Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 59

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of words like "ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala l Mursaleen. Davina for Latina Muhammad Allah He also said I was Qatar Sneem Allahumma Island wa In fact when I went out and I mean that I'm dinner was even their element Yara Billa means that American masala he would occur to everybody welcome to beginning classical Arabic I'm on the road today as you can tell a different background

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all the tech hooked up hum that I love New some new devices to try out I got headphones everybody can hear me so the headphones everything's working

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yeah can hear well I'm having that enough good okay then we've got one more joining and then let's get going inshallah Tada

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we left off at the beginning of a new sub chapter

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and we have two participants with us in the Zoom call so we'll have those two participants go back and forth line by line inshallah system was thought about could you please do the first line and then the second line for the team and just keep going back and forth

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maybe you're muted. I'm sorry, I know what happened twice. No worries.

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not asking us.

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What am I doing? You're just gonna read and brother to me who's gonna read the second line? You guys are gonna alternate.

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And why don't we translate? Sorry, excuse me. I'm sorry. Why don't we translate since there's nothing else going on? So go ahead sister. translate your first line and so you'll be reading the line of Arabic and then translating. Okay, these are my brothers and those are my

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companions. I don't know companions or friends. companions or friends. Very good. Okay, go ahead and brothers me.

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Men hola II can do jello play. Well.

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Who are those tall men? Excellent, fantastic. I want to pause here because by that, I mean gave us the translation, the new word. And the new concept that we're working on here is hula ICA, which is an ESP militia. That means it's a demonstrative pronoun. But this time it refers to a plural so a group that is far away. So before we had been at differentiating demonstrative pronouns based off of near me try to make a little chart here. We had for example,

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we had near

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and we had

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and then we had

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and then we had

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plural. Okay, so that's how it's broken down. And this is both in English and in Arabic.

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Which is why it's a fairly straightforward translation

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with the exception of the wrinkle of gender in the singular which we will see in a second. So for making our chart here

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for singular near we had had for masculine

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and heavy for feminine.

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Pardon my penmanship

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a little bit.

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Floral for near was how would I

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whether it was regardless of gender masculine or feminine,

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singular for far was either that Lika if it was masculine,

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or Tilka.

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And then now we're learning the final piece to the puzzle, plural far which is

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Something which is probably more used in the court and so you're probably used to it Hula, hula Iike homonuclear Hoon, Hola, Erica Holman me noon, et cetera et cetera et cetera

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that's a very useful word to exercise your reading because it has Hans's and interesting places

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and it also has a Soviet eighth

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so there we go. So this these that those as it would be in English The only additional wrinkle in Arabic is that in the singular we account for gender will let ICA is just like how it will lay in that it applies to both

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masculine and feminine so we can keep on going back to the dialogue systems alright

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they are

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American doctors found very good notice the battle is I'm not going to solve does not have a ton we

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men hola II can Nisa.

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Who are those women? And quick question just out of curiosity. What Why? Why is guna eco written with? Like a wow, after the elephant Very good. Actually say fantastic. So

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as English speakers were used to silent letters, okay. Arabic has much, much, much, much, much fewer silent letters than English does. Hamdulillah. But it has a couple and I was looking to see how they spelled it here. Because if you look in the Koran, and you see what's written, you know that in the Koran, they don't write a sukoon with a circle, right, they actually write us a * with like this curved line. That curved line is actually an abbreviation for ha That stands for huffy. Okay, maybe something maybe you've already knew that. Maybe you didn't.

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And what they do use the circle, they use a slightly different circle, one that's a little bit more egg shaped for silent letters. And that's supposed to look like an egg. Pardon me.

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And if you'll go into your Koran, and you look, you will find that egg shaped circle above the well, which means that that letter is not pronounced. Okay? Just like for example, if you have any of the past tense verbs that are conjugated for third person plural, like, say how to a Jew. There's an Elif there.

