Yaser Birjas – Ta’Seel #40
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Salam Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Alhamdulillah bedarra means that Allahu wa sallam Obata Cannery and Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam to Steven Kathira to my my bad Welcome back to the seal class we studying right now from double commando pedometer Mr Lau to Allah, Mata sermon hudgell Cassadine. We are covering the book of auto Rhema which means the book of the adequate food and eating and we are now in the final and the last chapter or the last section of this part of the book insha Allah azza wa jal, very perfect timing for the month of Ramadan as we come to the month of Ramadan, we learn about specific etiquettes of the AFA, how to eat food when the if you are the
guests if you're the host. So the final section is speaking about presenting the food and the etiquette of sharing it with other people. So what did he say to him Allah Allah that's going to be section number five inshallah starting with the recitation now
the hammer louder animala. Merson
presenting today even as your presentation method there are firewalls that handle a lot of blindness a lot of you know Muhammad robot just from the title itself Gemma first loan fee adobe.com He says this is the chapter the etiquette of presenting the food the editing and presenting the food What do you guys get from you get from this title even
Is the trade the plates is our it is what I get from this as how meticulous our faith our deen teaches us the details of little things, even our daily activities. I mean, you're gonna be eating anyway. Right? But so presented the foods, especially when you have guests has a special etiquette for it. And that etiquette, obviously in accordance to our tradition, our culture, our standard that all people can afford having fancy tables and fancy plates and all that stuff and so on. But at the same time, you should present the food in a way that is meaningful, and is also honorable to yourself to your family and teargas. It's so I don't know how to describe that. But when you go to
Mecca and Medina, Gemma and you there are specific restaurants, I'm not going to mention the name of these restaurants, but they give you the food in a bag and you have a plastic wrap with that. So you put it on the table and you dump the whole food on that wrap and you eat from there directly.
hamdulillah it's an AMA no doubt about it. But the way the way the food is being presented. It's not from the Edit or the etiquette and the Sunnah, that we need to eat in that fashion. But still though there is an etiquette and other for everything in our deen including when you present the food. So here Rahim Allah Tala, he says there are five etiquettes that needs to be observed. When you present the food to the guests. When you present the food to the people that you're serving right now, what are these five elements number one
is a form of honoring the guests are on life. So he said number one is to Daijiro who which means to bring the food and the first you should do is to rush and serving the food quickly. What does that mean as a man?
When your guests come? What is the first thing you need to do? Honor your guests and what is the top things that you honor guests with their specific etiquette based on the cultures and some culture you begin by coffee, Galois, for example, and other culture they've been with before. So the perfume they put they actually the serve perfume and other kind of like Ananda guests for being there.
There are different ways of doing that. But one of the most standard thing that people do in all cultures is when you have when you have guests over what do you need to present some food right? And the best way to do it is do it as quick as they as possible so that you don't have to have to keep them waiting forever. The moment they arrive Bismillah the food supposed to be ready and serve as if it wasn't of course to serve them right away. I remember one time we visited Shake Shack members Rahim Allah Allah Allah and alive and it was during Eid as it was a day. So we visited him. Rahim Allah Allah Allah all the way from Makkah to a path
after we will mashallah a group of
close to 50 people or all students a teenage years mashallah so we all can give the Salaam and there are some guests also as well. In his in his place. The moment we are the last person shook hands will share one bath and we sat down the first thing he started with. He says, I know tomorrow.
What is the date right away is where's the date? I'm just like he keeps insisting and calling where's the dates whether it's until the Jeff So we're here we're here on a shift. Like he wanted to rush immediately to serve the guests the moment they arrived and then after they brought the day they bought also the whole thing and all that kind of stuff. When we're done. The chef says you're going to come after us and inshallah Tada to have dinner with us. Chef and we are traveling, so no, you're not leaving until you come back home.
For dinner, well love had to come back with Santa Fe and all day just waiting for dinner to come in. So we went around, we came back again, mashallah they serve a beautiful dinner a beautiful meal. But that's just one example of how when you have a good host that doesn't want you to wait, does he doesn't want you to wait for too long, immediately.
And that's on us. If we become guests as one of our problems in our time, whenever someone invites you to come for dinner at seven, when do you arrive?
At 11? Right? So you can make a 711 Yeah.
But seriously, if it's seven o'clock, why would you have to wait until 11 to the mall, you know, Chef, and everybody comes late, and we know that not gonna serve the food right away. So everybody starts becoming unfortunately part of this very negative bad culture and tradition. We're adding to this, unfortunately, we're not serving, we're doing a disservice to ourselves. So if the dinner is at seven, then you'd be there before seven o'clock. So that's unless unless you need to tell your guests that look, guys, we haven't showered the whole night in Alaska. So therefore, inshallah you want more than welcome to arrive at seven. Dinner will be served at nine. If there is going to be
served at nine. I don't have all night to come, but you invite me for the food. I'll come for the food. So I'll be there by 845, for example. So I don't have to wait two hours before that. But we need to change our culture to make it a proper with our synergy, man.
People don't really have the time to spend six hours in a wedding night. I don't have the time for this. So therefore, when people invite you sometimes for some events, you let them know when they want me to be there.
When they want me to be there. Well, anytime you want. No, no, you told me when do you need me to be there. I don't have the time to spend three hours I only have 45 minutes I have one hour. So please let me use my time wisely and your time as well too. If we can deal with that stuff in that fashion would be great for us in shallow Tara. But the etiquette and the Sunnah is that once the guests the guests arrive, you will discover the service. What if I don't want to serve the food right away, then at least start with some code of service. Start with date. Start with sweets, I would fruit start with tea, whatever that you got your culture and culture you serve, until maybe the time is
proper for you to serve the dinner definitely if it needs to be done. But do not delay the guests for too long. Don't let them stay there waiting for the other guests to come.
If the other guests didn't come on time, don't punish those who come on time.
Don't punish those who come on time like I had those experiences. Unfortunately, many times. When people say Charlotte I would love to see you at seven o'clock I come at seven o'clock.
And then I'm just like waiting and waiting and waiting until I don't have a mother and then they pray America and then they start serving it takes them two hours to do that they really have no idea how troublesome that is to many people because I don't have the time to wish like this. So make sure that you'll be part of the positive culture, if someone invites you to dinner, so then I will be shut out at eight o'clock then make sure to be there time enough time to be there. So that everybody inshallah will be joining together but Allah has chosen now
presenting first
Allah says
so what he says to him out loud, he said the second rule of good conduct in terms of sharing the food and serving if we go start with with the fruits, start with fruits of animal valkia And he says that what that ethos Laham unbabel club he made a claim right now where that claim is at medical speak and he says that is better, better for the justice system basically that's what he's saying. Frankly, I want to look it up online and if I'm different opinions, but there's a majority opinion that says that is true that having fruit at the beginning you eat fruit first, it actually prepares your digestive system for whatever comes next after that. Also it helps the handler reduce of course
the consumption of transfer and other stuff and so on. Basically it's very beneficial. Now what does he say? What's the proof? What's the evidence that mmm Kodama Rahim Allah He is cited for this kind of tradition. He says in the Quran surah tilaka. Allah subhana wa Taala when he spoke about serving the people that was Jana, may Allah make us from the people of general Brahmin, what did he say called Wafaa Maya taka your rune wala hematite remained match to whom he began with what and fruit of what they select he saw the fruit first and then he said and meat of fall from whatever they desire meaning you know the meat came up the protein came after nowadays what they will start with a
forget about the grass and then the lesson and the salad that's just a waste of space in the stomach right? Go straight to the protein right away Mashallah. But that's not what the etiquette is here. Allah subhana says that FATCA begin with which is why dates at the beginning is actually as good
As a palace has been the tradition of the Albanians a long, long time. That's why if you go to some classical tradition, they serve you with something like this first before they bring you the meat. So eventually, if that you want to make that as a as part of the etiquette, like before the meal, the main meal is served. Put it that way, what if you're going to be serving as an open buffet? What do you do in this case?
