Omar Suleiman – Why Me #16 Why Do They Get The Life I Want

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the negative impact of giving things without expecting or requesting, as well as the difficulty of avoiding evil behavior and the potential for hardships to lead to betrayal. They stress the importance of understanding and embracing one's own limitations, as well as peace and happiness for individuals. The Prophet dispatched Alaihi Wasallam's victory in Mecca was far more important than any one had experienced, and he provided blessings and guidance to people who wanted to pursue their dreams.
AI: Transcript ©
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How did you get here?

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And how did they get there?

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How do you resolve a problem when you

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feel too exhausted to even confront it?

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How is it that others seem to have

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the blessings you pursued in all the right

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Whereas you have all these problems that they

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promised would go away with prayer.

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Why does someone else get to have the

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life you wanted?

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Why do you always seem to get the

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shorter end of the stick?

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Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu narrates, Inna

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la abdilayhumu billamrimina

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tijarawal imara. Hatayu yasrallahu

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that a servant of Allah will want something

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of this world of wealth or status until

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it has been facilitated for them.

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Then as it's on its way to them,

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ilayhi fayakuulil malaika

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aslihahu wa'an Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta A'la looks

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at him and says to the angels,

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take it away from

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him. Fa inyasartuhulahu

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Because if I give him this blessing, then

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I'll have to put him in * fire.

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Meaning this blessing is going to cause him

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the heedlessness

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that's going to end up taking him to

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*. Fayastrifuu

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Anhu So he takes it away from him.

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Now what happens to the person?

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Yathalu yatatayiro

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So he keeps on saying, so and so

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beat me to it. This person got the

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position or the possessions that I thought I

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was going to get.

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And the whole time it was nothing but

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Allah's blessing upon him. The part of the

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narration that I want you to pay attention

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to here is not the part of Allah

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withholding something from that person for his own

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It's Allah actually giving it to someone else

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and you being able to see it on

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someone else.

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And you might start wondering if someone interfered

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with your Qadr and got what was otherwise

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And that especially becomes painful if the other

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person is someone who hurt you before.

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Someone else seems to be living your life

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or someone else seems to be enjoying what

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you earned.

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In every generation of people, there were those

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who seemed to be so deserving of an

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easier life,

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but had to put in the hard labor

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to make history.

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Whereas others had the fruits of that labor

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handed to them and lived comfortably despite their

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awful characters.

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You give and you give and you give,

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and you make sure not to offend anyone

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and you try your best to help everyone.

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But it seems like no one is affording

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you that same courtesy.

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The prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said, iyakumulhasabfainal

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hasada yaqululhasanati

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Beware of envy for verily it burns your

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good deeds the way that fire burns through

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But before you let envy burn you emotionally

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as well,

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first understand that we tend to see other

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people's blessings

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but our own hardships.

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But just like there is blessing in our

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sometimes there is hardship in their blessings.

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For those that are evil, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa

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Ta A'la says, fala turjibka amwaluhumwala

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inna mayurid ullahhu liyaathibahumbiha

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So let not their wealth or their children

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impress you

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because Allah only intends to punish them with

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those things.

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They're being punished with what Allah gave them

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because they have no barakah, no blessing in

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those things. And so they feel empty.

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And not only that,

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their money ends up becoming their greatest source

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of worry and leads to all sorts of

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Their kids who they didn't even try to

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raise with righteousness turn on them with that

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same wickedness and cause them all sorts of

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pain. But we don't see all of that.

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We just see the outside.

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And this is especially true in the case

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of oppressors.

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It can be really hard to watch someone

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so evil strut around seemingly without any consequences.

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Imagine Ammar ibn Yasir radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu watching

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Abu Jahl strut around Mecca for 6 years

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after he murdered his parents in front of

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his own two eyes. But Allah says, wala'aqibatuh

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The end victory is for the believers.

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And for those that aren't necessarily evil but

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just don't seem to be as deserving as

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It might be that Allah is giving them

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a little more of this world because their

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hearts are weaker than yours.

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And that's the prescription they need for the

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moment that they are at right now.

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That doesn't mean it isn't annoying when you're

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in a position where you've done the most,

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but the person who seemingly did nothing at

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all is getting all of the worldly reward

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and recognition.

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I want you to imagine how the Ansar

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who took the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam in

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during his lowest moments

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felt after Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta A'la gave

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the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam his highest victory

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in Mecca. These people sacrificed

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everything for Islam

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and Allah praised them exactly for that. Wayuthiroona

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They always preferred others to themselves.

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And then here you are after all the

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witnessing the conquest of Makkah which was a

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victory from Allah and largely through your efforts.

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And now you're expecting that you're going to

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be recognized.

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Then imagine seeing the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam

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turn around and give the spoils of kunayim

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to the same people that tried to kill

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him. The same people that tortured the Muslims

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for 2 decades.

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The same people that you defended the Muslims

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And most of them just became Muslim after

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the conquest and now they're getting the spoils

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of all of your efforts.

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So yes, the Ansar were hurt and they

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thought maybe the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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is going to move back to Mecca and

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forget about us now.

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But then the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam calls

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them and he says, aren't you pleased, oh

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that these people go home with their money

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and their camels,

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but you get to go back to Madinah

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and you have Rasulullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam with

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And that was far more precious to them

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than anything

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because they had a certain afterlife in mind

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that was far more important than any type

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of life that anyone would want to live

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here. And so they were at peace missing

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out on the spoils because they knew that

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their Prophet Alayhi Salatu Wasallam was still with

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them. And that Jannah was still ahead.

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Rabaddatul Nussamat radiAllahu Anhu said to his son,

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Oh my son, you will never truly taste

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the sweetness of faith. Hata ta'lima annamaasabaka

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Until you know that what has come to

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you was never meant to miss you. Wa

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annama aqpaaklam

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yakun yoseebak.

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And that which has missed you was never

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meant to come to you. So as Iblal

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Allah said, la buddhaminnu foodal qadr fajnahlisil

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Destiny is bound to happen so make peace

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with it. We don't realize all the ways

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that qadr is working out in our favor

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even though we think it seems to be

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for someone else.

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We get tied up with the means, the

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the worldly causes to what we want

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and we forget what we actually really wanted

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in the first place. You didn't really want

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that specific person.

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You wanted love and companionship, and you thought

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it would be found with that person.

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So ask Allah for what you really want,

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but open yourself up to new possibilities and

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trust in Allah's plan.

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And sometimes he will place blessings on your

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path from places that you least expected.

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he provides for you from places that you

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least expect.

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Inna maja'alaha

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mahlala lil ariari.

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He has only made the world a place

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of others

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and a mind for troubles

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so that you would not love it. And

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you know what's beyond the rizq that awaits

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And as Imam Ghazayrahimullah

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says about the verse, Alaisallahu bi kafin Abda,

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isn't Allah enough for his servant?

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That the one who has Allah will feel

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like he has everything.

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And the one who doesn't have Allah will

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feel like he has nothing.

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The life that you have in that Masjid

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now, in your reading and reciting, in your

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praying and listening,

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is one that someone on the outside still

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trying to find the true source of happiness

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would love to have.

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But as you're reflecting deeper now over your

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own deeds as you're making peace with Allah's

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you may start recalling some of your past

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sins again that you were previously distracted from,

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especially the ones you committed against other people.

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