Quran Dua #01

Wael Ibrahim


Channel: Wael Ibrahim


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AI Generated Summary ©

Speaker 1 talks about learning on one's body and mentions a phone Primary cell phone. Speaker 2 talks about a social media post and mentions a person named John Lee Maynila. Speaker 1 also mentions a person named N >>.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:00:00--> 00:00:18

We'll be learning in a shape on your body. What is your phone Ibrahim will call you Damian lb to a smile he'll have a couple mean in neck

00:00:19--> 00:00:30

does test me oh lordy. Auburn our John Lee Maynila cow Amin Zulu reality in

00:00:34--> 00:00:49

Muslim Atul laka our arena attina suka Autobahn Aina NACA and that wobble Rafi