Yaser Birjas – Ta’Seel #24

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of respecting neighbors and showing support and helping people share information in crisis. They stress the need for people to show their support and help, particularly in times of crisis. The speakers emphasize the importance of honoring neighbors through actions such as sharing food and water, and the upcoming session on privacy and law carries on throughout the conversation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh my god. Welcome back to our top seal program and classes in which we studied the book of Imam ecodan Rahim Allah Tala matassa Nigel Cassadine and the book of Imam Ibrahim Ibrahim Allah and the explanation of the photo Hadith Minoa Rahmatullahi Tala Ali

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we had a couple of weeks of stopping acted on the subject, but we are still in Sharla as of January continue with Allah he's gotta go to Allah with where we stopped last time in regard to the secrets of hedge the secrets of hedge we covered the the beginning part. What does hedge mean Exactly? And what you should be preparing yourself for a now Imago Kodama Rahim Allah he is going to be explaining the inner secrets of Hajj like the obvious ones we know. Like you need to prepare yourself for the halal

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you know, provision, what do you carry with you how you carry it when you travel, what he told the the personal traveling word and all these kind of things. But now that when you start your journey, the actual practice of Hajj is in itself. What exactly are we going to? How are we going to perform hajj, the pilgrimage how we're going to do that? This is what he says Rahmatullah. So Bismillah section number two Bismillah Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah sallAllahu alayhi wa earlier on when he was

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the author, Imam even put, Rahim Allah says know that one cannot reach was to Allah themselves in the mountains to seek intimacy once with Allah and the pilgrimage hatch was made the monkhood but bernia of this nation

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what he says Rahim Allah Tala over here irlam Allahu Allah wa surah Allah subhana wa Taala elaborate the God will infura delicate matter. Now you cannot really reach to Allah subhanho wa Taala to have this kind of very intimate connection with him. Very close connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala unless says unless God will infura delicate matter unless you completely designate yourself. Designate yourself only for Allah subhanho wa Taala and for his hikma and he says over here, I think I think there is missing something from the translation actually here.

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Because it was made the monkhood of the of the OMA Hajj in itself was more more for us is where we have our seclusion with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and other religions. Like for example in in Christianity, monks usually go into the mountains, especially in Eastern Church, actually they go into the mountains and they spend their lives over there, the individual Ibadah with Allah subhanho wa Taala that kind of seclusion. They do that trying to seek what seek that very intimate connection with Allah azza wa jal individually for us as Muslims we don't believe in that. You don't believe in living in a complete secluded life cut off from the from the whole world and everything just for the

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sake of worship with ALLAH SubhanA wa you could do that temporarily, for a few hours at night for example, for few days here and there, but not to make a lifestyle out of it. He goes but Hajj for us serve the exact same thing. It serves that you dedicate everything for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala why so because you have to quit you have to quit your job for some time. You have to dedicate a few weeks and back in the days it was actually months, if not even a whole year like when people used to travel from Spain, Muslim spent at the time to go all the way to Mecca. It will take an entire year going back and forth.

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Okay, we're gonna be doing that. What does that mean? You're gonna have to quit your job or leave everything behind and put everything at risk and come for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala so basically, this is exactly like you dedicating your life for that year for those months to worship Allah subhanaw taala we don't believe in that kind of monkhood robinia rather we have that and hamdulillah principle of hajj when we go to Allah subhana wa Tala on that sacred journey now.

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It's elegant previously mentioned that includes abstaining from trade that occupies one's heart and distracts him from his main concern him. This helps him stay focused on obedience to Allah Most High, the Pilgrims should have a shabby experience of shaggy hair and dusty body. He should not be much concerned with outer beauty, Xena, okay, let's break this download. So he says Rahim Allah, Allah some of the etiquettes we talked about previously, he says that when you go to Hajj, you need to abstain from trading and finding and trying to get any worldly gain on that journey. But is that is that true? Is that is that a mandatory thing? The answer is no, that's just a recommendation.

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Like he's telling you Look, if you would like to get the best out of your Hajj experience, you need to dedicate your heart exclusively for the experience itself.

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But if you're gonna go there and get yourself busy trying to make money and make business and trade and all that stuff and make business deals with people coming from all around the world and so on. There is nothing wrong with it's not haram, but we'll definitely

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Take away from the experience itself. That's why Allah subhanaw says so little Bukhara in the context of Hajj called Les Salah come Janardhan and tiptoe foot Lama, Robbie calm, there is no harm, there is no sin upon you. If you see footlong rock become which means if you seek the blessings from Allah subhanho wa Taala there's no translation here and it says here is actually it's alright for you to go there and trade. And of course, when we when we look into the experience of Hajj back in the days, it makes sense. Why is that because back in those days, people didn't have like, we don't have a lot of blind men, you pay your whole package to an agency that takes care of everything for

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you. And mashallah, you have extra money. And if you don't have money and cash, you still can have somebody send you on, you know, wire money to or if not, you have your credit cards, there's many ways where you can still survive hamdulillah even though you run out of cash, but in their time, what people have to do is not going to have to make money while they're traveling because you're going to be for a whole year away maybe a few months away, so it's okay for them to train. However, he says Rahim Allah Allah, the more your heart is attached to matters of dunya the less likely you will enjoy the experience of Hajj

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and the more you dedicate your heart into the experience, the more you will enjoy that experience as well too. And I can tell the people here when you go to Umrah, obviously Subhanallah hamdulillah blessing from Allah azza wa jal when you can afford going into mashallah four or five star hotel and have the fancy experience coming from the hotel straight are haram and so on. It's nice and beautiful, it may it helps you dedicate the time you spend in the Haram with ease, you have to worry about going you know, two hours before that Salah time comes and you don't have to worry about food about anything about comfort, it's all provided for you. But it can also take from the experience

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because when you keep going to the mall, walking and see all these stores and you keep stopping, you know for everything and so on It will definitely take away from that beautiful experience dedicated yourself for Hajj, but it's not haram to go there and trade, obviously,

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even when you have your firearm on, it's okay as well to do that. It's okay to do that. So but again, we'll take away from the from the experience. Now in regards to the appearance of the head, he says the Pergamon should have a shabby appearance, like

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that's according to Hadith in a visceral Alana salon. But when the Prophet saw some words describing the hijab, the program is to be Ashoka about which means shabby and dusty and so on. It's actually it's not it's circumstantial. Like you don't intentionally make yourself look disheveled and dusty, and you don't rub yourself in the dust and just to have that experience, because it's not meant to be part of the experience itself. But if it just happens, because we've been riding on the camel for a few days, or staying in a tent on the underground, which is basically sand for a few days as well to you eventually gonna get dusty, your firearms gonna get dirty. So he says here he speaks about it

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that it's okay to do so because Allah subhanaw taala would love to see that from you. Because it's the dictation you're showing that you're doing this for his sake. And you did that you went through all this experience for a second only for 600 words, but it's not mandatory. What does that mean? If you can still be clean when you do your hygiene Homra that's fine. But he recommends at the end he says however, don't be too much concerned with your outer beauty.

