Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #17 – Actions of the Salat

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of pursuing prayer during the time of crisis is emphasized, as it is a time of risk and stress for individuals. Prayer is crucial for understanding the natural world and achieving success in life. The importance of reciting the holy grail and learning the Bible is also emphasized. The importance of keeping things in a methodical and organized manner, keeping eye contact, and not forgetting to fold one's knees and not forgetting to fold one's eyes is emphasized. The importance of not reciting everything at once, not reciting everything at once, and not reciting everything at once is emphasized. The importance of not forgetting to do it before the test and after the test is emphasized. The S Parah is also emphasized as a holy meal that is used to celebrate the birth of the child.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah Hina Meadow when a stallion will be who you want to stop fertile when are older below him in Cerulean fusina was a tr Melina Mei de la who follow mobila woman little fella ha de la

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ilaha illallah wa de hula Sheree Cara or shadow a number hamedan aguda who was Sulu salovaara Lee who are early he was Herbie Orman so Darla energy woman, Stan obese una de la yo Medina, Amar Barrett, salaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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So we are still in our series of the prophets prayer described, or the fifth of a sada. And in our previous discussion, we went through or we began the YG bat of the Sala and then we are currently in some of the etiquettes and the manners of praying which deal with a whole plethora of different massage illan different issues that you and I we come in contact with each and every single time that we pray. So we are now at the point or the section of the Quran and how much Korean should be recited in a particular prayer. We have discussed the fact they have and we have discussed the the statement of imminent a Meo Rahim Allah that He mentions in terms of when a person should recite

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Surah Fatiha one following an Imam. And we mentioned that when it comes to following an Imam that is praying vihara or ASO, then in sha Allah in these prayers you can make sure that you recite the Fatiha. But when it comes to the other prayers, where the Salah is recited out loud, then in sha Allah there is a concession here and you should listen to the Fatiha of the Imam.

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Following that brothers and sisters we are at the amount of poor and that should be recited after Surah Al Fatiha now the general rule of thumb is that you can recite any amount of surah after sort of Al Fatiha. So literally, if you want to recite the entire sort of Bukhara, and you want to do it in one rock era, you're more than welcome to do that. As a matter of fact, there are even some narrations of some of the companions that used to do this as well, that used to recite very, very long sutras in their regular sallow Earth and this was okay and fine. There are certain cases where

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the following is recommended to be recited when it comes to the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. These are some of the things that are recommended for you to recite in terms of the Federal prayer any sutras from what we call the Pali word or more fossil, any sutras of the long, longer Sutras, but the longer sutras are Mufasa. In other words, they just have a beginning and an end to it. And you know, all sorts have a beginning and end to it. But some sources are very difficult to recite from a beginning to an end in one rock era. But these particular sutras here so we're looking at basically the 28th to 29th juice of the Koran with Sora powerful man Anwar para

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then going down to mu j. dilla, and Soren Malkin, all of these other sources. These are the suitors that are recommended, especially in sola solfeggio. And what you'll do is you'll choose one of these sutras and then you would recite it in the first Soraka, the entire surah. And then the second workout you will choose from again the same portions or the same juice of the quarter and for the second iraq era as well. Now the more fossil Sutras, as I mentioned, is just between the 28th, the 29th, and even including the 30th juice of the poor and all the way down to soda to NES.

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When it comes to the mode of prayer, before we even touch on them, generally federal should be a longer prayer than all the rest generally speaking, why? For the first reason is that the bottle of soda till fetcher Salatin fetcher is a prayer the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that anybody who prays it and they prayed on time and they give it all of its right, then this person, they will be protected from SEO and black magic and I in for that entire day. So they are under the protection of Allah azza wa jal for that entire day. A person who prays solid will fetcher is a person that has no on their faces. It's a person that has new in their life. Some of them are

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limited. They said that vegetal is the key to happiness in this world. just praying salata the federal alone is a key to happiness.

