Waleed Basyouni – Watch This BEFORE Ramadan 2024

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary ©
The importance of praying for Islam is discussed, including its connection to religion and its use in actions such as praying and listening to instructions. Prayer-retaining is emphasized as a fundamental part of Islam, and daily prayers and exercises are required for success in protecting passengers. The holy spirit is also discussed, including its connection to religion and its use in actions such as praying and listening to instructions. Prayer-retaining is emphasized as a fundamental part of Islam, and the speaker mentions a recent interview with a woman named Melissa Alenia who talks about her desire to be disconnected from her busy life.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm the one who in great need of Him, but yet, I still drag my feet and alivio mountain, a geo motorcade and I come as it's something so heavy and agile as if I want to rush it as if I've been forced to it. Not something that I come from within an unhealthy role Hi. I am in the prayer but I'm not praying. I'm making record Institute. My heart is not there in that hamdulillah and I'm gonna do and a stain who want to study here and I still feel when I will do bIllahi min shallowly and fusina and sejati are Marlena Maria de la HuFa la mobila Wilma you will follow her the other who are shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah who the hood actually color wash shadow Ana Mohammed Abu rasuluh Allahumma

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salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam Allah who matters Mehta, Sleeman Kathira and my bad old praise due to Allah and His praise and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his family, his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. I bear witness that Allah is the only one worthy of worship and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam is last and final messenger, my dear brothers and sisters in Ramadan. Ramadan is a month that remind us of the basics of Islam. And when we say basics, it means foundations. It means the most important thing that the Muslim must adhere to hold on to not Ramadan

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shall cease, well suited Islam, if you mean and among the thing that Ramadan is so much associated with as it referred to one of the pillars of Islam which is a Siyam too fast the month of Ramadan is the issue of caring for the Salah and this is something very noticeable to the extent that so many times yes Elena's health or social cm be doing the Salah is valid without praying and that shows you that people start up more concerned about the Salah and making sure that the prayer you see in the notice the number of people come to the massage or to the message in the Ramadan it's much more higher and rate than outside Ramadan but that's also that's basically led me to always think of

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Ramadan that the month that bring us back to the to the basics the absolute submit to Allah Ramadan Italian nationalists you suddenly more Lilla which is a basic thing we should have, but you don't see this and regular

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the other months or other issues tend to the nasty Ramadan usually moonlit Camilla slim and Tamil. In the collective turmoil McGraw, Irma and Maria philosophy will have the hamster double rush and the path back the Odyssey. The pilot Anthony Annecy when it says you end your fastest time you break your start, you break your fast at this time you you basically start your fasting at that time. Nobody's come and say hey, let's change this. What about this? I think that would have makes no sense. People completely submit to Allah soprano. What are

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a solid one of these things that it's so important to keep up as we keep up with cm in Ramadan and outside Ramadan, a Salah Allah McKenna Lima De La Hoya and the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam Avila salaam Salah is something so valuable that when Allah subhanaw taala one to me when he went we when he wanted to make the salah obligatory upon Muslims, he risen Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam all the way up above all the creations above all the worlds

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near him Subhana wa Tada Where is His throne as and he told Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the Salah and he ordered him to pray. Then he sent Gibreel Arizona to Nabi saw Salam multiple times to teach him when the salah start when it end. Ursula Gibreel or Illuminati to solid Ackerman Mira Mehta Del Sol automata Dante

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and you reveal verses in the Quran in relation to this was salam McKenna Alene did them via talbin Nabi SallAllahu Sallam hetta Paul George de La conduite I Neva Salah in Ibiza Salam said that the cool of my eyes in the Salah, the most relaxing situation

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the most he will be content so Allah they Solomon pleased when he is in his subdued sal Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Sigillata Isha Mara and salata Nabi SallAllahu Sallam for Khalid Yanis Aluna come raka

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can you sell in the midst of Santa? Pilate? Karima Majima pilot we're a you commute to you salata Nabi SallAllahu sallam,

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Yara is how many raka the Prime Minister pray she said. She didn't answer by telling

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than the number of straight she said, Who among you can pray like the prophets of Allah.

