Yahya Ibrahim – Islamic QA 4th May 2023

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of privacy and decency in Islam, as it is essential for individuals to not overestimate their need for privacy and decency. They stress the importance of praying, praying in pairs, praying in groups, and praying in pairs to stay sober from mental health. The importance of protecting one's clothing, being a good person for others, and seeking guidance and clarification is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the need for clarity and guidance to avoid negative consequences and avoid false rumors and harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and hamdulillah here 100 Share Karim wa Salatu was Salam o Allah say you didn't want Salim so you didn't get whenever you know Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa salam Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad in Villa welline wa salatu wa sallim wa barik ala Sayyidina Muhammad infil Salim Ahmed masala was certainly Moses whether regardless either Muhammad in the Kula walked in Rahim It is a pleasure and an honor to share our time with you once again at abnormally appointed time loon London time at hamdulillah in London, we pray that Allah subhanaw taala grant us histochemical and Baraka, this is your brother Yeah, Ibrahim seeking insha Allah to assist with your

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questions for Islamic q&a for Islam channel. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless our brothers and sisters who work tirelessly to make this channel better and better each and every week as we continue in our progress in seeking the pleasure and the bounty of Allah azza wa jal I pray that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah grant to higher and Baraka, wherever it is that you are tuning from, and that Allah subhanaw taala assists us and helps us to heal ourselves and others Allah whom I mean, this is a live call in show where we seek in law to provide each other comfort by receiving questions and answers in that which we hope in sha Allah will lead us to the pleasure of Allah azza

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wa jal, we pray that Allah Subhana Allah grant us his tofield and his assistance and his support in this noble pursuit, and to make it with lust, sincerity, and seeking only his blessed face of one on one to Allah, where we find its reward on the Day of Judgment, Allah I mean, I look forward to hearing you live in short light in the time that we spent together over this hour there will be a short intermission to allow for the oven and Masada of Sollozzo book. And I pray that Allah subhanaw taala accepts from all of us, we have some of our first questions that have come in in sha Allah. I want to know if I can fast six days of Chawan, before repaying the days I missed in Ramadan. This is

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a question that you're going to hear different answers from different Imams and chefs from and I want you to kind of understand that this is an issue that is open to scholarly dispute for us in faith, one of the Rockmount of Allah subhanaw taala, one of the essential mercies of Allah is that we are all travelling in the highway towards seeking his pursuit, but we may be in different lanes heading towards the same direction. And with fear, there is always an openness and an expanse to be able to tolerate scholarly difference of opinion. In fact, some of the greatest scholars of Islam are on record for having said let me give you an example. And Imam Shafi, right, he he he would say

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to those who were debating him in a scholarly filter issue, jurisprudence issue, he would say, Matt and Hollyhock the position that I hold as being most reliable is to me the truth. Well, Matt and dally he volatile. And from my perspective and the evidence that I have gathered, I believe that your understanding is incorrect. But what better, however, and dalla haka and Alibaba but I don't deny the possibility that perhaps you are upon the the truth, and perhaps I have made an error that is an intellectual humility that at times is missing in our ummah. So this answer the question to this answer, we'll have more than one opinion amongst the different scholars. So the question once

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again, I paraphrase it and I read it, I want to know if I can fast six days of show Well, before we paying the days of Ramadan. First, I want you to have this common understanding that the six days of Cherwell are seen as a sunnah to be followed, they are not an obligation, they are not a must to be fulfilled. Number two, the fulfillment of the six days is also in dispute among some of the scholars of faith. There are some myths that he did not hold that these are seen as a sunnah, although the general opinion is that they are a sunnah. There are major scholars who said that this is an action that does not necessarily have the status of being a sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad sai Salam, even

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though it's recommended in authentic statements from him. Number three,

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I want you to know that the fasting of the six days of Chawan was a general open ended statement. The Prophet SAW Selim said men saw a man Ramadan were at Tibet who said Demeter Well, the one who has endeavored to fast Ramadan, and then follows it up with six more days from Shotwell caca Edna Han sama Tao it's like they fasted the whole year.

