Yaser Birjas – Taseel #37

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of proper etiquette and posture during eating, including washing hands and not using garlic. They stress the need to avoid filling one's stomach completely and avoid sitting on the floor for too long. The speakers also emphasize the importance of practice and learning to eat healthy, as well as avoiding waste and acknowledging healthy lifestyle habits. They stress the need for individuals to continuously improve their eating habits and acknowledge the importance of showing weakness and weakness in order to become humble moderately intelligent slave and prisoner.
AI: Transcript ©
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A lot of data

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and having a lot of data means that Allah has a number or kind of you know Muhammad Anwar Ali or SIBO seldom at the Sleeman Kathira and my my bad what coming back again to our to our seal class tonight at hamdulillah Brahimi. We're beginning the second part of the book of medical Kodama, Rahim Allah and of course I'm Nigel Cassidy entitled In English, the refinement of character. So for those who have the new book with them, I suggest that you write at the cover from the inside the inside cover, saying that the beginning of reading or we started reading on this Wednesday, didn't get to February 14 2024. Shaaban third 1445 Hijiri inshallah Alta so track exactly how you know how much

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time it takes you to finish the book inshallah. So start from the inside cover, write down that we start reading this book on Wednesday, this date, which is February 14 2024, Shaban said, 1445 fidgety, insha, Allah Allah if you'd like to say VRSC that's up to you as well to insha Allah has been delighted to work with Allah now. We're going to see that if you remember that the mandible Kodama himolla, divided his book to four quarters or four chapters, you could say, number one robola That Oberliga that which is the quarter specialized for devotional acts Ibadat Salah, the secret of Salah the sector of fasting and anybody that the second part is going to talk now about traditions

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customs and also what is considered to be etiquette and adapt. That's why this transition was called the refinement of character.

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Then the third one would be en el Malika these are marriage that ruin someone's Iman and last one will be inshallah Allah the the, the the matters that will actually revive the Eman and therefore unable to Allah subhana wa Taala so shallow della tonight we're going to begin with book number two, the refinement of character and starting with chapter one. And chapter will be on page what pages Exactly? The etiquette of etiquette 13 Okay, so page 13

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which is the ethics of eating the ethics of eating now just before we start the reading, Inshallah, Allah quickly, if you look at the chapter one and chapter two, or book one and Book Two, basically, chapter one is on the ethics of earrings, like he's talking about a dab of food,

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eating the food gathering around it, or what is really to it. The second part, the second chapter is going to be actually etiquette of

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marriage, and what's related to marriage. And why these two things he began with, because these are the two most important things that people actually it matters to them. And that is usually the shower to affirm the desire of eating and drinking, which is the belly and also the desire, of course, to be intimate. That's why it's extremely important to learn that the right etiquette to do that. Although we'll have the lunch consider that instinct when you're hungry you eat when you have a desire to become intimate, but even these two things has been regulated by the Sunnah and the practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is why he began with this matter. It's

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because it's one of those most dangerous things where it's more of a dangerous thing. Why is that because if you eat haram, Allah protect us from this terrible irony. The person has ruined. So therefore eating Halal is important. And now since you're eating halal, it's not just about eating halal, and also eating it with the right etiquette. So what is the etiquette of eating and that's exactly what he's gonna be talking about tonight inshallah Tara Bismillah Bismillah R Rahman Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah Imam Ibn Kodama Raja Rahim Allah. He says the etiquettes adopt to be observed before eating when eating and what is recommended after eating the first category. So

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before we go that said that when it comes to the etiquette and the other, of observed of eating, there are three things to observe that etiquette before you eat while you eat. And then after you're done. So three levels. The first thing is what do you need to do to prepare for eating? What do you do while eating? And what do you do when you're done eating? Let's see what he says best. What are the first category the first category this pertains to the etiquette before eating? Now this includes washing the hands before eating as a Christian, the Hadith for leaders always centered on them. Now he did not reference the Hadith itself but the hadith is actually was mentioned in certain

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video the Tirmidhi Rahim Allah Allah, when in which one of the Sahaba de la han who happened to be the richest man for as a matter of fact, he himself he observed, and he read in the Scripture before so he read, he said, jasola I read and the Torah and the Scripture he has in his hand back in the days and Nevada palm oil will do Coppola who said I read and the Torah that it says that one from the blessings of the food is that will do before you eat. Now the word will do doesn't necessarily mean they will do we do for Salah, the reference to this basically purification that's what it means. The Purification which is in this context means to wash the hands. So the mother said the

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meaning of Bordeaux over here in this context is actually why

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washing their hands. He says God, I read that there are so Allah that it was to do that before you you eat. So the prophets of Allah Allah wa sallam says for Cara barakato time, and we'll do a couple of who will will do better, because actually the blessings, the blessings of food, is to wash your hand or wash up so before and after. So he added towards mentioned the scripture to do it afterwards. Although the Hadith in terms of its authenticity is a weak narration, with narration, but as we have learned already, some of the Allama they accept these weak narrations if they're not very, very weak, number one, number two, it's a matter of etiquette, not a matter of establishing

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any specific ruling. So observing it definitely is, is needed. And today, specifically, we know the importance of wash your hands before you eat, before you hand something to somebody else. And as you know, when you go Subhanallah to the hospital or anywhere else, around PayPal, it's important to keep your hands clean, so that when you touch things, you will be spreading germs, it's very important that we do that before you eat and after you eat. That's not

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the food should be placed on a sofa gronckle on the ground, for this is closer to the way of Allah Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, then raising it on a table Majda it is also more indicative of humbleness.

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So what does that mean as a man go and sell all your dining tables, right? So that's not so nice stuff, or cut all the legs of your tables are made for them down to the ground. Now, this is not necessarily that visits wajib it's obligatory that you eat on the floor. As for the etiquette of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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it was never actually the purpose of some was never known to eat Allah Allah. And the Hadith of the Prophet SAW. That's about the Prophet SAW Selim Nemea. Couldn't it be Salah Sam, Allahu, Allahu Allah Sakurada the Prophet even ever use one, what are Sakurada so one is those those tables, they're not actually dining tables, but they're kind of like about one foot above the ground. I don't know what they call them specifically, but it's different cultures, we'll call them

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kind of like a small sofa or something like that. So that table is basically the even that table the professor's didn't have. So when they eat, usually eat, you know, straight on the floor, does that mean they put the food on the floor itself? No, they have usually some sort of like a leather,

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piece that they put below, or sometimes it's made out of the LGs, which is basically the palm tree leaves. So they, they make these these trays, and they use them as their own. So first off, the food falls, if a morsel falls off your hand or the plate, it falls on that sofa. So it's still ugly, you can still pick it up and eat it as well, too. But again, that is not necessary as long as it's considered wajib and mandatory. So if somebody use the table, it's not haram is still permissible, and it's okay now.

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He should sit at the Supra as it is spent on the ground, raising his right leg and sitting on his left now, he should contend to eat in honor of strengthening oneself in obedience

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to Allah subhanaw taala the blood stop others so because we skipped one important aware, so he should sit at the sofa, which means when you sit down on the ground, you need to make sure that you you sit in a specific position. And he described that position to Prophet Salah Salem by raising the right leg and sitting on the left one. Do you guys know how that looks like? Can you try that?

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That's the one yes. And now how you going to eat keep it like that. That's how you're going to eat now.

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I know but try use your hand tried to reach the ground and eat how would you do that.

