Yaser Birjas – Light Within The Creator and The Created

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of being active and engaged in public speaking to encourage others to be more aware of their own actions. The confusion surrounding Islam can lead to harm, and individuals should not believe in Islam and be aware of Allah's teachings. The importance of finding the true light from Islam and being patient with one's behavior is emphasized. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a program called Umrah.
AI: Transcript ©
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so don't want to come around with a lie that I've got a garden

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handler below the means of Allah wa salam baraka and I've you know Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman Kathira to my my bad. So hamdulillah Blimey, we heard earlier from Brother Mufti Kimani, the meaning of Dawa. It's a process, being active and being an activist. It's a process. And it's a great honor even to be on this path. But something so many forget so many people forget about in the process of making themselves of hamdulillah available for the deen of Allah azza wa jal, and being always there, giving Dawa and talking to others to be available online and offline, all this time, in sharing Islam, and serving humanity, sometimes we forget about ourselves,

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as we work so hard to deliver Islam to the people to the world, as we work so hard, trying hours as much as we can to guide people to Allah subhanaw taala. Somehow, with this great effort that we're making, the intention somehow got dropped somewhere. We don't know what happened.

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And in that process, a lot of people, they get burned out. They become dropout on the path of dharma. So how can I find and how can I keep that light within? As I'm trying to shed light on others? How can I keep that light within? This is what we'd like to share with you in sha Allah with the baraka Allah to understand that as I'm trying to help other people, I need to make sure that I'm still also well guarded and well protected. You see, even Allah subhanho wa Taala is reminding us, Allah azza wa jal reminding us about the importance of taking care of ourselves. Yeah, you have ladina Amaroo Alaikum and Fusa cupola de roca mandala today to all you who believe you care for

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yourself. And that means basically, when Allah subhanaw Speak in the context of when people they choose to go astray, you make sure as long as you do your part, you take care of yourself. It is very important for those brothers and sister that will handle it becoming very active these days, as they try to become more and more engaged, that they never forget about themselves. I've been doing the handler this work in terms of public speaking and teaching young men and women around the country for the past almost 1820 years. But I have seen a lot I've seen a lot of young men and women who become very active in high school, masha Allah, and then it become very active and MSA and then

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become very active a lot of youth groups mashallah for certain time, but then somehow, they're missing. You go to the massage at a certain age group is always missing from the community. A lot of brothers and sister they just kind of like a take take a year or 10 years off completely. What happened to them? Why aren't they there anymore? Where is that light that was supposedly from within there was guiding them to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah azza wa jal made it very clear to us that Allah is notice some Allah to Allah. He is Subhana wa Taala the Light of the heavens and the earth. So if you want to have that light, you're gonna go and seek that light from Allah subhanahu wata

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Allah. Allah azza wa jal says yeah you Alladhina I'm gonna talk Allah Allah I'm an OB Rasool or you who believed fear Allah. Well I'm an OB rosulip Now look, what does that mean here? Oh, you who believe Allah subhanaw taala says yeah, you have Lavina Amman Oh you who believe so Allah subhanho wa Taala acknowledging and emphasizing that they're already believers. He says that Takala means be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala and then said, um, you know, be Rasulullah he which means believe in His messenger. What does that mean? I mean, he already said that they are believers but he call them all you who believe. Why is he calling them right now to believe that the messenger

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and some of the diversity that Allah they say this I and I was speaking about putting this faith into action. Which means follow his example. What do you get out of this? What am I gonna get if I'm gonna become an activist in the in the Dawa in my field what do I get out of this? Allah Subhana Allah says you to come keep laying in Ramadan, he will give you give laning Rama T which means to loads of reward.

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You're gonna get a lot of reward from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and then which is very important over here. Watch I love to Noura. And it will give you light tenshun Evie that you will walk with.

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So not just believe in Allah azza wa jal. It is also believe in the message of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam put that into action. Only then you will get the reward for what you're doing. And you will be provided with light. That light is that which comes from within. This is the light that will make a lot of people work through. We live in time when people are very confused. This is the time the greatest fitna I gave a hope a few few weeks ago actually on the subject is one of the greatest fit and the grave. The greatest trials and ordeals people are going through today is confusion.

