Wasim Kempson – Fiqh of Hajj Episode 10 – the Day of Sacrifice

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The 10th day of the 10th day of the hedger is recognized as the greatest day of the year, and the event is described as the greatest day of the year. The importance of shaping the hedge and avoiding throwing anything at it is emphasized, along with the need for natural shaping and leaving Iran. The process of leaving Iran is also discussed, including shaving, trimming, and exiting, and the importance of completing tasks to avoid leaving the country quickly. The recap of the process is provided, including the timing of deliveries and the use of signs to indicate progress.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Manuela and my bad Dear viewers, Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. And welcome back to a new episode. As we continue the journey of Hajj, the foot of Hajj and this blessed journey towards Allah subhanho wa Taala Jaffna Welcome once again, you're with us here in the studios welcome, you're blessed us you've brought much needed knowledge to us, which is often located on for being here with us.

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Sharing the last time we finished and hamdulillah the completion of the pillars of Hajj and now I feel like it's appropriate to discuss the 10th day of the hedger also to be the day of aid. Now this day comes with a few names. Perhaps you can share with us those names and how they came to be why they were named those named

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Smilla hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah battle praise belongs to Allah and me the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His final messenger Muhammad Salah lorrison so wise. So the 10th day of Eid is or the 10th of April hedger, Yamaha, Yeoman hudgell Akbar. These are the names even from the Quran concerning this day, but for the Hajj or the person who was thinking about Hajj was to perform Hajj. So it was important I always revenging always mentioned this is always important to remember the sequence of events during the Hajj. So the day previous what we'll be doing those performing Hajj they were on the plains of Africa, making art Allah subhanaw taala and then when at

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the end of the day when it was hit salata marketed they weren't the returning towards the direction of Mina in the nighttime they stopped that was deliver and they you sleep there until Fudger okay when you arrive in was deliver you pray Maghrib and Isha shortened and together, and then you sleep there for the night inshallah to Allah from any place in was delivered doesn't have to be in any place. Then when it is fragile,

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then you pray us a little fragile. And then after that it is the sun as well that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would make dua to Allah subhanaw taala until the sun became quite bright, just before the sun would rise. And then the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would make his way to Mina.

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The day of the tent is probably we can say the most busiest day of the Hajj and remembering that the day previous in May you know people may be tired you slept in was deliver maybe you didn't get married very much sleep. On the following day, you a little bit tired.

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But remember all this is for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala no one said Hajj was easy. Hajj is a journey of a lifetime. It means you have to go through lots of struggles you have to be patient, but you will reward us with Allah subhanho wa taala. So when people have made the Fajr they've made the DUA and they're making their way towards the Jama rotala Aqaba. This is the first thing that people are going to do on the day of

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the 10th the day of bull hedge Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this day in Surah two tilbyr in chapter number of verse number three, chapter nine, verse number three of the Quran.

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Allah subhanaw taala says whether an amine Allah He want to slowly heal and Nursey yo Mahajan.

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And Allah very Amin And Moshe kina rasool Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala declares

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that this day hudgell Akbar many of them have of Syrians say this is Yeoman, the day of sacrifice, Yeoman eat the day of eat. This is the day that Allah subhanaw taala and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are free from those mushy kina those people who have

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associated more partners with Allah subhanho wa taala. So this day is mentioned in the greatest day of

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Hajj Akbar the greatest day of the Hajj.

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This doesn't take away the fact of the greatness of your mother as well. Both of them are great.

