Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 52

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of "naught" in Arabic, with a focus on the concept of "naught" and the use of "naught" to describe situations or situations that are not understood. They also discuss the pronunciation of "branded" in Arabic and its potential mistakes, including mistakes in English. The speakers also touch on the differences between Arabic and English language language usage, including the use of "branded" to describe objects and words, and the use of "branded" in Arabic. They end with a discussion of the rules of the internet and potential teacher opportunities for learning verbularity.
AI: Transcript ©
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also that'll sit on a shelf and MBA almost. I mean novena Muhammad Ali Salah was good to Sneem Allah whom I didn't know the night in fact when I when fatten I mean I'm Tina was even in many out of that. I mean, so then want to come off to La he got to go to everybody welcome. Saturday morning, beginning classical Arabic. I've got my cappuccino I hope you have yours, this moolah.

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And today, we start an exciting new lesson. And an exciting new concept. Yeah, Hamdulillah. This is very nice. This is very good. So

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the most significant thing

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that we had done in the previous handful of lessons was adding the wrinkle of gender

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to our knowledge of Arabic.

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Arabic is a much more gendered language than English, or we should say that Arabic does not have a neuter it

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right, whereas English has three genders, masculine feminine, and the neuter it. Arabic has two. And so everything gets to go through the dichotomy of male and female.

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Now we're going to add another wrinkle, okay. And we saw how that wrinkle played out depending on the type of word we were dealing with, right, we saw how the feminine kind of expression or the typical feminine expression in nouns was the timeout router, right?

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Right here Yep. There it is. Right there. Surprise.

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Emoji, right, was the timeout Bucha. And how the expression of femininity, at least singular femininity, we're all this is foreshadowing, we're all dealing with singular things here. femininity and nouns is with a tunnel roots of femininity with verbs as with the tab enough to her or your normal, what you're used to thinking of as.

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And that was enough, then we just kind of everything else was variation on that theme. Now we're adding another wrinkle.

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Yes. And that is number.

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Right? Every language has released, I'm not aware of any language that does not have something like a plural, right?

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When we talked previously, about

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the construction of CFML Souf,

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a noun and the adjective that describes it. We said it had to match and four things. Okay.

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This is the last of the four things that we haven't really studied. Okay, which is exciting. Hey, Mike, we're kind of closing, you know, we're nearing the end of a very, very big milestone.

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The first thing, the first of the four things was, well, let's have you guys do it. What were the four things if we have Sif mo Souf. We have a noun and its adjective that's describing it as part of a construction they have to agree on four things. What are those four things? Definite indefinite, okay, that was one of the first things we looked at, right? We looked at Alif Lam.

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The which is the definite particle, the L key tab, L key taboo versus the indefinite

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kita boon. Right, any 10 ween is the

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indefinite article. So L key taboo versus key taboo.

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L if we wanted to say the new book, L key taboo JD do right. has to have elephant elephant. Or if we said that I bought a new book it will be ke ta Ben Jedi then. Right? It would be Nikita Nikita, indefinite indefinite 10 weeks 10 weeks right? That was the

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First thing that we learned. The second thing that we learned was, and this is the only one that system was thought about did not mention which is grammatical case. All right, I've been boring you and lecturing you all this time about grammatical case, because it's very, very important in Arabic, and it's very different from English. So if it's smarter for if it's men's room, or it's if it's men sube. Right? If it is in the nominative case, the genitive case the accusative case. And what does that mean? The nominative, the nominative case is the case of the subject what we wish to talk about, or the doer of the verb. The Genitive Case is talking about the relationship between two

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nouns that relationship can either be time, location or possession. And then the accusative case is something that is having work done to it, right the object of a verb and that's expressed in different ways depending on what type of word that the primary signs of grammatical case the Bama for more for the Khasra for Metro, and the data for monsoon. Okay, so that was the second thing that we have to attend to. First was definite or indefinite. The second thing is grammatical case. The third thing, which we just got done learning about is gender.