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It's not about how many raka it's how he pray these rockers.

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It is when the hearts so attached to this act of worship, when you know the value of the Salah you will value each minute and every second of it can bow the self like say that will save you said Wallahi each Salah has a special taste has a special place in my heart, yet well in your Salah. VO what occurred there any a mood and total bahala the LA pila

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Palo Alto la sala param ahava muda

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he didn't just wait for the next Salah Akbar to answer now he said Bob has a special feeling I serve as a special feeling Muslim is special I can't wait for the next day to pray a lot of again

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how many of those early scholars used to say the only thing I'm going to miss after death is me not able to pray anymore.

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Sometimes janilla had feel a shame that when we travel we say oh Honda like I get to pray maybe three times now I joined prayers and you know skip kind of Salah

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can help with that use alone if last and last. Hello sir.

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The pray with complete sincerity and devotion. The field that this connection connect them with Allah subhanaw taala truly

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shadow the Allah Amara, Salah Abdullah habanero mayor and you had datahub Ajibade right to millionaire visa sala de la Nerissa. The I had told me about the most journey, memorable moment when it comes to the process of solemn prayer. Something that you came you can't forget. She said one night and Nabi sallallahu alayhi salam left my bed to pray. And I told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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yada yada sort Allah Yadi I would love to have you next to me how to just quarterback

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in the quarterback

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for Nabi SallAllahu Sallam Canada Renea Robbie

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Let me pray and worship my lord god Allah Anna we're in the little hip or back whoa hip boom are you sir rock?

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I love you to be next to me. But also I love the fat I love anything that makes you happy. And I know you're happy when you go when you pray. Then in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa salam calm affetto Baja toquilla He made although the mahkamah Usili to mahkamah You suddenly fella Mirza LabKey sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had Bella DUMO Hijra who Salah Salah he was praying long prayers and his tears have made his clothes his garment wet sal Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam call it belly out of them into it even you can see that even the scent you know where he's standing? It is also what until Bilal came to wake the process up for Salah but he found that the process I'm already praying

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and he listened to the process Salam salah and the process Salam was moved but that Salah for other bill Elia BCIE jealous Allah ATAPI tell Bobby de la la the Alliance set on the stairs or outside the door and he was the step door and he was praying it was crying for the prophets of Psalms cry. Then later on after he finished the Lola selama she said yeah, Rasul Allah, all this. Okay. Or Bilal Karl Walker refer Allahu Allah Camerata, put them in them and all your sins are forgiven.

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Is this debt commitments and all your sins are forgiven but the miss the point the process Salam, his Salah was not because of the sin, his Salah because of the love the teeth, the connection.

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You know, that's why a dua is not just about what you want to happen to you. A die is opportunity to be connected with Allah to speak to Allah. Every time you pray Allah subhanaw taala look at you.

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Connected with you at that moment, and in there be salatu salam said shouldn't be thankful to Allah. I have received verses tonight. Where you will live and Cara who no LM yet at the balloon.

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Loser the person who will read these verses and will not contemplate on them. Which is verse says like 190 to 200 and Surah. Allah Imran in the end of surah. Allah Imran

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Nabi SallAllahu Sallam told us that it was 50 prayers, then Allah made it five just one

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every time you pray a Salah remember this is supposed to be equal to 50 Salah

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every Salah that you pray it's supposed to be equal to 50 Salah cool Salah to Salah I'll move through and not a word uncom sin Salah

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then ask yourself Is it really your prayer worth 50 prayers

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is every Salah that we pray really equal to that number are worth that many many salats a Salah time with the dean it's the main pillar in Islam

