Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The 10 Nullifiers Of Islam – Introduction

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the book of Shroro, which was the first time the segment covers Al Qaeda's name. The book was authored by Mohammed bin barrel and the issue of the book is a serious one. The use of nick interests in Al Islam, such as the name Shroro and the phrase "has been a blessing," is discussed, along with the use of fear and the need for individuals to be mindful of their actions. The segment also touches on the issue of the Muslims being kept out of Islam and the dangerous behavior of those who come into Ellis land with their teams. The speakers stress the importance of not being too soft or too aggressive in one's religion and the need for individuals to be mindful of their actions. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi wa doko when a star you know when a stuck federal

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when are all the biller him in the show Rudy and phocoena Woman St. Louis Atlanta Nina. Mayor de la who Philomel the Lella woman do Devon fella had the Allahu

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wa shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa the hula Shruti kilo ye shall do under Mohammed Abdullah who are us who Salawat Allah he will sit down with what he

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bargained for in a halal Kayamkulam Allah He will even who the WHO THE Rasulullah He is Allah Allah, why didn't you send them? We showed him a more my desire to ha what coolamon deserting with atom Wakulla begotten Bala Tomoko bulletin polariton dinar.

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The brothers decided to deal with the Book of Shadows Islam,

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Al Imam and Majid Muhammad Abdul Wahab rattler to light Anna Nuwakot.

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Ellis slamming the door slam the Nullifiers of Ellis that

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is not too long. And although the pages of the book are short, nonetheless, the information the benefit of those few pages, obviously, especially during the time that we're living right now, so we're going to deal with insha Allah azza wa jal dealing with the meten, the book, those things that nullify ls that

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as we mentioned, book was authored by Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab, Rama rahmatullahi tonali And in our explanation of his book, he traveled Tawheed we gave details about when he was born, and what happened in those issues like that. So we're not going to repeat that talked about what it is, and what it implies to call people with hobbies. And other than that, you can go back and refer to that in the explanation of Kitab Tauheed. But what we will do is have a little introduction before

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explaining the Nuwakot of Allah SNAM because the issue is a serious issue. And we have people go overboard and the issue love putting people outside of Ellis fam based upon what was mentioned in the book. So some people who have that takfiri min hygiene mentality. So Muslims due to being extremely angry at what's going on, they judge people and put them outside of the stand because of some of the things that are mentioned in this book of the 10 nullifies and that's not always fair

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and we have to deal with that. In the introduction. As it relates to humbly beloved will have bright little light on it in the book is called the shake love understand the imam in the masjid did want to mention about these three nicknames or these BB something in the way of what the full Kochava the slam mentioned, it is important for us to understand it so we can always remain balanced as it relates to personalities. Al Imam when you hear you read that a scholar has been called an Eman de

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Fuca have al Islam. They say there are two meanings imply when someone is described as an imam as 100 of Nandu Wahab was described and that is that general meaning the Goodman positive meaning the man is the person who's an island. He's a scholar, who was recive and he has acknowledged that it and he doesn't have any innovation. Like you might have an imam Shafi and Imam Malik and Imam Sufian authority and people like that they are Imams, and then there is the meaning of an imam that is

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mocha yet or is restricted. You can't take away from the fact that the person was prolific in some aspect of Al Islam, he was an imam of Hadith and Imam of tafsir. He was in Mammoth Philip, when he may have some kind of innovation in him, and that innovation should not be glorified. And he shouldn't be given that title understood to be the other email. And that's what we have like those people that are an AMA described as an imam. And I can imagine hedger, even, even 100 of his show

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Kenyan, so ut people like that. They are great scholars in Islam. You can't take away from what they did. But there were some issues there.

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Mohammed Abu Dhabi, what happens in the man with knowledge, and he didn't have that innovation. He was calling to the Sunnah in his environment. And as a result of that his book still resonate with people who want pure al Islam. Also from him

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Is AlkaViva Scheffel Islam will have a marvelous slam, hefty laugh about calling people shall Islam. Some of them said this is something that we shouldn't do. It's an innovation. And the people from the first three generations, they didn't do it. And if it was something good to it, and it was beneficial, they would have preceded us to it. Abu Bakr and those people were with him with one why are they him? They were the most educated and knowledgeable people of the language of the religion.

