Yaser Birjas – Patience On The Loss Of A Child

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The speaker discusses the loss of a child due to the loss of a family. The father, who was the father of the child, gave the baby a drink and gave him a date. The mother, who took care of the family, gave the baby a date and made it into the father's ear. The father and mother created a beautiful environment for the father to take the baby and return it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of gaining patience and gaining faith in oneself to attain success in the loss of a child.
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How do people,
react to the loss of their child? May
Allah subhanahu wa'ala preserve your family, your children.
You have different level of patience obviously.
But here's 1 of those unique examples.
Unique examples from the 1 who is least
expected to show patients,
but she, the mother, and she's showing the
greatest example for patience because she trusts Allah
Jazma Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
This hadith is hadith number 44.
He says that 1 of the sons of
Abu Talha,
that's, of course his family.
He said that went out and the boy
died in his absence.
Like, this is Anas's brother, basically, you could
So that child died in his absence. Abu
Talha went out doing what men usually do
and taking care of the family.
In his absence, the child died.
when Abu Talha came back,
how how was the boy doing? How is
the kid is doing?
And his mother, his wife, the wife of.
She said, Khaled,
He is as peaceful as he can be.
Now she didn't lie, did she?
He's dead, khalas. He's silent. He's quiet. He's
as quiet as he can be, she said.
Now what did Abu Talha think of that?
That he's what?
He's asleep. He's good. He's asleep right now,
and what did she really mean?
Khalas. He's now as peaceful as he can
be. He's gone.
He's with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
She brought him food and he ate
and they were intimate that night.
When he was done,
let's go and bury the child.
So when he came when he came to
the prophet the next day, he was very
upset. He goes, how did you do this
to how could you do this to me?
Like, you you let me go through this,
eating and being intimate, like nothing had happened.
Allow me to be like this, rejoice rejoicing
actually and and being okay with everything when
my baby has just died. How dare you
do this basically? So he complained to the
alaihi wasallam.
Have you were you intimate last night?
He said, yes,
May Allah bless your bless that night for
So she gave birth to a child afterwards.
So in this narration, it's Abu Talha who
called Anas and he gave him the baby.
He goes, go to the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam. Let him meet the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam first.
And he sent with him some dates.
In the other narration, it was Salama Salaim,
I mean, who told Abu our, her son,
Ana, say, look. Take the baby.
Don't let anyone touch the baby or feed
the baby until you meet the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam.
What was their purpose? They wanted the the
of the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, to,
to be fed to this child before anything
So when they send him to the prophet,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
did you guys bring anything with him?
Some dates. He goes give me those dates.
He start chewing those dates.
So he took some of that juice from
his mouth
and he put it in the mouth of
that baby.
Rub it on the roof of his mouth.
They call this tahneek in the Arabic language.
Now is that sunnah? The prophet did that.
What's the purpose of this? There are many
interpretations from the contemporary scholars. They say probably
because in the past,
they didn't have what we have in terms
of technology, advancement of medicine, and and so
on. So that was their way of boosting
the immune system,
like allowing the child to start having that
foreign agent in his mouth to
boost the immune system because back then the
rate of mortality was very high.
Kids would die for any reason.
So now, boosting the immune system help them
to to,
become more resilient against these these elements.
So he did. So the prophet, sallallahu alaihi
he did that
was a Mahu Abdullah, and he named him
And that kid became a Mubarak, a blessed
1 of the sub narrators of,
We talk about kids so it's okay,
Abin Aayna
who was 1 of the submarines of the
Hadid. He says,
I heard from Rajam Al Ansar, 1 of
the Ansaris
Quran. He said, I've seen 9 kids from
this child.
I've seen 9 kids from this child, he
said, and they all memorized the Quran,
her father from this child. That's the blessing
that the prophet made du'a for that
So yeah, I mean,
the story has more details in other narration,
but that's just the kind of like the
summary of it from 1 narration. So what
do we learn from this Ajamal?
When it comes to losing a child, it's
1 of the most difficult things for anybody.
you know, we're not supposed to outlive our
We're not supposed to. I mean, usually, parents
expect to die before their kids
so that the kids have the opportunity to
grow older and live their lives. But to
have or witness a child
die in your lifetime, it's the most difficult
thing, subhanAllah.
And may Allah make it easy for the
people of Gaza.
Not just 1 child or 2 kids or
3 kids. Kids seeing their parents die, seeing
their siblings, their their their uncles, their cousins
there. Allah. Allah to reach fitna. May Allah
make it easy for them.
And here's Umsulayim, she lost this child,
and she knew that's aqadr of Allah subhanahu.
I couldn't do anything more.
So she endured that with patience, but she
knew it would be difficult on the father.
So to make it easy on him, she
didn't announce it right away.
Instead, she kinda
created a beautiful environment for the father.
They were intimate with each other and then
hoping for
a replacement for that child.
when when there's another narration in which when
the father asked about the child, she said
afterwards, of course, she said, if somebody
lend you something
and they they ask for that thing that
you borrowed back,
wouldn't you give it back to them?
And he goes, of course,
Because where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala took his,
that loan back,
and that's where he got upset.
Because how could you do this to me?
all belong to Allah,
and our return shall be terms of Hanhua
So that's 1 of the beautiful examples of
how truly to endure,
the loss of a child with so much
grace. Just like,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala preserve your children and
protect your families.
Any questions, Ajmal?
Summer nights, I know that.