Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 53

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the development of Arabic writing, focusing on male versus female sex, cluster patterns, and the use of "has" in spoken language. The speakers provide examples of common phonetic patterns and discuss the importance of writing in Arabic and its cultural significance. They stress the need to be mindful of pronunciation and keeping the writing process fresh, as well as the significance of duration in the writing process. The speakers briefly mention a famous translator of the Koran and discuss the possibility of "has been passed away " in the context of "monna."
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm having to do with Alaminos salatu salam ala schauffele MBO almost we've been watching a Muhammad Ali he of course Salah script asleep Allahumma LMNOP may in fact I know and fat and I mean that island and I was in them and we are a blonde me. Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh everybody, welcome to Wednesday evening we're getting classical Arabic

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let's get right to it

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okay, let's just roll with it.

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Okay, everybody see this,

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or something unfamiliar popping up on my screen to share screen. Okay, so we're seeing the Arabic text, it wasn't giving me an option to to share the PDF, like normal. It was

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giving me a whiteboard and share screen. So just wanted to make sure that it's going through. Okay, so we're in lesson 13. And we had mentioned how lesson 13 is going to do a couple of new exciting things. Whereas before, the new fun thing we were learning about was the feminine gender, and how the feminine gender was manifested in a smack in nouns, with usually the time on Bucha. And we were mentioning how the feminine was meant was manifested in verbs with birth to

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the habit, that Arlette Gela set, et cetera, et cetera. Now, whereas previously, Lesson two, I was focusing all of our attention on gender, which for someone who only speaks English is knew other languages not so much. Lesson 13 is now focusing in on plural, or what we say in in grammar as number, right? And we talked about the main types of

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plural we developed kind of like a mental map or a chart, we had singular, I should just save time and do.

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We had singular, we had dual and Arabic, which we said we're going to put off to the side, we're not going to touch it for quite a while, and then we had plural. Now with plural, there were different types of plural. If I may just do a line here.

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The two broad categories of plural were sound plurals, and broken plurals.

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so we have sound plurals.

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And we have broken plurals. And we said that sound plurals were plurals that were

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ascribed to people, human beings, and the occupations that they exclusively occupy, what did we mean exactly by sound, we meant that the, the stem of the word was not going to be broken up right. So if we had for example, we had Muslim

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was our example in the singular then the sound plural, the set is depending on the gender is either going to be mostly moon or Muslim ads. Okay, we said that the sound plural is further divided into sound masculine and sound feminine forms, right? The sound of masculine form is adding us let's just put the adding plus goon mostly Moon, Moon, on the tune, etc, etc. Whereas the sound feminine form was simply adding at mostly mattes, minutes, etc. Why it was called sound was because this original root word, or we can say it's

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Stem word more more precisely, was

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still in its form it was not altered whatsoever, not in terms of letters and not in terms of how to cat right. So this is still Bama, this is still sukoon This is still cassava, etc, etc. Whereas when we got to broken plurals, we took our example of key tab, key taboo in a book,

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the plural of non human things, objects or things that aren't exclusively human. And that was, we found very quickly that's a general rule with lots of exceptions, is broken in the sense that it's going to mash up that original word

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cooked up

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cool, to Boone.

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All sorts of things are different here. We some letters are deleted, right? We have the LF exists no more. Some vowels have changed. We had a key now we have a coup, right? We had a tag now we have a two, etc, etc, etc. So this is all with nouns. Okay, when it comes to nouns, we have sound nouns and we have sound plurals, and we have broken plurals.

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From the sound plurals we have masculine and feminine forms. Okay. The second important thing that we learned is that when it comes to verbs, we learned a, an additional form of conjugation.

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We learned that Ha, boo. Ah, so if we return to our pattern,

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which is fadda. That's our, our form one pattern that I love. It means he did. Okay, using our hand signals. If we want to say, still inform one they did, it's going to be fair I blue

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are pronouncing the well, we are not pronouncing the leaf and if you see there's a big

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oval there, in your copies of the Koran, which tell you not to pronounce it.

