Umm Jamaal ud-Din – Choosing Your Hijabi Style

Umm Jamaal ud-Din
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The speakers stress the importance of fashionable clothing and avoiding clothing that is too bright or eye-catching. They stress the need for wearers to pray and strengthen the group, not let negative pressurized individuals grab the reward of their actions. The speakers also emphasize the importance of praying according to certain conditions and not letting negative pressurized individuals grab the reward of their actions.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah wala le he was Safi woman. Voila. So for my second segment,

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the question I've been given is, is it okay for me to try different hijab styles in order to feel fashionable? Or are there restrictions on this?

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So I wanted to first start off by saying, you know, that as a person who has always been, you know, particular about how I present myself, I can totally, you know, understand that for many sisters, it's very important for them to feel good, and, you know, feel comfortable with the style of hijab that they choose.

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And I know that, you know, some people may not be that concerned with their image, or how they present themselves, and you know, that's fine, you know, but sapan law, you know, it's just important that we understand that not everyone's the same. And, you know, for some people, this can be, you know, something that, you know, makes them feel extra self conscious about wearing hijab.

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So first of all, the sisters, I think it's important to realize that just because, you know, you choose to practice Islam, you know, it doesn't mean that you have to look daggy or, you know, as they say, dress, the way your grandmother dresses,

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what I usually advise sisters to do is, you know, look around at other sisters who are wearing Hijab properly and try to find a style that you, you know, think could suit you, you know, like, getting personal here, like, I know, with myself, you know, because I have like a rounder shaped face. I feel like when I wear certain styles that, you know, a surprise, and Jose people makes me look a pumpkin, you know.

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And that's why, you know, with me, you know, I kept on trying different styles until I found one that I felt, you know, looked okay on myself. Because even though I were in a club outside, but you know, I still like to look, I still like to be comfortable with how I look in front of my sisters. So what I'm trying to say is that there's definitely no harm in you know, trying out other styles to you know, find what suits you. But the main thing to keep in mind is that the whole, you know, the style that you choose, shouldn't contradict the whole purpose of hijab.

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And that's why I think it's important, you know, to keep in mind, you know, what's known as soon as the Illa for the obligation of hijab that I let it basically means the cause for hijab to be obligatory, you know, what is the cause for hijab to be obligatory? And, you know, the scholars, you know, they say that, that a lot of hijab, is due to what they say is the harryman novel, you know, the prohibition on, you know, a non Muharram looking at a, you know, another woman who he's not related to with lust for gays, okay, so. So that's why if you understand that Illa for hijab,

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then you don't want to go for styles that basically do the opposite of that, that, you know, more or less, you could say, sexualize the hijab, like we see happening with the way that, you know, hijab is unfortunately becoming increasingly worn these days, especially, you know, online. So assist is, it's for this reason that, you know, the scholars lay down certain conditions that need to be met, in order for the hijab to be considered as being you know, acceptable. And in line with the whole purpose for hijab in the first place. Such as, you know, you probably most of you are familiar, you know, the whole body should be covered, except the face and hands. And of course, there's, you know,

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differences, differences amongst the scholars on the face and hands,

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you know, that it should be wide and not tight fitted, so that you can see the shape of your body.

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Also, that the hijab you choose shouldn't be in an adornment in and of itself. And so from this, we know that, you know, your hijab shouldn't be something that basically, you know, a Louis men to juke at you, due to it being very bright, or very colorful or eye catching, for example. And this is why it's, you know, important to mention here that,

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you know, even if you're wearing proper hijab or niqab but, you know, you've got all this heavy makeup on your eyes, you know, you'd still be considered as basically contradicting this Ella or this cause for the obligation of hijab in the first place. Because by doing that, you'll be literally or you'll be like, basically, you know, attracting the eyes of non non Muslim men to yourself, right. So, and this also explains why we need to avoid wearing perfume outside the house that you know that non Muslims could smell.

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And some of the, you know, from the other conditions, for example, that the scholars mentioned, you know, is a is of course,

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You know that, you know, your hijab shouldn't be too thin, or to see through that, you know, you can see your skin or hair color underneath. So one of the things, you know, you can see from these conditions is that in order for someone's hijab to be accepted, it needs to be in line with the law, or the cause for the obligation of hijab in the first place.

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And I think it's important, you know, to add on here, too, that the hijab isn't just about, you know, covering, it's just, it's not just about the covering itself, but also the behavior that goes along with it as well, you know, like, There's no use wearing even the most perfect hijab, if you know, you're going to engage in, you know, certain types of behavior or, you know, speaking in a way that basically, you know, entices men towards yourself, like what we see happen in some of these, you know, clips that you see on Instagram, for example. So, you know, the main thing to keep in mind, when choosing a style of hijab, is that, you know, you're going to,

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you know, what's the main, what's the main thing to keep in mind when choosing a style hijab is that, you know, if you're going to go to all the effort of wearing it, then at least you want to get through word for it. Okay, so we need to realize that just just like you can't make up your own conditions for how you pray. And just like you can't, you know, pray the way you feel like praying.

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You also can't, you know, make up your own conditions for the way that you wear hijab.

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And all of us know that, you know, if you want to be rewarded for your prayers, and for your prayers to be accepted by Lhasa, pantalla, then you know, you need to pray according to certain, certain conditions that a level down and his profits that are low, Selim has shown us. And this is the same thing for hijab, it also has certain conditions we need to meet, if we really want the reward for wearing it. So that's why what I say to sisters, is that, you know, at the end of the day, as long as you've got something on your head, then you're already identifying yourself as a Muslim with the you know, with you're wearing it correctly or not. So why not just wear it in a way that fulfills

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its conditions, so that you don't risk not getting the full reward for doing that for Lhasa pantalla.

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And like I said, in my last segment, you know, it's so important that you keep reminding yourself over and over again, about the reward for what you're doing. Right. When you step when you're doing it properly. From the moment that you step out of your house, you're in a state of worship until you return be in the law. Hey, Tyler. And we know that whatever we do for a loss of pantalla, is multiplied by 10 to 700 times.

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And sisters, the greater the struggle there is in doing something, the greater the reward, and no doubt, you're rewarded for wearing Hijab at a time when you have, you have to deal with all of these, you know, negative pressures on you from Islamophobia to you know, the hijab the fashion industry, it's going to be far greater than, for example, another sister who doesn't have to go through that, or even brothers who aren't having to go through all that we're going through right now, my dear sisters, so I'll leave it there. And I asked a level dibaca Allah to you know, continue to strengthen us and to help us to stay steadfast. And I asked Allah to you know, that he makes us

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from from those who when we die, we meet him in a state, which he is pleased with us your bill Anna mean, was sort of law who was send them with baddeck Allen Nabina Muhammad, while early he will be he and Jemaine was the pinnacle Lama, we have Dick nationella ilaha illa and Mr. fluka when a tallboy Lega Salaam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh barakato

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