Umm Jamaal ud-Din – Can Sisters Attend Itikaaf – Seclusion – In The Masjid

Umm Jamaal ud-Din
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of attending out at a coffee machine during the Prophet's birthday celebrations. They suggest that it is important for individuals to go out at a coffee machine and perform their worship at a regular time. They also advise individuals to take advantage of the opportunity to go out at a coffee machine to perform their worship at a regular time.
AI: Transcript ©
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So one question that many sisters asked these days is can I attend out decaf? So first of all, it is actually legislated for women to go for it calf just as it is for men and the wives of the prophets that I love when it was sent. I'm used to actually go and perform at decaf in a time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and even after him, they used to go to the women's section of the Prophet's mosque, and they would erect a tent and stay inside and perform their worship inside the tent. If you can actually find a message that has a woman section where you'll be safe from fitna and from men walking in on you. There's actually nothing wrong with you performing at the caf there.

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Even if you only can go there for one night. That's why sisters if you're blessed with making on Raw in Ramadan, try to take advantage of going out decaf in Masjid haraam all the Prophet's mosque in and Medina and also you find many local massages do make space for women to perform at decaf, especially on the night of the 27th of Ramadan. So try to take advantage of that if you're able. Oh my

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