Wasim Kempson – The Life of the Prophet Muhammad – 04 Prophet Muhammad Before Revelation

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallali wa sallam used to work on the generation of sheep and used to be a shepherd. The importance of patience and bravery in life is emphasized, along with the need for compassion and bravery. The importance of learning to handle one's behavior and learning to handle one's behavior is emphasized. The importance of self sufficiency and learning to handle one's behavior is emphasized, as it is crucial to strengthen self-esteem and achieve success. The importance of fair treatment and not just in small ways is emphasized, along with the need for pride in one's behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillah

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wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was happy to be here, Jemaine

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continue continuing with the noble siara of our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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we're still at the stage where

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he is Elisa so that my child. And as we mentioned previously, that Prophethood

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hasn't been given to him at this stage. That's only when he becomes over the age of 14. That revelation is sent to him by law as a penalty either. But up until then, he is a boy.

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Like any other boy, if you like, although he did mention some special qualities that a lot of panels Allah gave to him.

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Now, just a very quick recap, that he was born an orphan and was brought up by his mother up until the age of six, and then his mother passed away. And then he was looked after by his grandfather, Abdulmutallab. I'm not sure if we mentioned that his Abdulmutallab actually named him, Mohammed.

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Now, don't think we did mention anyhow, we're mentioning now that it is his grandfather, Abdul muttalib is the one who named him Mohammed, he who was praised

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and he remained with him for about two years. And then he passed away. And then he went under the guardianship of his uncle Abba biolab was one of the sons of Abdullah polyp.

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Now, just because they were and they were from noble lineage, that doesn't guarantee that they were rich, doesn't guarantee that they had lots of money.

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In fact, it doesn't guarantee financial stability.

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I'm a polyp, who was like a businessman had good times and had some not so good times.

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Now, what the prophet sallallahu wasallam used to do for barley was small jobs. And a good part of his work actually was to be Allah Al Han, was to be one who looked after sheep like a shepherd.

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Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam worked as a chef, but then it was you know, in new authentic hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said that every prophet, that Allah subhanaw taala, sent, herded sheep at one time in their lives.

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And he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked, even you are messenger of Allah? He replied, Yes, I heard them upon a karate

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a karate It has two potential meanings. The first meaning it is either the name of a place

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I used to hurt them upon karate it upon a place called corroborate or I used to herd the sheep of one correlate which was

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a portion on amount of a DNR or deer hunt the payment that you used to receive.

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So he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to work as a shepherd. And this allowed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to work on his own peacefully and quietly, to enjoy the we can say the beauty of the desert, it has it has its harsh light, yes, the dryness and the heat. But it also has other qualities that if you are able to experience that there is great beauty in that in seeing the creation and the wonders of what Allah subhanaw taala is created.

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Now many of the scholars that he talks about the fact that the Prophet alayhi wa sallam was a shepherd,

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and they mentioned that there were a number of great

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benefits or those matters, that would affect or mold and help the character of a particular individual. Now bearing in mind that the Prophet sallallahu ala stage is still very young, but was able to do such

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an important response ticket and a response or risk, responsible job and important job.

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So number one, that he is his own would learn patience would learn.

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To be a shepherd, you need patience. Since that, you know, you leave the morning in the morning time you leave and then you stay out while the sheep they graze. They do whatever they do. And then you bring them back in the evening is not something that you finish in half an hour, 45 minutes. You have to take them out, you know, take them to the place where they can find a place to graze

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and then you bring them back. So you need patience and it brings about patience within you and every great leader needs to be patient. A person has responded

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Ability over people that they need to be patient. And as with human beings,

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sheep in their own way, have their own personalities, so that you get to know the different types of sheep.

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Likewise, and if you can do that, so panel law make differentiations between sheep, then I guess it'd be far easier than for you to then start differentiating between human beings who have far more, you know, a greater ability to express themselves.

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So the Prophet alayhi wa sallam learned a great deal of patience, being a shepherd,

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bearing in mind as well, that it is very hot. So, you had to work outside, it wasn't that you had, you know, air conditioned kind of tents or move trucks or anything like that, no, you were there, you'd have to find your own shade, under a tree or small rock or whatever it would be. So you need to be patient concerning the shape, but the life of a shepherd was something you know, was quite difficult and easy.

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It also will teach you to whether it will really should teach you to be humble and humbleness.

