Yasir Qadhi – Wisdoms of the Ramadan #21 Harsh Reality Of Death

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of not denying the inevitable ending, which is death, and the need to realize it. They stress the importance of the Quran's purpose of deeing and preparing for death, rather than just running away from it. The speakers also emphasize the benefits of thinking of death in a different way, including personal growth and real-life. The speakers stress the importance of not carrying grudges and leaving legacy for future generations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Today's Quranic wisdom, Surat Azumar

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verse 30.

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Surat Azumar verse 30.

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You shall die, You Rasulullah,

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and they shall die as well.

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The reality

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of death,

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which of course the Quran has so many

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verses about.

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And by the way, on a personal, you

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know, anagrah Subhanahu Wa'ala's Qadr, when I listed

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30 maxims for this month,

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this ayah was not on the list.

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And for whatever reason, after asr today, I

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was looking and I was researching. I said,

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you know, I want to change. I wanna

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add this ayah. So I reshuffled and I

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added this ayah literally today.

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And right now, our brother just informed me

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that brother Uthman who used to pray with

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us, he just passed away in a car

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accident, today, Innalillahihuwun lai rajir'oon.

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And in these last few months, we have

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lost a number of our young men suddenly.

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And of course, the reality of death is

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surrounding us. So today's khatira is going to

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be a reminder

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based upon not just surat alzumr, but the

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of the one thing that no human being

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can deny.

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people can deny everything. They can deny God,

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they can deny the day of judgment, they

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can deny prophets,

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but they cannot deny

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the inevitable ending, which is death.

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That is the one thing that nobody can

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deny the reality of.

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And this is where religion and deen and

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comes in.

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And this is one of the main

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incentives, if not the main incentive,

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for us to think long and hard about

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what we are doing here. Because for how

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long shall we run away? Allah says in

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the Quran, Afaraaita

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Even if we gave them years to enjoy,

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kanuyu a'dun.

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Then what was promised is going to come

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to them, ma akhnaanhu

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ma kanuyu mata'oon.

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All of their fun and games, it will

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be of no benefit to them.

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How long shall you run away?

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The pangs of death are going to come,

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and that's what you used to be running

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away from and denying. You never thought it

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would happen to you. You never thought you

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would be on that end, but there you

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We know this reality

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hayata. He is the one who created the

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cycle of life and death.

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There is no exception.

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you shall get your own deeds returned to

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you on the Day of Judgment.

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We didn't give eternal life to anybody before

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fahumul kalidoon.

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If you are going to die, You Rasulullah,

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do they think they're going to live? Notice,

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the Quran actually links the reality of death

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to the death of the one person whom

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said, If anybody would have been given long

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life, it would have been

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you. But 3 times in the Quran,

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3 times, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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reminds us that even the nabi, the rasool,

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the mustafa, the adid, the mujtaba

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Sallallahu alaihi wasallam,

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even he is not going to live forever.

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if you are going to die, are they

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gonna live forever? Innaqamayit,

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when this ayah came down, the sahaba could

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not imagine a world without the Prophet, salallahu

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wasalam. When these verses came down, they were

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recited, but not fully comprehended.

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Why? We know why, oh, brothers and sisters.

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We never think about death. We never think

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about it for ourselves. We never think about

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it for our loved ones. We never, until

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they're no longer with us, until they are

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not there, then death comes to us. Otherwise,

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before that happens, we are in a state

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of rafla.

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And the purpose of these verses, the purpose

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of our religion

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is to remove that ghafla.

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It is to remove that heedlessness from us

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we cannot change

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but we can change our lives to prepare

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for death.

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We cannot change death, and nobody knows when

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death will come.

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Allah says in the Quran,

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Wherever you are, death will come to you.

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Even if you lock yourself up in fortified

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houses, even if you are put in the

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most safe place, you cannot protect yourself from

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the malakul mu't. We know this. We know

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it because since we were born up until

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now, we have lost family, we have lost

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friends, we have lost acquaintances.

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Not a day goes by except that people

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die in this world. This is the reality,

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and a time will come when I will

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also go and you will also go. Such

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is this reality. So the purpose of the

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Quran, the purpose of religion, the purpose of

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deen is not to run away from death,

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but to prepare for it. It is not

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to ignore death, but so that we contemplate

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it, not so that we become depressed and

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morose, but rather that we live more productive

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lives, so that our lives become eternal.