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And the logic behind it is that if you fasted 30 days of Ramadan, and this year for many of us, it was 29 days, you don't go and fast another day to make it 30 You just leave it at 29 days, the one who fasted Ramadan, just in general, they had the intention of fasting Ramadan and what they could have it they did, and then follows it with six more days, for whatever reason they're fasting, it could be Mondays and Thursdays, it could be six days in a row, it could be that they're doing Monday and Thursday and the 13th 14th 15th of every month. It could be according to some early AMA, that they're making up the days that they broke their fasting. This is one opinion that any six days into

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well, it is as if you have fasted the whole year, because the six days is multiplied by 10. In each every hasna is multiplied by 10 with Allah and if you fasted 30 days or 29 days, if you fasted Ramadan, it's multiplied in its reward to 300 days. That's the whole year of fasting. There are a majority a group of Roma major scholars who said that it is better to fast the six days of Chawan after you have completed the count of Ramadan, and others said no that is a burden. You can fast the six days of show well and later on make your up your days that you have missed in Ramadan for travel or your menstrual cycle or whatever it would be. And the third group are those who said you can

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combine your intentions even if one is of a higher level or not. The aim of the words of the prophets I send them is very general, the one who Fast Six days so they take took it in the most general statement of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Those are all three authoritative opinions of major scholars have major Imams, and they can be traced back to statements from the Sahaba and the tablet in, in sha Allah. Hopefully that is sufficient and as I said, there can be more than one perspective, more than one correct answer that is fulfilling the needs of our Ummah in sha Allah.

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Khanna Muslim woman flog their life, hola, hola, como. So it depends what you mean by vlog, right? Sadly, of course, we do live in a very networked world. And I'm coming through a network connection to you. I'm going live on my Instagram, I'm going live on my Facebook on my YouTube page. And of course, I'm going live on Islam channel, and they're wonderful web services, and broadcast to millions of people in sha Allah, throughout the course of the week, across all parts of the world, there is at times a blessing in a necessity for that. However, there is also this sense of depravity where there are people who are everything they eat everything they wear everything they buy, that

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it's become of a commercial interest to them, it's a way of them trying to secure associate deals where I'm gonna, you know, put this cup behind me, and then people can buy it from whatever, you know, web service

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that I'm associated with.

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You know, those kinds of things, we must be very, very careful with them. Because at times there is a sense of pride. There is a sense of arrogance, at times there is a sense of lessening our inhibitions, our threshold of pursuing things that are beyond what is intended for us by Allah in terms of halal and haram, and it becomes a very slippery slope. Can a person share from their privacy? What is allowable within our Sharia? The answer is yes. Can I tell somebody about my day? Yes. Can I show them a picture of my date? Yes. Can I share a video with them? Yes. Can I do it in a more public space? Yes, if they are, you know, stringent strings that are attached to it. There has

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to be, of course, levels of decency and modesty in both the word and the elevation of our voice and the securing our beauty for those who are willing and able to receive it by the laws and the commandments of Allah. It's not meant to be open for all. And that's for men and women as well. It's important that we are not sinful in our lying. And the prophets. I seldom warns us about those who, for example, tell a joke, but it wasn't a truthful statement. And that's something that's held accountable against us. All of those are things we have to be very careful with. So I'm not going to make this question about Muslim women. It's going to be about anyone on that online space. There has

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to be levels of decency, levels of morality, levels of ethics, that have to be absolutes at certain set of statements, and that we don't let ourselves degenerate to a place where we lose our afterall for a shortly. Praise field part of our dunya me

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Allah subhanho wa Taala protects us from the mental illnesses that can emerge from that logging lifestyle and from the indecency that it results in in the home wrecking that it causes. May Allah Subhana Allah protect us from all of the baggage that is associated with it a lot. I mean, I believe that there's a caller on the line.

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So I'm one I can call her.

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Yes, sister.

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I've got two questions, please.

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My first question is, when you're praying patches, can you pray just one with them and

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pray one with them? How many records total of the hundreds that we had heard that it's supposed to be 11? In total, including with that? Another question of mine? Is that

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a last name that Halima? Could you please give me more information on this if you could shed some more light

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on our leak or whatever? Well, Ali Khan was

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not Allah He was just like a mafia sister. There is two important questions that have been asked the first of them, which we'll deal with initially is about 200 prayer. The word 200 comes from the root word Jah which means to be in earnest and to stay vigilant to stay awake and to do extra activity. So to hedge it is to push oneself to do what is not the norm for most people at that time of night which is to stand before Allah, in praying to Allah azza wa jal and number two to hit you it is something that is a sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah Subhana Allah orders the prophets I seldom it was an obligation for the prophets, I said Lim, to pray night

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prayers, and that night prayers of Allah, the order to the prophets, I seldom was up to half of the night more or a little bit less uncertain occasions. So the prophets I send them was ordered to pray at night. And it becomes a Sunni Neff for us to follow his example although it is not ordered. So if we perform it we are elevated in our status and Allah tells us in the Quran, fermata Allah munaf Summa Ophelia Devilman karate agony in surah. Such that the prostration Allah subhanaw taala says, they do not know the wealth that is stored for them the dignity and the honor they will receive on the Day of Judgment, on account of them standing before me at night, it is one of the greatest acts