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So on this particular day is important for the Hajj to remember what they're going to be doing. And we can imagine or think in our minds that the four things and Chateau Tata that need to achieve during this day,

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four things. The first thing that they're going to do is to throw pebbles, small little stones, no bigger than the size of a chickpea. Only seven. And they're going to throw them at the because the gym a lot of 312 and three. So when you're walking towards the gym, or maybe a long distance walking, and while you're walking, you've left most deliver and you're making your way it is the sooner to raise your voice in the TLB the Byculla Humala bake the bacon, shake Calacatta bake in Alhambra. One year meta lacquer will milk the shady color and Subhanallah those people have made * before

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They will know what it is like millions of people walking towards the gym are not raising their voices with a TV. It is just something that you can only explain or feel that if you are their words cannot portray the reality of that time. Is there a specific instance that we're replicating over bring back to life? Just like with sci fi stuff on Madhwa? We're emulating our mother surah is there a specific incident that we're replicating during this movement? So this time when we are moving from

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Modelica deliver, and we're going to do the first act on this particular thing, because there are four things and I mentioned them quickly is Alami, stoning. Then there is no * there is the sacrifice. And then there is heart which is the heart the trimming, or the shaving of the head. And then there is time off. And if slightly needs to be made within say we need to be made. So these are the four things. So as you're walking towards the last of the jemalloc, not the closest one to Northern middle one, but the last one, that is when you will find seven stones and those seven stones you can pick up from anyway.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked for the novice,

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Radi Allahu anha to find him some stones and when the father of the rhino, when he when he bought the stones, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam picked up the stone

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and said in NEMA Lika when can acaba LUCAM and the whole of India

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that the nation's previous to us what destroyed them was going to excessiveness in the religion. This was a great reminder for us that only picking up small stones and that's all that is required. But the here the profit analysis and reminding us not to go too extreme or excessiveness in the religion. There's no need to pick up big rocks or boulders or umbrellas or shoes, or wood or they're just a small little stone and it has to be natural stone, not the cement that you find natural stones. These are what is required to throw at the gym model.

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So as the person is walking there, they're saying the Toby Byculla Humala bike, as they approach the gym, a little Aqaba, which is the lodge Gemma, that's when they stop the TILBY. That's when they stop. And if it was the son of the Prophet alayhi salam that he would go on as you're walking towards it. And then you'll see this enormous structure of the Jamaat years ago Subhan Allah, it used to be a small pillar, with a kind of basin, the people used to surround it, and through the stones in that however, they used to cause lots of injuries. And 100 are not as big investment now to ensure the safety and his ease when people are throwing the stones.

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So as they're walking towards the profit, Ellison would go on the left side of the gym rot. And he would have Minar on his right hand side. And he would have Macker on his left, and he would throw an ISA to celeb with his hand raised, his arm raised, saying Allahu Akbar, ensuring that the stone falls into the basin area. And then taking the second stone, Allahu Akbar, and doing this with each of the seven stones.

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This is the first action that you do on this very, very busy day. So just know exactly look here for that. I mean, are we actually throwing the stone at the devil IBLEES here or is it? What's the purpose of this throwing? Yeah. Well, you will find when people are walking towards the gym a lot in the gym, a lot comes in there in the firing line. If you like that people get quite excited. And then they start to run, believing that this is Shangela you know, they think my whole life you're trying to test me you're trying to divert me away from Allah subhanaw taala. And then this is my opportunity really to strike you down. And it's all over. There is a narration that mentioned that

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the police came to Ebola he made a sudden, and tried to divert him away. And that Ibrahim alayhi salam actually picked up things to throw at the police to reject Him. Some of them have commented on this hadith.

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Allah has done his best it seems that some have authenticated it and others have have not deemed it to be authentic that maybe that's what's more closer that it's not authentic, Allah knows best. So you're not actually stoning the devil. And but we know in another sound Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in NEMA, that rather than only that the Rami, or the stoning of the Jamaat was established for the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. And remember, when we are throwing the stones, what are we doing? We're saying, Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. Sometimes if you don't speak Arabic, and you're saying Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, you will feel the

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meaning if you don't understand what you're saying.