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So when it came to describing people describing each other, they were the most equipped and capable and able to do something they didn't do that no one called Abu Bakr shaking his land. So if there is Shiva, this land is Abu Bakar Sadiq. But those companions may Allah be pleased with him. They didn't say that. So those scholars said we shouldn't use that type of nickname. Other scholars say if people in the latter times used it, and you found that the person was being called shaken Islam. He

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is in fact, and he man was knowledge I received no innovation, then it's okay to call him shake at Islam. But again, these are common nicknames their problem, and Imam Al Khomeini and the Imam Khomeini. How could that person be an imam in Al Islam shareholder slam in Islam, Ayatollah Khomeini how's that possible? So we have to be careful. This Imam Al Islam in the heavy in his book said I love a new book that he wrote and he caught a lot of dope rhythm of the past shareholder slam

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shareholder slam. So don't think that Hamid Abdul Wahab even with Tamia are the only two people were known as shaker the slam, but that's what's most popular with many of the people during the allotted time. So the point is, it's not a big thing. Some of the redeemable Islam were against the usage of that description shadow Islam thoroughly and Majid did and is really important and rejected, which means the reviving the new renewably they called Hominem Abdul Wahab a Majid Bernama this time and

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the relevance since that time and he renewed what

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the renewal of the religion meaning that LS LAN is weak, as the Prophet mentioned. So the law what he was telling me prophesies that Al Islam was going to get weakened, weakened, weakened as time went on, and that Allah azza wa jal will send someone from this ummah, who will renew and revive the religion for this old man that's an authentic hadith. And Allah Ha, your bath we have in Amma other could the rats meet at the center, main uj did the Umrah Dini Allah is going to send at the

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beginning of every century, someone who's going to revive this OMA some of the early modern Islam. They mentioned who were some of the Majidi doing this ummah food and food Island, Funan, and Poulin, but we don't know the number of them. Another issue is an agenda. It doesn't have to be someone famous and big. And he wrote many big books and he did a lot of stuff. You can be Mujaddid in your own right. Some of us come from places where our parents were born, where and Islam is weak. It's

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not Islam that the Prophet brought. So Allah when you send them, you go to Cameroon, you go to Nigeria, go to different parts of Africa, you go to me, you're poor, you go to different parts of Pakistan, different parts of Somalia, you go to different parts of the Muslim world, and the Islam of those people is not what the Prophet sallallaahu send them to superstition, magic, ignorance, all kinds of nonsense. You go back to your people, you start spreading Islam, through books through

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writing through talking by helping whatever the adult was happens to be. You can be a Majid in your own right. So shade of Islam, Mohammed Abdul Wahab Rahmatullah, he wasn't Majid because they're in Arabia, where he was born and where he was raised, those people started worshipping all kinds of craziness,

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that venom, that animosity that, that Dawa, that people from this ummah who make shit and they worship graves, and they love dead people and all that kind of stuff. They took him as an enemy, as people like that continue to take his Dawa with animosity. So he was no doubt a Majid did in Ellis lamb.

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This book, actually in the work of Al Islam, the number of followers well, as Sam is talking about an issue that is critical, another slam and that is the issue of a tech fear.

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This book is about a tech fear.

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And that's why I told you, many of these young brothers here in the UK, in the West in America, but here particularly some of these extreme groups, that we heard them talking, going on rules for an example those types of brothers who are now not around anymore, because that downward doesn't make any sense.

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It doesn't go with the walker with your reality, nor is it academically based.

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But that's not a one off. We have young people coming up. And they're on that way of thinking and existing. That thing about making tech field of people, and excommunicating, Muslims and Islam and doing it based on some of the things that this book has mentioned. So before talking about the 10 Nuwakot, that he mentioned, the 10 nullifies, we have to touch upon this issue of fear. It's my humble opinion. Before teaching no aka devil Islam, people should be well versed in the issue of

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attack fear, the issue of fear is a serious issue than the walker devil, this man is talking about a ridah apostate and a moral dead. As relates to the issue of apostate in fear. This issue is knowledge based in our religion. It's not based upon your Hawa, it's not based upon your anger, because I have a problem with this person. And we have animosity between us, I make tech feet of him, because he's doing something. He's doing something that I perceive as being a computer from the