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of worship we can do. There is no limit on the number of archives you can do with just one which is just with so after a short prayer complaint, just one raka it's still night prayer. And it's winter is part of night prayer. Or you can pray two or three you can pray to before it or four before it or six, or eight, or 10 or 12, or 14. And you can pray as many rock as you want. Some of the Sahaba are known to have prayed for to raka along with their with

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the concept of which remains one. What I will Torah is to do. It's something you do in pairs to do it as a single. So we normally pray our prayers to or kind of cycles two and four. But now we're going to show that we worship Allah the one Allah hidden by doing an act of devotion in its singularity. So after I've done all of my night prayers, I do just one row calm. Now there were different ways that the prophets I seldom did his wit, sometimes he prayed five raka without sitting in between. So we would pray to two and he wouldn't sit in between he would pray all five together. Sometimes he would pray three without sitting in between after too and then sick and then pray one,

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he would just do all three, and the withdrawal would be the last. And usually, the prophet would pray to raka say salaam sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and pray one raka on its own. Right. These are some of the ways that the prophets I seldom prayed with there is a Hadith that says do not make your wit similar to your method of prayer, meaning pray to sit and then stand, and Imam Abu Hanifa and the School of Imam Abu Hanifa they discount the authenticity of this hadith and they pray it in that capacity. They have their own evidence from the actions of some of the Sahaba that they hold as authentic, other mega hip they hold that this hadith is sound and they do not pray with the way

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Salah told method is to be prayed. Those are some of the rulings that relate to salata wit, I ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make us fortunate and blessed to be able to stand before Allah in the night. The prophets are SLM said shut off

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wouldn't move min pm OB laid the honor and nobility on a believer is there constancy in standing in prayer at night? I pray that Allah subhanaw taala makes you and I have them. Allah mean Allah whom I mean as for your second question in sha Allah, what does the name of Allah subhanaw taala al Halim signify and denote what is the name of Allah al Halim? What is its meaning and what is it significance? The word helm hasta la, ha Lam and meme. It comes to mean something or someone who provides gentleness, mildness, patience, understanding, slow to anger, indulgence, forgiveness. All of those patients all of those shades of meaning of the word Halima. Allah is Al Haleem, the one who

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bestows upon us those traits, the one who is the greatest in resembling his healing, and therefore you see that Allah subhanaw taala is not quick to Judgment. Allah does not send His wrath upon those who are worthy of it and have angered him subhanho wa Taala by denying the truth that He sent His Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with and one of the powerful Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we invoke him with is Al Halim, which is found in the Quran, in a number of chapters and places and in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhana wa Tada and Allah yield Karim al Halim to show us his hidden on the day of judgment, and in the

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necessities of our life, Allah from noon, to invoke Allah subhanaw taala. With that name is not necessarily just to repeat it. And I thought I would add this benefit. How do we worship Allah, through his most blessed names and attributes? Allah subhanaw taala says, when he learned his Esma, or husana, for the Ruby had to Allah belongs the most blessed names and descriptions and attributes. So worship Him through it, at the root of what we have worship Him and invoke him and make your art to him through it. The meaning of that is that in my life and your life, we try to take on the descriptions that Allah is Most complete in and fulfill them in our life. So if I was to simply say

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to you, my dear brother and sister who's listening, give me some of the orders that Allah has for humanity. It's to be merciful. It's to be compassionate. It's to be just, it's to be giving, it's to be generous. It's to be kind, it's to be helpful. It's to be healing of others. It's to be one who is patient. And if I was to say to you, okay, what are the names and characteristics of Allah, everything that I just said, you will find a name and an attribute of Allah that is most complete in Allah that is not associated with his creation. Allah is Al Halim, but wants us to show him the to each other. Allah is Al Karim and he wants us to show Karim and generosity to each other. And

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therefore when Allah describes his prophets, he describes him with some of the characteristics that are complete in him that they show and radiate in their conduct. So Allah subhanaw taala describes Ibrahim Ali Salah in halimun aware, Ibrahim Ali Salam, he was a person of clemency and forbearance and, and peace and mildness. Even for those who angered him and rebelled against the truth, Allah describes the prophets of Allah as having those characteristics. Muhammad's Iset is a saw that I mean, the one who spoke the truth and the one who is trustworthy, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is the provider of those characteristics to our video, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi. Wa, early he was so

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happy yourself. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to manifest that manifest manifest that in our life. We have a caller with us online as salaam alaikum. Caller How can I help?