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this is demonstrated in the needs of the sheep, some of them would climb in areas and then they may get stuck, seniors to go help them we need to be compassionate.

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You know, for example, a certain seasons they may be giving birth, you need to help them give birth to female sheep.

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you have to protect them, you have to have to guard them from predators. So you have to show mercy, compassion and humbleness towards this animal.

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The Prophet sallallahu NSM informed us in a hadith in Sahih Muslim that any anyone who has an atom's weight of pride of Kibera within the club within the heart, they will not enter the gender.

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And then, a man he said to the Prophet sallallahu anisum after saying this, but indeed a man likes to have good clothing, likes to look nice to have good shoes is that pride? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in aloha Jamil, you have regimen, that is beauty and Allah subhanaw taala loves beauty. our allies origin is beautiful, and loves beauty.

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Pride is denying the truth and looking down upon people. That's the reality of pride. And that's what is not praiseworthy. And as a hadith in Sahih, Muslim,

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another quality that we bring out on a person is bravery. The fact that here it is that the Prophet nslm is on his own, out in

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the wilderness, okay, on his own.

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There's all types of maybe predatory animals, maybe even thieves, you know, he would have to have some bravery with himself and get used to that situation.

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And occasion which is also mentioned, a Muslim that the Sahaba, the Align home, that they were awoken by a great noise at nighttime, and noise that they'd never heard before. And they all came out of their homes and they were discussing with one another, who's going to investigate the sound.

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When they agree that some of them are going to go into the direction of where that sound was. They found a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returning on his own, and saying that there was nothing to worry about. So he was the bravest of people Salallahu animus and

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also it will bring about the love of earning one's living

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a lawful living that you will go and that you will do that yourself.

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And the most honorable way to live is to eat from what one earns through Hillel and lawful earnings and lawful work. that that person if person, if the best that they can is to be independent from other people that they do that themselves.

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And as I mentioned before, maybe in this lesson, or the set of lessons previously, that if you can do things yourself, I did mention it, you should do them yourself. Don't rely on other people. ask Allah subhanaw taala to give you the ability to do that, and do it yourself from the smallest of things to the biggest of things, but do it yourself. Be reliant on what Ally's or Jeff has given you in terms of strength and ability. Don't be a person who is always asking other people to do things.

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And if we all have that attitude, you will find the best the blessings and the benefit in that

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ourselves. Sufficient man is dignified in the eyes of others. A person who's always asking a person who's always putting their hand out, this is something which maybe will lower the status of that status of that person. Whatever Allah subhanaw taala has written for you will come to you. No one can ever take that away from you, before you leave this dunya whatever whatever allies origin has decreed for you to happen to you for you to receive that will never before they will never fall short. That will

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is what Allah has decreed for you that will happen.

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people who

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have tried to have arrogance who have wealth, at times view everybody else like that. Because if a person isn't careful with wealth, it affects them in a negative way.

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Either they may become proud, they may become arrogant, they will not understand the lives and understand the situations of other people. They just simply won't. And they will just understand everybody else just through their own situation become oblivious to it.

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And at times, pass judgment on other people, for example,

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the story of around who believed himself to be an earthen builder, that he believed

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the position that he had, and his love for this dunya and his pleasures fully dominated the way that he thought it dominated the way that he viewed everybody. And when masala Selim, when he came to him and said, You need to free but is slightly let them go.

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They're no longer to be no, not no not to be slaves anymore. He understood that maybe the power you want, you want full time you want to be in charge.

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Likewise, the Prophet sallallahu nslm came to the parish

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came with them with towhead the Oneness to worship Allah subhanaw taala alone

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that they said, Okay, well, you know, maybe it's position you want maybe it's money that you want, maybe it's, you know, castles or is this what you want, because this is how they understood things, not realizing that there are people who are sincere, who are chosen by Allah subhanaw taala to deliver a message which is not connected in terms of reward, nothing to do with this dunya

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and how many times that you read in the Quran that that the messengers and prophets are the masala to sell them with respect respond to their people? Yeah, Camila Allah Kamali Humana, that oh my people, I am not asking for any wealth for what they do in Nigeria. Illa Allah, my reward is with our last panel, Tana, I'm just delivering a message I'm delivering a message that has been given to me to deliver to you it's got nothing to do with Dada him dinars, pounds dollars, nothing to do with them.

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However, there are people who may not understand that by because of what they have indulged themselves in.

