Yasir Qadhi – Finishing Ramadan Strong

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © There is no summary as the transcript is a jumbled mix of random characters and symbols. It appears to be a series of random characters and symbols that have not been spoken or spoken in a meaningful way for a period of time. The characters and symbols in the transcript are not characters that have been written or spoken.], [The transcript describes a series of characters that contain random characters and symbols. The characters include symbols for a car, a house, a car, a bus, a train, and a machine. The characters are not characters that have been spoken or written about in a meaningful way for a period of time.], [The transcript describes a series of characters that contain random characters and symbols. The characters include a dog, a cow, a bat, a elephant, a elephant, a cow, a bat, a elephant, a elephant, a elephant, a elephant, a bat, a cow, a bat, a elephant, a bat, a cow, a bat, a elephant
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In Alhamdulillah nama do who want to stay in or who want to still fiddle one hour with the villa Himanshu Rudy and fusina woman say Dr. Marina Mejia Hilda who Fela mobila woman your bill who fell ah ha de Allah. Wa shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah Wa Dae Hoon Dasha de cada wa shadow Anna Mohamed and Alberto humara sudo. Yeah, you have Latina mono taco la haka to cote what are the Moto Illa one two Muslim on dear Muslims. Whenever Allah Subhana Allah to Allah describes the righteous and the pious in the Quran. Look at how they are described. Look at the adjectives and the qualities that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tala mentions for them. And you will find that inevitably, the adjectives and the

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qualities that Allah uses to describe the believers consists of active nouns, active verbs, active adjectives, what do I mean by this? Look at what the Quran says in over 40 verses. Allah describes the believers as those who you Ki Moon or salata, tunas Carta, there are consistently establishing the Salah, and they are frequently giving the Zika UK Munna and your tuna and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala mentioned in the Quran, that when the people enter Jannah The angels will say Jessa and Bhima Koon tomb tan maroon, this is the response and the result of that which you frequently used to do that which you habitually did. And look at the beginning of Surah tell me noon. What what ALLAH SubhanA

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wa Tada has an entire page describing the believers one of the most famous passages in the Quran, Allah says, well Latina homeless Zeca Tifa in on the one who constantly consistently gives it up well Ladino Allah salah, T him da e moon, they are perpetually praying their side up. Brothers and sisters, the entire Quran is full of adjectives that indicate consistent worship. And this is something that we all understand and recognize. Allah never praises just a spirit of worship. Allah never praises just a phase of worship. No, that is not praiseworthy. What is praiseworthy is consistency. What is praise worthy is a lifelong attachment to the rituals and the worship of Allah

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Subhana Allah to Allah. Allah blesses people because of a lifestyle not because of a habit or a fad, not because of a temporary boost in our iman, this month of Ramadan, brothers and sisters, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada reintroduced us to the beauty of worship. Every single person sitting here without exception has increased our connection with Allah subhanho wa taala. Now that Ramadan is finishing now that we have a few days left and then we will go back to our pre Ramadan schedule, the question arises, how much of this passion? How much of this zeal? How much of this newfound enthusiasm will we allow ourselves to continue after the month is over? Subhanallah look at our regular worldly

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relationships. Can you imagine when you go to work, and you only show up one day enthusiastically and the rest of the time that you're there, you do nothing? You have no commitment, you are not showing your talent? Could such a job flourish? Or will you be fired? Can you imagine in your marriage, if only the first month or the honeymoon period, you are a true husband or your true spouse. And then after that Holocaust, you fail in the duties of being a spouse can such a marriage flourish. In this world. We don't accept just a quick spurt of activity in this world. It is commitment that is rewarded, it is perpetually showing that you are dedicated to a cause that causes

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you to be rewarded. And so how much more So should this example apply? When we talk about religiosity when we talk about our commitment to Allah subhanho wa Taala our Prophet sal Allahu Allah He was seldom reminded us of this reality when he said a habit or an early in Allah He Eduardo ha we're in the most beloved of all deeds to Allah, the Most Beloved of all deeds, are those deeds that are perpetual, they are habitual, even if they are very small. I want us to absorb this hadith in the last days of Ramadan. Why? Because now is the time now before Ramadan is over. When you and I have to make a commitment. What shall be my lifestyle? One week from today? One week from today is