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Shape I have a question regarding

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I had a partial knee replacement. Yes. And what I do is, I stand up, I can stand up, but I can't bend at the moment. So I stand up making my intention to pray Yes, and then go into record but when I have to go in such that I sit down and do the session. Yes, correctly. I'm doing all right. This is a very good question. And may Allah make it a reward for you for anybody who faces a moment where they need to sit in their prayer for our five obligatory prayers, Allah subhanho wa Taala Adam, three minutes, Allah subhanaw taala has instructed us in our obligatory prayers to follow at

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The way of the Prophet in our prayer. And one of the obligations one of the whack job actions of prayer and the five obligatory prayers is unclear who managed to stand when we are ordered to stand if we are able. So if you are able to stand and your knee is able to hold your weight, then you begin your solid standing. And if you're able to make record while you unique and hold your weight, you make your request standing. If you cannot bend it to go down for sujood, that's when you would sit either on the ground or on a chair or on a device to help you just in that capacity in that place. So any action of Salah that you can fulfill you must fulfill it the way the Prophet fulfilled

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it. But any action you are unable to fulfill, you're excused from it in that moment in that time until you're able to move to the next action. Some people they make that mistake they're able to stand but they begin their prayer seated in their words, your prayer, and they're seated throughout the Salah, and this is not correct. So if you're able to stand begin standing when it's time to sit, sit and then return back to standing in sha Allah, may Allah honoring and accept from you and assist us all to that which is good a lot. I mean, we have another caller on the line that said I'm on a cold caller

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I like to know if I'm reading morning a car in the morning

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and it is very cold. Can I read it from collodion sitting in bed covered up?

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And like if it's very hot, are you reading using a car and it's really hot? Can I take the scarf off and read

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it from a book, the Quran, Allah He Radek faecal,

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it's a wonderful question. Are we able to make the remembrance of Allah in different levels of our hijab for the sisters or in different levels of attire, I shadow the Allah and then she says can interview so I sell via the Quran, Allah Allah Cooley, who Allah, the Prophet of Allah would make mention of Allah in all of his conditions. And Allah tells us near the end of Surah Al Imran, you have the Quran, Allah halka, Yama, Peru, then we're under you know, be him that they are always in the remembrance of Allah, whether there are standing or seated or even reclining, laying down in bed. We know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam in his sleep, when he would turn from one side

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to the other, he would make dua to Allah. And he would make sure as he laid his head in his right hand, he would say Allahumma in new water to Jim be oh Allah I lay on my side will be cut or fat. And when I wake, I'll be able to rise up in the sector FC felted letter, if you hold my soul back from returning to life, then forgive me and my soul when I'll send it to her and if you send it back and you give me another day, that they have guide me to that which is good, oh Allah. So we make mention of Allah, no conditions or removing your hijab is acceptable. Although it is better for us to have greater levels of modesty. It is not an essential to the fulfillment of our vicar or the

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reading and recitation of the Quran. It is only in the obligatory actions such as our prayers, that we adopt the fullness of hijab even in our privacy inshallah I look forward to returning back to you after our short break was set him on equal water not Allah he will gotta catch

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us on the canvas

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chef, yes, some interference at the beginning.

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Was there

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sorry it was there in the connection.

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No, I'm asking you Did you get any interference at the beginning? There was a little bit but it handled last Arun Sharma sorry about that. No, excellent. No, no, no, no, it wasn't something that was audible so it was like it wasn't too bad to come to that.

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Allah He read it because like I said, I want to come to those who are listening online in sha Allah I'll take some of your questions. Now while we get back to our Islam q&a For those of you on Instagram I'm sorry, I logged on a little bit too late. But I'm happy to take some of your questions now in sha Allah use the question button at the bottom the evening he to add? All right, let's look through our social media on YouTube. And on Facebook in sha Allah.

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All right.

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we have a couple of questions here.

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If the main intention of Ramadan is

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to Camilo lay it down, why would another six days be a value? Do you not believe that it degrades the concept of a death? No. So the answer to that question, it's a good question. The answer to that is that Allah subhana wa Tada always instructs the believers after doing a major act of worship to carry on doing that same act of worship. So if you read in sort of the the Bacara, a little bit later, Allah Subhana Allah says, for either I talked to him in our 13th Guru la del mashallah haram now that you've left out of it, and you've been making dua to Allah and had you're out of it you're finished the prophesy Salim said And had you out of that. You know, you know when you finished our

