Yaser Birjas – Sever Punishment For Three People

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The use of gelato mudra as punishment for people who speak of their discomfort or don't want to speak up during the Day of Judgment is discussed, along with the use of "has a habit of gelato mudra" as a punishment for those who do not want to speak up. The importance of acknowledging the consequences of excess water and maintaining healthy behavior during hot weather is emphasized, along with the potential consequences of giving excess water to individuals. The transcript also touches on offenses in prior world empires, including a general rule called the "by the way" and a general rule called the "arrogance" that involves people being punished for comply with promises.
AI: Transcript ©
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There's Hadith present one of the

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very, very painful punishment that ALLAH SubhanA wa they're presenting on the day of judgment for special category of people. When you look at their sins and their offenses, they don't sound to be of a major thing to us. But Allah subhanho wa Taala that offense is great. So what are these three things? Hadith number 1835 And the other Saudi hand, the book of Allah Montura will Mala called the Book of miscellaneous a hadith of significant values. One of you read ratar o the Allahu Taala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Salah satin

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line, Kalima, hula, Yama, Yama, what I under religion, what I use a key him, all of whom either when

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the Prophet saw Sam says three categories of people, three categories of people, Lao Colombo, whom Allah Allah subhana wa Taala will neither speak on the day of judgment to them, nor purify them. And they will be there'll be a painful punishment for them. Three things Allah will not look at them. He will not speak to them. And he's preparing a severe punishment for them. Let's talk about these three things. Do you think this is a concern punishment not to look at you not to talk to you and expose the severe punishment? Absolutely. Absolutely. Remember children and parents. If you'd like to punish your child for misbehaving, what do you do as a parent? The first step and of course Mr.

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Right, what do you do? You look at them.

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They speak to you don't look at them.

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Why aren't you looking at what are you avoiding give them eye contact.

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So they can they can recognize that you're not happy with them. You're not pleased with them. And when Allah Subhana Allah does not look at these people. He is telling them, I'm not pleased with you.

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And everything that we're fighting for in this dunya is for what the GEMA Radi Allahu Anhu Mara Diwan, so we can get the pleasure of Allah Azza so he'll be pleased with us. That's the whole purpose of it right? You will come in here for a shower. We're gonna prefer staying all night and in Ramadan and all of us to gain the pleasure of Allah Subhana. Within here, Allah azza wa jal is not looking at these people in a manner that suits his majesty.

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The second thing called what you call him, is not speaking to them. He's not speaking to them. Your child is talking to you. Your child is talking to you and you not looking at them and not speaking to them.

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Like whatever they say you don't care. You also punish them with that silent treatment between husband wife as your mom.

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Right? Why aren't they talking to you even though you're talking to them? Because they're showing you their displeasure. And as a form of unica like punishment,

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as a reminder that you've you did something wrong. That's what it means. Paul, he says, A Walla Walla, Hamada, Aleem and on top of all of that, they will they shall receive a painful punishment may Allah preserve some desirable element. There is no doubt if ALLAH SubhanA wa has pleased with somebody who will look at them.

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If Allah speak with somebody, he will speak to them and hear the Hadith says whether you can live with Allah will not talk to them. However, there are some events in the hadith of Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam, and also in the Quran where Allah azza wa jal to speak into the non believer is of color Sophia wanted to limit his speaker to the people of Jan amigos, ik Sofia, like be humiliated. And don't talk to me in a manner that suits his Majesty What does that mean? So there are other matters here that different stations on the Day of Judgment, they will be turned on Allah subhana wa danas punishing people by by these threats, and sometimes you punish them by His Divine silence not

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talking to them at all.

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Similarly, sometimes you look at them subhanaw taala in a manner to His Majesty that actually it will be punishment for them and sometimes it would avoid looking at them so that they know that Allah subhanaw taala is not even paying attention to them. One of them I'm gonna leave there is received that painful punishment Who are these people? I'm sure right now we're all riled up is like Who are they?

