Yaser Birjas – Ta’Seel #7

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of learning to heal from illness and avoid sinful behavior, as well as learning to handle illness and avoid sinful behavior. They stress the importance of practicing five pillars of Islam, including belief in one God, belief in one religion, belief in one religion, and belief in one religion. The use of "has" in the Hadith scripture and the importance of practicing these pillars for better Islam practice. The speakers also discuss the danger of abandoning Islam and the dangerous behavior of drinking alcohol, as well as the importance of committing sin and avoiding bad behavior for better results. They end with a call to action questions and promise to answer questions about one's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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have knowledge the true meaning of knowledge what is it exactly? Imagine Kodama is going to be explaining that in sha Allah Allah in this text so let's see by the towards the end if we can figure out the answer but the last version on Bismillah so we are going to be reading for those who have the English texts. We're reading from page 22 Towards the bottom what it says As for communal obligations for Loki via those of the Arabic texts, it says for AMA for bulky FAIA for Hua Kulu n. So we're gonna read from there inshallah Tada Bismillah Bismillah Rahmani Raheem wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah daughter says, Can we say the author Rahim Allah or may Allah have mercy on him

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daughter locomole ragno law says, As for communal obligations for the CFIA, there everything without without the work cannot be sustained, such as medical science, which is necessary in maintaining our bodily health and, and mathematics which is necessary in disposing inheritance will property and other such things.

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If a country is void of people who know these things, the entire population is sinful. But if a single person learns them, the rest are no longer obliged to learn them. Okay, so what's the meaning of four instead of a right now, in the last statement, he actually explains the meaning of further Keifa if you remember when we talked about knowledge of Him Kodama, Rahim, Allah Allah, He divided knowledge to to two categories for the line, a person obligatory and for the qualified criminal obligation. So the further line the personal obligation is what is what you personally need to fix where you're at Ada, your belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala and you practice of your Deen in terms

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of positive like doing and also abstinence or torque. So three things at Akkad fell and torque. So you need to fix your Artega your belief system you will believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala number two, your practice of the deen of Allah azza wa jal in two ways. That's a in doing what you're obligated to do, and be you abstaining from what you've been prohibited from doing. So these are the three things considered now what you need to fix your deen your Athena your belief system and your practice towards Allah subhanho wa Taala That is horrible for the line obligation upon each and every one of us. But then he explains now photokey via that communal obligation. And he explained

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that on the last statement when he says if you had to hit Allume, low Halal Bella Duhem, Maya Khumba, Emanuel Komaba, how would you handle Bella says all these sciences right now, if a country is has no one there to practice these, these are Illuminati sciences becomes hard and difficult for people to survive to live. It's not like they, they can't live at all. But it becomes difficult and hard for people to live a comfortable life or usable life. So therefore this alone becomes obligation as a community to fulfill. How do we fulfill that obligation, then, if one individual, if one individual takes that knowledge upon themselves and learn that on behalf of everybody else, then

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the obligation has been fulfilled, and the sin is removed from everybody else? Like what he mentioned exam of medicine, and you're going to elaborate a little bit more on that. Medicine, for example, if no one cares about medicine, nobody puts an effort to learn, you know, to help people to when they get sick, how to heal them, and so on. Everybody in that committee becomes actually considered sinful because they haven't done at least the duty to us to fulfill that obligation. Example also, he says, and I didn't say it aware Serato Genesis was the Janaza. Washington, is everybody in the community obligated to learn how to wash the dead? No, no, although it's

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recommended for us to learn that, but it's not an obligation everyone. But if a group of people, if a group of people, even the minimum is one individual, learns how to ask the dead so someone dies in that community, they have somebody who prepares to do it for them, then that obligation has been fulfilled, and the sin is removed from the entire community. But if no one does it, and everybody abandons that obligation, the entire community becomes actually sinful because of that, that's the meaning of further Keifa and he explained that more Go ahead.

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This being said, no one should find it strange that we categorize medicine and mathematics as communal obligations. Because basic professions like farming, weaving and even cupping are all communal obligations Well, after all if a country is void of a cuppa it is not it is not far from being ruined. Indeed He who sent us the disease also sent us the medicine and guided as to use it so it's an interesting activity in that environment pedometer Pamela bring an example such as copying, right, I'll hijama how important is that? How many of you guys have ever practiced anyone has ever done cupping on themselves? Anybody? Oh my gosh, that's quite a good number. If you haven't maybe

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because now in sports is became very popular, right? These days, you know, the Olympics, you see people they they do that just like wow, they went to some Muslim hegemony and or something like that. So hijama at some point in the past, by the way in the past, they look down on

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upon the person who does that it wasn't something to be popular. And those who used to do that they were the barbers back then you go to the barber shop and they say, could you once once you shaved my head can you take care of it as well too, right so to do two things at the same in the same visit Yanni. So they looked down upon this however, he says that it's also considered part of the follow up via why, because the prophets Allah Sam, he counted Coven, or hijama, as one of the three major ways of finding healing, and medicine. He said, Salah Salem is a mentioned Sherpa to acid drinking honey. He also used a hijab, they using the blade for hijama, for covering in this case, and also

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said caveat to not using heat or fire, although it's my crew in general, but it still allowed for people to do it, if they had to use the fire for treatment, their catherization this case, as we call it today. So eventually, he mentioned this as something that people don't look so down upon that kind of practice. Still, though it is considered obligation upon the community to fulfill something like this because it brings healing to the people. That's what it means. Now.

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As for deep and detailed study of mathematics in medicine, there is additional knowledge because people can manage without it. So how am I gonna put them Rahimullah answer the question we all ask ourselves today, you go to college, and they teach you all these things about mathematics, right? Everything. And then once you graduate, would you ever use that stuff?

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Never. It's like why would they have to waste my money even not just my time, my money, I'm studying some kind of you know, books and science. And so that would never actually you practice. Obviously, we understand that the importance of studying mathematics and so on and regards to opening your heart your way of thinking and critical thinking and expanding your, your, your cognitive abilities. But here he says, Look, you don't have to study everything in mathematics. What is obligation upon us is to have somebody who knows how to help us to calculate the obligation for us, which is what, as the car, for example, someone to help you calculate your miraz, if needed, all these kinds of

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things. So the basic the basic mathematics, mathematical equations that are needed for us to fulfill our Ibarra, that becomes obligation upon the people. Now expanding in medicine, to all the specializations and so forth, becomes actually a formula which means something something extra for those who like to expand on that knowledge that is up to them, but the bare minimum, to have someone who's qualified to help people when they get sick, while ohana.

