Omar Suleiman – Why Me #24 Do Good Deeds Extend My Life

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the loss of a woman named Zaynab heads, which was the only wife of the Prophet Sall captive Alaihi Wasallam to die in his lifetime. They also talk about the importance of helping others through hardships and loss, and the message of Islam, which is to bring good deeds and le viets to life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the Prophet Sall authorization to increase one's lifespan and wealth, as well as the Galatians' remorse of the world and the importance of the Darvin's deeds for the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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You were meant to be tested in this

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and you were meant to bear witness to

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the tests of others.

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It's not just your hardships that you endure

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and work through,

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but to help others with whatever capabilities you

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And this charity has a direct impact on

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your Qadr.

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So if each test seems greater than the

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and your heart is heavy with grief,

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Rest assured that it is only to give

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you a greater blessing ahead.

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Everyone has heard of Khadija radiAllahu Anha,

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but she wasn't the only wife of the

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Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam to die in his

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There's this other woman who has only a

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page or 2 in most history books, if

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even that. Her name is Zaynab bint Hussainah

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radiAllahu ta'ala Anha. And she was the widow

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of Abdullah ibn Jash radiAllahu Anhu who was

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martyred in

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Uhud. And she was known for only one

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her sadaqah.

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She used to love the poor and the

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prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam loved that about her.

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And so he marries her Alayhi Salatu Wasallam

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in Ramadan

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4 years after hijrah.

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And then just after a few months of

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being married to the prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam,

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she passes away being the only other wife

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of the prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam to die

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in his lifetime.

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And the first one to be buried in

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the Baqir.

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I want you to think about this. What

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if it was her charity

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that extended her life just long enough to

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be granted eternity

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as the wife of the prophet SallAllahu Alaihi

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Wasallam in Jannah?

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Was it her exemplary patience at the death

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of her first husband

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or her exemplary

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charity that continued after?

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You see, your legacy is the culmination of

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all of your life's effort.

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Every hardship you endured,

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every obstacle you overcame,

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every mountain you climbed, and every time you

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rose to the occasion,

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you were leaving your mark in this world

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that will last for generations.

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It may have been a warm smile or

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an embrace that you gave to a child

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masjid for the very first time that became

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a formative memory and kick started his love

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for the masjid.

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It may be a word of of truth

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that penetrated the heart of a friend going

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through a really tough time that he then

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carried on with him through his life and

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spread to others.

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It may be you pulling over your car

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to help someone in need which ended up

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inspiring them to look into Islam and become

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And all these moments are shaping your legacy.

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But not just that,

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they may also be shaping your destiny.

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Just as you have helped ease the life

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of others,

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prolong their lives and spent your wealth on

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Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta A'la will increase your

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lifespan and provisions so that your legacy will

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only be stronger.

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Just as you were charitable with others, Allah

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is charitable with you.

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And so your lifespan and your legacy are

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stretched to encompass more so that your reward

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in the next life is even more.

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As the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said nothing

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extends a person's life like good deeds.

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But how do we reconcile this with the

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verse, fa idahja

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la yastaghhiroona

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sa'atin wala yastaghdimon.

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That if their time comes, their hour will

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not be moved ahead or behind,

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not a single moment than that which was

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decreed for their death.

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The scholars said there are 2 types of

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ajal, 2 types of lifespans.

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There's ajalun mutlaq and there's ajalunmuqayyat.

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There is the ajal, the lifespan that is

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only known to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and

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is unlimited.

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And then there is the ajal that is

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limited and known to the angels. You see

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Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta A'la commands the angel

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to write down for his servant a certain

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with your date of death already there.

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Remember, you were born with the date of

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your death and your life's bank account already

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documents it.

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Then Allah's bounty descends and he commands the

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angel to increase him in his lifespan and

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wealth. So the angel erases that date and

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puts something new. And then this keeps on

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happening until Allah informs the angel of death

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to now go and take the soul of

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that person.

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So the angel is not just working off

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of some register,

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but off of Allah's rizq, which is unfolding

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before their eyes as well. Good deeds and

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du'as can literally work wonders,

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but we don't see the change here in

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our decree just like we don't see the

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reward yet in the hereafter for our deeds.

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There were 2 brothers in the time of

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the prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam.

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One who would stay and study with him

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while the other had to work to provide

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for him. And the one that felt like

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he was missing out opens up to the

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Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam about feeling like he

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has to carry the load while his brother

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gets to enjoy the companionship of the Prophet

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SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam. So the messenger of Allah

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Alayhi Salatu Wasallam says to him, la allakaturzakubihi.

