Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P08 084C Tafsir Al-Anam 114-119
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is first then later other than Allah He Allah? Is it then other than Allah ability I seek, I should take how common as judge, the prophet total on Islam is told to declare over here that tell these Mushrikeen that do you want me to take a judge that is other than Allah? Meaning you want me to accept the judgment of others and leave the judgment of Allah? You want me to take the decision of others their commands, and leave what Allah has commanded? No, I'm never going to do that. How come is from the root letters have gaff mean? It's from from the word COCOM. What is your Command? Command? Judgment? And how come is a judge decision maker? Any other word in Arabic? That gives the
same meaning? Hakim? Okay, how can also means judge and how come also means judge? How Kim is a judge who could make a judgement that could be correct, and it could also be false. But isn't that true for every judge?
Tell me, isn't that true for every judge?
It's possible because at the end of the day, every judge is a human being I mean, human beings, we're talking about people. Right? They couldn't make a decision that is right, they could also make a decision that is wrong. So hacking, but how come? Okay, one of its meanings is one who, when he makes a judgment, when he makes a decision, it is always correct. And who can that be? Allah subhanaw taala there are other meanings of how come as well, but this is one of the meanings. So over here the Prophet salallahu Salam is made to declare that tell the people should I take a How come other than Allah? No, I'm only going to accept his decision his command why? Because we're who
were worth while who are he is underneath the one who unzila He sent down la come to you al Kitab the Book, because he is the one who has sent the book to you. He is the one who has revealed the Quran and how has he revealed it Mufasa Salah explained in detail will follow from felt side learn for Salah Fasano is to separate to depart from a Mufasa alto lootable dude, he departed he set out. So, it is to separate and for Salah you firstly loot of seal is to explain something how by separating each point from the other, each thing from the other, you know things are mixed up together you don't understand them, the whole concept is brought to you is presented to you in point
form. So what happens, the whole thing is made clear to you. So Mufasa means that he has sent the Quran containing all the details that are necessary for me. He has elaborated in the Quran, what is the truth and what is falsehood? He has mentioned in detail in the Quran, what is halal and what is haram? So, when all of these commands, prohibitions matters of halal and haram, do's and don'ts are clarified in the Quran in so much detail, why should I take somebody else's decisions? Why should I follow someone else's commands? You know, one is that a person is ignorant of what Allah has commanded to him. So what does he do? He follows what people tell him, but the other is that he is
aware, Allah has told him what he should do, then in his case, he should not follow others why should he follow what should he do? What Allah has elaborated? You know, if there are no rules, then you do whatever you want, but when the rules are there, then you are supposed to follow the rules. So just like that, why should I follow the commands the instructions of others when Allah has already revealed in the Quran, everything that is necessary for us to know well, Lavina and those people who are Taina whom we have given them al Qaeda but the book meaning the who then the Nosara yar Allah Munna de know and know who that indeed it mean the Quran is Munna Zelle one revealed, men
from Arabic Your Lord. They know that the Quran has been revealed by Allah your Lord will help with the truth meaning it is truly Allah who has revealed the book. So even when they know that the Quran is revealed from Allah then should you have any doubts about the Quran? No, never. This is why Allah says fella so do not the Coonan you definitely be you at all be me.
In from a monitoring those who doubt, meaning never be of those who have doubts about the truth, don't entertain any doubts about the Quran.
So in this ayah What's the main message, that there's so much false propaganda out there about the Quran, that it promotes hate or it promotes violence or it talks about things that are irrelevant today. It's outdated. It was possible to follow it 1400 years ago, but not today. People say all these things about the Quran and more.