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you'll hamdulillah Hodges in general, the complete fact the cooloola continue to remember Allah in the same way the prophets are SLM in teaches us the continuity, that if we have fulfilled our fasting in the month of Ramadan, don't leave off the fulfillment of your EBA continue the same act of worship, continue honoring Allah, continue making mention of Allah continue the worship of Allah in similar ways to be rewarded by Allah azza wa jal so JazakAllah here for that question, it's a good question my dear brother Abdullah, Allah He Vedic freecom Alright, let's look to Instagram we got a couple of questions coming in. In what sense is a wife required to I think it says obey its

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misspelled obey her husband does she get to have a say when making decisions? So the word that I would use is not obey as it means as it's mentioned in the English language, it would be to devote herself to her husband and the prophets Allah Allah alayhi wa sallam said, either Salah tilma to Hamza

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if a Muslim woman was to make complete her five daily prayers while sama CEF Raha and to maintain our fasting in the month of Ramadan when she's able, were hustler not followed. Yeah, and she guards her privacy and her modesty in their chastity her her honor and her her herself. While she devotes herself to her husband. She does what is encouraged for her by Allah as a right upon her husband for her. As she receives rights from him he has rights from her. And if she fulfills what is obligated upon her by Allah, through the necessity of her husband. Leila had collegian them in a year wherever he or she to be said to her, you can end your jitna from any of its gates. And therefore we must

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look at the importance of building a life that is a positive relationships of loving one another and of deference, there has to be one who is leading in certain things, and another who is following in certain things, and that can be interchangeable. There are times where one's wife may have an expertise in something so if your wife is a medical doctor, for example, and you are not you're you know, you're an engineer or a plumber, or whatever, business owner and entrepreneur, and your son is sick and your wife says we need to go to the hospital right now you don't say oh no, I put my hand on his head. I think he's okay, we're not going to the hospital, you would be a fool and you would

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be breaking the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala in that arrogance and Audacity. So it is a silly question, to assume that somebody who has a level of prominence and understanding of something should be brushed aside on account of their gender or whatever it may be. That isn't our faith. That is in the calling of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that would be the epitome of idiocy. May Allah protect us from this, Allah. I mean, however, when we reject any hint, Adonijah Allah has made men more responsible for themselves along with their women than their women are responsible for them. My wife does not have to put food on the table and put food in my

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mouth as a religious duty to God. I do. I'm accountable for that in front of Alliance. All right, we'll begin with our questions in sha Allah coming through Islam q&a, we'll come back to you if we have time. The evening Lakita Anna do share more questions and I'll return to you in sha Allah Smilla

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87543210 And your life As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Salam Allahu alayhi wa sallam what that it's a pleasure to rejoin you once again with Islamic q&a For our wonderful vehicle of Islam channel may Allah reward all of those who bring it to us, Allah whom I mean, I ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us his client and baraka and assistance through

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out. And then out of that, I mean, we're waiting in sha Allah earnestly for some of our other live questions. I know we've had a long queue for many people who have gone through the questions. May Allah Subhana Allah grant us how you when you are ready do calling once again in sha Allah

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or the poor people allowed to give the cat will fit, Allahu Akbar. So it depends how you classify poor people. This is a question that's coming through the WhatsApp service. What you know, the word poor can mean different things in English than it does in the religious context. As for you so in Islam, we have a difference between alpha aura well Misaki in both of them are categories in our statements in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet iclm. So clear. Mandla mela is somebody who does not have enough wealth, to meet any of their needs, they are without shelter without home, they have no possession, that is beyond what is the immediate need of the then and now. So they are those

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who are destitute and who rely upon others for their immediate needs. That mess that keen eye miskeen as somebody who has they may have a home, they may have a shelter, they may have a job, they may have essentials, but it just does not meet their their immediate needs sufficiently, although they have they are not in the category of Pokhara, but they are a step above, but they are required. And they and we are required to continue to support them. So when we use the word poor, it needs to be classified. Poor can be somebody who's working as a job has a home maybe even owns their home, home and car, and they are poor in the context of the society they live in. But they are not poor in

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comparison to the Muslim ummah. So for somebody like that, yes, if you are poor in Australia, where I am, or in London that isn't like being poor in war ravaged Sudan, may Allah remove the harm and give them assistance and cure that anger and the hatred that is found in the warring factions hearts and bring peace to the lands and support the beautiful smiling, wonderful Sudanese people love them to me. So for you to say, you know, for me to say, you know, I find myself in a moment of poverty in Australia, where there are governmental assistance programs where there's free health care, free education, it's not that I say I'm poor, I can't pay the counterfeit. While somebody in poor in