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Ah, Lu. So now, I said that we're going to learn conjugation with hand signals. Okay, we're going to point to the side. When we're talking to third person, third person, meaning you're talking about someone who's not there, that covers he, she it them, or they, I should say, We're point we're going to point directly in front of us when we're talking second person that means you singular you plural. And we're going to point back at us when we're talking first person, which means either I or we. So what we've learned to now,

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at least the masculine forms again, we're going to put feminine forms aside for a second, the hubba the Habu singular floral, the Hubba, the Habu the ALA they're ALU and you can take any verb in form one and you can do that

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mashallah, just to remind people This is Wednesday night and what's the next class of the Arabic class? Once again, give me everyone pause for a second.

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Sorry one second for your patience

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Okay, so, here we go. I thought I knew Jenessa Jenna Sue, he sat they sat.

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Okay. Anything else we can think about? Katsa cat Tebu.

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He wrote they wrote

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any three letter form one verb that you've learned or heard about? We can apply these patterns and this is the conjugation patterns.

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that goes with everything that I do.

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cassava cuttable, kata kata Oh, and anything else. Okay? So these are the two main ideas that we that we're learning this particular class, plural nouns, floral verbs, and we're going to stick just to masculine third person or third person past I should say, just to keep things simple. All right, moving on from here,

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we had reached to marine exercises, how when Oh, here we go. I'm going to give you a little bit of

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a little bit of morphology

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had okay.

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The three letter route is actually half. Well,

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in form one that manifests has had in form to add becomes

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it reverts back to the well. And we'll explain that later.

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How well the

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right form to remember is double middled letter. Julissa that I'll get Kisara have one

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and the command the command from form two is how will

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Okay, on the wasn't or on the pattern file.

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Now why does this have a customer because it has to break up the

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two letters with

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so called next to each other. So how will we'll move teda V Colin meno Juma lil TRT Isla Jemaine, what they're saying is transform or change

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the move to the subject in the following sentences to floral what's our example? We have

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ha Paulie Boone look at that we're right back to where we started. Pather barley Boone, nice and easy. Becomes oh, we need to change the demonstrative pronoun, ha Hola, E which we learned means these

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to learn the plural. Okay, and they're going to spot you because remember, we talked about how broken plurals are hard to sort out right here on the left column in parentheses, they're gonna spot you all your broken florals. So we're still spoon feeding and that's just fine. Um, let's go number one, our list of participants we have sister Saha

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read the example. And then we the transformation.

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Hi, the Joon Ha, e to gel. Very good. Excellent. I don't need to write it. It'd be a little redundant, who like to get on so now you know what the broken floral of Tadge is to Geralyn Barragan number two,

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Sister Mossad rock

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very good. So we have had June, which means a pilgrim. Someone who's engaging in Hajj.

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Stay tuned for this week's clip, but it's going to be all about Hajj.

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And the plural, pilgrims her judge and her judge June. Very good. And we're changing the demonstrative pronoun from this to these habits to have a very good number three. Someone from the safe family

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has a Roger learn how to like read

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read data and yeah, no, no shut the No. Double middle letter. It seems to be

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to Jaren right was doubled the middle letter. Reja alone was now the developmental letter. Good number for Dr. Z.

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Willa E.

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Excellent. Very good. You hear this all the time Kibera. Right, the major scholars.

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So key bad is the broken floral of Caribbean. Keep that in mind file that away because

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cubby it is a very, very useful additive. Right? We talk with adjectives all the time, who will Kavita? And then if you're going to describe a group of people, you're going to need to use its corresponding floral adjective. How will I Kiba

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They are big or great can also mean great. Number five, we've reached Brother Mohammed wants us in

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Iran, how Allah II see, allow them. Fantastic. Check this out. Notice that there's the same pattern here, between

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keep out CLR Kebbi saldi Okay, keep that in mind that is a pattern farine

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and I promised you that I was going to review my morphology notes and get give you some of the patterns from

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singular to plural and I completely forgot, so forgive me, but I will, I'll get around to it.

