Wael Ibrahim – Roaming Ramadan #14 The Sanctity of Palestine – UK Manchester

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of finding reputable organizations and putting pressure on reputable individuals to address issues likeleyed alaysha and the upcoming removal of the leader of the United Nations. He also talks about the success of Islam and the importance of activism in bringing attention to issues like the removal of the leader of the United Nations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh my brothers,

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my sisters in Islam, welcome back to Roaming

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lessons on the road. I'm still in the

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UK attending

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one of the largest conferences in the globe,

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and that is Light Upon Light. Mashallah Tabarakallah.

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It was a delight to see so many

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Masha'ikh and so many brothers and sisters involved

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in Dawah and this part of the world

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after such a long time. I knew them

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and it was, alhamdulillah, a delight for me

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to meet them in person for the first

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time. But this is not why we are

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recording this video. The reason why I'm recording

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this video is that I made a promise

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to myself

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October 7th. And what happened in Ghazza in

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in the past couple of months, I made

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a promise to myself that any lecture, any

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video, anything that I would do in public,

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I have to remind the people of our

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duty as brothers and sisters, as Muslims,

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toward our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

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And SubhanAllah, one of the people who reminds

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me all the time of this issue, Sheikh

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Omar Suleyman,

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who is part of the panelist speakers, MashaAllah

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Tabarakallah with us. I have noticed

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that every time we ask him a very

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general question, very general question, he must bring

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the issue of Palestine and Gaza in discussion

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and remind the Muslims of their duties and

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obligations towards this. Because my brothers and sisters

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in Islam, listen very carefully.

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Jerusalem or Al Quds or Baytul Maqdis,

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this city where al Masjid al Aqsa lies

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is a matter of aqeedah

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for the believers. It's not just a political

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issue. This is way beyond that. This is

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a matter

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of your faith. It's like if I told

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you, imagine with me, the Kaaba is now

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under siege. The Kaaba now is controlled by

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the enemies of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. How

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would you feel? Would you just make Dua?

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Will there be just sufficient making dua and

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that's it? We cannot do anything. Do not

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ever fall into that trap of the only

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thing we can do is dua. No allahi,

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we can do more than that. Number 1,

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by default, by default is something that we

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should do regularly. The prophet

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said, Du'a is worship, is the essence of

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worship. You are fulfilling the purpose of your

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very existence by making dua day and night.

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So it's not just because what's happening to

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our brothers and sisters in Palestine now you're

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gonna make dua. No, you should make dua

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for them anyway. They've been in this misery

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for almost 80 years. So we should be

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doing dua anyway, lifetime dua, 80 years. Come

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on. So du'a is one thing, don't quit

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it. But on the top of that, continue

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raising awareness about the issue. Let your children

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and the next generations and whoever is on

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earth understand

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the rights and the plight of the Palestinians.

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Number 3, find reputable organizations,

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charitable organizations that are sending aid and necessities

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to our brothers and sisters, wallahi,

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they are

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suffering from poverty and hunger.

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I read a statistic just yesterday, 90%

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of the population of Ghazza, they suffer hunger.

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They are hungry. And when hunger strike, my

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brothers and sisters in Islam, you can sense

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danger. You

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can feel that people will turn against each

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other. We don't want that to happen to

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our brothers and sisters in Islam. So help

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as much as you can. But as I

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mentioned, find reputable organizations. Thirdly or fourthly, put

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some pressure on reputable organizations.

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Thirdly or fourthly, put some pressure on your

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to do something about it. Now, South Africa

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had filed a case against Israel who committed

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genocide act against the Palestinians. So do whatever

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it takes, whatever lawfully

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possible to remind the people of their rights

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and obligation toward the brothers and sisters in

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Palestine. So, this is my side now of

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the story. Insha'Allah Ta'ala, later on when Sheikh

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Umar arrived to the hall, I'll take him

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aside and I will ask him that question.

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Why is it Sheikh Umar that every time

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you speak since October 7th, you never let

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a speech or a video pass by just

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like that without

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bringing the issue of Palestine and Gaza to

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discussion. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala reward you

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all. Stay tuned until we bring Sheikh Omar

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to you inshallah in this special episode.

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Assalamu alaikumabulla.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has sanctified people. Allah

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has sanctified places, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has

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sanctified symbols. There is no place in the

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world subhanAllah where you will find that Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has sanctified the place, the

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people, and the symbols. Mazal Aqsa, the first

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qiblah of the Muslims.

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The place where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam

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let all of the prophets in salah. The

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place from where the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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ascended to the heavens. Al Baytul Maqdis, the

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place Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mentions

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that we not only blessed the place, but

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we blessed Mahullah. We blessed everything that's around

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it as well. The whole land of Palestine

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is sacred. And finally, the people. If you

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were to take the ahadith about Ahlusham as

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a whole, the people of Ahlusham as a

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whole, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, subhanAllah,

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You could be reading all day and night.

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The prophet praised these people so much. Specifically,

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al Murabitun,

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those that hold it down, those that insist

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on fighting back against the oppression in Palestine

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and making sure that they maintain their existence

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even as people seek to erase them on

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behalf of the entire Ummah. So there's no

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place where you find all of these sanctities

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And so, therefore, our activism on their behalf,

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our voice on their behalf is also sacred,

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Bayid Nuhaytan.

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Alhamdulillah. And Sheikh Nuh, one last thing, I

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know I know I told you one question,

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but how can we even take

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Remind and be reminded as the voices start

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to become less and as the work for

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Palestine starts to become less, then cling and

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attach yourself to the groups of people that

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are being consistent with it, InshaAllah Ta'ala. So

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remind others when you see it being forgotten

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and let others remind you, InshaAllah Ta'ala, cling

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to those places where it's going to be

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remembered in the night time and there'll be

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consistent work for it, InshaAllah.

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