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parlane Nabhi so Salam Hamsun min Jabeen Mr. Iman in the halal Jana five things if you come with them and the day of judgment with a man believe in Allah you will enter one man half a lot of solo men half other solo deal comes and I will do in what occurred when was to do the hin one our key to hidden the first thing the prophets of salaam said those who care are committed constantly praying the five daily prayer and they make sure that the perfect it's although it's record sujood do it on time. Then in their business Allah mentioned other things like fasting Ramadan and making Hajj and giving Zakah

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and in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said also if you hurry the robot they have an assignment hum so solo writing Ketubah Hoon Allah who added about five daily prayers that Allah prescribed upon his servant min Jaya I begin what am you by ear mean Hoonah che and still faff and be healthy in Canada who are in the law here I don't need to get a whole agenda. If you can met and you constantly pray your daily five prayers and you don't miss any one of them

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out of the five here any careless about because sometimes you miss a prayer because not because you're careless but if you miss it because you careless you don't care about them as in trouble but if it's not that it's not that the reason in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah has a promise for that person, that he will enter that person paradise. Well MLM yet to be hidden, Felisa, who ain't Allah here. And if you come without fulfilling these five, not four, not three at five, five daily prayers including federal law, harass or motivation, are you praying in the meantime, he said, There is no promise from Allah subhanaw taala for such person to enter Jin, he might enter and

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he might not recited nebula cos reported that the NABI SallAllahu Sallam time during the process I'm Stein cannot Giuliani hawan Holika Hulu malerkotla sahibi Hebrew alphabet in two brothers one of them passed away 40 days earlier than his brother for leukemia. Oh well in the NABI SallAllahu Sallam every time the first brother who died earlier is the one who had been praised in front of the process. Because they said who was in his brother Muslim to you always mentioned the first one but never mentioned the second one. Funnily enough, he he was he and he was not the best Gianni

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person for cotton Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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I don't know you do you come. Marbella, to be here Salah to who by the WHO?

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How would you know this man lived 40 days after the first one. What do you think this 40 days of prayers have done to this men have elevated this person's level and then

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now the US Salawat this prayer can methylene green Viva be a honeycomb it's like a river in front of you you Go wash yourself and every day

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what do you think you will be so pure soak be cleanse completely

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and that's how what the salah will do to the person

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Kannan Nabi sallallahu alayhi salam nothing will be left from your any one of the from your sins basically will be left because every time you wash yourself Carla Letta drew nama Bella to be solid. You didn't know how far his Salah have taken him.

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Palin maybe saw Salam, a will may have some will be ill abdomen pm has solid the first thing in the Day of Judgment. You will be asked about you will be asked about it's not your family.

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It's not your children. It's not your parents. It's not your money. It's not your health. The first thing Allah will ask you about in the Day of Judgment is your Salah.

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Hadith in the tub, Ronnie for in solo hat nuclear officer at Emory. If

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It's good. You pass Allah will look at the rest of your deeds. Yeah now we see the donations now we see the soda now we see there's a God now we see Ramadan

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were infested at first at a ceremony and if it's corrupt and is not fulfilled,

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it will not be looking at the rest who will be punished for that then will be brought back to be judged for the rest of his deeds

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will kill us a locale sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had it at the lab now, the last so you marry your Salah. What's the best thing I can do? Paula Salah to pray. Then he was asked what's next? Killer mama Karloff Sadat then the Sahaba Allah through my mother. Then what's next Carla solid three times. Then he was asked in

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the fourth time within what's next pallet Jihad visa vie allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa Salam wa salatu salam V Hadith a Muslim a Salah to noon, a Salah is light guidance. That's why Sahaba the Allah and I'm used to do something called Browder's taharah with the prey to rock and then they ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide them but it's no it's not for you a light to guide you to make right decisions guide you in this dunya protect you a guidance in your grave no light and your grave light in the Day of Judgment when you pass over the spirit

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of the Hadith the A B Malik in the luxury era The Allahu and God Asada to know