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Now what's the point of raising your left your left actually your right leg which means your knee is up and your left your left foot is on the ground or your leg on the ground? What's the point of that? So you don't sit sit down mashallah spreading your your stomach and it completely and then whatever you put in is gonna keep taking it because there's no bottom to it now. But when you raise your right leg, you kind of like put some pressure on that stomach. So there's a there's some sort of like a space has been eliminated, I would say. So whatever you eat is not going to be to the full of your stomach and that's why sometimes when you eat like this, and I see that on Amazon usually

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when people eat like this, and they realize okay, but there's still some food in the place what do they do? They put that leg down on the spreader mashallah their stomach to fill up more? Not the opposite, not like say Okay, so I'm full now. Now it's like well, there's there's plenty of food on the plate. So Bismillah let me get some extra space. So the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW said the meaning of that position actually, is to avoid filling the stomach completely. It was a matter of fact, there's another another way of sitting. Another way of sitting for the profits that are settlement comes to eating his food, and that's a core facade. All conference is a crouching down

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without considering on the floor. Ken, if I might

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display that you guys would look like this.

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So the first position that we learned is this one, right? So when you eat Bismillah

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you eat Bismillah and you have your hands, right, you can reach that out. The second one right now is actually a cold facade, just crouching down like this, and they eat without sitting on the floor.

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Now when would they usually do that? When they were traveling in a hurry, there doesn't have time to eat and sit down and mashallah have any cuisine to eat? Not like us, the baraka ramen. Why is that because in that tradition and their culture, they actually they eat, to live.

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But in our culture, what do we do?

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We live to eat.

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So you have to have you on a special menu. And especially, of course, you know, first course second course and 10 course and snack in between all that kind of stuff. That's a big difference. So that's what they always actually eat on the go, they don't have time to sit down and spend, you know, two hour just finishing a meal. For them a meal is done and few minutes. They eat it even some that when they're traveling, they used to eat while they're walking, even I don't even have time to stop because of the desert. If because you want to just enjoy your meal, you're gonna sit down every few hours just to have a nice meal for two, three hours probably or one hour, you're going to die in the

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desert. So they keep catching, moving and going. So that's paler. It's an indication that ed in itself, it's supposed to be for a purpose, which is what now he's going to be talking about. So he's saying, Look, you need to eat sit down like this. But why? Why do I sit do need to sit down at the stone to remind yourself, you're not just eating just for the sake of eating, you're eating for purpose, and that's why it has to be conscious eating, why do we eat he should intend to say he shouldn't turn he should intend to eat in order to strength in order of strengthening oneself in obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala that's the first one. Because it should, your intention should

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be that you eat in order to strengthen yourself to be able to perform that, ah, I need to eat food so I can wake up for failure. So I can have strength in sha Allah, Allah to fast the next day or even to fulfill all the obligation that you did Allah subhanaw taala instructed me words such as my salah, taking care of my parents, my spouse, my children, all these things that I need to do, I need to have the strength for that. And I can't do this if I don't have the proper nourishment for that. So when you eat, doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy what you eat.

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Can I enjoy what I ate with intention also of having the star Absolutely. Even the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he used to enjoy a special means Do you guys know what was some of the favorite dishes of the prophets of Allah Salah

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terms of in terms of the meat, it's actually the shoulder. The Prophet says and we love the meat but what type of meat what kind of what style of the meat he would like salatu wa salam ala Believe it or not barbecue

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now all the brothers mashallah smiling already. Soon that is barbecued and right. Because the prophets awesome used to eat it actually. And one time the Prophet was invited to answer his house. As they were sitting there. They start smelling the barbecue from outside. The Prophet says I'm turned to the Sahaba next to me he goes, lala land like I guess he knows that will have barbecue will have barbecue. He knows that we know will have barbecue. It's okay. And even the Prophet Simon Says Muslim also he was served barbecued meat in the masjid. And he had in his hand a knife as he was cutting and serving the Prophet Salah Salem serving to the people. Then Bilal comes out Rasul

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Allah time for Salah it's time for Salah. Now the Prophet says and he said to one of the Sahaba says Call Now we'll need a 16 Give me the knife. So Sahaba in the Hadith who was not from from that area, he said it was the first time I hear the word 16 because we used to call it in our culture, he used to call it Medea module for the 16 or like saying like a dagger. And they call it sick kin which means knife. So that's some of the etiquettes as well. So the point is a Professor Sam had favorite food and he liked it. He also liked a fried, which is the type of bread crumbs of bread sometimes. And then you you soak it with the meat broth, sometimes you'd have meat with it, sometimes you have

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actually vegetable with it. And then once it's absorbed everything that bread absorbs everything, then they start taking the current with their hands, and they eat it. They call to eat and I'm sure every culture has some sort of a dish similar to that whatever they call it. So the Prophet had favorite food. So even though he's eating it is enjoying it, but still the intention to keep it I'm doing it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala because I need to strengthen my body to worship Allah Allah now.

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So as to be obedient through food and not to seek luxurious living only a sign that is indeed is once a sign that is indeed is once intention is when when one only eats what surfaces without filling his stomach. So he says what's the what's the sign that you're eating for? Your eating?

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To strengthen your body not eating for the luxury aspect of eating, because when you eat, you eat enough meaning sufficient for you, without over filling your stomach without over filling your stomach. And what does that mean? He explained that to heighten a beer salad coming next in shallow data, the Hadith of the Prophet saw somebody says,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam said, no human being has ever filled a container worse than his own stomach, the son of Adam needs to need no more than some morsels of food to keep up his strength. Doing so he should consider that a third of his stomach is for food and water footprint, and 1/3 for breathing, numb. Now this is the process of describing that if you're going to have to fill your stomach he says our seven mammal Abner Adam raw, uncut, Sherman Buttner, son of Adam never felt any vessels worse than his stomach. And as a matter of fact, today, even our culture, obviously, the medical

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understanding of the matter, we know that the stomach is the Subhanallah, the entity of all diseases you could think of. So therefore, you watch what you eat, the professor said you shouldn't be filling that vessel at all. However, if you had to, if you had to make it full, then divided to three, three thirds 1/3 for your food 1/3 for your drink. 1/3 for breathing, again, 1/3 for your food, one day for a drink and 1/3 for breathing. Now he's going to explain here, we'll come to the subject of activity. How do you know that? How do you know that you have reached? How do you know that you have Richard third, basically of eating the food. Because when you stop, stop eating, while

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you still have a desire to eat more.

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Like you need to stop eating when you have a desire to eat more. Because if you stopped eating after you have no more desire to eat more, because now you become busy, lethargic. And these guys thought the sugar has hit in your head and that's it that you're done then there is no room even for water anymore, right? So you stop eating, when you still have desire to eat more. Look, what about the leftover? What do I do, then throw it away? Now take it home, eat it later, keep it in the fridge and don't throw anything. The idea is that you need to stop while you have desire to eat more. I know in some cultures, they say no, no, it's haram for you to deprive your nurse from some that

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desires. Now that's probably maybe

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your mom told you that because she doesn't want to waste any food. All right. But there is no such sunnah that you need to continue to eat because your neffs is following it. And it's halal food that you know, stop eating. When you have desire to eat more. Remember, this is your mom, which means you need to stop taking what?

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Second and third and fourth, right? But as a chef, that's all you can eat. Well, that's the problem is

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that is the problem. Now I know probably you all heard that the joke that someone when I was told about this, he said What if everyone was a third, right? Like my third different than your third. So what is your third is probably maybe just one more song for me. So they had to eat even more. And subhanAllah some people, they don't even leave any room for breathing.

