We are in survival mode; we dont have the time to cry for the people we have lost

Haifaa Younis


Channel: Haifaa Younis

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A woman describes a woman in pain who was crying and reading a Quran. She describes a woman who lost her family and felt alone in a survival mode. She describes a woman who had to remind people of their existence and needed to know that their Earth belongs to them.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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I'm hearing the person with her. She was,

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I think, a young girl.

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The one with her the one the the

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girl was, like, not shouting, but she was

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crying. She's in pain. The person next to

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her was reading to her Quran and says

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this is not what we do when we

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are in pain. This is what we do

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when we are in pain.

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This is you keep hearing this, and the

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real Muslims, you hear them. Wahidillah. Sayra ilaha

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illa Allah. And he reads Quran to her,

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subhanAllah. Then I met the 1st physician who

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I spoke to, who I posted yesterday,

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I said, what do you feel?

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I asked him,

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We are in a survival mode.

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We don't have a time to cry for

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the people we lost.

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You know when you hear this,

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like like look at your faces, imagine I'm

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hearing this

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and in front of me and I see

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around me blood everywhere,

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injured everywhere.

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And then he said

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and I kept asking people,

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if you go back to the October 7,

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do you want it to be different? Majority

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no. You would be so surprised.

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They said because somebody has to do something.

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Someone has to remind people we exist.

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Someone has to people who are in jail

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and in an open jail.

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Yes. We were living okay. We were living

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in good

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good, not by my and your standard. And

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when there was food, there was family, there

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was relatively

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But somebody has to know that this part

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of Earth

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we exist.

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we exist.