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a colossal Allah Azza lymphie Hadith Oban Allah you can be cathartic. sujood increase the number of your astute every time you make such that Allah subhanaw taala will elevate you one level in Ghana. And Allah will take away one of your sins reported by a Muslim Rahim Allah Allah Who data called a SallAllahu Sallam a solid Hiramatsu a Salah is the best subject failure stick Thurman Shia and you're stuck there. So increase as much as you want from the salah sal Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Jaya Yusuf ibn Abdullah had a bit of a fee Moti use of not delivering Salam came to visit a Buddha right before he died. And after that, so this young man and he said melody atopic we had the hill builder. What brought you to this city? You're not from here. Connect it to the Silla team Bay Nico Albania, Abdullah bin Salman, the Alon, he said used to be a good friend of my father. And he said who are you? He said Abdullah Agnes Anam.

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And I just came because my father liked you. And my father passed away so I'm coming to fulfill my father's right by visiting his friends. Bacala Abdullah, you're gonna yell at Sarah. I told Katie we had. This is the time the worst time for you to lie right before he died. So I'm going to tell you something I heard from the Prophets Allah Allah Allah Allah wa salam. Since you came to visit me, this is the gift I'm giving you.

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Harder Samaritan Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa salam, ala

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Montoya is Anil will do for mahkamah for Salah Karitane if you make a good Google and you pray to rockers, you see Luffy hidden at the Cravalho Sure. He basically do a good any he performed his his vicar and he is having a good assured during the salah to my Estelle fear Allah then you ask Allah for forgiveness. Allah will forgive your sins reported by Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah who

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can intervene individual solid either has ever who Amarone something worries him yesterday Let's see if

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he will rush to the salah sal Allahu Allahu Allah wa salam

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Salah ha the POLYMATH and have protections Lehmann Ahmed Rahim Allah when he was told that moon wants to see him and he might be tortured by the moon. You know what? Allah that physical solid. He went and he prayed to rock and he said, Allah Allahu Mala Tajima, Albania when Moon Yara don't let me ever see Moon space for Helicoverpa reanimate monochromator And yesterday he died before we arrived to Baghdad.

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Al Bukhari Rahim Allah and His youth was very well talented. Yeah, and a young man memorize so many a hadith his mother is raised by a single mother. His mother loved him so much and she was so excited about his future.

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Fell Cibola Mr. Fisher, Bobby, he became blind. He was just a teenager for hesitant on my husband

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albumin is she was very sad because now he not going to be able to travel to collect the Hadith there's all this plan for him and all the sudden became blind

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can see

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taco mode the owner of the Allah Rahim Allah I spent nights just doing nothing but praying to Allah subhanaw taala in my salah,

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calm comet Tacoma Lael TEPCO to suddenly waters Allah to basically heal her son. And it did. An admirable Heidi Rahim Allah she said one just after that night to prayer. I woke up in the morning and my son was seeing again. I don't know how, why what happened? It is because of her drought and her Salah

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May Allah Subhana Allah Allah make us among those who care for the Salah, and those who hold into the salah because sometimes we get distracted with some things here and there small things, but the main thing sometimes we just lose focus on the main important principle in our legend, which is a modal Islam, the main pillar in Islam after Tawheed, which is a Salah, Adel Elijah, no other Iatan Hamlin Mukti masala, so called a messenger to Mostafa Allah Hollywood icon pistacchio

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hamdu Lillahi wa salatu salam ala Milena Viva and

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I just want to share with you very quickly something that I read written by

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a modern scholar that really have made me think a lot about a Salah I'm praying on time.