Where do we usually where would where do we place the fruits in an open buffet?
At the end of the line, right? But in this case, where would you put the fruit then at the beginning of the line, so that people serve the fruits first and then they say whatever they want to serve after that, otherwise, by the time they get to the fruit, there is no space on the plate anyway. So they skip it problem. But here we see that not FATCA should be first and it's better now.
Especially for
Okay, now, so he says before that because I think there's a there's a typo, maybe I'm mistaken and the translation says after fruits, the best thing to present is meat. Understood. Now what type of meat that's different story, especially fried one and the Arabic text says it has certain faasos and l mesh we what is the mesh way in English?
It's fried or grilled? Grilled Adama.
Because if I if I didn't and all the grilled and mushy, so basically what do we call grilled meat? What do you call this? Barbecue? Mashallah, right? So, is it similar to his barbecue meat? I think we spoke about this in a previous session right? The Prophet saw some Kenny Ijebu Shiva the Prophet says he loved actually Elementary. He loved the roasted meat, Salah Salem he wrote actually the grilled meat, which was one time he was invited to a house from the unsavoury and then as he was sitting there Salah and he was selling, it seems that the mashallah The smell is coming from the backyard or from from outside. So he said he noticed that and he then he turned to some of the
Sahaba and he goes called mashallah Allah. I don't know, the Hebrew lamb. I think he knows that we love barbecue. Like that's what he was serving barbecue. Yes. And even the Prophet says, I must serve barbecued meat in the masjid. And he was what you mentioned the hardiness of a Muslim in which they said now when they say kin Give me the knife generator, he said that this was the first time I've ever heard the word knife, the word said keen for the knife, because in their culture, they call it what Al Muda. So that was a different use of the language. So the point is, start with the fruit and then make the main course which is the protein in this case over here as for saying the
best and the most preferable one is the grilled or the fried. There is no really any, any religious, I would say indication that this is a sunnah. But this is the best way of serving me. I cannot say that. So in this case, we go back to what people really prefer for themselves now the model Palma de la him
three, because I know it's a certain type of studied actually, now.
Okay, so what is the 30 W, because the best thing after the meet is a theory. The best thing after the meet is a theory. Now that is in there, maybe tradition, and he's taken from Huntington Beach, Florida Rossella. When the Prophet said about Alaska, and he was he, he told me I showed a lot of Tirana that your example to actually set method, okay, and if in this camera, the Senate outside of Tom, like your status among the ladies, the ladies is just like the status read among all the other dishes in the menu busy or the food. So that means the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he made a third as a very high status. So what is that three? A three is, as described over here, bread layered with
lamps to every single culture, I'm sure they have their own version of that. Every country have their own version of that. But the bottom line is you have a plate or you have for example, a tray, whatever that is. And then you put bread in there. Sometimes they put bread crumbs. Sometimes they put layered bread, like some of those very thin bread and they put it actually there and layers. Depends what type of bread sometimes it could actually dry bread and they put it there. And then they soak it with the meat broth. Sometimes that made broth comes with vegetables. And some culture they put actually they put potatoes they put maybe pumpkin sometimes they put green beans wherever
that is, and then and then they put the meat so then it comes with that as well too.
So once the the bread is completely soaked in that broth, then when they eat what do they do, they cut the cut through the bread. So they grab from the meat, so the bread and if the vegetable comes with that as fine and they eat it. So that's the common version of a theory. And every Arab tradition and every Arab culture they have again their own version
I have a theory and I guess other countries have the same same thing as well to anyone can give us an example of what they call theory than the law and the culture you guys have is something like that fat fat it's written in Egypt right and fat and at the same thing because fat fit two hubs meet the bread the bread and suddenly with the with the broth as well.
Shepherd's pie that's that's the steaks embro now so yeah, the shepherd's pie for example, but shepherds have a different you have to cover it up as well too. But yeah, I'm on every culture almost they have their own version of a theory. So when we say that the best after meat is a trade that's in their tradition back in those days for us, for us might be different. So if you would like to serve your guests you serve in the order of what is considered the favorite or maybe the most valuable on the menu to your time and your culture. So here in Texas for us what is the thing that you serve you know the most for Texans?
briskets right. After some brisket, some juicy brisket or barbecued for example a steak for instance. Depends so again every culture has its own tradition. So when he was presented his as examples for that time, not at all times now
by the way, I don't know what he means by sweet meat is that something What does that mean exactly?
Dessert that's what it is right? Because I thought sweet meat what that kind of meat is that journey? Yeah so yes desert it should be the case afterwards now God
mashallah, I mean somehow I mean I'm saying even imam for them as he was writing those words he was just kind of probably maybe Yanni getting ready for the meal Mashallah. He said like then these provisions I just mentioned over here but what we're told was that Camila Clara was the team who had the right to be should have been embedded like Marshall you see all the goodness of this mood of this meal and this food with with
with cold water and its halogen ma he's speaking about drinking cold water or cold water as a great blessing right? Why is that?
Because it's not was not ever granted for them like it is for us to handle on a ban today, today. If you would like to have cooled water, what do you do?
Just press press the cup press your cup against the fridge and that said you get mashallah cool water right away. Not good enough for you. What do you do for the eyes still not sufficient. Go out get from the gas station. You will find cool water anywhere you want. Subhanallah it's easy. So he when he says that to drink and cool water, he says like this is one of the greatest blessings of Allah subhanho wa taala. And if you guys remember we mentioned Hadith and maybe Salatu was Salam when he was out looking for food and then he met Oba Casa de and then Omar. Three of them were hungry. And they went to me to see someone's house from the answer. To which his wife she said Yara,
Salah is not here, he went to fetch us fresh water. And he said it will wait for him. They went under they were already under the tree. When he arrived, the wife told him you basically the good news you have received the best guests ever. And when he heard about who was coming he was so happy rejoice by that. And he served them fresh dates and fresh water that he just fetched from the from the water well, so when the Prophet SAW 78 From that date, and they drank from that water, he told us Sahara della donna he says Carla masala Salam Carl Samantha's alumna your mind and Anand nine, you shall be questioned about this name. This bliss. I mean for us Subhanallah when it comes to
eating dates and water, what do we call that as your mind breaking your fast
that's it. You still getting ready for the fight afterwards. But that was a full meal for them. Alyssa to CERAM or the ultra anima there was a full meal for them. And drinking water for them was cool water was a blessing because you don't get that every day. But for us we take it for granted. And as we speak today, as we speak today, forget about cool water Gemma wala just having water. Just having water to drink is a blessing. Knowing what our brothers and sisters are going through today. Deliberately being deprived of the basic human needs of water. Forget about cold water Gemma does about water, just water. They've been they've been somehow blocked. They've been deprived of these
necessities. And it makes you feel more conscious of these blessings of Allah every time you guys every time you press that Cup against your fridge to get some water. Please make sure you don't throw any excess water into the sink. Don't just throw it away because sometimes you're still half of the cup. You think
fewer steps and just throw it away.