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Like you have to look always mashallah, as if you're going to a business meeting does not have to be that. But at the same time, you don't have to of course, you know, forcefully or intentionally make yourself look shabby and dusty and so on.

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He should avoid mounting the camel born litter unless he has an excuse of like having difficulty to stay on the camel's back for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performed a pilgrimage on a camel with an old saddle under him. Jabba are the Allahu Anhu

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so here he says that if you can, what does that mean exactly when it says that you should avoid mountain the camel go on letter unless it has so on. So what does that mean exactly?

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What is it asking you to do when you go to Hajj?

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Walk as much as you can. That's basically what he's saying.

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Like if you can walk from Mecca, to Mina for Mina to Arafa Arafa Muslim, baby district. He says walk between the Manasa if you can, that's what he's saying when he said because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he would, would do so Allah says there's an excuse like someone old, someone sick, so they have to write and if you had to write he says don't try to write fancy right? And don't take a big limousine anymore. That's what he's saying. Like he said, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam here in this hadith he says the Prophet saw someone who was was riding on the camel. He just had a simple piece

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Have cloth underneath him. He didn't have a saddle, which means he wasn't sitting comfortable. Like he wasn't seeking comfort. So that's what he suggests Rahmatullah today. However, there is again, it's not an obligation. As a matter of fact, some elements some other folklore, they say the opposite is better. What does that mean? To write between them and acid, it's better because you will, you will conserve your energy. So that when you perform your rabada, you perform it in a better way. And they cite for that, and abuse that Allah Allah wa sallam when he was doing the Wofully father, he was writing on his camera, all this time, Salas even as he was making throw off,

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writing on the camera. In his hand, he had his staff and he reaches the huddle is where the Blackstone with this stuff, and he then he kisses, and it's Allahu Akbar Macatawa. And the reason why they say the prophets awesome did that, to give this concession and make it easy for people. So instead of just always thinking that walk in will be more virtuous? No, as long as you have 100 the energy to do it, then it should be okay. So sometimes young people who can handle afford walking between them and acid, they should actually take that experience. You should that xx experience, but if you're going to feel tired and fatigued and exhausted, so you're not going to be focused on the

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rabada then in this case, now you better actually go ahead and unright now,

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Jabba radula Juan, narrates that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, Allah manifests his pride upon about the pilgrim to the angels and says, Look at my servants, they have come to me Shaggy and dusty from every deep mountain pass, bear witness that I have forgiven them. Well, but like we said, they came so because of the experience because of the circumstances. They did not intentionally stand in front of my mirror to try to make themselves look shabby and dusty and dirty. No, but because of the experience they had to go through so didn't have enough time to take a shower and Allah subhanaw taala he likes to see from them their struggle for his sake, that's what it means

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over here in this hadith in regard to Hadith Jabra the Allah and Jeff Hadith java is a very famous Hadith so whenever we they say about Hadith jabber for Hajj. That's a very famous one because which was actually reported in the Sudan, a very, very long Hadith and what Jabra the ultra Nevada, explained the entire Hajj experience with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was a young man. And he was you could say like he was the reporter of the Hajj experience with the prophets of Allah Salah. So whenever you hear in books of faith, under the chapter of Hajj they say jabber and Jabber, it's a very long Hadith Jabra Allah on explaining and describing the full Hajj of the prophets Allah

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waterline wa salam ala na. Allah has honored and glorified his house made it a point of destination for His servants and he sanctified its vicinity to magnify, magnify and glorify its status and made the mountain of alpha like the landmark puffing on his house. So remember him all our data, he says, Look, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada honored and glorified this house. So what does that mean to you? You need to honor and also glorify this house in a way that the prophets Allah Selim did with a tawaf with the Abba and now that we worship the house itself, because Allah says in the Quran, familia Abu rob the halal bait, let them worship the Lord of this house, it is at the mercy of this house,

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because we worship the Lord of this house. And he said that ALLAH SubhanA wa they made a point of destination for servants. What does that mean? You're on a journey. You're on a journey. Sometimes the journey is a lifetime journey. And then your destination is to go there to give that ledge choose, you can explain afterwards. Subhan Allah hamdulillah for us, again, living in America, coming from more wealthier society communities, it's easy for us to go frequently to Mecca and Medina, we can go every year, we can go sometimes every month, if you would like to, you can go frequently. And now mashallah, with the convenience of having a visa that's multiple entity without

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even having to worry about that. You can go anytime you want. But remember those people who come from less fortunate communities and underprivileged societies, where they spend their lifetime,

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their entire lifetime saving for that journey. So for them indeed, it is a lifetime journey, the destination for all their life is to visit the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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all their life, what's on their mind is preparing and building that account until they're able to buy and purchase 100 ticket to go to Makkah and visit the house of Allah subhanaw taala so he was speaking about those circumstances back then. He didn't know that the day will come when people go into Makkah mashallah for shopping.

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Because it became very convenient nowadays. So it's different than when he was describing the situation said like the destination is to go to us of ALLAH SubhanA wa, because it could be once in a lifetime and some people even they die trying.

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They die trying and they will be get a chance

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Subhanallah to go to hedge themselves now he says over here. So as a result of course, Allah Subhana Allah that also he sanctified the vicinity made Mecca the surrounding area of Mecca haram and the meaning of saying haram which means that sanctuary sanctuary means what? peace and tranquility and peace protection. So that's why within the boundaries of that sanctuary, we're not allowed to cut any trees. We're not allowed to kill any animals unless of course it's necessary.

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Yeah. And some of them are they say the sin is actually is even intensify the punishment can be intensified as well to people find peace supposed to find peace and tranquility in there. And he says when it comes to the subject of Arafah, the amount and the field of RV they said the amount of alcohol was actually the field of Arafah.

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It's, it's because it's not just a mountain. Now the whole field is called Arafah. The field of ARAVA is more like a landmark of the courtyard, the courtyard of his house of Hanoi. Hutan like this is when people they go there understand before Allah azza wa jal waiting to go into his house. That's what it means now.

