Wasim Kempson – The Knowledge – Whats Your Purpose

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses their struggles with COVID-19 and their belief in God, as well as their desire to be a Muslim. They emphasize the importance of religion in achieving their goals, including worshiping God alone. They also discuss the negative impact of religion on personal relationships with God and serve and love God. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the meaning behind belief in the future and finding a way to achieve justice in life. They use pictures to help people understand the concept of an afterlife.
AI: Transcript ©
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bump, bump.

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Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump.

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Bump, bump, bump, bump.

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Okay, let's work on I'll take you to

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to Broadway.

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Is my son

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me? Enjoying the cold?

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Yeah, man.

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It's a struggle right and worse.

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Sleeping with that cold man that she'll say minus over the weekend.

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It makes no, it's an over the weekend. Looking forward to that

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might sound differently he's good.

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Or maybe you wouldn't believe what happened just before I got in. Just before I go into this club, right? Yeah. I just coming out the station and this bloke with

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a Koran. Like, you know, the license, what, like the Street Preachers kinda Yeah, he came up to me book. And he was excited. Ask him like he was telling me, you know, what's your purpose? And he's asking me these questions and you send them you know, this book could help him on purpose. To be honest, that got me thinking me. I don't know. You actually, like, Do you know what your purpose is? If you stop to actually stop and listen like you? I mean, but some people just like over by that as soon as I hear anything coming up, you know, like, any kind of information like that I don't understand is a bit scary. Oh, you mean?

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Yeah, it's really got me thinking to be honest. Because, you know, I'm, I'm, you know, I don't know, I don't really know what's next.

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It's like, anyway, everyone has like a, as a struggle in a way to know, I mean, like, everyone has other things they have to do and stuff. But if you don't mind me saying, Did he actually give you anything?

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She'll give you a copy of the corona, Chromebook? I don't know. I've had hands. Before. To be honest, I didn't really have anywhere to put it. So

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it's a common question, actually. And it's a majority of people don't know the answer to it. Like, what is your purpose? Do you have a job? Or like, if only answer? Well, yeah, I do, actually. I mean, I'm a Muslim myself. Oh, okay.

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There was a particular point in time where I did ask myself that same question, what is my purpose? What am I doing? And I think there's always a point in time, where that question does come to a person, like, what is their purpose? Yeah, what are they doing, and then take stock of their job or their family. And then, you know, some people ponder on it for a short while and just continue with what they're doing. And another's, they start to really think about it. And my, my myself came across actually a Muslim.

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And I was given a copy of the Quran. And I started to think about, you know, what my purpose was, and I studied religion for about a year. Okay. Is that like, all religions as well? Yeah, I mean, I studied, you know, Christianity, because I was born was a Christian. Okay, okay. I started to think all religions, actually, Hinduism started with Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam. And, you know, personally, I thought, you know, there's one God, there's one Creator, how do I serve him? How do I worship Him? And I found that really, Islam was the only kind of religion that allowed me to fulfill

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the ability really to worship one God alone. And all the others, there's some, but I mean, like, some obstacle, you know, all these religions, like, they will teach good deeds, right? And like doing like good for people. So

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why not only why is Islam the only right one, because that's what that the man of the station was kind of saying to me? Why Why not all religions was the one. All right, all roads lead to Rome.

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That was not necessarily the case in this situation here. In that, yeah, you're right. Religions, you know, Christianity and other religions. They teach people to be generous and to be kind, be merciful, compassionate, which is one aspect of our existence. from man to man, woman to woman is supposed to be caring and generous and compassionate and mercy. But on top of that, as well, our relationship with God Almighty is just as important and that has to be correct as well. So as I understand my position towards you, to be good, to be merciful to be kind and respectful. How do I now have my relationship with God? Do I associate partners with him? Do I worship other than God? Do

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I abuse god? Okay, so we don't look at religion, just how it teaches us to deal with one another. Because most of them pretty much teach the same thing

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really makes Islam stand out, is its uniqueness in how we worship God Almighty.

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And that we worship Him alone and don't associate any partners with it. For that reason we can say that was a Muslim can say that. It's the correct religion because of how we understand God Almighty. Okay. So what point like yourself personally, what point did you say, Yeah, I'm, you know, I'm going to be a Muslim

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Well, a Muslim is one that essentially who submits their will to God. Okay, one who, you know, serves and surrenders to the will of God, we believe that all prophets and messengers, they were Muslims as well. Right? Not necessarily a follower of Muhammad, because Muhammad peace be upon him was the last one. Okay. As a prophet and messenger of all those who preceded him, they were

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Jesus and then right and then he was a prophet and messenger. Yeah, that's right.

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But it's a religion that causes you to ask questions. logical questions. Yeah. And it has answers for it's not just blind faith. I see. I didn't know that. So I just obviously never quit. I'm just gonna say, Well, what do you think of like, obviously, I'm not Muslim. Raji was What's your personal perspective on non Muslims and stuff like that? I mean, what how do you? How do you feel about that? Well,

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my feeling towards non Muslims.