We take it for granted and Subhanallah when it comes to water particularly water, remember the cinema when it comes to our it is the most valuable thing actually it's the cheapest thing in it when it's in abundance, the cheapest and the least valuable thing when it's in abundance, but the most valuable and most expensive then when it's actually in scarcity
we didn't have too much water you don't worry about it, you just gotta throw it away you take the shower and the shower Subhanallah keeps running forever and you don't worry about anything. But when there is no water what happens to
you willing to pay all what you have for a sip of water. So remember this as you start moving into life inshallah Tada and also during the month of Ramadan as well so it said then after you're done from this, what are committed to Lama then you complete the whole thing by wash your hands. And we learned that earlier that from the Sunnah of the Prophet Satsang is to wash your hands before you eat. And now he's saying also when you're done eating, make sure to wash your hands. And before you wash your hands you need to do it
while you're showering,
lick your fingers, lick refill, if there's any maybe food that is on your fingers. They should select your fingers before you wash your hands or use a towel or whatever to remove the excess food now
what does that mean? says don't spare anything that you can give to your guests. Don't spare anything you can give to this if Allah bless the mashallah three, four types of food, put them all out there. That's what the guests now it's for your family, you ration things, obviously. But for the guests part of generosity is to offer everything let the guests choose from it. Let the guests choose. So, but does it mean that you have to put all the food at once or can I put it into different courses, for example, the first course second course third course. Now this is an etiquette depends on the culture. It doesn't matter. If you if you put them all together on the
table and let the people choose for themselves or you dishonoured into different courses. The first course will be the salad, maybe the soup and then this and then that, then it will be the suite for instance. These are different arrangements for the people. As long as you give access to all this variety, give the guests access to a dish Allahu Tabata Kota Now
what does that mean? You know, sometimes you go to some of those events, whether it's a wedding, or fundraising and so on. And as you just you barely put the spoon or the fork on the side and those servers, they come to want to pull the plate off the table. Because when they finish, they want to just go get over with their job and just leave. If you are now the host, you make sure you don't move anything off the table or in front of the guests, until you know that they're 100% satisfied. It's not from the other or the etiquette, while you find some of the still eating is that pulling different dinner plates and different dishes out. That's very important to keep in mind. And that's
why sometimes, you know, it's better to keep, for example, the food in one area where people can all share together the meal, or on the side where they can go back again to it as frequent as possible. But which one is more convenient or more easier for the guest is it to have it on on a counter on a table and go serve themselves or have everything right in front of them. So they can serve immediately, you know, from that from the table in front of themselves. It's always better to have it right in front of them. Because sometimes, if they desired more, or maybe they did not this they skipped one dish to come four seconds afterwards. Now they feel embarrassed to go up again for a
second. So they won't get from that. So therefore it's always easier to bring it to the to the guests, perhaps like sometimes what people usually do, they have the food, let's say on a counter. So everybody's served the first time. And then they come and sit down while everybody is eating and hamdulillah and everybody already served was served from the from those trays, then the host goes to these trays, and he brings them and puts them on the table front of everybody. So they don't have to go there themselves. No, I bring it to you right now. Take as much as you want. That is our formula by which means is easier, more convenient for the guests. And shout out to you and let the guests do
the work to be served. That's all idea now.
sufficient amount of information to be served remains the case that was nice.
So what does that mean? If you have 10 People don't bring them to sandwiches.
Okay, or want to have sushi and so they say well I'm trying to teach the Sunnah of eating little. That's not the situate that's not the case. You teach yourself that and may Allah protect you from from the from being stingy. But if you bring in guests then you need to offer enough that will be relevant to the guests. Of course, however, from your means
I mean as much as you can afford, if Allah I'm bringing if if 10 people showed up in my house and I can only afford 10 Sandwiches What am I gonna do? I'm going to be 10 Sandwiches I'm not going to be 30 sandwich for them every 10 sandwich you know what I can afford five sandwiches I'll bring five sandwich I'll cut them into small little pieces and serve them to the guests as much as you can. So you don't go away and beyond you don't go borrow money to serve your guest give him whatever that you can afford the shallow data but it's not from the marula it's not appropriate to knowing that I have enough and I don't under serve them little so they can live quickly
search for something little and be stingy with the service to actually to make them leave quickly. I remember one time when we were young as well. One of the brothers Mala for good amount of banana men. He wanted to invite us for dinner so we went to that to the restaurant it was a police service for the circum was for divers and all this stuff and then when the when the serve with the server he came he asked his guys do you guys have olive oil? We said he said yes because can you just bring us one one bowl of olive oil with some salt and red please
so in our mind and we thought what is it trying to do right now? I mean we thought he was just kind of like more like an appetizer. So he brings the olive oil and the bread and some some salt. Then the brother he said he says Yajima that was the dinner of ohata brother loved
and then all right
what what else? Because I want you to eat to understand that and be humble and this is going to be our dinner tonight inshallah
now everybody's looking at each other just like is this serious right now? Is you kidding? We're going to eat or why there's a man eventually that we thought he was just joking because known to be practice or something but we will live with it. He was joking but he was serious. Tonight you're going to eat only bread and olive oil. And then some of the brothers get very upset because listen I didn't come here for this is another time to deal with this now, but there's time for this and now I want to eat so when he said no I want you to learn to eat and be simple and your food. So sometimes they start leaving and going to the to the next step. Because Okay, hello. Scott has come over here.
Bring us the menu, please. We had dinner that night the handler man. But yeah, don't test your guests like this is a man unless you you let them as guys we're going to eat. Very simple meal. Okay. But again, what simple meal is easy to define before you invite people over the point that is Maitre malata is that when you when you present food, make sure to present enough for the guest. They can I present more than enough for the guests?
The answer is yes. Who did that before the gym. Ebrahim Maricela when he had three people coming as guests, what did they offer them? The entire cow, right? This is any cow roasted Kojima. Can you imagine how much time and energy it takes to roast an entire calf lot. And then he brought him to three people. And what he did
was salam. He brought it close to their hands. He didn't even ask them to go and cut from the middle he brought the whole thing for them. And he said Allah Quran Bismillah R et. And they didn't eat obviously of course. So yeah, you are allowed to bring more food than the number of the guests as long as you take care of the excess food, nothing goes away. Nothing you throw it away, you keep it in the fridge, the freezer, making the small meals give to the guests as they leave depends on the culture obviously, but you don't throw away anything and it should be fine insha Allah Who Tabata Kota
signing the tiny share of the food we're offering
when the guest wants to leave with close
to the door to this day, so not waiting for honoring the biggest exposure of respect to now lip balm is completed by smiling and and a pleasant conversation when and drink early.
So, there are a few things aware number one has said the host should put aside his family share the food before offering it now also that depends on the culture and some culture now the guests should be served first. The guests are different surfers. In other cultures no they take actually some and they keep it in the kitchen for the for the servants, they keep some for the families. And then whatever is left, they put it nicely in the plates and they bring it to the guests. So whichever, whichever actually is a concern a cultural thing that should be okay. If delay in your family's food and services going to harm them and cause maybe hardship on your children. Then in this case, you
serve your kids you serve your family earlier. Like nowadays what do we do when we bring people to dinners? What do we do? We have the kids for example many of you have the pizza you have this you have that so that you can eat quickly. And the adults they have marshmallow there are no you know, fancy things on the menu. But we take into consideration there are children who needs to eat as well too. We also we observe that now. And then the other thing he says God when the guest wants to leave
The horse should accompany him to the door. That's part of the tradition, the culture. And sunnah is that when the guest is leaving you walk them to the you escort them to the door in some traditions, not just to the door you go all the way to the doctor to the car. Now you go and you open the door even for them. Now some people might think this offensive how so?
Let's just be for God's sake the sleeve, man, right? That's not the intention. The intention is to honor the guests for coming so you score them all the way to the door. And as part of the tradition as well, is that as they're leaving you stay outside your door until they leave.
Why do you need to stay out the door until they leave?
Not just a crime not just online, what could possibly happen that
maybe they forgot something? Maybe they need to ask a final question and they feel embarrassed to knock on the door because you know, you might just start removing the food and the family start gathering around the food and so on so they want to put you in an awkward situation. So therefore when you're outside and they forgot something before they leave, they just maybe roll the window down say hey, we forgot you know the baby's bottle you know we forgot this canal can you please pick it up for us and so on. easier for them to do that 100 An hour as we have the phones that can solve the problem for us. But at least as far as the etiquette that they seem still outside that you
waiting for them. And if you were the guest and you know that your host has this tradition of standing outside for you until you leave what do you need to do?
