Yaser Birjas – A Judge’S Best Judgement

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The interviewer discusses the responsibility of the judge or scholar when setting up a judgment, citing the Prophet's fatwa and the world being wrong. They also discuss the importance of knowing the way people act when making decisions and finding one's own success in learning from one's own knowledge. The segment emphasizes the need to be careful when asking for information and sharing it on social media, and the importance of learning from one's own knowledge to make judgments.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah there are I mean, so the LA Sonnambula kind of era Muhammad and Mater earlier CIBJO salam to Sleeman Kathira to my mother.

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This hadith is about the responsibility of the judge or the island the scholar when it comes to giving fatwa or formulating an opinion.

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Like if you if an animal scholar extends his he had and he studies everything, whether it's matter of r theta, matters of matters of outcome and Kedah and judiciary and so on. What are the limitations? What's the limitation of the scholar or the judge when it comes to making a judgement? This head is number 1856. And the other side of Hainan I'm another Mr. Lo data call. One I'm gonna answer the Ultron who I know seminar Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I could either hug him and hug him for steelhead earthen masa fellow Iran when Hakim I was tired of aqua fella who urges whatever.

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And this hadith is the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when a judge utilizes his skill of judgment and comes to a right decision, he will have a double reward. But when he uses his judgment and commits a mistake, he will have a single reward Rohrabacher Muslim, or the translations a little bit off over here. So let's repeat the Hadith and Charlaine Arabic and explain that. So how did they never use a semicolon either Hakim al Hakim. If a judge puts an effort and exerts his effort to bring about a judgment, a ruling and to the best of their ability, his wish they had, which means his judgment, Allah subhanaw prophesized themselves through masa. The result

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of his judgment was correct.

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Correct in the sight of who who decided was correct. This is correct in the knowledge of Allah subhana wa Tada. Like the opinion that he said, the fatwa that he gave the judgment that he casted on this manner, was correct in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the knowledge of Allah azza wa jal, which the judgment which the court the judge or the island, doesn't necessarily know. But he's doing this to the best of his ability, but Allah knows that he made that he will correct judgment. He said Allah will give him every word, one for making the effort and one for

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being correct.

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FY inhaca Was that but if this judge or this island makes an issue you had exerts an effort to arrive at a specific opinion specific judgments specific fatwa

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for after the conclusion, the end result of that is the art was wrong.

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The item deliberately,

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you cannot let he intentionally want it to be wrong. Absolutely not. That's the best of his ability to the best of his understanding from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet salaallah Salah from the Arabic language from the science of lumen, that he that he learned and also of course, from the human skill of reasoning. So to the best of his ability, that was his opinion. That was his fatwa. The Prophet saw some says even in such a situation, when the alum cast his fatwa and gives us judgment in his own in his own opinion, does that alum believe that he was wrong?

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What he has said, he doesn't to him, the alum he believed that he was right. But the prophet says, but he was wrong. In terms of what in the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa taala. But we don't, we don't. So therefore, the Prophet says he was still a good his reward. For what? For making the effort, the right effort. Now, that's when we have multiple opinions among the Anima some other Madison disappearance developean Okay, how do we know which one is which we are falling under the same category when it comes to making choices. We did the to the best of our ability, some of us have knowledge of Hamdulillah that qualifies them to discern the difference between opinions and

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make their own their own decision or judgment on the manner many Chosen One of the opinions

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of others, they don't have that skill or ability. So what do they do? I trust the chef's I'm going to follow his opinion, because that's the that's the best of their knowledge to the best of their ability handler Gaiman. So, here the Prophet SAW Selim is guaranteed award for both of them.

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He's guaranteed that award for both of them. But one of them gets double that award because they were also correct. What does that mean? What does it mean to us to average person event? What does that mean to us is that as long as the the alum that you know about he, for example, or this scholar, if he was hamdulillah qualified for that, which means you had the deep knowledge, the profound knowledge in the Quran, the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Allah salah, and the science of Hadith and also in the room that is required to make this kind of fatwah. And he made a fatwa.

