Abdul Nasir Jangda – Make Yourself Beneficial To The Community

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © [SPEAKER 2:] Yes. And then, I think that the fact that the company is now in the middle of the pandemic and the fact that the company is now in the middle of the pandemic, I think is a very important aspect of it. And I think that the fact that the company is now in the middle of the pandemic, I think is also a very important aspect of it. So, I think that the fact that the company is now in the middle of the pandemic is a very important aspect of it. And I think that the fact that the company is now in the middle of the pandemic is also a very important aspect of it. So, I think that the fact that the company is now in the middle of the pandemic is a very important aspect of it. [SPEAKER 1:] Ok. And then just lastly, you mentioned that you had a lot of work going on right now. So, I guess, how are you doing on your personal life
AI: Transcript ©
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hi Uranus. Ah

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hi Uranus

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10 years after the message and the mission of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam had started in mcpa,

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one of the first and foremost of the believers, who is also one of the firmest and most devout and committed of the followers of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was none other than his best friend.

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And his close friend and confidant, Abu Bakr, radi Allahu anhu, may Allah be pleased with him.

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But 10 years after the message had started, the mission had begun 10 years after serving in the trenches, and standing by the side of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, through this first three years of the more private preaching of the message, amongst close personal circles. Then after that four years of public preaching, which resulted in ridicule and persecution, and oppression and torture, followed by three more years of being outcast, ostracized, excommunicated, boycotted by their own people, their own community, their own society 10 years of suffering and sacrifice.

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Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a very heavy heart

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and requests permission from the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam to leave Mecca.

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And this was

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Very difficult. Abubakar, the one who is past the age of 50. At this point, he's 50 plus years old. He has lived in the first 15 years of his life in the city of Makkah. That's where he was born. That's where he was raised. That's where he married. That's where he was raising his own family and his own children. Everything that he knew, and everyone that he knew, was in the city of Mecca. And more important than anything else, he had found the truth in Makkah, Islam. He got to know the Messenger of Allah, Mohammed, the Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in Makkah.

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And he, he comes to the prophets a lot of the time on this day, with a very heavy heart, to ask permission to request permission from the Prophet peace be upon him

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to be able to leave Makkah and migrate, to have Basha at the senior East Africa, where there was a community of Muslims who had gone there and escaped to East Africa to be able to seek refuge in escape much of the torture and the oppression and violence that they were subjected to in Makkah. So Abu Bakar comes to the prophets a lot of Islam and says, Grant me permission to be able to go and take up residence over there to be able to escape the very difficult circumstances in Makkah.

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And you have to understand a man of the faith, the conviction, the strength, the fortitude of Abu Bakar wasn't so easily scared away. I will work karate laguan, who had nearly been killed on multiple occasions.

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One particular incident talks about how horrible but karate along what I knew was beaten near death.

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And he still had he had permanent scars on his face from the public beating

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that he had received that on that one occasion, he was unconscious for a couple of days. He had deep wounds and scars on his face. He was nearly killed on that day.

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So Abu Bakr radi Allahu tells the prophets a lot of the time I just don't see any other course of action but for me to leave my home maka to leave you, which is the last thing that I want to do. But I don't see any other option. The prophets allottee some understanding what Abu Bakr had invested what he had done, what he had sacrificed. The profits allowed him gives him permission.

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The narration tells us that Abu Bakar the long line who was probably a day's journey outside of Mecca,

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he had his he had some stuff with him he had his bags were packed, so he was carrying some stuff with him. And he was about a day's journey outside of Morocco when he runs into a man by the name of Eben adelino ignore Davina.

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Ignore who was not from fresh, but he was the leader of a tribe, who were affiliates of kadesh Qureshi had an affiliation with another tribe, and he was the leader of that tribe. He was the most powerful man of that tribe. And because of that relationship, he he was considered also a very influential, powerful man, even in mechanical, inspirational wants to ruin his relationship with his tribe. Therefore, he will did a lot of influence and power in Makkah itself.

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And it's actually documented about this man, that up until this point for the first 10 years of the prophets, a lot of the terms mission preaching and teaching of Islam and macba. He was a very staunch opponent.

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He categorically disagreed with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. In terms of his message, he didn't like this, this this message that the prophets a lot of them had. He didn't like the fact that so many people were taking up, you know, this new religion, what he called, that they were following Mohammed Salah, he said that they were leaving the religion of their forefathers. He really did not like this and he did not agree with this. And he was very opposed to the spread of Islam.

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So we have a couple of things we know this is a leader of his people. He's a leader of his tribe. He's a very powerful and influential man in Makkah, and he's actually part of the opposition to Islam.

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And he sees Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu bags in hand with his luggage leaving my car. And he says in our aina Ababa

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Where are you going double decker.