Take your sweet time put your kids under you know car seats and
strapping them with a seat belt and take your sweet time command right? Of course not. I don't know your host is trying to quickly to get over that so you can leave so they can go back again for the for the family and take care of themselves and shallow dad he also said over here
as well. A full show of respect is
the man with the Crimea Annie is gonna be by smiling you know being pleasant while they're coming in while they're leaving. And while we're eating together like you need to entertain your guests while they come in while they leave and also while we're serving the food now
is right now like that you came for for biryani and you found out it was only just samosa and pakora so you're gonna go on leave upset now should they should be happy and 100 At least you've been served and you've been actually taken care of in their household now
inability to wedding
versus actually now
suggesting we should have the permission of the owner of the house
okay, so what does that mean here is that before you leave the house before you leave the house, you need to seek permission from the from the host if the host has maybe going inside to bring coffee or tea, whatever, and he comes back and the guests are gone. Smilla Rahmanir Rahim what happened? Wherever what happened to them where they go, You can't do this. And you need to take permission from the guests before you leave.
One of the guests said was the host says no, you're not leaving.
We're not satisfied and we need to feed you more. So what do you do this case obviously tried to negotiate with them the winner what as much as we'd love to be here Alaba we have to go out because need to go to sleep we have to go to work oh Allah give your excuse, but you still need to get permission from your host before you leave. And the other tradition we say a birth a serum heli which means the guest the guest is the captive of the host.
You come to my house, tell us your martial law under my care. You don't leave until I tell you to leave. So if I'm going to feed you until two o'clock in the morning, and you're going to stay I was you know, but we said you have to negotiate with them so I'm not I can't send them I'm gonna have to leave. But at least you take permission from the guests from the host insha Allah Allah before you leave and as you leave even if you were not served properly, you still need to show them gratitude and showing your heart to hamdulillah the love and the amount of respect for less being served with the family inshallah with a Bartolotta Anna Allahu Donna furnish Allah this is now with this will
come to the end of the book have a lot to Emma on food adequate food next time was going to be Ramadan Inshallah, we're going to be starting on the ethics of marriage, although it's not January right maybe subject for Ramadan. I wish it was the opposite. But this is the author of the book. So we go by the chapters of the book and Jalota Smilla.
Our next book and showerheads number 22. And I believe it's on page 351 300
5100 Number 22
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa salam Baraka Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam to Sleeman Kathira mama bad. The mama Nova Rahim Allah Allah He chose Hadith number 22 to be a hijab, Radi Allahu Anhu ma wa Wada, Houma, Andros and Roger and Sarah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Alpha kala are either either selected material that are some to Ramadan or Halal haram and halal or haram haram while I'm as the Allah Delica Sharia adhaalath JANA Khurana Raha Muslim, this hadith in the translation the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam, he was asked by a man so smella
the translation
a man asks the Messenger of Allah
saying, What do you think, if I prayed over again creates fast from other and considering Hello, which is hello and consider haram, which that conditions come and I do not add anything to that show.
He said
Marriage Marriage by Muslim so in this hadith the Prophet Salah Sam to go over the words quickly, a man came with a Prophet sallallahu Sallam the name of the man was not revealed in this in this generation and generation itself comes in different versions. Some of them are longer version than the other ones. So one of the one of the variables is going to come with us later and shall in the book mentioned the man by the name the man immunother Alaba. The Imam Abu Taliban is going to come in the next version inshallah Tala. So the Imam Abu Salah was one of the leaders of his of his tribes. A Bedouin man is one from the nomads. He heard on the prophets that Assam said started
sending his delegates
to go and invite people to Islam. This man, when he heard from the representative of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he wasn't satisfied. So what did he do? He said, I'm gonna go to the source. So he writes this candle, and it comes to Medina. When it came to Medina, he was asking about the prophesies of words Muhammad was Muhammad was Muhammad until people pointed out that they found the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he was surrounded by some of the Sahaba Salatu was Salam ALA, the prophets of Allah Allah wa sallam, he received this man as Sahaba they said, the man start speaking to the prophets, Allah them and he they said that we loved always, we always loved to see
these Bedouins coming to speak to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam because they they're asked questions we don't share. These videos are brave enough to ask question we don't they're asking. So we learn through them. And he said that we didn't know what he was saying. Like he was speaking to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. But because of the accent, you know, the bad ones have different accent, different dialects. We're not grown. So therefore, it was hard for them to realize what he was saying. But then when they when they start hitting the Prophet answering, they figured out Oh, he's asking about Islam.
So what did you ask about it? He asked about? Salah says ACARA we had a man come into us claiming that You are the messenger of God. Is that true? The verse So yeah, that's true. Because yeah, Muhammad, I'm gonna ask a question right now, who raised the heavens, promises Allah. Then he said, who delivered the earth? The professor Allah look, the man is testing the prophets of Allah Salah mizzima Bedouin says the prophets Allah Salah. So the man asked the Prophet is called as Al Qaeda leader of Osama Obatala Allah or silica Elena, because I asked you by the one who is the heavens and level the earth did he send you to us? Like are you telling the truth? And the prophets? I said
Allah Amana? I swear, yes, he did. He said, Okay, your man said that we are obligated to perform five times a day.
Is that true? The professor said it's true. You guys, I asked you about the one who raise the heavens and level the Earth. Is he the one who told you that we should do that? Because I swear Yeah, that he did. Okay. And he said the same thing about fasting about the current other requirements actually, of Islam.
Part of the narrations was going to come later with us in shallow Tana is he was asking, Do I need to do anything else besides that? And the Prophet keeps saying No, unless you want to add on your own, unless you wanna add on your own. But then he says, if I did this now that comes to the conclusion of the statement, he said, Okay, fine. Now is Dr. Mohammed either selected Mokuba if I pray the five daily prayers, there are some Ramadan and I first met Ramadan. were allowed to have haram to Helen I made Hello
And the way it's been told to me to be halal. And what was told the Haram I made it haram which means I abstain from it. And I'm not going to add anything to this. Don't ask me to do sunnah and effing nothing. That's it. Hello, Jana. Would that be sufficient for me to get into Jana? The professor says Absolutely. Now. So from this hadith we learn the value of obligations, the value of the five daily prayers, the value of fasting, the muscle Ramadan, which is coming next in the next few days in sha Allah, Allah, that even if you sincerely maintain this ribeye that is obligations, it is sufficient for you to be saved ultimately, ultimately, you're going to come to explain what it
means exactly after so this is basically what the story is another statement that he mentioned this hadith so let's begin in sha Allah Tara first by explaining what did he mean when he says we're Halal to halal or haram haram? I'll make that what is halal to be halal and that was haram to be haram what does that exactly mean? So we are under second or third paragraph actually on page 30 351 This Mullah?
So he says Now, what does it mean? What does it mean to make something halal, halal and haram Haram is one of two things. Number one, in terms of theta, like I need to believe and I need in my heart to believe that Zina is haram fornication is haram. Salah is obligatory drinking alcohol is haram Riba is haram. Fasting Ramadan is obligatory drinking
juice for Halal juice was a it's halal. I need to believe in that even if I don't do it. Like for example, what's the ruling on eating apples or Gemma
is you know eating up what's wrong? What's what's going on eating apples? The fruit of talk about the fruit what was going on this? How about the green apple?
The Red Apple doesn't matter. Okay, what if I never in my life it green apple is too sour for me. Is there any problem with that? So just believing it's halal. He said that's what it means at least you recognize the halal to be halal. Regardless if you follow it or not. At least you believe that's halal and you accept it as it is. Same thing with haram. I believe this is haram even if I even flock under allah. I still follow I did it.
