Wasim Kempson – Fiqh of Hajj Episode 11

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The episode discusses the importance of hedge during worship processes, including the obligations of individuals to perform actions after shaving or trimming their heads, the importance of shaving and trimming hair, and the need for individuals to avoid harming their appearance. The episode also touches on the rules of the Sunon and the day of the Hajj, including the importance of staying in a state for a few hours and not doing anything until the evening. The episode concludes with a reminder to subscribe to the channel and a request for feedback.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah are the early he was so heavy on Allah. Dear viewers As Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and welcome back to another new episode on this journey of Hajj. What Hamdulillah we are coming close to an end, unfortunately, but we are still learning and of the utmost of things that we need to learn are the obligations of Hajj. We're joined Alhamdulillah once more with our esteemed chef chef Wassim welcome chef Baraka nothing May Allah love her for being here.

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So she's not the obligations?

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How many are they? And what are the obligations of hedge? And what does obligation mean when we we did study pillars of hedge recently in previous episodes, but what's the difference again, once again, so we can reiterate to the viewers what the difference between a pillar and an obligation is first Smilla Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah bad. So we mentioned that pillars are those elements of the Hajj, which have to be performed and cannot be missed out. They can't do something in its place has to be done. Like they had the standing and offer. If you missed out offer, you can't like you know, pay a sacrifice for that no one's out of his past the head, you can

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make it on top off and say, as for the word uebert, or the obligations, these are matters, which if they were not done, then you can make up for it by making a sacrifice by having a sheep slaughtered and distributed to the poor people of Makkah. Okay. So the earlier might have mentioned that there are a number of different obligations or observations before we get into the obligations. Can we use this rule for any act of worship? The difference between a pillar and an obligation? Okay, yeah, good question. So, yes or no? Okay, meaning that the pillars, you can't make up for it, but you have to do it

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and with the obligations, that if they are missed out unintentionally, for example, with the prayer you can make up for it by you don't have to sort of slaughter an animal for if you forget one of the words you wrote in print, but you perform illustration of the cell or forgetfulness, but you can make up for it with the head you can make up for it by having a sheep slaughtered, okay, so you can have some similarities, but of course the explanation or how you make it up is different from the prey and the hedgehog. So none as a good point to mention.

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So with the budget, but we can go through them systematically chronologically as to what they are. So the first obligation is to assume a haram at the market. Okay. Oh, from where you are. So for those people who are beyond living the area of the market, it is an obligation for you to assume haram from that place. Okay? And not to go beyond if you go beyond it. You assume you're haram after the market, you will have to make a * of a sacrifice done for yourself. Okay, so this is the first obligation the first one to assume a haram add to the Mikado not to go beyond it.

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The second one is that you stay in Arafa until the sun sets until Muhammad so when you go and you enter out offer whether you enter out of it in the morning, or you enter after her whenever you enter, you remain the internal trial until salata, Maghrib and you do not leave before market. If you leave before Maghrib. Again, you will have to have a sheep slaughtered and distributed the poor people of Makkah.

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The third word is for you to throw stones at the Jamaat.

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Okay, whether it's the Gemilut on Aqaba, whether it is the lodge one done on the DVT or the the gem Murata that is you throw or on the day of Tashlich which is the 11th and 12th. And if you stay on the 13th this is also an obligation to throw seven stones at each of the camera.

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Fourth worship is that you do them in order.

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Either you don't start with a large one, and then you come back the other way. You have to start with the small one and then the middle one and then the large one. And this is done on the days of of tertiary.

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The next version is the off or whether

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the waffle were there, but as before anybody leaves Maccha they have to make Tov

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said lithium for Iran

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that nobody should leave had until they make the last thing that they do. A powerful will wait until they make the top of the supplies for both hajj and umrah right. So this is applicable Good question. This is applicable for Hajj only only as for Amara it is something recommended but not an obligation, not an obligation. So this was the next

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Watch. The other worship is also maybe chronological it can be done before this actually is the shaving or the trimming of the hair, the shaving or the trimming of the hair during the day of aid.

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This is also another version, but this doesn't the shaving actually take you out of the state of overwhelm or what what we mentioned earlier is that there are three or four things to do on the debit. And completing two of those three will take you out of the first stage of of a haram, not necessarily the shape, not necessarily the shaving itself. So once you through the stones, and then you shaved your head, you will be out of the state of haram let me know and on this particular matter, that I am giving you one viewpoint, there are other viewpoints some of the element of the view that once you throw the stones, you're out of the first stage of haram, and there was a hadith

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and Sunnah and we dealt with concerning that some of the view that you need to complete all three, for example, you need to if there was a sacrifice for you to make, of course, not the one of person who's performing Hajj alone, the person performing fraudulent is no sacrifice for them. So if you stone and then you slaughter and then you shave or trim your hair, then you're out of the State of Iran, these are the views we respect these views. And as I always say, for the purpose of our learning, will take one view for us to to go with inshallah Tada. So these are the words

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of the Hajj and the last of the module that is the staying in was deliver.

