Wasim Kempson – Criminality amongst Muslim Youth

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of showing one's behavior as a harem and showing one's values as a harem. They stress the need for individuals to show their values and value themselves, as it is crucial to avoid falling into crime. The speakers also touch on the challenges of living in a time where nobody has experienced anything before and emphasize the importance of avoiding harm and creating a safe and secure home for individuals. They stress the need for individuals to have a goal and purpose for their life, as it is a long term plan that ultimately leads to harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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I heard he said Ed

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was no more he wanna

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Ameen. Wa Salatu was salam, Maharashtra Colombia he will say that mursaleen early he was a big marine. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and may the peace and blessings of Allah subhana wa tada be upon his final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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My dear brothers and sisters, from Gothenburg and possibly beyond.

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It is a great privilege and honor for me to be here with you. And I ask Allah subhanaw taala to bless us all on this evening and allow us to benefit from one another insha Allah Allah.

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Now, Allah subhana wa tada chose us to be from the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And the last panel to Allah chose this oma

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to be the best oma.

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A loss of pinata Allah tells us goon to hire on mutton curry. Jacqueline says that you were the best of nations raised up amongst mankind.

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Why? What makes us the best oma

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Muna Bella Ruthie Wotton, hona, Anil moon curry, Mina Bella, because you command the good, you forbid the evil, and you believe in Allah subhanaw taala. Remember these three things, you command the good, you uphold the laws of Allah subhana wa Taala. And secondly, that you forbid the evil, anything that is wrong, anything that is a form of disobedience. You say that that is wrong, and that you believe in Allah subhanaw taala there will be no oma no nation to come after this.

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The responsibility is upon us to teach people to show people how to worship Allah subhanaw taala following in the footsteps of our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This is what is upon us.

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So why is it that we find not just in Sweden, but in many places around the world? You find that

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many of the youth,

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many of the Muslim youth, they are involved in crime, criminality, seeking to be if you like gangsters, or

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in simple words, moody moon, they want to be criminals.

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So we have to ask ourselves, why is it that they aspire to be a criminal, a criminal will not call themselves a criminal,

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they will see themselves as something else. But what makes a person want to do, essentially a harem.

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Because to understand, to understand this issue, because it is a big problem that we have, that a lot of our youth, our youngsters are somehow attracted to this way of life.

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Allah subhanaw taala told us that we should be these types of people.

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However, a Muslim within themselves has tried or this desire decided, they want to live a different way, the complete opposite.

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A lot genuine, Allah tells us that this this is haram. But this person says I don't care. I want to deal in this. I want to sell this, I want to drink this. What makes a person want to do that.

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If we break the issue down,

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it becomes very simple. There are those people who live for this life and live for this life alone.

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That they will seek a happiness

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in this life alone.

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And then there are others who, yes, of course, they will seek happiness in this life. But ultimately, they know that the real happiness lies in the next life.

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Because that will be for eternity, that will be forever. Not just the blink of an eye, that we exist in this worldly life.

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And you can say maybe there's a third category. I mean, you can break it down in different ways. The third category is that the person believes that they can do what they like now, and that they'll face the consequences of that. Maybe they believe

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They will be okay in the hereafter.

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So they will commit the * on.

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And then they will say that I will make tilbyr. Later on, they don't think about the consequences of their sins, they don't think about the evil that they are doing. So what is it that pushes our youngsters, especially our youngsters towards criminality, is gangster way of life and falling into how long? There are a number of different factors. And in fact,

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this is a research topic, if you like that is beyond our scope, on the world, the level, because people they study, why do youth fall into crime in the first place, not just Muslims. Why do you fall into crime? is a lack of education.

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Okay, is it factors like not finding a job is it places where they live in poverty, for example, did these have an impact on the person wanting to find wanting to find some way out,

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because they believe in their lives, they believe in their lives that they haven't achieved,

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or that they cannot achieve.

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They're not able to achieve. So therefore, they need to take a shortcut. So people believe that they don't have much of a chance in life. Therefore, they have to take a shortcut.