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Every single member of my family, except, of course, my wife and kids, they're non Muslims. My mother, my father, my brother, my Auntie's, my uncles, they're all non Muslims. And essentially, my, my relationship with them has only improved, has only got better because Islam teaches me that each of these members of your family have special rights, and you must still respect them. And obviously, you have a natural love for them. Islam doesn't tell you to take that away.

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Islam asks you to what I mean, like,

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don't don't Muslim school, like the non Muslims like kuffaar, and stuff like that. I mean, I've heard that before. All right. I mean, what does that mean? Like? Yeah, so on your understanding now, before I explain to you really what it means, okay.

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If somebody said to you in New York or FOB, do you feel that's an insult to you? Sounds like you

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things like that.

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People, some people may use it like that, however, it shouldn't. Number one, it shouldn't be. Because that's considered disrespectful towards a person, you don't call them something which the vast majority people don't really know what that means, because it's an Arabic word. You know, people speak English and you start speaking to them in a different language. You know, they may assume the worst

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abusive word, essentially, it means a non Muslim. Somebody who's not a nun, you know, is not a Muslim, for example, you have Jews and Gentiles. Okay? Somebody says, Oh, you're a Gentile. Just somebody says that you're not a Jew. That's all it is really. So if you're

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from the, you know, if you're kofod, or that's a plural, the singular is the Catherine disbeliever. Or somebody who is not a Muslim. That's, that's all it means. But it's unfortunate that the Muslims even maybe themselves don't understand real means. But it's not a swear word. It's not a curse word. It's just a description of a person who is simply not a Muslim. I guess it just been kind of used the wrong way. I guess we use the wrong word. Yeah, that's right.

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I mean, so you, you know, you're a Muslim. So you believe in heaven and the afterlife of that right? Of course, I mean, but like,

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where's I don't know, like, where's your where's your proof? I don't get it.

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If there's evidence, and it's easy to undertake, yeah, you know, what belief in the hereafter is based upon the fact that you believe in a creator, and that you believe that you will serve your Lord, the one who, you know, God Almighty.

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the fact that that he revealed to us in the Quran, and in previous scripture, and I'll tell you something,

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that before this so called enlightenment, of the, of the Western world, that the vast majority of the world believe in hereafter

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ever since aspects of like religions, or just people, that all these religions, they believe in the hereafter they do. And it's only within this kind of outside past

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50 or 60 years where science has, you know, somehow taken over the minds of people, this is the only thing, that consistent empirical evidence and so everything must be based upon that, when science itself has has issues. The vast majority of mankind believed in the Hereafter. And anyone who said there's no such thing as a hereafter was actually considered almost crazy.

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Now suddenly, that's flipped, that you actually believing in the hereafter? You believing that there's an afterlife, somehow that switched that now you're the person who's not, you know, not

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the whole thing. Okay. Well, belief in the hereafter is belief that we believe in the Creator

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and that we will one day return to Him, so that justice can be served, if you'd like from those who believed in him and those who followed him and those who rejected him. So that as a reward and as a punishment, otherwise those people who do wrong deeds and you know, just do as they like in this life, there has to be justice for those people.

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So, you're asking for a roof over here off there. Can we see it? Can you give me you know, some pictures of it

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My belief in the hereafter is based upon that I know there's a creator, there was God Almighty. So mighty created the Paradise and the Hellfire to show His mercy and to show His justice to mankind, ultimately in the hereafter.

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So it's almost like once you find that kind of

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right to believe in that creator, you kind of have been that gives you the understanding for like an afterlife. Exactly. Everything starts some stems from believing in God Almighty. And then everything that comes with it, you know, becomes very easy, just falls into place. So if there's if there's an afterlife, is it is it detailed in what this afterlife is? Exactly? Definitely. That's what happens like, you know, the hereafter that we know that there is a hellfire, which is there to punish those people who are disobedient to Allah, we say, you know, God, we say Allah, okay, it's one of the same. Okay? And the Paradise is there to reward those who obeyed Him who listened to him follow His

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Okay, so this is part of, you know, God's showing mercy to us.

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And also showing true justice. Okay, because there are people who get away with murder, literally. Yeah, this is

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similar to that. But if you kind of get your scales weighed or something like that, that's what you've done. I can see if you have I don't know if this is true, but if you've seen you've committed loads of crimes in your life, yeah, murder, you know, stealing and robbing cetera, and then at the end of your life, certainly what I've heard, but at the end of the night, if you accept say, Allah, and

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show your true love at that last moment, then all your sins are forgiven.

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That's right. That's right. That's right. Okay. You're well versed. Yeah, it means you you're doing your homework. I mean, yeah, we have a Muslim me and um, you know, so I know like the, the old random bits kind of kind of broken knowledge about everything both of us do, I guess, but

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I mean, like, I know that you guys go on. You go to some. You go to Mecca, right. That's in what's going to pilgrimage to Mecca. That's right. Boom,

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boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

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