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Know that each act of the pilgrimage contains a reminder for those who remember and a lesson for those who consider it. So he's now he's going to start right now going deeper into the different aspects of the Hajj practice itself. When you go into haram, when you go to the Haram when you do this when you do this, so he's going to try to explain what should that mean to us now, one acquires the provisions for the trip, he should remember the provisions of the afterlife, which are his deeds, he must be aware of ruining them with ostentation Ria, and seeking of fame summer, and not let them occupy him. They are no benefit to him, like what food that becomes spoiled in the first

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stages of the trip and leaves a person confused when the time of need comes. When he departs his country and enters the desert and faces the challenges of travel. Let him remember how he will leave this world through debt mounts, and arrive at the rendezvous of the resurrection before 2pm. And let him remember the horse in between. So he's now expanding, first of all the beginning of the journey. Because remember, when you first acquire provision for the trip, what kind of provision should you should take with you, the one that should help you to go across the difficulties of that journey? Because so don't take with you anything that will spoil and go bad on that journey. Like nowadays,

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martial 100, we have fridges, we have you know, many, many things that will help us preserve fresh food that we can consume on the journey. But back in those days, when people wanted to travel those long distances would they carry with them what food they want, maybe just for the first two days, that's it and the rest of it has to be dry food. So the take with them jerky, protein that is actually dry, they can eat it and they carried with them. They could also cut it with them.

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You know dried fruit dates, anything that wouldn't spoil, that will not spoil. He says that the same thing for you when you go to Hajj, don't carry with your provision that will spoil in the way to Allah subhana wa likewhat like he says your area was Suma showing off making people just see what you're doing is not necessarily what you need to do.

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You know, sometimes unfortunately, we see people as canola and this is the sad reality will lie we will be making to offer on the cover. There was a time that going around the club was very silly and very beautiful. And nowadays, you will be making throw off and all these people are holding their phones facing time and their friends and their families from their home countries. And everybody from around the world. They're watching you live Megan throw off

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an insurance. Look at the Kaaba Look at the camera. And somehow I'm just like that

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just You came all the way from there. To this, you can just send them I used to playing them and watch the car by themselves and they don't have to watch you doing that thing for them. But unfortunately wasting now there's so the provision is going to spoil their experience and the reward for just like the food that you take with you on that journey doesn't last too long. It's going to die so quickly, this whole showing off and the fame you get out of it. It doesn't last forever. It doesn't last long with you on that journey is going to die on so quickly. And then he said there's so therefore. And as people started going through the desert, through the destination towards Mecca,

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obviously you're gonna go through the challenges. Let these people remember that the beginning of the journey. They just like the beginning of their journey on the Day of Judgment.

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If you've ever studied the

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Messiah had to go to the Stations of the Day of Judgment. There are many and each one of them is a challenge of its own. So there is the resurrection first, and then the congregation and they will be taken up to the seventh heaven. They'll be waiting there for years and people will be be buried or Beckett actually drowning and their sweat or the biller and others

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under the shadow of a man, and then from there, they account begin and they're going to be asked and they begin to be questioned. Some they will have their deeds in the right hand and some of the left hand and then they weigh their deeds and from there they go towards the bridge over Johanna a lot of stages. Because the same thing as you prepare yourself to that journey, you're gonna go through a lot of hard stations. For us back in the days when things were much difficult actually, just the fact just to get the visa that in itself was one of those Lumsden hardships just to go through.

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And then when you go to the airport, just to check in your luggage, that in itself is another challenge. And some people even they maybe they quit going for Hajj because of that. Or maybe they lose their Hajj before even they actually bought the plane. Because of the hardship they had to go through. And when you arrive there and dealing with the Moto F and go to the hotel, your room is not ready. Imagine all these stages that you go through head Subhana difficult one after the other one, one after the other one. He goes, Look, your journey to Makkah resembles your journey to Allah subhanho wa Taala there are a lot of hardships. And you're gonna have to be prepared, so that you

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can pass every hardship with grace and sha Allah with patience. Now.

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When he enters the state of ritual consecration takes off his clothes and wear the garments of a pilgrim. He should remember his burial shroud and that he will meet his lord with an appearance different from that of the people of this world. So he starts with talk right now about the first thing afterwards Hamdulillah you arrive there, what is the thing that comes after that and the Haram and the Haram is when when the hijab Of course, you take your regular clothes, and produce those two simple pieces of cloth for men that you will the White, one piece around your waist when people over your shoulders. And that's it. He goes remember, when you do that, that you take off everything,

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everything, nothing is going to be hidden from Allah subhanho wa taala. And even these garments Gemma, have you noticed that these garments wouldn't go to Hajj? Those two pieces that you put on for the men particularly, they have no pockets

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that have no pockets. I've heard that Subhanallah from a video one time there was a person who was doing. He's been I think, I don't know how many years he said he was working this. But his job was to prepare the shrouds, he makes the shroud for many, many, many years, I don't know 2030 years or so. It goes throughout all my life, all my work on the shroud because I've never, never made a shroud with pockets.

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very symbolic.

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Because because you're on his bucket when you go to grave. You can't cut anything with you and no matter what of that that is a symbolic thing. Similarly, when you go to Hajj, urinate pockets,

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it's very simple, the same thing as well, because nothing should be hidden from ALLAH SubhanA Wattana. Also to unify the people, you shouldn't be recognized by any colors, any symbolism, any designs that will make you distinct from other people. Absolutely not. You're all equal.

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And it doesn't matter where you're coming from. It doesn't matter what your social status is, doesn't matter what profession you are, once you put your haram before Allah subhana wa Tada, you are all equal. That is a strong reminder to all of us, that before Allah subhana wa Tada, you're all equal in that sense.

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So stop making all these imagined boundaries and imagined classes and imagine, you know, differences between you and your and other people based on color and race and, and all that stuff. They're all equal before Allah subhanho wa Taala now,

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when he says here I am at your service, he should see himself answering the call of Allah Most High and so to hedge whatever they feel Nancy Bill had you let him hope for acceptance Kabu and fear that he will get no answer each other. So what he's talking about here he says, This is what you call a tell bill right now, when you put your heart and your soul resembling yourself preparing for burial and going to meet your lots of Hannah Ouattara cutting amps and nothing would you accept your deeds. So then you start with a Tobia say love bake Allahumma love bake, which means over here, here I am at your service, my lord. So once you say that, that means your intention has already been

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established that you're doing this for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And then, remember that this call when you say love, bake Allahumma love bake. Here I am in that service. Oh my Lord. This is the answer to ALLAH SubhanA does command that was that was in the Quran, where other than fineness Seville had to carry Jariwala colada Maria typically Fujinami in which Allah subhanaw taala says here and proclaim to the people the Hajj. Yeah to courage Allah they come walking, while I could live on and on the back of every camera man Khalifa genomics they come from every corner of the world, which is the reality today

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Hugo Subhanallah the number of nations can't even count them. You don't even know the flags anymore. You can't even tell the names of these countries anymore. So many. But all of them they come and unified under the same banner La ilaha illallah, Lubbock Allahumma Bay, they all say the same thing, chanting the exact same statement to unify the people under one banner La ilaha illallah there's no God worthy of worship. But Allah subhanaw taala so Tobia is simply you are answering Allah's call, then to come to him now.