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In this world, if you look into the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, you'll find that almost every single battle and expedition that ever happened, always began after Vegeta, which is, again, another indication that scholars they used to show the Baraka and blessing of praying solid ledger at its time. In addition to that solid ledger is a time of risk. It's a time of provision with a lot as zoa. Jen, this is why the world functions this way, in the morning times, what do people do, they're out seeking the risk of going to work, and they're also going to school and just trying to, you know, learn and study and do all of these different things. They're doing it

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in the morning periods and not necessarily in the evening periods. Why goes back all to the sin of Islam, the sin of Allah subhanho wa Taala Is that you, you ask Allah to give you your risk during this time. Again, another benefit from soldato fetcher and praying it on time is this is the time to seek your ailment as well. Anybody who wishes to memorize, the time to memorize is after fetchit or even before federal, almost nd scholar you name it. Insha. Allah the scholar has is done this and is doing this at this very moment. It's after fetcher is when they acquire in, it's when they study, that's when they start to memorize it's when they open new books, it's when they sit with their

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shoe. And this is the prime time of seeking as well, in addition to all of them. Some of the real amount also mentioned that one of the indications or one of the signs that you have Baraka in your day, you have blessing in your day, is that you brace on that in fetcher on time. So that's when fetcher is the prayer that gives you a sense of calmness and contentment in the entire day. Doesn't matter what happened. It doesn't matter what issues you're dealing with doesn't matter what pressures you have. It doesn't matter about any of these problems. Why? Because you prayed a lot to fetcher and you prayed it on time. So that's what a fetcher causes an individual that when they pray

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it, and if they go back to sleep, and they wake up again, it's the greatest feeling in the world. It's the greatest feeling that when you know that you wake up whatever at 10 or 11 o'clock after you've prayed fetcher on time. It's the greatest most content most relaxed feeling in your heart to wake up and you know that Salatin fetcher is done. And you know that that is the time that Allah azza wa jal loves the most. And we all know this based on a hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also tells us another blessing of celestial feather. And that it the angels, they change shifts from fajita to officer. This is the shift to change of the angels itself. Now somebody might

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try to criticize this Hadeeth and look at it from a logical perspective and say, Well, why would angels need to shift or to change shifts, it kind of indicates as though they get tired. And now It's break time. So another angel will come and take over. So why would angels get tired of this. And the wisdom behind this hadith has nothing to do with that particular logic. What the wisdom behind this hadith here is that Allah subhanho wa Taala continues to create a new Angel each and every single time to perform that task of leaving the servant in the state of prayer and reaching that servant in the state of prayer. And when those angels they leave, they go back to the worship

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of Allah subhanho wa Taala anyways, so it all achieves one thing which is worship of Allah azza wa jal and nothing else. A person is right, angels don't get tired, they don't need breaks. This is one of the shutoff and the blessings that angels have that humans don't have. They don't need rest, we do need rest. And other just for the students of knowledge. We mentioned that it's the time for memorization.

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This is done during the morning periods. Now this method that I give you is not from myself, this is the this is the methodology that many of the scholars from the time have mmm and no we until today, they all use the same methodology, morning time memorize. Then when it comes to the afternoon, you know the Laura sort of time, this is a time for review. So what you've done all morning, you should be reviewing during those periods. And then it's in the late evening you have one of two things to do. If it comes down to him, then in the late evenings is the time when you research, you look at new subjects, you look at new issues and you start to research those issues, or the second option

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for the late evening. It's you and Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, block yourself out from everything you finish your day you finish your responsibility. kids are asleep, everything is done. It's time for you and allies. So again, if you see that's the problem with a lot of communities today.

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that a lot of Muslims have lost it completely, they've just lost it that they don't have a lot of time with themselves. If that's the correct term, they don't have that time in their day, where it has nothing to do with their spouses. It has nothing to do with their children, as nothing to do with their friends. Nothing, it's just them. And Allah as such a very few Muslims have this in their day. Very few Muslims include this as part of their ritual a part of their lifestyle every single day, even kids, you're supposed to have your time alone with Eliza Jen. Now you might think that that's something that your dad and your mom would do on a regular basis. And you don't really need

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to do that. But what do you what you have to look at is that you can't survive with unless you have religion in your heart. All the problems that you deal with all the pressures that you have everything that you deal with in your life, you can't make it through unless you have religion as a part of you. A person who says that I don't need religion in my life is a person that has a sickness in their heart, because we simply just don't have the answers to anything in our and when it comes to our problems. We don't have the answers to all of our issues. We don't have the answers to anything in terms of all of the issues that all of the difficulties that we're faced with, we don't

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have answers to everything, it comes down to a point where we just need to say, Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. So that's the saw that sort of idea itself. When it comes to the next prayer, and this is going back to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in terms of recommended sutras to recite. We come to the mode of prayer, the motherly prayer, the soldiers that are recited here are what we call the pesado morphus. sila, and these are basically shorter sutras that are separated from each other. The shorter sores usually, of course, close to the end of the Quran itself. It usually goes up from the roadmap, they tell us that it's usually around sort of 90 to 93,

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all the way to the end, to 114 or to Sula, Xs, so you're looking at like around sort of Doha and Heroku. Together, these particular sources are of the student of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to recite when it comes to the model of prayer.