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But, of course, when you say you do say Allahu Akbar, you say in Arabic, but I want you to think about the meaning that every time you throw that stone, you say, Allah is the Greatest, whatever you think about Allah is greater than that. So there's something for us to think about. So the stoning is not actually the shaytaan himself. But it's for you there for you to remember and establish the Dhikr of Allah subhanho wa taala. Yes. So after you finished the salami, because we said that there were four things for you to do on this very busy day, I'm sorry to interrupt, is it the big than the medium, and in the small quarter or so on this day, which is the day of Eid, you're gonna have the

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day of sacrifice, you will only throw stones at one of the Jamaat, okay. And that is the last one, the big one. So as the you're walking, you're past the small one, you don't throw anything at it, there's not I want to do something extra, you don't throw, no, the second one, the third one and the last one, the big one, that's what you threw seven stones at not eight, not six, but seven stones saying Allahu Akbar, on education. So the look

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after the throwing of the

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seven stones, you finished the army.

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What after this is then the sacrifice, if you are performing hajj Quran or Hajj diameter, a sacrifice is to be made.

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Now, most of the time, although you have the option of actually making the sacrifice and slaughtering the animal yourself, and there is an abattoir or short walk away for you to go and do that. But if you do do that, you will take the responsibility of then distributing the meat yourself. And that's not easy to do now. So, there are facilities now, that you can arrange with your hedge group or with the local authorities that you can have the sacrifice pre paid, you can have the money paid already, and that will be done on your behalf.

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So, the sacrifice is done after the stoning. So either you will have it done

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Tolkein you will entrust the responsibility to somebody else. Or you can go and do it yourself you do if you do it yourself, then you take responsibility of slaughtering the animal and distributing it which is not easy because you have many things to do on that particular day. But both options are there for you to do that.

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So this is the second one. After

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you do this, you do the third one, which is the trimming or the shaving of the hair.

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It is better to shave the head the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made there are three times for those people who shave their heads. Then one of the companies said what about those who trimmed their hair? And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said him hola hola. Mohandas team. May Allah have mercy upon those who trim their hair and only said this once. So it is better to shave your hair on this particular date. And of course women only trim the hair. And this is the third thing that you do on this day. Forgive me shake. Let's take a short break and shalom. We'll get back to the fourth item that we have to do that they they have not heard of the day of aid, also known as the 10th day

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of their hedger their viewers. Let's take a short break and we'll resume after this break inshallah isla. Until then, stay tuned. Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Dear viewers, welcome back from the break hamdulillah we're on the 10th day of the hedger The Day of the Day a very well Hamdulillah. And we are we've completely or we've completed the three items of for that we are to do on that blessed day, which is a huge and blessed day after the day of Arafah insha Allah Tala and Societe, what is that fourth and last item that we have to do on that day? Sure. So at the moment, we're explaining in practical terms, what is upon to hedge there's also another important a couple

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of important issues for the person who's performing Hajj to know where they are about coming out of the state of the Haram because until now, they are all in the State of Iran. But let's finish the the what is practically in front of them. So we finished the first three, you stoned the last Jamaat with seven stones, and then the sacrifice was made and then you shaved or trimmed your hair. Then the fourth thing that you can do on this stage Sean Taylor is powerful if this is the time for you to perform the power off of Hajj.

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When you go then we have explained how we've explained that off in some detail previous so you performed to off on this day. Now for the person who is performing a fraud, the single hedge if they did, they had performed to say upon arrival.

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They don't store for Doom. There's a throw off like of when you arrive at MOCA and then they perform say after that all that is upon them is a little off. They don't make say after it so the Morpher it only makes one say for their hedge. Like what

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As the person who's performing Iran, which is the performing of Hajj, or has the reward of Hajj, and because they have a sacrifice, again, they go there and they perform that off.

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Again, if they perform the surgery at the beginning, earlier a few days ago, then only that is what is upon them is to perform.