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There's a very well known and beautiful Hadith

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in insider Buhari, that,

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that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no one has ever eaten better food than which he eats from what he works out with his hand. And verily the Prophet of Allah azza wa jal de la Salaam would eat from the work of his own hand.

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So when a person gains self sufficiency,

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understand what I mean by self sufficiency, it means that they are completely reliant on Allah subhanaw taala they're not relying on the Hulk, they're not relying on the creation, self sufficiency, doesn't mean that does me, myself and I and I don't care about anything else. And I reject the lies of that, no, we're talking about a person who's completely reliant on Allah subhanaw taala from the morning to the evening, and they have a hope in Allah subhanaw taala that allows them to return their soul in the morning, that they have another day to worship Allah subhanaw taala these are the best of people that they truly return and turn to Allah subhanaw taala in all

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So it is that the Prophet sallallahu I know some who went through this nurturing looking after so panela sheep, that he was able to add so many beautiful qualities to his character sallallahu wasallam now, this is one of the

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important jobs that he would do for his uncle, that is the Prophet solo send them for his uncle will pilot.

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So it wasn't an easy life. It wasn't a luxurious life, but it was a life of work. It was a life of striving. And this is bearing in mind what we have taken previously, the life of a Nabi sallallahu, it was something from one year to the next is a struggle, it is a struggle, but during the struggles and during these tests and in particular, that the person who passes those becomes that much of a greater person and a better person. But also penalty either when he tests you when he pushes you in certain matters in your life, it is not there to break you, but rather it is to strengthen you. It is there for you to come out the other on the other side of the tiller for that test, that you

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become a stronger person. And ultimately, you begin

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Come a person who is closer to a loss of penalty than you were previously.

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So whatever test that comes to you, what regardless of form that test comes to you, at the end of it. Are you a person who is closer to Allah subhanaw taala? And where you may say, Well, how do I judge? Am I closer to Allah? subhanaw taala? Well, do you find yourself returning and calling to Allah? subhanaw taala more? Are you more sincere in your supplication? You more sincere in your Salah? Are you more eager to give sadaqa charity, it's easier for you to you know, or within yourself want to fast more, and all the different types of worship that you can do.

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Because you found that during this test, you found that, you know, people can't help me.

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People can't help me in this test.

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Of course, that allies which may allow people to be a means of helping me, but the ultimate help, it is a loss of pinata. So who the one who is testing you

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are not going to for example, ask for learn because he's not testing me.

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Or if I'm going for a great difficulty, I'm not going to ask for learner so and so to help me know, the one who's testing me is a loss of penalty either.

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So I asked the last panel to make it easy for me at that particular time.

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So this is an important

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important information for us to know.

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Concerning the Early life of an abusive law.

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Abu Talib also would take our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on business journeys as well, because we said that we thought it was a businessman is to do trade.

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And on one occasion, that about biolab, he took an Obi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to a Shem.

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And they would often take a particular route, and they would pass certain landmarks.

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And there was a certain place that people will stop at like a monastery.

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And there was a well known monk there was whose name was Bharat.

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And, and it'd be sallallahu nslm, about this time was, let's say, you know, 12, or 13 years old.

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So this was an opportunity for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, to go on a journey to experience you know, different lifestyles, different people come culture to some extent. Anyhow, upon stopping at this particular monitor this place that night, he came out and he greeted them. And this wasn't the ad that this wasn't the normal practice of behavior to come out and start greeting them.

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he identified an obese Allahu it was sent them, this young boy. And he said, This person is a chief, as a responsibility

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as a great responsibility of a man.

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This is a strange comment to make concerning a young 12 or 13 year old boy,

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that this is a messenger of the lord of Ireland mean, and all of that exists, this is a messenger, he has a great responsibility.

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And while some of the police they said well, what might you do?

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What would make you know, or to say such a thing.

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And he replied that when I overlooked this place, because where he resided overs was on a higher plane and looked down upon where the people will be approaching. He said that when as you were arriving, that every single tree and stone in the area fell down and subdued as he passed by, and that they do not perform frustration for anyone saving a beat or accept a profit.

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And indeed, I know him from the seal of the Prophet hood, or seal of prophethood. That result resembles like

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a mark on his back just under his shoulder blade.

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The size of a small egg size of a pigeon egg, it is stated in the chapter inside Muslim which describes the seal the mark of prophethood on the back of a Nabi sallallahu ism said I recognized him from that.

