Ammar Alshukry – The Reliever of Distress

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The history of the Prophet Muhammad's use of the word Islam is discussed, including his teachings and actions. There is also mention of a woman named Barbara Shari and a woman named Barbara Shari. The da of La ilaha "oppressors," the prophets of Islam, and the way humans experience negative experiences are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hey y'all

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All praise is due to Allah Who is magnificent in his essence perfect in his attributes undeniable in His presence. All praise is due to Allah Who has the most magnificent names of praise that is forever for him a praise that eternally remains man he sent Peace and blessings in their most perfect fashion may send greetings and salutations that are complete and everlasting. Upon the best of his creation, Mohammed Salah hottie who said to me, he perfect his rank and elevate his station for he taught us what we did not know. And he gave and he gave and he gave because he loved us so

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oh you believe Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran Yeah, you have the denominator tabula Hapa Takata hula tomato Nila anti Muslim Moon Okada Tada. You have NASA talk about Baku Mala the Halacha coming nursing Wahida hydrocarbon Huzzah. Jaha Thurman hamari Jalan cathedral Manisa a tabula Hala de tous does that alone maybe he will not have in Allah can I do camera Kiba ACARA Tada. You have already in the top Allah wa Kulu covenant said either use La la la cama de novo mama Yota la hora Surah, Papa the Pfizer hos and Alima Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, oh you will believe your Allah as he deserves to be feared and do not die except in a state of Islam. And Allah says oh

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mankind's, Fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and produce from that soul it's made and made from their combination many men and women. So Fear your Lord whom you ask each other by and by the ties of kinship, verily, Allah is Ever Watchful over you. And Allah says, Oh, you who believe fear Allah and say that which is correct, he will correct for you your deeds, and forgive you your sins and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, then they are indeed victorious,

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as to proceed UNICEF in the meta, I did his Salam was sent to the people of Indianola and the land of Mosul. And it was a land on the eastern bank of the Tigris River, and was the largest city in the world for a number of decades. And Allah subhana wa Tada. He mentioned the great size of this ancient city in this ancient land when he says we also know who Isla elfin Oh, yes, you don't. And we sent him to a people of 100,000. Or maybe even more than that, or more than that. And so it's a large city, and Eunice is their prophet, and he calls them to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and they don't respond.

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And eventually, he tells them, and warns them of punishment that will come to them within three days time, and he leaves the city.

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And one of the most unique happenings to a people happens to the people of Yunus. They've been Cassia says that when they saw the, the clouds of punishment approaching them, Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah for you know, a few Kulu behind Matobo will Inaba that Allah Subhana Allah cast into the hearts of the entire population repentance, and returning to Allah subhana wa Tada. And so they emerge from their houses and their homes with their men and their women and their children and even their animals. And they would divide their livestock up between the babies and would separate them from their mothers so that they could all be in collective pain, begging and imploring Allah

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subhanaw taala to remove the punishment from them. And so the clouds circled above their city, as you can see, it says on the left, meanwhile, Eunice has not received this information of his people repenting and he has gone on to a boat.

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He had gone onto a boat and

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the boat is then violently

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besieged or the vote the boat is in the throes of violent waves.

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And the people then decided that they were to the boat was too overweight and they needed to cast lots they needed to relieve some of the weight of the boats. And each time they would draw lots it would land on unis it set up and they recognize that this is Eunice. So how could he can be the one to go off board. And so they would draw again and it would be unis again and then he would draw again and it would be used again. And after the second time he had almost gotten ready to be cast overboard. But they still insisted. Let's do it a third time and Eunice it is set up by the third time they recognize that this is a divine ordinance, and Eunice it has said amen.

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his cast into the darkness of the night and the darkness of the seat and he would be swallowed as you all know, by this tremendous creature, this whale and Allah subhanaw taala then recounts Yunus idea salaam

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when he says with a known if they have a mobile device for one knock did it for another automotive Allah ilaha illa Anta Subhanak in the continental parliament, this is what I wanted to share with you in this whole debate here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says $1 to the noon this dua of Yunus it has set out when he was in the belly of the whale, there is no one who calls upon it no Muslim man who supplicates with it for anything ever, except that ALLAH subhanho data response to them and in a Timothy and the prophets of Allah do send him as well an authentic hadith he says Allah for Bureau can be shaken Edina Celebi Raji remain calm Carbone mean obala on Amrit dunya da ba