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As for and this is maybe the majority of people, those who are performing timid, they will have to perform tawaf and say,

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what is remaining in their account. Now, this is practically what the things that Shana if ideal if you can do on that day. Now, it isn't a must an absolute must, that you perform tawaf on this particular day, because maybe you're very tired, it requires you to go all the way to the hub. So is it allowed you to delay? This is something that scholars have discussed, it has allowed for you to delay your thought off, if it's not performed on this particular date, if you delay it

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during the aim of tertiary the following days, which is the 11th 12th or 13th of June hedger, then you can do that.

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Beyond that, it is also permissible, although it is a difference of opinion.

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However, Alana is best that there's no sin upon you. And you can delay it,

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in fact, to the last thing that you do, and you can join it with your powerful with that, your farewell Tov, if that's something that you want to do. So combine the intention, combine the intention, your primary intention is your powerful if you're powerful hedge, but it counts as your farewell off because that's the last thing that you do. So practically, these are the things you need to do. Right. The next issue I want to talk about is exiting or coming out of the State of Iraq. We entered Iran, maybe on the eighth? Maybe you've been in the State of Iraq for maybe two or three days. Yeah, it's a difficult state to remain in.

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When do I When can I come out of the State of Iran?

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Remember, on the day of, of aid, there are four things. And a good way of remembering these things, if you if you know the Arabic language, is to remember a phrase, this phrases are on how to run how to four letters or known hat or on how to write. So that is salami.

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Noon is the name of the sacrifice, how is the hug, which is the shaving of the hair, and thought is tawaf around hopper. Now is an absolute must number one for you to do in this order. No, it is preferable for you to do it in this order. And practically,

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logistically, it's easier for you to do it this way. Because as you're moving, you know, you'll come to the gym a lot, and you can throw the sacrifices done for you. And then you can trim your hair. And then you can go perform tawaf. So it's actually easier to do it in this order, logistically speaking as well, exactly. Okay, if a person happened to shave their hair, trim their hair before the sacrifice was done. Is this a problem? If a person was to perform the toe off,

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before shaving their hair to do in a different order, if a person was to perform tawaf before the Jamaat is this okay?

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All of these scenarios came to the Prophet sallallahu it was companions to Dr. Sol Allah, I sacrificed before I shaved my head. The Rasul Allah, I performed tawaf, before throwing the stones. On each occasion the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, Know how much no problem if the person did refer the stones? The professor said it to me, yeah, how much now going through your stones? No problem. So if a person did them in a different order, then it's not a problem in shallow Thailand. But it is preferable. And logistically, practically it's, it's easy if you to do in the order of stoning, sacrifice done, then shaving and then throw off.

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The next issue to talk about shadow data is you coming out of the exit or exiting, when does this hurt? What does this occur? When does it happen?

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Now there's a number of things. There are two stages, leaving Iran two stages what they call a high level and a world a Tallulah Thani the first exiting and the second exiting. So, the first exiting of haram

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means that when you have completed stoning and the sacrifice

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or two of the three I should say there are three things stoning, sacrifice and shaving the head. Once two of these have been done, any two of them then you have exited you have come out of the State of Iran as the first stage is it specifically those three? Those three Dotto off? Is that something else just before Yeah, that'd be the fourth one not mentioning. So the things are practically in the same place can be done in the same place, stoning, sacrifice, and shaving the hair wants to have these are done. You have partially exited the state

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out of Iran, meaning everything is allowed for you, you could have shower, you can change your clothes, you can wear perfume, you can do everything. The only thing that is not permitted is for the Husband, husband and wife to have intimate sexual relationship, okay?

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Once you exit or how do you exit the State of Iran completely is when you perform tawaf.