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And that's dangerous. And I remember actually we had that that one time we visited. It's a joke and reality as a matter of fact, one martial art Algerian brother to Baraka Rahman Yeah, this algebra, they have a specific tradition. Basically, when you visit somebody, traditionally what they do, they have

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some different layers of plastic layers. And they put the food vessel on the first layer. And then eventually, when you when you eat the first course of the meal, they take that food off, and then they take one of those spreads off. So if you want to know how many courses you're going to be served, counting 123457 Right. So you can rush in your stomach for Danny. We didn't know that. So my friend and I were invited to his house. Mashallah. So we go there. And he brought, the first article was soup with bread. And we know we all students, so we thought is brought like us. So that's what they can serve. So we ate the whole soup and the bread. And then he took that off, he took that

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plastic off. And then he brought some salads, or other Smilla. So we had the salad handler finished the whole plate. And he took that plate that thing off. And then he brought now the main course, the meat and the stuff came down and just like are you serious?

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Like why don't you tell us man, I don't have room for this anymore. He goes, No eat it. So we add a little bit and he takes it off. And he brought the sweets, whatever. That's eventually the last course he got actually some fruits. Because Bismillah gets something I said no, no, man, I can't do this. So he said he grabbed a banana. He goes, try this one. I said God, I can't. There is no room. No, I can't breathe anymore. So he told me he has a look into this joke. He says somebody did this to a guest before and they will came to the banana Park. And the guest said i can't i There's no room for it. He goes, Why don't you go outside

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Put your finger in your mouth, throw up a lot of it, and then come and eat the banana. Because if I had a place for a finger, I have put a banana instead.

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There is no room for the finger to put into the mouth either hands. So yeah, some people they eat to the rim.

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They eat to the rim watered find his way down and breathing it doesn't matter. So please don't follow those models, traditional cultural models, rather for the son of the Prophet salaallah salah, stop eating when you still have desire to eat more, which means when it comes to cooking, we need to cut down our cook and actually to even Subhanallah two thirds of what we cook regularly.

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Two thirds there is some there was not mentioned over here actually in this in this book about the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW so when it comes to food,

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or the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam they never had left over.

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Gemma they never had leftover. What does that mean?

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I mean, just go to go to your fridge tonight before you go to sleep, go to your fridge and open.

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See the leftover that you have in your fridge.

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One is from noodle waves, and one from Hydra mouth and one box from whatever right, all these different cuisines that you ate somebody take left over I kept it in the fridge Subhanallah and it's not going anywhere.

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Be careful with that because the time will come when you realize oh this is too old maybe went bad and Subhanallah you throw food away and you waste an AMA so therefore if you can cut your meals in terms of cooking, that's great unless of course you make a meal prep and then you have for the whole week or whatever as long as you eat that when you throw it away you should be fine but cut them actually down so you can save a lot of that inshallah tomorrow cotana

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unnecessary requests requisite of his of this intention near his that one does not reach his hand towards the food if he's not hungry and lifts his hand before his full doing so he dispenses with doctors now that's a medical thing. He says if you ask a doctor, they will tell you that you shouldn't be eating when you don't need to eat. But that's again, it's the difference between them and us today. For us we eat even if we're not hungry, because for us eating is not about the food. It's about what the enjoyment of it. It's not like I need to eat. But for them they only ate when they need to eat. And there is a very famous statement in Arabic back then they said called Nana

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Coleman Lerner Kulu Hata Anna Julia, with our colonel Anushka he has we have people we are people, we only eat when we're hungry. And when we eat whenever we want to eat or fill or whatever fill our stomach. And that's the healthy way. It is indeed the healthy way of eating well, of course, what we call it today organic, organic food. That's what they used to eat back then it was the natural meal that they had on these days. Now.

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Dedicate also includes being content with any sustenance that is available, when he should not be literally no matter how ready the food is. And he should do his best to have many hands partake in the meal, even if it be just the hands of his spouse and children. So there are two records or mentioned over here says one of them is that when it comes to the subject of the food, never ever, never ever looked down or below or whatever food that you have in your house, never the Prophet sallahu wa salam as in the Hadith marhaba Rasulullah sallallahu sometimes called the Prophet Salla sermon never ever criticized

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food never finished the who were in curry Hotel. If you liked it he will eat if he didn't he will just stay quiet and just move on. And even sometimes we know that the profits or sums household never had like I said leftovers maybe few times probably they had something they used to call a knuckle knuckle which is basically leftovers and the profits that was uncanny Jubu knuckle if there is left over he's happy with it. He's happy with it. Now today we have some people mashallah the food is not fresh. Hola Mustang, they make a mess in the house that they have to have a fresh meal for Iftar fresh beautiful Sahara fresh meat in between. And therefore there is no way that you can

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eat something from yesterday. For them that's a stop for like and eat that stuff anymore. That's it, it's over. Although we know that some meals sometimes actually they're better than next day right? But this one over here. The Prophet SAW Salem if they had a knuckle he would like it. Also from the example how the Prophet didn't have left over to their home in their homes. is sometimes he would come and he would say hello and welcome Tom. Do you have something to eat? If they say man dinner ill I'll have what's called salad. You know what I'm salad. Vinegar. What do we use vinegar for?

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It seasoning right? We use a seasoning or salad dressing basically. But for her she said manda illogical and the prophets Allah Salah he didn't want her to feel bad, right? So it's also called near Emily Danielson. It's the best dip Bismillah bring this bring the * and some bread

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it so they would dip the bread in the vinegar and eat it. That's a meal. Can you imagine?

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Um For us who who makes this their dinner regimen but that was a meal for the Prophet Salah Salem Subhanallah one of my friends in Medina University is mashallah illogical

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I was I was always amazed by his choice of meals mashallah he likes to have his dinner used to be ketchup.

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Serious the ketchup, and I'm like, Man, ketchup goes with fries because none of that he brings a ketchup he squeezed some in a small plate. Then he add olive oil to it some salt and pepper and he brings bread instead. Bismillah let's eat. And I'm like, Man, are you serious?

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But Subhanallah well, it tastes good though. Admittedly, it is good. But that was his dinner. You did it. That was his dinner. I'm just like, amazed how how Subhanallah it's interesting. But that in mind would the example of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that even this is considered meal? Today, you guys are gone, you grab, you go and get a meal from these fast food for example, stores and restaurants? And what did they give you an entire bag of mayonnaise or mustard or ketchup? And what do you do with it?

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You throw it away.

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Please don't do that.

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Please don't do that. First of all, don't order it. If you don't want to take it with you. You're not going to use it, keep it for them. Don't Don't ask for that. If they give you without you asking for it, my recommendation my suggestion for you is to buy some of these empty bottles where basically keep it in the fridge and label them. So every time you get some of these extra ones, what do you do take some time cut that actually that pouch and squeeze it into that bottle. So that at least nothing goes waste and nothing goes panela and that reminds me with the situation brothers or some other

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I mean Subhanallah for us, this is something that goes to waste and no one really pays attention to it and our brothers assist and rather they're looking for whatever that they can sustain their body with May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for the mural Bananaman. Now

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the second category this pertains to dedicate during eating can you stop us a little bit because I forgot the second one. The second one he says that part of the etiquette as well. In addition to not belittling the food at all, part of it is the Chick fil A the Allah Tom like having many people to eat together. So Halloween now grown up in a culture where everybody eats their food from their own plate. It's a hygiene issue. It's etiquette issue. It's you know, whatever, right? But the time of the Prophet, Salah Salem and even in some other cultures still in the tradition of the Muslims as well, people they come and they eat from the exact same dish together. And there's nothing wrong

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with that have a lot of damage. There's baraka and then ERATION here is that hydroclimate Kathrada Allah Hill ad, which is disputable. It's that the best food is where the more hands are gathering around it. So the more you end the hands are in the food, the better it is. So sometimes, every now and then if you're at home with your own family, maybe not necessarily with other people, but with your own family. It's good that you put the whole food in one tray and everybody actually eats from the same tray for the sake of the baraka mashallah, now.