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Staying at least half of the night, in most deliver. This is the last there are seven on the marquee, but these are them. So if we say them in order again in Toronto town because maybe it is in the right order. The first one is assuming haram at the mascot. The second one is staying in alpha until Maghrib. The third one is throwing the stones at the camera. The fourth one is doing them in order. The fifth one is I'll move it or staying in must deliver. And then you have the sixth one, which is doing them in order. And number seven is powerful with that

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the fair will go off. These are the words but if any of these are not done, then the person is required to expiate for that and that is by arranging a sheep to be slaughtered in Makkah and distributed to the full Quran to the poor people of America Makka Shama

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Gianna in terms of obligations is there a difference in performing thoughtfully foregone to offer WADA

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we said it is permissible for a person to delay their tawaf powerful effects to the last thing that they do before they leave Mecca, so they can enjoy the two.

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So here, if a person didn't perform that off, on the day of Eid, okay,

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obviously, if they have to perform, say, bear in mind, that when they perform the tawaf, they will also have to perform say after, and then come back to or not, and then that'll be that'll be finished. Okay? So if they want to delay their to offer, the further to the last thing that they do, if they're performing naturally, you wouldn't have performed say yet. So you will have to perform your toe off and whether which is your, your toe awfully father, which counts as your office, but you will have to also make your say, that doesn't nullify, and that doesn't cancel out. The fact that the last thing that you did wasn't off, because you performed your say, and which is connected

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to the straight after the say, Okay, so that's not a problem you channel.

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And with regards to the shaving, I know, we've mentioned that before, but just so we can also in terms of the obligation over here for the men is to shave or trim the bare minimum, what about the women, right? So we said that the prophet Elisha may draft for those who shouldn't the for the males meant to shave who shaved their heads, and you may do for them three times. As for those who trim their hair, and what we mean by trim there is the whole hair should be trimmed, not that you take a little bit of the side of the hair and you trim a little bit, although that is a view of some of their limit, may Allah have mercy upon them all. But what seems to be more correct is that the whole

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of the head needs to be trimmed. Okay, the whole of the head. As for the females, then all that is required for them is to trim at the bottom of their hair, not in one little place. But let's say for example, they put all their hair behind their head and at the bottom along the back.

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One unit one unit of the finger here Yeah, I know the word in Arabic I didn't know the word in English. So this this length here, you trim that off the bottom of the hair and Chantal and that is what will suffice that particular word

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moving on after you know the obligations that we know now the obligations there are seven

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maybe you can share with us some of the sooner because I know the sooner nor many. We could probably spend one or maybe even two episodes. Yeah. Oh

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But maybe share with us maybe some maybe of the most important or the most obvious that was

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shown or emphasized maybe Yeah, sure. So,

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when going through the Sunon, the scholars categorize the student, not just one long list more sure you could reach a list of about 70 or 80 Different Swinnen.

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However, they categorize the student into different parts. So the Sunon of Ihara like trimming the nails, shaving the hair, having a bath, wearing perfume, these are some of the Sunon of the Haram as for some of the Sunon, for example of of tawaf, that is to recite or better at NF in dunya, Huseynov Orfila Ferretti Hasina during or between broke via money and also the Blackstone. So they mentioned Sunon from each of the parts like say, is to remain in a state of order, okay to make dua to each side of the mountain, when they on the Day of Arafah is to go out and raise your hands and make dua and things like that these Olson and I would recommend for the brothers and sisters in preparing

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their Hutch is to really know what the secrets of hajj are, and you get into the secrets of hajj when try to find out the Sunnah because you have gone that extra effort to try and perfect your hunch as the prophet Solo said that perform the Hajj as I have taught you to unnamed Manasa Khan

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so maybe you can actually taste it exactly just doesn't become an activity of just do's and don'ts and going from place to place you will live the Hajj which is something we will try for Allah subhanaw taala allow us to live upon the son of his messenger so the logic says, Dear viewers, we have to take a short break at this moment. Stay tuned as we continue learning about the Sunnah of Al Hajj after the break, inshallah Tada. Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Dear viewers, welcome back to the episode where we are delving into the Sunnah of Rasulullah saw Salam of Hajj. But before we get into that Shahana if you don't mind taking a step back with us, and I know we discussed, you

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know that after we throw the pebbles in the stones, we are in a state of a two or three days. Can you speak to us a little bit about those two or three days? What are we supposed to be doing? What are those? What are the virtues of those days? Yeah. Okay. So these are called the days of tertiary. So again, visualizing and knowing in our mind what's happening on the days, the ninth was the day of alpha, the 10th isn't even read the day of sacrifice. The day after that is the 11th and the 12th and the 13th. And these are days, which are called the days of Tertiaries. In which the Hajaj they will stay in Minna.