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When it comes to the young ones specifically, they come out very confused about what is it exactly the right path. I'm gonna

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similar statements, but which which way should I go? Which one would lead me to that which is considered the best? And here Allah Subhana Allah says if you want that light, you go back to the to the point of reference to Allah subhanho wa Taala to the message to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam Allah azza wa jal says when we eliminate Allah Allahu Allahu Allah and from Allah whom and nor whoever, whoever does receive light from Allah subhanho wa taala, no one will be able to give them light. Which means if you really feel in that confusion, instead of going on the internet and Googling this and going here and there, go back to Allah azza wa jal, you will get that light. That

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light from within is what we are looking for. I've been handling the village down since I was very young. And I've seen a lot of my friends, a lot of my peers become dropouts. Why? Because they lost that light. And many of them they will be engaged in so much higher, so much higher in Dawa. But they work so hard, helping and assisting others that they forgot about themselves. And as a result, they feel burned out and they lost that light. So this panela they just left that path. Some of them and handler came back again, but still, it's very dangerous. Because when we try to see the light somewhere else away from Allah azza wa jal, it's gonna be very, very hard, extremely hard. And Allah

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subhanho wa Taala says, familia de la who are Yasha Yachty. Are you here who yesterday said the whole Islam, if Allah Subhana Allah was for somebody to be guided, he will make it easy for them and their heart to receive that extreme Islam, which is the light from Allah subhanho wa taala. So how can I get that? That is the question people they ask okay, fine. I know I need that that light from Allah azza wa jal. How can I achieve this? Now here's one thing before I get to the few points I want to share with you in sha Allah azza wa jal when it comes to finding that light from Allah Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala people don't don't understand that this is an individual experience.

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It is an individual experience. And I mean by that we all feel exhausted, we all feel tired, we all feel Subhanallah that we need some assistance to find that light which is true. We all need help from other people. So we come to these conventions. We come to these programs and people they go to Umrah. They go to Hajj. So when they see the crowd and they see the size of the people, they feel like wow, this is awesome. They feel rejuvenated. But then when the convention is over, and the program is done, Ramadan is over as well. We go back to normal live, what happens to us? Oh, man, that light is just gonna turn it off again.

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And we start saying I wish Ramadan can be every single day.

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Why? Because we need that torch to always be lit and coming in front of us. But when it comes to this experience, it's an individual experience. What does that mean? What are we getting that from? You see in surat al Shara Shara. Allah subhanho wa Taala when he was speaking about the prophets of Allah, Allah wa sallam, as he was given the Dharma, what did he say? Allah, Farida ferrata fansub were a lot of Beeker from speaking to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. In the Arabic language, the pronoun that was used over here is an individual singular pronoun speaking to the prophets of Allah Sam directly says for either for funds up when you're done, done doing what? Well we all know that

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he is doing SallAllahu Sallam giving Dawa to the people. When you are done VEDA for that when you're done guiding people preaching going out there. Allah subhanaw said to him by either ferrata funds sub, the word funds up means put yourself to the fatigue, which means get yourself tired again,

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doing what the individual act of worship, everybody salah the night prayer, we're Isla Rob Baker, for ragab And your Lord, come close on yourself nearer to him. subhanho wa Taala these pronouns don't have anything, anything else in terms of group is not plural. They're all singular. Allah sent to the prophets awesome. You either ferrata when you're done, then you come close to Allah subhana wa Tala do more, but this time do it for yourself. A lot of us those who get involved in dere, we do so how we do so much of the people and so others have hamdulillah and I'm sure that a lot of brothers and sisters are in this convention right now a lot of volunteers. By the time that

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convention is over, they will be exhausted and tired. A lot of people came here from different places. Why? Because they're looking for that light within this beautiful gathering, which is amazing and it's true. But you have to look for that from within. And it can happen only if you have that individual experience between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala heavily depending on the group and the people, it's good, that's nice. But don't forget about yourself. You need to have that individual experience with Allah subhanho wa taala. So what can I do individually in order to keep that light from within insha Allah azza wa jal number one, the first thing always be conscious of

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Allah azza wa jal at Taco taco Allah He Tabata Kawata Allah

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Why so? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala says what Takala while you're a limo como la,

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if you have that conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala if you fear Allah azza wa jal truly Allah will give you the knowledge Allah will teach you. teach you what, what you need to do, he will give you guidance. That's what it means.