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eat what shall be my lifestyle one week onwards. How will I change posts from

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Hold on, that I didn't have pre Ramadan. What new routines will I add to my schedule of worship? What new positive o'clock will I seek to inculcate in my life that I didn't have before Ramadan, which specific bad habits that I tackled in this month? While I make a commitment to Allah, I will not go back to I will not revert to I will not continue those bad deeds that Allah has blessed me to give up in this month of Ramadan. Right now we need to make this commitment because once Ramadan is over, that is when our weaknesses began during these last days of Ramadan, the holiest nights of Ramadan. This is when we have to examine our lives and our lifestyles and Subhanallah one point that

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needs to be mentioned as well brothers and sisters, how quickly time flies literally it was yesterday I was standing here encouraging us to be ready for Ramadan to be prepared for Ramadan. And here we are today the last Juma of Ramadan of this year the twinkling of an eye and it has gone and inevitably brothers and sisters it is the Sunnah of Allah. This crowd that is gathered here today. All of us Masha Allah Our maximum attendance and throughout the year is today. We do not know who will not be here. Next Ramadan's last tomorrow, we don't know what Allah He we do not know. Inevitably there will be people sitting here right now. This is the Sunnah of Allah. There are

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people sitting here right now. They will not be here. Next Ramadan. This is the way of the world. Nobody can predict. Nobody knows. Some might be elderly expecting their time to go others at the prime of their youth, others at midlife and something sudden happens. This is the way of the Creation around us. And we should learn a lesson from the Quick passing of time. How swiftly time goes on. Ask yourselves how many Ramadan's has Allah blessed us with? For some of us it might be only in the single digits for others it might be Hamdulillah 6070 Ramadan's. But inevitably a Ramadan will be our last Ramadan. Perhaps for some amongst us it is this Ramadan, that is our last

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struggle bond. If that is the case, if that is the case, then how much more so we need to make a firm commitment to Allah subhanho wa Taala that this Ramadan is going to be my best Ramadan. And the days after Ramadan are going to be the best days after Ramadan of any previous Ramadan that I have engaged with brothers and sisters in this month. Specifically I want to point out a number of things that all of us have experienced in this month. Our masjid, attendance has skyrocketed and we thank Allah for that. Our Masjid attendance has gone at hamdulillah to the highest of the high every single night Alhamdulillah we have 1000s of people here even in the in the Kiama 3am 4am You come

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and it is completely packed to the end. But brothers and sisters, the Lord of Ramadan is also the lord of Shaohua, the creator of all of us in this month as the creator of all other months as well. And the help of Allah and the rights of Allah are no less after Ramadan than they are doing Ramadan. And so when we have gained the pleasure of worshiping Allah in the massages, I encourage myself and all of you to increase Masjid attendance, make this in your schedule. Make sure that as often as you can, once a day you may be Fudger or Asia or if you live far from the masjid two three times of the week. Or even if you live farther than this, at least once a week make a commitment more than just

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Jumar I'm going to come and be with my brother and my sisters I want to be in this community. Another aspect of Ramadan that we all feel is that we increase in our Tilawat of the Quran and listening to the Quran. And we all know firsthand how sweet that feeling is. And we all know that immersing ourselves in the Quran is the number one mechanism increasing our iman nothing allows us to feel spirituality as quickly and as immediately as listening to the Quran and reciting the Quran. We experienced this in Ramadan. Well then why don't we make it a habit? Why don't we make it a habit that every single day I shall experience this pleasure with the Quran every single day I shall make

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it into my routine. Let no single day go by except that you touch the book of Allah dear Muslims, I strongly encourage myself and all of you put this in your mind just five minutes a day will Allah He you can spirit I can spare it 510 minutes a day. Take that book off the shelf, open it up before you go to work or before you go to sleep or whatever schedule but it has to be in your schedule and it has to be a non negotiable

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time that's what our Prophet says to him said, make your deeds than him make your good deeds continual perpetuals put it into your schedule. I shall touch this book, read this book benefit from this book every single day as you're driving to work as you're commuting to work rather than waste time listening to that which will be of no benefit put on some Quran as well listen to the Quran so that your Eman become strong. You feel a sense of spirituality. This is another benefit of this month of Ramadan and another benefit brothers and sisters and of course this is the most one of the most obvious ones but it must be said the commitment for Salah the commitment to pray regularly.