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Right, that Elif has not pronounced this assignment letter and then look for and you'll see that demarcated by an egg shaped circle. Or we can say a zero, whatever you want. It looks like a zero on top of the Elif y, then if we ask why are certain letters silent? That's really super interesting. So in English, a lot of letters are silent because they represent sounds that no longer are pronounced. And that came from the history of the language being part Germanic and part Latin and part lots of other influences. But in Arabic, in Arabic, most of these sorts of silent letters happen in order to

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reduce ambiguity. Okay, so recall that we were talking about monarch Minnesota, that one of the things are one of the, the factors that caused something to be monarch Minnesota is that particular word resembling a verb?

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Right? So in Arabic, phonology and orthography, there are certain patterns I was then that very much look like verbs, and very much look like nouns. And so things such as Minnesota and such as silent letters will happen to reduce ambiguity. And so that a verb does not look like a noun and a noun does not look like a verb. So for example

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so how did you Okay? What are the only words that we know that end with a well like a proper well, they're all a smell. They're all nouns. So if we have the word for enemy, which is I do

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I'm sorry, that's

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that does not connect to the woods after

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don't have my typical writing pad here. Bear with me. So Oh, no.

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I do write is a word that ends in well, and the vast majority of time you're going to find that words that end in the well are nouns. Okay?

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So now what happens if we have heard you? We have heard you and it ends in a well now it looks like a noun. An Arabic says no, no, no, we can't have ambiguity. We can't have nouns looking like verbs and verbs looking like nouns that just won't do. And so, there is a silent, not pronounced Alif that is added to that.

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We can see the reverse when it comes to Akhmed. Okay, Achmed is not going to solve the name, right? Why is it I'm not going to start off, because it looks a lot like a verb, right? But the F law helps me noon. Right? F law, its form, we're talking about the different forms of verbs in sort of its form for f the HA, edgy Lhasa acmella. Right, it looks very much like a verb. So to reduce the ambiguity, we, it loses the ability to have a 10 week.

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And so a lot of these sorts of things, they they come they come back to that.

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Good question. Right. So like a cut is one.

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And I'm sure I mean,

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and I'm sure that there's more to it. I you know,

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I could do some digging.

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But that's everything that I can recall off the top of my heads.

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Good. So men, Ola economy. So who are those women and going now we have three people. So we're going to rotate in threes, just like we did last class. So So Masada that was number one, number two to me. And number three is Brother Mohammed, Mark Tesam. We are reading the Arabic and then translating into English. Hula Iike is our word and concept for today. Which means those. So let's have Brother Mohammed tussen pick up from

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Hana. Hana on my hat.

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Thanks. When

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my heart

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Very good. What does that mean?

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When not

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mean to

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now think about the question, right? You're responding to a question, which was meant without you kindly? So who are those women? Okay. They are? Yeah, my mother of the students. Yes. In English, we would probably say they are the students mothers. Yeah. So my hat is the plural of ohm. Okay.

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And it's plural, and the students are plural. So it's plural students and plural mothers. Good. Okay, I'm moving on. System is. Next one.

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So this has a month on the other. So it's not as

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this has the odd for the second person to say because like the first one knows where the mothers are. So what would be logical is that the second one would ask, are the fathers within the

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same conversation? That's why I'm asking, Is that a question? But with the lobby, and then we'll do you know, we have here perhaps an anticipated question. Okay. So let's imagine this is a conversation.

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Okay, let's let's be real in Saudi Arabia. If you see just a bunch of women around and no husbands No, menfolk, that's very, very rare. Okay. And so if you see a group of women just by themselves, you what might be behind the question or Who Who are these women? You know, the implied thing behind the question might be like, what are they all doing alone or by themselves out in public or something like that? Right. So that's what I would imagine culturally, culturally, they'd be like, you know, where are their husbands or where their fathers are where they're, you know, this was written in the guardianship era. Guardianship is now done right in Saudi Arabia. I can't remember

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did they do away with it yet?

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Lovey Dovey

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the so it could be the father the students fathers are with the principal or it could be asked so so that to the children

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so the children's fathers are the students fathers with

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Yes, yes, the students father's with the principal. So before he can even ask where are you know the students father's like, Oh, don't worry. There with the principal right there nearby.

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With the principle nothing's out of order here. It's all you know.