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The second category this pertains to the etiquette during eating, he should begin the meal with the words in the name of Allah and ended with praising Allah subhanho wa Taala he should eat with the right hand, take small morsels and choose food well, he should not stretch his hand to take another mouthful before swallowing the first and not criticize the food. So this is now what you're eating. And this will infer that from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he was eating with Amara and selama, his stepson from Santa Monica la Anna Amara was a kid. So as he was eating with the Prophet sauce, and his hand was going all over the dish. So the Prophet says that he grabbed his

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hand pulled back he says, Carla, Hola, my dear son semula, say Bismillah what will be a minute eat only with the right hand, will call me Malik eat from afar right in front of you. Right in front of you don't dig deep inside. So what does that what does that mean? Of course, you know, I was here that when you eat, you say Bismillah. When you finish you you're done with Alhamdulillah.

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Using the left hand is not actually good. And that not that it's a charm if you had to cut something with your left hand, but it's better not to use the left hand. As a matter of fact, in some cultures, I don't know about other cultures, but in the Arab Bedouin culture, using your left hand in the food is really really really bad.

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And you could really get Yanni get beaten for it. So be careful if you ever eat wood bed, because what is the left hand is foraging

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for harmful things in the bathroom and all that kind of stuff. So you're not going to put your left hand in the food of the people. So what am I gonna do I'm gonna have to rip a piece of bread or a meat from from the from the thing on the table. They said what do you do usually actually, you you grab the piece from one side you ask the one sitting right across from you says grab this from me and then you put it together. So whoever gets the bigger piece Mashallah.

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Get the blessing and right or sometimes use the right hand, and they just kind of break it with the right hand only. However, if you eat in your own dish, that's fine. But don't eat with the left hand, use the left hand just to cut the piece. And that's it. But if you gotta you got to use the is the dish is going to be forgetful for other people, or that same loaf of bread other people actually using it. So you only use your right hand. Do not use your left hand with that now

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he should eat of that, which is the closest to him, unless the food is of different types like fruits. What does that mean? If a few have a dish that is only one one item like what dates for example, dates, what do you do in this case? Eat right in front of it. But if you have grapes and apples and oranges on the plate, what do you do? They have to eat whatever comes in front of you. And what if it was kiwi? I don't want to kill you. You can skip to the next one which is apple? Yeah, you can this case it's okay. You should do that.

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The evidence to this is as a matter of fact, isn't it Anna so Dylon, he said I once at one time I saw the Prophet SAW Sam's hand going into the dish following the pieces of a double. And a double bar is like squash or pumpkin. And he says then he said I started loving the pumpkin and Aduba why would the proposers have kind of gone after the peace of a debate? Because it was a variety in the same dish. So the problem was talking those those particular pieces, it should be okay, inshallah Tada. Now, what if it was? If it was liquid such as soup, for example, are you going to put your hand in there? Now, if it's your own dish, that's up to you. But definitely you follow the etiquette

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based on what is reasonable in that locality. Now, he should eat with three fingers. And if food falls on the ground, he should pick it up. So three fingers, what are these three fingers? These ones? Right? So that's you grab basically the if the food was solid food, again, like dates, for instance, if you eating stuffed zucchini, or grape leaves, right? And speaking from out upside down it so that in this case, you use three fingers. But what if it was something that is not necessarily consistent like this? Or sort of like that, like rice? For instance? Breanna,

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are you gonna use a three fingers? You're gonna go hungry on all night? Or you're gonna spend all your night trying to eat right? So what do they say? They say it's okay to use more than three in this situation. But you push the food into your mouth with three fingers. What does that mean? Can I am I allowed to use my whole hand and am I digging into the rice, and then take a scoop of rice and then kind of start making a ball out of it. So if you do that, then you push it basically with three fingers. That's the center of this. That's what an understanding of the snap. And if the foot falls on the ground, eat it.

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Eat the food. Especially of course, if it was solid food that still falls delicate date. For example, the Prophet SAW Selim recommends for us, if the food falls on the ground, she has called for Luma Tannehill other, take off whatever it falls on, sticks to it, and then eat it. But if of course it gets messy, and the place is not healthy or dirty, then this is just avoided. But move it remove it so that don't people don't step on it. Or don't God goes into the path of other people now, he shouldn't blow on hot food rather than wait patiently until it is easy to eat. Now, what does that exactly mean?

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If you have for example, soup, and it's hot, so do you go blow into the pool until it gets cold? The answer is no, you shouldn't be doing that. That's not adequate. And it's a health issue as well too. So therefore wait for it until it cools off and then you can eat it in sha Allah with the baraka Tala. Now, he was not pleased it's in the stones together in one dish called bring them together in the palm of the hand. But can we stop over a little bit?

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Man, I mean, this is one of the things I just it gives me really any trauma Ramadan.

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When you go and you would like to break your fast with people, and you want to grab you want to grab the date from the dish and someone puts the headstone in the same place where the dates are. Like are you kidding me? Now you just get out of your mouth you provide here on the samplers. This is not good. This is awful. And I hope you guys can start to shallot are making good habits and teach other people these good habits to not allow people to use the same plate where the date is served and put the date on on the template. Some people they want to be polite so what do they do? They put the date on on the edge of that plate. Like mashallah, it's not Johnny on the plate. It's just on the

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edge. So yeah, at least you know, yeah, I mean, I can see this alive on it.

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That's where it's actually it's problematic. So take it off, don't put on the same plate. Keep it away. So therefore, what do I put it? Let's see how he says how you eat it now. Rather, should please do it from his

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out into spam then and then discard them how

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and he says this applies to everyone. This applies to everything which tools for seeds similarly, okay, so I brought you some examples over here.

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If anyone wants to practice I'll just hand you guys the bag and you can try it yourself inshallah.

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Allah can you handle?

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Anyone wants to try Tor feel free to do this with it. So what does that mean? He says next time when you eat the dates or anything that has actually stolen such as olives, for example, all of for instance, or what?

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Cherries I need that has stones, he says, don't eat it, and spit that stone in your hair right in your hand, especially the right hand. So don't do this. You either Bismillah

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don't do this

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because what happened here right now?

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Yeah, contamination, you put your saliva on your fingers, even if you throw this away properly.

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But we're gonna do next.

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Grab another one. You don't like that when you touch it, it's not soft enough, you got to the other one.

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And the third and the fourth one man spreading all your germs all over the place. So in order to avoid that, and that's a very common mistake. I've seen a lot from people who said the way you do it when you eat the date. Here's how you do it. I want you to practice this if you have a date with you. So you eat it and when you're done with the left hand

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like this.

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So you basically because actually here

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on the finger, and then basically you throw it away whatever it needs to be thrown away.

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So again, that's the proper etiquette. So have it in your mouth.

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You put it here on those fingers and then basically take it away. Now if you don't want to do this, can I put it actually in my left hand? Yes, you can take it out put it in your left hand and then you throw it away with a left hand but do not use your right hand to pick the dead stones at you from your mouth that's not adequate is not right. I will clear it

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so practices under Madonna shallow towel

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What about breaking that actually that date and then take the discs on first before you put in your mouth well among the Arab culture don't do that

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why that? Why saw

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anyone knows why he shouldn't be doing this

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because basically you're telling him you're there is no good. I want to make sure there's nothing in there. So what do I eat it with some stuff in there. What do I do with that stuff? Protein Shalaka

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wouldn't kill you.

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So and also the other culture as well as when you start doing this. They said better in front of the timer once you start breaking the dates that mean you're now you're not hungry anymore.