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They have to take a shortcut. And that shortcut is into crime.

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That, for example, to become a doctor, you have to study maybe six to eight years, to become a consultant, maybe another four, maybe 12 years and all for you to become a consultant,

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specialist, or a dentist, or a lawyer, or something which requires years of study, you don't have time for that.

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You need, you need the happiness now we need that to happen now. Why should I study all of these years, and then of course, Mashallah, you could make good money, Mashallah. But I don't have time. I don't have 12 years to spend of my life studying to make that money. If I make enough money, if I finish, I want the money now. Because that money will make me happy.

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But the shavon has deceived that person in believing that happiness, contentment, lies, getting money, or having power, or having control.

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The shavon has deceived that person and thinking, this is the way to be happy. And essentially, so Pamela, everything that walks on this earth, everything that breathes, whether it's on land or in the sea, is seeking some form of happiness, some form of happiness, eating will make you happy. Okay, having some money buying something will make you happy, albeit temporarily, because if you eat, eventually you'll get hungry again. So you need to again, when you buy a new phone, Android phone, Samsung or Apple phone, it makes you happy at the beginning. But then the new one comes out. And then you really need to renew that happiness. If it is you can afford.

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You can afford that new phone. Or you can afford that new bag, or shoes, that's for sisters, bags and shoes for sisters, or brothers, they feel they need new clothes, or a new car.

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Constantly, there's a renewal of these worldly possessions

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that you need to have the latest car phone bags, whatever it may be.

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So the person is seeking happiness when

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the person is seeking happiness in these earthly or these worldly possessions. That's where that person believes I can be happy. So that person,

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that person is seeking happiness in this world

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and doesn't seek happiness beyond that doesn't realize that a real happiness, a real happiness lies in something which you come up by,

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that you cannot purchase it, that you don't wear it or that you don't drive in it, and that you don't live in it.

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That's not rare, where real happiness is.

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That the heart which is where the happiness and contentment is. There's only one thing that can make you happy, truly happy.

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A happiness which will stay with you that you don't have to keep buying things to replace it.

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In fact, to renew that happiness is something very simple.

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It is simply having a

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relationship with Allah subhanaw taala

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and reminding yourself, that the real happiness the real existence is in the hereafter.

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This is the other type of people. Those are the type of people who are those people who know we are sitting here may Allah subhanaw taala makers from them.

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Their real life is where it is not here.

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They see themselves as guests, or travelers. They see themselves as travelers and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us an example in this worldly life. Coding fit do near me in this life can Nick every other city.

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Be in this worldly life as though you are like a stranger?

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Or that you are on a journey.

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When you are on a journey, you take with you your suitcase.

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And there's only a certain amount of things that you can take with you in that suitcase, can't put your house in the suitcase, you can't put your car inside then use the suitcase. You take the essentials, you take those things with you, which are the most important for you on that particular journey. You will not be dragged down by things which are not important. Likewise, this worldly life, that you will not be dragged down by things which are not important.

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Which will busy, busy you doing things which are not important, take you away from the priorities.

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These are people who not only work in this life,

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but they also work for the hereafter.

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And you shouldn't make a mistake of forsaking and leaving everything on this earth.

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I don't want nothing that you go around in torn up coats. Okay, and you eat bread in the body every day bread and yoga every day.

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You seek to be cool. This is not what Islam, Tilda told us.

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This is not what the prophet sallallahu has taught us to be poor, seek to be poor. No.

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Because a man he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and saying that one of us we may get nice clothes.

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And I would like to wear nice clothes. Is this a form of our guns? Is this wrong?

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In the law, hi, Jamie you have Boogeyman.

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But the loss of Pamela is beautiful and loves beauty

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that Allah subhanaw taala may give you things as a as a blessing.

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And when those things come to you, that is when you need to be thankful to Allah subhanaw taala. And when you are tested, with a calamity with a loss, something that hurts your heart. This is where you need to be in a state of patience.

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It is Be patient.

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And even the Prophet alayhi wa sallam he told us or Japan.