I know this is haram but you know what I got weak but I did it. So I still believe in my heart that It's haram. But I just want to do it. Just just the belief that's the first meaning of haram and halal, how halal and haram haram the second meaning
that considering
that leads to actually partake of it, that happen here being an expression denoting not just that which is permissible, but also everything which is not
so that it comprises what is obligated, recommended.
If you guys ever said it also will also refer to the theory of law and a cam Sharia are divided into three major categories. So there is a demand. And that demand is coming two categories demand in a prohibition or demanding a command.
And then the second one is what we call L MOBA, which means neutrality or permissibility. So the permissible just like eating apple, for example. But now when you have that demand, you're demanding a command that could be binding or non binding. So the demand needs a command that is binding, we call this obligatory such as the five daily prayers, demanding a command that is not binding. We call this was the hub, like praying the sunnah or praying maybe or fasting Mondays and Thursdays. So you demand a command that is not binding, then demanding a prohibition that also falls under binding and non binding. So demanding a prohibition that is binding we'll call this word haram. So in this
case, you need to avoid drinking alcohol for example, demanding a prohibition that is non binding. We call this mcru or disliked, like for example, fasting Friday by itself or fasting Saturday by itself. It's not haram Aurasma crew in this regard. So these are the five categories. He says over here when the Prophet says m says to make Halal halal, he says the Halal means the general meaning of permissibility by partaking into this, whether it's in the form of an obligation, recommendation, or just neutral permissibility. That's what it means by Hala which is actually what we usually use in our language some that when someone asks you, what's the ruling on doing this says hello. You
don't mean Halal meaning just permissible? No. Sometimes you mean halal, halal and it's actually permit recommended even but we say hello just to say that you are okay to you to do it. You can do this. That's what we mean by that. So he says that less. So in this case when we say to make Halal Halal let me is actually two part
Take into the participation whether it's allowed obligation recommendation or neutral. Now,
the meaning would then be that what does what is not permitted
to to one and that one does it transgress and go beyond that to what it is not
what is forbidden so he simply basically said that's what it means right now. To make haram haram just to go for what is permitted permissible meaning obligation, recommendation and neutral and don't transgress beyond that and avoid the Haram and do not transgress this Muhammad. That's the meaning of making Khaled, Khaled and making haram haram so whether by believing in as it's being halal or haram, or partaken in these rules in the general meaning of saying it's halal in general, let's move on to the next point in shallow Dara on page 352.
What's the message of the Hadith what is the message of the Hadith now what is meant
by considering Halal
is to do that which is trying to avoid that which is haram as is mentioned in this so when the Prophet saw Sam says hello to the man says Halal halal or haram to haram. When I make Halal halal and I make haram haram that means I recognize what is halal. And I know that is permissible practicing it or otherwise. And I recognize what is haram and make sure that I don't practices I stay away from it. That's the meaning of making Halal halal and making haram haram now, that's the general meaning of the Hadith. However, however, what would be the opposite to this? The opposite of this is when people make Halal haram and haram Khaled
something Halal you make it haram like what
if someone comes to you and says eating apple is not allowed?
Why? He's too sugary
you're gonna you're gonna get sick for example, so you should not be injured at all. If you don't have any proof to that then you would make it harder haram right now. Also making the Haram halal. Like someone saying drinking was was actually prohibited but for social gatherings okay.
So in this case, you know, it helps people engage and converse and so on. was absolutely not so the opposite to make an Halal Halal versus making the halal haram and making the Haram halal. And he's got two evidences here are two examples from the Quran. The first example let's say that example the idea in MnSCU Zerah tuneful Kufri you don't live in Medina Cafaro you Hello now I am and why you hair remover. I'm on the wall to read that the Mahara Mala for you Hello Mahara Mala in translation
present increase by which a cover letter prefer
illustrate one year they make it for me.
And another secret
to carry with the number on the line has been sacred. What does that mean that is speaks about a tradition the Arab culture called MSC so we know that the lunar calendar has for months considered sacred mountain which they weren't allowed to fight or these matters. But what they did they used to cheat with that with that with that code. Every time they want to fight they're gonna say look, we're going to fight this month and we switch the month to another month in the year to be the Haram month like they keep altering the month and so they can see the reality their desires and so on. So they made the Haram the Sacred month to be halal in that regard. So here they actually making haram
halal. The other example is the ayah. In Allah's which ALLAH SubhanA says yah yah Alladhina amanu LA to Harimoto EBRT ma Hala hula Comala Tata do in Allah La Hibben martyred in this example of making halal and haram in translation
for you and do not overstep the limits, I will understand a lot of people will respect the limits
and the good things I was provided for you now, so what I mean right now here, Allah subhanaw taala made many things harder for you. He made the meat halal for you. He made the Greens halal for you He made you know many things happen for you. He said lead to Harimoto Ebert, Allah Allahu Allah come Don't make what Allah made halal haram for likewhat make an intimacy haram for you, for example, your spouse
like that. So the three people who came to the Prophet saw some houses they were asking how the professor Nevada was. And if one of them said, Well, that's not enough for me. So one of them he says I'm going to be fasting every single day. The other one is I'm not going to sleep at night at all.
I'm going to spend money on my brother. And the third one, he says, I'm never going to touch my spouse anymore. That's it. So they made the halal sleeping and eating during the day, and also being intimate with their spouse, they made haram for themselves. That is unacceptable. And Allah says, don't make the halal haram to you. That's considered transgression. Now, how do they do that? There are two ways of doing this. Let's see what he says. This is
yeah, this I was revealed.
This, I was relieved because some people refuse to consume some wholesome things these because of doing without
zoom. Which is basically a kind of asceticism like minimalism and their lifestyle now,
choosing to live in a harsher, light, what?
Not eating meat at all.
Not dressing, Jonnie cotton, for example. Some people they were time with some people that refuse to dress in cotton. Why? Because it's too soft for them. They want to open up a lot of it, deliver kind of rough lifestyle. Some people that say meat is not for me. Why? Well, it's a luxury. I don't want to eat meat. So therefore just eat you know a little bit from the vegetables here and there just kind of like sustain their body with the bare minimum. Now they're doing this with the intention of having good minimalism. Now, if it's going to harm their bodies, then definitely is concerned haram. And that's not what Allah subhanho wa Taala wants from them. But if they were to regulate their diet
and their intake of food and so on, that's fine. That's right. He's it gives another another meaning to that.
Some of them for weak This means to themselves, I can persuade and vote to do so far by considering it caring for them. But none of that necessarily causes to actually become
some of them abstain from them without swaying and vote, and without considering them.
But all of these cases, are they making them concerned?
Because of intending to abstain from them, in order to harm itself and
from its advocates, but what if someone doesn't want to eat these things? Not because they're given all this stuff up for now on I swear, I'm not gonna touch me. I'm not gonna touch for example, bread, for example, or cars. They're not saying that. Also the abstaining, not to harm themselves. They're upsetting me because they just don't like it. So if someone doesn't, someone wants to go vegetarian. You want to go vegetarian? Is that acceptable?
Is it permissible to live with material? It's permissible? I'm not asking. I'm not I'm not actually demanding this from anybody else. It's from me, and you only ask them why. Honestly, I don't eat meat.
But what if they say I'm gonna go vegetarian? Because I think it is actually is wrong.
So what do we say here? This is applied to them. Now they're making the halal haram.
But if they say, Well, I don't want to eat meat because I don't like it. I don't like the way it's processed, blah, blah, blah. That's fine. They're not intended to harm themselves but those who abstain with the intention to harm them or at least thinking it's actually a way of spiritual kind of growth, then we say No, that's wrong. You're making Halal haram for yourself now.
So and so does not return
all or does it does not refrain from doing haram things, and does not stay within the limits of what is permissible permitted, what is permitted,
given if he firmly believes in the Forbidden nature of what is allowed and regarded as a preventive action, but does not be aware of it does seem to make it permissible for himself even though he does not believe that it is. So he brought here and an Arab proverb that they say fool Allah handler what I heard next Sunday was in our culture had a flan Hola Hola, hallelujah, hallelujah haram. Which way he does recognize what is halal or haram? Meaning what he doesn't care.
