Wasim Kempson – The Knowledge – What Islam Really Teaches

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the credibility of Jesus as a prophet and the importance of his teachings in their belief. They also mention Jesus being given the job of teaching Islam and the difference between the Bible and the speaker's own belief. The speakers emphasize the universal religion of Islam and its usefulness in addressing political issues, while acknowledging its dangerous and political risks. The lack of voting in certain political parties is also discussed, along with its effects on winning politicians' lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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Boom, boom, boom, boom,

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boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Another thing I know about Islam beside

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Jesus was this this is I was baptized. So sure Jesus is part of the Quran, what can you tell me about that? Why don't understand his involvement. And I know that he's considered a prophet as well and

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you know your stuff then? A little bit good.

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That's very good. I appreciate that. Yeah, you're right, in that as Muslims, we believe in Jesus. And we believe him to be one of the greatest and mightiest messengers of God Almighty. And out of the many prophets and messengers that were mentioned, he's one of the five greatest and we believe in the miracles that, you know, he was given by God's permission about healing the sick, the blind, and bringing the dead back to life by God's permission. We believe in his miraculous birth, with no male intervention at all. And we believe, and his mother, Mary, Marian, and I said, we believe in all of these things, which, when you tell people who are non Muslims, they're quite surprised. So is

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it that you believe

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in what the Bible says? Well, to some extent, to some extent, yeah, because we were.

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Yeah. Is there a time difference?

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For example, is Jesus older or was before the time of the Prophet? There's about 600 years approximately, between Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them both. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him came about 600 years later. Now we believe that, you know, Jesus was given the gospel, the Gospels, which is in Arabic is called the injeel. This was the revelation that was given to him, Jesus, peace be upon him. The Quran affirms that. And we also affirm that Jesus came and prophesized the coming of another messenger, which you do find in some,

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in some places in Dubai, sort of like prediction prediction that yes, somebody will be another Exactly. And we believe that we know that to be the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

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Now, it's not that we take the Bible's word for it. Now, because the Quran tells us, and that is sufficient for us as Muslims to say that Jesus actually

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predicted that, you know, the Prophet Muhammad would,

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would come about towards the end of time, which is

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what kind of extent more it is,

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Muslim Muslims believing the happenings of Christianity are due, for example, do you believe in Christianity

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as a whole, or is it? Well, the word Christianity, yeah. I mean, Jesus could never call himself a Christian.

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Because Christianity or the note or the understanding of Christianity came after.

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And the majority of teachings of Christianity was, in fact, written down by Paul. And Paul came about 60 years

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after the after, from an Islamic perspective that he was raised up into the heavens because we don't believe he was crucified.

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You don't know we don't believe that. No, we believe that. Well,

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we believe in the Second Coming of Jesus. I mean, Christians believe that as well that he'll come back. Yeah. Okay. We believe that Jesus had a time on earth. And he was with his people teaching.

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And then he didn't die. But rather God Almighty raised him up into the heavens, okay, and he's still alive, he never died.

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And then towards the end of time, he will come down back on earth, and He will implement the last revelation that was given to mankind, which is the revelation that was given to the Prophet Muhammad by implement Islam.

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So there are some similarities between our belief in Jesus and the Christians. But do we call it Christianity? No, we don't call it Christianity. But we believe in the teachings that the Jesus that he taught, some of them, you may find, are correct. Teaching people justice and fairness and kindness and mercy, teaching people to worship the one God Almighty, okay, these things you do find in the Bible, and we would agree with that because this is something which is agreeable to that what the Quran has taught us. Okay, so there are some differences. Yeah, of course. So is the Prophet Muhammad, sort of like the same role as Jesus is to Christianity or to God, so, yeah. As in He is a

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messenger of the, of the Word of God of Allah. Essentially, yes, one of his role, all the prophets and the messengers, that they have the role that

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I to deliver the message that was given to them by God

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Monica, some of those Prophets were sent to special people's particular nations. Yeah. So Jesus was sent to the children of Israel, Moses was sent to the children of Israel, specifically. Whereas the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, wasn't sent to the Arabs. Some people think that, that, you know, Islam as an Arab religion was a Pakistani religion, it's not, it's a universal religion, and that the Prophet Mohammed is a messenger for all of mankind. And that the the message of Islam is suitable and applicable for all people, at all times, in all places. This is why

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no praise to all Praise to Allah Hamdulillah that you find Muslims from all different backgrounds.

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You find them from Arabia, you find them in the Far East, you find them from the Americas, and in Europe. They're everywhere. So you know, the fastest growing religion in the world, Islam.

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So, when you truly look at the teachings of Islam, I'm sure if somebody is looking for the truth, and you seem like an educated person, you seem like a person who's got their own mind, you ask questions you'd like to investigate, which is something that not many people have for them, as you get to know the world better. I mean, you're, I'm maybe in the future, a lot of people have become very lazy. They don't think for themselves, too many people don't think for themselves too easily lead to become lazy. There's very few people are willing to start thinking for themselves. So I have high hopes for you.

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So I'll have another question. This is a pretty good ride. But there's not much traffic today.

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Do you believe that Jesus was Jewish? Well, he was from the children of Israel. So in that sense, you could say yes, okay. But in the sense that, is he Jewish, and that what represents Judaism now? It would be very different because we believe as Muslims. Yeah, that's another thing. I don't know. I don't know, quite know the relationship between Islam and Judaism. Right? I don't know. I don't know much about it. But I just know that there's a lot of talk, and then they don't really like each other. But I believe there's that that's more than like a modern perception. So Well, yeah. Can you tell me about that? Yeah. See, the relationship between

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Islam and Judaism.