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For you to be it

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is one of the patterns of the broken plural. Often, if not always, if you have a noun in a singular form on this pattern that

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it will go to be in it's broken for

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good. Number six, we're down to the say event.

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Continue to run.

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IE, he saw Oh, look at that. I didn't even notice that the next two examples completely fit the pattern we just discussed. Excellent. So again, I'll see you meaning short. They saw

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if we're going to say with complete, literal translation shorts, right? There's a joke like your shorts or two shorts, right?

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It's a joke because it plays off of the fact that in Arabic We pluralize adjectives when the now that they describe a plural, but in English we don't. So we say your shorts, which is a plural noun are too short. We don't Pluraleyes the adjective. But in a literal Arabic translation. We would say your shorts are two shorts.

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Good brother to me, or did we do we hit Doctor Mufson? No, I'm sorry, Doctor. Number seven.

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The we learn how to lay the wall. Very good. Is it for your wall or play well with testing?

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That's right. I'm also your techy teacher I'm not going to let you go. Alright, so it is pretty well with topic the world and not the wall which is very common if you hear Arabic speakers pronounce the Koran they will often give it to a theme and it doesn't have to be

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next up we have brother to me number eight

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well I don't

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hurt hula. I will learn how I will. I will add antastic Very good. Also brings back to memory the point that hula is made me right it's fixed. It's not going to change for him which is is why what reminded me was the second time he said it he pronounced the last Kanaka hula II it's always going to be hot will never Hula, hula always hula II.

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Hola. So Oh, lad, is the plural of Wellard sons for children. It can also be children. Next up, sister. Hola. Can we have you do number nine?

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Yes, sure. Number nine had it been

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fantastic. And I'm going to just

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to nitpick you here by saying that this habits of muscle must be elided and must be skipped over.

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So have that noon.

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The factor in how that has to connect to the bath with this with the sukoon in less word stopping here had it known because the rules of common philosophy is that we pronounced him just the lesson if it's at the beginning of speech and we erase it or we skip over if it's in the middle. So have that noon hat well I have not and check this out. Remember how I pointed out last class that if some which means name or noun? It is a handle to the Walsall in the singular, but in the plural, it becomes a hamlet of Qatar it becomes a Hamza that you must pronounce as

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well. Look, the same thing happened with this Ibn which is specifically son is Hamza tawassul. So we have to apply the rules of humming tawassul to it when reciting or reading. But then in the plural of not on now it's big

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Come Hamza little cutoff, which we must always pronounce. That's interesting. I've never even I've never noticed that before this class.

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Fantastic back to the top number 10.

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It jumbles the participants so don't mind me going out of last times order back to the shake family number 10.

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Has a unknown how like, mammal fantastic. Unknown, which is a paternal uncle.

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Which has haha. Sorry, I just laughed at something funny. So one of one of the famous things about Medina and the, the Arabian Peninsula in general is the MIS translation of signs. Okay.

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So I forget exactly what one of the signs was in Arabic was something like milk, or warm or something like that? It was like general parking. Okay, because

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this route

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has many words that split off of it, right? So we have I'm with double mean, which means an uncle. And then we have I am, which means General. Okay, and the plural.

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And the plural of this is removed.

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And then so I remember that there was a sign in Medina in the hum. It was down on the parking lot that was underneath the profits machine. And it said, like general parking. And I guess they Google translated it. And what the English read was parking for uncle's

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so with Arabic never trust Google Translate.

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That's the lesson. Good. Dr. Z a number

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E. Who you fantastic. Chef can mean and an older man. It can also mean a scholar. Okay. In Medina. Everybody calls everybody shave, right? It's not like some, you know.