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You're not hungry anymore. Again, it's not a matter of haram haram Khaled it's just a matter of just general etiquette Inshallah, let's finish this quickly. Shala okay. The person should not read much while eating as this is medic, as this is medical desired. Well, that's something from their culture. But today actually I read on the subject said no, it's always good that you have fluid and water with your food, it helps with the digestion. So that's different from the culture now, as for the manners of drinking, he should take the vessel with the right hand and he should look into the vessels before drinking. He should drink it in sips rather than in goes for it has been rated that

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early radula who said drink water in sips do not come down for liver ailments are brought about by calpain we don't know about the last part of the of the statement of the law and order. But we know it's not an etiquette to grab the cup and just kind of like jagged all the way down. rather take sips and the brothers or some sunnah was three sips he would drink some and then he just breathes out and then drink some and he breathes out and there is a third time so

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so three times would be would be okay that's the sort of the profits or the loss of them not one should not bring one standing up and shooting three breeds when drinking. Well in terms of standing. The Prophet Salah Salem is most of a sunnah was what he said he was sit down to drink, but there were at least three reports where the prophet SACEM was seen actually drinking while he was standing one and Arafa when it was drinking the milk and one who was Sindri consumption maybe because it was too crowded so there is no room to sit down. And one he was drinking mentioned and model AKA a bag there was actually a hand to the wall so obviously you couldn't take it off. So he had to drink it

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while the informant while he was standing still Allah said which means it's permissible, but it's better for you to be seated. Now.

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It occurs in the to say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to breed three times in a vessel now

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This hadith means that he used to breathe while drinking from a vessel after after taking it away from his mouth first, not that he breathed inside the vessel. So what we said is as your drink and you take a sip and you breathe outside and then they were again now the third category this pertains to the recommended etiquette after eating, he should stop eating before becoming full and then lick his fingers What's the meaning of luck and the fingers right now obviously if you're using your your your food actually touching the your hand touching the food, then you will lick the fingers before you use them and the or the tissue to wipe it off clean. Why so because you don't know whether

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Baraka is as a professor submission the bulk of the food could be in the the amount of food that you have on your finger. That could be what the baraka is actually it's very important to keep that in mind inshallah Ghana. Now the other the other thing is a professor Larson. He said also the generation failure luck Ha, are you will

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you need to lick your fingers first? or have someone else lick your fingers for you? Now, who could that person be a drummer? Don't ask your brother next to

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the whatever they say the reference over here is what is considered acceptable like what? For example, sometimes out of love between husband wife, right? Or maybe your kids for example, you love your kids, you got their hands for that. And you lick their fingers, for example, that is acceptable, right? But you're not going to tell the guy next to say hey, man, I'm full. Can you lick my fingers for me? Please? That wouldn't look nice. That wouldn't sound right and asthma. So therefore keep it for selfish. Ah, is it mandatory? No, it's not. But it's better at least to keep the back of the bomb always usually take all the back of the food chalazion now he didn't waste the

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vessel clean and praises Allah subhanaw taala so what does that mean here towards the vessel actually cleaned or the blade clean. If you can use your fingers, that's good. If not take a piece of bread and then actually clean it. So it was a piece of bread make sure to wipe it off clean and then handle you're done. Sometimes you look in some people's plates, there are a lot of actually food scattered. If you if you can scoop them together it becomes 123

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Most of the foods Subhanallah so make sure that you keep it clean inshallah so that now it is ready that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam said Allah subhanaw taala is pleased that a seven eat something and then praises him for it, drinks something and then praises him for it. Then he should wash the smell of the meat and it's an it's grease from his hands. So the Prophet saw Sam says in the Hadith that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala in Allah

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Yoda analyzed and yet called Al Medallia Versova Medallia that Allah has please was someone who eats and drinks in our cell hamdulillah and praise Allah subhanho wa Taala for that the last instruction he said, then make sure that you wash your hands off clean from whatever left over from the food. What if you don't have water? What do you do in this case, use dirt, use the grass, use whatever you can of any material to try and do your best to remove the smell or the best one from the hand that's that is weakened until you have access to water and then you wash them clean and shallow the water Kotar I hope this is the beginning of shall have our etiquettes make sure to use that inshallah to

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Allah these etiquettes at home and teach your family and your children Baraka love it

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will go inshallah to Allah to the next book we took a little bit longer on this one because it's the first session inshallah from the new one

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I'm Shall I wouldn't have much longer left and this in this hadith. So we're going to cover this quickly Shall

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we are on page 332 For those who are following with us with the book, page 332 The second paragraph where it starts with his saying no that helped us with steadfastness

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loud hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Katarina Muhammad Anwar earlier CIBJO cylinder steaming Katha mama bad we're still reeling from Hadith number 19. Hijab and Ambassador the LAO Taniwha Yeah, William F. Elia, my dear boy, observe Allah's limits. Allah subhana wa Taala preserve you. So we came to the point number nine out of 11 points mentioned the Hadith. And that is what Allah and masa masa Bismillah

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Allahu alayhi salam, he said saying that Allahu alayhi wa sallam know that know that help is with steadfast and with steadfastness is in accordance with His words as well as the nail Winona Anahola Apple law he can mean if he attained Calida in whatever theater and Kathira tambien Hola. Hola whom I'll solve it in. But those who are but those who are sure that they were going to meet Allah said how many small forces triumph over a greater one by Allah's permission Allah as well.

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With the steadfast and his words for economy, Camilla tune Sameera to a yearly Bhoomi attain, where he can come Alpha yoga leagoo alfine VAs Nila Woodlock mouse sabihin if there are 100 of you who are steadfast They will overcome 200 And if there are 1000 of you they will overcome 2000 With Allah's permission, Allah is with the steadfast on what to ask some ill elderly men of benioff's with what with what did you find people to answer with steadfastness. When we met people, we we withstood soften them as they withstood us whenever there was a lot of Bibles a lot of Omaha Muhammad Anwar it was psycho cinema bad. What we learn from these from these ayat right now and for the statement,

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manga Captopril a lot and our Da is as you can see Allah subhana wa Taala made the numbers are irrelevant, made the numbers when it comes to facing an enemy completely irrelevant. Coming fair to budget novella but further incoherent and beaten in LA nila, how many times a small group of people one against larger group by the permission of Allah subhana wa Tada what made a small group with tourists over the big one, the element of southern they were able to stay stand, you know, firm against the other, the other army. And so Allah subhanaw is teaching us will be when it comes to winning and victory and it's all about steadfastness. And it's all about being patient. Because

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eventually you can exhaust the other person on the resource until Subhanallah is gone. And then you can you can win that. And from the statement of Amara della and since maybe to understand the context, what's the meaning of our asking someone from from Benny apps? Benny ABS is one of the Arab tribes in the Arabian Peninsula at that time, they were very, very famous and well known for their bravery. They were well known for the brevity as a matter of fact, one of the heroes of the Arabs before Islam. He belongs to many apps. His name was Antara and terravion shuddered if anyone actually heard of the name and adventure that was one of those big heroes of that tribe. And he is

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known also for his beautiful poetry as well too. So because of their bravery armor, he asked him how come you became so famous about this what was so special about you guys said we win against people because of patience, not skill.

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We are fighting together. They have heroes we have here we have great people to have brave people. But what makes the difference for us right now that we steadfast, we remain strong, we stay the ground our ground, until of course we defeat them. And that's the meaning of this of this hadith. When the professor says what alum anamnesis Rama Sabra, you need to understand that the aid of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala the victory of Allah azza wa jal comes with your steadfastness, and will your patients now, one of the reacting first generation said all of us dislike death in the pain of wounds, but we have different degrees of merit, according to our steadfastness, not a little claw

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said courage is steadfastness for a time, and this is in the in this is in the case of waging jihad on an outer enemy. So what does that mean? He says, Look, courage is steadfast for an hour. That's what it means. What does that mean? Like your enemy is going to also be be be patient like you are. But who is going to win the battle, the one who always, always pushes themselves an extra hour.