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he invited them and they sat together and they began to speak.

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And there was other marriages that that is said to have happened about the shading retreat, and the shading of other things over the Prophet sallallahu.

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bahara told our pilot that he should take this boy Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam back to the homeland. Don't continue on your journey take him back.

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That is because that the of course they're going further north into the Byzantium Empire, the Romans, that they had their own scriptures, they had their own beliefs and they were under out looking out for a potential person who was going to claim Prophethood and if that was happened, maybe it is the case that they would keep

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So as this was happening, some Roman soldiers they came into the area.

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And they said news has reached us, and awaited profit is coming out during this month, and every road has been blocked with God's

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on the routes north. So we went we were sent on this particular route on this road to see what is happening.

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And the behavior I said to him said to them that suppose and if that's the case, that the last panel to Allah once a matter to be fulfilled, is there anyone to stop that happening? And they replied, No, there's nothing to stop that. So they said, well just allow these people to be allow these people to be and let them be.

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So upon this, and the visa law item syndrome was taken back.

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So there's a couple of for a couple of benefits concerning this incident, and that is that there were certain people at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who were not all followers of distorted scripture.

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Not all of them were followers of distorted scripture from Alou and Masada. Some of them had understandings of true teachings that had been passed to people as we will mention, maybe in coming lessons, what a particular nurofen who had an understanding of the true scripture, the true revelation that existed through the previous prophets and the last one being reset at least.

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Okay, so this was another incident.

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During the early life of Nabi sallallahu, wasallam, another incident that is documented, and here, the age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is something around 20 years old, that there was the Battle of feature feature is,

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isn't it basically for immorality, wrong and wrongdoing.

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And this was essentially but a battle or a war between the Qureshi and Kenan on one side and housing on the other.

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And this was a settler of a set of wars that occurred over a period of about three years. There's a four battles within the space of about three years.

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And there were many people killed in these battles. And eventually, there was a peace treaty that was agreed between the two sides, and that whichever side had suffered the most casualties would receive the blood money.

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It is said that during this time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a member of the police, that he was given the responsibility because he was present in this battle that he was his role was to collect the enemy's arrows and hand them over to his uncle's. So an active participant in this this battle.

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Like why does that happen?

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Another incident

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is the football Alliance

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or the health multi multiple even as an alliance has a number of names.

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And this is essentially an alliance that was formed

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after the Quraysh returned from the feature was

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added began when a man from Zoo beat

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a man from Yemen

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that he went to Makkah to sell his merchandise

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and allow signaler l purchased this this particular merchandise and refused to pay for it.

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Okay, so there's a person from Yemen he came to sell his merchandise to a man from liquidation, his monopolies refused to pay for it.

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So this man from zubaid pleaded with the koresh, the chieftains to help him but they refused. They want to get involved.

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Because the one who purchased them the merchandise allows him to work and was, you know, as a normal person, he was, therefore a chief, you know, chieftain, therefore not to be opposed not to be questioned as it were. So this man from Alabama, he didn't give up.

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So he went out and stood beside the cab, and he began asking for help.

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And he began asking from the descendants of Altair, one of the tribes,

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and he began rebuking them because they refused to help him.

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So they refused, say, began asking their help. And

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because of what he had been how he had been wronged by one of the whorish

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as Robert if not done properly, one of the prophets uncle's, he stood up and said, Is there a person who's going to help this man

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as a result of one of the

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This individuals Wilburys anger, a meeting was convened. A meeting was made in the house of Abdullah Dan.

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And there were a number of tribes that were present before Hashem, Mendoza hada beltane Nomura,

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and this occurred in the month of al Qaeda.

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And this was one of the sacred months.

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And that they swore by Allah, that they would be as one hand in their support of any victim

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against any wrongdoer.

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So they went together two hours in the world and they seized the merchandise they had wrongfully taken because hadn't paid for it. And they returned it to the rightful owner.

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And the court actually referred to what happened at this particular time, as the football Alliance followed well from the Godfather, meaning good, extra Baraka, goodness,

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nobility, superiority of virtue, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was present within this particular Alliance, and he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a hadith which is mentioned as mentioned in a sedative nation. He said, When I was a boy, I attended the mapa de bien Alliance. I the football Alliance, is the Alliance has given a number of names. Now remember to be happy Rahim Allah, He says that there was a number of agreements that were made in renewing this particular Alliance. And one of them was called the health or the health motor ed in the alliance of the motor. And the motor Union as I mentioned, a number of tribes have been no Hashim but in my classroom and

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ozada they all came to agree that we can't allow oppression or wrongdoings to to anyone. The profits are the license that I attended this with my uncles. And I would not love that even red camels as a recompense for me breaking the terms of this alliance, it meant a lot to the profits or loss of items and them in upholding adult justice, even for Prophethood.