But what do we learn from this is that no matter what people say about the Quran, you are not going to leave the Quran. Why? Because the Quran contains the judgments, the decisions the commands of Allah, and Allah He knows better than the people. And in the Quran, everything of your benefit is mentioned in detail. People don't know they cannot tell you only the Quran can tell you. So no matter what propaganda you hear, no matter what false things you hear about the Quran, never ever doubt about the Quran. The Quran is always a criteria for you. What a month, and it was complete, it was perfected Calima to statement Rob Baker of your Lord, the word the statements of your Lord have
been completed, perfected fulfilled, what does it mean by the month from time we mean the man to be complete to be perfect? It is when something is fulfilled. So what Teignmouth kalima tropic and what is the Kadima, Torah big the word of your Lord? What is the word of your Lord, the Quran
and not just the Quran, but any statement, any command any instruction that Allah has given, whether it is in the Quran, or it was started the prophets of Allah Salam, and he conveyed it to us. So the word of your Lord, his message, it is complete, it is fulfilled. How slay the Quran, in truth, well, and I Dylan injustice, in fairness, what does that mean? That the Quran, the word of Allah, the Command of Allah, it is based upon what truth and justice? It has been completed, perfected based on what, on truth and on justice, fairness.
You know, many times there are rules and regulations or let's say, policy, or let's say, you go even bigger constitution of a country
that is based on what it's based on what people's observation, their experience, or some back that people made 1000s of years ago of justice or fairness. Okay, but still, is it 100% Fair? And just, is it? Is it always 100%? fair and just No. Is it always based upon reality? No. Why? Because it is based on human experience. It is based on human knowledge. And the one thing that is definite about human beings is that they don't have all knowledge. Right? While they're aware of many things, they're still ignorant of many things. This is why we see that every country boasts about its constitution, that it's the best, it is the most fair, but yet it is different from
the constitution of other countries. Right? Every company boasts that their policy is the best every government boasts that their policy is the best because if they didn't believe that they wouldn't have it in effect, the fact that they follow it that they observe it, that they punish or reward people based on that means that they believe it is the best. But yet we see that there are times when it reflects unfairness when it reflects bias, when it reflects that it's not based on truth, but the Quran the word of Allah, what is that based on? Truth and fairness cinecon word Allah. Take for example, the verses of inheritance that we learned earlier.
And in those verses, we learned in so much detail about how much share has to be given to which person depending on their relationship with the deceased and depending on whether they have children or whether they have a spouse or not, right, how complete and how thorough the law of inheritances and when was it revealed 1400 years ago, and in that, who has a share men have a share, and women have a share. But we see that so many countries
is so many governments so many constitutions, when did they grant such rights to women? Not very long ago? Yes.
In the US, each state has its own rules about inheritance. And I remember even as recently as 20 years ago, I think in like Georgia or somewhere, there was an old woman, she had no children, no brothers, no uncles anything, her husband died. She wasn't allowed to inherit anything. And they had to change the constitution so that she could inherit, even like a penny, imagine. So you see examples of this, right? Women, they had no right to vote, they had no right to speak for their rights, to demand any rights for themselves no right to education even. But we see that the book of Allah, the Sunnah of His Messenger grants all of these rights, why? Because it is based on what
slatercom What rather, it is based on truth and justice. This is why Allah says Learn not move, but the one who changes meaning there is none that can change legally Murthy for his words, there is none that can change that can alter the words of Allah, meaning what He has revealed, the Quran, no one can alter it, no matter how much they try, they cannot change it. The rules, the laws that Allah has revealed, none can contravene them. The truth, in other words, is not going to be changed. You know, like a constitution. It's revised every now and then.
