Wael Ibrahim – Roaming Ramadan #22 Makkah – The Personal Victory – Makkah Saudi Arabia

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the emotional toll of visiting the house of Allah in Mecca, where they will perform a sh ha'ir and perform a sunroar. They also mention the importance of submitting to the will of Allah and not praying for something hidden from them. The speaker invites viewers to visit the holy sites and share pictures of the holy sites.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Islam, welcome back to roaming Ramadan lessons

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on the road. We just left

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the city of Madinah,

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heading to

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Mecca inshallah for our Umrah.

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And there's

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there are a lot of mixed feelings and

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emotions surrounding this journey,

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was the last salah before

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Saudi Arabia after our ombre. So the emotion

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of sadness was surrounding

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the the air, the atmosphere around us,

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knowing that we will not be next to

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the prophet

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again, and Allah alone knows when we'll be

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and when will he be granting

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us another opportunity like this. But at the

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same time, there was a lot of excitement

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and happiness knowing that we're going to the

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house of Allah

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in Mecca

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and perform one of the,

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of the prophet

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by visiting the Kaaba, by doing the,

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by running between Safa and Marwan,

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fulfilling all these shaha'ir, all these rituals that

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were introduced to us by our beloved prophet,

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Muhammadu SAW. And, subhanAllah, that reminded me of

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the Hijra or the journey back from

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Medina to Mecca victorious.

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When the prophet

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entered from every direction, he and his companions

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Makkah, his beloved city, and how the prophet

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was so happy

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to get back home, subhanallah,

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in Mecca.

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And this is the feeling that everyone has

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or should develop

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by going visiting Mecca,

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that personal victory.

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enabled you

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to visit his house.

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So may Allah

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accept from 1 and all. Remember, my brothers

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and sisters, there are many rituals during, you

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know, your visitation

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to the house of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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that maybe

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we don't understand. We don't

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understand its wisdom.

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For example, like kissing the Kaaba.

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Sorry, kissing the black stone.

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people would question, even non Muslims, would question

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us, like, are you guys worshiping idols? Why

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are you kissing a stone and so

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The very meaning of Islam is to submit

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and to surrender to the will

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of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And one of the things that we have

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observed during the life of prophet Muhammad SAWS

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was that he did what he did to

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guide us through

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in life, and so that we can come

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after him and imitate his

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And that's why Umar ibn Khattab, radiAllahu anhu,

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one of the most intelligent

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human beings ever

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produced in history,

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he looked at the black stone and he

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talked to it and he said that Thank

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you. I know that you're a stone. It

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cannot harm it cannot benefit. And this this

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what we should know as believers that this

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stone is just part of the creation of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. It cannot harm you.

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It cannot benefit you. We don't pray to

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All what we do is we follow the

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foot steps of the prophet

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because we trust him, because we believe that

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he was sent from high. So whatever the

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reason is, if it is hidden from us,

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doesn't matter. So Omar Khattab

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said that had I not seen the prophet

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kissing you, I would have never kissed you.

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Look at the the reasoning

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behind kissing the black stone simply because we

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have seen the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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doing such an act, and we trust him

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so much. So may Allah accept

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from all of us, and may Allah

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enable all of you

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to visit the house of Allah, the Kaaba,

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to fulfill your obligations

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with a hajj or auvrah Amin al Brahmi.

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Stick around. Inshallah, we'll be sharing with you

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few sites, few image images from

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the holy sites.

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And, I will include you all in my

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