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So this was another important event in the early life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Okay, so we spoke about some important issues, up to the age of about 20

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when he was about 28, so to set up,

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then we have

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the marriage of the Prophet sallallahu ideum, send them to hydrogen.

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Now, Khadija rhodiola, her and her, had married previously, both of her husband's dying, passing away.

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And she was known for her noble character, she was from licorice. And they would give her good names, as the pure on the chest one, she was also a wealthy person, she had lots of wealth.

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she was also, you know, astute as a businesswoman. So she had her income always, you know, moving and

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using itself to to increase.

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So she had a number of people working for her. There was also a number of people who proposed to her, but she refused, due to the reasons that it wasn't something suitable for her.

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And w sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also was one of those people who did some work for her, some business work for her.

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the work that he sallallahu wasallam did for her when he returned, for example, certain money was given to him to do some business to purchase to buy and sell, the return that he sallallahu Sallam would get would be particularly blessed would be particularly good. And she, on the other hand, she recognized this.

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on the same, the same token, the personality of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, became very apparent became very clear

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that he was an extremely trustworthy person,

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that this was a person where a particular amount of wealth was given to him, and that he would return by Allah's permission with a lead hand with a good return, and it wouldn't be heard that he would be taking anything. He was known as that I mean, that trustworthy person. So his personality and his character was something that shone through it was known to her or the lander and amongst her other companions, and it was something that, you know, such a person

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would be an ideal person to marry.

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a close friend of Khadija, and ifisa been to Moana.

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They had they had a discussion concerning the Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu wasallam

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A proposal was given to him on behalf of Khadija

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and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was extremely pleased and happy with the proposal. Nonetheless, he would of course make consultation with his family members.

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And they all agreed that she was a noble person, a very good person that he should marry her, and that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then married her.

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She was the first woman that the Prophet sallallahu ala said they're married. And while being married to her that he did not marry any other woman.

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He did not marry any other woman.

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And from his seven children, six of them, six of them.

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From her, he God Allah on her.

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She was the mother of six of his seven children. Of course, him and Abdullah, his two sons that they passed away when they were young.

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Also, Zainab rokeya uncle, film and fireteam out of the line when

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they were also his daughters. And they,

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except for Tina,

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that they all died in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu. I sent him 14 out of the aligners, she passed away a short way, short while after

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said them.

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Now concerning this incident, and the word of the visa is a limit is commonly understood amongst many of the historians and them had youth under the age of analysis, and then was 25. And that Heidi Jody aligner was 40.

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However, there are other opinions to say that Khadija de Lyonne wasn't that old, but maybe it was in her late 20s or early 30s.

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And that there are some logical arguments that a woman of that age 40 plus to give birth to six children maybe is a lot. And is that possible? Of course, it's possible. If Allah subhanaw taala decrees and wants that to be confirmed or can be and it will be. So it's not necessarily a sufficient argument to come with, with medical proof to say, well, maybe it's doubtful.

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Now, this is what is commonly known, and allies of the nose Miss concerning the issue that a digital the aligner was 40. And then he cites and then was, was 25. So 15 years younger than her.

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some benefits that we you know, we can take from from this is the fact that the Prophet sallallahu is and has such a strong character, and not just a strong character I what I mean by a strong character is that the character he had was so apparent and so clear, in that he was known for his trustworthiness, his trust, his truthfulness,

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trustworthiness and truthfulness,

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two very important qualities, and even Allah subhanaw taala dimensions in sort of passes

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in verse 26, that the best of men to hire is the strong alcohol, I mean, the strong person and the trustworthy person.

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So these are two very important characteristics for any believer to have.

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Also, we look at the cardinal velocity penalty either that and Nabi sallallahu Sallam was to marry this particular woman, Khadija Hadid, Ubuntu hoilett, or the law on her, and that she had received many proposals proposal prior to this. But she said no. And she herself rather instigated the proposal to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this in turn would be then,

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you know, the prophet Allah says, I'm having, you know, many children with her and 14 out of the Alona, who then had Hassan Hussein. And then you know, the lineage after that, and this is, you know, Son of the Father of lost power lies within decree things. So this was, for us an opportunity to see the wisdom of Allah, so penalty and in all issues and all on all matters.