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As Muslims, we believe that throughout the times, God chose certain people to deliver his message to mankind, or to deliver to certain nations. So from the time from Abraham, who we call the father of the prophets, who had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, we believe in them in as prophets as well. And from their genealogy from their progeny who came after prophets came.

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So from the side of Isaac, you have Moses. And then you have also David and Solomon, which, you know, all was sent to the children of Israel.

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Now, if you want to call them Jews, if you like, well, this is a term which maybe, you know, came after a bit of time, but they were Muslims. We've called them Muslims. And what is a Muslim Muslim is somebody who surrenders his will to Allah. Yeah. You know, in a general sense.

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Abraham was a Muslim, because he surrendered himself to Allah. So the link between Islam and Judaism is essentially, if understood, in light of the prophets, but they all came with the same message, and that they all taught Islam. How can that be? Islam in the general sense, that they taught to surrender to Allah to God Almighty, because that's what Islam means. Islam means to surrender to God.

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So that's the link. I mean, what's happening in the past 5060 years, if you like, what's happening in Palestine?

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Where some of it is religiously motivated, some of it is politically motivated. It's a very deep subject and has

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it's not something you can discuss in two minutes and give answers for relief.

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But it is unfortunate that, you know, that's just another one of those places where there's violence. Well, it's unfortunate that there is violence, but it's unfortunate also that

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the veil of oppression that exists there is not, you know, in any time soon, and you know, God knows best. That's not been, you know, it's not been worked towards to be removed. It's just that we're happy just to leave with people to be in such a difficult situation, which in itself is wrong.

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I think it's,

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it's repeating itself. Not only there but in other places in the world. Yeah. Well, you're right. That

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Yeah, well, I don't know. It's, it's a shame because a lot of these religions are about giving peace and yeah, but when you look very prosperity to families and when you look carefully

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It's not about religion. It's a lot of it is about political.

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sure. Yeah. It's it's, and you know,

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they say, for example, that if Islam, because it seems to be the cause of all of these problems, it seems to be causing all of these. Yeah, I mean, it's, it's not true, if you're going to use the same principle than democracy is even more dangerous. Because how many wars have been carried out in the name of freedom, quote, unquote, democracy? Yeah. Okay. So if you're gonna use the same principle, then it may be the case that maybe democracy is creator of more wars than Islam.

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But essentially, democracy gives.

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Why gives it gives some sort of power to, to citizens that are not part of the government.

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As in I completely agree with you that a lot of things that have happened is down to certain forms of democracy or certain politicians that have been elected. Yeah. democratically. Yep. So and even though yeah, there's some sort of issue that that still hasn't been solved? Because, yes, like you said before, there's been I'll give you 21 quick statistic, if you don't mind. Yeah, that if you've got a population of about 60 million people.

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And then let's say,

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half of the people voted.

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Okay, let's say half the people they voted, if you've got 50%, voting, in contrast, quite a good number, at least half now of the 30 million, you've got a number of different parties. Let's say for example, that the winning party, they got 35% of the vote. Okay. So for example.

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Let's say 20 20 million, or even 15 million

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of that.

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Or even less than that, let's say 10 million, a third of that 30 million who voted actually voted for the winning party. So you have 10 million people who made the choice for 60 million.

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So everybody has a point France, like there's a whenever it comes to elections, there's a lot of

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absent voting, yes, people that don't go and vote. That's right. And then then comes this situation where the people that did, there's a majority of 30%, but it only counts for 5% of the population. There you go, you see.

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But that Yeah, but it's weird. But like in France, I mean, in France, as well, we have maybe kind of like the equivalent of your your Donald Trump that's going on in the United States right now. He's an interesting character.

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Yeah, he's just it makes news. Yeah, he's, he's a loudmouth.

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Makes a lot of comedy as well. Yeah. It's

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at least

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a sort of style, like that's going on where

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these politicians that are going on for the last 10 years or so since the 2000s, they're there and

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I don't know they need to find someone to point a finger to or to to say, okay, the problems are coming from there. And this is how we're going to solve it. But essentially, it's not that easy. You always need an enemy. You know, you always need a bogeyman. But I think that's that's not the way to go. I agree. And I think religions Islam or Christianity and stuff they don't.

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They don't have like, they don't pinpoint or they don't point to your to your enemy, or to an enemy or specific person. Right. So I didn't catch your name. What was it? Bruno Bruno, yourself. But what scene? Scene? Yeah, you know, Bruno, that

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I respect you a lot, in that.

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There's very few people like you are willing to, to ask questions, and be fair in their judgments about what goes on. Because too many people are willing to make judgments upon preconceived ideas about what that's what's in their mind. And that's what they're told. So, you're not you're a minority. And as I think as long as our communities have people like you, who are willing to ask, willing to engage, willing to understand that there's always hope that we can come together and have dialogue, it's important to know your neighbors, I agree with you. And we can have dialogue, even if they don't have the same faith or same names or whatever. We have to live in reality that you know,

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everybody's gonna be the same. Yeah, of course, no one's the same. And I tell them that Islam enables you to engage with all types of people and gives you the tools and the ability to deal with people on so many different levels. And it stops you from being a bigot, and it stops you from being judgmental, but gives you to be the most adaptable person

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cuz I know we spoke a little bit earlier about the life of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

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and advise you if you could read his life. And you'll know that his life wasn't about wars, but his life was about bringing mercy and bringing salvation to mankind. And I'm sure if you have because you seem to have an honest and truthful heart, that if you look at his life, it has to have, at the very least a positive impact on you and how you see Islam and you see Muslims, and you'll never know

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if you see it good enough. You may be a Muslim one day.

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We'll see what see. Okay, we just got a few more minutes there will be arriving at your destination. It was a pleasure to meet you, Bruno. Yeah, it was a pleasure talking with you. Thank you.

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Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,

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boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,

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boom, boom, boom, bada bada boom.

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