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other places, it may be a different classification, both of them can be worthy of that cat. But not necessarily both of them are worthy of that Captain fit, as the captain fitter is paid to those who are able to receive zakat. And those who don't have to pay that counterfeiter are those who are worthy of receiving that kind of so if you in your home, you are worthy of receiving this is a card from other people as a religious offering to you, to uplift you and to assist you, then yes, you may be taken out of the category of those who are obligated to pay zakat. However, it is a rarity in our time today that somebody cannot meet the obligation of paying for poor kilos, or two and a half

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kilos of rice or chickpeas to another poor person who it becomes a matter of life and death in their circumstances in other places. How do we define hijab? It's a question for both brothers and sisters from a brother and sister. What is proper hijab? What is the concept of proper Egypt? It's not about proper or improper hijab, as he's known throughout Islamic history, from the time of the Sahaba until our time today takes on certain characteristics and these are described by their own AMA, codified by the scholars, men and women who have written about it defined it from what the Sahaba did, the tabular indeed what Islamic theology is condoning and what Islamic film allows

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the first and this is for the clothing of both men and women, that it should be fit fine, it should be not skin tight. So spandex or bicycle shorts or yoga, you know that those kinds of things are a halter shop, that defines the shape of the body of a man and woman where it is there our and the necessity of our for men is from their navel to their knee. For women it is

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from parts of their body other than their face in their hands. This is the major hour, there is a minor hour which they can show in front of other women and in front of their own family, which is from

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their neck down. They're able to to uncover to certain members within their household so a person's

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Mother is able to breastfeed or you know in front of other people.

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So the first is that the clothing should not be shaped defining for both men and women. Number two, it should not be transparent or translucent or see through, it should be opaque that it doesn't show the color of the skin or what is underneath it, that shows and exposes that which is beneath it. Number three, and this is for men and women. Number three, that the clothing should not be clothing that is associated with the religious or identifiable cultural practice of another faith and another tradition outside Islam. A Muslim man is forbidden from wearing, you know, a yellow or a bright orange turban that's tied the way the Sikhs tie it as a Muslim man and forbidden from wearing a

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kippah or a yarmulke that is worn by Jewish people. I'm forbidden from wearing a black suit and a white colored tie that looks like a Catholic priests, right? Those are things that are seen as unacceptable for a man's hijab, a woman's hijab in their attire. Hijab just simply means what we obscure ourselves from others with number four, for women now, they should not wear or attire themselves with heavily perfumed scents, whether on their body or on their clothing that attracts or is intended to attract the attention of others. And most of them, women can put a little bit of perfume underneath their clothes. That is enough that if a sister comes in, you know for a kiss and

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a hug and greets her, that she can smell that you know, the deodorant or the scent, but it's not something that wipes through the air that as she walks by, everybody takes notice and turns around. Number five, is that the clothing should not be the best chakra, it should not be something that makes you stand out in its color in its expense, in its shape, in its design, in its pattern, you know, you shouldn't wear hot pink, and say I'm the Bilbo. I'm wearing hijab, and it's all hot pink, or I'm wearing, you know, this bright pink suit to Joomla. You know, if you're in a culture where it's not known, so if you're in an African culture where bright pinks and yellows and greens are

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norm, then there's no problem with it. But if you're in, you know, a place where the norm is darker neutral shades you should not intend to stand out in terms of expense or shape or color or, or design. Another fact and that's for men and women. Another important factor for the fulfillment of hijab, that it covers the parts of the body that are obligated by the Hadith of the Prophet sorry, Selim, the hadith of Asma bint Abu Bakr, the daughter of a Bobak is quite clear narrated by each other the Allahu anha were the prophets I seldom turned away from us not when she reached at an age where she was a woman. And she was wearing something that was translucent and he turned and he said,

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Yes, Matt, when a young girl reaches the age of womanhood, she must cover herself in her attire, so that her body parts does not show except your face and her hands. That's from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam statement narrated by his wife, finally, is that the clothing that we wear should not seek to separate between us and others, as a matter of pride and as a matter of extravagance in other ways. So you we should be really careful careful with regards to that in sha Allah, just like well, okay, we have a caller on line Saramonic on caller How can I help?

00:38:47 --> 00:38:47

Very well just

00:38:52 --> 00:38:53

want to

00:38:55 --> 00:39:05

do due to age and medication etc. It is difficult to get home. Yes, all the time. So

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one should do when they are, when I am or whatever we can do other.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:58

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teach it before. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches that if a person was overcome by sleep, or a person was not in their mental awareness, it could be due to their medication or their excessive tiredness, then they the pen is lifted from them, it's not written upon them an error, and that when they wake up, they fulfill their prayer. And believe it or not, there was a time where all of the Sahaba and the prophets Isola missed their prayer or federal prayer due to their excessive exhaustiveness And they were on a journey and they fell asleep before the sun rose and Bilal Radi Allahu Anhu was the one who said that he would stand

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guard and would wake everybody up.