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And he says accurate and he told me, my people have forced me to leave.

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My people have forced me to leave, they've left no other choice but for me to leave.

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They've come after me time and time again.

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I feel

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For my safety, and that's at the point where it's better for me at this point to leave.

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And he says, No, no, no, no, no, we can't.

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We can't have, I can't let you leave. And then listen to his reasoning and his logic. He says something very profound, very powerful. He says like Rumi through Kabbalah.

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Someone of someone like you

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should not leave, nor should that person be allowed to leave

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someone like you should never leave a community and someone like you should never be allowed to leave a community. And he elaborates. He explains what he means by that.

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And he says something very beautiful.

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He says that you help the poor, the needy and the destitute.

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What's next Ebola doom.

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In Nikola Tesla Rahim, you're a family man. You're a role model for people on how to maintain family relations. What's next, even my Doom, you look after those people who are deprived, disenfranchised in society and you go out and make sure they're okay.

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With that middle girl, you uplift those who have fallen, the people that are falling through the cracks of society, you reach down and you lift them back up. What's your aina Alana ye will help and you are constantly involved in every good cause, in our society, in our community, I cannot let you leave. Because if good people like you are allowed to leave, only bad people will remain in society. This is a non Muslim.

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And his story goes on to tell us he did not accept Islam before he died.

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And in fact, he was very opposed to the message of Islam, the the faith based aspect of it where he could not let go of his idols. He didn't like the prophets, a lot of these I'm inviting people to one God and one deity and leaving the idols. But even he cannot deny the fact that Abu Bakar is a man who is very valuable to his community and his society. He is an asset to his people.

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He is an indispensable part of the community.

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He is necessary for the well being of the society. He gave me that fact. And he says you're kind of come back with me to Makkah, and he's like I told you I have to leave. I'm not safe there anymore. He says no, I personally will escort you back into Mecca. I will take you there and I will give you my protection and nobody will lay a finger on you.

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And the narration tells us that he brings up overcrowding along line you back into Mecca. By now the word I've done is spread the Abubakar has left.

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And when they see a new show up again, they're like what is he doing back here again?

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He takes us to the heart of the Kaaba. We're all the leaders of Quraysh many of them were people who were involved in the public beating of Abu Bakr radi Allahu, he leads him back and he says Everybody listen up, you know who I am, you know, the hour that I command the influence that I wield.

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I am personally granting my protection to Abu Bakar.

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violating his dignity, his personal freedom.

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His individual rights will be a violation of my dignity and my honor, and you will answer to me

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anybody who messes with Abu Bakar the person has effectively with me.

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He grants him his protection.

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And Abubakar the along with annual returns back to Makkah. And Giggs continues his residence in Macau, and stays by the sight of the prophets a lot he set up and the story goes on from there.

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But the point I wanted to make today, the specific point I want us to key in on is that this man is he completely disagrees with what the Muslims believe in.

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From a theological perspective,

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he disagrees

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he does not accept Islam.

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He's not affiliated

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or cooperating with them in an official capacity in any way shape or form.

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In fact, he's part of the opposition.

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But what is it about Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu, a believer, a Muslim,

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a role model for believers and Muslims. What is it about him that makes him so valuable?

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So beneficial to his people, this community is society that is majority non Muslim, that this man who is a leader of the opposition, says I'm sorry, but I cannot let you leave. We cannot afford to have people like you leave our community, I still disagree with you. I still don't agree with what you believe in. And you don't agree with what I believe in. But I am forced to admit the fact that you are beneficial to our community. And I cannot deny that fact. And I will extend my own personal influence, to ensure your protection. As long as you don't leave our community and you continue to be the source of good and benefit to our community in our society. That's Islam.

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That is Islam realized, that is Islam manifest within the life of a Muslim.

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We, as a community today, especially as a minority community,

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we have to grasp this fact in this reality.

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Islam is not a PR stunt.

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Islam is not a disclaimer, or a press release, or a press conference, or a photo op, or simply a billboard or a pamphlet or a website.

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Islam is the living, breathing, realization of Allah's Will, the lifestyle of Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is beneficial to all of God's creation, not just all of mankind, beneficial to all of God's creation, that manifests itself within the life of a person. That's Islam.

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And we have to be very careful and conscious of this fact.

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That what we say, what we claim, what we preach what we proclaim,

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what we would plaster on a billboard, does that correlate? Does that connect to does that coincide with how we live our lives or not? Or are we a walking talking contradiction as a community and as families and as individuals today, as by calling ourselves Muslims, this is a reality that we have to grasp.

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And we have to understand this reality. There's a beautiful bar in the Quran.