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It's all good. A really minor but important

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note in orthography notice that the tilde which is called a tilde in language, this is different from written classical Arabic versus the way that the Koran has written you know this sign in touch weed as a med, right as the sign of elongation, whether it's med plasm or MedWatch or med Jaya is, but here in written Arabic, non Quranic Arabic it is not a med, it is a symbol for this house, I should say that this is how this is written in the Quran. With a Hamza followed by an LF, right? In normal, non Quranic Arabic, it is not written like that it is written like this.

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Okay, so it's just a to beat.

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Right? Because if it were a simple Hamza, it would be about right, but that's not what we're doing. It's longer than that.

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There I guess, I guess, arm this my side doesn't appeal in the beginning of the room.

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Sorry, say that one more time. I think in this I mean, I'm just wondering, I think on the one side doesn't have done the beginning of

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the med sign. I'm sorry. I'm having trouble hearing the end here. The Med sign

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in the beginning of

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Oh, no, there isn't meant in the beginning of the word to when it comes to. I think it's sorta unis. Right?

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Oh, that's okay.

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But it's rare. You're right. No, let's it's very rare for a med to be in the beginning of the word. There might only be one or two of them.

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Yunus is one of the one in Surah Yunus and I can't remember. No, there might there might or might not be another one. Oh

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good. Okay. Oh, yeah, there is another one. There's another one.

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And right when is that also in unis? I can't remember it's around their units hood.

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When he was talking about fit around, and directly addressing fit around, right, he disbelieves he disbelieves and then he's like, you know, drowning in the Red Sea. And all it says

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and, like now Now you're gonna come to faith. No, no, too late.

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And there's one more iron

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Yeah, good. Mashallah. So there's, there's there's a handful, but they're not nearly as common as the as

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they are found a lawyer, right? Which makes sense, honestly, because the easiest way for it to be would be to add 100 to a list of ham. Right? The question Hamza, before a word, right. So that makes sense that statistically speaking that that would be kind of like the most common thing.

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Excellent, good.

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So we're on to brother to me. Next one.

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It can meet Whoo. Chica, yeah, Marie Mo.

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This would be

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are those women, your aunt? Lillian? Fantastic. Yep. And specifically maternal aunts, as opposed to paternal aunts because Arabic differentiates between the two. Notice exactly what we were just mentioning that we have a Hamza to list the fam in front of a Hamza that's part of the normal word, right? Why aren't they combined in this sort of thing? Well, because there are two different halka the first one has a fat tail, and the second one has a llama, which makes it impossible to combine the two. So Hola, Erica.

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I would like an ISA Ohan.

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Toki. Yeah, Maria. Very good. Okay, any questions up until here?

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Okay. Yeah. So it would be I corrected the hulk out when I read it. Is that what you're saying? Yeah. Okay, so I was gonna ask you that because it should be key because of money. Yes. It will also be one more because I didn't see any reason not correct. I'm guessing that that Tamim just flipped the two because he was thinking about it. So yes, it will be hard to key right because

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he can settle.

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He can settle called out to get or recover. Right? The harlot will be hover and it's moved off off eBay. So then the or even okay, it is will off and off eBay. But the caf is going to be fixed because it's yeah Maria mu

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So it would be for feminine color to key.

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Good. Okay.

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Brother Mohammed was awesome

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yeah Hoonah

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Mati very good on T. And I'm Marty No.

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They are

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paternal aunt? Yeah look at the difference right and English speaking world the same No, no one's gonna correct you but it's a big deal no wait a second. They are not my maternal aunts. They are my paternal aunts. Good. Next

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Lovely. What we saw more than the sooner

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we are doctors. Those are

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fantastic. Yes.

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it deja vu for Cara who? Were hula Iike Albania.

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Those men are poor and those men are rich. Fantastic. Those men are poor. And those are rich. Yes, yes. These men are poor and notice football and Alinea are men we weren't meant to solve. Okay, this particular wasn't this particular phonetic pattern for Allah is one of the patterns of them not going to solve again to avoid appearing like a different part of speech. They do not have 10 ween even though they're covered here right. How will I do that's them up to that Fukada Oh, they are for

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but we're not going to demonstrate that with with 10 Wien because of the the type of word it is. Good Brother Mohammed matassa x one

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Allah Inca Bula Ecole

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de la bu

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they are the the orphan

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those students

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are weak. No.