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Allah subhanaw taala says yeah you Alladhina ama in tutta Paula eEdge Allah kung fu Karna or you believe if you truly become conscious of Allah subhana wa Taala if you have Taqwa of Allah as well if you have the fear of Allah subhana wa Taala he will give you for Cana and for con like criteria, meaning he will give you that insight by which you can tell right from wrong.

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How many people today you see the Muslims that committing the haram? Why is that because they cannot see the Haram in it.

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They can't see the Haram in it, no matter how much you try to tell them they cannot see what you see. Why? Because unfortunately lack that that light from within is not there. And it's not showing them what they need to see. So they need to get that how do we do this the first thing like I said again, having that full conscious of Allah subhana wa Tala and the Taqwa of Allah azza wa jal Ramadan is coming very soon inshallah Baraka what Allah may Allah may come and goes oh goodness Ramadan herbal Allah min and give you the full reward for faster the month of Ramadan Yet Allah. It is the month of Taqwa. Fasting is the month of Taqwa. Make sure to take your time and sha Allah then

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Ramadan, to increase that Taqwa. But until then, what do I do next? How can I get that light? How can I get that Taqwa? Al Quran?

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The Quran the book of Allah subhanho wa taala, which Allah azza wa jal says about kala waka radicle, hyena, Elijah, Rue Hanuman and Marina Allah said to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, thus we have revealed to you rule rule which means spirit from Amman amarilla from the command from the Command of Allah subhanho wa Taala by the by the command an order of Allah azza wa jal, but rule for what a spirit for what the dilemma they say Al Quran is the spirit of your soul, just like the soul is the actually the spirit of your body.

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Just like your body it is that soul in order to survive your soul is that for the Quran, to survive as well, and need to almost engage in the book of the book of Allah subhanahu wata Allah, Allah azza wa jal called the Quran again many many occasions in the Quran, as being like Kajal coming Allah here nor there comes to you from Allah subhanho wa Taala nor light and ALLAH SubhanA made it very clear work estaba muy bien. And it's a very clear book Yeah, DB Allah Allah guides through this book to many, many, many people to Allah azza wa jal. So the Quran is the second thing you take you think about constantly and make some times throughout the day and then I share some of your time with the

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Quran with the book of Allah azza wa jal so Taqwa conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala and then have that relationship with the book of Allah azza wa jal number three, what do I need? You know, in the process of living this life again, we have a lot of a lot of things to worry about. We have our personal life, family life, school and work many things. So we do everything we can, and then what is left for us. So in order for us to continue on this path, we put our trust in Allah azza wa jal. You are not responsible for the result like him of the company mentioned. We're not responsible for the result. We're responsible doing our part that's all as long as you do your part. Then you lead

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let everything in the hands of Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah azza wa jal says OMA Yatta Quran Allah for her husband, whoever puts his trust in Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah will suffice him means he will take care of you. He will guide you through what subhanho wa Taala then comes after that number four, patience. You need to be patient why Allah says was the Innova Sabri was Salah means seek that assistance and that aid into things and being patient persevering and patience. And number two, a Salah. Praying regularly patients is a quality that is considered in this time in particular, the quality of that completely lost and missing in our time.

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It's missing. And Allah azza wa jal praised us praise patience and perseverance and patience as one of the greatest qualities for those who like to survive in this world. So what Allah Azza wa saw will have to water was Oba sobre, those who have faith, Have the faith and have the practice of that faith and then what they enjoy and good among themselves. And they persevere in patience as well. So patience is important. I'm gonna hop over to the Allah on the Messenger of Allah said to him, Well, my ot I had an APA and I will say Our unfamilar sobor, that Allah subhana has never given anybody I thought, which means a gift better than patience. So patience is crucial. It's extremely, extremely

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important. We live in the age of instant gratification, and obviously you know everything we need to do drive through things. Everything is dreadful these days. When I go home or shopping, sometimes you're going to these grocery stores. And you see how people completely are becoming impatient. They don't even like to stand in line, even if they were to in front of you. That's it. So they keep going from cashier one to cashier in 10

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Looking for the shortest line. By the time they go to number 10, they realize number two was shorter to go back to number two.