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Now that fatwa again, to him to this URL is considered correct.

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So how was he going to follow that opinion? Later on? Maybe one generation or two generations, some other mother had extra knowledge that he didn't have probably. So as a result, they formulate an opinion different than his

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Now, does that mean that we're going to start bashing discuss it? Oh, he was wrong. And he was this he was that. I mean, we are allowed to say that that opinion was wrong. But we can never talk about him being for example, ignorant. Why? Because when he did what he did, he did as what he had. He put every every possibility and that in my knowledge, that's why when we have differences of opinion among the scholars, the amount they say, all these methodologies considered what valid methodologies, but we cannot say they're all correct, because I hear that a lot among all demonstrating are correct. That everybody, the four schools of thought, for example, they say,

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they're all correct. That's not true. Your Jamar the Prophet saw some say they can make mistakes. He said that one of them is going to be wrong. So we can't say they're all correct. Otherwise, you will be actually accepting all discrepancies altogether. But what do we say they're all valid. They're all valid in terms of what their issue had the methodology, the process by which they formulate opinions, but one of them could be right one of them could be wrong. Now, that takes us to some branches of also the theory of law, which means when Arema differ among themselves, there are different categories for that. Some of the if the law will go to the left or DOD, which means

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contradictory, contradictory disagreement, one of them has to be wrong. Like someone says this Hurghada is haram. For sure one of the has to be wrong. Now, who is that person? That is right and wrong? That depends on your SD hat, and how much you know of that n? And how much is the roadmap? We're in the depth of that subject? So you could tell her whose one right and who's wrong based on again, your own personal judgment.

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And Allah knows, knows best? Who was that the person? And sometimes that disagreement is actually is not necessarily contradictory. They got a diversity laugh. Like what? Raise your hands or not in the salon, for example, put all your hands up here or down there in the salon. These are all considered all not contradictory or diverse. Yeah, I mean, when you go deep into the discussion, you might say one of them is right, London is wrong. But it doesn't really it's not like it's a spa impossible to reconcile. Like the first opinion, which is basically one is halal. One is haram, for example, that's different. So when it comes to the left side of the Allah as students of knowledge as an

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average person, we should be tolerant with other people for different peanut.

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Why because this may be for the best of their ability. They come from a tradition from a culture that's the best of their ability that was their opinion, you can't condemn them for that. Your job was to do it, to educate them and educate yourself as well too. Because how many times you thought what you believe to be true? At the end of the day, it was actually not the right opinion. At some point you develop new knowledge and just realize like wow, subhanAllah I was a nerd so much during that time, and specifically to the young brothers and sisters or hamdulillah they're still at the beginning of seeking knowledge. It's a very very dangerous pathogen man

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our Alma our Alma they say,

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knowledge is the distance of three spans of the hand. When you enter the first span like this, three spans one, two, and three. So like the first part will enter the first span of that hand, says manda Chevelle oh one to cover. It breeds Oregon's

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why is that because you listen to one lecture you read one book you you know you learn something new mashallah fancy new thing to you? And guess what you think, you know, you know everything right now.

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You don't have to make what do is I give in fact, one zurka Mashallah, right. Some people just like that they hit one thing, and they start talking about forever, as if it says the meaning of knowledge. cardomom Dara Shubhra Sen. Wada. And if you, if you enter the second, the second span of that hand, then you will humble yourself. Why because now you realize, oh my God, there's so much still to learn. Oh my god, there's a new opinion about this issue. I didn't know that there is something else can be said about this matter. So you start humbling yourself.

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Call open the Halacha Schuberth. Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. And when you enter the third span, that's when you know that you know nothing.

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Because the more you know, the more you know, the more you know that you don't you don't know know much yet. Because Allah subhana says what will fall kakula The Illuminati above every knowledgeable person there is someone who is more knowledgeable

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and Hadith of the story of most undercover when they were on the boat.