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But yeah, if the off layoff I believe is weak, right belief is is is guests. An interesting look at this what we found, what did we find here? We stumbled across something very interesting.

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Bah, boo you Oh, no. Yeah. So we have we have bar Eve.

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And then we have a very, very similar word, but very different life.

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Yeah, see, so life does not have an iron. Right. Whereas bla eath has an eye. What are the three root letters? bod? Fine for the extra

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on the wasn't of Kareem. Right. So it's, it's it's some Ferrier

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but not your typical is some file of bar if bar if like Kadeem, whereas wife, the root words are ball, VOD, and then weak letter. And then.

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So just a little bit different. So, yes, those students are weak, which is a very strange thing. I don't know why they would say that.

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This politician is so random. It's all it is very random. And I you know what it occurs to me that like

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there's no like stars. On the side. There's no like Meriam and use of for anything. And so it seems like they're just loosely related.

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Free phrases and questions and answers. Some of them make sense in a flow and some of them make no sense at all.

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Because this love and be asked doesn't match in terms of definite indefinite good, therefore, this is not. This is what actually leads to this right? Isn't it?

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Yes, correct. Exactly. So I was that was fantastic. And it's a really good foil to the previous sentence where we had an I'm not going to solve this is what it would normally look like, right? Well, we'll get to level and that's moved to that.

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Those students by phone, the iPhone are weak. So yes, those students are weak.

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which is the same exact sort of sentence structure as the one before but the differences footrot is on a phonetic pattern that makes it not accept and we are not demonstrate 10 ween whereas the if is, so that's why it has 10 We, but they're both tabular they're both more for and they're both natira Right? They are both Nikita they're both indefinite even though this one has a little extra thing that prevents it from showing that

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Okay, back to system Sadat I think right. Yeah.

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Daddy, okay.

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Good. And I mean bring us home. Home was

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they are ministers. Good? Yeah. We haven't seen that word in a while was the if Right?

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Which is where we get the, the English vizier right because of the Persian pronunciation of the well as a as a V.

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So was he if well is raw. Also on the wasn't of ketene is some file but on the wasn't kidding.

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And the plural was Ara. And as you noticed, this is also this is Cabo Neff Kira, but it's not meant to sort of was full of them yet. They are phonetic patterns that do not accept 10 We

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good any questions before we proceed?

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Okay, I guess I'll have to get rid of my nice little chart here because we've got some work on the left side of the screen to do how we'll move to the fee Colin mineral Jubilee, TRT Isla John. Okay, so we talked about change.

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Change the subject? Yes. All the sentences below two.

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Fantastic, my only to be more precise, Colin would be each as opposed to all but yes, the mean very, very good.

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It's very, I mean, I remember the day when I could start to understand the instructions. So I mean, it's a it's a very rewarding thing. When you're starting out, you read those instructions, and you're like, how am I ever gonna get to the point where I can understand what they're telling me to do. And even I'll remember, you know, when we were in the MMA had to learn Arabic. In Medina,

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they tried to institute we were the first class, they tried to institute a standardized test

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at the completion and your last stage of the MA had before you advanced to the Kalia before you went to onto the four year bachelor's program. But you know, the test that they gave us was literally the same standardized test that they give like Saudi high school students. So it had so many words and things that we had no idea they were asking us questions about geography and asking us questions about, you know, math and stuff, but all in Arabic, right. And so it was a frustrating experience for many because we didn't, it wasn't the sorts of things that we were being taught, right, like this type of book and other types of books. When it came to there was a grammar section and all of

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us slayed the grammar section did very well. Hamdulillah. But all these other things that, you know, like what's the word for a sphere? What's the word for a you know, like, if you took a you know, this, this that knew, it was a big surprise. So, you know, Arabic is any foreign language is two things. If you want to understand its grammar and vocab, grammar and vocab, and I did a video a long time ago, when I was still in Medina, someone had asked me

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advice about studying Arabic. And everybody knows that Arabic grammar is like a big deal. Everyone's like Oh, Arabic grammar, Arabic grammar, it gets a lot of attention. That doesn't mean that it's easy, but it gets a lot of attention.