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Some disciplines are merely permissible, such as the knowledge of poetry, and does not that does not contain nonsense, and the knowledge of history. So he says that some of the science some of the room, some of the unknown, they're not necessarily obligation, they're not necessarily 49 or 45. They just move out. What does that mean? And it's not like you have to study it. Or if you don't study it, you're sinful, not at all like what? Like poetry for example. If Can you survive without poetry? Gemma? Can you survive without poetry? Stuff for Allah? Because I have no sense of literature, no sense of beauty and art. Of course, you can survive that point. Right? You can, he

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says so it's okay to study early on Omala on learning poetry as long as Lhasa Lhasa fee, which means it's not. Nothing was nonsense. Unfortunately, most of our right now that the lyrics of songs today are just not just nonsense, or the ability of offensive unfortunately. So he says, as though there is nothing wrong with it. It's okay. If you study if you read it, if you enjoy some time with Allah Shah, another example. He says, What are you studying history? Like, for example, is it permissible to study the First World War history is a mile or the past? Can you study the Second World War? Is it okay to go and study with Nanda, the Crusaders the history?

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Right? It's open, it's okay. It's not an obligation. And it's not the concert haram. Although, of course, nowadays some is no reading history is extremely important. Because if you don't understand the history, you're most likely going to repeat that in your lifetime. So be careful with that Wallah. Keep going. Some disciplines are blameworthy altogether, like knowledge of sorcery, talismans and spells. So I think it's very obvious right? Studying that stuff. We talked about studying it in terms of trying to learn how to make these talismans, how to make these RVs and how to make all that stuff out the biller, this from the Mohammed, this is magic. This is sorcery, and

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it's considered actually one of the major sins that the professor's encounter when he says call Kabbalah Kabbalah de novo when you count seven and some some added sets, there's 10 of them. And one of them says that people they use magic in order to hurt other people to understand whether it's voodoo, or something else as long as it hurts other people, absolutely unacceptable. Now, however, Islamic knowledge with all its branches in sciences, are praiseworthy. It is divided into fundamentals branches, in introductory and supplementary disciplines. So here are the Sharia religious knowledge

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can be divided into four major categories four branches, what are these branches yours also, which means there are now fundamentals that you need to study for branches that come out of that those also those fundamental ones. Number three market demand. These are like introductory is it that you need them as tools to help you with that. And motormouth something complimentary that you don't have, you don't need them for,

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as an for the essence of its of its material, or it's actually a knowledge, but something to complement and supplement something else that you study. Let's see what he says about these different branches. Explain them to us. The fundamental disciplines are the book of Allah, the Sunnah of His Messenger, the consensus of scholars in the statement of the companions. So he says that there also are the Kitab ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, the book of Allah Spanner, like you need to study the book of Allah as well for itself. Why because Shara Fidel Misha often Let me shuffle my loom, shuffle l be shut off with maloom means the status of knowledge. It's it depends on the status

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of the subject matter.

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And if you're studying the words of ALLAH SubhanA, wa taala, there is nothing there is nothing higher in status than that, because it's related to the Divine Subhana wa Taala immediately. Then you have the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam reading the Hadith Sahih Bukhari Muslim on the other side of hand, these are the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Again, the status of that comes from the status of the Prophet Muhammad Al Assad himself as well being the messenger of God, and then each mouth Ummah, like that, that consensus of the OMA altogether. Now that's of course, obviously it shows the status of the OMA altogether the collective effort of the

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OMA then among the OMA who is the most the most actually favorite or most

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revered and respected amongst us, that compares with the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam. So when we learn about their practice, as the prophets of Assam suggested for us when he says God, Allah can be sunnah it was sutra Hola, Rashidun Medina and daddy follow my example in the example of those Sahaba Neeraj did they came after me, they will get it, Carla came after me. So we learned from the Sahaba della donna Waldo as well. So these are considered subject matters that sound for the essence of the knowledge that it provides for you because of the Quran itself, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Then what is that four branches? The branches are the meanings derived from

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these sources, some of which are understood from the obvious wordings and others which are understood through other means. For example, it is understood through analogy from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam words.

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The judge must not judge when angry that the judge must not also judge when hungry. Did you guys understand this hadith?

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The Prophet says I'm certain this hadith called Leia, the Cordova one. A judge should not judge when his own his when he's angry. So that's what the Prophet SAW Samson. Is that the only status the only situation will do what the judge courage cannot actually rule? Why not?

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Because when the prophets Allah Sam said he shouldn't be judging when he's angry words exactly. He is referring to SallAllahu wasallam.

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What is he trying to teach us from this hadith Allah Sana,

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avoid what

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just anger, what's the problem with anger

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is the things that can affect his judgment. And the thing that can can impair his judgment. And that can alter his judgment that when he's when he's in an excessive situation, that make him makes them actually busy trying to fulfill that need that need so he would would rush into making a wrong judgment. So therefore, if someone is an excessive state of emotion, like being angry, it will defer it is not going to make him make a sound judgment, right. Also excessive they say that just being hungry. Also, if he wants to go to the bathroom, you can't you can't make judgment when you want to go to the bathroom. Otherwise, you're gonna just gonna sign on capital punishment, just move on.

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Just let's go over from here. Similarly, when the person is when the judge is excessively happy, you can also judge because now you're too excited. You gotta make everybody free this will I go for it? You are so excited right now. So they said you can't rule during that time. You have to step down from that bench and let somebody else make that judgment. Eventually the private citizen is teaching us his example. Look, I'll also as what what is the hustle in this in this example here? The fundamental principle of knowledge, what is it exactly? The words of the prophets are awesome, the Hadith itself? The hadith itself is the answer. What is the branch that we learn from this?

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What is the branch that you learn from this

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scenario using analogy? Using analogy, you are allowed to use analogy you are allowed to use a human reasoning to derive a different ruling that is similar to the one that the also the fundamental text is provided.

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for you so when the prophets of Allah salami says a judge should not rule when his when he's angry, we use our human intellect and reasoning to understand why the Prophet Salah Salem is telling us not to judge when we're angry to derive what from this anything that would make a judge

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you know, not being neutral fair would impair your judgment immediately you have to avoid that. Whether it being angry, hungry, sad, glad, excessively happy and so on. You're not allowed to whatever being sleepy Is that okay?

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Gemma, what about the judge come to the bench and has a big mug of coffee for example. Would that be sufficient? Would that be enough? Of course not. That's a very dangerous you're gonna have to we have to actually stay there Yes

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Uh huh. Like of course, if somebody is also excited, for example, it whatever kind of excitement whether it's a desire,

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a desire or anything, anything that impairs his judgment would would disqualify the judge actually for making a ruling over it. So that's what the purpose is me teaching us the hustle. And we'll learn from this the further the branch from this number three what he said about the third one, the introductory disciplines, but they are the tools sciences like grammar in linguistics, for these are tools whereby the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger sallallahu alayhi, wasallam are understood. So he's talking about these tools, we need these tools in order for us to understand the fundamental principles and sciences. Like if you want to understand the client, what do you need to

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What do you need to learn? Arabic right? You need to learn Arabic What kind of Arabic we're talking about. First, right, but with the surface what kind of vocab you're going to learn from that Arabic?