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Wow, you can't say that. For this person. He hasn't reached that. That level. Even us when we went to the man had Italian loads down here to teach us Arabic they used to call a che show you

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everybody is called che. So it's a term of

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respect politeness. It's not. Some people make it into a big thing. Who has a shake and who's not a shake?

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Everyone should be respected.

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Number 12. We're down to Mohammed. Testing

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All right.

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Number 12. Right. Yes. Correct.

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How do you find

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how likely do you do you do you find

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very good. I'm not sure that we've heard this word before but Herbalife is a guest. * attacker. How do you avoid the Ibrahim Elmo crumbing. Right? On guest and so blue is guests.

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I want to I scrolled up after initially scrolling down because I wanted to point out another pattern here. Okay. So we have

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if we have this phonetic pattern,

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that alone

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and the middle letter is a weak letter, meaning either Well, at least or Yeah, I'm pretty sure. In the broken plural, it's going to go to this form right here.

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that is jogging my memory, my morphology,

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brain. And we noticed this here, che. Okay. The middle letter is yeah, it has a sukoon and it's one of the three weak letters.

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By week letters, we're going to explain that later. It's very important in morphology, but um, it's a little bit weird to deal with the weak letters, but we'll get there.

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So in the floral becomes shoe you Okay, same thing with Bife.

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Voice, it's on the pattern of fat dune. And in the middle letter is weak. And so the plural is blue, blue.

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Just figured I'd point that out for those of you interested in the salt

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morphology aspect of things.

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Oh, okay.

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Let's go here to number 13. We're back to the sides

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Hi, then

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Send me lone. Wolf. E zum. Zum

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zum Allah. Very good. Yep. So the meal as a colleague or or a classmate, zoom, Allah who notice, oh, that this is my meal at Minnesota. It's one of those words that does not take 10 We does not accept or manifest and we, this particular pattern, Zoom Allah for Allah

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will get into a lesson in the future that explains the rules for that.

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We have this word in the dialogue. And notice that this adds a an additional pattern to what we mentioned earlier, we had noticed that there was a pattern between their email like Kebbi and Fiol. In the plural, broken plural like Kibo, or Viet student or Seahawk, they saw now we have another pattern attached to the singular Farion. And that is, who

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is Emile, Zoom Allah and the next one is going to fit on this pattern to

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you notice I'm stressing the patterns, because Arabic does often exist on phonetic patterns. So if you can kind of get an ear for it, you know, through Allah, that I know, it's actually going to help and you'll find that as you progress in your Arabic study, you'll get to a point where you're able to anticipate what the plural form of a word will be an even if you've never studied it before.

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Number 14, Dr. Watson

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and fieros, Lulu II Pokhara. Very good. And I'm going to because he encouraged me, I'm going to practice edge wheat and get and say, Where is your theme for the rock overall?

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There is a lift there, right. But it's Elif, but it takes the ruling of the rock right folk or

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middle folk or or El Mina Mahajan was in SoCal, it

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occurred to me

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Yes, so the raw makes it something that makes it dark

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Ask your kids but raw is the hardest letter in touch weed when it comes to issues of grapheme and circuits.

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So no worries there.

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We can do a we should do touch weed Delta, like at some at some point. It's like a intensive on like, touch weed in the future, inshallah. So, follow up question on this zoom Allah Ooh. Because of that, but Fukada lamb. Yes.

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Whereas here, it's following the rock. So the ruling for lamb is it is archaic. Almost always, except for in the name of Allah in certain scenarios. So that's why it's zoom Allah. Turkic open, but the ruling for raw if it has a fence happen, or Obama says that it has to clean it is dark for all projects brought

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in Melania didn't ruin the commune what or ill fruit you brought brought?

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Thank you. Yes, thank you. Always happy to get sidetracked by potentially

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lucky. I'm not sure we had it before. Up here means poor

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actually comes from stuck on top of is your your vertebrae, your your spinal cord. There's a village outside of Medina called football.

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And they call it football because the mountains it's really, really, really high up in the mountains. And it looks like a vertebrate, right? It looks like a spinal cord.