He violates all the rules, no boundaries, nothing for him. So this person doesn't care if it's halal or haram. They only follow their desires. But I hope that when we talk about people in our circles, it's not to this level. They simply maybe they want to go vegetarian because they just don't like eating meat.
gone vegan completely because I don't want to have anything relate to animals because of ethical issue, that for them the prohibition that has mentioned in this area over here. Now Imam Ibn Rajab Rahim Allah Tala, he mentioned something interesting here. And that is a
Saying that look, this hadith goes back again to this principle which is if you if you maintain the obligatory acts, if you've learned that with a Salah, fasting given the cow and so on, it is sufficient for the person to intergender if you maintain the obligatory it is sufficient intergender and he says, Here's my proof for you and he brought nine Hadith nine had Hadith each one of them is almost similar to the Hadith we have in the original text over here that speaks about if someone performs this does that does this they will enter Jannah nine Hadith we're going to count them together I'm sure we're not going to do all of them, but just an example is number one.
As I
say it imagine
that the process will say in sleep or perform survive appears fast
and it avoids
the seven major wrong actions. Now we have the gates of Jana looking for him and he would enter by whichever of the wishes then he recited
interchangeable cover Yamato now non Mocha francomb Say Article One of the Philippine mozzarella and Karima if you want to go into serious actions you have been intubated we will erase prevent actions from an image to buy.
So this is for having talked about the same principle but what did it what did it add over here says that and avoid the seven major actions which means seven will the call will cover the major sins. If you avoid these seven major sins you will be admitted to agenda so that's one Hadith Hadith number two if you look at now if you follow with me on the screen shallow Tara so you can mark them on your book when the last version Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah and then I say no to you but I'm sorry the Lord's gonna order the same thing Hadith number two actually focused on one thing extra and that's it by saying avoid the major wrong action which is actually his specific dimension shook meaning
avoiding shook establishing partner with Allah subhanaw Daraa and watch the blocks here at the beginning of a worship Allah not associating anything with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada I didn't number three and that is Hadith and most of them I'm gonna hammer love hate even Abbas Rajala otter Andrew Florida had it number four towards the end of the of the page. How did that sell Buhari valuable outside of the allotment order, in which the province has mentioned the exact same thing about that and he said, I'm not going to add or take away from these things. But this one added something extra which is similar to ram so to ram which means maintain the ties of kinship with your families as an
as an action of Ibadat as well to Hadith number five, and that's
so Bukhari and Muslim about the Bedouin, who came the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he exactly mentioned the same thing as we have seen it here except for the Professor Sam said about this man, whoever is wants to be pleased by seeing someone who's from the people with Jana. Let him look at this man like my brother says I guarantee agenda for this man that's what he said Sir Waterlow ceremony, Hadith number six, the same thing. It's actually more details in terms of the
the order that was mentioned that had it before as well to had it number seven, the same thing and it adds hedge as one of the the good deeds to practice over there. Hadith number eight towards the end of the page, at the edge of the good deeds, Patrick O'Meara, which is obedience to the Amara, which leads to the leaders Hadith number eight, and then we have Hadith number nine. On the next page, on page 355 100. Number nine Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah Allah writes, one thing that was added to that narration is treating people kindly treating people kindly as one of the good deeds. So basically, all is done a hadith have the same principle. You do these good deeds, you enter Jannah
you do this with these you enter Jannah which is confirmation of the what was already established in this in this height that we have on the chapter. And since the hadith is speaking about the obligation, these Hadith confirm the principles of obligation and added some other evidence. What does that mean now to us? To enter Jannah is not only exclusive to these three things that were mentioned Hadith. No, it means actually collectively, taking care of all your obligations, not just these obligations. It's not just about taking that because of Salah, Siyam and Zika as was mentioned the Hadith. Now it also includes taking care of your parents, making sure to obey those who Allah
has been assigned as leaders for you and the way that it was prescribed in the Sunnah of the prophets, Allah salah, all the other obligation like Hajj as well too. They're all meant to be included in the obligation
As even if they were not mentioned in this hadith that we have in our hand, if we move on, move on shallow to the bottom of the page, where it says bloggers have the means to Jannah what does that mean? Although these are Hadith, speaking to us about the means that leads you to agenda by praying the five daily prayers, firstly, Ramadan going to Hajj and doing these things and so on. Does that guarantee and immediate entrance to Jana?
does it guarantee you're gonna go to Jenna straight to Jana?
That's what we think. But he says over here, no, he says you need to understand, these are now keys to agenda. But every key requires what groups
and sometimes if you don't have the right group, or maybe if it's if you have some sort of like a blemish on that key because of some mistakes you've done. Maybe you were rough and try to open the door for example, and you create a blemish that they will not be able to push it to help you open the door because you're not gonna be able to enteral Jana. So there are some blockers to those Mr. Jenner, what are they? Let's see what he says these actions, these actions are causes which require entrance to all what we mentioned earlier. Now.
It may be that doing those things, which are forbidden.
So what does that mean? He says the blockers of these means are doing things that are prohibited. Yes, you're praying you're fasting you're doing good is Masha Allah. But if you start committing sins and have Muhammad, they could block the benefit from these good deeds. So your Salah might be good to waste your fasting might be going to waste right now now, which is shown
for and Japan,
where he said, A man came to the conference
and said, messenger Allah,
I witness that there is no God.
And then move on the Messenger of Allah, I create a five prayers he doesn't have on my property, and the vast amount of
a messenger set. Whoever dies in that condition will be with the prophets that afternoon truthful ones, and the sugar that emerges on the day of rising just like so.
He held two interesting figures like this specially like they're gonna be with me like that.
As long as he does not religiously disobey standards, what does that mean? So he said, all these goodies are good for you to get to the agenda. But be careful, if you're not obedient to your parents, if you're not good to your parents, they won't benefit you much. He only mentioned one block up here. Not to be good to the parents in that fashion. So imagine other things as well to next he says here, enter in Jannah by doing some good deeds, which means although the Hadith mentioned three things for that Salawat first Ramadan and Zika but will there be any other Hadith that will tell you that if you do one thing will be enough for you to enter Jannah let's see what he
That entrance into the garden is to perform some actions because they don't have to be many. You could be one single deed with good intention can get you to agenda like what
such as salah, such as
in the window create there is whoever proposed appears in a few times has a portrait with command that he would make him into the garden. That's one example. That's one example. Another example the purpose or something different next to that is Mansell Bourdain, the colonel Jana, whoever maintains the two Salawat some they say Fajr, Nasser, some they say Fajr and Isha. Said the hara Jana they will enteral Jana. So the Prophet SAW son he gives you a Jana gives you the get agenda by performing one thing on just one simple thing such as Salah. So Is that sufficient? What do we how do you understand there's a hadith that tells you, you can enter Jannah with only one good deed. As a
matter of fact, he says,
if you look maybe below that point, after that, he says
all of this Floki will say the second line. All of this is in mention of the necessary causes to internal Jannah, whose action is only done by gathering together their prerequisites and avoiding those things which invalidate them, which means it says it's already implied. It's already implied on the Prophet says who planted the five daily prayers if you pray Fudger and answer regularly you enter Jannah that it's already implied that with these two Salawat you also add
data through a server and you also don't lie and you don't steal and you don't kill you don't do anything haram it's all the implies what's that's what he means. In that statement Rahim Allah Tala. Now moving forward, the agenda bloggers, what are they
it is clearly established,
established and authentic.
perpetrating some of the major role connections, preventing one from entering the gender pay gap between the government such as, in his words, that mandate will not enter without as a Prophet sallahu wa salam you said that whole Jana Takata and Bin Salman who cut ties with his family they wanted to Jana didn't matter if he prayed fasted went to Hajj, that good deed, it didn't matter. The Prophet didn't even consider that. He said, if he's going to be carrying on his family, deliberately, that person might deprive himself from entering agenda, just like some good deeds, needs to also be observed with other prerequisites. Same thing, you need to also make sure that you
also don't do the blockers that might actually affect the quality of your ibadah. The next point, he says,
does not wait, suppose we what it means what it means to enter Jannah with only the Kareem after some a hadith mentions that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, If anyone says La Ilaha, Illallah Hollis among Kobe, sincerely from the heart, they granted Jana.