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But people sleep or they neglect the vocab. The aspect of vocabulary.

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And vocabulary is honestly a little bit more important than grammar, in the sense that at least for a beginning language learner in the sense that if you know the vocabulary, and you screw up the grammar, you can still speak and be understood and grasp what other people are saying. But you could be you know, masha Allah, you could know all the grammar in the world. If you don't know the vocab, it's very, very useless. You can pick up a book and you don't know any of the words in it. You can tell this one is fine. This is up to that this is covered. This is measured or this has been sold, but you don't know what it all means. Right? And so

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Why do people quit or give up Learning languages is because they get frustrated and they feel like it's not working. And so not doing your due diligence with vocab is one of the most common things for Arabic language learners, where they, they

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don't give enough importance to building their vocabulary. And then they get frustrated because they're spending all this time learning all this grammar and et cetera, et cetera. And then you still can't really understand anything, it can be a frustrating and a discouraging experience. So just figured I'd bring that up here.

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Good, let's got about 10 minutes. Let's do this exercise and call it a day inshallah.

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I think I'm going to have to cancel the enrichment class for today. Because I am visiting family, my uncle passed away. So we're having kind of a gathering and I don't think it's going to conflict. So

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we'll finish this and then I think we'll be we'll be done for the day inshallah. So, as we said, we're changing them up to that.

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And each of the following sentences to plural the example anime Thal Valley, Cal Raju Lu Muda. Reason, very, very easy. But now what they're doing is they're mixing in different types of demonstrative pronouns. We were just dealing with hula Iike, hula Iike, with Africa, and a couple of jewelry, which is these now, oh, that ICA singular. Okay, and you're going to now they're trying to make you connect the singular and plural in your mind from that Lika and Tilka to hula ICA, just like we had done before with how the unhappy to how would I so Valley carajo that reason, Ola eco Reja Lu muda Asuna there's a couple things that keep track of going to have to change the

00:32:01 --> 00:32:12

demonstrative pronoun, they're going to have to change if necessary, the noun that it describes and then you might also have to change the hover or the information that we are talking about.

00:32:15 --> 00:32:17

Okay, so

00:32:18 --> 00:32:20

number one start us off system

00:32:22 --> 00:32:23

when done

00:32:25 --> 00:32:27

give us the English to Yeah.

00:32:28 --> 00:32:31

Okay, who is Deus? Avoid

00:32:33 --> 00:32:34


00:32:36 --> 00:32:38

so my man

00:32:43 --> 00:33:07

Yeah, yeah good. Good. Good. Good. Yes, yes. Yes, you got it fit yet too. Yeah, I just have to go. I know it's still it's still even for me honestly. It's like these this particular word as I said before in a previous lesson not very often spoken at least in Medina Fatah Aditya to and fat tattoo and fatass so I'm rusty on it. The Fit fits yeah two

00:33:09 --> 00:33:10

men all are equal.

00:33:11 --> 00:33:14

Fit yeah too good. Extra that to me.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:20

mean you know the decal more than this model useful.

00:33:22 --> 00:33:23

And it's asking

00:33:25 --> 00:33:26


00:33:28 --> 00:33:33

whereas like from where is this teacher? Good.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:36

And then this would be

00:33:39 --> 00:33:39

mean a

00:33:41 --> 00:33:42

hola you can

00:33:46 --> 00:33:53

mean a hula you can model the Sunnah fantastic you got it? That's it. All right. Number three Brother Mohammed Hassan.

00:33:56 --> 00:34:00

In QA, technical Patau been to

00:34:01 --> 00:34:04

in two men to dubby V

00:34:11 --> 00:34:11


00:34:13 --> 00:34:13


00:34:16 --> 00:34:17


00:34:18 --> 00:34:23

this girl. Oh, this is closer far.