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When he arrives at the huddle, he should hope for safety from his punishment and fear that he may he might not be from those who earn his proximity. His whole regime, however, should be greater for generosity prevails, the visitors right is protected and the security of those who seek it will not go to waste. So he's you said like, look, when you go there and you start selling a bike Allahumma by new cutting with your burdens, right? You know, that you're, you've committed sins, you've made mistakes, you've heard you, you know, disobeyed and so forth. In addition to the good deeds that you've established, he says working while your drill Cabul you need to have a balance, position in

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your heart, you should hope for acceptance, but at the same time you fear what rejection

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because if you go there thinking, You know what, I made everything possible to come over here, I'm sure ALLAH SubhanA will accept from me.

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How do you know that?

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But at the same time, don't say well, I messed up so much in my life. I know no matter what I do, Allah will never accept from me that's also bad. So you always try to keep in your mind of taboo that Allah has acceptance from you at the same time, fear of rejection. So he says over here, God,

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and when you arrive at the Haram specific at the Haram

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you need to make sure that the hamdulillah by men feeling safety and security of the Haram no doubt about it. But at the same time, you need to also be afraid that even though you're so close, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala will not allow your physical proximity to translate into the actual spiritual proximity. That is the scariest thing is

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the scariest and that your hand is on the cover. Your hand is on the cover itself. And Allah subhanaw taala you know, salad if

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you've been so close, and you still be rejected. That's the scariest thing you can imagine Lumsden

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but you also still need to keep hope of acceptance higher and stronger than fear of rejection, because you made all the effort and you ask ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. To accept fully because Allah is the most generous, he's not gonna let those this effort to go waste now.

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When he sees the Sacred House when he sees when he sees the Sacred House mystical haram, he should try to feel its magnificence in his heart and give thanks sugar to Allah for making him reached the level of those who traveled to let him feel the greatness of the circumambulation to wealth when performing it, for it is prayer and let him have conviction that he's giving a pledge of obedience to Allah when touching the Blackstone. He should do that with firm resolution to stay loyal to that pledge. When he claims to the cloak cloak clothing of the kava and stick to the malt as he should envision how I sent her takes refuge in his master and the proximity of the lovers. One of them

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recited before that. So he says over here, if you see that, Mazel haram, now how many of you have never been there in Mecca before yet? Raise your hand if you have never been yet. So you know, even then I'm alright. And Allah subhana make it easy for you to do so you're on

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the side of the Kaaba, the first time is magnificent. Truly, no matter how much you think you have prepared for it. It's magnificent. Allah, it's beautiful. Unfortunately, though, unfortunately, the technology that we have today that allows you to see the Kaaba allows you to see you know, the bird's eye view position, and you see that all different angles of the Kaaba and so on. It caused a lot of that momentum for people.

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Now you're boom, bada with the image of the cover. So when you go there, I've seen it before.

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But I remember when I was a kid, so first time I went there, it was maybe 13 or 12 years old. 1314, maybe first time SubhanAllah. I still remember that day. It was actually in the summer of 1980 something. I was extremely, extremely hot. And as you would walk into the cabin, you're anticipating, oh my god, I'm just close. And women come into a harem. And you walk into a room right now and it's getting loud and noisy and loud. And then the moment you just crossed the ceiling of a harem, and you're going to the open chord around the cover. All of a sudden, all that noise just disappeared. And suddenly you see the Kaaba it was such an unbelievable sight. As a kid I still

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remember that will lie. But for us right now Subhanallah we have technology we see the cab every single day.

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And you see it in different angles, different views and different positions. So for those who have seen it a lot is not going to be the same effect though. Still, when you see it and you stand before the cover. It's just an unbelievable sight. May Allah subhana wa

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Whereas for cerebral Ironman, so here he says when you go there,

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and you see the cabin itself, you need to remember the greatness of Allah subhanho wa taala. The cover is just symbol, it's a symbolic thing for us. A cover, being the house of Allah is symbolic thing. But you need to remember the greatness of Allah subhanho wa taala. And be grateful for him be making you able to come and visit and be in that place when 1000s If not even millions of people are unable to do that. And they will probably die without having that privilege of coming up with the house of Allah subhanho wa taala. Then as you start making your tawa you need to also start having that sense of humility and humbleness and the greatness of the experience itself.

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I know a lot of people when they make tawaf, they can't keep their eyes away from the camera.

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So they when they're making the top they keep looking at the cover is so mesmerized by the sight, the silhouette of itself is extremely, extremely important. And when you touch a huddle as well, even though just the hairdryer on the corner, or Blackstone, the quarter, still that symbolism as well symbolic thing that you aren't touching in Huddersfield and you are actually making sure that Allah Subhan that you make that pledge that you're I arrived here, I'm here, I touch the hijab as well. So you have that experience as well too. And then of course, you dedicate yourself to Allah Subhana Allah the last portion you mentioned here of God, when he clings to the clothings of the

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Kaaba. When you hold on to a startled karma, some people they hold from any corner of the karma, unfortunately, prepping the actually the cloth apart, unfortunately. But there's one area in particular that that where you need to hold on to it is what they call militarism. And that monetarism

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is the space between the Blackstone corner and the door of the Kaaba. That place is what is called Montesa. If you look at people these days where they hold and they hold and actually at the door itself,

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so the base of the door they hold from the base of the door, and they keep holding there, that's not part of the Montesa manner, but it's easier for them and more convenient. But the actual militarism is the space between that corner of the handle so the Blackstone and the door itself, which might fit probably maybe, I don't know three four grown up men maximum probably the professor was amused to actually go on it and put his chest and his hands and his face is cheap. And he will be standing there making plans publications. He goes if you can get them and then this is just like someone who is who wronged his master and come and pleading for his you know forgiveness. So the same thing you