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Always you push yourself on extra hour, one extra one extra hour never ever give up. And as a matter of fact, if anyone reads the Muslim history, one of the greatest battles as in Islamic history from the early time of the Sahaba della donoughmore down is the battle qadisiya of qadisiya is the battle of a currency that conquered Persia. Can imagine Persia was a great empire for hundreds of years for centuries was a great actually empire. And then you have this very small, tiny army coming from the Arabian Peninsula, a small, tiny little state in a city called Medina of that time. They came and they completely conquered this whole big lab. How has that been possible? If you read it, the major

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battle took multiple days. And then after that, as a matter of weeks of not even months, but the major one was three consecutive days, which means they are not nonstop fighting.

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They could find it day and night. Obviously when you do that it's exhausted. Now everybody was pushing the other party to the edge. Like we're going to push them until they're exhausted. So everybody was pushing and pushing and pushing and have an answer, or the law decided not to pass who was the chief of the commander of, of the Muslim armies there. He says, a nostril sabrosa he does hear me. Victory if you have in your mind. One more hour.

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Just keep pushing yourself. One more hour, one more hour, one more hour, you will get there. And eventually that's what happened. The entire massive army of Persia collapsed because that small army with the Sahaba and the terrain that was with them, they decided to stay one more hour until they broke that major, actually big army and come

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Persia since then until today, Subhan Allah is still there. Now.

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It is similar for jihad against the inner enemy, an example of the jihad against the self and whims because jihad against the two of them is one of the greatest he has. As a perfect solo Harley was salam said, The Mujahid is the one who struggles against himself for the sake of Allah. Now, in terms of the narration over here that's disputable. Basically, in the guards, there's a statement that's going to come up next on saying, what is the what is the major jihad, the major Jihad some they say, actually, that you had Innes and Jihad means to struggle and strive for the sake of Allah subhana wa taala. But the true major jihad is actually the head of the battlefield is the head of

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the battlefield.

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The Jihad Al Azhar jihad in us, but it's still considered also jihad, and struggle against your own self, which also means, which also means that you need to have sabrosa against your own self.

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When you feel tempted,

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right now your defenses are crumbling, that temptation is big, and is getting greater, and your defense are falling apart right now. So what do you need to remember? one extra minute of patience. Push yourself one extra minute, one extra minute, one extra minute until you realize that hamdulillah those moments hamdulillah kept your defenses high and strong, and the temptation went down. And you went against yourself. And you went against the temptations of the Shaitaan. So that's something that's extremely important to understand here. Now, let's move on to the next part. Insha Allah azza wa jal where it says, oh, because the date on the next page.

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On the metal, yes, all workers should equal the award, Warren said in his parting advice to him, at the time he was appointing him as as his successor, the first thing that I warn you against is yourself which is between your sides. So he says to him like listen, I don't worry about I don't worry for you about your enemies from the outside. I worry about the enemies from the inside. Your biggest enemy that requires from you to practice that jihad against is yourself. Your desires, the temptations, that's what you need to fight against more. The enemy outside as an incentive to fight an enemy from the outside is always present. And you will feel you will feel compelled to do it

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anyway. Because it's an enemy from the outside. But that from the inside, we don't take it as an enemy. You are nafs your own self. You don't take it as an enemy. But it is it is going to be actually tempted you to do something wrong. Now.

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This Jihad also requires steadfastness whoever is patient, steadfast, patiently steadfast in the struggle with his self, his desire and his shadeland will conquer and obtain help and victory will come to obtain mastery over himself and become a mighty king, whoever is in the and that's all what we need to do to have, that you can master master that skill of control yourself against all the desire, the temptation from the outside, if you can do that, you become a king of your own self, always strong, always powerful, nothing shakes you and you can move mountain yourself. Now.

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Whoever is impatient is not steadfast and struggling and jihad against that will be overcome, conquered and imprisoned, and he will become a humble slave and prisoner in the hands of a shaved lawn and his desire. As as I said, when a man does not conquer his desire, it will put him in a station in which the Mighty One is disgraced. It wasn't about upset, whoever is steadfast, how little how little is he has to be steadfast, whoever is impatient, how little is that? He finds pleasure. What does that exactly mean? Like, listen, if you think that you, being patient against desire is gonna take too long. You think about the pain you will have when you feel defeated against

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your desires.

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Like if it's very painful to resist, if that's very painful to resist, you wait until you fall into the mistake and start feeling the regret and the pain of falling and failing again, and again and again. And again. That pain will be longer than the pain you will get from resisting because the pain of resisting is in this moment. But when you feel that you want, you feel victorious, you feel happy, you feel strong because it Hamdulillah I didn't do it. I didn't fall apart. I did not actually cave in. But if you always keep going against your temptations, no matter how little that is, the pain becomes way longer and greater than the pain of resisting it in the first place. That's

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what he means by this statement. Now. He's saying indeed help us with is with steadfastness includes the help in both Jihads that you had at the outer enemy and the jihad of the inner enemy. Whoever is steadfast in both cases will be held and will overcome his enemy and whoever is not steadfast and is impatient with them will be overcome and he will become a prisoner of his enemy or victim slain by him and that's what we are not doing. His say he's saying so early was seldom deliverance is with distress is confirmed by his words. Zoa Jen, who will lead the unit zero length embodiment bond to warriors no matter. It is He Who sends doubt about the rain after they have

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loss of hope and unfolds is mercy. And by the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam our Lord laughs at the despair of his slave when his provisions are in your email when narrated his son Abdullah narrated it also in a lot Hadith, in which there is a long nose on the day of rain that it comes in sight of of you while you're

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constricted in despair. And so he remains laughing, knowing that your provisions are near meaning that he Gloria says he is astonished at the despair of His slaves because of the rain being withheld. And they're despairing of mercy, even though the moment approaches approaches of his delivering and showing mercy to slaves, by sending down the rain to them, and is transforming their state while they do not perceive. He says exalted as he faith, faith, slavery, he may Hashem and very bad he the home you establish you when when can one man called me a united darling he made a copy in a movie scene. When he makes it fall on those of his sleeves he will when he makes it fall

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on those of his sleeves, he will they rejoice even though he sent it down on them. On the even, even though before he sent it down on them, they were in despair. So what means actually what it says over here that understand that when it comes to going through a trial going through pain, you have to understand that alpha Raju Malka that whatever the stress that you go through Allah will bring ease sooner or later. And somehow the irony of this matter what he says, the time becomes relative away. What does that mean? Sometimes you will be waiting for something to happen for two or three years,

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you will be wait you're waiting for this, you're waiting for this you won't. And subhanAllah after two, three years, when it happens, and you get what you were hoping for what happened to those three years.

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You forget about them completely.