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cupbearer. And it is in his bag. And my right arrow, my rifle was slam my god, the machine makes me make fear of him, my desires, stuff like that. So we find this issue of Ryda being dealt with different books and Ellison. And books have fit in all of them in that hip. There is the chapter of Eridan. So the NEMA The fuqaha, the slam, they came and started talking about when does a person become a motor tent, and everything you need to know about red light is based on your Hawa, people

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sitting here and greenlink msgid. And we're just simple people, easy people, small beginning students of knowledge. We haven't memorized we haven't done a lot of work. And yet I'm going to put my foot in the arena of excommunicating every I'm a bucket of z that disagrees with me from this religion. It's not right is good or is volume. So bad thing. So Kibera from the Quebec, it creates confusion.

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The books of Al Hadith and the man Buhari has a chat in his book Kitab read

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all of the Hadith about Merida knowledge. That's the point. And the books have an IP than the assault of others. Now, all of those books talk about the issue of impermissibility and make it to create Muslims. So the point here when it ends, this book is dealing with a serious issue. Don't be of those people who go to the extremes in your religion. Don't be of the people who are too soft hearted to kind any and everything that you do in the world doesn't put you outside of Islam, that

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people have every job, do whatever you want to do whatever you want to do you okay, you have the Eman of Jabril McHale and the NBA saw the world the White House and Imani. Don't be like that and don't be like the other extreme people. Judgmental people go against the text of the Quran and the Sunnah that are clear, that came to protect the lives the blood of the Muslims, the religion of the Muslims, the huruma of the Muslims, excommunicate, people who are shirtless lamb said, Whoever did

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this thing, there's coverage outside of Islam, you know, and we'll come to that in sha Allah azza wa jal

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as it relates to the issue of a tick, fear, or the issue of deed, things want to mention concerning time that we're living in right now, checking the slab is a Mujaddid made to deed of the religion he renewed it, but there are some dua but that we have to know when it comes to a deed when it comes to renewing this religion. What does that mean? 2018 2020 2025 at Ted's deed, because we hear a lot of people calling to attach deed. A deed has some rules and regulations like number one, there is no

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renewal of what is known as the Musella Matt and Ellis lamb the assault of Ellis lamb, no one can come and try to renew something that is just in the religion and is known by necessity, some of the foundations and the basics of the religion, like a Tawheed we have the people want to make tidied and the dough here meaning meaning, all religions, okay, we have Muslims who are saying that we're all brothers, render the universal brotherhood that Allah azza wa jal has created us being sons of

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Adam. So we can't say that you who didn't Assad or anyone else or non Muslims, that stage D that no, you're changing the azul of the religion, this is not something permissible. People are calling to well Hurriya where a person is free to think, to do what he wants to do. And he says that that's the deed we're living in a time you should be able to

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Think and say what you want to do whatever it happens to be. No, we can't do that. That's not the deen of Allah. And that's not what the deed is meant by someone being a Magette did or the tragedy that's acceptable can be like that. The assault of the religion, there is no room for them to be tampered with. Another very important critical issue as it relates to the rules and regulations of it is a person's attempt to make a tidge deed can be in conflict with the religion of Allah Islam

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can make to God and you're in conflict with the religion, the thing you're trying to renew. For an example, for an example, there is a Muslim girl who has decided to take off her hijab, so her other Muslim sisters now and this has gone viral recent last few days, they're going to give our party because she has the right she has the right to leave hijab if she wants to leave he Jai? No, that goes against the religion. A woman being the man being the oven, leaving the salah goes because we

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can't make that kind of take deed. It's not accepted in the religion of Allah subhanho wa taala. To God like that. It's crazy. A person thinks now he has the right to leave Islam, leave Islam, become an apostate. And then use the Quran to say that for men SHA fell yoke men, women chef and yet for anyone who wants let them believe. And anyone who wants them disbelieve, Allah gave you the freedom. Allah gave you the freedom not to cry for Dean cut the baby in a rush to Monterrey. Allah said there

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is no compulsion in the religion. The man read tonight the ayat of the Quran, Allah subhana Medina said to the Prophet sallallahu it was setting them up for enter to crooners hurt the economy mean, yeah, Mohammed Are you going to force the people until they become believers. So those Muslims stand up in these different personalities in the UK today, and different institutions like Quilliam, like these radio programs, lbs, where these personalities are coming with some real outrageous concepts