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come there and just kind of god I'm here your Allah accept from me And subhanAllah many many times women bless them or hombre and I've seen a lot of these people who come from poor countries, they their eyes are they're weeping and crying and their eyes and have flown with tears. Because for them that's one journey and they can never do that again. So really you can see the sincerity in it but for us Subhanallah when we do the camera, what's on our mind

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next year inshallah done right, we think about what are we going to do next year already when we still have them we're not done with the camera and that's why this doesn't doesn't have the same impact. Like someone knows when they go they never going to come back again. It's kind of law now. So he right now he's going to actually mention a few words in Arabic poetry like someone he makes it in the same minute. I'm gonna read the Arabic verse so you can see the English inshallah Tada. So in Arabic he says God, so to robotica natal Eminem Inca work good luck to her Mr. Gerron au Halle Berry, Alec to her Mr. Gerron au Halle Berry, Mama llama and Alec to be home for a minute now to the

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needy millenary

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djaro Bait and Tackle Tirana who generally located outside savagery, and that translation,

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the clothing of your house until security from you I have clung to it in a quest for protection. Oh creator, I think not. For once I have brought myself to claim to it fearing *, that you will place me near the fire here I am in the vicinity of the house and you told us to travel to it commanding the visitors protection Lexa and my Lord, you said come here and I am here.

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So I am right now your guests. So he's asking how are you going to harm your guests? That's what he said

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when he pieces between Al Safa and Marwa he should liken it to the scales or the balance me Zan, as if he were going back and forth between them in the roads of the resurrection

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or as if he were a slave who keeps coming to the kings gates and manifestation of His puro clothes. So

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virtue of being viewed with Mercy Rama and desire to having his needs fulfilled. So what he's saying here right now, after you're done from your tawaf, when you go to save and suffer model, we go to the Mount of Safa and mountain miroir. And you started going seven times, he said, Remember the scales, the museum, cafe Amazon. So you're going from one side to the other side, one side to the other side, what you're trying to do, you're running to serve your master and your king as quick as possible. Like you don't want to

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be slow. You want to do it, so you keep going between errands in the service of your king. So the running between these mountains, it says a walking within these mountains, is just like you are running from one place to the other one for a sec subhanho wa taala.

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When standing on a mountain of Arafa, and seeing the crowds and hearing the raised voices and different languages, the pilgrim should envision the resurrection and how all the different nations come together in that place to seek intercession. I don't know how many of you guys have the pleasure of really citing or looking at the hijab, when they marched out of out of Arafah. There are people who go by train, they go by buses, and by cars and so on. But in the majority of the Hedgehog, they walk their pedestrian highways, and they stopped kind of feeding into major two highways, and then eventually one single highway. I remember actually, when I was there, it was

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younger, go for Hajj, and used to do the pedestrian actually path all the time. So there's some of them, some of them will be overpass over those highways and just standing there just watching and observing. And just marveling the beauty of the site of this tragedy all dressed up the same, same two pieces of cloth. But then they see you see their their their different national flags. You can tell this will come from this place or that place. And then the beauty of it is that they're all chanting the exact same state, same phrase, love Byculla home Mala Bay love Bakel show Nicola Cara Bay, this entire service, here I am my Lord. In that service, they keep repeating that over and over

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again. Although it's Arabic, and majority of these people don't even speak Arabic. But instead of repeating that same phrase, you can tell these nations the beauty of their chanting from the melodies that they choose based on their tongue and their language. So even if you don't look at them, you say, Oh, these are must be Turkish people. These people from proud moment from Pakistan, these people from Bangladesh, these people, European diseases, this Subhanallah the chanting the sound of it, even though it's the exact same phrase, but it can tell you these people from different places, but as you can see had unified people and the way they look and what they say, because their

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journey is the same journey to one on only one Allah subhana wa Tada. Now,

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when you cast the pebbles, intense submission in Pierre to his command, the manifestation of slavery, Rick, and servitude or Vidya and pure abidance by orders with no personal gain. Why is I mentioned this particular formula John Murat, you know, part of the practice of Hajj is you do that Jamara, the seven people's right, with a 21 in the and other days. So he's he's branded here the cost of the submission, because out of all the practices of hunch, probably wrong, we'll jump rod is the least rational,

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is the least rational? Because when you when you grab these pebbles and throw them at a post, what does it mean? What is what significance of that I know we say is you throwing it at the shaitan or this and that casting the devil out of your life. But in terms of in terms of actually Arkel and understanding is the least probably rational. That's what he says. It is. It requires what the maximum submission

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because it's the least rational. It requires maximum submission. And we're doing good because the prophets are sending that

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and because of promises, um, did that we follow his example. That's it. Why? Because the Prophet saw some commanders that do what I do, God.

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He said, Whatever you see, hold on a minute, whatever I do, follow me. So he did that. We did that with the Prophet said, I want to lower cinema. So that's why he says, They intend submission into the, for the Command of Allah Subhan because that's the manifestation of slavery. I have nothing to say about it. I have no say in this being you know, servant of Allah subhanho wa taala. And I would like to abide by doing that, now that I'm not probably getting anything out of this. But I'm doing it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and finally,

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when you go to Medina, and it comes in sight, remember, remember that it is the city that Allah chose for his Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and where he told him so the love on a salam to migrate, and where he put his solo la jolla salons home. Imagine seeing the footsteps of Allah, Allah's Messenger so Lulu audio solo when he walked in it and envision his

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submission for sure, and tranquility Sakina when you visit his grave cover before we get to that point of time just want to mention this

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first of all visiting Medina is not a mandatory part of Hajj. But if you're gonna go there you're not gonna go the medina you missed a lot of spiritual experience and it's one of the most beautiful things when you start coming closer to Medina and you see the lights of the masjid, it's so gorgeous Subhan Allah and then when you come closer there you you feel it. But the most beautiful thing about being there in Medina is when you walk around when you walk around and you start trying to see history again coming back to life, you realize you are stepping on the same spots that we're proud that our solar system was walking I showed the Aladdin was walking up the loving Omar Alba Casa de

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imagine those moments, imagine them that's why we keep reminding the brothers and sister when they go to Hajj I said look the entire city of Medina to interview Salah Salem right now in terms of geography, it actually it was engulfed by the construction of this big mess that we have right now there. The whole city

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is actually in that sense that that space. So all the houses all the streets, all the alleys were actually there. So imagine how when you walk around, you see yourself that no Your feet are stepping into the exact same spots. That's something very, very interesting. When you start looking around you're like wow, I'm in the exact same place where they used to be now