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So on the day of eight, they've done all the actions that would need to be done in Charlottetown. Then When evening comes, this will be the evening of the 11th. Because remember the night proceeds of the day. So on this particular night, the head judge have to spend at least half of the night, in minutes, wherever they are.

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So as the judge are aware, they may perform tawaf. But be aware that you need to spend at least half of the night, which is coming just maybe a few hours away at least half of the night, you need to be in minute, because a movie or staying in Mina

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during the days of the shift is one of the obligations as well. Staying in Mina, during the days of Mina is one of the obligations if we didn't mention that earlier, staying in Munich, at least half of the night.

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So on the 11th night, it's not as though you need to work out what's half of night and then you can go to areas like ZZ and things like that. It's so neat to stay in minute as long as you can.

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while you were in Minot, you stay there and you stay the night to try to tailor the following day. I have a 11th day now, this is when the judge will throw stones at each of the Jamaat the small one, the medium one, and the large one in order in order management obligations, and you will throw seven stones at each Jamara so 777 So for each day, you will need 21 stones.

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When does the stoning occur? The stoning can only happen and you can only do the stoning. After salatu the Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never threw the stones, the companions of the rhino never threw the stones in the morning time. Okay, so the stoning of the Jamaat after only after the hot and that extends all the way until Margaret and if there is busy and it's crowds, even if it's done after salata Muslim, that's not a problem and show a long time. Okay, so you throw in each of the

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gym a lot. The first one you go to the gym a lot you say Allahu Akbar seven stones, and then you move slightly and then you make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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And Nick Alondra so the throwing of a stone is between door knocker with the extension to after motive but not before though. That's correct. Okay, exactly. And you have all the way until before Fajr the next day to throw the stones at the Jamala Hamdulillah.

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And before we dive, are we continue speaking about the Sunnah of Hajj. What is the ruling of southern Hajj? Is it an obligation? Is it a must? Do we have to expiate? If we don't, yeah, if you miss that one of the Sunnah, and this is no sin upon you, you've there's no need for you to expiate or anything like that.

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It is upon you. So with regards to the aim of tertiary if it is the sunnah to stay to the 13th you know Allah subhanaw taala says, From ontology Luffy, yo meanie fella is muddy woman to ahora fella, if muddy lemonade taco, that the person who remains in minute for the days have to ship two days, our worship for everybody. The third day is something which is a choice for you. Okay, so on the 11th day you threw stones at each of the Jamaat, and then that evening will be the second night, the 12th Night of the nights of

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the second night of the days have to shift. So you stay there again, at least half of the night. Preferably you stay the whole night. Then the following day, which is the 12th day you will do as you did the day previous. After Salah to Doha, again throw seven stones at each of the Jamaat, the first Jamara you throw seven stones you move to the site and you make dua to Allah subhanaw taala. And then you go into the second one, you throw Seven Stones again you make dua,

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long DUA and then you go to the third one you throw stones, and the third one you don't make. So do is only made after the first one, and the second one, and not the third one. When you finish the third one. You either decide decide to stay in Mina for the following day, or you leave.

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If you're going to leave, you have to leave before salata, Margaret on the 12th day, okay, if you are still in Mina, you should remain to the next day. An exception to that, or what might occur is that maybe you need to go back to your tents, grab all your belongings, and then you are leaving. If you are leaving, you're preparing to leave. And due to the crowds, you haven't actually left minute, many of the aroma have given the permission for you to still leave, because your intention was to leave, you have all your belongings. So you can still leave in Charlottetown even though it may have hit Mark, if you didn't prepare yourself to leave then you have to stay to the next day and do as

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you did the two previous days.

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So what advice can we give to those whom not necessarily pay attention to the sun? If any? Yeah, so you know, paying attention to the Sunnah paying attention to these smaller details is, that means you've gone that extra step in doing as the Prophet salallahu Salam performed is

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the very long hadith of Jeroboam Abdullah is the most detailed Hadith describing the Hajj of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam Omar is something we should all read. And the person who goes to the Sunnah means that they've gone through the pillars, they understand what they are on the obligations, and they're going to the next level. It's like a person who's going for a test, they can do the test and you can do paper one, paper two, but those people have gone for paper three, they're gonna get the, you know, the highest marks, yeah, the highest marks like this Sunon the person who fulfills the obligations and the pillars. Okay, shall you have have an accepted hedge,