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He said

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I'll figure I let it to Gilani fit adhere to celerity and work to her tech movie and many less to lady had the numerator salat wa ala Ana Monica Arataki Bell who will Haleakala the Dalada dika wa Karara. He said when it comes to praying on time,

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the thing that makes me a shame that I'm not the one who have decided when I should pray, or what time I should be praying. It is the Creator Himself the one who have decided that her the lady halacha Alcona be of Amata he would desire he would humanity he would disappear. The One who created this whole entire universe. Can you imagine the one who made to all this? The one who owns all this? If I tell you today? Hey, go someone wants to meet you and that person is you know, it's the honor of such and such business or the president of such a such country. Oh my god, this is like you will be there on time and before time. The judge wants to see you

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as the creator of all this. Who Olivia UD Dooney an active urbanity. He wants the Almighty He wants you to come to him

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it's not me what he wants you to come to him in this particular time and talk to him. Oka Lima who ona G and I pray to him. Well anima Dafa and what I do in most of the time, our job to handle Merle mower either

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I make that appointment. The least of my priority. The last thing I think about it, standing before him well and I'm with him you confess a half hearted Haertel Ballia and I'm so distracted by all these silly things in life. Yet Logan illiberal indica Well,

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ca Additi are you to asset in bottlemen Derek? He wants me now. But I keep delaying. I keep

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getting distracted. Busy, you know, and, you know, dragging my feet. What a loser I am. You drew an illegitimate and mobile up in Bay new Avena Well, unsociable Hajah who was honey you will carry your

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He asked me for a bribe private meeting for a special time together.

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And I'm the one who need and he's no need. He's the almighty Subhana wa Tada the powerful the Most High

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Well, I don't know which team I'm have to handle a shuttle of car, a sort of equal limit then.

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And when I meet him in the private meeting, I turn it to be an open you know, meeting like online, everybody, everything I think about everyone else, and I bring everything else on the

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rolled in that meeting.

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You really do need an update and coalition you

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do that. You rehab it and you actually will have silica Lila and Amber Dejal hired a booth to La Hila Yura Hoshi Aqua homie, he wants me to be disconnected from this busy life from this distractions in life just for a few minutes every day.

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So I can also talk to him about my concerns my my worries him alone no one else and he is the most powerful. The creators, the one who doesn't need my bad that doesn't need my time. Doesn't need my voice doesn't need to see me at all. I'm the one who in great need of Him. But yet, I still drag my feet and under the mountain, a geo motorcade and I come as it's something so heavy I gel as if I want to rush it as if I've been forced to it. Not something that I come from within an unheralded Aloha. I am in the prayer, but I'm not praying. I'm making a record on sujood My heart is not there.

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Anyway until it keeps going, but I think you got the idea. So I hope these few words can remind us of what Allah subhanho wa Taala said in the salata. kanatal Mini Nikita Mota a Salah was describing a specific time

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well happy to Allah Salawat was solid Wooster care to pray your prayers, specially selected acid that would ALLAH SubhanA data have said in so many verses in the Quran, that goes an order goes on that line of ordering us to perform Salah on time. Allah Medina salata, RB Aqua Rubina, Allah Medina salata, we are at my Martina although we are Tina Allama dynamic and will happily and add a lot of Mulford Lynda dot crnf Eva Allah manana said okay other gelato Ikram and to in and out of sada to enter you know that then I will react in a comet Surah 20 Jelena machina Salah to him and to react in Allah Mulford lend our hand no in no other terrain Arena on sodden our Earth on Sarada you know

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Allah who may or hated up to you Mr. Luca intimate Tiana we had a Sharon Karim. When it's okay Are you a human to in and Allah so yummy, yummy. Allah may not also yummy Ramadan OPI May Allah for lu le de una Allah Mishima Bonner welcome mo Tana, Allah Who Melissa Alenia How are you Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad wa earlier he was so happy he was a limit Lomita Sleeman Kathira Allah Hoonah le Thor and Musa wifey and a few macheda Could Olivia MITB her mineral for Cara it will make more Do you know what among Kobe and I will McRobbie another Gela Karim? Allah who may Uh huh Yeah, are you Yeah, how are you? Yeah, are you? Are you Are you ill Finland. I don't know

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bene Jamia. What I have never been magical. If you know the IFA tick. How are you and zebra hermetical Avena Catholica huddle, Miss Mysterio Ali. Yeah, they'll tell you what the Quran masala humara Muhammad

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