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Do you need conversation Arabic to understand the Quran? You see this is one of the problems I have with many of the of the curriculum that teaches Arabic in Islamic schools and Islamic it institution and so on. We come to teach non Arabic speakers the Arabic language so they can understand the Quran. But we start with some sort of like a conversation or debate that has nothing to do with the Quran. Life was our Madhavi era. This is a plane this is the fridge this is what I mean.

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What am I going to read fridge and plane in the Quran is going to take a while before you get there. But it's important that we teach them the language of the Quran the words of the Quran so that when they read it, they can they can shell out a bit of a formal learning conversation. Arabic is also another instrument another tool but it takes it's not now there's not the time for it. So you delay learning that I'm telling you more proficient so you can understand the Quran. Why do we need conversation Arabic anyway, because it helps you create the context when you read the Quran.

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This is how the Arab speak. This is how they reason when they listen to the conversation. So you need to also be in that same context so you can understand the Quran but in itself just to dedicate your lifetime to learn the Arabic language just to learn the conversation language in itself. It's not fundamental knowledge. It's not even a branch of knowledge. It's just a tool by which you can understand something fundamental such as the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he's telling you Look, put your time or your energy in the right priority. Where do you need to put your energy? And what knowledge should use should we seek to study? Okay, good. The

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supplementary disciplines are like the knowledge of Quran recitations, pronunciation, and articulation of Arabic letters, and the names credibility and conditions of Hadith narrators. So he mentioned say Mata mimma these are supplementary knowledge, like you don't really need them if you can perfect that knowledge itself. Likewise, if you know how to recite the Quran perfectly, and I mean by perfectly with Tajweed you know, what did you do you have to learn the words l mud and Alcala and what does how much how many meds there are and what type of mud you have here and that word or that word? Do you have to learn all these things? You don't at all You don't need that at

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all. But if you do, it's Moto mymaths supplementary to for you to understand why you prolong the pronouncements over here. Why you make this vibration of that letter here? Why you make this why you make that that's for you to understand why am I pronouncing it this way? But if you can pronounce it without even knowing why that's what what you need to learn. You just need to learn the tweet by hearing it pronouncing it properly and that's it you're done. Now why that's a supplementary knowledge according to him Rahim Allah Allah Tala some element of course if the Jews by the way they disagree with you. They will say it as we know you have to that's part of our 412 During the Quran.

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I remember from our chakra Tamia Rahim Allah Allah one time we were with him in the car. And then one of the students he asked him, he said, one of my friends he said, Jeff, why don't we because the shaker shaker lithiumion Rahim Allah Allah He always make this the right decision like we do over here. So he does that frequently, especially in the summer, so many many sessions of Hala but we've never seen him teaching something such as the druid. So what the students he said culture, why why don't we start a new halacha a new a new

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A session on Tajweed Shah said, What is it is a situation in your worship in Arabic he was worship, what does that say to you, it should tell you somehow plasm which means you don't have to learn it. As long as you know how to pronounce it, you'll find which is true. Which is true, because it's not from the OSU, not not from the floor, it's from them the math, but some of them after they were actually the signature. What I mean, like was you haven't Kodama him all as well. And they will say, No, no, no, it's essential for you to study it. I disagree with them. Because I also believe that read is all about listening, pronouncing it correctly. And if you if you practice that, and it will

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fulfill that there is no need for you to learn all the details of the digit, but if you do so Hamdulillah, it benefits you. It benefits you so you could recognize why you're making this long or short, and helps you also teach other people so they understand why you have to pronounce even in that fashion. That's why That's why it's so important now, to go on. These are the Islamic sciences, and all of them are praiseworthy. Now,

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the knowledge, section three, the knowledge of devotional practice, the knowledge of devotional practice, devotional practice deals with the states of the heart, and that includes the states of fear, hope, contentment, truthfulness, and sincerity. This is the knowledge that raised the status of the renowned scholars, and through mastering it made them famous like Sofia and Abu Hanifa Malik Shafi, an

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imam imam of Kodama, Rahim Allah and now he's going to this one chapter, the financial section on the meaning of knowledge. He said, Look, knowledge comes in different ways. There is obligate person obligation, there is community obligation, and all the other different categories of Allume, the Sharia, some of our fundamentals, some of our branches, some of them are there, some of them are that so you cannot explain everything in general. And then it comes down to not have it down to what's more important to you. Because the most important thing to do is to learn that the most beneficial knowledge for you is what he called it called L mole more I'm Ella, l l Ma Ma. Ma Ma Ma

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Mohammed means what? Muhammad, it's SS and it's actually literal translation. It's like transactional relationship. But here, you it's basically like the dealing with who with somebody else, when there is an exchange of an interaction, interpersonal relationship, but what can interpersonal should be talking about over here, he says call or one clue, the status or the conditions of the heart. So he's very this is basically it's talking about L ma Malama. Allah subhanaw taala. This is the essence of the knowledge is your interaction with ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. The condition of the heart, the status of the heart when it comes to learning and connecting

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to Allah subhanho wa taala. That's the essence of the knowledge. And he gives some example, he goes such as what I'll have fear, or Raja hope, worried or contentment was so so the truthfulness, of law, sincerity, and all these things, these things, if they don't exist in the heart, they're not going to come out in your actions. If you don't believe inside your heart, if you don't believe in truthfulness, your tongue will never tell the truth, or actually wouldn't mind lying. If you don't believe in sincerity, show an office become your practice, because you need people to recognize what you're doing. So again, he says, Look, this is the essence of knowledge doesn't matter what you

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learn, if the heart does reflect that, it's gonna go to waste all that knowledge, because you're eventually going to start following your desires. So he says over here, like our llama, a lot of great scholars became popular because they displayed that and they ended life. They displayed that kind of kind of element. So people respected them, people, they love them, because they showed that kind of character, or this flag and their character as well. And then he goes to speak about the people of his time, go ahead. However, the reason some Judas and scholars have failed to reach the level of the aforementioned men, is the fact that they have become occupied with knowledge at its

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superficial level, without striving to grasp its true reality and act upon its in depth meanings. And he's talking about his time, which was about 700 years ago, right? Imagine our time because look, today you'll find a lot of Allama and folk AHA and move teas and people have big titles and big names, right. And it says but all what they talk about, and their status among the people is because of what because they can answer you and certain things doesn't they regret it regarding matters, but in terms of the heart and and the essence of the of the spirituality. They're missing that and he gave some examples here. Let's see what example is mentioned. You will see a jury

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talking about the the heart and any Leon of the heart, one Leon was sub gourami

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and the rulings of of competing and shooting and branching out to detail issues that take ages to discuss without actually needing any of them.

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But still you will not see him talking about sincerity.