00:56:47 --> 00:57:27

Completely, all the pain of three years disappears. Because it no longer actually relevant to you anymore. Subhanallah some people they're waiting for the papers to be processed. You waiting for the business deal to happen, waiting for them to get married, waiting for them to you know to have a child so that it takes years and they go through a lot of pain. But then Subhan Allah and Allah subhanaw DeRozan a blessing and Baraka comes to them and that fashion, all that time becomes completely irrelevant. So he says look, the Mercy of Allah is always near. It's a matter of timing. It's a matter of timing, and who controls that timing? Allah subhana wa Tada that's about the next

00:57:27 --> 00:57:28

point inshallah

00:57:30 --> 00:57:32

the next page he's saying

00:57:33 --> 00:58:14

he's saying so all you saw them was difficulty there is ease is derived from his say exalted as he says, on the local biodiversity you saw a low point after difficulty is at has seen as over jellified no matter so you saw in Nevada three, virtually with hardship companies truly with hardship dummies a little bit a little bizarre scenario has much net as the even I mean, you had him in whose wording it is narrated here. The Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said even if hardship came and entered this burrow, ease would come to the point that it would enter after and turn it out. And then Allah revealed for truly with hardship comes ease truly with

00:58:14 --> 00:58:50

hardship coming to you. Especially his make it visual for you. So look, even if you're distressed when the warrant the hole in the ground is gonna go after them pull it out for you. No matter what you go through, because Allah promises says with every hardship comes ease with every hardship comes ease. Even Jerry mentioned something he said again, injury, Injury and others narrated the links of it from a hadith of Al Hasan, which is in Mercer Mercer Hadith, and in his Hadith there is so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when hardship will never overcome to eat will not overcome to eat. So that's in the Arabic texts might not be understood in English, but in the Arabic texts

00:58:50 --> 00:59:21

when Allah Subhana Allah says in the motto, so Yusra in the Madras restaurant in the manosphere use rom with every hardship comes ease with every hardship comes ease. In the English it doesn't actually have that understanding but then the other gonna say in the MAL are three doors L with the word also. And also means hardship with Al it becomes definitive. Use raw, now you swim is is an adult is without Alif lamb, so it becomes indefinitely. So what does that mean? When you have some that is definitive, it's one thing all the time

00:59:23 --> 00:59:38

but when it comes to user has no L so it's indicative obviously which means what it's multiple is different. Like every time there is there is different way of relief. Hardship is always one. No matter what you go through. There's gonna give you the stress, that's it.

00:59:39 --> 00:59:45

Because they're gonna give you agony, it's gonna give you pain, you're gonna get scared, the feeling is the same with every hardship.

00:59:46 --> 00:59:59

But while Allah subhana delivered is in different ways, sometimes through money, sometimes through patience, sometimes for acceptance, many different ways you will find way to ease your pain Allah subhanaw taala make it easy for all of us. You're a banana

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

Let's move on to the last part we'll SSF the welcome one.

01:00:04 --> 01:00:44

One of the one of the subtle secrets of the pairing of deliverance with the stress and ease with difficulty is that when distress becomes severe and very tremendous, and it reaches its limit, then the slave disappears of its removal by any creature, and his heart attaches itself to Allah alone. And this is the this is the truth of reliance on Allah interested that tonight today actually, I was speaking in the sisters program, in the morning on the subject of telecoil, will explain what it is exactly what he's saying over here. When does that our call comes into into practice in the sincerest manner. He goes when people reach the level of distress, that they lose hope from

01:00:45 --> 01:01:25

everything and every creature and every creation. So only that depends on who, ALLAH SubhanA wa that when they realize their matter cannot be relieved except by him and him Subhanallah Tara, when they come to this realization, that's when he's coming. So the sooner you put yourself in this position, no matter how difficult or easy the situation is, the sooner you put your heart into this understanding that no matter what I go through, no matter what I get, what help I get from people, the one who truly gives you the help is Allah azza wa jal that's put your heart at ease. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will bring you relief in that moment. Now.

01:01:26 --> 01:02:05

It is one of the greatest means by which one can seek to meet one's needs since Allah suffices whoever relies on him, as he says, exalted as he, when we get to work a lot, a lawyer who has school, whoever puts his trust in a log, he will be enough for him. Adam, even Abby is narrating his commentary on the court and with with his chain of transmission from Muhammad ibn his heart, that he said Malik given a soldier he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said My son has been imprisoned. So he said to him, send the message to him that that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam orders you to see a great deal of just say a great deal of there is no power

01:02:05 --> 01:02:42

and no strength but by Allah. The messenger went to him and told him and no flow lowered his head and said there was no power and no strength but by Allah, they had tied him up with with lungs and the lungs dropped off him. He went he went out and there was a female camel which belonged to them and he mounted it. He went on and there were there were there. He went on in there were the cattle of the people who I tied him up, he shouted at them. And so the last of them follow the follow the first of them, it was not long before the surprise before he surprised his parents for their for their he was out there he was at the door. His father said is it is by the Lord of the cow by his

01:02:42 --> 01:03:21

mother said What a poor state I was in a terrible state. He was in pain because of the thongs which with, with which he was tied. His father and his father and servant ran to him and found that our offense filled the courtyard with camels. He told his father the story of what happened to him and about the camels. His father went to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and told him the news of often the camels and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, do with them what you want and whatever you would do with your own camels. Then the I was revealed when he hit me hit the pillow here, John Raja was to come in Hi, Julia. Whoever has Taqwa of Allah, He

01:03:21 --> 01:03:55

will give him away, yell and provide for him from where he does not expect. So what does that mean here that all that story that we read so far? He says, in order for you to find relief, he mentioned in the in the book of it three actually ways of doing that, number one, increase your pronouncement of La hawla wala Quwata illa Billah, which was the essence of this story. He said, when the father of Aoife came to the Prophet SAW seminar salah, my son has been taken away, and he's a prisoner with some in the hands of some people. The Prophet Satan says sailor however Lakota level that there is no middle power resides ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.

01:03:57 --> 01:04:34

And he said that, and he sent that to his son as well to eventually when the father said and he put his trust and reliance on Allah azza wa jal, ALLAH SubhanA brought relief to his son. And now he didn't just released him. He actually he found the karma to escape with it. And on his way out, he found the cattles and he took the cows with them. And by the time he came home, he had all that stuff. They're not just his son a treasure as well. And the Prophet says this is all yours keep it. The idea is saying La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah for the sake of the time I'm gonna actually move quickly shallow data the second statement where it says alpha and said if you're only to despair of

01:04:34 --> 01:04:59

people to the point of not wanting anything from them at all. Your master would give you everything you want. Now saying Masha Allah say Masha Allah is also one way of relieving yourself from the stress like when you completely become right now losing hope in the people so you realize whatever is happening happens by the will of Allah Azza said Masha Allah Oka, whatever Allah wa

01:05:00 --> 01:05:17

was accepted. So when you keep reminding yourself that whatever Allah wants to happen, I accept it. So you submit yourself to Allah subhanaw taala. That's one way of getting actually yourself out of it. And the last one that he mentioned actually towards the end, also, he said, When the movement,

01:05:18 --> 01:05:55

deliverance is delayed, and he begins to despair over after much as supplication humbling himself, he said that that's what when you start doing this, start blaming yourself, turn to yourself and blame yourself. Like I'd be making dua and make the I'm not getting anything. What's the problem with that? Instead of blaming Allah says why Allah as I'm listening to me, go back to yourself and says, You know what, I feel so bad that maybe I haven't done enough to please Allah subhana wa Taala to make my dua being accepted, I need to turn to myself, not blaming Allah Subhana Allah so three things to help remove that actually that does the stress number one saying La hawla wala Quwata illa

01:05:55 --> 01:06:31

biLlah there is no part or might besides the power of Allah subhanaw In his mind, the second one is saying Masha Allah, whatever Allah was, will happen, which means delegating that first into the hands of Allah. And the third one is you tried to blame yourself for maybe being the cause and the reason why that actually that relief was not arriving or not coming in Tamil ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala all was given the relief from any difficulty that we go through. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to leave our brothers and sisters because they are behind me and deliver them out of that misery Allah We ask Allah subhana to provide for them and bring them peace and tranquility into the life in

01:06:31 --> 01:06:40

this dunya and in the Alka Walla who data so inshallah next week when we come back we're going to be studying Hadith number 20 Inshallah, this month

01:06:41 --> 01:06:45

you're going to I'm going to take a short five minutes or so just to answer a few questions

01:07:01 --> 01:07:02

alright, so

01:07:05 --> 01:07:08

is the art only strengthening one in obedience?