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when you visit his grave, so make sure that your heart is present to glorify Tao theme thought they will not be salaam salaam we go for the Prophet Salah Salem not necessarily grave itself and revere playbar him. Imagine his noble appearance Surah Al Karima into your mind and acknowledge his mighty status, all the martaba in your heart, then send him your greetings of peace and know that he is aware of your attendance and greetings as occurs any Hadith because it was mentioned within the visa vie Allah Allah mama had you know salam ala no one cent Salam upon me that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala will bring me back to life to respond to him how, in a way that only Allah subhanaw taala knows how

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may Allah subhanaw taala make it easy for us to go to visit the house of Allah azza wa jal for Hajj and Umrah Manisha Bananaman will Allahu Taala show next time when we come back we will start with a dab over the citation of the Quran

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let's move to

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the book of Raja Rahim Allah

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Hello Alhamdulillah bloglovin sallahu wa salam Bara kind of Jana Muhammad and while earlier so I have to sell and distribute my bad Subhan Allah took us longer than expected and covered in this hadith Hadith number 15 Have you read are they allowed in order and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam are now called mechanical Mirabella he will he will ask for your concern out he is not by mechanic I'm gonna be Allah he will Yamanaka for Lucrin Jarrah mechanic, Allah Holloman alpha for LUCAM Viva Hey, they're all Bukhara Muslim news the Prophet saw some says that whoever has a man and Allah and the Last Day speak well or remain silent. Let whoever has a man and Allah and the Last Day generously

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honor his neighbor. Let whoever has a man and Allah and the Last Day generously honored his guests Bukhari and Muslim we covered the first two parts we're not done yet from the second one about being generous to the to the neighbor inshallah Tada. So which page are we in?

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225 So go to port 25

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All right, so

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is it this one?

00:44:05 --> 00:44:06

Yes, not

00:44:08 --> 00:44:09

yes. So I'm masa will jump now.

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Bismillah salat wa salam ala Rasulillah or

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Or even Roger Bahama. Hola. He says, As for a Sahibi Bill generally,

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a party explained it as referring to wives, and a party among whom was even on bus or the lawn explained it as referring to traveling companions. Now, they didn't mean to exclude the regular companion. One has when one is resident, but what they meant was that if the company one keeps when traveling is covered by this idea

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then the company one keeps continually while resident has more right? What'd he say Rahim? Allah, Allah. Hey, look, Allah Subhana Allah Allah mentioned three things right or three categories of neighborhoods

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Sahaba will assign

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the one who's relative, of course, the one who's just sitting next to you, and then I saw him will jump. This one will jump means what? Right now he goes, some Allama. They said the one who's temporary, not the resident, jar, not the resident neighbor, who can be temporary to you. So one of the explanations actually was mentioned says call Zosia your your spouse can wait a minute, why are you being temporary? Right? Says because they were never with you. They were never with you from the beginning. Right? They came into life at some point. And also because in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah mentions that a diverse icon was not able to have any, he used the word Sahiba T, which means

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so I have Sahiba. To him, he means companion, right. But that's not the meaning of it. The Allahu Allah the proper meaning for this is the temporary, the temporary neighbor is the one who's not permanent with you, meaning what when you're traveling, for example, roommate. Now when you go to camera, for instance, when you go on, you pay for your for your package, you pay for what

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two or three people will do in the same room. These also have build, jump,

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because they're going to be with you for 10 days, 14 days, 15 days. Back in the days, people used to go when they when they camp in the desert. So they stay there for the season. Once the season is over, they move and they're not going to your neighbors anymore. Palace next time you can maybe camp next to somebody else. You go to the hotel, the person next door is considered sizable jump as well, too. So that's what they mean by they have a right on you as well to like what? So when you're in a hotel room, for example, you need to care for the neighbors next to you. How do you care for the neighbors next to you?

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And your hotel room? How do you care for them as your mom, keep it down? Noise your kids right. Also, if you eat something, don't have a trash right you know outside the door in front of them for example, or push your trade towards them. So that presents there is not yours. You basically you make sure that you care for your neighbor as well to also have the buzzer is needed. Like sometimes you walk in and inducted in the hotel, and then one of the kids just opens the door wide open. I mean people are there, you need to look away not looking

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even though you don't even know who they are. But that's still part of the JIRA part of the considered neighbors to you, even though it's a temporary neighborhood, but it's the you're responsible to observe the etiquette that you respect and you honor them and stay you know, good companionship with them now.

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For this reason, side, even Jubeir Ramona sent, it refers to it refers to right acting companions as they even Aslam said, it is the one who sits with you, when you are resident, and who accompanies you, when you travel. So it basically says both those are who are next to you and your restaurant, even sometimes your for example, co workers, right? When you in your cubicles, for instance, there because of like the neighbors will do in that sense, not just coworkers. So that's one example and also said that those who are also traveling with you, let's move on to the next inshallah Donna.

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One of the types of good treatment on the bottom of the page. Now one of the types, one of the types of good treatment of neighbors is to share with them when they are in need. So hear from this part in this book, he is going to count for us how you honor your neighbor. So similarly, we will be asked, we were asked to honor our neighbors right? How do we do that? What's the action items so now he's going to explain few action items from the examples of the Prophet Salah Salem, the first one he says over here, but to

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to share with them when they are in need. Like when you got a need, you need to be there for them. Now, in the Muslim world, there is from Amara Raja Lavon that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said the movement does not eat his film without his neighbor.

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And Hakim. What does that mean exactly. But it's not good for you to have a handler always go to sleep on full stomach. When you know that next door, your neighbors next door they'll have nothing to eat.

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It's not good for you. You need to share with them that's what I'm here to share with their need. And specifically when their circumstances remember one COVID Hit the gym.

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And you tried to go to the grocery to go and get some

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essentials. What did you see over there? Forget about neighbors. Probably maybe the next day

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are neighbors and stealing and Jessica like grabbing as much as they can take in from away from each other Subhanallah complete opposite, complete opposite etiquette and a flock and manners.

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So this is the company the opposite here, you need to make sure that you care for the people. So if you have, if you take taken so much, for example, items that you know your neighbors probably don't have access to, you should share with them, you should share it with the map.

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And Hakim narrated from the Hadith from a hadith of Ibn ambas with the law and the prophets and some said, he's not. Okay, so

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go ahead, God he is not he's not a movement who eats his film, while his neighbor is hungry. Now keep going.

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Another version from EventBus. But alone there is that the Prophet says num said the one who spends the night with a full belly, why his neighbor is lean from hunger does not have Iman, what does that mean? He says that a man needs to be put into action faith to be a truthful, faithful person, you have to show them to action. And he had some of these examples. You're not a true believer. That's what it means. You are not a true believer if you know that your neighbor is sleeping hungry, when you have a hamdulillah enough to fill your stomach. So what does that mean? How much should I share with my neighbor though?