Why? Because it has flaws in it. It has weaknesses in it. But the word of Allah is so perfect that it does not need to be revised, even though 1400 years have passed by since it was given to people. Why? Because it is perfect in itself Lambo, buddy radiculopathy. So what does this show that we cannot change the Quran? What do we have to change ourselves? We have to change ourselves now. But dilla luckily, Mati, no matter how much people oppose it, no matter how much they dislike it, no matter how much they present it as something evil or false, but still, they cannot change the words of Allah wa who is severely Arleen. And he is the Hearing, the Knowing meaning the years what the
people say, and he knows what they do. Allah warns us we're in and if tutor you obey from Islamic thought, Well, I mean, if you were to obey a thorough most meaning majority of all, man who fill up in the earth, if you were to follow the majority of those were on this earth, what would happen? You'll be Luca, they would mislead you. I'm from Sabina, Allah way of Allah. Because typically,
what do we think that if everybody is doing something, it's got to be right. But then when we read the Quran, it says something completely different. You want to follow the Quran, everybody opposes you. You feel like a weird person, he or someone out of this planet, someone who's very different from the rest of the people. But what does Allah subhanaw taala say over here, that the majority is not necessarily on the truth? Because if you were to follow majority of the people, then they would mislead you from the way of Allah. Why? Because in not yet the beer owner they follow except of one, the supposition the assumption, majority of the people, their beliefs, their practices are based on
what is one, not certainty, not conviction. They're not 100% Sure, it's just what a one we're in and not whom they Illa except Yahoo soon, they guess they conjecture Yahoo soon from her rock solid, hard rock solid cliffs, is basically to estimate to guess. So for example, call us on nikla is when a person guessed the weight of the fruit on a date palm tree. You know, yesterday we saw those bunches, okay, so imagine somebody sees all that. And he says, I think it's about 20 kilos. I think it's about 50 kilos. I remember once we saw a swimming pool that was empty. Okay. And somebody was there and they're like, I think it's 100 feet.
And somebody said, Yeah, maybe. And I'm like, wait a minute, what did you say? 100 feet. Do you realize how much 100 feet is? This is not 100 feet? Yes, it's very deep. But it's not 100 feet. It may be 20 feet, okay. But it cannot be 100 feet. This is what caught us on is to just look at something and guess. guesstimate. Okay, this is what Carla is. So we're in home in LA Yahoo zone, meaning whatever they follow whatever they
do is just based on what assumption supposition guessing, they do not have conviction, who has conviction, who has conviction? The one who knows that what he believes in is 100% true.
When can you know that what you believe in is 100% true, when, for example, the person believes that the Scripture he believes in is 100% true. So, because of that he has conviction, When can he have such a belief about that book about that scripture?
So, for example, if it is said that this book contradicts science, can you have that conviction? Okay, if it is said that, in this book, there are many, many contradictions, there are many, many contradictions. Can he have such belief about that book, then? No. Okay. And by the way it is when he agrees with these statements, okay? If it is said that there are many errors in this book, because it was altered by many people, it was written by many people, it wasn't even written in the first 100 years, it was written after 100 years, it was written after 200 years, and it got lost somewhere. And then it was discovered, and then somebody wrote it from their memory. And then it was
in a different language and was translated in a different language and the original version was lost. And then it was revised, and it was revised. Again, it was revised again, can you have conviction about that book? You can't?
When can you have conviction about that book, when you know, that it is exactly as it was the day it was revealed? No word has been changed, no word has been altered, it is preserved in its original state from the very, very first day. And on top of that, it is from a law, then the person will have conviction.
If you were told that so and so wrote a book, and you read it, and there are many things mentioned in it. At the end, what will you say? Yeah, there are many things I agree with. There are many things I disagree with, why do you disagree with them? Because that human being wrote that and you disagree with his opinions there based on what his knowledge, his observation, but if a book comes from the Lord of the Worlds, then it is based on his knowledge, and when it's based on his knowledge, it's 100% accurate. So then, will you have your team will you have conviction? Will you have certainty? Yes. And even if somebody says, all their errors in this book, you won't give any
important that statement. Why? Because you know, this book is from Rob Bula. Allah mean, and when it's from Robben Island me, it will be free of errors.
So what does Allah say that the majority of the people do not have conviction, they do not have certainty. Whatever they believe whatever they follow, it is based on one. That's why you cannot follow the majority. Rather, you have to follow the book of Allah. In truth, Eunice is 36 We learn wema yet w x 31. Il one in the Wanda Leone minute happy shader, that most of them follow nothing but assumption. And indeed, assumption avails, not against the truth at all, meaning it can never take the place of the truth, it can never substitute for the truth. assumption is, it can never be like the truth. It can never be like conviction. And if you think about it, there are many things that we
study. And what is that? It's a theory. The theory of this the theory of that what is the theory? Is it a fact? It's not a fact? It's a theory? This is what blonde is, this is what Huddleston is. So Allah says iya to Verona Illa one we're in home in Lake Tahoe soon. This is why a believer has to be very careful. He doesn't accept everything that people tell him. You have the same message is being repeated in these verses. Use your mind. What is your criteria? The book of Allah majority is not the authority.