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And they call it a piano because there's some sort of

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mental imagery of kind of someone with a like your back is broken from poverty. Right like the kind of oppressive nature of it.

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Ha, what's the next one? Let's see. We're at brother to me and again

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the money June

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II, Eleni. Fantastic, yes. And Avani is rich of liat.

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Also rich, right, but plural.

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And notice again, the particular phonetic pattern does not accept Finley. Okay, ultimately, even though let's cover, right next era, it's going to be

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it's going to be without a 10. We just one bomb because of the phonetic pattern that it's on. Number 16 Sr. Hoda

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had the study upon her hola as they call it.

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Very good. And now we're noticing a third pattern for fair Are you fair ILAs is a phonetic pattern in the singular we had the iron like Kiba and slit all we had for Allah like zoom Allah

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or football and now we have F or Isla yes that's the car

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from sabe

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so if I'm going back to the pattern oopsies so sometimes we're going to have one phonetic pattern in the singular and it will have multiple phonetic patterns in the broken floral which is exactly what makes the broken floral very difficult if a

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actually 1234566 letters mashallah number 17 sister so have

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her there

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Bobby bone

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Very good.

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Doctors, Bobby even put up the bat.

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I can't recall exactly what it is and it's an original form but you'll notice that the bat has a shudder that means it's doubled. Originally, the word was longer the BAS were spaced out but in order to make it easier to pronounce throughout history that are of the Arabic language it became condensed to a bat which is a mouthful to say

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Sister Messiah

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Very good. How the Fatah right a young man how will I fit yet in the plural of Fatah we ran into that in the dialogue young men

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19 back to the top sister

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so her the whole

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winner who very good excellent

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in the mail me Nona

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firstly, who been a colleague and sort of Allah says that the believers are both brothers they are only brothers or siblings. Brethren. So make peace between them.

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Number 20 back just a thermostat not

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very good. Jedi done judo. Okay, so we have another value and another acceptable pattern for value or it has total

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let's scroll down here. Oh, Mashallah. was a nice, nice long list. Ah, and now I'm going to draw a big fat line. Because that was all broken floral. Woof. Made it and now they take it easy to the last five we ride off into the sunset with sound masculine florals. Hola. Okay. Can I say it's

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mother, son, mother decent. Sorry. Hola, II whatever it is. sunnah. Fantastic. Yep, well definitely sunnah. And just a quick recap of our

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morphology lessons. form one verb is dead rasa which means the study. Alright, form two verb is we double that middle letter. To make it transitive means someone who makes someone else study which is a teacher. Double rasa. You deadly Sue. Okay, now let's say we want to make the person who does that action, the ISM ban. Okay, it is on the wisdom of or on the pattern of nofap

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so in this case, muda Reese

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and if we wanted to make them the rune

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if we wanted to make the thing that received that action in the second form,

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it would be the exact same thing except with one tiny

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difference which is why I'm such a stickler with the pronunciation

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will that Ross

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check that out? Well that Aris muda Ross

00:35:11 --> 00:35:14

that's the difference between the file and then that rule in the second form

00:35:18 --> 00:35:23

so Madonna Ross is like the one who is taught. Well that Reese is the teacher.

00:35:25 --> 00:35:27

More I learned more I learned

00:35:28 --> 00:35:47

the one who teachers are literally the one who makes someone else no more I learned the one who is made no is made to note. Right? So check out how these forms they are they shift from form to form verb form the verb form 4142, etc, etc.

00:35:49 --> 00:36:00

Notice also, okay, I'll make you aware of something that's coming very soon. Okay, words in the sound masculine plural, goon on on

00:36:02 --> 00:36:15

the sign that they are marked for meaning in the nominative case that's for move to that cover isn't bad, right? Subject predicate and the doer of verbs is actually the well

00:36:18 --> 00:36:21

it's the well and in the other cases of grammar, genitive

00:36:23 --> 00:36:29

accusative, menstrual or man so it's going to be Yeah.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:41

Well that modality seen mostly mean you've heard of this in the Koran or in different dua. Right now it's all starting to come together and what we know and what we mean.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:53

Like when we say all of them feel a little more meaning in our minutes. Oh, ALLAH forgive the male the believers men and women mean?