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It might be that Allah only provides for

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you because you provide for him.

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Your parent asks you to do something and

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you say, I'm too busy.

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But the dua of a parent literally opens

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up not just the gates of Jannah for

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you, but years of good ahead.

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Anas ibn Malik radiAllahu Anhu says that, My

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mother, Sulayim, brought me to the prophet SallAllahu

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Alaihi Wasallam to serve him and asked the

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prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam to make du'a for

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me. So the prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said,

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Allahum aqthirmalahu

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Oh Allah, make his wealth and children abundant,

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increase his years on earth and forgive his

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sins. Now this wasn't a materialistic du'a because

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the prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam knows what he's

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making du'a for and who he's making du'a

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for. The more life, the more wealth, and

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the more children that Anas is going to

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the more ways he's going to dedicate that

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to preserving the prophetic legacy.

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So Anas radiAllahu Anhu goes on to live

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for over a 100 years being the last

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major companion to die. And he had over

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a 100 grandchildren in his own lifetime.

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And his wealth was so abundant that they

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said it was like everything he touched would

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turn to gold. And he became one of

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the most generous companions of the Prophet SallAllahu

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Alaihi Wasallam.

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But he also narrated over 2,000

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ahadith from the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam

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and spread them throughout the world. And so

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many details of the daily life of the

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Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam from his habits to

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the foods that he used to eat, to

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his conduct at home,

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come to us through Anas Abdul Malik radiAllahu

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ta'ala Anhu He had a longer life due

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to a dua and he had barakah in

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every single year that he lived. And in

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a 100 years he accomplished over a 1000

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years with barakah.

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You see some lives shrink and others grow

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and in more ways than one.

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Of the punishment of sin, annnahatamhaqu

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that as the scholars say, it destroys

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any blessing you have in your years on

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or in your wealth on earth.

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Sometimes in life, everything seems great.

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You used to enjoy certain things, but it's

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no longer pleasurable for you. The barakah seems

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gone from your life even though you're still

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here and seemingly still have plenty.

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The only thing that keeps life worth living

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is the remembrance of Allah.

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wa ma'indallahi

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baq What is with you will expire,

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but what is with Allah will always remain.

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Wallahu khairun waabuka Allah is always greater and

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more everlasting.

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Wal akhiratu kayrun wa abuka. And working for

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the hereafter is always better and more enduring.

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And so just like some lives shrunk, others

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are increased in so many ways.

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Adam Alayhi Salaam gave 40 years of his

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life to Dawud.

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Imagine how many people Dawud fed, how many

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more people he gave dawah to because he

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lived to be a 100 instead of 60.

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Other people with the barakah of a few

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years worked wonders on earth. Umar ibn Abdul

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Aziz was only 38 when he took an

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earth full of injustice and filled it with

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And he dies just 2 years later. Mu'adh

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ibn Jabbar radiAllahu Anhu was in his thirties

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when he died, but he's the leader of

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the scholars on the day of judgment. Sa'd

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ibn Mu'adh also was only in his thirties,

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but the throne of Allah shook at his

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death. And so you may ask how come

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this righteous person who was so generous died

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at 40?

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Was their life not increased?

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It may be that they were actually initially

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a miscarriage, or maybe they were going to

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develop a rare disease in childhood,

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or maybe they were saved from a car

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accident at 18 and their lives reached what

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you knew. And even if they would have

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died at any of those tender ages,

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it wouldn't have been because they weren't good

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enough to live. It would have been because

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Allah knew that death was better for them

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at that age.

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And perhaps those touched by their death in

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their youth would change their lives for the

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better and continue to find their peace in

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the puzzle.

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All while being a sadaqa jariyah and an

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extension for the deceased.

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You see, some people die young and they

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don't live any more years on earth to

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do good,

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but they also aren't here to sin anymore

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while others continue to do good on their

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Allah has a plan for all of us,

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And it could be that you were given

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an extra day on this earth to be

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part of a beautiful life for someone else,

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and hopefully, a beautiful afterlife

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for you all.

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Many a life is long in years but

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meager in fruits.

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And many a life is short in years

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but rich in fruit.

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The fruits of your spiritual labor aren't only

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found in Jannah.

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The righteousness you persevered with could birth gifts

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for you in this life as well.

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A calamity averted or time added to do

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more good or answered duas as a result

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of your patience and prayer and acceptance of

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his decree.

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Beautiful memories can be made here with beautiful

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but the crowns of the hereafter and celebrations

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in paradise

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is what we really need.

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Your deeds may extend your time here, but

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that time is decreed for you by time

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And it may be that you started to

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that you may not have much longer.

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