In indeed, Rob burka your Lord, who was he is our level most knowing. Indeed your Lord knows best about what man who you will lose? He is a stray, I'm from civility his way your Lord knows who is a stray who is not on the right path. Well, who and he are the most knowing Bill McDermott in with those who are rightly guided, meaning Allah knows who was guided and who is not guided. Allah knows what is right and what is wrong. Allah knows what is good and
What is evil? This is why you're not going to follow the people, you're going to follow Allah subhanaw taala.
Which is why you might be the only person who is her job in your class. But still, you're going to do it even though nobody does it. Why? Because it is what Allah has said. Because sometimes it happens that we start thinking that nobody does it. Why am I like a fool? Why should I be a fool? Why should I be so different from the rest of the people? It doesn't matter, even if you are very different from the rest of the people. Just because everybody does something, it doesn't make it right. Slowly. This kind of reminds me of my school, or school doesn't have much of a diversity. It's, I was going through the yearbook last year, and I was counting out how neat hijab is there
were. And I knew there weren't many. But after I counted them, I found out that there were only six, including myself. And I was surprised because I was just like, wow, like, there are no Muslims pretty much at my school. And the few Muslims that had had jobs in middle school, they took them off. And now there were only six left. And those six didn't even like, their clothes weren't, like, what they should be wearing, you know.
So, I find that even now, when we look at, you know, big research coming out, or, you know, someone's told you something, in terms of worldly matters, we're like, where did you get that from? What's your source? You know, What's your proof? So we only like believing things when we know it's from someone who actually is already extremely knowledgeable. So when we're getting the Quran, we're getting it from the one who is the most knowledgeable about everything. So obviously, we should trust it, because we know it's from someone who knows about everything. Yes, very true. That we always want proof and evidence. Everything has to be backed up by some kind of research, reliable
research, good research, then we'll follow it.
That's all. I'm just thinking about like the hereafter when most people are being thrown into the hellfire. Why would you want to be one of them? That every time you want to follow the majority, you say, everybody does it. So what's the big deal? Why should I do it? Tell yourself that if everybody's going into the fire of * crowds and crowds of people being thrown into how would I be one of them? No, never. So if I don't want to be one of them, I don't want to be one of them today. I cannot follow everything that people are doing. And sometimes it happens that when we see everybody is doing something that's wrong, and they're having fun, they're having a good time. Then
you tell yourself why we're making life so difficult for myself. What's the big deal if I also do what they're doing? It is a big deal, as inshallah we will learn in one of the verses later, that leave all kinds of sin apparent and hidden. Because those who commit sin they will be punished for what they do. Every sin is punishable unless Allah subhanaw taala forgives you. So just because everybody's doing it, it doesn't make that sin right. It is still wrong. So you're not going to do it
Okay, let's listen to the recitation of these verses. So while you're all along he had
one lady
who Moodle kita Abba Mufasa
Teddy momentary what
much galima to be consider Paulo
de la you can imagine it was me on Lolly while
Debbie Downer in one hour in whom?
In Bakka, who
will who will be removed 31 is called UK they will Hadith the worst lie. The worst lie is one assumption supposition. You have no basis on which you're saying what you're saying. But till you say it's
The worst like,
so, majority of the people, their beliefs, whether it's their religion, or it is, you know the way of their thinking. It's based on what supposition. At the end of the day, there is no facts that support it. There is no reality that supports it. So don't follow the majority follow what Allah has given you.