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And then a bird came in person that boat and took some water with it speak from the from the river, and they were watching soccer that was Musa how much that bird took from the river.

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How much water they take on the river, he does nothing. Because like what, whatever took is nothing calmer. Tell me what else look, my knowledge, your knowledge and the knowledge of this whole universe combined. In comparison to the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala is as much as this bear has taken from this river.

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It's not even it is even less than that.

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So the nature of knowledge is the more you learn. You get answers to a few questions and you get get one more questions. It expands. And that's why as you go through the process of learning you humble yourself. The last thing over here in regards to judgment with regards to judgment those who make judgments specifically if someone asks you for arbitration, or someone asks you to make judgment between two people and so on, be careful Gemma had it worried the last thing or the ultimate answer and the Professor Sam says con auditors. Judges are out of three categories or three people

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called what hidden agenda was not even not one will be in Jana and two will be Jana. just scared like 1/3 of floors and judges are water Gemma one there isn't Jenna Tutera Governor Jana salon Aria. So those who rush into trying to make judgments and rule against people and for people be careful.

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So the provinces themselves called Rajon are awful haka for hakama wakatobi. Someone knew the truth and ruled by the truth so that's the agenda is

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kawaji an awful haka jar, for Jarrah will help them someone new to knew the truth, but ruled against it. Knowingly so you got credit for for not

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What are you alone? What are you on? Cover by NASA Allah Jehan Wahaca been been on manager, someone who rose between people with of knowledge. They will ask him to give answers Calva often not so the one who has the knowledge and rose by the knowledge that's in Jana, but the one who rules by her has the knowledge but they rule against it knowingly. That's deviation. Obviously, Susan Jana and the person who just gave judgment and kind of without any proper knowledge, that's a disaster man. So that's out of ignorance, and this person is also the biller to jahannam so be careful when someone asks you for a fact or an opinion or someone speaks about subject it's not a comment section on our

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social media Joomla the dean is not your social, your comment section on a social media platform, like everybody does these days Mashallah. someone posts something until Barack Obama and all the Olympic of Madonna movies and sobs and Imam Saab, and everybody becomes in that comment section martial. Everybody wants to give an opinion on this matter. Be careful with this, because these are these Musharraf these terms of knowledge when they make these fatwas. Hopefully, they've done their research based on of course the best of their ability to give an answer in this manner May Allah protect us all from getting fatter bigger under a Brahmin Wallah on any questions

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so does that mean this heavy does it only apply to religious matters? Or does it apply also to civil courts and stuff like that everything that applies also for the for the civil courts as well to Milan

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so we have some friends come to you asking about a specific opinion a specific matter. But if this the non Muslims are saying right, there are Muslims and they're asking your opinion this matter? Now obviously, if you have the knowledge about the matter they're asking about then you will let them know that look, I'm giving you that to the best of my ability. That's it. Also when you roll between them, you will be to them as if they were Muslims. What does that mean? What does Allah say to the Prophet so I said I'm about the Jewish people who came to him but what what combined I'm gonna answer Allah that you will between them

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by what Allah revealed to you not by what they want you to what they have actually their own law. So you will between them as if it's a Muslim rule they want to take or otherwise that's their business Aloha.

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So very good point. If a if an imam or Harlem gives a judgment or a fatwa, knowingly that it's wrong, like outer deviation, for example. So he's misleading the people that that's what you're saying, right? So if this Mufti does give that fatwa knowing that it's wrong, and he gives it out to the people and the layman follows that individuals that alum does that lemon, will that lemon be taken accountable for that? It depends. It really depends. If that's why it's so outrageous, outrageous that you know, even a layman should know better than this. Then following that person blindly. He will be accountable for it. But if if he will, if he was given a fatwa and an ambiguous

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matter that yeah, people don't really know any better. So they just follow that island based on what he says. Then in this case, not ALLAH forgive

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them, they're not going to be held accountable to that in that sense, but definitely they might be held accountable for not making any effort to learn even better than that. Allah.

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