Yahya Ibrahim – Guiding Stars #6

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The history and use of the Prophet's name for clothing in Islam have caused negative consequences for the Hanifa community. The use of the symbol "has" in Islam has been a common practice, including praying and practicing religion-related activities. The use of "has" in religious practices, including religion, has also caused negative consequences. The Hanifa claims to have been in bad luck, but the confusion surrounding his actions is due to the use of "will" and "will" in relation to actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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No matter what else starts with MBR

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the scholars have taken the inheritance of the province we're in an MBR and you want me to Denardo one other, no profit or messenger has left behind any money as inheritance in them.

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For men

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have the

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only thing that the scholars have left behind for you is knowledge only thing the Prophet gloves is knowledge and the one who was taking it has taken a great chair.

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How many of us feel connected to Allah subhanaw taala and his messenger Mohammed I sent him that we are taking inheritance from him. It is a hawk that is given to those who have this knowledge of Allah azza wa jal,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he also tells us about any lady

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whom Allah he will hustle. The scholars of Islam are the chosen ones by Allah subhanho wa taala. And they are the special ones with him.

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chosen by Allah azza wa jal, they are the special ones that he has chosen for himself. Subhanallah want to honor, I want to give you just a few historic figures

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to show you and we'll actually take just a story from each one of the four main motherhood in Islam, Abu Hanifa, Malik, Musharraf, anyone, Imam

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and Imam Abu Hanifa was a rich man. Because you have to know not because a person studies Islam that it means that shouldn't earn an income. He was a Dodger, he was a person who bought and sold who fabricated clothing a large scale and was involved in textiles. Initially, in his young age he was poor, but because of the blessing of knowledge and the blessing of of learning, he was blessed with wealth as well that he earned.

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He was a person that who was so connected to the worship of Allah azza wa jal that when a man comes and asked him and this is in the reiwa that are authentic in the books of an Imam Abu Hanifa about him, a man comes and ask him yet Imam he can test a new Quran how often do you read the Quran? This is not in the month of Ramadan.

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So an Imam Abu Hanifa said to him

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be the hiring and be like, do you mean in the daytime or at night?

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And that said, the length at night how often

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we saw that in MBT LA was in Makita. Give me Mom I'm praying or when I'm reading.

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That's enough, right? That's enough to show you the piety of an Imam Abu Hanifa Radi Allahu Anhu Alva. When the fitna of this huncle Quran came about people were making accusations and they were threatening the scholars of Islam with imprisonment and punishment and hardship.

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They came to an Imam Abu Hanifa and they took him to the the Khalifa at the time who was in a state of fitna. He was led astray by those who are near here.

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So they said to him, you have a Hanifa tell us Do you believe the Quran is something created meaning it has an end it's alive and can die?

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Or is it simply the words of Allah azza wa jal?

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So his answer to the question he says to the Khalifa, what did you eat today?

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What did I eat today?

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I'm asking you a question. They go okay. What did you eat yesterday? He says what's wrong? Who is this man that you abroad take them from me he's not a scholar and Imam Abu Hanifa. So as not to be put in the fitna act in a way that lead this man think of him as insignificant, and we'll show you how each of the four Imams dealt with it.

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And Imam Malik

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was a person who the scholars who leave a rock

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said your staff were Malecon Filipina.

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Everyone is forbidden to make fatwah if Malik is in the city of the Prophet Muhammad Salah no one can speak. That's his level of knowledge. He loved the property selling so much that he would not ride a horse or a donkey or a camel in an Madina Munawwara so that his body would be off the ground where the Prophet SAW Selim was buried.

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And email Malik never gave a class unless he was dressed in fine clothing with lots of perfume, and he gave charity to the students who were listening.

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And Imam Malik Rahim Allah was the students of his

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slave or if someone who was a former slave

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and people who were linked directly to the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem. When you look at the change of Hadith, Assisi lives the heavy the golden chain of Hadith, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and it was heard by blood.

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And it was heard by Nafion and heard by Malik golden chain of narration, no lawyers in it. It is the most authentic chain of narration that you can find in this path in this story. That is a Lima Malik Rahim Allah and Imam Malik was a little bit different than the Imam Abu Hanifa. When he came to be tested, they brought him out and they said to him, you know, what do you believe of the Quran? So he told them the Quran, Allah Allah, it is the word of Allah. And the one who says other than this cup has disbelief.

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So the Imam at the time, the Hadith at the time, and in all of this and Imam Malik and none of the four Imams revolted, it chose you. They ordered that his arms be pulled by horses from either side, until his left arm popped out. It became immobile for the end of his life, he couldn't move his left arm. So in fact, one of the reasons that Imam Malik's man's have is to pray like this is because he couldn't pray like this. Although when you read in his book of fifths and more, you see the Hadith he uses where to put the hands in Salah. He uses the Hadith of the chest to put the hand on the chest. But because he was tortured, he couldn't do it. So some of the later generation they would

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use this as him praying like this. We used to see the family pray like this and pray in that way upon his tradition, well the hola Juan Juan

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and Amanda sharpei with the students of an Imam Malik and Imam Shafi lived in Mecca and mocha Rama he was from Gaza from Palestine, but he was originally from Croatia but his family had moved up into a Shem

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because the in the occupied territories of Palestine, may Allah subhanaw taala bring relief to our brothers and sisters their

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his mother takes him to Mecca and he studies with the most famous scholars in Mecca and McLaren.

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And upon finishing his studies at the age of nine, at the age of nine, masha Allah shares a shotgun that's a shed, right?

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His mother says there's no one in Mecca. So you need to go li Malik welcome wilcon Allah Manasa Hina that none was more knowledgeable than Malik knocking on Allah.

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And there was only one book of Hadith known to people

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known spread to people which was the book of Imam Malik and more

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and there was only one copy in Metro.

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So the mother of an imam Shafi borrowed the Kitab and gave it to her son and told him study this so that when you get to a Medina and it used to take 11 days by camo

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when you arrive in Medina, you have something to show of your knowledge of what an Imam Malik teaches.

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While on journey, in the heat of the desert on Camelback, as a young child of 12 an imam Shafi memorize

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all of and mortar overly mathematic

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so he comes to the doorstep of Imam Malik and he says to him, read on approval. I've come to learn

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