Allah says fuck Hulu so all of you eat menma from that which look ILA, it was mentioned, is smooth name Allah He of Allah, are they he upon it? In if quantum you were be it with his vs. Meaning ones who believe that each of that animal eat that meat over which the name of Allah was pronounced? When was it pronounced at the time of its slaughter? Meaning, you believers should only eat of that meat on which the name of Allah was pronounced. And this means that if an animal was slaughtered in a way that the name of Allah was not pronounced, then can you eat the meat of that animal? Is it allowed for a believer to do that? No, it's not. Allah says in content, be it Hema, meaning if you really
believe in the verses of Allah, then you better eat only such meat. And this shows that if a person needs other meat on which the name of Allah was not pronounced, then that shows the weakness of his faith in Allah's verses, because look at the condition over here in quantum Biya tmoq meaning.
And over here we see a positive command is being given to eat only such meat. Now the people of Makkah, the Mushrikeen, they raised an objection against the prophets of Allah incident against the Muslims. They said, that you claim that you believe in Allah, and you only worship Him. And your goal in life is to please Him to submit to His command to surrender to His will. Then how come you eat only that meat that you have slaughtered? And over which you've mentioned the name of Allah? Why don't you eat the meat of an animal that has died a natural death? Meaning Why don't you eat an animal that Allah killed?
If Allah killed an animal
that was his will. That was his decision. Allah killed an animal how that an animal died, for example, by falling by becoming sick by dying in the cold. Okay, but Allah subhanaw taala caused it to die. So when Allah caused an animal to die, all right, he killed the animal that was His will His decision, then why don't you eat the meat of such an animal? Do you understand your question? You might be like, yeah,
they have a point. We're supposed to surrender to Allah's will. His decision, it was Allah's decision to let that animal die. So why don't we eat the meat of such an animal? Because Allah subhanaw taala tells us that you should meet only that animal which was slaughtered in the name of Allah. But then why don't you eat the other animal which Allah killed? Which Allah allowed to die? Why not? Because that Allah subhanaw taala did not allow us to eat. Remember that there's two things. One is that which Allah commands which Allah orders which Allah instructs, and the other is that which Allah allows to happen, Allah lets happen. All right, for example,
think of an example. One is that which Allah orders and the other is that which Allah allows to happen.
Anybody? Okay? So for example, a person falls ill. This is what Allah says panel data allowed them to fall ill
The other thing that Allah has commanded something, yes.
Okay, Allah allow someone to die. What is that? Something that Allah has allowed to happen? The other is that Allah has commanded the believers to do it. All the things that you do as a Muslim, you pray, okay, you give the cat All right, any command instruction that you learned from the book of Allah from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you know, distributing the inheritance, all right? punishments, all right, fine, whatever it is, you Nikka fall for something. All of this is what what Allah has come
ended what Allah has ordered. Now, what Allah subhanaw taala orders us to do,
whether it is to eat something, or it is to perform a certain ritual, okay? Any command any Hukam of the Sharia that you learned from the Quran and Sunnah. Remember that is something that Allah likes. That is something that Allah loves. And that is a reason why he has ordered us to do it. So for example, an animal Allah says slaughter it mentioned the name of Allah, and then you eat of that meat. Now this command, Allah subhanaw taala likes, when a believer slaughter is an animal mentioned the name of Allah, and then eats of that meat. This is something that Allah likes Allah approves off. This is reason why Allah subhanaw taala will also reward a person for it. The other thing is
something that Allah allows to happen, whether it is somebody becoming sick, or it is a storm coming, or it is rain falling, or it is fitna or it is people killing one another or people committing many, many crimes. Allah lets it happen. Allah lets evil to spread sometimes Correct? Isn't that what we see around us. But remember that just because Allah allow something to happen, it doesn't mean that Allah likes it, and he approves of it. And that is something that he wants his servants to do.