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What do you guys think? Or what I have? Not necessarily, but at least what what fills your stomach, you can split that and give them something. So you both are hamdulillah have enough in the last version. Now And subhanAllah. Interestingly, as we speak, on the subject, we have seen that resilience and that the animal was among the brothers, the system has panela to help people share with each other. There are no stores, the nest, there isn't any jobs anymore. People don't even go to work anymore, the situation is difficult and so on. But they still share the food with each other when they are forced. And that exercise again from the north into the south. Although unfortunately,

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they're not even safe anymore anywhere they go. But still the people they open their doors, open their neighborhoods for them, and they help them with whatever have whatever they have they share with them Subhanallah that's an example of how the believers support and assist one another. Now,

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in the Muslim there is from October, when you say the most not What do you mean by Muslims, the bakufu which scholars who authored the book that might have been hammered the Muslim might have been hammer, which is a collection of Hadith now.

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that Prophet sallallahu sallam said, the first set of two disputants on the day of rising will be two neighbors in this hadith. And this hadith, which is most of them, I heard that I'm allowed to Allah, the Prophet says I'm saying that the first people that will start this disputes before Allah subhanho wa Taala will be neighbors.

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Like the first dispute, you're going to have to argue with your neighbors basically, on the Day of Judgment. So be careful. On that day, you got to have your proof and evidence they haven't done them any wrong. That's what it means.

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If the argument is gonna start with your neighbors, make sure that you don't come, you know, on the wrong side. That's what it means now.

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In the Kitab them by Buhari and karate, go ahead.

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Okay, that by other by Mangu Koya. Mr. Lautaro. Now, there is from urban Omar, but the one that the prophets, Allah Islam said, how many a neighbor will be attached to his neighbor on the day of rising, saying, My Lord, this one closed his door on me and he refused me his good treatment.

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So as you can see here, the Prophet SAW Selim is promoting that your neighbors they have helped on you, and even your own yard, your own food, your own property, if you know that they're not if they're lacking any of these matters that you should share with them, at least not necessarily equal, but at least you share something with them to what level the next activity statement is going to be an explanation from. The Mamata Horizonte Rahim Allah data explaining what does it mean when we say share with them? You know when they are in need? What does it mean exactly? Go ahead.

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for it, and others noted, with a weak chain of transmission, a hadith of other even Qurani from Allah even showing from his father, from his grandfather from the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, whoever locks his door against his neighbor, fearing for his family and his property, then that one is not a movement. He is not a woman whose neighbor is not safe from calamities at his hand. This is not for the purposes of a saying that if your neighbors are not saved from your evil, they're not a true believer. But that means when you live in any neighborhood, you should always bring peace and tranquility to the neighborhood with you. Not there.

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But now the explanation of this hadith is going to come actually from APA, although it was mentioned as part of the halal but is not this is just an explanation from a sub Narrator now.

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should you continue to do this? Okay? He

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Do you know what a neighbor's right is. So those are the words of thought right now.

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It is that when he seeks your help, you should help him. And when he asks for asks you for a loan, you should lend him, and that when he is in need, you should confer something on him. And when he's sick, you should visit him, when something good happens to him, you should congratulate him. And when something unfortunate happens to him, you should console him, exalt Him to be patient. And when he dies, you must follow his funeral courtage

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You should not build some tall building that towers over him and obstructs the breeze without his permission, that's part of the province or some statement when he said that, if you're if you're in a neighborhood, you are not allowed to write to actually build your building hire from your neighbors without their permission. Because of my block, the sun blocks the air and breathing handler in our terminal. Now there are certain city ordinances, right. They keep records all these rules for you to have the space in between the houses, and also between us from from the back that's out of the neighborhoods and all that stuff. And so that's regulated very well, but back then didn't

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have these regulations, until later. So it was more like a personal thing to make sure that you don't harm your neighbor, when you build your own house now.

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Nor should you cause him harm by order of your cooking, unless you send him a portion of

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Did you guys hear that?

00:57:03 --> 00:57:03

What does that mean is

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if you don't want to share with your neighbors, close your windows.

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All right. But seriously, subhanAllah he says, Look, if you're cooking something and mashallah you put all the spices and all that kind of stuff on. So it's gonna smell all over the neighborhood, right? People, they're gonna know what kind of spice you're using, and if you're cooking biryani or Maori, so if you're gonna do this, you're risk share with the whole neighborhood. That's what he says.

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Obviously, it's not mandatory, but he says that if look, if you're going to be cooking, and your neighbors gonna smell something, then you should share. So Allahu Allah, this also applies to sometimes the Jonnie, not regular cooking like what, for example, if you're doing if you're doing barbecue in the backyard, for instance, that's something unique, right? Your neighbors can smell that your neighbors can smell that. So if they were specifically in need, you should share with them that they were not in need. You don't have to share. But it's a courtesy, you know, to share with some of your neighbors around f that's concerned the culture and the custom, in some neighborhoods,

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which is like Subhanallah, here in our neighborhoods, and in the society, it's an unusual unless, of course, you know, you're very close to them. So therefore, again, I would say if you have that etiquette, and you share with each other, it should be good. MashAllah hamdulillah here in Ramadan, the community is unbelievable, it's amazing. And it literally sometimes you don't even have to cook at all, because of the amount of food that you receive. Just unbelievable. Everyone is on each other's doors, and sharing food with one another hamdulillah Bananaman now, if you buy fruits, send some to him as gift. Again, that was during their time when this when fruits considered something

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luxurious hamdulillah for us right now, I mean, foods, and sometimes they go bad in your own kitchen, because no one has eaten them anymore. Too much of it along Stan. But back then it was something luxury. So therefore, if you buy some, make sure to share one with the neighbor or the neighbor. Now. If you don't do that, then bring them into your house secretly. And do not let your child go out with them and engage his child with them. Because he doesn't have them. Can you imagine that there's another advocate.

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Like have a look how much how much blessed we are that he's saying, Look, if you're not going to share with your neighbor, then don't bring them openly. Put them in a bag. Don't let them see what's in there. And then even when you get them into your house, don't let your child grab that fruit and go out eat it publicly for the neighbor's child see that? Just to upset them because they can't afford that.

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But does that apply to us these days?

00:59:45 --> 00:59:59

I mean, technically no. And if your kid go goes out, for example, grabbing a banana for instance, or an apple. Is that going to be big data for your neighbor's kids? Probably not. But if anything similar to that in nature

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then you should also be aware of that.

