Yasir Qadhi – Ask Shaykh YQ – Episode 01 – What if I Was Born in The Hanafi Madhab Without Knowing What it Really is

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The "monet hub" is a group of individuals achieving a similar goal, but there is a difference between the two. The "monet hub" is a group attempting to achieve a similar goal, but there is a difference between the two. The "monet hub" is a group attempting to achieve a similar goal, but there is a difference between the two. The speaker discusses the importance of following a "medhelp" and avoiding "med strict" approaches to life, emphasizing the historical norm of people following a "med strict" approach to life.
AI: Transcript ©
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The question is, I will summarize it. One brother actually email me that chef, I'm born in the Hanafi madhhab. But I don't know what the Hanafi madhhab is just my parents told me I'm hanafy and I don't have the resources or the knowledge to study the method. What should I do? Should I just follow any chef or ask any chef or should I try to stick to the madhhab? What should I do? on

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E M.

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So this is a very deep question. It's the question of the metal hubs, and inshallah, one day we'll give much longer lectures about the history of the med hub and whatnot. In a nutshell, a med hub is a human attempt to arrive at the sharing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is the attempt by great Buddha, by people whose names you have heard Imam Abu hanifa Imam Shafi Mama, Mama had been the humble and more Imams, there were more than four mega hubs, there were over 40 mega hubs at one point in time, these were efforts by great scholars to try to codify the shediac to try to make it structured to try to put parameters and over time, certain methods flourished other methods they

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dwindled out. And as we all know, currently there are typically four large Sunni Muslims, but there are smaller Muslims as well. And there's also recently a movement to basically not follow any of the methods and go back directly to the Quran and Sunnah. And the reality is that the people who want to go back directly to the Quran and Sunnah, it's a good slogan, but in reality, the methods themselves are attempting to go back to the Quran and Sunnah. It's not as if the Muslims are not going back to the Quran and Sunnah. And what happens when you say, we're not going to follow them at hubs, we're going to try to go back directly, you actually end up creating another method as well. So not much

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is accomplished. So my philosophy is as follows that we need to understand that the vast majority of questions that anybody asks any shift cannot be answered by opening up a book of Hadith and just getting it from there. It doesn't work that way. Rather, what the madhhab does, it is a set of parameters. In English we call it a paradigm in Arabic, we say assume it is a set of parameters. How do you approach the texts? What do you do when the texts appear to conflict with one another? How do you interpret the same text, this is what the med hub does, you cannot simply open up a book of Edie and derive Islamic law, even the most basic questions of Islamic law, you need some type of

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systematic framework I will give you simple examples when it comes to doing we'll do doing we'll do a simple example. Must you do will do in the order of the vs students and my Ada that Allah says in the Quran, oh, you who believe when it is time to pray, basically stand up, you wash your face and your hands and you wipe your head and then you wash your feet. This is in the Quran, four things are mentioned. Right? Simple question, what if you accidentally Miss up and you do number three, instead of number three? Rule number two, you wash the feet instead of wiping the hands and you flip it around? Is your worldview valid or not? which had if Are you going to go to to invalidate or to

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validate you will not find any. So within the methods you will find two methods that say oh, you must follow the same tip because Allah said it. So we must follow it. And to madhhab say, well, this 30 The sooner 30 means order, this 30 The sooner but it's not watch if you know if my mother says to me that you know, son, if you can, you know, warm the dinner and make some Chai for me What if I made the Chai and warm the dinner? I've done the job. I've done what she asked me. So I've done what Allah said if even if I flip it around, how will you solve this question? There is no easy answer. That's where the mud hub comes in. Another simple question of Moodle. Allah says do will do in these

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four things right? What if you delay and you make some timeframe you're doing will do and your cell phone rings and your feet were not washed? You answer the cell phone. You walk around 20 minutes Mashallah Tabata cola talking to somebody. Now, you come back, what do you do? Can you continue from where you left off? This is called Muara. Must you go back to the beginning, I challenge you to find any Hadeeth you will not find it. This is where the mud hub comes in. It is a framework it is honestly it is a paradigm and therefore, the default historically for the last 14 and a half centuries, the bulk of the oma has followed a systematic methodology, call it a madhhab. It makes

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life easier. However, in my humble opinion, it is not wajib because wajib is a big term watch. It means

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law requires you to follow what it means it is an obligation, that's a big thing. It is not wajib to follow a medhelp. But it makes sense, it makes life easier. And this is the historical norm that people typically follow a madhhab. As for the movements recently that are attempting to basically reject them at times and go back, as I said, if you understand what is going on, what they have done is essentially create another method other than those four, and there are issues and pros and cons over there. The bottom line, in my humble opinion, when it comes to this issue, you have one of two options, and you may choose any one of them, either stick with your method and no problem. And

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inshallah, if you come to me and you say what is the Hanafi position? If I don't know it, I will look it up and tell you and that's fine, no problem. Or it is allowed to ask a learned person and get the answer from the learned person without wondering which method is there? Because Allah says in the Quran fest Allah, Allah decree and quantum data and among us the people of knowledge, if you don't know, so, if an issue comes up, and you don't know, and you ask a chef, and then three days later, another issue comes you ask another respected chef, no problem that is also allowed, because in the end of the day, even if somebody were to tell you, it's the Hanafi madhhab, you have no way

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to ascertain it anyway, you are following a learned authority? The example I give that is inshallah understandable. I am not a medical doctor, right. It is not my area of expertise. Now, what do I do when I have a medical issue? I go to the expert. And how do I know the expert is the expert? Well, the perception, the degrees, the credibility, people know. So there is something called PR there is something called credibility. There's something called you know, the the certificate is education. It's something that is known scholarship is known. So I go to the doctor, and I say, Okay, what these are my problems? What is your prescription? Once the doctor prescribes it? Am I in a position

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to question the doctor, where'd you get that from? What's your evidence? I'm did not go to medical school. I cannot do that. Now. Suppose another doctor who is a more specialist than the first one says, oh, but actually this is my area. You went to a general practitioner. Now you have you what you need is a pulmonologist. I'm a pulmonologist. Now, perhaps I may follow the more learned doctor, but what is not allowed is footwear shopping for the easiest fatawa why the example would be I go to 10 doctors, and I choose the prescription simply because it's the cheapest prescription. Who does that nobody. My life is too precious that I don't care if the prescription is $10 or $1. I want to

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go to the best doctor. That's what I do. So when it comes to the share when it comes to Islam, your Islam is more precious than your life, you may ask a second opinion. If the second shift you feel is more qualified no problem. But you should not go footwear shopping for the best bargain because your religion is too precious to do that and you are not qualified to pick and choose based upon ease and convenience. This is what pretty much unanimously our scholars have said do not go and ask 10 scholars to then simply choose the easiest position that does not make sense. Either stick with them at up and that's fine and that's healthy or when a situation arises. Ask a chef and the chef is

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qualified and you may follow the shift no problem. Either of these are allowed and a lot of soldier knows best.

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In the field.

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It is indeed possible for someone to be born in a certain Madhab without really knowing that Madhab particularly means. What should a person do if they find themselves in such a situation? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi answers beautifully.

A Madhab is a human attempt to arrive at the Shari’ah of Allah. These were the efforts of scholars to codify the Shari’ah. There are 4 Madhabs – Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali. The Madhab is a set of parameters or Usool on how to approach the Islamic text when in a conflicting situation. This is why the bulk of the Ummah follows a particular Madhab to make one’s life easier and is the historical norm.

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