So if an animal dies, it doesn't mean that Allah subhanaw taala wants us to eat of it. All right. If there is an animal that is dead, it doesn't mean that we are supposed to eat from it. No, because Allah never commanded us it is something that Allah allowed to happen. But it doesn't mean that Allah wants us to use it. And this is a very, very important principle that you should have memorized. And you should understand very clearly, because many times it will happen that people will raise questions, that how come? There's so much evil in the world, if there's really a God, and you say he's the most Merciful? And one part of His mercy is in this world. Where's that mercy? How
come my mom is suffering from cancer? And how come my father died in such and such way? And how can my child is so sick? What crime did my child ever commit? How come this old person is suffering so badly in this world? Where is God? Where is his mercy? Remember that Allah has allowed it to happen. But it doesn't mean that he likes that. Why does Allah subhanaw taala allow it to happen? Why? Because this world is a place of test, there is both good, and there is evil, Allah to us people through good and through evil. He tests them through sickness and through health, through poverty and through wealth, right through freedom, and through difficulties in their lives. Allah subhanaw
taala tests people in both ways, and remember that no matter what misery a person is going through in this world, if he is hopeful of Allah subhanaw taala is reward. He is patient. He accepts Allah's decree, that Allah will reward him in sha Allah on the Day of Judgment, then his ranks will be elevated on the day of judgment in the hereafter. So always remember this, that just because Allah has allowed something to happen, it doesn't mean that is something that we're supposed to do. That is what Allah wants us to do. All right, so this is why Allah subhanaw taala clarifies over here that if you believe that you should only eat from that meat from that animal over which the name of
Allah has been mentioned, mentioned when, at the time of slaughter, not at the time of eating at the time of eating, you're supposed to say Bismillah anyway, isn't at all. Whether you're eating lentils, or you're eating a carrot, or you're eating a burger, okay, with meat inside it, no matter what you're eating? What are you supposed to do? What's the etiquette that you say? Bismillah. And if you do not say Bismillah than what happens, Ceylon becomes a partner in that meeting, he also benefits from the food that you're eating.
So what does it mean by this, the eat of that meat over which the name of Allah was mentioned, at the time of slaughter? And this is what differentiates Muslims from the rest of the people. Because the rest of the people they will eat any meat, yes, some religions, some people they do have certain dietary restrictions. However, when it comes to Muslims, we eat only that meat, that animal over which the name of Allah was mentioned. So over here, a positive command is being given that Allah says woman a comb, and what is for you, meaning what's the reason why would you not Allah that not that Kulu you all eat? mimma from that which
If you look here it was mentioned is Mullah he Name of Allah, RNA he upon it? Why would you not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned? Meaning what's the reason? Why would you leave that? Of course, you should only eat such meat. Why? Because a believer, when he does anything, he does it for Allah. And for that it has to be according to the rules that Allah subhanaw taala has given. Because at the end of the day, every action that a believer does, what is he seeking by Allah subhanaw taala is pleasure and approval. And remember that the creation that Allah has created? Yes, we are to benefit from it, we are allowed to use it for our benefit. But when we
shed blood, when we shed blood, even if it's of a lamp, or a goat or a chicken, when we share blood, we do it by the permission of Allah. Because if Allah had not allowed us, then it would seem it would appear to be unfair. And we see that so many people today, they are against eating animals. Why? Because they cannot fathom how blood can be shed, a creature can be killed just so that you can have some meat. But the fact is that when we're slaughtering an animal, we're doing it by the permission of Allah. This is why you have to mention Allah's Name. You have to mention Allah's Name. And if Allah didn't name is not mentioned, then that creature is not dedicated to Allah. And when
it's not dedicated to Allah, then how can you eat of it? What God while in fact, for Salah, he has explained in detail from the plain fellside languages to explain in detail, he has explained in detail looking for you mad that witch hunt Rama he forbid or lay come upon you. Meaning Allah has already informed you of that which is forbidden of that which you are not allowed to eat. And this has already happened has it already happened? Yes. Have we read verses before? which tell us about that which we cannot eat? Yes. For example, we have read in total Bacara we have read in total Merida, and this sutra, so total unarmed since it's a murky Surah Okay, and Surah Al Baqarah Surah