00:34:24 --> 00:34:27

Far. Yeah. So that that

00:34:29 --> 00:34:30


00:34:31 --> 00:34:32


00:34:33 --> 00:34:39

the daughter of is the daughter of the doctor. Fantastic.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:49

Doctor's Daughter right and colloquial English. That's what we would say. Good job. Nice work. All right. There were a few do change into GRE. So

00:34:50 --> 00:34:52

the silica

00:34:54 --> 00:34:57

is it how lie or like

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

they told me they

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

What's the difference between how Allah and Allah

00:35:07 --> 00:35:10

Azza Janica would I go how like

00:35:13 --> 00:35:16

far we're tilaka as far

00:35:17 --> 00:35:34

as far has a unhappy are near and how would I use near? So tilaka is going to everything here we're gonna it's always gonna be like this exercise we're trying to build the brain connection between that ICA and tilaka and ICA

00:35:37 --> 00:35:37


00:35:39 --> 00:35:41

okay, you got

00:35:43 --> 00:35:43


00:35:45 --> 00:35:51

with both of them but but I have to tell ya too, but they are to

00:35:53 --> 00:35:55

been to BB very good

00:35:57 --> 00:36:02

will it be Vince won't be bent anymore? That'll have to change to not

00:36:03 --> 00:36:08

been at Monopoly But then on top of BB very good. And we'll just leave it at one doctor

00:36:09 --> 00:36:12

because that's easier. Good. Back to the top

00:36:14 --> 00:36:15

level when

00:36:18 --> 00:36:20

we come in Iran

00:36:22 --> 00:36:27

with Iran Yes, good. Okay, so however we'll be happy

00:36:29 --> 00:36:31

to love who

00:36:34 --> 00:36:35

had he

00:36:37 --> 00:36:43

were Yeah, it's going to plural so so it's Hi that and then it's

00:36:45 --> 00:36:46

there we go.

00:36:50 --> 00:36:51


00:36:53 --> 00:36:54

There'll be one

00:36:55 --> 00:36:56


00:36:58 --> 00:37:03

unless you want more than one I think ones enough. We have enough normal. They didn't

00:37:04 --> 00:37:07

mean in summer where

00:37:14 --> 00:37:18

no telcos significant? Yes. Yes.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:27

Good. So now we got all those floating demonstrative pronouns in our head and we're now straightening them up right?

00:37:29 --> 00:37:30

That he had a

00:37:31 --> 00:37:33

good job. Okay, five to me

00:37:40 --> 00:37:45

mostly more than the nickel more handy. So very good. Nice. Is that

00:37:47 --> 00:37:50

is that engineer Muslim? Very good. Yes.

00:37:51 --> 00:38:04

And then this would become mostly Munna. Hola Ecole Mohan de fauna. Fantastic. Nice work. Good. That's a tricky one. You did well. Number six. We're having a test

00:38:08 --> 00:38:09

how are they here?

00:38:10 --> 00:38:11

Are they here?

00:38:14 --> 00:38:16

I'm not too

00:38:19 --> 00:38:29

more nothing more melt read lots more marina in turn. What? Maria Dalton? This is not gonna cover

00:38:31 --> 00:38:32

what didn't get the

00:38:34 --> 00:38:36

tabby button? Good. What's that mean?

00:38:37 --> 00:38:38


00:38:39 --> 00:38:40


00:38:42 --> 00:38:43

woman? Yes.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:52

Is a patient. Close close. This is a nurse. Okay, this woman doesn't know.

00:38:54 --> 00:38:54


00:38:55 --> 00:39:04

is the beep Doctor. Good job. Nice work. Yep. Okay, so, man hada

00:39:08 --> 00:39:10

how old I Yes.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:17

Now remember, there's no there's no plural for this. What's the plural for women?

00:39:19 --> 00:39:22

We learned that last lesson we said that l Nara

00:39:25 --> 00:39:32

does not have a plural that's on that particular from that root. We had to go to the Nyssa Yes, Nisa.