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There are many amongst us we are still struggling to perfect our five day the Salawat and indeed it is a struggle there is no question about that. Because the one who prays five daily Salah watts, his entire life revolves around the salah. He has to look at his schedule. Where will I be for thought I need to be in a place I can pray what will I do for McCullough there's only a short period of time your life is affected when you become regular most Sunday we understand I understand. But don't you see as well that when your life revolves around the worship of Allah, that is when you become beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala when you have to plan your day thinking I have to pray every

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single Salah where will I be how can I pray. This is what separates the righteous the only the Mutata in the solid in. And in this month of Ramadan, brothers and sisters, I encourage everyone to make a renewed commitment. If you're already praying five times a day, then raise the bar with Sunon if you're already doing the Sunon raise the bar with some nothing if you're already doing some nothing. Raise the bar with the quality of your worship and there is no end to the quality of Kosher but if you haven't begun your journey in the five Salawat if you're still struggling with this, then brothers and sisters a blunt question and allow me to be blunt. For how long will you procrastinate

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and delay? To what end? Surely you and I both understand when you keep on saying next Ramadan I'll be better tomorrow I'll be better Surely you understand that between you and the next Ramadan is the uncertainty of the angel of death. How can you keep on procrastinating and delaying right here and now you are alive right here and now you are qualified to make these decisions tomorrow there is no guarantee. So today I encourage myself in all of you right here and now make a commitment to Allah this year. This upcoming year I shall be a better Muslim. I will show ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. I will demonstrate I want to be a pious person and brothers and sisters in that demonstration in that Nia

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This is what Allah blesses. Allah doesn't care about the actual result as much as he cares about the effort. Allah wants to see you trying. Allah wants to see you put in the effort. We're all sinners, we're all falling short. We all have issues we're struggling with. Don't let your sins pull you back from doing good deeds. Brothers and sisters, if you are having some bad habits, may Allah forgive don't use that as an excuse to not do good deeds, do good deeds, and ask Allah to forgive you for the bad habits and work on those bad habits. This is the reality of what struggling with Eman is brothers and sisters in this month of Ramadan. Every one of us has appreciated for one more time,

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the beauty the blessings of being a Muslim what a great blessing it is. Islam allows us the peace, the comfort of knowing why we are here what we are doing. The worship of Allah gives us a pleasure like no other pleasure. The nobility we feel when we are in such the the happiness we feel when we listen to the Quran, the spiritual ease we feel being Muslim. We know nothing in this world can make us feel like this. Well then, if we know it, then what is preventing us from continuing that same beautiful feeling. After the month of Ramadan, brothers and sisters, I urge myself in all of you think long and hard. Make a commitment today in this last Juma of Ramadan, make a sincere commitment

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and make a concrete commitment not just to generic I'm going to be better you know yourself better than anybody else. You know what you're struggling with, you know the pious deeds you can do but you're not doing you know the sins that you need to get rid of make a sincere commitment and again, it is the commitment it's not the success. If you fail once keep on trying you fail 10 times keep on trying, I repeat, it is the effort that Allah is pleased with not necessarily the success it is the continuous the continuity of you struggling of you showing Allah so make this commitment today and ask yourself specifically how will I be a better person after this month of Ramadan? And then during

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these last days during these most blessed nights, make dua to Allah specifically for what you have in mind. Yeah, oh

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Wanna make it easier for me to pray? For example? Yeah Allah this is a sin I'm struggling with ya Allah you know I don't like doing this you know I'm struggling yeah Allah I need your help to overcome this particular habit of mine. These are the days and these are the nights to make these two hours may Allah Subhana Allah Allah bless me and you with her through the Quran and May He make us of those who is versus they understand and applies halal and haram throughout our lifespan or ask Allah's forgiveness you as well ask him for his the afore and the Rahman.