00:36:54 --> 00:36:57

Why is it what meaning and not me no one because it's in a different case.

00:37:00 --> 00:37:13

It would be me known, but then it goes to what meaning if it is genitive or accusative? If it's in the nominative case is what we know. So this applies to all sound masculine, plurals.

00:37:15 --> 00:37:27

Here, it's really soon. And if it were the object of a verb, or if it were after a preposition, it would be more deadly seen. I took it from the MENA modality scene.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:29

But the

00:37:31 --> 00:37:54

Feds house stays the same. That's what I wanted to point out. We're accustomed to looking for the grammar at the very very end of the word that's usually true. It's just a little bit different when it comes to the sound masculine plural. Fantastic. Number 22. You're always so polite to indulge me with my tangents. I'm Dr. Master number 22.

00:37:55 --> 00:38:06

The more Hyundai su Mohan Mohan Jason How are you know, Mohan? The Sunnah fantastic. Yes. Engineers

00:38:08 --> 00:38:10

23 down to brother to me.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:16

Fella Han,

00:38:17 --> 00:38:19

hula if Hola. Hola.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:31

Very good. And the in another grammatical case it would be more Hindi scene or the laughing Are you going to laugh remember is a farmer Billa

00:38:32 --> 00:38:37

which I want to look into the etymology of that because Bella Ha Ha Ha is to be happy.

00:38:38 --> 00:38:47

So I don't know if they named farmers that because they they rejoice at having a good crop. I'm not sure the history of that word.

00:38:48 --> 00:38:57

But Fila would be like, it's like see them or bellava maybe follow maybe you know, I'm not sure. But phala would be suitable Bella from barely.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:03

And so maybe it accumulated or got that meeting somewhere along the way.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:12

Um, and number 25 Or No sorry. 24 just to cover

00:39:18 --> 00:39:21

the head Hi there, Mr. Hayden.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:24

Mr. He doing? Fantastic.

00:39:26 --> 00:39:30

And finally, number 25. Bring us home. Mohammed assassin

00:39:32 --> 00:39:33

and then Muslim.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:43

Most of the morning? Yes, mostly gonna notice that. The last the last two examples. Notice how subtle the differences here.

00:39:44 --> 00:39:59

Duration matters in Arabic. And in many languages in English, it doesn't matter. Right. For example, if we say it was a long way home, right? It doesn't change the meaning at all from saying it was a long way home. Right we can change

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

is the duration and play with it and doesn't doesn't affect meaning. But in Arabic, we change the duration and it affects meaning. Right? If we say, have a Muslim on,

00:40:11 --> 00:40:15

nice and quick, it's obvious that it's a Muslim with a 10 win.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:25

If we stretch it out how the Muslim moon, it's now Oh, did he say mostly moon? Or did he say mostly moon?

00:40:26 --> 00:40:33

Right? In Arabic duration, duration matters, duration actually will change the meaning of words.

00:40:34 --> 00:40:45

Here it's very innocuous from single deplorable. But in other cases, it might not be so innocent. So be on lookout for that. I'm a stickler with your kids, especially in class because

00:40:47 --> 00:40:50

most of the mistakes that are made and said we

00:40:51 --> 00:41:11

early on are issues of duration. Right? Especially if there's a consonant that hasn't shed, but then it only has a short vowel. Very difficult to get the duration of this short vowel Correct. Most people want to make it into a long vowel. Right? So that's something to to pay attention to.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:20

Anyway, that takes us to the end of the exercise and we're pretty much at the end of the class time does anyone have any questions about anything

00:41:21 --> 00:41:23

before we break?