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How amazing The matter is for the believer, and only for the believer. This is only for the moment

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that if he is afflicted with a difficulty,

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Saba is patient. If he has given something which pleases him or her, then they are grateful.

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Always the believer is in one of these two.

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Don't make yourself one of the third, being absent minded, forgetful, either be patient, or be thankful.

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And maybe in one day, you need to be patient and thankful 10 times going between the two. Maybe a moment comes to you.

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And you think about the blessings that Allah so panel to Allah gave to you, and you say Alhamdulillah and you should thankful and should go to Allah subhanaw taala only then to go home, that something has happened. And then you're patient. And then later wrong and hamdulillah that problem has been fixed. And then you're grateful once again.

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This is a person who is working for the Oklahoma.

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They don't forsake this life.

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Because you should never forget your mercy but never forget your portion of this world, the life that a loss of power has given you.

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Because it is this existence that you have in this world, the life that you will take with you and you will place in front of yourself and that you will be questioned about

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but Allah subhanaw taala will question you about that what you did and this worldly life.

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So personally thinks that I'm going to stand on Yeoman piano. And my argument is that I lived on hope isn't so bad in my whole life. I lived on bread and yogurt my whole life, and I didn't care about anything it was given to me. This is not being grateful.

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Allah subhanaw taala

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is not about rejecting the name of Allah subhanaw taala. It is about being thankful.

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This is the person who works in this life with a view to benefiting, more importantly in the hereafter.

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This is the kind of mindset that we should be having.

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Not those people who believe that happiness lies in listening to particular types of rap music,

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which teach you the worst of manners, which teach you the worst of speech, which teach you to mistreat women, which teach you how to get hold of money and how long way

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and then the person says that this kind of thing doesn't affect me. listening to this kind of words, and music doesn't affect me.

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Of course, it will affect you.

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Everything that you listen to, will have an impact on you.

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The words of Allah penalty added to they have an impact on you. It is the Kalam of Allah, it should have an effect on you, it should have a great and beautiful impact on you.

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Because we are creation, which whatever we listen to, whatever we see, whatever we eat, it has an impact it affects you.

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This is the type of creation we are. Allah subhanaw taala made us like that we are emotional creatures. So what do we listen to? What do we see? Are we not told to lower our gaze? Yes, because what you see will affect you.

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No matter who you are, whatever you eat will affect you. Don't drink hung up. Why? Because it's not only heroin, why is haram because the harm is greater than any good that you can think about.

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So it is important that we look at ourselves in a very simple manner. And don't try to complicate things. Because the moment you begin to complicate things that you know are unique, there's nobody like me, which is true. You are an individual, there's nobody like you. It doesn't mean that you're not human.

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Okay, no Superman,

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you have human traits like everybody, every other human, you have an individual personality, of course, you do. Your panel your personality is unique, but you as a human, you are a human and that you are affected like every other human in terms of what you listen to what you eat, and what you see.

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So, those people who turn away from what the last part has given to us, remembering what makes us the best nation

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commanding the good, forbidding the evil and belief in Allah subhanaw taala, the moment you turn away from that, that you are taking another path,

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a path away from a loss of penalty either. So then the person seeks happiness, the person will seek satisfaction somewhere else. And the shape one, as a loss of penalty is a do move in is a clear and open enemy to you.

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clear and open enemy to you.

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Let me mention a story to you Hadith re narrated by an adverse or the Allahu anhu how shape on how he works.

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And take this as a general principle.

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There were once upon a time there were five individuals, five people who were particularly righteous.

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They were good people.

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amongst the people, these people they died. It is said, well, Adam, that these five people that they died, and that they died within a quite close, you know, particular time

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these five people died.

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It was said to the people

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shaytan said to the people,

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these were good people, you don't want to forget about these people. Don't forget about them. They were good people. So make some pictures of them.

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Make things which will remind you of these people. So when you feel down, your demand is low, you can remember them

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and then you'll feel better. So the people did that.

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So the people they made pictures and maybe some idols of them, and they did not worship them.

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They did not worship them.

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The shape on

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he had a plan.