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Al Hamdulillah Alhamdulillah All praise is due to Allah the one and the unique. He it is when we worship and it is his aid that we seek. He is the Lord of the oppressed and He hears the prayer of the week. As to what follows. Brothers and sisters, there's a famous incident in the Sierra where on the morning of the Battle of ordered a non Muslim came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and embraced Islam and fought in the Battle of Oxford and the battle that took place in the early morning after Salat al Fajr. And it's so happened he died a Shaheed and he did not pray a single Salah because Doha hadn't come and he accepted Islam after fajr and he died Isha he, the Sahaba were

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puzzled ya rasool Allah, this is a man he hasn't done one such that in his life. He hasn't prayed one Salah and yet he's dying the death of a Shahe that he will go all the way up there. And they were informed and this is a general rule and it is found in the Quran and Sunnah in normal ama Louisville, how our team actions are judged, not how they began, but how they ended. Your life is judged, not according to the past, but according to how it finished our bill, how our team deeds are judged at how you end them, not how you began them. So brothers and sisters, we have five days left of this blessed month, five nights left of this blessed month. Tonight is six, six and six days we

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can say tonight and tomorrow night are just the beginning and then the 27th which has the highest possibility of being Laila to other those who were lazy in the beginning of the month, don't lose hope. Those who are mediocre, half hearted, don't lose hope. As we build our team, the race is still not over the finish line is in sight. And if you sprint now, and if you give your utmost effort now, and if you do now, what you could not do in the first 25 days and Hamdulillah you have finished upon good and enamel Mr. Lubell Hawa team. These are the nights the most blessed nights tomorrow night and the 27th and the 29th. We still have three potentials for the little cuddle. These are the days

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these are the nights where we show Allah subhanho wa Taala what it means to be a dedicated worshiper. So I encourage myself and all of you do not lose hope whatever has happened in this month, however mediocre or poor you think your record has been? Allah does not judge according to the past, Allah judges by how things end, and here we have the opportunity and hamdulillah still almost a full week left. So as the prophet system would do, the Hadith says he would tighten his belt in these days, tighten his belt as a metaphor, he would get serious, he would spend the entire night awake a highlight letter who these are the only nights of the whole year that he would not

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sleep every other night he would tahajjud and sleep to hydrate and sleep these nights of Ramadan the last 10 nights he would spend the whole night awake if you're able to do that fine. And tomorrow most of us will be on a holiday anyway. So 25th and sha Allah is the minimum we can do and if you have to go to work and you then still the amount of time you spend awake on these nights must be more than any other night. Yes, you have to take go to sleep I understand. But still Allah knows you're balancing between the two. So finish brothers and sisters upon higher finish upon the fastest sprint you can do finish the month with the highest level of eemaan the highest level of Taqwa the

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highest level of rituals and hamdulillah if we do so, if we do so then this Ramadan will be a success for us. And when this Ramadan finishes, remember, the continuation must begin and every Ramadan should be in our goal. We raise the bar and go higher and higher until insha Allah Who Tada we meet our Lord Allahumma inni Dinefwr aminu Allama data then overheard that you won't be them been in love of weather Harmon Illa for Raja wala Deignan Illa Kalita when I'm ready on Illa sure feta whether I see it on Ilya Sarita Allahumma fildena What is one in a Latina Saba * Iman wala Tasha KHUDOBIN Alhamdulillah Latina Amman Robina in Nicaragua for Rahim, Allah Houma is Islam one

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Muslim in Allah Houma is

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slum I wouldn't Muslim in Allahu Akbar lcm and Allahumma, Taka berkelium and Allahumma Jana Amina alpha is enough he had the shahada Allahu

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Allah whom I didn't know Ramadan Guam and I did was meaner to Medina. We're not going to feel safe in Wi Fi attend what a man there are hamara Amy and Roberta law in the law how to

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behave NFC within the melodica decoder say with a letter become a U haul. mininum and Ginny he will ensue for all as recorded in Idema in Hola Hola, Myrna it goes Oh, you saw Luna either? Nebby yeah you heard Adina Amman or saw Lou either he was selling him with us NEMA Allahumma Salli was selling them robotic or anderem aplicado spherical Mohammed why the early he was like big marine everybody a lot in Allahu Italia. Yeah, Moodle will add the word x&y to either orba wion Heinle fascia you when

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you're in Cologne, oh the Corolla had to come wash Kuru Yes, it did come what are they called? Allahu Akbar wa famous Salah

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Anjali either

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doesn't show

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feed feels for the MIM, Janita Anza down to

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me down

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