00:41:24 --> 00:41:38

Oh, I just saw such a mythos comments Bates from when I was giving examples of on the phonetic pattern of che show you baits we use for all of baits Yes, what was the question?

00:41:44 --> 00:42:02

I see che family che family have a question. Yes, yes. So when you're saying has a Muslim has a Muslim woman and then How old are you muslim Mona? So when it's returned is actually we are saying mostly Mona? is just one pronouncing is the pronunciation? Mostly moon?

00:42:04 --> 00:42:08

I don't quite understand the question. Say that again? The plural.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:11

The whole Muslim Munna? How can we only

00:42:12 --> 00:42:15

because we're in Arabic class.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:42

Class, we pronounce everything. It's like an Arabic poetry. Because I want to make sure that you know that it's mostly Munna, and not mostly mono, or mostly Moni, or mostly more known, or something crazy like that. Right. But in actual spoken Arabic or even in the Koran, if we were to, for example, stop on this word. Mostly on

00:42:43 --> 00:42:44

we would not pronounce that. That's

00:42:46 --> 00:42:47

is that the question that I understand?

00:42:50 --> 00:42:52

Yeah, something like that. Yeah.

00:42:54 --> 00:43:34

Just like we would say, Muslim, if you're speaking to, to an Arab or an Arabic speaker, you would not say Muslim on? Muslim on? Yeah, well, I do know, you would not say that USA, Ha, that Muslim. Right. And I'm Muslim, I'm a Muslim. But in Arabic class, I need you to know that this is a 10. We knew that this is one of the 10 you have to know that you know that most of the morning. Right? The guy on the street. They don't care if they they'll probably don't even know themselves if it's mostly men, mostly men mostly mean. They're not sure. But that doesn't matter to them. They're a native speaker. Right? For you in Arabic class, you have to know that this is mostly men with two

00:43:34 --> 00:44:03

bombers, because it's cover and cover is not a poor. Why is it fabric because this is a Joomla, Izmir, right. All those sorts of things that we've been learning this whole time. Right. So that's why we say the ending. And when we're in the Koran, if we're not ending here, if we're going to continue on, it's important to know them to, you'll notice that the more that you study Arabic grammar, you will be able to correct yourself in the poor. And if you forget that this is a bomb attack right here. And then and you're reading on and on and on and on.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:13

If you know the grammar of the sentence, you will be able to correct yourself because you'll know Oh, it's how the Muslim that can't be anything but covenant metaphor, and it has to have done the time.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:16


00:44:18 --> 00:44:53

An easy way to deal with this broken plurals because they're all over the place. They are all over the place. I need to I need to hit my morphology notes in my library. That's chaos right now in the office. You guys have seen it. I've got everything stacked everywhere. I don't have There's no rhyme or reason to the where all the books are somewhere in there. I have my notes from morphology class, and I need to go back to them because there is a list. I have common patterns from the singular to the plural, so I'll make that my homework. Inshallah Tada.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

Meanwhile. Anyone else any other questions?

00:45:06 --> 00:45:14

Yes, we have a famous translator of the Koran today passed away Rahim Allah, Muhammad Mohsin Khan

00:45:15 --> 00:45:22

he has a very famous translation report he passed away he was in his 90s martial arts medical law may Allah have mercy on him and accept his deeds

00:45:24 --> 00:45:27

and make his grave expansive and filled with light and shall I be

00:45:36 --> 00:45:54

okay, fantastic work everybody. I will see you next time in sha Allah Tada. Saturday classes are still same time. Okay, no one get thrown off by the change in time just because we have the kids classes that go until seven which is why we change the Wednesday evening and Thursday evening classes.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:00

But Saturday is still on and 11 Same time same place in Charlottetown

00:46:02 --> 00:46:02


00:46:04 --> 00:46:09

masala now Tassie local Masha Allah, aunty to be seen and NAS insha Allah

00:46:13 --> 00:46:16

Okay, thank you very much everybody. So I want to come off a little bit

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