So what does that mean? Now, that's even making things even more interesting. It's not just all the good deeds. It just does not just some good deeds. You don't even have to do anything.
If you just say La ilaha illallah sincerely from the heart, you enter in Jannah. And here's a proof for that EAGERs there are a few Hadith for that hadith number one, God
is faithful saints
to Sunday books from our time
in Israel says it is no longer to run and dies in that tradition will enter the gardener. I said, even if he commits adultery and steals, he said, even if he commits adultery, can students see it three times? And on the fourth time, adding in spite of not
so as you can see, the Prophet SAW said and said that this manual intergender aboda was surprised because there are so Allah, what if he's told what if he committed adultery because he was still intelligent now, you're a surah. But what if he did so and so because he will enter Jannah Rama and for Buddha in spite of that, it's actually the statement says even Nana made his nose be wrapped in the dust. That's what it means, in spite of our refusing it, Allah will still be allowing us to pan on water. That's what it means. Now, the other Hadith
that purpose of all this conversation, whoever witnesses that there is no god along with our partner, and that Muhammad, some of our service is benefit slave and messaging. And that is, is the screen Allah and His messenger and his work, which he has to monitor and remove from him and that the Guardian is true. And then finally is to inform them when they came into the guardian. With what happened actually there is so this head is another thing that says that look, as long as you have those faders believe those are three then your heart kind of the terrain, no matter what you do. Basically, you still be interested in Jana Hadid number three isn't the same concept. Harris number
four is also the same concept, which means the shahada, the Kalima will be sufficient for people to enter Jannah however, the raja Rahim Allah Allah, he explains it Now later on that what does it mean exactly? First by saying, look, it's not just maybe entering a general will be saved from jahannam. So how did one and two and green over here speak about Allah subhanho wa Taala will forbid him to enter fire. So the first one was the first category for Hadith about admitting him to Al Jana. The second category of if you bring the Kalama it will protect you from Johanna those are the two highlight over here right now. I'll leave them for you to read them later in shallow data for the
sake of time in the last version, but if we move on, on the next page, so the caliber which is kind of a hate La ilaha illallah is just the key. As we have an Amana Rahim Allah, Allah, he says is that there is no God but Allah
not the key of the garden. When he was asked is there no God but Allah is not that the kindergarten he says of course, but everything has teeth and groups. And of course unless you bring those those key those groups will never be able to open that door. So Allah Allah Allah has one thing. Technically speaking, inshallah Allah just quickly says, Where are they?
Hadith where the hadith of Karima
were they obligated? Or were they qualified? Were they obligated or qualified? So what does that mean? Because even Raja Abdullah he says, Look, La ilaha illa Allah is not sufficient to get the person straight to Jana, because the Hadith that we have in hand right now says what you need to print the five daily prayers, first Ramadan Duda. So you need to add to that in Allah, all these good deeds. So what I mean what's the meaning of all the highest we just recited earlier than that says if you said Allah, Allah, Allah will be protected from Johanna and you will be entitled Jana. He says, Some Allah said it was abrogated those 100 were abrogated, which means the rule of saying
just La ilaha illallah sufficient, no longer apply. You need to add more good deeds to that. The other group Allah, they say no, it was never obligated. They say no, it was it was implied already in the Hadith. If you bring La Ilaha illa Allah then you need to prove it. And you prove it by bringing all these goodies and abstaining from the haram. This group says it was qualified.
the generality of la ilaha illallah admitting it to agenda was qualified. We call it mocha yet, you know sort of felt was qualified with all these other rules, such as five daily prayers Siyam staying away from the Haram like bring them the good deeds and abstain from the bad this became the qualification of the generality of the statement of la ilaha illallah is sufficient to enter agenda, which means how come some people will say hola, hola. Hola. Hola. And do these good deeds. They still integer Hana? The senator Jana hated mirthless. When the what he asked us a habit. I don't have any mufflers. Do you know who the bankrupt bankrupt is? This guy is the one who had no money.
No, no go no golden silver because that's easy. But the true mirthless is the one who come on a day of Judgment with good deeds, the size of the mouths of the hammer of Salas, Yamanaka, and many good deeds. Still, they hurt this person, that person they take away from the Hassan ad were not sufficient they throw from their side and the person is completely doomed after that. So even though their prey they end up in Jannah why is that? A member of Raja he answered the question over here. She's at a loss in order for the person to be permitted to agenda. He needs to come with absolute a class in his heart. Okay, that a class which is sincerity, had two things all entails two things
from you. Number one, it should drive you to do good deeds. Like if you're truly worthless, if you truly have that sensitivity to Allah subhanaw taala then you will love what Allah loves and you hate what Allah hates. You will do what Allah wants from you. Stay away from what ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala dislikes for you, like said sincerity, will drive you to do good deeds, and will also force you to stay away from bad deeds resisting bad deeds.
That's why he says basically, he says why some more headin end up in jahannam.
Why some people who practice who has that ahead, they have the Oneness of Allah in their hearts on their tongue, but unfortunate they end up they end up in Jannah because because some of them unfortunately, their good deeds could be nullified by hidden ship without knowing that like what, like loving the dunya so much so it becomes like their God.
So they start worshipping their dunya even though they're still praying and fasting.
And this this we see a lot Hala not all measured goers are GEMA not all measures goers have that pure heart. Just last night, not everybody was in the streets has that vicious heart. But Subhanallah at least those on the Masjid. They're trying to please Allah azza wa jal, but they need to work on their heart. They need to work on their heart to be sincere sincerity that will drive them to do good deeds, and prevent them from doing bad deeds. Otherwise, it will be sufficient for them. And finally, it says we are entering Johanna, despite the kind of after a lack I'd explained to you earlier. He says it requires from the people to understand the meaning of sincerity is that
you need to strengthen your Eman strong enough to make you always desire and do that which please Allah subhana Matana and abstain from that was displeased Allah azza wa jal at least to have that in your heart. Because if you don't have that in your heart, you will find it easy to commit sins, and hard to do a by that.
So that's why he says La ilaha illallah Yes, it's the key. But you have to bring all the groups with it. And just because you're saying it, and just because you're doing it doesn't mean it's going to be qualified to enter general away. So from that we learn
is that some of the people of la ilaha illallah
They might end up in Johanna May Allah protect us from gender matter.
However, and the last thing that he mentioned over here hamdulillah is is that however they are protected from eternity and Johanna because of what of the light of their email
by Allah Allah Illallah which is why the prophets Allah mentioned the hadith is that when the people after they cross the bridge over Johanna and they look around, and they found some of their friends are not there. They're gonna look and Jana they found him there. However, they recognize these people, by the trace of
the light that is shining from the trace of the road, that light shining from their heart. The light of Eman is shining from their heart, so they will be able to easily recognize and pulled out and take them out of Johanna mela from Jana Mirabella. Alameen Subhan as we come to conclude the Hadith over here, within the realm of Allah subhanho wa Taala has fallen upon us the Ranger moth, may Allah subhanho wa Taala beans Rama brothers and Hazara Alameen wa Allahu taala. So inshallah Tada we just have maybe a few more minutes for q&a If you guys
put your question Shallowater on the screen, I want to see if we have any question already been posted.