00:39:36 --> 00:39:38

Oh Allah, this

00:39:41 --> 00:39:41


00:39:42 --> 00:39:43


00:39:45 --> 00:39:45


00:39:47 --> 00:39:53

Do we have to make that more lethal? But it has a timer. Bucha so it's gonna be the sound is I'm an immoral

00:39:54 --> 00:39:58

monitoring. Yes.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00


00:40:02 --> 00:40:03


00:40:06 --> 00:40:07

hula II

00:40:09 --> 00:40:11

like yes

00:40:14 --> 00:40:14

tell me

00:40:16 --> 00:40:16


00:40:19 --> 00:40:19


00:40:21 --> 00:40:31

t bone. I'll take that. Yes you can do that or you can also because it's exclusively feminine you could do Bobby bat you can do either of those good job

00:40:32 --> 00:40:33

okay number seven

00:40:36 --> 00:40:38

we lose money

00:40:39 --> 00:40:41

in the

00:40:45 --> 00:41:09

very good I didn't hear the plural of well I will add I will add oh sorry it's not well done will then is but it's on a different it's a different type of type of plural yeah you're thinking of the in the Koran right and Surah we have an insult to wealthy All right. Well Daniel McCalla dunes right will then is a plural of wealth but it's not the one that we learned

00:41:13 --> 00:41:14

but that's very good.

00:41:15 --> 00:41:22

Man How old are you I will add up they will or will then no problem eight to me

00:41:25 --> 00:41:27

hintel feta choice so the auto

00:41:29 --> 00:41:31

to hire me then? Good

00:41:34 --> 00:41:41

that woman that short woman is Hamid sister. Very nice yeah

00:41:46 --> 00:41:54

hola II can better Yeah, to see your CRO Nice.

00:41:57 --> 00:42:04

Forward to Hamedan fantastic round means getting all the hard ones mashallah well done. You manage it?

00:42:05 --> 00:42:08

Okay, rather than having AutoSum in felucca pickle

00:42:10 --> 00:42:14

then come raw to promote Taliban to

00:42:15 --> 00:42:19

Okay, yeah. This this woman

00:42:21 --> 00:42:27

the this woman is my the mother of the student. Yes. Okay.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:31

tilicho is far singular so be that woman

00:42:36 --> 00:42:36

Lulu Inca.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:39

This is

00:42:40 --> 00:43:03

fantastic. Yes, Omaha. Omaha tone? Yes. Donde back? Yes, except for Omaha to without Bama tan but why? Because this is McLaughlin Boffi lay right. So it will lose the 10 when it'll only be Omaha to Olive Attali battle. Very good. Okay, and last one. Bring us home system.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:23

Not only can the only go regularly. God you gotta be you. Taji. Ron Kirby rune Meenal mum like it out of the sin armory. The Yeti. The Yeti oh my gosh, I lost

00:43:25 --> 00:43:26

that because like I said,

00:43:27 --> 00:43:28


00:43:31 --> 00:43:32


00:43:33 --> 00:43:34


00:43:36 --> 00:43:37


00:43:39 --> 00:43:54

are is Rachel ankles? No no Roger this man. Or man? No is Roger is Rachel ankle Rachel is his leg. So So Lulu acre which Lulu it can be John Woo. Yes.

00:43:55 --> 00:44:36

To jar to jar rune? Yes. houbara okay or key baton. Okay Cuba sorry. He actually keep on with Cuba don't mineral. Mom look at Larrabee yet in some deity. So well done. And this is the official name of Saudi Arabia elmen megaton Saudi Arabia Saudi if you go on the planes, you know, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Yes. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Yeah, if you're looking for a grammatical breakdown look, it's it's all sofa sofa sofa or sofa most of us are. Lucky. Lakota is the kingdom. A lot of theater the Arab kingdom.

00:44:37 --> 00:44:43

A set rudia Right. Literally the Saudi Kingdom of Arabia.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:48

Anyway hamdulillah Great job everybody. Any questions for we dismissed?

00:44:56 --> 00:45:00

Okay, great work. Fantastic. Keep it up. Everyone's doing fantastic.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

sec and Insha Allah we will see you next time

00:45:04 --> 00:45:05

on rock to light

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