6 Situtations When You Can Speak Bad About Someone

Majed Mahmoud


Channel: Majed Mahmoud

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The speaker discusses various reasons why people should seek advice, including ones related to drugs and evil behavior. They give examples of where people can seek support and advice, as well as reasons why they should seek advice. The speaker also mentions a upcoming book on manners and a mention of a nearby city.

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Six situations where you are allowed to speak bad about someone behind their back, Muslim Institute presents q&a with magic Mahmoud. Number one where you complain to a person of authority to bring back your right. For example, someone hits your car and runs away. And this man, you know, what's this plate number? I can't say cuz backbiting No, you can mention it, even though that's something they will not appreciate of you saying, but you're taking you're right back. Number two, you want to seek someone support to help take away someone's evil for example, someone's taking drugs, you don't know how to deal with them. So you ask someone with a counselor, social worker that dealt with such

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cases? You know what, I know someone that does drugs, what I do is no problem. The other one, for example, you're at work, and you want to seek advice so someone harasses you, you tell your friend, what should I do? Should I file a report to HR? How do you go around that you're seeking advice? Number four, for example, is to warn someone of someone's evil. typical example. I personally got a call one time a mother says brother imagine one of the brothers that attends your halaqa is proposing to my daughter, do you know anything about him that I should be warned up about? Then that's something I can mention the number five reason which is to talk about someone's sin that is

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committed in an open scene. So yes, you can talk about someone sin as meeting the public under two conditions. Number one, it has to be for a reason. And it has to be only for that sin, specifically. Wonderful. Number six and last for identification purposes. So for example, let's say someone has a friend that is way overweight, for example, and they tell you and bro, who are you hanging out with? Oh, that's brother I met. I don't know, the guy with us in our calculus class. No clue. Okay, you know, the guy is really, really overweight. Is it? Yeah, yeah, I know. I know. It didn't mean to dehumanize the brother but that was the only way to identify him. We will be discussing this and

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much more in sha Allah in my upcoming seminar titled The Art of manners, coming to a city near you. See you there, Sir Michael