And by the way with finishing this hadith, we already finish volume one from the Arabic text and now we're going to start Volume Two Shala with Ramadan insha Allah azza wa jal
you have any questions until we get questions from from Oman others inshallah yes
I guess what makes it
so what makes it applicable to that to the order of 11, the IRS auditor Walker and Bucha Allah subhanho wa Taala suggests that when it comes to eating start with what would the fruit perfect remember,
you have to have your own. So ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala he suggests that you know, start with the fact that with the fruits and why is that
Allah Allah, Allah Allah said maybe medically speaking could be beneficial, right? The Help logistics the judges system, start with something that is easy to digest and then you move on to the heavy burden for example, but they say why that has that why it's maintaining it in that order because Allah says
he began with the fruit before talks about the lamb the meat, so being it in that order, is meant to be in that in that fashion. So Allah subhanaw taala put them in that order for that purpose wala talaga na
so in this case, I would like if you read if you read anything in the Quran that has specific order, should we also maintain that same 13 as was mentioned the Quran our life?
I mean, if bream an example, we can't say if it's true or not, Alana now that we have questions here, are they actually been posted?
In terms of the cold water? Is it drinking cold water during meals slowed down the digestion? Also, the sodas were not there that time, but is there any ruling about avoiding such horrible useless harmful addicting drinks? Well, the answer is in your question already.
I don't have to prove it to you that you should avoid it to be honest with you. But in terms of the water during the meal, I'm not the expert in this field. I think you suggest as someone who's expert and nutrition that can help people that inshallah to Allah but if it's proven to be harmful to drink water during the meal, then it is harmful although I know the water is needed of course for digestion. So drinking tea for some are better for your crowd. So at least as may be used for the shallow tallow Allahu Allah.
Regarding the idea about Allah has not to make Halal haram does this apply for the one who tries to reduce not eliminate their consumption of animals product due to unethical practice today? No, that should be fine. Small protests in Canada on an unethical practice of that but not make it haram for yourself completely. By the way a question for you guys. Which is more harmful which is more harmful to make Halal haram or making haram halal.
Think before you answer which is more harmful to make Halal haram or to make an haram Halon.
How many of you say making Halal haram is more harmful?
How many of you say no making haram Haram is more harmful?
Internalized almost 5050 Or hear from you guys. Those who say making Halal haram is more harmful. Why?
I don't want to eat apples I don't want to eat meat why is that why is that wrong? Why so horrible
below the prescribed under said so what is Haram has already been told to us right okay but it applies both ways whether it makes it halal or haram hahaha the same thing yes
so you're restricting yourself
for other people around you because of that and you're not supposed to do that right? So you're saying that
Yanni not eating meat and make it haram for yourself is much more dangerous than drinking alcohol or committing Zina make it harder for yourself is that what you're saying?
You switch the European around
the other one you shouldn't be asking for them then. Okay good.
So if you make Halal haram you make because we will live the fold of Islam right. Everything haram haram Halak haram police, right
so if you start making haram Halal to people like drinking and Zina and so on, that brings me more to Islam in shallow data, right?
If I'm using the same logic then
I can use that logic to support this then
the answer the question is Am I which one is more dangerous making Halal haram haram halal? The answer is they're both equal.
Why is that?
Because it doesn't matter who made this halal or haram? So if you change it to other way around doesn't matter if it's if it's appealing to you or not you transgressing against whom
the legislators subhanaw taala.
Now, and the has also allowed for reason.
True but if you ask people they say,
Zina is enjoyable, Reva is makes the society more flourishing. They always if we're gonna leave it to make our logic into another element they say they're both equal in terms of intensity in terms of what the prohibition is coming from Allah just like the permissive it's coming from Allah azza wa jal so when we change that ourselves, we're denying Allah has had to be the one ultimate drooler however, yeah, in terms of our perception of thing, which was scarier making the halal restricted or allowing the Haram it seems that allowing the Haram might be more dangerous why because yes, you're trying to restrict people and that is harmful already. So if you allow it you know my cause more
damage than restricting the Hello which is you know, no obligation to do it or not wala Sundar from that perspective now another question quickly inshallah.
does include in the divorce clause and okay in the case of a second wife in a marriage contract constitute as making haram. What Allah made halal, no, you're not making it haram for him. You can only restricting him saying look, listen, you want to marry that's fine, but for me, I don't want this to be I don't know I don't want to sign up for this. And if you agree to it, according to the humblest school that clause becomes binding on the individual which means if he does it, she has the right to actually to bail out the relationship and marriage now.
Can you go hungry for a few hours if you have a history of overeating and are trying to learn better eating habits? Or is that considered punishing yourself? Lola said go hungry for days if you want to.
If you for the sake of health reasons. Yeah, of course you're going to regulate your eating habits and just being away from home for few hours I don't think there's going to be sufficient Dejima so regulate inshallah to Allah your eating habit includes also exercise it should be okay insha Allah Allah, but not to the level where you harm yourself.
So if you go hungry for too many hours without eating enough nutrition when you start eating, if you only start eating carbs after that you're not benefiting from that from that abstinence. So you have to do a regular supervision of somebody with experts in shallow dialogue
I have another question about the second marriage vows seems to be interesting here.
Is it okay to have a cut off time for Ramadan Iftar just to get the salah on time and
says guests do the same. Is it okay to knock them out so you don't miss the salah? Are they against etiquettes Allah it depends if you live across the street from the meze right away, you ask them say would you guys want to pray in the masjid should we pray here together give them the option because not everybody might you know be ready to walk to the masjid
also especially if the time between the Iftar and Russia is very very limited you might not be able to come back and finish and then come back to the target comes hard on people so it's really a case by case scenario
so the book we said earlier that serving all the food we have is excessive not proper but this chapter is said to serve all varieties if you serve everything you live nothing for your family that's excessive right now. But we have a handle a variety and if your family still have enough for themselves should be okay
is there a disagreement from scholars on what is the greater Jihad which we've covered in previous chapters? Is it Jihad enough or jihad of the battlefield?
Well, the majority Allama they said you had on the battlefield is greater that you had on the battlefield is greater because it's almost like putting your life online away. But the statement about Jihad enough is greater in terms of Hadith it's it's a week narration. But definitely it's not an easy thing either. And Allah Allah
the translation of the Hadith says except one who disobeys his parents was one of the Hydra I mentioned earlier as the manner blocking the means to Jana. What is the Arabic text Paul
acaba de la, the Arabic text as Melania, aka holiday Mala Mia, aka, Wally Day, which means unless you you do a coke to water then which means to be unbeautiful to your parents.
It's unbeautiful. I mean,
look depends on what's the relationship you have with your parents. Sometimes parents are can be unreasonable. So if you're going to always listen to what they say all the time is going to make your marriage difficult, it's going to make your life difficult because their demands are actually considered unreasonable. So therefore, you need to also obey them build models, and that which is considered equitable and reasonable. But being disobedient to the parents meaning to completely hurt them and harm them and the way you speak to them. And even if they ask you for something reasonable, you just deny them their heart and the right there is a CoCo holiday right now. Now.
There's a carnivore diet permissible if you try to avoid fruits
Shala. And if you would like to be a dinosaur, you
know, actually, if you want to eat on like, like, for example. What do you call it? The Muslim What's that diet? We only eat protein?
Is it keto diet? Is the keto diet. There's another actually
I can something like that.
Atkins diet, right? When you only put in again, if it's regulated, it's okay. It's very good if you're so good at it, but don't do it that way that you end up also harming yourself to make sure to the right and shallow data.
Serving foods first should it be for every meal you eat as a family or just for the guests. In general, it's not an obligation you have to have food every single meal.
But in general, if you can or should be okay shallow Dona Allahu Taala Allah Spano, Colombo, 100 assurance so forgettable Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa