Tom Facchine – Lessons from the Black Companions – Safinah and Shuqran

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and importance of the Hadith Law, a legal rule used to avoid waste of water. It also touches on the importance of trusting Allah's policies and the need for rewarding one's actions. The transcript provides background information on financial incentives and the use of plants in burial practices. The importance of trustworthiness and sincerity is emphasized, as it was used to protect troops and achieve success in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next person in our series on the black companions of the prophets of Allah radios is known as Safina

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Safina the servants of Allah's Messenger. Safina is just a nickname. It means shipped, as in the ship that sails on the ocean. There are conflicting accounts as to what his actual name was, but he was also known by his Konya

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man. Safina was first a slave of seller, who later set him free on the condition that he would help the Messenger of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam.

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This is something that Safina freely and happily chose, and he ended up helping the prophets Allah Allahu Allah, he was suddenly out of his own love and goodwill more than he had helped anyone during his time of bondage.

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There's a story behind Safina his nickname, and how it came about one day he was traveling with some of the other companions and his traveling companions grew tired and weary of carrying their things put your stuff down. Safina told them then he picked up everything that they had put down all of their bags and possessions, including his own and carry them all back to Medina.

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The other companions were amazed and to Safina you're, you're like a ship, they said and so the name is stuck. This feats of strength was beyond what the normal human being could achieve. It was a type of miracle. kadamba and yes, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam sometimes performed miracles. One day Safina was writing a real ship on the sea, and it crashed and sunk. Their Safina was in the middle of water, he grabbed on to one of the broken planks from the ship and he paddled to shore. What did he find as soon as he made land he saw a lion, a lion in the bushes nearby, but Safina was brave and Safina fear Allah.

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And he trusted a lot. And so Safina called out to the lion Yeah, I said, Hey lion.

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I am the servant of Allah's Messenger.

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As soon as Safina said this, The Lion lowered its head and seems to blink at him. And then the lion turned around and started walking and so Safina follow the lion. Eventually the lion led Safina all the way back to the road that he had to take to return to Medina. Safina commenting on the story later said the Lion was acting so strange, I almost expected him to say goodbye to me.

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Sophie number reported a total of 14 heavy from the profits of the love body. He was some of them. Some of them very important since as you can imagine, he saw some things as a servant that other people did not see. Sophia reported that the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam uses to make a vessel with one saw of water. And he used to make a law with one mode of water. Okay, what does that mean for us? One side of water is roughly two and a half to three liters. Think of your two liter bottle of soda. A little more than that is what the prophets of Allah Allah He used to use for the ritual of Bath.

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One mud is a quarter of that which he used to use for his will.

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If that was plenty for the prophets of Aloha, they he will send them there is also plenty for us. The Sunnah of the messenger SallAllahu it

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is to conserve resources, especially water.

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And we can't argue that this was just specific to their time back then because resources were scarce because of another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came across sad even everyone pass and sad a bit of your class was using a lot of water in his will do and so he said to himself, Allahu alayhi wa salam Maha the sun full Yeah, Sad.

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Sad What's with all this waste?

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Sod responded Paula Athena Moodle EEsof. Is it possible to waste water using will do a thorough Sula, he sallallahu alayhi

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wa in Quinta Alana

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Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yes, even if you were making Moodle in a running river

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we all myself included, probably use too much water. When getting ready for the prayer. This is not the Sunnah water should reach every square inch of the body parts that are required. That's true, but just a little bit of water. That's the best way.

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Safina reported another Hadith on the simplicity and the austerity of the prophets of Allah Allah He was one time Ali, or the Allahu Anhu had a guest at his house. And so he prepared some food for his guests. Ali's wife Fatima, Radi Allahu Iam has suggested to her husband. Wouldn't it be better if we asked the prophets of Allah Allah He was set up to come and share the food with us.

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How do you agree? And so he went to invites the prophets of Allahu Allah He was other. So the prophets of Allah, Allah He was someone came back to the house of Ali and Fathima. And they used to have a doorway, just like this made out of wood, and he put his hand on the doorway and looked in.

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And what he saw inside the house of Ollie and found him and when he looked in was a curtain or a sheer fabric that had very fine embroidery. It was obviously very expensive, and they were using it as a barrier or a partition.

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The profits of the levada he was turned right around and left

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faulty mold was concerned. And so she said to me, go follow him. So I mean, he got up, left his guests and went to follow the prophets of Allah they even said, to ask him what happened when he caught up with him. He said, Now Roger, Acharya rasool Allah, what made you turn back? What made you leave Apollo Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi.

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In who lays a limb at the foot of a term Musa Musa Waukon

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he said it's not appropriate for me to enter a house that is decorated, elaborately fancily, luxuriously

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now, most scholars, they qualify this hadith and limit it by saying that the language of the Hadith indicates that this rule is specific to the prophets of Allah, Allah when he was named Salim. He said,

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it's not for the entire Ummah, but still, we have much to learn from the frugality of the prophets of Allah while he was by making this part of the prophets regime of worship. Allah azza wa jal is telling us that while there is nothing wrong with decoration or fancy things, if we want to go the extra mile,

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to please a law, that this is a valid act of worship, avoiding luxury and avoiding the finer things of life if you give them up with the intention Allah will be pleased with you.

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Safina recorded another important Hadith room selama about what to do when something bad happens what to do when calamity falls man I mean I've been to sleep well whom asleep but to fail cool in the law while in the laundry room. Buy in eBay Rajan Allah hum Giovanni fee mostly but anyway, that's me flee higher on minha. In Azure of a long female sleep we'll see about te Wi Fi in a minute. If any servant of Allah that's you and me who suffers a calamity in the dunya says we belong to a love and to Him we return. Oh Allah reward me for my hardship and give me something better than it's in exchange. If we say this, Allah azza wa jal will give that person reward for the hardship

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that they suffer and will give them something better. In exchange. These were words that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught on Selma to say, and she did say them when her husband Abu Salah passed away on Sunday, when reporting this hadith to Safina reflected how the prayer that she made was indeed granted to her because she eventually married the prophets of Allah while he was

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Safina is narration teach

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As us the importance of trusting Allah azza wa jal, even when it's hard, Allah subhanho wa Taala has a plan. Parts of that plan are things that we like. And part of that plan are things that we do not like. Part of our loss plan are things that we want and part of Allah's plans are things that we do not want. Part of a loss plan are things that are easy. And part of a loss plans are things that are hard things that are even traumatizing, but Allah azza wa jal is a happy little dude, the most wise, the most loving, and he's asking us to trust him. That doesn't mean we don't try to change a bad situation. But if we've tried and we've tried and we've tried and nothing seems to work, if it's

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beyond our control, then at a certain points, we have to accept it as part of Allah's decree. If the whole world got together, to change the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala they could never do it. No way.

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And you might be sad. And that's okay.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has not asked us to not be sad, and he hasn't asked us to control the emotions that we feel inside did it the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam cry

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when his son the Brahim

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of the rough man of an offset at the time why then tells

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you to

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O Messenger of Allah Tala am now in the hydrometer

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded to him Oh, son of oath, this is this is mercy.

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And then he said it in an ayah that said now 1001 Ernakulum Ilana Yamato guna

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the eyes yes, they eat the hearts Yes, it breeds but we don't say anything except what pleases Allah.

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Allah is not asking us to not be set.

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He simply asked for our our knee and our intention brought to life by these words that we recognize the smallness of ourselves, that we recognize the smallness of our lives, that we recognize the smallness of the things that we want, even the good things that we want

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to allow we belong, and to Him, we return

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we're only here for a little bit.

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Give me something better than what you took away here in the dunya. But more importantly, reward me in the afterlife, for the things that I suffer in this one that was Safina the messenger, the servants of Allah's messenger so the lock on Amis upload a photo Yeah, that was definitely what what he said he was thinking of including them first up through in the mobile.

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Alhamdulillah he

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shook it up, he wants you in anyway shuttler in Allah wacking nurse and he Talim and he showed me the BNF was Mohammed Abdullah Souza who had died in 20. So a lot of money while he was having he was when he was suddenly able to sleep. And

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the final person in our series

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of the black companions is show prom. That's spelled with a cough, which makes it different from the word ship from which we say for Thank you. So prom was originally from publisher, Amazonia or what's today is Ethiopia.

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Originally, he was a slave of updraft man and Alf.

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As a slave. He participated in the Battle of feathers, and he distinguished himself as a brave warrior and a trustworthy man. Now this is remarkable for a few reasons. First, slaves did not have a clear political interest in warfare at that time. Whether Medina survived or not, as a political unit was not something that would naturally matter to someone with no property or somebody with no

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land or someone with no freedom.

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We recognize this principle even today in modern politics. If your children are in the school system, then you're going to have an interest in what the school board does. If you have a business or a property, you're going to care about certain taxes more than other people. As a slave in Medina, you did not own land, and you did not own a business and so on paper, you were less likely to be invested in Medina's political success. Second, slaves did not have as much financial incentive in warfare. Keep in mind that at this time, there is no standing army. There is no salary for soldiers. So conducting a war against somebody was as much an issue of financing as it was a

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fighting. You had to convince people to fight. You had to convince people to use their horses, to use their swords to use their supplies. Not everyone who was willing to fight was wealthy. And the wealthy people themselves have to be convinced to provide for the whole army.

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Human nature being what it is, you can't always depend on people to give and spend out of the goodness of their own hearts. Allah says as much towards the end of Surah Toba, he says, Well, I mean an hour Bobby may have tough you know, human fetal Nether Roman.

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And among the Bedouin are those who regard that which they might spend in the way of a lot as a loss. And then in the next I mean, I'll be making a video anybody have any way of testing Oh, man, people, Kuru bats in in Dunbar he was sort of what was sort of it, it was so

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however, among the Bedouin, there are also those who believe in Allah and believe in the last day, and realize that everything that they spend in Allah's Cause is a way to draw closer to Him, and to be remembered in the messengers prayers.

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Allah subhanahu wa Tada tells us, that when it comes to fighting in a lost cause, some people will realize their duty, and other people will be afraid to lose their lives or lose their wealth. Sometimes it's not possible to form a sufficient army, just out of the people who recognize their duty. And sometimes you need an incentive for other people who are afraid in order to participate in the fight. So in Islamic law, there are different types of financial incentives, tied to warfare legitimates warfare, and I'm going to explain them just in a little bit of detail, simply so that we can appreciate how perfect the city is, and how Allah subhanaw taala gave us rules for every single

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activity that we could possibly do. One of the financial incentives tied to warfare is called a setup. A setup is when one individual fights or fights another individual fighter from the enemy side and Kilson

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as set up is that that individual is entitled to the armor and the weapons of the person that he defeated. This makes sense, it encourages bravery on the battlefield, it rewards people according to the level of risk that they took. If you wanted to hide in the back on the day of better for example, you could, but you wouldn't be eligible to receive this type of thing. This type of incentive as celibate was able to be gained by everybody free person or slave.

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The second type of financial incentive is called a jewel. And a jewel is like a reward that is given for a difficult task during a battle. Whoever takes this castle gets so much money or whoever takes that bridge gets that these are examples of enduring. and it too was a financial incentive that was open to everybody free person or slave. The last type of aneema had to do with the public wealth of the enemy that he captured. A stable of horses for example, an armory filled with weapons a granary filled with food. Islamic law has a system for dividing these things up. Here's what you do in case you're interested, you divide them up into five equal shares. One of them goes to charity. The

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remainder goes to the fighters from the remainder that goes to the fighters. Each person gets a share. If you're an infantry you get one share. If you were part of the cavalry, you had a horse you get three shares

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One for you and two for your horse, two for your horse. Notice, the idea behind this financial incentive is not to reward people for their bravery on the battlefield. But to reward the people who financed the war efforts. This type of financial incentive was only available to free people because they were the only type of people who could finance the war effort. All of this is relevant to show that show prom on the day of better, and the other slaves, they did not have as much financial motivation to participate in the Battle of better as other people did. So when they went to the Battle of better, it was out of their sincerity. And it was out of their zeal for defending Allah's

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religion. This is exactly what happened. With Shapiro. He distinguished himself on the day of the Battle of better, he fought with more honor, and with more courage than some of the other people who were fighting for their political and financial interests. And everybody took notice.