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His plan was I'm not going to get you now. I'm going to get you later.

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Sometimes the SharePoint nibblies has a long term plan.

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Okay, long term.

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So the time passed, and the next generation they came

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then it was whispered and talked to the people.

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And this was the time of no alayhis salam.

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It was set to the people did you know that generation before you they worship to these people? They worship them? Yes, they worship them.

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So the people

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began then worshipping these people.

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What is one of the benefits and the many benefits of this, from this integration?

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Is that, that the plan of shavonne is not something which is maybe necessarily a short plan, short term, but maybe long term,

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long term, that you may see something within yourself, that's okay, it's not going to affect me now has no impact on me now.

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But the plan is now not to harm you now. But the harm will come later

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that the harm will come later.

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Okay. For example, a person may be Who's the man, they're trying their best, they're trying their best to establish their five daily prayers. It's a struggle that many of us face to establish the five daily prayers, okay, they tried to stay away from harm and things like that. And then

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they start coming of age 12 1314 years old, okay, now they start wanting to have a phone.

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Okay, that you know that Nokia with just buttons and a really kind of black and white screen doesn't work anymore, I need a proper phone.

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And so they say to the parents, you know, on a decent phone, the parent sees down the line, and says, you know, this person will go through a difficult time if they have

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this smartphone, because then they will have all of this access to the social media, they will have access to watch movies, videos, which is, you know, when they're on their own, they can see anything.

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And then you say no to the child, you say, No, I don't have your phone, then they become upset and they don't see down the line. But as a parent, you do you do see down the line, you see the potential harm, of having such a device, that having this responsibility is a big responsibility for this young person, that they don't see the harm in it.

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But the parent or the one who has experience,

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when you see it's been around for a while sees that harm.

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For some of us, we may not see that harm, or that harm, rather the harm, we may not see it now.

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We may see something very small.

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But then over a period of time, the shape on slowly working on us slowly working on us. And eventually, you fall into that Hara

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even to the extent the shavon he hates you so much.

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He hates you so much, that he would even be happy.

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If you commit if you done some form of obedience to Allah subhanaw taala.

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He'd be happy if you worship Allah.

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But as long as that you're going to when you worship, it's the very least worship you're going to do.

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For example,

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He doesn't want you to you for you to offer any No offense, Allah, voluntary press, he's not going to stop you at the moment offering your follow up.

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So he doesn't when he pressures you to pressures you not to do that voluntary prayer because you're busy. So you get to the masjid late, and there's no time for you to pray the sooner you join the jamaa late, or one or two Raka is gone. So the time for praying for or turaga, before vote is gone.

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And then the person says, am I allowed to make up my sooner pray?

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Am I allowed to make up my student?

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is not necessarily giving you a ruling? Am I allowed to make Yes, you can? Oh, yes, you know, you can? Is this something regularly happening?

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Because if I, you know, if somebody gives you the answer, yeah, you can make it up in Sharla. So, then every time that the person comes to the mustard leaves, leaves the sun, and then joins the funnel that makes up the sun afterwards.

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The Chevron is happy that you've done the very least, even though you're going to worship Allah Subhana Allah, you've done the very least.

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And then he works on the next step of you, then maybe missing the demand altogether.

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So this is the Adel the enmity, the hatred, that the shape one has for you. And especially now,

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of course, each error each time, each generation of people is different from another.

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And it's a common statement to say we're living in a time that we've never experienced before. Of course, the generation before us, okay, lived in a time that nobody experienced before as well. So each generation if you like, is unique.

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But there are particular and special challenges that we do have, that were not there before.

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In that the entire world has become like a small village

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You can have contact with one another so easily.

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You can make money.

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The issue of halal and haram is something else. But you can make money in so many different ways. It's unbelievable.

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You can be behind the screen behind the screen and make money.

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This is how easy things have become.

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And when things become very, very easy

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that you don't have to do very much, and you become lazy. And then you start to take shortcuts. And this is where then the people then they fall into, into into the harem.

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So all that I mentioned at the beginning, or up until now

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in that why is it that we find

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our Shabaab, our youth, whatever country you go to.