matter there Madani sodas, we have to look for an IRA from a monkey Surah Okay, which tells us what is forbidden and which rows that Surah to NASA. So to NASA i 115 in that we learn in the Muhammara Lake Como Mehta. What dumb Wallach mackynzie Wilma hillbilly lady Allah He believes that he is only forbidden to you dead animals. So for example, if a goat falls and dies, it's what a dead animal it is forbidden for you to eat that blood, the flesh of pig and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah, so these things are forbidden on you. But other than that, it's allowed. So if a person were to slaughter a goat and mentioned the name of Allah, would that be permissible for him to eat
it? Of course. So what God for Salah coma haha Murcielago in law except there is an exception, exception to what to eating that which Allah has forbidden. And when is that exception? Meaning when is that going to be applied? When is the person allowed to eat of that which Allah has forbidden? Man that which will put it to LA, you weren't compelled over it? Or put it down we have done this word earlier. Bhadra burr is to harm and Torah is to force someone to do that which defined harmful for themselves so they don't want to do it. And what does it refer to? That you are allowed to eat that which Allah has forbidden in times when you are forced to eat that haram food, meaning you have
no option but to eat that haram food? This doesn't mean that you go to a food court and you don't see Villa Medina. So you're like, Oh, I might as well eat from, you know, some other restaurant. I've always wanted to know what their food is like, and this is my chance I'm hungry. And you know, there is no New York fries or anything so I might as well go grab myself a chicken sandwich or something from this restaurant. No Illa mottaret. To Malay you were compelled you were forced to eat the Haram when when you were at the verge of dying. When you were in a critical situation, you had no choice but to eat or haram food. So in that case, a believer is forbidden. So for instance, if a
person is stranded in a place stuck in a place cannot come out of that place for whatever reason, and all the food that they have, they run out of it. And what they see around them is for example donkeys or for example cats, or for example dogs. Now all these animals are home. If and when
slim eats them, he is committing a sin. But if a person is in such a situation that he doesn't have a choice, if he doesn't take some meat from that donkey or from that cat or from that dog, he will literally die. He will starve to death. So in this situation can he eat of those haram animals? Can he? Yes, he can. Will he be sinful? No, he won't be sinful, Allah will forgive him. Because Allah knows what situation that slave of his is in. Likewise, if a person is being forced by someone, forced by someone, I'm not talking about peer pressure, I'm talking about like physical abuse. And it may happen to a person. It may happen to a person I, for example, a companion of the Prophet
sallallahu sallam, he was died up, literally and his mother, his father were killed right before him. And he was made to insult the prophets of Allah is Allah. He didn't want to do that. But he did it just to save his life. So just like that, if a person is imprisoned by his enemies, and the force him that you eat the sport, you eat this haram food, and in that he has no choice. He has no choice. So if he eats it, is he sinful? No, he's not sinful, Allah will forgive him. So inflammatory to LA. And las Panatela tells us we're in and indeed Kafeel and many meaning there are many people, what do they do? Lay your will Luna? Surely they mislead their lead others astray? How be a Hawa in him with
their desires, believe in him without any knowledge? Many people, they mislead others, how that they bring up these strange kind of arguments which are based on their desires, not knowledge. For example, what the machine said to the Muslims, how come you don't eat of that animal which I love killed? Apparently, it seems like, wow, they really have a point there. But if you think about it, this point is based on solid knowledge. No, because they don't know about Allah. They don't know this rule that what Allah allows to happen, it doesn't mean that he wants us to do it. So we should be very careful. We should be alert. When somebody is presenting an argument to us. Remember, it's
not based on solid knowledge. If it contradicts the Quran and Sunnah. It's based on their desires, their ideas, their whims. In not Bucha indeed your Lord, who are an MO he is most knowing bit more to deal with the transgressors. Allah knows who transgresses the bounds. Allah knows who is disobedient, Allah knows who is sinful. So you will be careful, you will be alert and don't fall prey to the kind of arguments that people present to you, to make you weak in your position to make you weak in your understanding to make you weak in obeying Allah. subhanaw taala. Now, we learned about Dr. Phil Cole, right, this argument that we're seeking presented. Is this an example of zahana
Falco? Yes. All right, a false thing presented such so beautifully. You can get convinced. You can get impressed and you can really believe what they're telling you