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Because here's the point, death is not the

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end. Death is the beginning of our real

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life. Death is the beginning, the segue into

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the eternal life, and that life is the

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real life. The life ahead, that is the

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real life.

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The real

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hayat. Hayawan here means the real hayat. The

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real hayat is the darul akhira. So the

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purpose of reminding ourselves of death, and of

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reminding the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, and

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through him all of us, that we shall

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die, it is so that we can live

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our lives in a more productive manner. When

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we think of death, when we contemplate death,

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all of a sudden our perspective changes.

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1st and foremost,

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the pettiness of this world

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ceases to bother us. So what these grudges

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you have and some nuisance and irritation that

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happen, you're gonna forget it. The other person's

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gonna forget it. Life is gonna go on.

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So the problems of this world, you know,

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the anxieties we have, all of a sudden

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you put them in perspective. A 100 years

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from now, I'm not gonna be here. Nobody

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will remember these pains and sufferings. So you

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start thinking in a different manner. You start

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thinking of the eternal life. Secondly,

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you start thinking of leaving your legacy. Rather

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than worrying about what you accumulate,

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rather than having the biggest houses and the

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fanciest cars and this and that, you start

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thinking, what will I leave behind?

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And you start thinking, what will my children

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think of me when I'm gone, my grandchildren?

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What will happen to the people that I

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knew, the memories they have of me? You

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start thinking of leaving an actual legacy that

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shall flourish, not material possessions,

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not your clothes and what you own, because

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that's gonna go. But what will remain? How

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you impacted other people's lives. The smile you

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put on a child's face, the sadaqa jariyah

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that you did. So when you think of

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death, you live life in a very different

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manner. And of course, most importantly,

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when you start thinking of death, then your

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connection with Allah becomes so strong because you

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Allah is the one who's gonna take you

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away. You will return back to Allah, thummaturaduna

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ila alimal ghaybi was Shahadah You're gonna go

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to the world of the unseen,

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and the only way you will be protected

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in that world is if you have a

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connection with the protector and the mawla. So

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when you start thinking of death, it's not

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that you go down morose and morbid and

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depression. No. You start becoming a very different

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optimistic person. Why? Because you look forward to

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the real life, and this dunya becomes a

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segue. It becomes a channel. While you're here,

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you will benefit the maximum you can. You

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will be the most ethical. You will be

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the best you can, and that is why

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death even makes you a better human being.

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Thinking about death, even if you don't you

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know the people that don't believe in religion,

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they also have meditation classes. And one of

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them, they actually have classes where they don't

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believe in an akhirah, but even they are

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taught what are the benefits of contemplating your

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finite life. And of those benefits, you live

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a peaceful life. Of those benefits, you don't

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carry grudges. Of those benefits,

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experiences mean more to you than possessions.

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Experiences, doing something, helping people, it mean means

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more to you than acquiring wealth. If non

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Muslims who don't believe in God understand the

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benefits of thinking about death, how much more

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so for us as Muslims? That's why Allah

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reminds us constantly in the Quran about the

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reality of death. Oh, Muslims, death is inevitable.

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Death is without a doubt going to come

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to me and you. And for some of

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us, our brother that just passed away, this

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was his last Ramadan. He began praying here

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with us, and he didn't even make it

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to Eid. May Allah forgive him and all

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of those whom we've lost

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in the last few years. But brothers and

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sisters, we don't know which Ramadan will be

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our last Ramadan. We don't know which of

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these lai'ali will be the last lai'ali of

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Qadr. That's opportunity we have. So when we

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think about this, what happens is we live

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life to the max.

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This is the Islamic spirit. When we think

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about death,

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life becomes meaningful in the sense we wanna

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do something productive. We wanna leave the maximum

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maximum sadaqah and the maximum legacy that we

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can. So our wisdom for today,

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You Rasulullah,

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if you're going to die, so are they.

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Inaka mayytun wa innahum mayytun

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Every single soul walking on earth is going

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to perish. Wayabaqa wajhurabikaduljalaliwalikram.

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Only Allah and Allah's waj will remain.

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So, oh, you and I who are going

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to perish, make your finite

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perishable existence

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the maximum you can so that when you

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enter aalimul ghayb and you enter the eternal

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world, that is where you shall live your

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real life based upon how you live this

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temporary life. And inshallah will continue tomorrow. Assalamu

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Alaikum Warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

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