Quran Dua #19

Wael Ibrahim


Channel: Wael Ibrahim


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AI Generated Summary ©

The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and phrases with no discernible conversation or topic.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:00:00--> 00:00:06

How do we learn himedia che volume Adi, it had

00:00:08--> 00:00:11

ILA Furong guna in

00:00:13--> 00:00:16

the hola who cow lane and

00:00:17--> 00:00:26

where the girl we auction all banana or banana

00:00:27--> 00:00:36

in Nana and alcohol for a year fruit arlena or Jaco, on Allah.

00:00:38--> 00:00:41

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00:00:43--> 00:00:44

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