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There are places like ghettos, where there's poverty,

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where there are lack is lack of education. The type of housing isn't really maybe what it should be.

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Most of the time you find Muslims there in these places.

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What can we do? What can we do to get ourselves out of that?

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For example, in the UK,

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that the Muslims represent about 5%

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of the population 5% of the population. Okay. It's not very much. However, they represent something like 15 or 20% of the people in prison.

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The prison population, they make up nearly a fifth.

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What's going on here? Why is it that the Muslims are so small in number compared to you know, maybe it was three, three and a half million Muslims in the UK, amongst 65 million. But let me find one in every five people in prison is a Muslim.

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Why is this the case.

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And the why is that we find Muslims are being affected by this other way of life, which involves drugs, and alcohol, and taking advantage of women. All of these things which are purely in line with a person following their own desires.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us that it has been made within man to have a desire for

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or maybe their lowly selves if they're not controlled, to go after money

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to seek happiness with the agenda and fornication areas and biller.

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And by selling and involving them things just to make money, because that's the bottom line, isn't it? Whether it's alcohol or drugs, or whatever the case may be, that they themselves might not take it. But the bottom line is that they want to have that money. So they can then purchase the house or the car or the clothes, whatever the case may be. And again, as I said at the very beginning, what is it go back to it simply goes back to that that person has become like a slave to their own desires. A servant of their own desires seeking happiness. But the shaper has deceived them so much that they believe that the happiness lies here.

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This is what will make me happy.

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So it's extremely important

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that children from the ages 678 very young, that we teach them what real happiness is. And that how what it means to be a Muslim.

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The people

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have tried to attack the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in many ways,

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if you like, the media at that particular time, because we blame the media for many things. It didn't change then it was the same thing.

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Okay, didn't have like news channels or newspapers or anything like that. No, they used to spread things by word of mouth.

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But they're all thinking what can we say about this individual?

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The Prophet Mohammed Elisa, what can they say? We can call him original? We can call them he's insane. He's crazy. But they know you know, he's not. He doesn't behave like a crazy man. Okay, we will call him a poet. Sure.

00:29:40 --> 00:29:42

Yeah, but we know that what he says is not poetry.

00:29:44 --> 00:29:51

We will call him a curtain. Like a fortune teller, one who tells the future but again, he doesn't do the things that you know that they do.

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We'll call him a soccer magician. Again, he didn't do things that a magician did.

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They tried to attack him. But his integrity, his his character

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was beyond anything that they could say about him. Whatever they said against him, or he said to Sarah, his character, the way he behaved, dissolved anything they could see.

00:30:18 --> 00:30:28

So what did they ended up saying, then that let's pull them aside, let's just put a magician why, because he splits families. It was the practice of some of the magicians at that time, okay?

00:30:29 --> 00:30:48

That they would separate husband and wife, or Father and the Son, that the magician would do something, and that they play something when there's somebody to two family members who hate each other. And they said, This is what he's doing. This is what the prophet Muhammad Islam is doing is that the son will hate his father, or the father will hate the son, one who accepts Islam.

00:30:50 --> 00:30:52

The one is still upon should will hate him.

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So they tried to use the very best that they could, including a Messiah. But yet still that failed.

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Because his character,

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who he was superseded, that was too much for delicate they say against him.

00:31:11 --> 00:31:14

These are the kinds of things that we need to instill in our youth.

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It is very important having conferences like this,

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it is very important having regular talks. But there must be a goal that must be ahead of there must be a goal behind it.

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It is not about ticking a box that we had our yearly conference is not about ticking the box that we have weekly Plus, it has to have a goal a purpose.

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Because if it doesn't have a goal, if it doesn't have a purpose, then you are delivering information to people in a place that it is not needed.

00:31:54 --> 00:31:56

It is like you're throwing seeds on concrete.

00:31:58 --> 00:32:05

Those that there will be nothing will grow. You need to know the needs of the people and then deliver the information that they need.