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There are some, some supplications that Allah teaches us himself, that are very powerful, very meaningful, and if we were to understand them, they literally would change our lives, they would change the way we live our lives. There's a beautiful blog that Allah tells us about Napoleon. He talks about the faithful, unbelieving people of the past. For Allah, Allah, He Turkana,

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they said, that only upon Allah have we placed our trust completely.

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robina and they they ask, they pray, they supplicate they make dua to their Lord and their master. They say Our Lord and Master, the one who created us, sustains us provides for us, maintains us protects us and guides us. The one who has given us Islam, la Tatiana fitna de Lille home is only mean do not make us a fitna. For people who do wrong, for the wrong doing people do not make us a fit number them. What does that mean? linguistically speaking in the Arabic language, that word fits not comes from a root word, which basically means a test in a trial. But what's very fascinating about the word Allah used in this, in this ayah in this law, in the Quran is alike use the word that

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is called the mustard fitna.

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And the interesting thing about the mustard a word in this particular form, this type of a derivative in the Arabic language is that you sow Malou Oh, you've heard will be my own will be magnified.

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It can be understood simultaneously at the same time, both in the meaning of the passive and the active now,

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it implies both meanings at the same time. What does that mean? It means both the one who is tested

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and the one who is the test for others himself, the one who tests others, and the one who is tested by others, both meanings are implied within the same noun, the same word at the same time, that's the beauty, the magnificence in the diversity of the Quran, and the Quranic language. It means both meanings at the same time. So what does that really mean now?

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It means your law do not make us the object of test do not make this the object of persecution, of violence of oppression

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from people who are wrongdoing from bad people, do not make us tested by bad people do not make us the victims of bad people. Which

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is a very powerful, beautiful daughter, Allah do not subject us to torture and ridicule and humiliation and persecution from bad people. It's a very beautiful drama. But at the same time, this also equally implies the opposite meaning, or law do not make us the test of bad people do not make us such a people that we test the bad people. What does that mean? If we are the believers, if we're the Muslims, and there are disbelieving people, bad people? How are we that test for them? How are we putting them in a difficult spot? How are we creating a difficulty or adversity for them?

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And the scholars explained

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that when somebody claims Islam,

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when somebody calls himself a Muslim,

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but does not realize and live Islam,

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then what they say, what they write what they proclaim, what they announced what they advertise is one thing.

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But what they live is something that's the complete polar opposite.

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And there might be people out there who are lost, who are looking for answers,

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who are spiritually depraved or deprived.

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And when they see these people saying, Islam, peace, the solution to your problems, the answer to all your questions, guidance for all of mankind, a blessing from God Almighty,

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when these are the proclamations, but when they observe them in their element, when they watch them, hear them, see them, live with them.

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And they find the complete opposite.

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that these are people that are harmful. These are people who lie and cheat. These are people who don't value family. These are people who don't value honesty and trustworthiness. These are not people who serve their community in society. These are not people who respect their neighbors. These are not people who are courteous to others. These are not people who look after the disenfranchised, the downtrodden, the fallen in society, the now there is a contradiction. And they become a test for those other people that disbelieving people listen for people that are people, these people who consider themselves the faithful, the devout are actually now the fitna for them, because they say

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if Islam was so good than the Muslims would have been great.

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If Islam was so awesome, the Muslims would have been awesome.

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Obviously, there's something missing here. You know what, there's really no difference between me and you. Except your name is a little bit a little bit harder to pronounce in my name.

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So then, what's the point?

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What's the point?

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What do you have to offer that's different? And that's why Allah subhanaw taala reminds us in the Quran twice in the Quran. Allah teaches us to do I

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mean, or like Don't make us to test for the bad people. Don't make us that force of evil that will drive bad people away from good. And another place Allah says robina he teaches us to do our Robin our Lord, our master, Yara la de la fitna De La Nina, Tara,

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do not make us a pfitzner do not make us a spiritual test and trial Do not turn us into a spiritual deterrent, an obstacle from the truth for those people who disbelieve that they don't come to Islam because of us.

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It's a really, really sobering reality. It's a very sobering reality. Like we keep track of how many people took Shahada this week, or this month. We keep track of it. We post it on Facebook, we send the newsletter out and email out to the community. We announced it on Friday. How many people took Shahada?

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Have we ever sat down to think and consider

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how many people were maybe pushed away from Islam because of me?

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One of my teachers told me to always ask yourself this question. It's a very difficult question. It's a very bitter pill to swallow.

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But occasionally, sometimes we need to be able to just look in the mirror and reflect

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and protect ourselves.

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That Yes, we're very conscious and very quick to record whatever good we've done. How many people we brought to the machine how many people accepted Islam this week? How many people this how many people that

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But have we ever stopped slowed down for a second to take stock of the fact that how many people have we may be pushed away? How many people have we spiritually harmed

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How many people have we, ourselves jaded

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how many people are disillusioned because of me.