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Who are they? And that's what has a habit of gelato mudra as the prophet Salla semirara So Allah tell us who are they generally him Nana explained them to us. We don't want to be one among these people. For God are Salah Salem, Rajon Allah for Lima and Bill Fela Yumna Ahmed, Sybil, he said Salah Salem, a man or a person who has spare water in the desert and he refuses to give it to the traveler. He refused to give it to the traveler.

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Someone in the desert and you have access to water excess water not bare minimum but excess water and refused to give it to the travel because the other half of the profits are awesome says a natural cow feed a lot. People are equally share partners in three things. He talks about people of the desert. He says one is water

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called Alma oh well hello, we're not water, pasture and fire.

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What does that mean? If

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Someone has access water has to share it. pasture is not just for animals for everyone's elements that's open for everyone in the desert. You can't say that's mine. Unless it's private property that's different. And third, if you have fire, someone come to you says, Can I have a torch? Please do can light fire someone else? You can't say no, that's my fire.

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Come on. I mean, what's what are you gonna lose with this? Give them a piece of that fire, let them to light another fire for themselves on the side and so on. So these are three things in here. The prophesy Sam says somebody who has excess water, and he's not giving it to one who's needed needing it in the desert. Why is that considered an offense or punishment? Because what is the consequence of not giving that excess water to the traveler?

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Exactly. Maybe it has served fatal?

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If not, at least you create an unnecessary hardship on this individual. Does that only happen at Desert?

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What about here? Besides just being desert, but what about?

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Not necessarily. Does it have to be in a desert? No. Whenever you have excess water and someone is in need of that water, you should share

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whether you're driving you're flying you're on a train anywhere if there's excess water, you should share that one. The second category the Prophet saw some said called War or you will die out Rajan still attend battle also for * of Allah Hidaka because our Kedah for sadaqa who were who are ready Derek, because someone a man that talks about transaction business right now. He says Mr. Raju run by Aradhana someone who, who sells a commodity to another person after the afternoon Salah and swears by Allah that he has he has bought it at a such and such price. And the buyer pays him accordingly. though in reality, it was not true. What does that mean as a man? Cheating in

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transactions simply cheating in transaction? So the profits are some give a specific description. Imagine it because someone comes after answer. Why after answer was mentioned over here, what's a special time about after answer some Allama that says because of what

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is the end of the day. But what is so special about it says because that's the time when the angel is taking shifts.

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So as the angel exchanger shift, there's a time when you need to do something good, right? Make sure the last thing that the angels carry with them from this from the for the day is something good you have done. And now this individual ends his record with what use are the name of Allah azza wa jal forcely. What a great offense over here. Under Armour they say because after Rasul Allah says, well, awesome. He swears by law, so it's a significant time as well to also Allah says half of the other Salawat wa Salatu was to make sure that you maintain Salawat you'll find daily prayers, particularly the middle one, and many orlimar they say the middle one is a Surah Surah glossa. So therefore,

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since the Prophet gave it that significance, this man in a virtuous time like this swears by Allah azza wa jal that I got this commodity for such and such and he's lying about it, and the other person believes

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Why did we believe this person for Khalifa the he was the name of Allah azza wa jal to make sure to facilitate that sale.

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And that's a great offense over and the Prophet SAW said, I'm also someone who had to say he used to after us or why, because it's a very kind of like, awkward time. People want are tired, exhausted the end of the day before the sunset, so when you go and you buy something from somebody, do you have the energy to bargain with them?

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You don't. So if you told me you got it for this, I'll trust you.

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So therefore, he is lying about this matter. That Are you allowed even to sell things with high price.

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Can you let's say I bought something for $10 Can I sell it for five for $50? If the market price is like this Bismil and sell it and you get $40 Mashallah Prophet, Allah, that's good business handler banner. Yes, you are allowed to accept in terms of necessities that will be different, but generally speaking, yes. And here if the man tells you can I get for 25 And you say, well, law he, I got it for 20.