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and notice that so there's no take deed, we want to get down with Allah, we're gonna give it in the way of hip hop. We want to give Donald a lot we're going to change the relay. And that's what's taking place right now, in the UK, newest slam newest slang. And if someone tries to come to teach the community, the religion of Ellis slang, the government, the masajid, the Forward Thinking Imams, the liberal personalities from Al Islam, they look at you as being personal Chad did No, no TGD than

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Lastly, honey from those issues is that the THD than the renewal has to be in accordance to obviously what the setup of this ummah, what they brought, people are introducing the deen of Allah azza wa jal, those things that if they were good, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions would have proceeded as to it. And this is the whole issue about how the Muslims are going to be saved you as an individual that is going around on whatever's going on around you just

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stick to the weight of what those companions were doing and saying, you're going to be okay, in those waves of confusion. So THD, the white Ian has this my form and has his proper understanding, and it has his proper acceptance. But what we have going on today is dangerous. Those of you who are not married Shala, you stay in this country, you stay here, your children are going to be a group of people that their Islam is not going to be able to be identified 1015 20 years from now, if the

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Muslims continue to do what we're doing.

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As it relates to the issue of a tech fear, one issue of attack, fear, just gotta mention very quickly and a lot can be mentioned. But we want to mention very quickly, just three very important principles as a racer to fear because connected to this book, The nullifies Avella slam when we read these things, and you start seeing people within these 10 things don't go and apply to create on these people.

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Our Braille we relatives who are making mistakes left, right and center what they believe and what they say, the abundance and other than that Sufis, and other than that, what they are saying, even people claim to be on the Sunnah, going overboard and personalities. So we're going to say you are now Muslim. No, no few principles, first of all, is and this is really extremely important. Keep this in front of your eyes for the duration of the Donaldson for the duration of your life as it

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relates to the issue of fear.

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And that is anyone who came into Ellis land with your team. He goes

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outside of Islam only with the opinion he does not go outside of Islam based upon speculation based upon anger based upon half truths guesswork here say he came into al Islam I know this man was born and raised as Muslim. His name is Mohammed bin Abdullah is smiley face. His name is Bob, his father, everything about him is a slanted. But he did this. He did that he did this. He was a king. He was a prince. He was a Robbie was a criminal. He made mistakes here and there. But based upon that

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atrocity that he committed, he's not excommunicated from this religion based upon you just looking at what happened and taking the text from the Quran and the Sunnah and saying, This man is outside of Islam is not permissible, not permissible. Anybody who comes into Islam with your kin, he goes outside of Islam with your kin. So first is saying I'm a Muslim, I don't wear hijab, and one of these brothers who go on the roof, that type of mentality,

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the roof people,

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He will say to that Sister, you will now Muslim? And she says no, I'm a Muslim. Well, Allah, he and his men, and suddenly you're not a Muslim. That mentality says that to her.

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Why not a Muslim because he insists the keys of who goes to genuine the Hellfire RotM of Elijah, he believes in his hands. So we had the incident. I won't go too far into this, but from what supports that is what happened. And the famous hadith of who Simon Zaid, when he was fighting that man, along with the other companions, and the non Muslim was going to kill his son balsamic got the best of him and killed him. But before killing them, the man said, I should do in La Ilaha illa Allah, and even

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do the second part of the shot and Simon stabbed them. And the man died. And they told the prophet about what happens to the Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he became angry and said, Oussama, you killed the man it said, La ilaha illa. He said, your Salah man was trying to kill me and the Prophet x and three times becoming more and more stern with him, you killed the man is yet

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he said, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, you heard it, did you? He said, like he said, Yes. He said, You killed them after that. He said he was trying to kill me. And the Prophet just kept saying that kept saying it was Simon said, I wish I had a racist lamb right there at that particular moment. Because I felt so small made a big mistake. One of the narration said that Oh Simon, say Allah so Allah is stuffing Allah Lee asked Allah, Allah may forgive me. The Prophet didn't ask Allah to forgive him.

