Wasim Kempson – Protect Your Tongue

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallahu Alayhi wa sallam is a term used by the Prophet to symbolize the heart, and the history of the Prophet's teachings is discussed, including the belief that everything is possible and impossible, the importance of having a strong heart, and the use of words and actions in daily life. Bankruptcy is discussed, and individuals may have to take steps every day to achieve their goals. The importance of protecting one's behavior and listening to others' speech is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah who no matter who they are, you know who want to start a pharaoh who wants the Hadith?

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Whenever we love Him is surely and phocoena women say Dr. Molina Maya de la who further Moodle Allah wa my you will follow her the Allah

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wa shadow Allah. Allah Allahu wa Tada hola shady coda.

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What a shadow and Mohammed bin Abdullah he was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala early hippy, being a PA here in Wallman sada island I heard you him you know your mid Deen

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Yeah, you have Latino men on top of la ha ha ha Ducati he wala to move tune in to mostly moon

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yeah, you had Latina metal topple la her walk all colons So did your select la comme la Comadre outfit la casa Nova come one minute where Allah rasool Allah who forgot the first photos in our team

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for in a stock called Hadith the Kitab Allah Will Ferrell hottie Hadiya Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or Sharon Amaury Maharajah to her Wakulla Maha timbi They will be there at in Walla Walla, walla balada to phenol indeed, or praise and thanks is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala The Lord of the Worlds

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I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship, except Allah subhanaw taala alone, and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his final messenger

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the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam on many occasion was asked about or was given questions, which represent or for us are very important questions, some of those questions, what are the best deeds or what action will take me to the paradise?

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On one occasion? The Prophet alayhi salatu salam is with more of viburnum Jabba are the Allahu Anhu.

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And so, as more of Rhodiola who I know and you find that many of the narrations narrated by Morales, Radi Allahu Anhu are very comprehensive answers that you receive from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam.

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And so on this occasion.

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Moreover, the Allahu Anhu he asks the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about an action, something that will enter me into the paradise where you buy it, you buy it, you buy it, you buy it, you don't even and not that will take me away from the hellfire.

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This was asked to the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam on a number of other occasions. And the answer was short. But this answer represents one of the most comprehensive answers on this particular question.

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You will be pushed hard to find an answer from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam answering this question. What enters me into Jana and takes it takes me away from the hellfire. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says local CELTA and Alvine that you have asked about an amazing and great matter. We're in a hula year see Runa Isla my yes sir Allahu hottie, and that but this is an affair This is a matter which if Allah subhanaw taala will make easier for a person, it will be so

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and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lays out the beginning. The answer is not just one answer. There are four parts to the answer. The first part is that you worship Allah subhanaw taala alone. You do not associate any partners with Allah subhanaw taala that you establish the Salah that you pay this occur and you perform the hajj.

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If you are to give an answer, like this would be sufficient. But the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam continues, he says Allah De Luca bobblehead, should I not inform you about the dose of goodness and righteousness? No doubt more other Radi Allahu Anhu is now receiving an answer beyond his expectations.

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So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam goes on to say a CMO or sunnah, that fasting is a shield and charity extinguishes the sin, just as water extinguishes the fire, and that the prayer in the middle of the night

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isn't from the most excellent of deeds, and he is sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recites the verses from sort of a soldier. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam continues the third part of the Rasul Allah moody he will did what you see now me he

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should not tell you then, about the head of the matter. It's pillar, its pinnacle.

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He had

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to sacrifice and to fight

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it in the path of Allah subhanaw taala

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but the Prophet system does not finish there. He says Allah ocupado could be me Lucky couldn't learn equally he should I not inform you about what is the basis of all that has preceded

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salah, fasting, charity, Hajj, striving in the path of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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He says, belajar rasool Allah, please inform me of what underlies all of what you have mentioned.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, aka the Billy said he he, he took hold of his tongue, said Kufa alayka Harada. Hold and control your tongue.

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Now we're all aware that in the well known Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam told us that the

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king of the parts in our body, the most important is as what is the heart, either Solahart Salah * just a dokolo, that if the heart is sound, the whole body a sound, with a facade that faster than just the Kulu and the B becomes corrupted, then the whole body will become corrupt Allah will heal the flesh or that piece in your body is your heart and we are concentrating on our hearts.