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And you got it for five. That's a big line. So therefore, it's considered a big offense. And the third one the professionalism says called Waldron by Imam and law, you buy your elderly dunya, for now common Hava when laminata him in Harlem, me a famous African ally, and a man who gives a pledge to a leader that's basically in an Islamic system, when someone gives a pledge to a leader basically become like Jonnie Alba, between the Imam, the leader and the individuals. And this man out he gives the by I give the pledge to the leader, because he's intending to get something from the dunya out of it. He's not doing it sincere, given him his blood, you know, he's not sincere to the man.

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Rather, he just wants to get something out of it. And he says that was uncalled for now, however, if he got what he intends to get out of his blood

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he'll replace you fulfill his promise.

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But if he doesn't call Well, LMU men hello to him. And if you didn't get what he was promised he would be given, then he in this case, he would not follow that pledge, which means you breach that word pledge. And that's considered actually a major sin to breach the pledge, especially the village with the Imam mache Mahmoud talking about the leader basically, that's an a great offense. Nowadays, obviously, that system is different political system is different than it used to be before. So the concept pledge is not as, as it was before. So this is applied to the leaders of our time, suppose the democracies, which means there's a social contract, we selected you, because we trust you,

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you're gonna follow these guidelines. And if you don't have the right to object to rule, for instance, that's a little bit different system than it used to be for the same Hadees by the way, the Prophet SAW Selim, he mentioned other categories in other Hadith like a hated Muslim, the rubber stamp says, On the of the three categories of call for the same punishment, Allah will not look at them, he's not speaking to them. He's not going to, you're going to be punished on the day of judgment. He says God, almost below is the one who led his thought go loose below their ankles. And that's an argument among the Anima a difference of opinion. Is it for everybody? Is it someone who's

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only doing it as of arrogance, or, or not? That's a different story. But the purpose is, those who do so anonymously by HMR anyone who left his job, go lose our way down below their ankles, out of arrogance and show off. This person will be punished by that. The second category is ailment Nan, someone who keeps taunting people with his kindness.

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You give people something like with all due respect, happens and massages a lot. When people give and they keep telling you Well, I build this measure.

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You know, this is my money. Yeah, keep it

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don't give it to the President.

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If you're gonna give it give it for the sake of Allah and give it to the board and I'll give it to the Imam you go for the sake of Allah subhana wa Dannah keep taunting people with your cut with the generosity. That's not good. That's absolutely forbidden. It's also mentioned

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earlier one as well called a microphone.

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Hold on, Okay, Baba. Allah says that you say good word better than giving people charity and then start reminding them with that stuff. And the third category was mentioned about the one who's selling his commodities were in by the name of Allah knowing that he's been a liar. That's another category the Prophet sallallahu Sallam mentioned about these three people. And there are others actually, a hadith mentioned different categories. The point is, sometimes we look at some offenses to be light.

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And you don't think this is very major thing. Most of the points if someone has an extra bottle of water, they hide it in the bank and let the people go thirsty on the train. Or on the on the on the for example, the bus although you have much of plenty of water, you don't need all of that. That is an offence someone thinking that you know if I've extra fire in the desert, I'm not gonna give anybody that's also another offense. So make sure that whenever you think of what is considered haram wrong, don't look at how small that sin is. Look how great against whom that sin has been committed.

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That is ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada that will help you measure it and practice that I think shallot Ramallah has to protect us from all these offenses out of Bananaman. Allah Allah any questions?

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So the question is, is that hadith explicitly speaking about water, but does that mean maybe expand the meaning to a to wealth that will just say, the answer is water exclusively the water over here now?

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Allah is panic Allah Muhammad assured Allah Allah as the vertebrates Rahmani Rahmatullah teleworkers

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