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That's another important issue that we're going to speak about. And the last one we deal with today. Insha, Allah, Allah, and this lesson

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is still before Prophethood. And this occurred when the Prophet sallallahu I said was about 35 years old, and the koresh

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discussed an issue about the rebuilding of al Qaeda,

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due to a flood that has caused some damage to the Kaaba. Now the car by the time isn't as it as you know it now. It's very high. No, it's height was maybe just taller than your normal man. its height, okay.

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So they wanted to discuss how to rebuild it, and how to repair it.

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This was a source of something very sacred to them. This was the Kaaba was very sacred to them. And they would only want to rebuild it, replenish it with Hillel money if you like or halaal, wealth, wealth, it was stolen wealth that was gained through a moral panic they understood some immorality, but well that was pure wealth, good wealth that was only to be used in the fixing and repairing of, of the cab.

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they themselves alwaleed in a movie or one of the chief of the magazine clan, he said, I will begin with its, you know, demolishing, if you like bit by bit, and they would do bits at night, and that they would try to break you know, slowly slowly, and if they saw something that they felt was like a bad omen that they would quickly put it back

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and then they would try the second night. And that he would try to take it apart slightly at the damaged part that is and if they felt that there was no warning sign, that they would continue you know, breaking that and then they would repair it with

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whatever it was to be repaired with.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:20

Now each tribe was you know, assigned the task of working on each side of the cab. And you know, this involved people getting involved physically removing, carrying, repairing, fixing of the cabinet,

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the Prophet sallallahu ala cemusa, his uncle Allah burst, while the Lionel also participated in the reconstruction of the Kaaba at this time. Now,

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the Blackstone or what Yeah, the Blackstone

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had to be replaced.

00:36:38 --> 00:36:51

Blackstone had to be replaced in the cab. Now, everyone wants to do that. Okay, we wanted to do you know, to seal the reconstruction of the, of the cabinet. So before

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kind of war broke out, and bearing in mind, the kind of attitude that they had with war, that it wasn't necessarily, you know, a last resort. Okay, let's try to discuss and negotiate and, you know, in a good way, and then if we can't work it out, we'll try. War was something that was quite high up on the list of, you know, things didn't really go quite well. You know,

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what did you say? Okay, we'll get our tribes will go up, we'll have war, you know, something as simple as that. Anyhow, what they decided, is that they will call Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was a trustworthy person, a wise person,

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and he would advise them on the matter how to resolve this particular problem. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Bring me a cloth, bring me a robe, and when they brought to him, this piece across to him, he placed the Blackstone in his middle with his hands and said, ladies tribe, hold one each corner of the rope, so that each leader of the sub tribe hold each corner and that they will be able to place the Kava Kava, rather the Blackstone chakra, the Blackstone back into the cabinet. Now, so

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the problem was resolved with a very easy solution will lie in hand and an obese or loss and then was the one who showed them how to

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resolve this particular problem now, and the result was, we said was an abuse I suppose about 35 at this time,

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bearing in mind what he sallallahu wasallam had gone through, I mean, we've gone through it fairly quickly. But it is just enough for us to just think about, in our own little way, if you like about from his early age, at least as sort of the experiences we've had gone through what he had seen what he had done some of the travels, the people he had met some of the bloodshed that he had seen, and some of the great

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allegiances and promises that were made at the time about supporting Adam and supporting justice. And this is something that as Muslims, we should, we should be at the forefront with

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that even because this agreement very important, the prophet Addison would often talk about this agreement that was prior to the revelation of the Quran. We mentioned earlier, the allegiance of the football, okayed where they would support the oppressor, the one who has been oppressed, and the wrongdoer would not be tolerated. So the fact that a Nabi sallallahu, I did send them to speak about this used to, within himself used to love justice used to love Adam.

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And this is one of the most important characteristics or important traits that any one of us should try to strive for have within ourselves. And that is to be fair and to be just in every single matter that we come across.

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From the smallest of issues, to the biggest issues. We shouldn't be a people we're talking about being fair and being just, we don't, for example, become picky and choosey as to what I'm going to be doing.