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Okay, if it's a barley job, at barley bowl, JD do okay, or it's feminine. At ball libre tool, JD dare to write Tamil Bucha. Tamil has to agree.

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That leaves us with just the last The Final Frontier

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when it comes to these four concepts that affect nouns very, very heavily.

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And that is number

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number. Okay, I'm going to give you a an overview or a bird's eye view, Intro to number in Arabic, and then we're going to go into the dialog

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and deal with this blank space right here.

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if we look at

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making things plural, or we look at number in Arabic, it is more complicated

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than English.

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Okay, so first thing that we're going to look at is

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the singular, okay?

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Then we're going to look at, or we're just going to acknowledge the existence of we're not going to study it right now. Something very special in Arabic that doesn't exist in most languages, which is a dual number. Okay. And then finally, we have plural. However, floral, there are different types of floral, we'll get into those too. Okay. So with floral, we're saying

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it communicates the idea that there's three plus of something. Okay, do singulars use for one.

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Dual is used for a pair, and plural and Arabic, strictly speaking is for three and above.

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Colloquially, these days, Arabic on the street, nobody really uses the dual very much. You can use the plural for two and above, just like we do in English. But in classical Arabic, this is kind of the norm.

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If we have something that's singular in English

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and we want to make them plural. What do we do

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we add an s.

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And anyone who's ever taught English will realize that this is part of the confusion because we add an s for nouns to make them plural, but we add an S to verbs for the third person singular. He walks

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right now we add an s for possession.

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Tom's pen, right so this English is the language of s. Okay.

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In Arabic, it's not so straightforward. Okay. Singular is straightforward. You learn the word we'll go with this translation.

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Dual, we're not going to worry about it right now.

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Plural. In Arabic, there are three

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The types of plural

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three types of plural

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we can divide those three types into two broad categories. The first category we can call sound, plural. And this is for

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Hume human beings.

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And then, the second type or the second category of plurals is what they call broken plural.

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Okay, and that is used for nonhumans

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right let's get some lines in here, make a little chart

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separate everything out.

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Separate everything out

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okay, there are two types of sound plural, which is why there's three types of total plural.

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And they fall on the lines of gender. Okay, so that means that we have a sound masculine plural.

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And we have a sound, feminine plural.

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The sound masculine and sound feminine plural are super, super easy. You probably already know them

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at least intuitively from the different areas or the do I let you know?

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So in order to demonstrate the differences between these, we're going to have to use more than just keytab as an example, right? Because keytab is a nonhuman, and so it's going to have a broken plural, it's not going to have a sound of masculine or feminine plural.

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Okay, and we're gonna go through the sound plurals first because the sound plurals are easier. So let's take an example of a human let's say Muslim.

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A Muslim is a type of human or it's an adjective that

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applies to a human being. This is in the masculine form, the feminine form would simply be mostly Ma.

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Forgotten. I mean, they're

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mostly Mattoon just like we learned at a time or Bucha to the end, and it becomes that is very, very poor penmanship.

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All right, I'm gonna do that over That's just embarrassing.

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Mary yo, everything's about space

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Okay, so we have Muslim, Muslim, or Muslim attune.

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The sound whatever we want to say Muslims, Muslims. Because this is a human, or applies to humans, we're going to use the sound masculine plural. And how to make the sound sound masculine plural is simply to add something on to the end of the word just like an English where we add the s here, we're going to add to Muslim Muslim moon, right.

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Which should be very, very familiar to you. I will not tekun I will fairly Hone and mostly hone right in the Quran all the time. This is the sound masculine plural. Why do they call it sound masculine plural. What they mean by that is that the stem of the noun remains intact, doesn't change, right? You can find the word Muslim inside of Muslim or you've simply added a suffix to it. And this is in the nominative case metaphor. We'll talk later about what it is in different cases.

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What if we have Muslimah tune?

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What is we're looking for the sound feminine plural. Okay.

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Since it's sound, the plural We're also just going to be adding something on to the end.

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Muslim is the route mostly mat

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which again, you've probably heard of before through the Quran through your DUA. I mean at ani ties, right? The say is your daughter Anya was on this this chapter

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when we were doing Sunday school, right?