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Because of me, again, your community here in Charlotte to beautiful, wonderful community, and y'all are probably the exception to the rule.

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But I can talk about, you know, my own community and other communities that I've experienced or been a part of.

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One unfortunate reality just to give you a little bit more tangible of an example, in some places, in some cities, in some communities, the worst place to live,

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the worst spot to live from now I'm not speaking from a virtuous aspect I'm talking about from a practical everyday reality, the worst place to live is actually next door to the masjid.

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I have known non Muslim neighbors of the masajid who ruled the day that a machine was built next door to their home,

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because that was the beginning of just a terrible stretch of just a complete violation of, you know, courtesy and even their own personal rights and the respect for their personal property.

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Their, you know, their driveways getting blocked off. First, a lot delayed because somebody is late coming to slot delayed. And it's so important for them to be able to get in there and make your aid on time that people have actually parked on their lawns and destroyed their landscaping.

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That when we decide to have an outdoor picnic, because we are, you know, halifa to law here and

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we are the bearers of the truth, we are entitled to this, that when we decide to have a picnic outdoors

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in the machine property that the next morning if you go and look at the front lawn of the neighbor of the masjid, it's littered with napkins and paper plates.

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Because everybody just threw their trash down and the wind blew it over and what are you going to do?

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After Allahumma shafali

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absolutely not unacceptable. This goes against contradicts the Quran, the lifestyle of the prophet to lobbies and how the early Muslims understood their Islam. They were a source of pain, a source of benefit.

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That wherever a Muslim game wherever Muslim community came wherever a house of Allah came,

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it was a source of benefit. There was a source of such great pain for those people that whether he Daya guidance eemaan was destined or written for them or not.

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It was undeniable the fact that this was a source of benefit for them.

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This is our Islam. This is a reality we have to return back to and we turn to Allah subhanaw taala first and foremost, and we say it up and Allah Allah is not until

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we make law to Allah that Allah does not make us a spiritual determined for people. And then secondly, we need to make a conscious decision and choice. When we leave the masjid today. Be conscious of that fact how we leave the masjid, how we exit from the parking lot of the machine. How do we drive around the area of the masjid.

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I still remember and I'll end on this particular note that I remember when I was 20 years old, I was studying overseas, I was visiting back one of my senior Shoryuken teachers he was visiting, going around giving lectures in the masjid. It was a month of Ramadan.

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And I was 20 years old. I was driving him around as a student driving his teacher around to the different programs, massage and I was driving like a 20 year old drives. May Allah forgive me.

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You know speeding and cutting people off and you're trying to catch a yellow but actually running a red and all that nonsense.

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And he tells me pull over pull over your car right now.

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I said okay, I pulled over. He said What's wrong with you?

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So what do you mean? I feel great, just like a lot of hair for asking.

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He's like, no, how are you driving? You're a bodybuilder and

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you're supposed to be a preacher and the mom in your people, Adare Lola, and invite her color to a line you drive like this is an Islamic and prophetic the way that you drive your car. you're you're you're causing people harm. You're scaring people on the roads. This even contradicts against Islam, even the way you drive Islam. And that was the day that I made that connection and made a huge impact and change in the way I view things. When we leave the muster today. Let's keep in mind let's try to be a source of hate or source of good a source of benefit to people wherever we go. This is the teaching of the Quran. This is a legacy of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and this is the son of

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the Sahaba rhodiola Adam, the brothers can move forward barakallahu li now we're looking for anila de mon a funny way to ethical hacking software Allah Holly welcome Melissa in muslimeen for sub zero in

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Alhamdulillah Allah

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undeletable alameen wa

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salatu salam ala ZD mursaleen Allah Allah He wasabi woman Serbia, Shannon Isla de pollo, la gente kitabi Majeed

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mina shaytani r Rajim in de la mala it gets her who you saw Luna Allenby? Yeah, Xena amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam outta sleep. Taslima Allahumma salli. ala Muhammad in Abdi kawara Schulich was on the island movement in a minute well mostly mean I want to see Matt What about a guy that say you deny Mohammed while as Raja he was very anti

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Islamic and Muslim in along with Islam and Muslim in Aloma has in our DB in our Gianna suburban mnemonic ayah. Allah, Allah.

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Allah, Allah,

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Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.

00:30:52 --> 00:31:20

Allah Allah, Allah Allah Nabeel Kareem. I also wanted to remind and request everyone to continue to make the offer everyone all across the world, particularly our brothers and sisters who are suffering across the world, in Syria and Philistine in Burma and Bangladesh and Mali, Somalia, so many places May Allah subhanaw taala bring them peace and safety and help them maintain their eemaan in their Islam. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard welcoming sola

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