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but remember, the accepted hedge has no other reward than the paradise. So make sure inshallah as best you can perform the sooner because this is what the professing to us

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shows and I'd like to spend the rest of this episode together here living with the son of had, perhaps an example or an incident that had happened or just the son of hygiene general. If you could just share that with some of those. Yeah. So with regards to the sooner as I mentioned that the Eurodollar have broken it down to different stages of the hedge fee to kind of understand what we should be focusing on. One of the big Sooners that people

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they forget is the Tobia okay the bake Allahumma bake, you shouldn't feel inhibited, you shouldn't feel embarrassed. This is the hedge. So say that Toby as much as you can. This is from the best student from the time that you entered the State of Iran, all the way until when? until just before you throw stones at the big Gemilut on the day of eight. And all the time before that you're saying Tobia when it isn't necessarily mentioning Allah subhanaw taala mentioning

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reciting Quran this is all from Sunon. Now, it doesn't have to be out loud to you or within like as we're speaking now. Yes. So for the men is slightly to raise their voices ever so slightly. They wouldn't be talking for them to raise their voices ever so slightly. That's fine. It's not necessary for you to shout or scream. That's not necessarily okay. But rather have you to raise your voice ever so slightly as for the sisters than theirs, they do not raise their voices they say to themselves this

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They quietly to themselves and Shana Taylor, there's no need for people to sit in unison, that the whole group has to say one goat. I mean, because there's hundreds and 1000s of people who happen to say, at the same time as another person, that's not a problem, okay? It's not as though you have to skip and wait a little bit, let him finish. And then you're going to start again, you just say, just to focus on yourself, just let it be natural. Okay? Don't try to artificially, kind of, you know, say how the telomere is going to be just let it flow, let it be how it is. And as for the Sunon, I would recommend a book by the great scholars of our times and the things that you can do and shout

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out to because we have more than 70 or 80 to go through, which maybe needs another two or three programs for us to discuss, which we don't think we'd have that time. But it is something or some homework for the viewers for them to go through insurance data to show ensure that they had really is the best hedge that they can offer in Charlotte 100% 100%. Does Apple have

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any other bits or advices regarding Sunon or obligations that may come to mind? What I would say is some very good advice was given to me is that when performing Hajj, remember there's about three or 4 million people performing Hajj, you're not going to think of a shortcut that nobody else has thought of. So just go with the flow. And remember to be patient to be patient during the Hajj. Remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever performance Hajj does not have any relations with their wives does not get involved any arguments, any kind of Nisa? That's big. This is something that Subhanallah are so easy for people. Who do you think I've paid my money

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I'm here for Hajj, you can't be telling me what to do. Why am I waiting here? Brother, there are 4 million people here. I can't emphasize the importance of being patient. If somebody hits you bumps you says something to you. Just remember, you're here for one reason. You're not here for your hedge to get spoiled. You're here to get the reward of a loss penalty. Don't spoil it by arguing and fighting and I've seen people fight. I've seen people argue, and you think what has what has remained from your hunch? What is left Subhanallah Lee you left your family. You spent your money you came here for what Subhan Allah don't allow the shaytaan to overcome you remember, you came here

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for one reason you want an accepted Hajj

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Subhan Allah, you know, one of the I think it's very worth mentioning that of the most important,

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you know, important things to do is actually prepare yourself for this journey. Listening or study and picking up a book or doing what you're doing here now discussing it and having the viewer viewers tune in and to learn about this. And to prepare for this journey mentally and to know that we're going there. And we're going there to wait. Yes. And wait, yes, we're going to get food but it's a meal that we're going to eat. It's not the last meal that we're on. Yeah. You know, we find people sometimes online and they they're complaining about the food that they got. Yeah. And they're meanwhile they're like, a four or five star hotel or so. Sure. Yeah. Where you know, people might

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not aren't getting anything. Yeah, I've experienced. It isn't advice is not to condemn people and things like that. But was the lessons that when the food comes to you, and you forget a particular type of food is no complaint? Why did I get this food? I don't like this food. I don't eat this food. Okay, there's a long queue for the bathrooms. Why are we why we have this? It's about being patient, brother, sister. It's about living Hajj. There's 4 million people here. It's about you just remember the reward with our lives, whichever has They're waiting for you. Don't spoil your hunch. And if you stay away from arguments, as the Prophet says, I'm Raja Eomer WELEDA to move that person

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will return like the day their mother gave birth to them, sinless real world Veritas over Allahumma Amina. She chef matches up and located on for a very fruitful episode once again. Dear viewers, we've come to the end of this episode, unfortunately. And until next time, join us once again as we wrap up the series of the fifth of Hajj Bismillah to Isla until next time, As Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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