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and warning against showing off even though this is an individual, this is an individual obligation upon him and neglect neglecting it will ruin him by the other topics he discusses or communal obligations. If someone asked this caller about his reasons for not addressing the need for sincerity and showing off, he will not be able to provide an answer. But we're here to be asked why he is occupying himself with issues of the of, of the Leon and shooting, he would say, These topics are a communal obligation. This is of course, correct. But what he failed to realize that mathematics to is a community communal obligation. So why is he not occupied with that? The truth is

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that his soul, his soul has glamorized the matter for him as its desire for Austin ostentation and fame as fulfilled through debating, not mathematics. So what he says Rahim Allah, Allah has now given us by the way, that's an interesting statement over here, he has given us a window into the culture of their time, the culture of their time and their own, you know, circles of knowledge. Because, look, there are so many big names out there.

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Most of the scholars, but what exactly are they given us they're given the superficial aspects of the knowledge. They're telling us things about the heart about Leon, Rami and Subak these are

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chapters from from books of faith that not everybody is really concerned with. Like how many people you've known in your life that he did the and or maybe he did actually hot? How would you even know what the heart is? No one knows what the heart is. Have you heard the term to the heart? Raise your hand if you have done the heart

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Okay, so we have three four people heard the name the term they have, what about Leon? Anyone heard the term Leon?

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Leon so has to do with that. So see these terms are actually legal juristic terms. They're they're the rules of foot. So of the heart is when a man is a man pronounces the heart upon his mom many basically saying to her, like she is haram to him, just like the back of his mother. It's an it's an Arabic expression. Mina unite you absolutely haram to me, he's talking to his wife, that you are absolutely haram to me at

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the beginning of Surah Al moja dilla. Because of that, because that it's considered a sin, though, when a person's does that however, he is obligated to expand that sin with a specific penalty, such as first of all freeing a slave if you could, if not, then they they're responsible to first two consecutive months. And then if not, they will feed 60 odd people that just by that pronouncement. Eliane is in the case of a man accuses his spouse, of a rubella, adultery, and he has no witnesses. So he comes before the judge and he swears by Allah that he's that he saw what he saw. And Allah subhana wa, he said that he invokes the curse of Allah upon himself if he was lying. And the lady

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would also defend herself by saying, swearing by ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala few times as well. She invoked the Wrath of Allah upon herself if she if he was telling the truth. So eventually, these are issues of fuck that not everybody really needs them. They needed by dilemma and de vaca and the judges when it comes to for the horse's mouth

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when it comes to arbitration and mediation, and conflict resolution, but for the average person, this is not an a personal obligation to learn these matters, let alone learning about origami Wasserburg. Like, for example, the fake rulings of games, the fake learning of games, such as archery, for example, or racing, for instance, do you need to know the details? Well, maybe in the current time, probably you do, actually. Because sports have become a big thing right now in our lives, not like before, so therefore, you might need to learn that stuff. But the point is making is that a lot of dilemma are just getting busy teaching us how to make wudu how to make tahajud how to

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give your soda cans occur, and how to do this, how to do that, but few of them are teaching us the conditions of the heart.

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Few of them are teaching us the reason why we study these things like when you study the heart and Leon and Bihar and salah. What is the essence of all of that it should do should what it should should this knowledge should do to you should bring you closer to Allah subhanaw taala should humbles you, right? Should make you realize that you're doing this as obedience to Allah subhana because sometimes we don't even understand why we're doing this for like, what's the meaning of wash your face in your hands or to the elbows? I know this physical claim has been in that sequence, what is the meaning of all of that? There is no really legitimate, logical reasoning for that other than

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just to submit to the will of Allah subhana wa Taala who knows what is best for you. What we need to learn when we study will do on taharah is that last statement I just mentioned, I'm doing this out of submission to Allah subhana wa Taala out of out of obedience to Allah out of love for His commandments and also fear of his punishment. If we don't teach people through Furqan or Sulan the fear of Allah subhana wa Tada

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The love for Allah subhanho wa taala, then we are just teaching the supervision knowledge, which is actually why we chose to choose this book to begin with, so that you study the thing that matters to the heart, before you start learning about also and filk, and all that stuff, and so on. So that's what he's actually referring to. And he's very kind of, you can can tell him his tone Imam, Al Ghazali, as well, the origin of book is coming from him. He's so upset about the, you know, the culture of his time I give is so become so toxic that everybody's just talking about Furqan also, and they forgot that the essence of it, which is to make people spiritual, nowadays, nowadays, you

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might find people who are very, very religious, what does that mean? There is so good in terms of the look of Tahara and salons, yam and all that stuff. But in terms of spirituality, they probably lack that. Like how many people that you know, students of knowledge, we don't even do the 100

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How many of them, they don't even pass Mondays and Thursdays,

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I'm not going to ask you to raise your hands. But how many of you do that

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you are the ones who are studying this. And right now, you're trying to upgrade your spirituality in Charlotte to the highest level, but Milazzo Jill, how many of us are actually practicing this in that fashion, that this knowledge is prompting me right now, to fast Mondays and Thursdays to make secret a battle between me and the last panel with Allah to the heads of the Quran to do this to the to wake up at night no tahajjud how many of us translate this knowledge into something that will relate it that will be relayed to the heart, that is only mean by the essence of the knowledge, not just the superficial one. Go ahead, click on know that the meanings of some words have been replaced

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and distorted to mean things that the pious predecessors did not mean with them. Now, for example, today's callers have have given an exclusive meaning to the word fake, using it exclusively for the science of jurisprudence, and its causative factors. Even though the first generation understood the word to refer to the knowledge of the afterlife, the details of the hearts illnesses, the Nullifiers of factions, that intense awareness of the world's pettiness, the deep yearning of the place of the afterlife, and making the fear of Allah dominate the heart, you know, let's stop over here and shallow data because that's a longer Naga section over here, in which he's going to bring five

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different terminologies, terminology that use in their time, popularly among the people in a specific definition. But if it was altered, like for example, the word folk, it was before our time it according to him his time field and their time, as they become only exclusive for when you study taharah and Siyam, and Zika, and hjem, talaaq. And so on and so on. That's what suffers, because but before that time, Phillip B is what the true understanding of your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala the true understanding of your spirituality of your connection with Allah, that's what the meaning of faith, I'm Accra, basically, it has changed as a result as a result, a lot of people

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right now, they want to be okay. But not perfectly, they will really connect with ALLAH SubhanA whatever their heart, rather only with their action practice. So they want to try to do what we could call today. paradigm shift. He wanted wants to change the meaning of the meanings of knowledge, the meaning of wisdom, from what has has been altered to what was original. So that's something we're gonna discuss next time in shallow tobacco data. Now, going back to the question, I asked you the beginning of the session, do you now understand what he was talking about? So what was the question? The question was, what is the essence of knowledge? According to Kodama amatola In

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this book, did you guys figure it out?

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Through what

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what kind of knowledge

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and knowledge of the heart the essence of knowledge is the one that affects your heart.