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With or fair with. Because if you find yourself being fair and just with the small things, you will find this a trait within yourself, you'll find that you will want to do it in the bigger matters.

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Whereas if you find yourself picking and choosing what you want to be fair and just in

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not necessarily and is an important point, it does not necessarily that you are going to say within yourself

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that I'm going to be an oppressor here. And I don't want to be fair here. But other times, I'm going to be fair, I mean, that's clear cut. You know,

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I don't know, hypocrisy, if you're like in your approach to being just

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completely messed up. What I'm talking about is that

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you will justify to yourself, or you will try to convince yourself that you are being fair, and you're being just in a matter

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because of your desires. Because of your desires, you will try to convince yourself, you'll make excuses to say, Well, I mean, it could be, you know, a million to one scenarios that you can make up, for example, what let's say, for example, it's to do with wealth to do with money. Okay? Let's say for example,

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ordinarily, you know,

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you owe people money,

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or somebody, this is a situation between two people, somebody's asking for this amount. And the person says, Yeah, but you know, I don't can't do it, you will enforce justice there to ensure that that amount of money specifically, is given to that person, as happened in that allegiance of the full moon, that a person took the merchandise, the person didn't pay for it, they didn't go there, and so is get the money from giving this give the merchandise back to

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what I was talking about is that person will say within himself, because that's to other people. And it's easy for him to be just, if Allah allows it to be easy for him to be just between two, when it comes for himself, for example, that maybe he owes that he will justify and make 101 excuses that well, maybe wasn't really the type or the quality of work that I wanted. So therefore, I have a right to delay or have the right to to minimize it, I have the right to do this. And the shared bond within that person will make a number of excuses to justify that they're being fair and that they are being just

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so the person has to be very careful as to how they understand what justice and what fairness is.

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And that they should ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow them to allow their minds to be pure and clean for many Western associaton or to purify themselves from any desires, that the Lions have, where justice and fairness is, that is left clear to them does not become cloudy.

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this is something that we look when we look back on the life of a Nabi sallallahu is and what he had gone through and his experiences and the amount of wisdom and that the last panel had given to him, we find him at the age of around 35 preventing, possibly, you know, the spilling of blood around the Kaaba because of the tribes wanting to replace or complete the construction of, of the Kaaba. And even at that time, the Quraysh that they wanted to refer back to and Nabi sallallahu, it was also important point for us, that when we start talking about the coming of the revelation,

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that they were quickly to start, you know, calling him many names and saying many bad things about him. But just a few years ago, just a short while ago, just a short while ago, that you here it is your calling him here to be a judge, or to be a person to advise how are we going to complete the reconstruction of, of the cabinet. So what I would say, because we're going to stop here within a detailer is just look over some of these events,

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that the Prophet sallallaahu items and then what we know about are in the besides before Prophethood and look at how they shaped the character, how Allah panel doubted, decreed a certain things would happen and how he would, you know, mold and make this particular individual who is going to carry the reseller who is going to carry the message for mankind until the day of judgment.

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It's an amazing responsibility to be given to any one person to carry the message to give to receive the revelation from Allah subhanaw taala that wood now and remains with us on all of these shelves here now.

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How many centuries 1000 1400 and how many who knows what laws of general right for this earth to you know how long we have left here, that this man was being prepared by Allah subhanaw taala to

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become an individual of individuals

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to become the man of all men to become chirohealth Taylor to become

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The best man that ever lived on us. And when you see how Allah subhanaw taala prepared this individual, the more you know him, the more you love him. And the more that you will want to follow his Sunnah. And the more that you will want to speak, how he spoke and eat, how he ate, and every aspect of the sun that the you know, you will want it to become an intricate part of who you are. But the person who doesn't know that a person who is ignorant of that will just be maybe just lift lip service about saying that they love Rasulullah sallallahu nslm you don't want it to be lip service you don't want to be it's not a shallow love. But really is a deep love within yourself.

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That when you talk about this man, and he said to him, that you're talking about really the most beloved person to you.

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That when you think about him that you feel emotionally, you should feel emotional, you should feel a love, you should feel an intensity about this person that you're talking about. That if you don't have that you'll find that your love is really shallow, then you need to increase your knowledge about who this individual was

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Mohammed Abdullah Saleh and it wasn't him. So we'll continue in the next lesson in shallotte anabolic muscle along cinema Bala Mohammed while early he was sofija masala

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