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He kept saying you killed the man after you say la isla Illa the man came into slam with the king, but he's trying to kill me. And I will say to you brothers, what would you do? If you're fighting an individual he's really trying to get you not fight and kill you. And in self defense, you kill him. What are you going to do? What are you going to do when you get a chance to kill him? I tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do the same thing that Osama did, right? The Align the same exact thing

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if I didn't know about this hadith. Now I know about this hadith. So I can't just intentionally go against what the Prophet said don't do SallAllahu wasallam. But naturally, you're going to do it. You're going to deal with it.

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That's a tremendous lesson from our religion. Anyone who comes into a slum with Yaqeen he goes outside of Islam with European Prophet sallallahu Sallam allowed the monastic King hypocrites that coming to the masjid to make jihad with him to go on trips with them and to be around him to come into his house knowing full well they were Malacca keen

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also when explaining this issue is the hadith of him and MC dag rod the Allah knows similar to Salah MC dad, he say God, awesome love what happened? What would you have to say about a man if I was fighting him? And that man, he cut my arm off? While we were fighting? He cut my arm off. And then he ran in went behind the tree. And then I chased him behind the tree, and then I killed him. What's your opinion about that? When I went to kill him, he said, I said the one that I meant to be left, I

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believe in Allah and I killed them. What would you have to say?

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Brother Mohammed said he said I meant to be there. You heard that? You're keen. You say yet you said and then you killed them and killed them after?

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Can you imagine that? Your hand is chopped off, and the blood is coming down and you don't have an arm and he was fighting this guy. You chopped your head off and you ran off and you got a chance to get them where you want to do and your home is chopped off.

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But Muhammad told the man sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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if you kill him, you will be like he was before you killed him make a gaffe here because the Prophet said somebody was sending them economy a key he I gave him a bad beer. I don't mind any Muslim who says who's whose son, brother, you can't hear. You do. You can't get anybody who says that to his brother. That word is going to be on one

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Have them either he really is a duly became a Jew or really is a Catherine. So it goes on him. But if you said that out of anger said that out of your desire, you gave a hokum that's based upon your reroll as based upon finance coming back to you. So if you were to do that, you will be like he was before you killed him now Muslim.

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And he will be like you after you killed me and you're Muslim, because the man was a Muslim. So when anybody who comes into this religion with your clean, it's not your job to put them outside the religion, except with the

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the other issue about a tech fear is that anybody who says this Shahad the team, none of this she had the team says that she had the one La ilaha illa y shadow and Muhammad Rasool Allah, then he is a Muslim. And what is apparent to us is a Muslim. Some of us have this problem, where if a white person became a Muslim, for example,

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or a person who used to be in the army used to be a police officer, he becomes a Muslim. And we think because he used to be in the police or something or he's white, we think he's from the CIA. He's from the FBI automatically. And that's not right. He made the note with the Shahada. He's a Muslim. He made a mistake here and there, it's not your job to make fun of him. Because you're not responsible for what's in his chest. As the Prophet said to Sama, Sama Allah when he was setting up,

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Salah Did you open up the man's chest to see if he said it was sincerity or not? It's not your job. Your job your responsibility is to deal with people based upon what you see. The Prophet mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam middle 20 Oh cotton and nice. Hitesh had to Allah ilaha illallah wa and Mohammed Abdullah who was who were chemo salah, were you to zakat with a Thilo daddy, so many dinar Ellerbee Islam, where he saddled by the way as I've been saying, to find the people until they bear

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witness that Lila which people now Muslims should keen. My job when he was sent some a lady was sending me one of his responsibilities was spread the dollar, not just sit comfortably and just chill out and relax with his companions. He was sent to spread this down and to find those people into they make the shahada team meet the salah gives us a car. If they do that, then they blow in the MO the blood, they love their lives and money. It is sacred three can no one take their money,

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the Khalifa can come to take your money, the Imam can come and take your money, no one can just come in take your money is haram shores. Except by the hack of the slam, you kill someone you're gonna get killed law of retribution, you do a crime then you're going to have to pay the money for the crime that you did and so forth so on. So that's a deal fit that if you see a person saying the shahada team and he made the note with that we're not responsible for that other stuff and digging

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deep into that other stuff. Man, I'm in a Billahi what Kaffir I'll be might be really laggy but haramaty la and why Allahu wa de mal la be happy to slap anyone who believes in Allah. And he disbelieves in other than Allah than his blood in his money is haram upon except by the heart of his land. Men Salah Salah tena was stuck Welaka blatten Our Akela the be Hatena for that can Muslim, who within Mithila he was the material Sula. Any Muslim who prays the prayer that we pray, you see him