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So much so that two amazing things happen first, all of the free fighters who got part of the aneema, who got part of this spoil of war, whatever you want to translate it, they gathered that up and they gave it to chakra.

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That's how impressed they were with Sopran and his behavior. And the second thing that they did the profits of Allahu alayhi wa salam purchased to Quran and set him free. Right away. They say that she promptly walked away from the battle of better richer than any of the companions.

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After Sopran was set free.

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You would think, if he had been a slave against his own will, if he really had it hard under the Muslims, he would go off and live his quiet life, she'll put on put himself into the service of the Messenger of a loss of a loved one.

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And this time, he was not conscripted. He was not forced, he was not bartered away or purchased. This was his own free choice.

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And he ended up serving Allah's Messenger. So the Allahu alayhi wa sallam with more love and more devotion and more persistence than he had even before his freedom.

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This is how she'll Quran became one of the prophets, closest companions and helpers, sort of the model I need to set it up. The prophets of Allah who I think he was Saddam used to trust shook on with things that he would not trust to other companions she'll put on was responsible for the prisoners of war that were taken in battle, after the Battle of Better Shelter on was responsible for gathering and distributing the same spoils of war that he initially was not eligible to receive.

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She'll put on was so close to the profits of the loved one was

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that when the Prophet sallallahu, Adi was finally passed away, she put on played a very large role in putting Allah's Messenger to rest. It's a lot more than

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six people washed the body of the prophets in the lower layers.

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A lot that the profits Uncle Sam always ani

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who sat in Z to our massive sons named Al subtle and often

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and the last show

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that I've asked him his two sons

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would maneuver the body and profit off of it.

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While it was Simon Chapin were pouring the water

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and only himself with his hands performed the washing.

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They did not remove the prophesy. So that was close.

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That was something special to the tropics a little so they made the final ritual bath of his body with his clothes on some a La Jolla southern.

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When it came time to dig the grave. There were two people who are responsible for digging graves. One of them was from Mecca. This was a beta if not Jarrah and another from Medina. This was a well this was a Zaidan satellite and salam. Mecca and Medina had two different styles of digging graves, the mechanist style and it's called a brief and it involves digging a little trench down in the grave in the very middle and you set the body up on its side in that middle trench. Okay.

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The style of Medina is called a land

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lamp that where instead of digging my little trench in the center, you dig it to the side and you set the body up on its side and right against the wall of the grave. And our mess was not sure which style of grave to choose. And so he called for two people. And he sent one to one of them and sent another man to the other and he prayed, Oh Allah, choose who you want for your messenger. So the longer he was the man that our bass had sent to a blowtorch have found him and brought him back while the man that our bass had sent to Abu Zubaydah could not find him. So I'm gonna call her they even settled on Saudi was the one to dig the grave of the prophets of Allah Holly he was Southern,

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in the medina style. Five people settled the prophets of Allah while he was settling into his grave.

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Ali, the two sons of bass and follow them often, I was even calling that's for and at the time she prom was standing at the edge of the grave. And looking down into it, and I let Ali looked up and social cron, and he saw him and he said,

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come down and

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shoot around saw nearby. There was a type of plant that has a very beautiful red flower. In English, we call it amaranth in Arabic, it's called Al Copperleaf.

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And he remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to use this plant as a cushion, or as bedding and to lay on and so forth, quickly ran to the side and grabbed some of this plants at a leaf. And then he went down to the grave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he put it under his head. So the lawyer said

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so there were only five people who descended into the great prophets of Allah Hadi. And was salam and shall prawn was the last.

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Show. Quran teaches us that, since sincerity and piety can take us very far, and bring us honor in ways that we could never imagine.

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Back when he was at the battle, the battle of feather he could have held back. He could have looked down toward his worldly interests he could have fought, why should I put myself in danger? When I can't benefit in the same way that these other guys can, but he did not do that.

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He threw himself into the fray. He threw himself forward with sincerity and devotion and Allah azza wa jal took care of the rest. He won his freedom. He walked away from the battlefield, more wealthy than he could imagine. And his reliability and his trustworthiness put him right next to the prophets of Allah Almighty. He was some of them during his very last rites.

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