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Won't me not and mostly metal, Connie tacita. Ebert, right, all these kinds of adjectives of wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that ended with at because it all is the sound feminine plural. And again, we'll talk about grammatical case later. But this is the

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this is the pattern. Ooh.

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And you see how it is sound? Because the stem of the word, the noun remains intact.

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All right, now let's get to the difficult words which are the inanimate objects, the Non Humans and the broken plural. One question.

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Why do they call a broken plural? Broken plural is the opposite of sound? Because this root noun is not going to remain intact.

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Do anyone have a question? Yes. I have a question. So Muslim.

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I'm sorry, say that one more time. Muslim and Muslim atone they both are singular? Correct. The Muslim Ma is when we say it is Muslim? Ah, yes.

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When we say Muslim is when we're pronouncing this

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at the end of our speech, because recall that in the Koran, and in spoken Arabic, if you end your speech with a Tamil buta, you pronounce it like a ha. You don't pronounce the tune.

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Here Muslimah. Here in class, we pronounce everything in order to practice because you can't if I'm asking you, and I want to tell if you've identified the correct grammatical tense that it should be in. You can't say mostly, and then expect to skate by like, you know, we're saying them all in class in order to prove that we understand the grammar. But in spoken Arabic and in the Quran, anything that ends with a Tamil or buta and you stop there is going to be pronounced with a ha. Whereas anything where you continue and keep going is going to be pronounced like a TA, which is why they write it half and half, that half is the half, that half is the tough. If you're looking for an

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example, let's say l bought er,

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right? That ends with a time on Bucha.

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If we wanted to connect, we wanted to continue on from the first without taking a break of body to metal body.

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Right? If we continue, we have to pronounce the time on Bucha as a tap. If we stop at the at a terminal good, so we have to pronounce it as a ha. So this is what's going on, we say Muslim, that's just we're saying mostly my tone. But we're not pronouncing the ending.

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proper way of saying like in a correct way is mostly my tone, if it's just a single word to say, if it's just a single word to say the actual correct way is mostly.

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But because in unless it's Arabic poetry, but because we're in class, and we need to demonstrate that we understand that it's mostly Mattoon and not Muslim or 10 or mostly Metin. In class, we're always going to pronounce all of the endings even more than what we would say in actual speech or in reciting the Quran.

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Thank you.

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That's like we say, oh, Allahu Ahad. Right. In the Koran, and in Arabic speech, we do not pronounce 10 When in reality, this is a had done

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right. But you can't get up and recite a Koran in front of people and say Paul, who Allah who I hadn't. Now that's not right. Right. However, when we're in class, we say I had done to prove that we understand that I had known as the father. Right. And so this is, etc. It's 10, Wien and neck, Utah, etc, etc.

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That's a good question.

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Okay, excellent. So, now we get to the the difficult part, which is the broken plural any non human noun is going to have a broken plural. And regretfully, regretfully, there are many many many patterns of the broken plural. Okay with the

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The sound masculine plural there's only one pattern,

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With the sound feminine plural, there's only one pattern. But with the broken plural, there are many, many, many patterns. And most of them just need to be memorized. Which is a shame. Very few things are like that in Arabic, but this one is. So if we have keytab

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which grammatically would be Kitab one, then the plural is

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somebody could say, Hey ma'am, what do you mean it's a broken portal, I see all the same letters.

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And I would reply to you. What are you talking about? The Elif has gone missing.

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First of all, Elif has been axed Second of all the Hydra cat have changed. The cat used to have a casserole now it has a Bama

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the TA used to have a feta now it has a Bama too.

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The word has changed completely. Or as Muslim Muslim at Muslim Muslim on is exactly the same as its singular form. That's what we mean when we say broken plural.

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Okay, let's take a couple other examples. So we have go with the calf again killed

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as a Camilla

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right a dog.