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praying, he faces the Qibla that we face, you see him doing that? He is that the Bihar that we eat, he's a Muslim. He has the rights that the Muslims have, and they have rights that he has. It's not your job. It's not your job. So the king, he's praying in the prophets message it or he's praying as hard, or he's praying here, he's praying there, wherever he's praying that people have a tick Finn, people below they say that's a manufactured prayer. He's not sincere. He's not a real Muslim. You

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see the guy praying, he's making dua. It's not your business. What you're saying may be true, it may not be true, but these rules are not passed on people based upon me b is based upon your kin, your kin. Last point one is that the Hakama tech fear and calling people and Muslims is a hokum shattering. It's a ruling from Allah. It's like we'll do it

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Like a Joomla is like an homage Umrah can do it any way you want to do it. We make took fear of whoever Allah and His Messenger made to figure it out. So Allah, why do you send them whether it's based upon a description and was or whether it's based upon the timing, a specific individual, Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu sallam, they may take fear of this person by this description, so we don't hesitate. Like the Yahoo. Demola Saara, there are some Muslims who are sitting there saying

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you don't know what's in his heart

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is a Jew man.

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Talking about all noise in his heart, he got a Jewish thing on his head.

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Got across on his neck while you're gonna put in the religion who doesn't belong in the religion? It's not hatred, not racism. Allah his Messenger gave a worst case for a lady in a car when Allah has that as a philosopher. They have disbelieved those people who say that Allah is one of the three he several millennia allow me to fear of the whodunit. Nosara right now, some of my people in America from the American Muslim Mission just came from San Diego in December. I couldn't believe

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it. They're still grappling, grappling, grappling and wrestling over either you're holding the NESARA in the NA. People were teaching saying no, they're not in the nod. Unbelievable. No, there's a what's a description that a lot of describe the Mushrikeen anyone who's not a Muslim, he is a non Muslim in the deen and Delilah Islam. The religion with Allah is Allah slab. That's it. Well, mania, Debbie Raman Islam, me Dean and flaming yoke Bella men who were will fill out here at the minute

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fastening. Anyone who chooses other than Ellis lamb is not going to be accepted from him and he's going to be from those who are losers. So everyone who's not a Muslim is a non Muslim. And it's not okay for a Muslim to be in doubt about that. To be hesitant about that a worse description, or specific people we make tech fee to have a lab. We make tech fear of Apple gel we make to create a funeral home. We make tech feed of the people within our home, we make tech feed of iblees we make

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tech fear of Ibrahim's father SallAllahu it was sending them we make the fear of Prophet Muhammad his mother and his father sallallahu alayhi wa, it was sending them it is a hukum shatter II. If Allah said someone was a Catholic, or the prophets of Allah, why do you send him says someone was a Catholic, then that's it. We say that Kufa. But the last point and the last principle of tech Viet I want to mention today, and that is, although

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this description of a tech fear is there, it does not necessitate that a specific person is a Catherine other than who Allah and His messenger said. So we go to the fourth point, and this is the last Anyone, anyone? These things that we're going to mention about the Nullifiers although these Nullifiers they say a person is outside of Islam, who does this he does that he does this does that not I'm assuming it does not necessitate any person specifically, from amongst Muslims can say that.

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Don't say that. Because as we're going to deal with down the line Inshallah, there are certain preventive things that have to be absent and certain conditions that have to be present. Before I can say this person is a Kaffir, based upon this Nullifier. Number six, there are certain conditions that have to be present in him. He had knowledge of what he was saying. He knew what he was saying. He intended what he was saying. And there are certain preventive measures that have to be absent,

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because if one of them is present, then it doesn't count. Don't put tick fear on him. I don't put the fear to him. So this is introduction very brief acquainting just scratching the surface in shallow eyes region and we'll begin the explanation with the book so those of you who don't have the book get the book because we will be dealing with number of principles along the way that you guys should, I believe, write down and allies Island item. Hi, that was Salallahu Salam Mubarak. I didn't

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know Bina was it he was highly inhumane was set on my naked Maura Tula. He will go to Cat

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