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Then you have the rest of the prayers. So you have the hora, ossur, and airasia. This is what the ultimate, a scribe, as the outsell told Mufasa, and this is in between, it's not too long. It's not too short. It's somewhere in between. So here, you have more options. You don't necessarily have to pick a soda that starts and ends at that moment, you can take one longer soda, and then you can split it, you can take portions of it first or second portion. Second O'Rourke era. Now, when it comes to these particular when it comes to this concept of shortening longer Sutras, how do you do it? Here? Emacs have to be very smart, and it doesn't matter. We're not talking about only imams of

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massages, we're talking about us, when we're moms in our homes. When we're moms wherever we are, you have to be very clever in how you do this. Mm hmm. No, we rahima hula has a book a very small book called The TBN. And this is a book that talks about the HELOC and the adab, the etiquettes that you're supposed to have when it comes to recycling the poor and carrying the poor and, and all the fifth issues that relate to the core and he has an entire section of how to split and how to chop out verses of the poor and when it comes to using them in prayer. You have used an example last week where we mentioned you know, a person would take one verse, but then he would split that one verse

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in half first, or one verse, second, all kind of the second verse, this here, the Salah is still valid, but according to the majority of our lemma, it is there's a high dislike Miss to this. When you take a look as Silla jail sentences and you stop them or you chop them in the sentences become incomplete. This is not good etiquettes in how you approach and how you use the poor and I haven't had a love for the most part, no one has this issue. But the question here is, how do you know when to stop? And how do you know what when you should continue in the second or aka here you have to be clever and it requires you if you're going to be a leader of a Gemma, it requires you to choose your

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verses wisely. Choose verses that you know that when you read it, it's a particular portion. It's a particular introduction. It's a point that Allah azza wa jal is making

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about a particular subject, and you have to give it an end as well. So let me give you an example. in solitude. solitude is one of my personal favorites as well because this is the sort of the stories of the prophets of Allah azza wa jal and it begins by talking about the story of no highlight his solemn and his interaction with his son and all the events that took place. Eventually what happens is that it goes through the whole story, right? And it goes through the story of sort of new of new, and then when he when he's confronted with his son and he tells his son, yeah, Brunei, it will come manner, wallet, command caffeine, and oh, my son come to me, and don't be

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amongst the disbelievers. And then the sun responds and tells the father that you know, I'm going to go to a mountain and the father response call Allah our simulium I mean, mo de la Ilaha Rahim, there is no protection from the will of Allah azza wa jal, except who falls under his mercy will have been a homerun mode for ketamine and morphine. So the flood came and flooded that that community that entire village, including the sun, and they become they became of those who are punished by Allah azza wa jal.

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Now, what do you think about pausing at that moment, in the surah, or in the story, because the next verse Now, the next verse, is going to discuss no Holly his solemn, his plea to Allah azza wa jal that, oh, Allah, this is my son, and forgive him. You see what's happening, you've taken a story. And you've started that story. And you've got to the climax of that story. And that's where you pause in the first Soraka. Now, imagine the people who understand the story are praying behind you, what do you think is, what do you think they're taking from the sada now, now they're taking the sweetness of the horror and from the solder. And of course, this is only for the people who can

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really understand what's happening. For those who don't understand, it really gives you a glimpse that how important it is to at least have a synopsis of what the Quran is talking about. A Muslim should feel very sad for themselves, if they have a laws book, and they don't have a clue what Allah is telling them. This doesn't necessarily require you to be fluent in Arabic. But what this does require you to do is to be constant in reading and trying to understand at least some of the themes and stories in the Quran itself. And then it also requires you to read a lot as a religious book as much as possible. So that when you when you're praying behind somebody, and you hear nor

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then all of a sudden, what's that going to click for you as the one praying behind it but doesn't understand Arabic. You know, new came out of this, now something is talking about nor then you hear the word Eben. And then you put two together and you're thinking to yourself as you're praying, this could probably be about no and his son, you read it in English, but here it is being recited to you in Arabic, it makes the Sala that much sweeter. And that requires effort on every single person, in order to understand at least have an idea of what Allah is telling you. So when that part is done, you've reached the climax of the story.