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for Region Do you know La ilaha illa Anta Subhanak in the content of volume in this da of unis it has set out La ilaha illa and there is nothing worthy of worship except you alone. Subhanak Exalted are you I have been of the oppressors, the prophets of Allah it is said that there is no Muslim who calls upon it for anything except that is granted to them. And in the second narration, he says that there is no one who is afflicted with a distress, a biller a calamity of the dunya a person's car breaks down a person gets sick a person loses money a person is whatever difficulties we go through in the dunya the prophets Allah Lord S and M says there is no difficulty that a person experiences

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and they call upon this prayer, this supplication except that it is lifted from them. And so this is a prayer. This is a supplication that we are to learn and we are to repeat because the believers always every believer has problems. Every human being has problems. Allah subhanho data says look at the Filipina in Santa Fe cupboard. We created human beings to be in a state of constant turmoil and problems and difficulty. And so this is a a supplication that is incredibly beautiful La ilaha illa and when you say La ilaha illa aunty we're affirming every positive attribute to ALLAH SubhanA data. And when you say Subhanak you are exalted him from every negative attribute including oppression. So

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in a person's car breaks down and they say Allah, Allah, Allah subhana O Allah, you haven't wronged me that my car has broken down you haven't wronged me that I've become sick you haven't robbed me that I've lost my job. You haven't robbed me that my relationships are suffering you haven't wronged me in any difficulty that I experienced in this world. Subhanak You are Exalted from every deficiency in the continuum of vitamin who is the one who's done wrong here. It's not Allah subhanaw taala it's me.

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It's me, there's always something that I'm deserving of. And whatever goodness I deserve, or any goodness that I experience it is from Allah Subhana Allah without His grace and ALLAH SubhanA diatas benevolence automatically master Mustafa Allah they were looking for stuff in the hole for Rahim.

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hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while the audio Cybil sending same cathedra this of the noon which

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showcases a manifestation of Tawheed and immune team says there is nothing that removes hardship or difficulty or problems in this life like to hit and over the lessons of this is what the prophets of Allah Allah who sent him said to Allah, Allah Allah if he had a heart Yeah, and if Kofi should know Allah subhana wa Tada during the good times, Allah Subhana Allah Allah will know you in the bad times because Allah says in surah slotfather fanola And who can Amina Musa behind that that'd be Sophie button Hilario mu but I thought that if not for the fact that Eunice was of the people of tisby. The people who from before had invested in a relationship with Allah Subhana Allah to Allah,

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He would have remained in the belly of that whale until the day of judgment. But the last thing that I want to leave you with.

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The second lesson is that this story is considered to be a you know, one of the most miraculous stories of salvation in human history until now, if you tell people about units in the belly of the whale three days or however long it is said that he stayed people don't believe it unless they believe in it as a theology score on.

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But Allah Subhana Allah to Allah he says that miraculous story of salvation is not unique to you and as himself. Allah subhanaw taala says first the job Nyla who is the hub of all the one for one and then up there are they for another? Almighty Allah, Allah Allah, Allah subhana in the Continental Army, first job Nyla who went to Jayna, who Meena Lavon. And so we responded to him and we saved him from that incredible distress. And then Allah says what? Okay daddy can do ng meaning.

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Allah says and it is like that. We save the believers in every time in place, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada saves us from the darkness of grief and the darkness of poverty and the darkness of disbelief and the darkness of innovation and the darkness of addiction and the darkness

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supplementation Allah subhanho wa Taala saves the believers in every time in place from the darknesses that swallow us. We ask Allah subhana wa ala for protection in this life and in the hereafter. We ask Allah Subhana Allah data to allow us to hear the speech and follow the best of it. Allah Who manana is a local general market Allah at home including environment whenever we become in a narrow marketability home employment Ramat alarm it enforcement Taqwa Zakia entitlements aka Antonio hom Hola Hola. Hola Maximilian. I'm especially Tikka monitor who will be been in our BMRC attic I mean I take them out to the Laguna Beach and let me know your opinion Mr. To hold up it and

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I'm sorry but dunya McDonough Allah who maybe si you know upside you know what, you know, other than math data? Which I'll who I mean? What I thought when I'm on board, I'm gonna assume Allahumma I mean, I don't know a lot about Santa Fe Dean. You know Allah. Akbar Hamina. Well, I'm a blogger in MENA whether in an animal so you're gonna watch Allah agenda here dollar noburo Hamitic Al Hamra. haematobium hamaca Mala ban so the rabbit hole Makena Rabbani, so there are Allah who may be living out on mobile and mobile live now Ramadan also Allah Allah says no Muhammad Muhammad Allah

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