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That is, the knowledge is that helps you create what's called what he called Elmore, armella. The knowledge of interacting with Allah subhanho wa Taala by heart spiritually not just by actions, because you will see a lot of people wash their hands and wash your face and saddened Salah and their hearts are somewhere else has no connection whatsoever to the divine zpanel Madonna. So he tells you that the true meaning of knowledge is the one that truly moves your heart and has a connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah make us among those or Bellarmine Allah? Let's move on to the next section inshallah. Tada.

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Oh, there's actually an interesting thing over here. I have another date on my book over here. We stopped on this section over here. It was actually January 30 2013. That's when we study when we're using this book to study the last the late night cartridges and the old images 10 years ago.

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The same book Pamela was Mullah.

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Ulis Okay, so we're gonna be starting from me.

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In Florida, read the whole chapter.

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Okay, Sula. So the second one is going to be insha Allah Tala. We're gonna read from the book of Matthew.

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Raja Rahmatullah Talalay Jama lumen Hichem.

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In which he study and he teaches us the 30 Hadith, the 14th Amendment, Rahmatullah taralli Today's discussion will be shorter Hadith number three Hadith number three is Abdullah Abdullah TerraNova anyone memorize the Hadith Gemma

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anyone memorize the Hadith would like to take a shot and recite the edit for us in Arabic you wanna do that?

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Anyway, it's a short holiday Gemma. It's very simple. And of the love number Katara the Allah Ramallah kala symetra Rasul Allah is Allah Samia Cole Boonie al Islam Allah comes, you will be taught this in Sunday School forever. Warrior Islam Allah comes shouty Allah Allah illallah wa Muhammad Abdul Rasul, welcome Salah where it has occurred or had Gilberto sama Ramadan or Bukhara Muslim, as simple as that. So the meaning of this hadith recite this particular start coming document was sent out was

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it's been no salat wa salam ala Rasulillah.

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So the Hadith

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so from the microphone point of view

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from Abu AbdulRahman Abdullah ibn Amara even tab around the Allah one that he said, I heard the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, Islam is built on five, witnessing the that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah established establishment of the prayer, payment of Zeca Hajj of the house and the fast of Ramadan al Bukhari and Muslim 90. So this hadith as you can see there a lot of lot of narrations for the Hadith not just for narration sometimes the Hajj comes before fasting sometimes fastly becomes comes before Hajj. But if you notice this hadith, you will always find you'll always find that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam after

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speaking about salah what is the next thing that comes after speaking about salah suka. Unfortunately today people they don't know much about the cardinal more about Ramadan and fasting than they know about Zika although Zika is much more important than fasting when it comes to see why inshallah Tabata cortada obey this Mila.

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The narrative this hadith in the two Sahai books in the version of a chroma even Khalid from ibn Umar, Radi Allahu and Muslim narrative in two other ways from even from even Omar and he has other versions from him. This hadith has been narrated from Jerry even Abdullah

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budgetarily from the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam Which Imam Armand inherited Why am I why am I with Raja Rahim Allah is bringing this this thing over here. This is for the in the classical text it's extremely important that you authenticate what you're deciding what you're delivering to the people. There is one way of saying that look, the height is very authentic is very popular. It comes from different iterations I was recording myself because I Muslims Muslim I'm not just wants to have a narrative that was narrated by Abdullah in our pub G. McDonald budgeteers want to and others like he's saying like look, the hadith is very popular. And he brings some examples over here. And then

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he explains it.

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What is meant by this hadith is that Islam is built on this five which

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which are thus like the sides of or corners and the supports of its building. So that what you're saying away that look, Islam was was detailed or explained in details in the Hadith before that. Rumble ricotta Dylon when Gibreel came to the Prophet So somebody asked, What is Islam? Now he's detailing that. He said, Look, he's the professor sent me this hadith. He specifically said that Islam was built on five things. And he said these are like our kind of pillars and corners, pillars and corners for any building. When he said pillar on Quora, what does that exactly mean? It's covering the entire structure. Like if you look at this building of a, what are the pillars on the

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corners of this building? handler here, we don't see very many pillars, you know, in the in the inside of the building, but there are there are hidden somewhere. Where are they? In the corners, the corners, the walls behind you have to over there, if it wasn't by the Grace of Allah subhanho wa Taala for this for these pillars, and these corners, this whole thing will collapse. So it says the exactly same thing Islam was was built on these pillars and corners. If they're gone, the whole building will collapse. Let's see what he means by that. Explain that. Mohammed bin Nasser and Maria mozzie Native Indian Kitab a Salah and book of prayer, with the wording.

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Islam is built on five supports

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is meant is to strike the similitude of Islam as a building whose supports are these five, such that the building will not stand firm without them. The rest of the attributes of Islam are things by the addition of which the building is made complete. But if any of them are missing, the building will stand although lacking, but will not fall into ruin because of the show of that shortcoming. As opposed to if it lacks any of these five supports, because Islam will disappear. If all of them are missing. Without any doubt, you can actually pause over here and put a mark because a paragraph that will start next is separate from this past one. So what do you mean by this past? Actually, the

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statement he was saying, you look, Islam is built on these five pillars on our campus. Without them, the whole building will collapse. However, there are some other aspects of the dean or Mohamed they work like the windows, the sheet, sheetrock wall, for example, or the like, what the multimeter they are the advocates of love and the manners and the other thing that we have in our DNA that we need to practice. It's not like Islam was built on five, you only practice these five and that's it, we're done. No, there are many other things that will definitely will beautify your practice of your deen. He says, if those other things are gone, that building doesn't collapse, like you will have a

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shell, that still doesn't collapse, but it's a shell. However, if one of the one of the corners and one of these pillars is gone, it might risk the entire building to collapse. Sometimes no taking one out. It doesn't cause the building to collapse, but it becomes worth insecure and unsafe. You won't feel calm, we won't feel comfortable going into a building when you realize a corner is missing. Because I don't know, man. I mean, what if it's such shaken? What if something happens to it? Right? So that's what he was referring to say Allah. Yes, he says five pillars and five corners. But there's so many other things in the deen that will require you to enhance the quality of your deen

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and your Islam. Now, he is speaking about the five pillars, the five is going to speak about the five pillars right now to come and show that he will speak about the five pillars right now basically, and he will explain to us he will explain to us which one if it's missing, it will cause us all of it to collapse go for it.

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Okay, from from this it is known that Imam Iman in Allah and His Messenger is included under Islam as we established in the previous Hadith. As for the prayer, there are many Hadith, which show that whoever I think was skipped something, they skipped it, can you go back again to look at that because it will fuck the Charlotte similarly, okay, yeah. Similarly, in the absence of these two shahada has, because what is meant by the two shahada is, is belief in Allah and His messenger. That's number one. So he says that, look, some of these pillars are more important than others. So if you pull one, one corner, it might jeopardize the entire building and one of them is what I

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should have written. That is a central pillar. If you take it out, the whole the whole thing will collapse from the top. That's what I do. We have cushion afterwards. So basically, this is the first one and everything's gonna collapse. And then he explains other things. So she had a 10 He says, It's important because without Yada 10, the entire building will collapse. Number two, go ahead.