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When normal Nibbana then Allah azza wa jal pauses there and that's when no highlight his salad now calls upon Allah azza wa jal and calls upon Allah azza wa jal to forgive his son to pardon his son. And then the story continues, that Allah azza wa jal tells new in the who lays them in a Holic, in an in a lie soldier tells him that he, he wasn't from your family, but he doesn't have good unrighteous deeds. He was a person that disbelieved. And then the story concludes himself, no asks a lot to forgive him, because he made a mistake, assuming that his son was really good when he really wasn't. And that story concludes itself such a perfect way to pre inertia or a pre scheduled or

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something. So you want to keep that in mind. Don't just choose sources that don't have some type of theme or connect common theme or connection between them. So that's the first rule when it comes to choosing suitors that you want from the poor. And the second rule is put aside the whole theme discussion, because that's technical and that's for more of the advanced students that understand a little bit of the Core M. Let's go to the more average layman Muslim in terms of their choices and what they are reciting the Quran

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if you know, at least the last June the 30th of June

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The poor end, what you want to do is you want to keep the poor end in chronological order. That's a basic fundamental rule. So don't start in the first Iraq era, soldier to nurse, and then the second iraq era. So little fella or sort of, you know, a nozzle or something else, because you've lost consistency in your recitation, and you've lost consistency in terms of connecting the sources together. You don't want to do that. Even though the solder is still valid, it's just not good etiquettes when it comes to reciting a last words, you want to keep all those words together, you want to keep Alice words in the order that he reveals it as well in the order that it is in the poor

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n itself. Because as you all know, the order of the poor n is also a revelation from Allah azza wa jal, Allah azzawajal teaches the prophecy Selim who teaches his companions Surah Al Fatiha is the first surah followed by surah, tillbaka, and so on all the way to ness, this is also one of the miracles of the poor and the top tip of it. So the point is, is that if you start off with with Elijah and I sort of law he will fit what would be the most appropriate sorta in the second ORAC era, what comes after the sorta sorta tell method, tab better abena have been what up. So you want to make sure that you keep things in chronological order. However,

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do not be afraid or do not feel discouraged or do not think that you've made a mistake or you've done something wrong. And don't feel as though the solid is invalid. If you did it the other way around. You started off with sort of total method. And then the second Nautica either just sort of like you went backwards. Don't be afraid of that. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Muslim cultures that deem this to be something wrong. And this goes against the statements that many, many scholars I mean, this was never really an issue amongst all the men, or the men don't have an issue of a person doing this. But however, they do say that there's an st Bob or a highly recommend a

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recommendation for the person, at least try to keep the poor and in order as best as you can. Third etiquette when you choose sutras.

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When you choose sutras in the Quran,

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when it comes to with respect to the solemn, you want to make the first little rocker on just a little bit longer than the second rocker, or you want to have them at least somewhat equal to one another. But the what the wisdom behind this is after the first load aka when a person makes this first look are very long, then the second or aka naturally will become difficult for everyone. So you want to keep that in mind as and this is especially for an mmm a smart Imam. And mmm with wisdom always thinks of this. He always wants to try to make things easy for the gym gemera in general, he's not just thinking about himself. Like you'll find like sometimes when you go and pray

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somewhere, you'll find that the mmm he'll recite the first little guy very, very long take a huge portion of like sudo room or something, a huge chunk of that portion recited in the first rocker. And before you know 20 minutes goes by and you're just finishing up the first rocker. Then the second ORAC era, he continues, continues where he left off and another 20 minutes, everybody loses their focus in their core shore in the solder. Now how long should a prayer be when it comes to with respect to the Imam this goes back to the culture? This goes back to the earth there is no one answer to this. So what this community is used to in what's deemed to be a longer Sala as opposed to