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First letter, how's it fatter? Lamb has a sukoon and then this is up to the grammar. Okay,

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what's the plural

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so the calf goes from having a fat cat to having a casserole

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we add

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we add an Elif

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and the lamb which before had a sukoon has a Fattah

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what's the plural of if

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you went for the hard one

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not that T

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now there are I'm gonna have to break out my morphology book and do some review because there are some patterns right? So for example

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which is food

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I recall off the top of my head that

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most things on this phonetic pattern

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with a this is not the same pattern as keytab because it has a flat tire in the beginning. But I am not pleased I am

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most things are going to go on to the pattern of help

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of a Mattoon

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so this is not to be exhaustive. This is just our first introduction to plurals the most important thing is your expectations have been set. You understand now what are the categories? Okay? We have singular easy, okay, just like Arabic forces every noun through a gender binary, you know male, female.

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Everything is also in a binary of human nonhuman in the plural, not in the singular, in the plural. And that affects what type of floral it's going to have things that are in that that are humans or apply to humans will have a sound plural, matching their gender either masculine or feminine, which is very easy. You can learn it in one day, no problem. And then anything that is not human is going to have a broken plural. And that is going to take time. That's going to take you time to get familiar with the types of patterns and hearing it over and over and then it becomes recognized. Does anybody have any questions up until this point?

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Okay, we're ready for the dialogue.

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gonna erase all this

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anybody who wants to take

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Your screen shot go ahead

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All right, away we go.

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We have star one star two. Let's start with

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can we have Syrah and sister masala rot? Syrah can you be star one and the system of solder rocks? Can you be star to?

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One, man ha

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one of

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the Walu Yeah, Ali

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to Laverne doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

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good stop there for a second. Excellent. So we're gonna we're gonna work through the weeds here. Okay? The vocabulary. Hola. Hola. Hola. E is a demonstrative pronoun. Right? So singular, singular was had.

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Right? Close.

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Oral. Hola. And how will that he is the easy thing about this is for masculine or feminine, doesn't matter. It's always going to be hot without me. So we have in the singular

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we have had which is this

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or Havey also this, but it is feminine. And the plural, we have

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noticed that this has

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to a

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very good.

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Next point.

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Fitzy year two. Oh, that's our first plural that they gave us. So we learned that the singular was El betta.

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The plural of El Fattah is El pithier. To

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the second word we have

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li well, which is the plural of four wheel. Oh yes, we have to match the adjective. Right. So in the singular, this was while we'll

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in the plural, it's pretty well. So here we go. This is exactly what we were talking about. In the very beginning we have a CIPA MyLSU we have an adjective and the noun describes and they have to agree in four things. The first thing definite definite, right at least, at least. The second thing grammatical case more for more for

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the third thing, masculine masculine. The fourth thing now we have floral floral.

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Alpha Fitz yetu is the plural of Alfetta. The blue is the plural of polio. Which is why if you've ever had any experience teaching, teaching anyone from the Arab world, the Arab speaking world English, the first mistakes they will make when trying to speak English is they will pluralize their adjectives. Right? They will say they are talls

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instead of they are tall. Because in English we do not Pluraleyes those adjectives

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right? They're merely they're simply translating from their language.

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In Arabic literally, I say who? These boys talls Oh, Ali.

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Right Crazy, right? Which is what now we're going to see why less and less, we're going to be able to translate in our head less and less and less. Because the forms are going to stop corresponding to our native language or English.

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Right? This does not correspond very well with English syntax or usage. Right so we have to get train our mind to think okay, it's not

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you know, these tall boys. It's men. How old are you? This is like who are

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Alfetta to play and your tongue will get used to it and your brain will get used to it. Okay, second part home now we're going to answer home we've learned before home is the subject pronoun they. So we're going to this is Motorola cover. Okay, home is the Motorola. The cover is going to be everything else. We're going to explain who they are.

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Are they the subject was the information about the subject? Full Leben Judoon.

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For lab

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the plural of what?