00:32:06 --> 00:32:15

But trials and the difficulties that we are going through, these are the issues that we need to speak about. These are the these are the things that we need to tackle

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even issues which

00:32:21 --> 00:32:31

is easy for us to say as Muslims, that Muslim would never do that. And Muslims, we don't have that. Okay, I'll give an example.

00:32:33 --> 00:32:38

You know, depression, depression, the person say, if he's a true Muslim, they can never have depression.

00:32:41 --> 00:32:44

If he's a true Muslim, or she's a true Muslim, they can never suffer from depression.

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They dismiss it. They just say you have weak Eman.

00:32:53 --> 00:33:05

Maybe there are hella there are highlights. There are situations where people may do have deep depression. And they can't get out if they needed professional help, as well as spiritual emoni Islamic help.

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are the issues like there are people who have particular ways of thinking which are the overzealous extreme.

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Maybe we dismiss it, we send one or two people, maybe it is, but maybe it's more. So what do we do? What are we doing about it to deal with it to, to speak about it, to be honest with ourselves as a community? What do we do? Or do we wait things wait things to happen? And then we'll we'll try to solve it.

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Other things like

00:33:41 --> 00:33:42

child abuse,

00:33:43 --> 00:33:44

child abuse,

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or domestic violence?

00:33:49 --> 00:33:51

These are things which you think you know, Muslims don't do that.

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It can affect all communities.

00:33:56 --> 00:33:58

Domestic Violence is a big problem.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:13

What do I mean by domestic violence? More often than not, that you will find that the husband or the father or whoever the male, the dominant male in the house is, is being violent with the women folk or the youngsters in the house.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:23

You know, not long ago, for example, that I received a call and it's like, I wish I never received this call.

00:34:24 --> 00:34:35

I wished I said your law. What I you know, of course, this is what I lost by the road for me. But our you know, the court came to me I had to do my best, but you think to myself in future, you know, I don't want code like this because I just don't know what to do.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:42

A girl of 14 years old, is being beaten at home regularly

00:34:43 --> 00:34:47

by her father, and by her brother and hamdulillah the problem has been sorted out now.

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So she has now run away to another house.

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What do you do? If she goes back she will be beaten.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

Now, they know that the Father and the brother that they've she's gone to another house and told other people,

00:35:07 --> 00:35:08

she's in trouble again.

00:35:09 --> 00:35:10

It's like, there's no way out for her.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:12

She doesn't know what to do.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:20

These are problems within our community that we should not, okay, we should not just try to hide away.

00:35:22 --> 00:35:37

These are real issues and problems that some of us that we are going through. And that as a community, it doesn't mean that everybody has to know everybody's business. No, that's not what I'm saying. That if there is a problem between in a particular household

00:35:38 --> 00:35:40

doesn't mean it has to be public news.

00:35:42 --> 00:35:45

But there may be ways of resolving that issue.

00:35:48 --> 00:35:57

Because if you don't solve these problems within our communities, then you will find that our youth, they will then try to find a way out of that.

00:35:59 --> 00:36:04

And the majority of the time, their way out is what is then falling into crime

00:36:06 --> 00:36:21

is that they need to make some money. They need to find a way of get their own place to live, have their own car. So how long is that going to take if I have to go to you know, to college and then University and then find the job. I don't have time for that.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:35

So having a safe and secure home, that parents fathers husbands alike, are responsible over themselves and over whom they have responsibilities over

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who look camera, that all of you are like shepherds, as the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, well could look homeschooling under it. And all of you will be questioned about your responsibilities.

00:36:51 --> 00:36:53

That of re if we really want to have

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the ability and allow Islam

00:36:59 --> 00:37:13

to spread on the lands, but in the lands, it is extremely important that we fix our own homes, every single one of us, because all of us, as the Prophet Araiza sermon said that we are like a bunion.

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Like these bricks come together.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:23

We need to individually and collectively sort out our homes.

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only allow that what is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal to come into our homes.

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And anything which is displeasing to Allah Subhana Allah keep it outside, you have that choice, it's your home.