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a shorter one. That should be what the Imam uses and he practices and he implements for that community. If you go to other massages and other countries, they will recite longer. Like let me give you an example when we were in Medina, in Medina when it came to like McRib and fetcher very short sodas, not scheduled really, but muffler very short 99% of the time, it will suit us from JSON. And then when it came to fetcher, it was just chunks of other portions of other longer sores that were used. And they were recited almost all the massages in Medina do this, even the home as well. When I went to rehab, I went to rehab and I noticed that one of the methods that I went to the

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first semester that I went to in Rio Salado Muharram was extremely long, extremely long. And if I remember correctly, I think he was reciting like soda pop in the first little car and some other soda in the second locker. So when he was done, it will place was dark outside so came outside and I'm still hearing poor and being recycled.

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In the other massages, other mustards are still going. So that gave me another perspective to look at. And then we went through a whole bunch of different massages all throughout the city of Rio. And we started to put together we started to see this was a pattern in the for the people of rehab, they were used to a longer prayer than the people of other cities as well. A smart man and the man with wisdom is an Imam that keeps this in mind. Do you see why I keep reiterating over and over like a broken record? Not just anybody should stand up there and take the microphone and lead the prayer. You need somebody who has intelligence who has wisdom and understands their Gemma or Well, just a

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sight point. If you happen to go to a Masjid where you visit you're visiting for the first time and there is no mmm and you are called upon to lead the sada what sort of should you use? shorter, better short and take choose the shorter sodas it's always the easier way out, avoid problems, avoid fitness, avoid any issues when it comes to the community as best as you can. This is what makes a great Mmm, we'll add it I just imagine that people respect and people look forward to continue as we continue.

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The prophets of Allah hardy who was selling them when it comes to the etiquettes of the prayer is that he used to raise his hands before and after the record before and after the record. And of course this in Arabic is titled or rough oral II again, we mentioned that more than 50 companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have reported that he did this, including the National mobile sharing the 10 who have been promised the agenda.

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A second or another etiquette is that in the state of Ohio core, or the bowing position, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to put his hands on his knees and straighten his back completely horizontally. And we talked about this, we actually demonstrated

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how this was done. And we demonstrated the methodology and how this should be done. And in order to perfect this. When it came to the real core as well. You want to make sure that your fingers are spread apart and holding on to not holding on to news but they're spread apart above the knees as well. And this is narrated based on a hadith in the Muslim head of Imam Ahmed, and the student of Abbe de wood as well that the prophecy is seldom used to do this as well, only in the rocor. The sujood is a different issue we talked about the sujood that the fingers should be closed and faced or pointed towards the Qibla. Then he also used to keep his head level with his back. So the head,

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the head is not looking anywhere, the head is not bowing down looking at the socks or anything like that the head was leveled straight with the back as well. You just need if you're not sure how this looks, you just need to do it once in front of a mirror and have an idea and get comfortable with that position. Another etiquette is folding the hands after the real core. This is some or that may have a difference of opinion regarding this. So once you come out of the real core, you say semirara la halimun hamadeh and you fold the hands at that point there. This is the from the method of email method. However, the majority of the method, the remainder of the mazahub did not recommend this

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practice at all. Another etiquette that is the best Dora to save after standing up and saying semirara la halimun hamidah is as we all know robina weather can hemd Hamdan bin Mubarak can feed another Dora is a semi wet woman, an old woman, I'ma shoot him in shade in beret. And this is another door I narrated in Sahih Muslim as well. There are various doors. So you can choose one in sha Allah that you can memorize easily once you've memorized it, choose another door and continue to memorize them. I mean, just imagine you're saying these things like so many times in one day, it becomes very easy to memorize them.

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The scholar and another advocate, the scholars of Islam have differed greatly on how one should go down in the prostration or in the sujood. We talked about this as well. Should you go down on the knees first or should you go down on the hands first. The majority of the elements we mentioned prefer going down the knees before the hands because this was narrated by a companion by the name of where in Ebner Hojo rhodiola. Horan, who said I saw an A witness the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was going for sujood he used to go down on his knees before his hands and when getting up, he would move up with his hands before his knees and this is an authentic narration