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He was overcome by tiredness and he slept until the sun began to scold their fate and then they woke up. They were like Subhan Allah, we missed our salah and the prophets I send them ordered them to fulfill the prayer as soon as they remember it. So the general rule is, the moment you remember that there's a prayer that you owe to Allah fulfill that debt to Allah subhanho wa taala. There's a difference between falling asleep, intending to wake up for failure and not being able to and intending and planning on not to wake up for fetcher. There are two different things. So we always have our need to wake up for failure, we do our best to set our alarms and clocks and you know, to

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find but if we are unable if our medicine prevents us, if our tiredness prevents us, Allah subhanaw taala is aware of our intent and is aware of our circumstance inshallah.

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Question is, can I ask? Yes, my brother.

00:40:56 --> 00:41:03

Second question is in relation to a V. But, yes, now, I know that, you know,

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but in general,

00:41:07 --> 00:41:20

you can't label it as a gossip. But we are talking about facts about somebody, which I can say on the face, too. So, but we slip into this regular habit of talking,

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in general and talking, and the

00:41:25 --> 00:41:30

person you're talking about when you just say things, and we also have by culture habit of some time

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slipping into some stronger objectives, unknowingly, or whatever, which can be awarded. Yes. But, you know, what is the big deal in talking about somebody, which is, you know, it's very difficult. Also, if we are talking about right wing leaders who instigate you know, criminal activity and

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division, and so How about how about I define the question, my dear uncle does that. So the question in its most general sense, which is a very good question, when is it allowed in our faith to speak about someone when they're not present to defend themselves? When is it allowed? Because the general default position for us as Muslims, is that the prophets I seldom said, the crooked of how can the mouth be my o'clock to speak about someone in a way that they dislike outside their presence is condemned. So they said O Messenger of Allah, Allah in canopy Akima Apple, what about what if I'm saying about him or her is true? I would say it to their face, and they wouldn't be able to deny it.

00:42:37 --> 00:43:19

The prophets I send them said, if you said it, and they're not there to give their side of the story, it is Kiba it is backbiting it is something something that is simple, it is wrong to do it. The reason it's wrong isn't whether you're speaking the truth or not Riba is when you are truthful, Reba, is that what you're saying is the truth, you're not lying? You're not exaggerating what you're saying is true. But it's not something praise, where it's not something good about someone who's not able to defend themselves, they're not able to say, Hold on a second, you heard that. But did you know, or were you there after? Or did you see before so that contextualization is missing? The

00:43:19 --> 00:44:07

person is unable to give to be given freedom of defense? Is there moments in our tradition, where speaking about someone in negative terms is permitted in our faith? And the answer is, yes, logically has to be yes. So the arena and I'll just share with you a few of those instances insha, Allah Bismillah, when can you and I discuss somebody's negative traits outside their presence? First, when we are making a complaint to an authority and a power, who is able to bring our rights back to us after they were taken. So I'm allowed to make check where it is permissible for me having been wronged or perceive myself to have been wronged to complain to the police to complain to a

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justice to complain to the Imam to complain to my father or my mother about an to an authority figure about something that has been wrong to me and make a complaint about someone that they can then speak to and identify their side of the story. Number two, is to seek help to change evil and to bring a sinner back to the right path. So I might know that there's a brother who's Subhanallah just say there's a brother and a dear brother to me, his son, I saw him for the first time vaping and his son is 1213 1415 years old. And if I don't tell his father if I don't tell his mother, if I don't tell his older brother, this child is going to become addicted. They're going to fill their

00:44:53 --> 00:44:59

their lungs with with chemicals and things that are going to hurt them into the future. So to for me to help

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them overcome something I know definitely they're doing wrong, I can give an indication and a hint to somebody who is in their life, you know, you need to take a closer look at your son. I don't want to say who saw him where he was seeing, but I know for a definitive fact that he was smoking in this place, or he was in this company. And I just thought it was important for you to know, whether you verify it with him or not, I leave that up to you. Number three, is to seek advice and to gain a fatwa a religious verdict in something that relates to an action that is personal to you. And it might be that you make mention of the name or that there's an indication that people understand what

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you're talking about. But it becomes important for you to get clarity about something that is halal and haram, you know, somebody's come to propose to a young sister. And he said, Look, don't tell your dad, don't tell your mom. And she comes to any manager says, Listen, you know, this man is coming approach me. And he said, Don't tell your dad and your mom, is this right? And the chef says, Who is this? You know, I need to know who is this? And she says, Well, it's this person, so becomes necessary to Delve, divulge that, if it is truthful, right? Warning, another Muslim, about evil that a person is doing that is imminent to strike them. So just say you've had somebody who's come and