01:00:02 --> 01:00:04

You should be aware of that. Now.

01:00:06 --> 01:00:24

According to this as a mouthful hadith is rejected. And it is very likely that it is a commentary of MATA and Quranic so that's what we refer to it then now he started saying another thing of the etiquettes, of how to be kind to your neighbors, okay?

01:00:25 --> 01:00:27

It has also been the same continue reading.

01:00:29 --> 01:00:49

It has also been narrated from other from an Hassan from Javin as a Mfu Hadith, that the least of the neighbors, right, the least of the neighbors writes, is that you do not bother your neighbor with the aroma of your cooking, unless

01:00:50 --> 01:01:01

you ladle some of it out for him. So what does that mean? Part of being kind to your neighbor is sharing food that's in general, sharing food, part of it. Next.

01:01:03 --> 01:01:04

in Sahih, Muslim

01:01:05 --> 01:01:07

there is that a Buddha

01:01:10 --> 01:01:12

said, My close friend,

01:01:13 --> 01:01:37

salaam SallAllahu, alayhi. Salam advised me, when you cook a soup, you should add plenty of water to it, then look to your neighbor's families, and pour them some as a kindness. Now, once again, this is probably maybe used to be in the past when there was a necessity a need for that handler for us here. Maybe it's not in your neighborhood. But where exactly do you need to do that?

01:01:39 --> 01:02:06

For example, where where it's needed the most hamdulillah the Muslim community here, specifically in Irvine, they have Muslim given back truck, which actually a food truck, so every weekend, they go downtown, they go different places, and they prepare hot meals, even like a soup kitchen, for example, and share with those who are needed in the neighborhood in the downtown and other places and so on. So even though they're not in our suburban area, but we reach out to the people as well with that handler Bananaman now.

01:02:08 --> 01:02:28

There is another version that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said I will do when you cook. supremacism is in saying I will not when you cook abroad, then add plenty of water to it and strengthen your relations with your neighbors by sharing Well, that's what I mean by sharing with them now.

01:02:30 --> 01:03:21

There is in the Musnad and a Tirmidhi. From Abdullah, even Amara even Alas, that he slaughtered a sheep or goat and said three times. Have you given some of it as gift to our Jewish neighbor. Then he said, I heard the prophets Allah Islam say saying Gibreel continued to Jabril Gibreel Allison continued to advise me with respect to the neighbors so much so that I thought he would make him inherit some halacha decision on this current circumstance that we're in right now. When the Prophet Salah Salem is telling a Buddha is asked him to make sure I can discuss the law of loss. He's asked Allah make sure that you take care of your neighbor, and he says always take care of your neighbor.

01:03:21 --> 01:03:50

He said, I thought that one day the profit is going to say if you die, he's gonna inherit your wealth. There was to that level how much the profit I was emphasizing on the right of the neighbor. He said the one of those one time he himself he is household, they slaughter the goat. And he made sure that the servants they give the Jewish neighbor next door. So did you guys get sent some of those to Jewish neighbor? Three times is asking them, did you guys send some that our Jewish neighbor like making sure that he's not ignored or neglected?

01:03:51 --> 01:03:57

But he insisted that he receives like everybody else because the prophets have said your neighbors, your neighbors, your neighbors now,

01:03:58 --> 01:04:43

there is in the two Sahai books from Abu Hurayrah. But the other one, that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, do not prevent your neighbor fixing a piece of wood in his wall. Then Abu Hurayrah Delaune said, how is that I think you are averse to it by Allah I will cast it between your shoulders. Honestly, I couldn't help but I could focus in on the same the previous Hadith on the Prophet saw Sam was then insisted on taking care of the neighbors and the love and I'm gonna blast his caring for his Jewish neighbor. And he looked at the situation that was sinful sin, Reza these days, we can't help wondering what happened then. You see, but the brothers and sisters holla before

01:04:43 --> 01:04:56

1948 and establish the State of Israel and that the Muslims the Arabs in general never had an issue with the Jewish community. Actually, the Jews were not a Muslim problem. It was a European problem.

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

Because there were a lot of Jewish actually Arab in

01:05:00 --> 01:05:30

Iraq, in Morocco, Muslims among the Muslims in Turkey, everywhere in the Muslim world are living citizens of that land spoke the same language. They ate the same food, they live the same culture completely. And they maintained their Jewish heritage until the day in Yemen as well to some of the oldest Jewish communities still live in the Arab world phenomena. They maintain their heritage, they maintain their practice that didn't, we never had any Jewish problem in the Muslim or the Arab world until the establishment of the State of Israel

01:05:31 --> 01:06:09

was actually was more of like a European problem. They want to solve it for themselves. And they throw it on the Arab and the Muslims, actually, the Muslim have to deal with it. And now they blame us for the problem. So that's something I just couldn't help it because how we look at this, how much care we had to our Jewish neighbors, our Christian neighbors and those this Hala in comparison to the political situation that we're going through today. Now, let's go back again. So when you said there is a in the two Sahaja, Muslim word of the Allahu Turan who Allah, in which the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he says that you're not allowed, you're not allowed to fix a piece of wood in the

01:06:09 --> 01:06:27

wall that you shared between you and your neighbor, which means the fence that's between your backyard and your neighbor's backyard, you're not allowed to put something or build something or use it to rest a construction on it without permission from your neighbor. You can't do that, because there's not for you on it.

01:06:29 --> 01:06:36

Unless you build your own side fence into your own piece of land, and that's what you do. So that's something to keep in mind and shallow, the water cotana

01:06:38 --> 01:06:38


01:06:40 --> 01:07:18

so the point is, we've come to the subject of being a neighbor. It's extremely, extremely important to remember what the professor said about neighbors, your mom, your neighbor, your neighbor, your neighbor, as if your Eman and their validity and the excellence of your faith and your Eman truly depends on your kindness to your neighbors. May Allah subhanaw taala make us and others who are true to their neighbors or a Brahmin shallot. I will stop over here and next week inshallah we will come to with the last part of the Hadith and that is honoring the guest and what does it mean to honor the guest just a reminder, inshallah started next week, even though still in the summertime and

01:07:18 --> 01:07:34

actually, the next week, inshallah we're gonna move the session to after Russia, because Russia is going to be eight o'clock next week. So we're gonna have the session after Saudi Arabia and show a lot of Oracle data starting next week and the week after Russia is going to be at 745. So we'll start at eight o'clock as well to ensure that

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q&a inshallah will be after Saudi Arabia.

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