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narrated in the sunon of Abbe de wood and a totemism. And we've discussed this we've allocated an entire session on just the fifth of the sujood itself. Another etiquette is that in the state of sujood, when you're actually in the prostration itself, and he would move his arms away from his sides, so he wouldn't pray like this. Now, this is specifically for the men. And for the women, they do this just amongst themselves, if they have their own Imam who's a female leading them into prayers, they can continue to do this. But otherwise, we'll come to the the the position for the woman in a moment. But when it comes to the prophecy, seven he would keep his arms wide onto the

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side. And this is a hadith narrated in Bukhari and Muslim and as well, and his toes would be rested on the ground as well. his toes would be rested on the ground. So we mentioned that the toes should never come off the ground when in sujood. And I, we talked about this, it's very common for some weird reason that a lot of people they do that, that when they get down for surgery, they suspend their feet in the air. I don't know what the reason is for it. I don't know if it's a comfortable position or what the case is. But this clearly goes against the sujood and the and the validity of the statute itself. We mentioned the prophecy Selim says seven limbs must be touching the ground

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when it comes to the sujood. If you lift up your feet, for no reason at all, just out of carelessness, what's the hokum for the sujood now at this point, is a very dangerous area to get in because many scholars say the sujood becomes invalid because of that carelessness in it because it goes back to that same idea. So just to be careful with that, and even if you do see somebody doing that, then you also want to at least advise them to change that.

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Another etiquette when it comes to the solder is that the prophecy is seldom he used the same while sitting between the two sujood are a bit fiddly or a bit fiddly, and he would do this twice based on a hadith narrated in the center of ebony manager. In the Tasha hood, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also used to place his hands in three different ways,

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holding his right knee with his right hand and the index finger or the forefinger pointing forward. So we talked about this as well, that when you're in the Tushar hood, the prophecies send them you still hold on to his writing and then one of the ways is that he would point the finger forward obviously towards the pillar. Now, there's a small technical issue here, some people they'll point to the finger this way, some people will just kind of have their finger rested in the it's but it's still pointing, some people will do like a lot of weird things. The point is inshallah life at least the index finger is pointing towards the Qibla, then Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best, but this is

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sufficient, the person should not be careless when it comes to the prayer though. And this is the this is the the the issue with a lot of our brothers and sisters in how they pray, is that people become very lazy. Now, when it comes to the prayer, I hate to sound like the old grunty man, but it's the truth. And that is you know, people just get lazy now when they come to pray, if I know, you know, a guy will come and they'll just follow a cover. And as soon as he folds his hand, he drops his hand, he scratches his leg, he moves, he scratches his back, here's some buddies, phone rings, it looks this way and then he comes back again. And then he just kind of floats into Roku he

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doesn't really go into he kind of his body just disintegrates and floats into the Roku and he's there and it comes back. Like it just it's almost as if solder really does become a burden for a lot of people and they just do it just because it needs to get done. So this is one of the wisdoms or the reasons why we chose to go into so much detail with this topic is to try to get out of all of that and inshallah as we conclude with the solid series as time progresses, there are some amazing tips in sha Allah we will give you on how to increase your increase your devotion and sincerity and last not the whole sure we are done that but just to divorce your loss and prepare yourself for the

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solder so that we inshallah you can always stay focused as best as possible.

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We also mentioned we also mentioned the Dora after the Tasha hood, which was reported by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as well which we all know la Masoli Allah, Muhammad, Allah and Muhammad all the way to the end. And then another Dora that if a person wants to they can say this as well alone in the outer bouquet mean either problem and they'll be jahannam or mean fit into my hair woman and physical Missy had the job. It's another Hadith that's

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derived based on a hadith or prophecy send them and of course, the tasleem on the right and the left

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In terms of the sujood, for a woman, we talked about that for the woman, generally, she keeps her body together as much as possible, she tries to unless she's praying by herself, then she has the option of also doing it this way as well. But when it comes to the etiquette of how a woman prays, she keeps her body together as much as possible. And she prays in that manner. And as I mentioned to you, we discussed all of this in a entire session, titled the sujood, or the fifth of the sujood. I think it's also posted online, so you can refer to that in sha Allah as well. For more,

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more details. inshallah, our next topic that we will discuss in our next session will be the sagitta to settle or the prostration, or the sujood, for forgetfulness.