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The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said in Allahu Allah young gorillas already come watch me come. But Allah Jalla Allah does not look at your appearances and your bodies. However, what Allah subhanaw taala Yoto ala Kulu become Muhammad, Allah Jalla wa Ala is looking at your hearts and your actions. So we may be as we should be concentrating on our hearts concentrating on our own yet

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and then when somebody approaches us, because we are

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speaking in a particular manner,

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maybe foul language, backbiting, slander, speaking without knowledge, or that we are missing out some obligations and the person's responses what

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you don't know is in my heart, you don't know what's inside here. What is going on between me and my Lord? And the person will then bring the evidence is that Allah azza wa jal is looking at our hearts not looking at necessarily your bodies and your your outer shapes.

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But the person did also forget that Allah azza wa jal, yes, is younger Illa, Kuru become leikam and your actions as well.

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And from those actions, because there is a connection between what goes on in our hearts,

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to how you behave and how you act, there's a connection you can't separate them. person can't just be like within themselves, say I'm a good Muslim, I have this I'm good with Allah subhanaw taala and then their actions are the complete opposite of that. Your actions should be a manifestation should be a result of what is in your heart.

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And just as we are concentrating on the internal and it starts there, no doubt.

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But what are the consequences and the state of your heart what happens then you will find that they will impact their actions. And our actions are of different types. But the thing that we must God the most

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what we need to be most careful of his what is our tongues,

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our tongues with which if a person is engaged in the recitation of the Quran, that they will receive, I should have sent out 10 rewards for every letter that you are reciting

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that with your tongue you make the shahada, the testimony of faith, La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, by that a person enters into an Islam,

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but similarly with their tongue, they can mention words of coffee, that the person may mentioned words of lies and deceit.

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A person will say something to his family. 20 years of marriage, he says a word, they are no longer together by what by what they said.

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Now more although the Allahu Anhu

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when he heard that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Kufa, arnica heaven, the hold your tongue, he was surprised.

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Now you think about why is more of what are the Allahu Anhu Why is he so surprised?

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We're in LA moussaka. Guna Vimana cool, we are taken into account by that to what we say really?

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Here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says to him, may your mother be bereft of you may your mother lose you.

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This is out of being startled and surprised. Well, Hal Yakubu Nassif inner will those people be dragged in the Hellfire

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own on their faces ill household do I'd say no to him.

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Other than what the what the tongues have harvested.

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But every morning, every day, your body to Kaffir Alisson

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doesn't mean a cause your son Elisa and or a Tonga disbelief or no it warns the tongue every day

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about what it says that you will all be in your entire existence we take into account on your milky AMA.

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So I guess these short minutes that we have together here on your mobile Joomla

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to think about the impact of how and what we speak about, by it, a person enters into Islam, that by it a person earns the reward and blessings and paradise of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada

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and by it also a person may exit Islam by it a person will earn the no say yet.

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Even if the person carries themselves in a way, which on the parent is Salah is up righteousness. So the Prophet sallallahu Addison reminds us that the Sahaba Of course, Hadith you're well known. So the Prophet salah, some says, attended owner Manuel mirthless, who is the bankrupt one ally Morpheus Rufina Manila Durham Allahu wa ala dinar that the bankrupt one with us is the one who has no gold and silver.

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And so then the Prophet alayhi salam says I'll move flees to Yeoman PM. The true bankrupt one is the one who comes with salah, Salah with Zakah wood sadaqa. With all of these are can as it appears the outcome over SLM upholding the pillars of Islam. However, that person shettima Harada, was Subhana wa valamar. Has

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that person cursed, swore and oppressed the other person by what? By their tongue, that they come with all of these deeds, but yet they are bankrupt. And what is this bankruptcy? This bankruptcies that they come with mountains of Hassan at the one who is rich on Yeoman pm as it appears, but then they received their account then becomes what? Bankrupt? Why? Because their good deeds then are transferred to the other people. They're taken away from you. You give your good deeds to those whom you swore or you cursed or oppressed or you wronged. So you may have come with all of that. But it served nothing for you know, goodness for you.