00:37:37 --> 00:37:45

That's the one place that's the one place that you can put your key in the door, you can close it, and you have control to some extent of what happens within your home.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:50

Outside you don't have any control, or your control is is you know, miniscule.

00:37:52 --> 00:37:54

But within your home, you have a choice, what happens

00:37:56 --> 00:38:07

if then the only place that you have some form of control over that you're not doing that properly, then that will spiral and then impact everybody.

00:38:10 --> 00:38:17

And this is not a problem, if you like that has not solved in 24 hours. But it is a mentality as Muslims that we need to have.

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We need to change our mentality as as we are Muslims. What do we represent? Muslims doesn't mean that we Muslims when we come to the masjid. And then when we step outside, that we become something else, that Islam is only worship about that.

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That Islam doesn't affect the way that we deal with one another. We don't separate them. as Muslims we are we have Islam in how we worship Allah spawn Tyler, and we have Islam in how we deal with one another. Islam encompasses all of that.

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And the more we start separating that, that I come to the masjid, I put my trophy on or put my hat on, and I make my Salah, and then I go outside and I forget everything, then you've lost

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because that's not what Islam came with. That's not what the prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam taught us to be a bird to be servants of Allah. So panel data in that time, and also to be servants of Allah subhanaw taala. When with our families, when at work when dealing with one another.

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This is what it means when we say Islam is a way of life

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that impacts every aspect of your life

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as it should.

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But if we are just blocking off, or choosing Islam to affect certain aspects of our life, and then we're going to make up and do our own thing at other times.

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Maybe we don't think about it like that.

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Maybe I don't think about that. When I'm worshiping the last time when I'm praying when I'm fasting. I nonsense.

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doing that. But when I'm dealing with people, do I cheat? Do I deceive or steal? Somehow I just you know what,

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I make excuses for doing that.

00:40:11 --> 00:40:15

It's like me believing in part of the revelation and rejecting the other.

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You know, I'm tailoring my own Islam. This is how Islam can fit into my life.

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This is how Islam fits in my life.

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This is how much of Islam I'm willing to accept.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:31

I should do the other way around.

00:40:33 --> 00:40:35

This is Islam and I need to fit myself into it.

00:40:36 --> 00:40:42

And you do the other way around. This is what Islam wants of me. And I need to go into it fully.

00:40:44 --> 00:40:45

Although facil me

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00:40:48 --> 00:41:01

You enter yourself into submission to Allah subhanaw taala completely, not partially. Because when you do it partially you do it bit by bit by bit, you will tailor it to your own desires and your own weaknesses.

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And if you do that you'll never progress.

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So when we look at the state of ourselves,

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it is easy for us to look for a way

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is easy for us to look at far away. And we can see that house is burning and the smoke and Subhanallah who's putting who's putting the fire out? Who's getting the water to put the fire out in that house.

00:41:28 --> 00:41:53

And that person isn't turning around and realizing that the old house is on fire as well. They don't realize the person house on fire what's going on there. That person's got problems what's going on with him. She keeps doing this watch you doing that? What's wrong with her. The person has become and about everybody else. Everybody they know their business but everybody else themselves. They forget their own homes. They forget their own children they forget.

00:41:55 --> 00:41:57

Yeah, you had to live in a coup.

00:41:59 --> 00:42:07

de gras. Oh, you bet. It's quite simple. Save yourselves begin with yourselves. Save yourselves and your family from the hellfire.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:13

If we don't do these basics,

00:42:15 --> 00:42:19

then inevitably, that the person will just seek and do another thing.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:29

And that then they fall into the Haram. They fall into the drugs, they fall into alcohol, they fall out of education. And then what is the future?

00:42:31 --> 00:42:31

What is the future?

00:42:33 --> 00:43:00

Male spouse either correct or situation. Male also penalty Allah allow us to be true servants of philosophy at all times. A male us cannot Allah protect us from the plots of shape on May Allah subhanaw taala give steadfastness to ourselves and our wives and our children and of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Baraka low FICO sallallahu wasallam robotic and no Vienna Mohammed while early he was of the age man Solomonic

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