the shadow of the main points of this religion. May Allah subhana wa Tada allow us all to follow in the beautiful footsteps and the genuine humor in the simple and this and the beautiful jokes of the prophets of Saddam and enjoyed his company and his humor in the after

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BarakAllahu to confront him whenever anyone could be Murphy him. He was declared Hakeem, a hold on Mattis Marone was tough for a lot of the money. Welcome. What he said was Simeon recruited them in Philadelphia who didn't know who will have a food over him.

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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Anwar Had Allah had a summit a lady la mera Dwolla mula Allah Mukunda, who one had whereby to do your brothers and sisters, somebody might ask, why given entire Hotspur about this topic, and the response first and foremost, because it is relevant, because we all need to know the Islamic rulings about this topic. Secondly, because when we hear these stories about Rasulullah sallallahu, ala he was selling them, then our iman in him, our love for Him, our respect in him our desire to meet be with him increases. And this is one of the reasons why our classical Ulema as well wrote about this topic. And thirdly, and lastly, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam on the day of read when there was very much going on, when some of the Sahaba had some Halal entertainment going on. Some of the structure of the Sahaba Rama Rama, Hatha became, like angry like, why is this happening? How can you do this in front of the Prophet system? And what did the process from say, Omar, let them let them do what they're doing. Let the people know that there is foresight in our religion, there is entertainment, there is laxity in our religion. Our religion isn't just all the time all the time serious and you have a stern face and it's strict. No, you need some some humor, some entertainment some that is halal. So this hadith let the people know that

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there is some leeway in our religion, that our religion isn't just everything around everything this and that human nature. You need a little bit of entertainment, but keep it a little bit. Don't make entertainment the ultimate goal, which unfortunately is the reality of many people around us that entertainment is their main goal in life. No entertainment is like again, salt and a part of that is joking and humor. So let the people know especially at times like this, let the people understand. Our religion is not all about strictness and haram and everything forbidden. No, there is leeway. And it is halal to enjoy life. But it must be done within the limits of Islam. And that is one of

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the main purposes of having an entire hubbub about this topic alone but in NIDA and for aminu, Allahu Allah, if you had to join me then but it was a photo what a Harmon Illa for Raja wala Dana Illa Kadota while I'm on Illa Shia feta when I see Ron Illa, your sarta Allama villa with the one in the Latina Saba, who Nabil Iman wala to Jaffa Cubanelles Linda Linda Tina Robina in Nakuru for Rahim, Allah Allah is Islam and Muslim in Allah Allah Azza Islam I will Muslim in Allahumma Islam our Muslim in Allahumma Aradhana our other Islam or misdemeanor is to infringe LELOUP enough say watch out at mirabito BTW here Kuya Aziz about Allah in Allah to Allah Amara Combi unburdened by the

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BBFC within the Malacca the como se was hailed as a become a U haul moment on ImageNet he went insane for all the awesome imparted in Idema. In Nola How am I that eco you saw Luna and then Nebby yeah yo Khaled in Amman or sudden knew it he was selling them with a slimmer Allahumma salli wa salim robotic well and Abdul Karim Sudha Mohamed and while he was talking big marine about Allah in Allahu Allah Buddha will add they will extend the waiter it will CORBA wire in hand fascia it will mean carry what you already know Kamala come to the Quran. The Quran Allah had come watch guru he has glaucoma critical Allah Akbar Wa optimist Salah

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