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Hurry, an edited version, as a Tarly. Islam is built on five belief in Allah and His messenger. So he's referring right now, what does that exactly mean? Even though the Prophet Salah Sam said that Islam is built on five, but he won't explain to us that what we talked about last last time, when we said that Islam and Eman they're interchangeable, interchangeable when they are used separately. And they mean differently when they're used jointly. So therefore, he says over here, look, the Prophet says I'm describing Islam with Eman by saying my Islamic disrupt Islam to believe in Allah and His messenger. But that's part of iman, isn't it? So that's why he says that, if that was taken out,

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everything collapses. Now.

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I'm Buhari narrated a version of Okay. In a version

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in a version of Muslims on five, that Allah is unified.

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Allah, Allah, then a ratio of the Hadith says that Al Islam is to unify Allah or it is to believe in one God that's what it means to believe in what is a matter of faith, not a matter of practice, as we learn the difference between Islam and Iman. Okay. And in another version of his, on that Allah is worshipped, and whatever is apart from him, is rejected. So the whole purpose of this paragraph is to say, look, Islam has also the meaning of Eman because the Prophet says one time when he was asked about Islam, he expanded into it

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The meaning of Word, amen. Practice of faith not just practice of Ayurveda, such as Salah and fasting. So that's why he said like, it's also the essence of that's why we include the shahada teen as one of the pillars of Islam because it starts there. It starts from believing in one God and worshiping one God and then everything else comes after that next door that

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from this, it is known that Eman in Allah and His Messenger is included under Islam as we established in the previous Hadith. As for the prayer, there are many Hadith which show that whoever abandons it has gone out of Islam. This is number two right now. So he's now bringing a Salah. Okay, so we talked about shahada 10 That's one of my one of the major pillars as Salah right now, he says, As for Salah, there are many a hadith that says that if anyone abandoned salah, then they will actually leave Islam, which means it's also like she had it and once you take it out there will collapse however we're going to see later on is going to bring the controversy over this principle

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or this rule. So let's see what it says so far. in Sahih Muslim there is

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from jabber or the other one, that Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, between Imen and kufr is ensure is the prayer the Hadith in Arabic is called a binary Raja lubaina. Shirky. Well, Cooper Turco salah, that the fine line that separates between person and being a Kaffir or Mushrik is abandons Allah now. Similar things are narrated in Hadith of Breida, Thoburn UNECE, and others. Mohammed bin Nasser, MER Wazee narrated the hadith of Oba in Assam it, or the Allah one, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said, Do not abandon the prayer deliberately, for whoever abandons Islam deliberately has gone out of the deen. Now, just to make clear that this hadith actually is

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considered weak in terms of its authenticity. Just to make clear, it's considered weak in its authenticity. However, the meaning has been established in other Hadith as well that yes, if someone abandons Salah would tantamount to the level of abandoning Islam altogether, Kim going in the hadith of Mohammed radula. One, there is, there is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said, the main part of the matter is Islam. And it's tent pool is the prayer in the Arabic it's actually a Rasul Omri al Islam, where I moved to Salah Rasul Umbrian Islam, like the head of the man, the man of our marriage, Islam itself, which means submission to the will of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the main

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pillars of it is Salah. So the Prophet is saying as if if you take that pillar out, what's gonna happen to that building is gonna fall apart now. And so he regarded the prayer as the central tentpole of the great tent, without which the tent cannot stand or last. And if the central tent pole were to form the tent would form now and and it would not last without it. Do you guys go camping? The guys are gonna go camping this coming weekend, right? Or the next weekend? Probably yes. So when you go camping, if you try to build the tent, the tent has of course side, whatever you call them, you know, poles on the sides, right? But in order for it to stand up, what do you need,

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the central one that keeps it actually all the way up. If you take that out, doesn't matter how tight it is underground, it's not gonna it's not gonna be built. You can erect a building like that. So you have to have something in the center. So he says him as if he's saying you might have fasting and Zakah and this and that, but if you don't have Salah

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you're not building anything. That's what he's saying is that now that shows the importance of Salah

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Amara della one said, there is no portion in Islam for whoever abandons the prayer. Sad radula one and Ali ibn Abi Talib are the other one said, Whoever gives it up has become a Kaffir.

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Abdullah even Shopkick said, the companions of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam did not regard the abandonment of any of the actions as kofod Except for the Salah, except for the prayer. Okay, go ahead. Um, what are you,

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as suck, the attorney said, abandoning the prayer is scuffle. And there is no disagreement about it. What do you guys understand so far from a mammoth and Roger rock methodology?

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If you read this book yourself alone, what would you understand? What is it trying to survive?

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But what exactly he's trying to emphasize over here

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his opinion

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like when the island starts with something like this, and you start bringing all the proofs and evidences and bring you this, this hadith and this hadith and Allah says, and it says, what he's trying to tell you

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That's what I believe.

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And there's something else that probably maybe we would we would make us think that that's what exactly he's trying to promote that look telco, Salah Cofer, that's what he's saying. And there's another statement go ahead read others the next statement a whole body of the right acting first generation and of the later generations took this position and it is the position of Ibn Al Mubarak Achmed, and is Huck and Issa said that it is it is the consensus of the people of knowledge. Muhammad ibn Nasser Murray Huazi said it is the position of the majority of the people of Hadith. Now, do you know what he's talking about over here? I mean, do you know what what might have or what

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school of thought Imam Raja base humbly, memorizable humbly, his humbly and that is the opinion of Imam Muhammad Rahmatullah that or at least the opinion of the school of thought of Imam Muhammad Rahmatullah heathen alley that the one who abandoned Salah is considered cover? And then he now he brings the controversy say, Look, this is why we have and that's the opinion of the majority of the Anima of Hadith. Some Malema they say it's actually there's a man on this matter some they say a Sahaba they've never ever thought anything you abandoned is cool for except for abandoned Salah. So you make a very strong serious case here about the abandoning Salah it is so scary. Our alumni even

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they said, even if it's not true, like even if the controversy is true, so it's not the conclusive to say that a personal balance Allah is considered covered. The idea that the old man they argue about this matter in itself is enough to scare you off.