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So when you've done these three and then you perform to off, you're completely out of the State of Iran. Okay, so make that very clear. There are two stages exiting head on

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how you exit the first stage is by completing two of the first three, stoning, sacrifice and shaving or trimming the head wants to have those done. Once any two of those are done, you exit out of the State of Iran and the first stage you can do everything except have sexual relationship with your spouse. And then when you make power off, then you're completely out of the State of Iran and you live your life normally out of the State of Iran

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or when can a person let's take a step back now one kind of person actually start leaving Mina

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for to go to go off, okay. So, the earliest time is good question. The earliest time that a person can perform auto off

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actually is after the night previous half of the night has pre has passed. Okay because the night previous so we remember that was the night we spent in was deliver

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it is permitted for the week and the old and maybe the slightly sick, as long as they spend half of the night in was delivered once half of the night has passed. They can leave was delivered early.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam as narrated by Aisha Radi Allahu anha, that the prophets of SLM sent on Xlm and some of other companions who are weak and old, after half of the night of must deliver has passed, they can leave was delivered and they will make their way

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they will make their way to Mina.

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So technically, if you, Pa if you performed your tawaf

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after half of the night has passed in was deliver some of the elements say that technically that office Correct.

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if you're with your groups, you with your hedge groups, and whatnot. And I think that because Hajj is a once in a lifetime opportunity, we're not looking to do things quickly in shortcuts.

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For this reason, many of the elements say that the tawaf can be performed after Fajr in the daytime.

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So once tawaf is performed after surgery on that day SOHCAHTOA often the throw off is valid. However, if those people have a valid reason to leave most deliver early, only those who have a valid reason. If they're weak, and they're sick, and the women and things like that, after half the night is passed in Brazil, if they can leave early, if they happen to reach the Haram after doing those other stoning. And then the sacrifice, maybe the sacrifice will be done later. Not a problem in Charlottetown and they trimmed their hair the toe off was done and having to be before Fajr inshallah we say that the offer is valid.

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Because of the importance of this day, I just want to keep a timetable on time track starting from the day of Arafah. The day has finished. Now, where do we go from there? And just to show to perfect, like so we keep track of time, because I feel like this is very important day for the pilgrims. Sure. And just to keep things in track. Yes. Where are we going from the day of art for the night? Yeah, well, we might because it wasn't like before a show. So the day of autofull finished Yeah. And now we're the would we go okay, yeah. So as a quick recap, so the people are on the plains of out of making dua to Allah subhanaw taala and they stay there to Salah to

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remember, when we were in alpha, we arrived and alpha a hot boy was given and then we pray Lahore and Asad shortened and joined tonight. This was the son of the Prophet so then the remaining of the day you make dua to Allah Israel until Muslim you don't leave before Muslim. Once it has marketed you don't pray. Everybody then makes their weight in an evening time to a place called must deliver, which is one of the obligations and you stay in was deliver upon reaching was deliver.

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You pray Maghrib and Isha together and shortened and then you can take some rest, because the following day is going to be a busy day as we've just explained. Yes. So you stay in most deliver. For those who are healthy and strong. They stay there till fajr. We said there's an exception to the rule those who are weak, or women folk, after half of the night has passed, they can leave early so they can miss the crops. Everybody else they stay too fragile. They pay fragile. They make dua for a short while and then they make their way leave most deliver. And then they go

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to Mina, maybe a question is how do I know that these places everywhere signposted, most deliver is signposted with a purple or burgundy color sign we know that our offer is detailed with yellow signs and minute has it's clear a lot of light blue signs everywhere that you're you're seeing the full the crowds flow the crowds are flowing and you know the direction you're not going to get lost in and as long as you stay with a group everything will be fine. So, after fajr from was delivered the night previous do you then make your way back to Mina and then you complete the rights of stoning, the sacrifice, then the shaving or trimming and then you perform to off and if say is upon you

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perform say any shorter that you've completed all the pillars of the hatch, like like we're shifting there's like a lot here for that detailed. Synopsis on keeping us in check with the timetable does I call her beautiful word, beautifully worded Hamdulillah. Unfortunately their viewers this brings us to a close of the episode. Until next time, stay tuned as we continue or finish off probably the last stages of Hajj. Until next time in sha Allah Tala, we'll see you then Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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