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There are three parts that have to be understood when it comes to this, and when it should be done. So when should you actually perform this type of salute? And how should it be done? And what kind of door or things should be said, when this happens? When should it be done before the test team or after the tests mean, and just a lot of the fifth issues when it comes to this particular topic? This topic is very comprehensive. The such the to sell is very, it's a very deep concept, because it involves a lot of complicated issues, in terms of adding certain things in prayer. How do you know that when you've added something, in a prayer that it requires, essentially to sell? This is the

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this is the crux of the whole issue. Or if you forgot something, how do you know when you should do when the subject to sell will become just an option that you can just choose to do it or not? What happens if you forget to do it, should somebody behind you remind you that you should make the subject to sell or not all of these little issues in sha Allah, we will look at in our next discussion, then we also have the check of the prayer or any doubtful issues in the prayer. So imagine if you're praying, and you're not sure if this is the second or the third workout you're praying, or you're not sure if it's the third or the fourth? So what should you do? What kind of

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decision should you make? Especially if you're an Imam? And you're praying and you are sort of 5050? Did you just finish the third? Or is this the fourth or aka? So what should you do? What kind of decision should you make at that very moment? And what do some of the alumni tell us in terms of this issue? Another problem is making up or rock Mr. rokerites. This year, you'd be very surprised how many Muslims don't know how to do this. It seems like a lot of people have their own version of how to make couple cards when they miss it. So if you miss one, or aka depending on the solid, there's one method to make up that total Cara. If you miss two or three rockets, then that

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particular prayer, there's a, there's another method in how to make up for that particular prayer. Then, if you miss all four, and you just basically got the Tisha hood, then there's a third method on how to make up those folder records. Because you don't want to have more, you don't want to have three or four tashahhud in one prayer when you make it up. So it's to try to build that consistency. A lot of people don't know how to do this. So this for sure in sha Allah, we will demonstrate how to make up those raw carrots as well. Then, as I mentioned to you, we have a whole section especially for those who are looking to lead the Salawat and who are involved in

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becoming a masseuse leading prayers regularly especially for the youth. There are some specific things that you need to keep in mind in sha Allah, when it comes to being a leader for a gemera not anyone is required to do this job. And as I mentioned to you in the past discussions, we love our youth to take part we love this and we encourage them, but just make sure that the youth are equipped to know and understand what kind of position they're taking when they lead an entire gemera in the solid. So having said that, brothers and sisters always in forever We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to shower his aura him and his acceptance upon us and upon our solid. We ask Allah azza wa jal

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to give us the strength that we constantly pray Our Salalah to Allah walk to her on time. We ask Allah azza wa jal to constantly give us the finesse to perfect our prayers to perfect each and every single movement of our prayers, and will love the brothers and sisters we ask a lot as well too. Don't make the prayers just a habit or a routine that we do each and every day. But rather make the prayer fear feel like a sunshine each and every single time that we do it. Make the prayer a time where we can pour our hearts and pour our doors

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pour our tears to Allah azza wa jal each and every single time that we do it, brothers and sisters, pause for a moment. pause for a moment. I know about all the issues that Muslims are dealing with around the world. time to time, pause for a moment and look back here for yourself in the law hola Yo, hi euro mabie comb, Allah is not going to change what's happening to everybody out there. Unless one thing happens had to you how euro may be unforeseen. Unless you start to change yourself and your lifestyle or whatever issues and problems that you're doing. Then unless you change that the affairs of those people might still continue to sink in a dark hole. We ask Allah azza wa jal to

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give us strength and give all the brothers and sisters around the world the strength to overcome the strong test and mtoa from Allah azza wa jal insha. Allah, I will be doing the whole TVA for this Friday in sha Allah here. And this is going to be one of the topics that I will discuss in sha Allah with the gemera is just to basically how to pause from all of these issues and concentrate on yourself for a moment and how to bring finesse and warmth to the heart. So that that way when you do Raise your hands and you ask Oh ALLAH forgive our brothers and sisters, Oh Allah, help Syria help Philistine help Bangladesh help Somalia help this elda insha Allah, Allah will listen to us and

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accept our Dora. So these are some of the things that I will address them in the hookbait insha Allah and encourage all of us to be there for this Friday. As for the sisters, just please keep note that our class will conclude on Sunday, immediately after ourselves. So just be there on Sunday, immediately after us and that will be our final session of the women's fit. It's all about her series. And that will conclude this Sunday BMB only let hytera What up your router r1 Anil hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen salam or aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

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