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Just enough to scare you off. If they argued at you, this person could be Kaffir This is how dangerous it is. There's not like, you know, being a good Muslim or bad Muslim, non Muslim or non Muslim right away. So this is this is how dangerous the matter of Salah is. So when you talk when we talk to people I know we live in a time that Subhanallah we try. We're very sensitive with people's feelings, right? So you have to be careful you don't want to scare people off you don't want to say you know what? Sometimes they just need a story a serious straight wake up call. And you tell somebody look you know if you don't I'm gonna pray your Salah that's gonna take out the fold of

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Islam, be careful. It's not it's not something trivial here. It's not something to joke about. It's a serious matter when it comes to the subject of Salah May Allah make us some of those who maintained the salah regular blasphemy. Now he's bringing that the other opinion now, a party of them took the position that whoever deliberately abandons any of the five pillars of Islam is thus a Kaffir which is narrated

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which is narrated of side, a bin Jubair Nafi and Al Hakim al Hakim na and it is one

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it is one nation from Imam Ahmed, which a group of his companions chose. And it is also the position of Ibn Habib of the Maliki's. Obviously, these are names of Great Ottomans because probably we don't know them today, because unfortunately, we're not really reading too much in books of Sierra and history and folk on Illumina soul. But if you really engage a lot on the books of Sudan, Falcon, Hadith, and Tafseer, you will always read these names. And you will be familiar with these names. But for us, these names are very, very actually very foreign. When we read these names, we just completely will go blank because we don't even know who they are. But if you go back to the Aloma

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folk and also on tafsir and so on, you'll find these names I mentioned more frequently. I want to go back again to the muscle of Salah just to be specific here because here he's saying that look, according to Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah one of the opinions of Imam Muhammad, any of the five pillars of Islam if anyone abandons that will be the out of the fold of Islam. He says it's any wire. Not the most popular one though. So what's the ruling on Salah So the dilemma the divide the hokum on abandoning Salah to different categories. They said anybody who abandoned Salah mortality then that you believe that Salah is no longer an obligation, like there's no obligation, this person by EJ Ma,

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everybody agrees is out of the fold of Islam abandoning Salah with this belief that is not obligation at all like how do you know that someone abandoned Salah because it's an obligation they think there's not an obligation when you come on invite them to pray what do they say say pray come on man we 21st century

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or seriously praying we live in America bro. Those statements indication of what is your man. They don't even believe that they need to do it. It's extremely, extremely dangerous. That could be a word of Cooper takes the pressure off of Islam. How do you know that someone is abandoning Salah out of laziness. When you tell them hey man Danfoss I want you to come and pray with us he goes please make dua for me

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on this person says make the offer and what do they mean Exactly? There's a colossal you're a good Muslim I wish I can be like you but inshallah make dua for me. So he's not saying that like come on. I don't pray because it's such it's I don't need that. So the other mothers by Iijima anyone who abandoned Salah believing they're not obligated to pray. It's a sign of cool

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But if someone abandons Allah out of laziness, out of laziness, now that is when there's a controversy among Allah ma according to the school of thought Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah this person is still out of the fold of Islam. Actually, to the extent they say if this person abandons one salah, deliberately, deliberately, this person goes out and follow Islam this whole day just according to the man Muhammad Rahim Allah is opinion, but according to the majority of the malema, they say if the person abandons Salah out of laziness, you know they just gonna get lazy they were tempted whatever that is Allah may Allah forgive her but I mean, they say is considered first and Marcia,

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it's a major sin, a major sin not couverte but it's a major sin. COVID What about the Hadith of the prophets, as I'm saying that to abandon Salah is Kava. He goes Khufu and Dona Coover, which means it's a practice of Kufa but doesn't make the person care for themselves. That's according to the majority of the fuqaha. But definitely the fact that they argue about it and they discuss this matter like this. It is enough to say it's completely dangerous ajumma it's completely dangerous. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from a set of Brahmin and keep us all steadfast on Salah. So the statement right now that is speaking about some element they say all the five pillars of Islam

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are equal in terms of status, if anyone abandons one of them out of the fold of Islam, but Allahu Allah, the right right opinion on this matter is that if they abandon any of the five pillars of Islam, believing the Arab ligated or in mockery of it, that it takes a person of the fold of Islam.

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And as a matter of fact, that also includes any of what is considered maloom in a deliberate Baruah. Anything that we when we know for sure is formed the essence of our deen like, for example, the prohibition of alcohol, the prohibition of Zina, and someone comes to say, come on.

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That wasn't the past today, it's different time and this and that, that takes the person or the fold of Islam

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versus saying but you know, the economy cannot survive without this. You have to open these doors for people love blah, blah, blah. He's not saying it's halal, but he's saying is what we need to make money.

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That's a sin is not necessarily considered Cooper. But there is now we have one issue that Halima they argue about what if somebody abandoned salah, abandoned salah, not saying that Salah is, you know, is is something from the past or I don't want to pray or you know what, no, they're just lazy, but to the extent that they don't even pray anything at all. What does that mean? They're abandoned inside the Juma they don't pray Juma. They don't pray the five day to prayer. They don't pray sunnah they don't believe in janazah. When they attend Jana, they don't pray just standing there smoking problem abandoning all forms of Salah what's the status of this individual? This is what we have one

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of the most controversial among Dharma and regards to this individual these individuals. They say that because this individual right now abandoned the essence and the assault the fundamental aspect of one of the fundamental of Islam. Like if they pray or eat if they pray Juma, they will argue for they make an argument for them. But if they're not even praying anything at all, so they abandon the battle, from its essence from a truth completely says, would that person be considered Kaffir? Some other mothers say yes, this individual is careful because that's called Khufu around. Like he is abandoning salah, completely abandoning the role of Allah subhanaw Completely. It's a rod like

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they're turning their back to Allah subhana wa Taala and that is considered dangerous behavior now.

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in the

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work with me, Doc Whitney, and other others narrate the hadith of Abu Hurayrah or the Allah one that he said someone asked messenger of Allah is the Hajj every year. He said, If I said yes, it would become obligated on you. And if it was obligated on you, you would not be able to do it. And if you were to abandon it,

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it you would become Catherine

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Leung pi

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narrative narrated by the way of

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Mormon. That he said Hamad bin Zayed told us from Abu Ammar ibn Malik and mockery from Abu Abu Abu

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I wouldn't sell Jaya joza on a bus. I will xojo from Ibn Abbas and I am sure that he ascribed it directly to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam that is I mean when they say I'm sure that he's actually driving down to a prophet Salah Salem it's an a technical expression and Hadith when you say somebody as a hobby says something

00:59:58 --> 01:00:00

and you are you kind of like suspicious is with

01:00:00 --> 01:00:27

was the word of the Sahaba himself? Or is it the words of the Prophet Salah Salem. So when they say y'all Pharaoh who which means is I'm sure that he's actually related to the prophets, Allah salah. I mean, it's not his words, but the statement that you're going to read next actually, the majority of the alumni, they say these are actually words of the Sahaba you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. I want to skip this part because we come up with cover this part saying that look, what is considered covered by abandoning what is not, if you go down what it says, well, Carla Ignalina will call even Ariana said.