01:07:12 --> 01:07:37

If I don't understand the question clearly a TA only strengthens one in obedience to Allah subhanho wa taala. Well, a thigh is obviously is when you obey Allah azza wa jal so strengthen you you feel you will strengthen your Eman and hopefully it will remove the desire to commit something haram and increase of course your stand to do something as an act of obedience if I understood the question actually

01:07:40 --> 01:07:57

isn't saliva transferring when everyone eats from the same place to that's possible however, if the food mashallah is kind of plenty, and you eat from your direction from your side, I hope you're not going to come across someone else's territory. So therefore keep within your own territory should be fine inshallah.

01:08:00 --> 01:08:10

And by the way, I mean, I think humans have been eating like this for generations. And really was really the main reason why people did get sick. The other reasons why this is paler spread and

01:08:14 --> 01:08:18

how to teach children good eating habits by example.

01:08:19 --> 01:08:53

You need to start first of all adopt these habits and teach them those habits and shallow data, especially NSN. Picky Eaters. Some kids have the opposite problem and give hard time when eating and they lose weight. Well, I mean, I live that it for you and the doctor, how you can encourage them to eat healthy stuff. No, maybe you could, I don't know when they eat them when they when they want to eat for example, make a pancake for them make it in the shape of animals. For example, maybe it's more entertaining for them to eat that way or whatever the way you do that but teach them to eat and eat inshallah healthy

01:08:56 --> 01:09:29

is eating the foods that the Prophet SAW Selim ate sunnah. If you mean so now that you get reward for eating pumpkin or eating squash because the provinces have liked it, the answer is no from a filthy point of view. Meaning there is no specific reward for that. But you get your reward for loving what the Prophet SAW was loved and trying to practice that that's what you get rewarded for. So you don't have to eat let's say barbecue. I don't like barbecue. You don't have to eat the shoulder. I like the thigh for example. I don't like the shoulder as much. There's nothing wrong with that. But the Sunnah, is liking what the Prophet says. I'm like, That's all

01:09:37 --> 01:09:48

Is it true that the Prophet saw some ordered someone to throw up because they drank while while standing the hadith is a spiritual and a generic. I read that before, but the narration is disputable in terms of authenticity.

01:09:51 --> 01:09:54

How do you practice steadfastness in terms of ease?

01:09:56 --> 01:09:59

With sugar gratitude, you always be in

01:10:00 --> 01:10:22

Do gratitude and sugar all the time all the time. Look, when you have when it's time of difficulty, your best a bad as obvious is steadfastness and perseverance and patience. When hamdulillah you're in a time of prosperity and ease your best Avada is sugar and gratitude. So you need to be consistent or being grateful that in itself requires steadfastness to always be grateful

01:10:31 --> 01:10:53

so the third one that we mentioned number one is to say in terms of what you need to practice as device to remove distress number one saying La hawla wala Quwata illa Allah number two say Masha Allah and number three is turn to yourself to blame yourself, you know for why maybe the dryer is not answered why the leave is not coming soon. Maybe you will find something new to work on on unfixed inshallah

01:10:55 --> 01:11:13

is blowing on food that dropped on the floor Asuna or do we just dust it off? I mean, whatever required to remove to remove if for example, blowing for the sake of removing the dust is okay. But blowing to to call it down that's not what the scent of the professor was. And that's what the professor forbearance from doing

01:11:15 --> 01:11:25

how can we stop eating while still wanting more? Technically we wanted more right when we started how can we measure this don't fill your plate with so much food

01:11:26 --> 01:11:43

that's all if you think you can't control yourself then my recommendation for you don't eat from the big the big plate or the big dish rather grab your own plate and put your food on that plate that's all and control the amount you put on that on that plate

01:11:45 --> 01:11:49

control that amount which means once I'm done with this I'm not going to take second

01:11:50 --> 01:11:59

and don't cheat by saying since it's going to be only one time so I'm going to put it to the rim. Now control yourself and control what you put on that date and it should be financial data

01:12:07 --> 01:12:12

how do you balance exhaustion for making dua and being patient just keep making dua

01:12:14 --> 01:12:28

even when you're tired you know maybe you skipped one day but the next day never stopped being another regular lead so even finally find yourself tired to make the DUA right now maybe just make one minute and don't make it for 10 minutes and move on just keep consistent with that

01:12:34 --> 01:13:00

is it okay to blow on hot food if it's just your own ball? The answer is yes I mean the blog is not haram it's my crew is this slide so it's an instruction from the Prophet Salah Salem to wait until Jani it goes off that is it teaches us patience in addition of course of certain etiquette so if it's your plate that's fine. I know that mothers they do that when they feed their babies and their kids so again it's not haram but it's still better to avoid that

01:13:05 --> 01:13:26

Masha Allah we say Masha Allah only when something good happens can we say it in bad occasions as well? No you don't you don't say mashallah, if a disaster happened and someone knocked out that Allah de luz Yanni feminine versus martial law you've been tested well martial, you're not gonna say that of course. Instead we say law however as quoted in the law, vanilla Roger.

01:13:29 --> 01:13:49

When did the Muslims pray during that battle, they would pray if they were engaged actually in the actual combat they pray while they're Yanni they're just staring with their eyes if they had to. So but they continue with their salah. And if they were not then in the camp they pray then in groups or they pray in a specific format calls the latter half as I was mentioning Surah Nisa.

01:13:53 --> 01:14:18

What is adequate of correcting a brother if you notice that the don'ts while eating together and as beautiful as it is a colossal Masha Allah may Allah bless you, you know the Sunnah of the Prophet sesam is we do this because that Calaca and I just want to I know there's a handle I feel this so good for myself and I invite you as well to practice this to the way you encourage them is what matters. Now do they have to listen to you that's not your business anymore. Your job is just to deliver the message

01:14:20 --> 01:14:27

is eating your public from harm and moral harm and Maura, this is some of that basically, what they call them Yanni.

01:14:28 --> 01:14:32

The etiquette of the best etiquette and the best public etiquette.

01:14:33 --> 01:14:59

That is now it's a different standard from culture to culture from time to time. Like in some cultures, eating outside is just like a horrible thing. Or Sofala How dare you eat outside even if you eat at the restaurant and the table is outside the restaurant? That's like a shame on you. But Hamdulillah we live in a culture that's a little bit different. Eating outside is different so you can can do that. So even if you sit down with your friend, your spouse and on a bench in the park and you you eat an ice

01:15:00 --> 01:15:38

cream or a sandwich, that's that's not only our Muruga However, sometimes they say that taller but to the N Wilma students of knowledge they have a different standard that you need to observe maybe a higher standard. I remember actually at the time of holiday mera mo Altera part of that etiquette is a terrible N always have a head cover and the head cover used to be at least you know, more than just another hat they also have the Shema or the Ultra. So I remember when it used to be a Chevrolet I mean Rahim Allah Tala, as a student of Chevron, they mean when you go out, or when you're in public, you have to read cover. Like that is like really, really going to be any scholar if you

01:15:38 --> 01:16:06

don't have anything. So one time one of my friends I think it was I was sad to Fajr and I think he rushed coming down to Seattle Frasier, he came down no headcover nothing no that no, no schema and we were sitting close to each other. So when Chevron does that mean finishes Salam, Munna Scheffer, Salah, and his fishes Dickie and he got up to walk out. As he walked out. He stood right in front of him, and he gave him that stare of death

01:16:08 --> 01:16:10

my friend is that I almost fainted.

01:16:11 --> 01:16:22

Like the show was telling him just like I was like, wow, how dare you come like this without you know, covering your head. Don't do that again. Right. Since then, he never actually came out without you know headcovers

01:16:24 --> 01:16:31

well out of 100, Columbia 100 cashola and stuff. We go to extra American Hotel. Okay. See next weekend shop

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