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did a business deal with you. And you found that they were treacherous. They were dishonest. They didn't pay their taxes. They were duplicitous. You've had that true to life experience. And all of a sudden your friend comes and says, Hey, you know that guy who was came and did business with you two years ago, and you never told anyone? You know, he just offered me a job. He's offered me this and that, what do you think it becomes important for you to then share that vital information to spread to help stop the spread of mischief and harm? Number five, you as a believer, you are permitted to speak about someone who is teaching people errors in their faith. So just say there's any man who is

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misquoting the prophets, I seldom just say there's an imam who is not fulfilling the Sunnah of the Prophet Isaiah 11. They're teaching and his misguiding people, he's taking money from them by selling them trinkets and saying, you don't if you wear this, it'll protect you from cancer. And he said, Hold on a second, that's not true. That's not right. Don't go to this man. This person is a charlatan. And it becomes necessary to speak out against someone who is manipulating and causing harm and havoc to others. It's also it can be for the purpose of identification. Number six, sometimes we need to identify someone who has committed a crime. And you say, are you speaking about

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this person who has a limp? Or who's one eyed or you know who's in a wheelchair, and maybe that Brother, you wouldn't want people to say, you know, the disabled brother, you wouldn't say that to his face, you wouldn't describe the brother as the disabled brother, or the brother who gets angry quickly. But somebody comes and says, you know, there was this guy in the masjid. And he did this and say, Who? I don't know his name? Who is he? I don't know his name. Can you describe them to him? Oh, you know, that brother who gets angry quickly, you know, that brother who, whose voice is loud or who speaks with a weird accent, whatever it may be described them, it's not something you would

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say to them. But it is something that becomes an legal and allowable riba to be performed. And there are other instances in sha Allah, four minutes.

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So hopefully that is a sufficient response to that. And as Muslims, we have to be very pragmatic. In our in the regards of our faith, we have another couple of questions that have come in

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what can I do in life? Or what do I make I make to stop giving up so quickly? There are projects that I start and then I kind of give up or I lose interest, or I never see my project through to the end. This is in my studies of my personal life. Is there a dua that is taught to us by the prophet Isaiah them and the answer is yes, but it's not about the words you choose. It's also about the mindset and intention your heart the prophesy centum would say Allah mania or do we come in a lot Dizzy Wilkerson? What are we Cabanel dupioni when booking Oh Allah I asked you to protect me from Magic The inability not seeing things through women as castle and from being procrastinating In

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other words, being lazy and not being on top of what I'm doing diligently and taking things seriously. Whether becoming a job no Allah, I asked you to protect me from being cowardly, not willing to venture in to try something new. When we will buckle and being tight * and stingy and not willing to spend and and being holding and holding and holding on to life on on too hard in life. Two different things.

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That is a dua of the Prophet Muhammad's iclm Allah mania oh do becoming a lodges Wilkerson where I will be coming I'll Jupiter will be where I will be mineral Liberty Dane welcome ritual and oh Allah I ask you to protect me from being overcome by debt and being under the power of other men, other people who seek to subdue me and humiliate me May Allah protect us all from those six things that the Prophet asked protection from Allah Amin, we have another question Islam advises to help people and is that we are rewarded for it. How does that apply to someone who struggles with people pleasing and getting validation for helping people it is, you know, a dangerous slope where we're

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doing something to try to get people's attention trying to be validated by others in things especially that should be for Allah. So the greatest way and May Allah help us in all of this May Allah help me and you in this is to do good things for others without them knowing and to give clarity without people knowing who it you know, it was sent to or by to do, you know, wonderful things that other people benefit from and they don't immediately know they're like Subhanallah whoever it is that put this in the masjid May Allah reward them. You know, you put a scent in the masjid or a bottle of cologne that people use it as they come in. Or you put some fruits at the door

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of the metric for children to come in on their Saturday morning classes or you came in early or after fishing when everybody left you back Insha Allah, those kinds of things that you humble yourself to Allah seeking His pleasure without letting people know is a wonderful act. I remember my chef may Allah have mercy upon him and Sheikh Mohammed.

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Hopefully Allah will no other software at Notre Dame he would say to me you're here icebergs they show the top but at the bottom, they're great let your deeds with Allah be the bottom under the water not what other people see. May Allah bless us all with that and make us from those who are free over here and seeking praise from others. While suddenly love no selling was it to America, let's eat dinner whenever you know I'm in Seoul. Allahu Allah. You were early wasafi will sell him was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah he over look at

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