01:00:29 --> 01:00:34

Even you even said, the group named

01:00:35 --> 01:00:52

because it paid 63 in the middle what it says even Arianna said, the group al Murgia, go ahead and Murgia called the act of abandoning the obligations, a wrong action, as if it were of the same status as doing

01:00:53 --> 01:01:45

an act which is forbidden, whereas they are not equal. Because intentionally doing something forbidden without declaring that it is permitted, is an act of disobedience. While abandoning an obligated free act, not out of ignorance, or without a valid excuse, is Cofer. The explanation of that lies in the affair of a bliss and the learned Jews who verbally affirmed the description of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, but did not act according to his Sharia. This is one of the most important questions that we need to ask ourselves. He's answering this question and he's bringing here the group of one of those classical sects of Islam in the past all merger and merger is a one

01:01:45 --> 01:02:04

of those philosophical sects that separated between Eman faith, and action. Like they say faith is in the heart action is extra. So therefore if someone is most is if someone has movement, their movement regardless what they do, regardless of what they do, good bad doesn't really matter doesn't affect their email.

01:02:06 --> 01:02:53

But as soon as they will, Gemma, they say no, that's not true. As you know, man doesn't know Eman your Eman increases with good deeds and go down with bad deeds. Now he's asking a question with the answer claim the by the merger what they say Terkel for them when demand Zilla to Kuba Mahana he says look, abandoning the Florida is equal in sin as committing committing a sin. So abandoned the Florida not praying is as bad as drinking wine and alcohol. He said the they say they're all equal because eventually this is not part of the faith or a man at all. So he's answering refuting because that's not true. What is a swan? This is not true. The Unruh kubel Maha Mudra hamadryas the Hillel

01:02:53 --> 01:03:08

Marcia, we're thankful for all the mineralogy and Akufo he's actually is answering the question, which one is more dangerous? Which one is more dangerous to abandon a farm? Or to commit a sin? What do you guys think?

01:03:09 --> 01:03:12

How many of you say abandoning a father is more dangerous than committing a sin?

01:03:13 --> 01:03:18

So you're telling me that abandoning Salah is more dangerous than killing an innocent person?

01:03:21 --> 01:03:21


01:03:24 --> 01:03:34

Did you guys understand what the question I asked you right now? Are you telling me if someone abandons five daily prayers, they're not they're worse. They're worse than someone who kills kills innocent people.

01:03:38 --> 01:03:49

I'm asking a simple question someone is spelling that the blood of an innocent people is that which one is more dangerous to abandon the five daily prayers or to spell the blood of an innocent person

01:03:51 --> 01:03:56

abandoned above daily prayers. So the spelling of a blood of an innocent person study is still easy.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:38

The five depressants keep you away from that right, Mashallah. You see, this is actually a question that Imams, not just in Ramadan. Many alumni they ask, because in our time and our time, what do people what do people view these are Madison these things? They think that committing these things like drinking alcohol or committing adultery, or Zina or even murder for example, is way more too dangerous and worse than not breaking the five daily prayers why because not prayer the five daily prayers I mean, that's a sin on their on themselves. They commit a sin against themselves. But when you go on you steal or you kill somebody, you've caused a sin, a damage to somebody else and that's

01:04:38 --> 01:04:58

much more dangerous. So he answered this he goes That's not true. Because no no abandoning a fob is worse than committing a sin. How is that he says that towards denticon whereby Anna Derek Fe M bliss valamar Elia who the Latina corabi Not in the V Celeste and Bella Sanam will a memory Beshara he said the example of this is a bliss

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

what does that

01:05:00 --> 01:05:22

God said bliss. He compares a bliss to Adam to Bliss and Adam situation. They were both, they were both given a specific commandment, one of them a commandment to abstain, and one of them a commandment to do. So it bliss was asked to do, what is your man to prostrate before Adam? So that was a form

01:05:23 --> 01:05:25

for what was the commandment of Adam?

01:05:26 --> 01:05:30

Not to eat from the tree. So what did Adam do?

01:05:31 --> 01:05:33

He committed a sin.

01:05:34 --> 01:05:43

Right committed a sin. But what did the police do? They abandoned the form. They abandoned the form. What's the difference here, because a form you need to do.

01:05:44 --> 01:06:03

As the same here you need to abstain there is no action needed from you stay away from it. But you broke that and you want to eat from it. So you made a sin over here. But you've been told to do this, and you don't do it. That's now abandoning affirm. Said because of that Adam, he is he made he committed a sin sought forgiveness, Allah forgive me was was over.

01:06:04 --> 01:06:10

But Iblees abandoned the form. And he was cast out of Mercy of Allah subhana wa Taala for eternity.

01:06:11 --> 01:06:44

This is how dangerous these things are. And I want you guys to convey this message to yourself and to the families and everybody else around you. Because nowadays, nowadays, unfortunately, we've seen a lot of people amongst us, the Muslims among brothers and sisters, they're good people in terms of the club that added that etiquette but they don't pray. They don't fast one Ramadan comes, they don't care about given Zika they don't even they don't even think about calculating their money to give Zika because for them it just like whatever I just give charity right and left is not sufficient. They need to understand that they need to fulfill their obligation that they owe to

01:06:44 --> 01:07:23

ALLAH SubhanA water in the form of Salah fasting, given the Zika and the hedge as well. So this is a mascara that's extremely extremely important we need to understand for him so he continues by saying actually la casa de la go ahead and is hack derived a proof that abandoning the prayer is covered because it was cool for on the part of iblees to refuse to prostate to Adam now and abandoning prostration to Allah is more serious. If Allah subhanaw taala cause bleeding out of His mercy because of one prostration Gemma imagine the person who refuse to prostrate before Allah subhana wa Taala all these regards 17 raka

01:07:24 --> 01:07:26

how many says Are there many

01:07:27 --> 01:08:04

assemblies for one search the for one search that he was banned from the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala so it's extremely, extremely dangerous. Yes. in Sahih Muslim there is from Abu Hurayrah the Allah one, that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, When the Son of Adam recites an idea of prostration and then prostates IBLEES moves away weeping and saying, always, oh is me, the descendant of Adam was ordered to prostate, so and so he prostrated and therefore, the garden is

01:08:07 --> 01:08:23

his, therefore the garden is his. I was told to prostate and I refused. And so the fire is for me, not now the last question Schelotto before it was over here. If somebody if somebody let's say they, they pray the five daily prayers,

01:08:24 --> 01:08:29

but they never play soccer, they fast. They fast, but they never praise.

01:08:31 --> 01:08:36

Can we can we say that this person right now is not Muslim? Like he's he's doing four or the five.

01:08:37 --> 01:09:02

That is the argument among many Halima, but the majority, they say as long as the shahada is still there, and Salah is still there. The person is still considered Muslim, but they're committing a major sin ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala for good amount of blood, I mean, Inshallah, to Allah. So, Inshallah, in regard to the questions, we're going to have our q&a session after Saudi Arabia, bin Laden, Azerbaijan, the QR code is going to be displayed out there. So if you have any question, please feel free to ask your question there Shannon.

01:09:03 --> 01:09:04

panicle over 100

01:09:10 --> 01:09:12

Allahu Akbar Allah like you

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