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Right? By the time you get to number two, some Hello number seven was short. Let's go back to number seven. They waste more time trying to figure out the shortest line when they were just a little bit patients they could have gone by then they will be actually there or they actually in the car. People don't have impatient to go shop, you know, because it takes so much time to do it online. We live in this culture that patience is a completely lost virtue.

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And in order for things to be perfect, you need to be patient with it. So number four, patience is what we need in order to find that light from within. And number five, and the last point is Schelotto. Baraka Allah is a Salah was the angel the Sabri was salah, you persevere, impatience and also maintaining your Salah and your regular prayers. Allah azza wa jal the prophet as a matter of fact, Sal Allah Solomon said, was Salah to know in the highest Muslim, he said was Salah to new Salah in essence is light. It's that light from within. But what is Salah, Salah is your personal communication and connection with Allah azza wa jal it's the most personal experience with Allah

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subhanho wa taala. And it happens five times a day at least. And we would all maintain that regularly. They will not going to be able to get that light shining. We might be maintaining the five daily prayers of hamdulillah Bananaman but a lot of us in the process we lose the quality. You see in certain moments and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, God If Muhammad may noon Alladhina, homefield, Salah Tim harsh, your own successful are the believers, those when they pray, they pray with you. Sure, which means focus on concentration. What does that mean? Exactly? It's very ironic, isn't it that Allah subhanaw taala saying success for other believers. He didn't say those who pray.

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He didn't say those who pray. It was already implied that they pray when he said success for other believers. But he said there was when they pray. They focus. What does that mean? As an Imam, a lot of people come to me and said, Sheriff, I've been praying for the past 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, whatever. I don't feel it. Why all these things happening to me? I don't know what I'm not getting the sweetness of Salah that you're talking about. So what is the quality of your Salah? What's the quality of your worship? If it's not that great, then it's almost like useless. Meaning that doesn't connect. So what does that exactly mean? Allahu Chu is not the communication of sure is actually the

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connection. So the eye in translation means successful. The other believers, those when they pray, they connect with Allah azza wa jal.

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You might be communicating, like John Maxwell, one of the leaders in in leadership, he says actually, in his book, everybody communicates, but few people connect, which is true. Everybody communicates even in your silos, you're communicating. When you're upset, when you're happy, you're communicating when you just do nothing, just being there. That's part of the communication process, probably, but how much of that communication is connecting? You might be worshiping, you might be praying, you might be given charity, but are you connecting with Allah subhanho wa Taala that connection is missing? How can I do this? My advice? The last two things are Schelotto barakaatuh.

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Is advice here is that how can I make that connection, sound and strong? Two things, focus on two things. Number one, number one, always make sure that you have a daily word, a daily communication with ALLAH SubhanA wa to the Quran.

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Which means you read the Quran, why so because the Quran is when Allah has pada speaking to you. So the Quran. And by the way, I'm being a bit bigger this because a survey that was actually released earlier Subhanallah last year, saying that those have been surveyed among the Muslims who lost connection with the weather and their Islam, it's because of two things. Number one, because they don't have a daily daily routine or daily assignment or the Quran, they don't read the Quran on daily basis. They don't even if it was one page, so that you need to have a daily assignment with the Quran. That's number one. Number two that you need to work on in sha Allah to have that

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connection, so that the light starts becoming on having something such as a better to Silla, which means secret about a secret act of worship. What's the meaning of the secret act of worship? You know, a lot of people when they commit sins, what do they do? They try everything in their power to hide it so that no one would know anything about it, and see how much we tried to hide our sins. This is how much we tried to do good and hide our goodness.

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Think of something that you do, whether it's some form of liquid that you do research of the Quran, and particularly the night prayer

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or, or maybe you're very charitable you give charity regularly without anyone knows about it. Maybe you helping your neighbors, you feed in the homeless, do something that no one should know about it you don't have to post that on your Instagram or even on snapchat all that stuff on so on. Don't do that stuff. Keep it secret. Have a regular thing, a regular assignment with the Quran and Allah bases number to think of something that you do to keep it between you and Allah subhana wa Taala that will teach you to remain sincere and always remain sincere. May Allah make the mangoes herbal Alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

ICNA-MAS Convention 2018

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