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And then likewise that the Companions they were speaking about a woman

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in knuffel learner, Docomo labelled

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to swim Obinna ha. She is fasting the days and standing in the nights in prayer were lacking the Java

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but the thing is that she harms her neighbors Billy Saniya she harms her neighbors with her tongue. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he in a phenol that's the reason for her being entered into the hellfire.

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And there's another Falana does another woman she is not so much in her a badass she establishes the Waje but not here. She does not spend many nights in prayer at night. She does not fast every day. Lacking led to Ijarah in Mindy Sanya she does not harm her neighbors with her tongue. Here the prophets Allah Allahu Allahu Allah wa sallam says he or Phil Jana.

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The tongue is the cause the reason for that person being entered into the fire

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or into the paradise.

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Even things that we may not even think about, and the incident that comes to mind is that when the I showed the Allahu anha mean lady because she didn't mean anything by it. She was describing Sophia Radi Allahu Anhu.

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And she with her hand, said that she was Cassia that she was short.

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And hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam said lokalty Kalimantan that you have said a word, lo Musa to be ma il Baja la masa to that you said a word, which is not a good word, that if he was mixed with the sea, it would have made it would have changed his entire existence. Not in a good way. Of course, this is a dumb, this is rebuking her and reminding him

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that saying such a thing mean that you didn't even mean it.

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I didn't mean it. But you said it. Now, how many of us, because we have watches, we have phones, you have the ability to count the steps that you make every day, you may make 5000 steps, 10,000 steps, that's your target. And every day, you get you know the teacher you get the result of how many steps that you have made in that day.

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Can you imagine if you had a device or the ability to count how many words you say every single day,

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and that those words were then put in two columns.

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even three if you like those words which are for you,

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and those words that are against you and those that are just in the middle nothing

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if you were able to place all those words, the amount of things that you say every day

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where or what would your scale look like the things that you say?

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And we find that the Quran is very ducky very, very precise in how it is explained about the angels skirama KTB those honored scribes that they write down everything that you say

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everything that is done is recorded and unknown will pm your whole body is saying and warning the tongue. We don't understand that. But it is the case warning the tongue why? Because it is a general Jana I will note for you the power rests or the Hellfire for any one of us. But for many of us we don't pay attention. We're busy. We're doing everything that we can to fulfill what we think is important for us and we forget about what I've said

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and maybe your your excuses I didn't mean it. We ask Allah Allah Allah to allow us to protect us what we see a call recording Hello stuck for hola Hello welcome included in the festival in new hula hula.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who are early he was off be here Jemaine

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most hope most sermons that you hear every Friday, you hear the verse in the hospital hajiya You handed in Menaka cola. Oh you have believed? They Allah. Wa Kulu Poland said either

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that say a good word.

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Say a good word.

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The puff Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said all the man Hula, hula Jen, I will guarantee the one I will guarantee the one who of course will be paradise I guarantee paradise for the one

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the one who God's his tongue, and that is between his thighs, his private parts. You got these two.

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You don't fall into haram with these two. Then there was a promise for you a guarantee from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that you will be from the people of paradise.

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When we hear things like that, the stakes are very high.

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That you should be very careful about that what you say.

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Me Something I'm ready until salata Lhasa

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before you speak. before you speak. Think about what you're going to say. So before you speak, you don't just say it. You think? Is this pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala? Or is this displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala maybe that takes too much time and got time to think about what I've got to say I just have to say it and then the regret comes after. But if you know the consequences, then for sure. That few seconds it's worth you taking a pause before you say something is this something that is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala or not?

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And the subject itself is why it is vast. There are many attend the Quran which remind us about the consequences and for us to God our tongues. And similarly the Sunnah is Malia is full of narrations concerning the issue of the tongue and our speech. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide us to that what is best, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to protect our tongues. And this guarding is a reason for us with a modularized mercy to be from the people of paradise Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad and wild early Mohammed Camus or later Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim indica Hamidah Majeed Allahumma is it Islam or when mostly mean? Allah whom is it Islam or will mostly mean? Allah

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homochiral Lenovo, Lenovo? No Euro bill Alameen Allahumma and certain Muslim enough equally Mokona Yatta but I mean Robina Athena for dunya has no Philadelphia Rottie Hassan Aachen ever nor will okay masala

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