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Berlin? That's right. Exactly. We'd love to talk about school here,

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like lifelong learners. So all li Boone

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and Paul live is technically I'm not exactly sure why but they consider it non human. And so it is a broken plural, the broken plural of which is

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to lob

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with a Bama on top of the thought, a doubled lamb and an Elif

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look at how far we came from barley. We replaced the Elif somewhere else we doubled the lamb we changed all the How to Cat completely broken and we have the plural of GDD because this is CIFA masu it has to agree in four things. Okay, this is neck era, this is indefinite. This is indefinite. This is not for this is more for it because they're both cover.

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This is masculine, this is masculine, this is portal, this is plural. So

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the portal of Jedi Eid,

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which is new.

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Is Jude

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see how we lost

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a letter?

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Okay, everybody see what we're Yeah, it's really, really changing gears here. From the several lessons prior.

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How come Will feminine it's only by so how come? That's not? Okay.

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That's a good question. I don't know.

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I'm not sure. Because it would be tolerable. And I'll say this. There are some words where it's acceptable to use both. There are there are some words where it's acceptable to use barley boon. And for love, for example, and I believe all it's acceptable to use both. And you can see why because STUDENT Yes, it is probably exclusive for humans. Right. But it's not something that is immediately talking about humans such as Muslim, right? Or, you know, people or things like this.

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Boys boys, how are students not human?

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Yeah, like dogs.

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When it comes to when it comes to Arabic, you would use if you've trained a dog

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if you trained a dog, right, like you

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don't know. I mean, like,

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we make the rules. And the rules get us close, but they're never 100%. Right? So

00:33:13 --> 00:34:02

you know, there is talk in the Koran, I think in Surah tilma Ada, Allah says, he uses he doesn't use the law, but he uses the word to teach to talk about the process of training dogs, right? So I don't know Fatah also a good point from the sides, right? Young boys, young men. I don't know the root of this of this word. If we go back to the origin origin of the root, does it apply to just humans? Or is it something else? That's kind of a coin a coinage Right? Like kids in English, I think originally applied to the children or the offspring of goats. And then we use it now for human children because of the similarity of you know, mischief that they get into and stuff like that, and

00:34:02 --> 00:34:18

how darn cute they are. Right? So if I go back into the history of the Arabic language well, I find that Fatah means something that originally is not human. And then it became through usage to be primarily associated with humans. Perhaps I don't I don't know. I would have to hit off for that.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:26

But the rules get us close, right? Yeah. But they don't. They don't take us all the way.

00:34:29 --> 00:34:41

So good Alpha tattoo from Alpha. You're right does not does not follow broken plural. A body or Atolla from a Taalib does not follow, excuse me does not follow sound sound plural.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:45

Let's keep going.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:52

Okay, continue Go ahead. Back to start on start to go ahead. Syrah and start up

00:34:54 --> 00:34:56

in a noun

00:34:57 --> 00:34:58

in America

00:35:03 --> 00:35:04


00:35:06 --> 00:35:07

the previous one

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09

this one right here

00:35:24 --> 00:35:25


00:35:26 --> 00:35:53

the mala e Dumela sumela e, v firstly, very good pause. Okay, Zuma that is the plural of the meal. I mean that's right so we learned before that is a meal is a colleague or a classmate or something like that. And so the plural of it also broken plural despite the rule that was introduced Zuma law

00:35:59 --> 00:36:11

and we have to this is it with the you know, with nothing attached to it. Once we attach cat, your classmates, then it becomes with on sitting on top of the well and the cat. Zuma luck

00:36:15 --> 00:36:30

now I'm whom Zuma Allah II. Notice again and I'm not going to go through the rules now. Because like I said before, it's complicated, but notice how depending on the how to Cat it's going to change the way that we write the Hamza.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:35

The base form of zoom Allah, there's a Hamza on the line by itself.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:38

Zoom Allah Orca.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:48

It sits on top of a well zoom Allah IE, it sits on top of what's called the nebula, which is basically as it fits any sort of letter.

00:36:50 --> 00:37:02

Hope be Firstly, they are in my class. Okay, here we go. Now we're gonna get some sound. plurals Alhamdulillah. Let's go to brother sire and brother Muslim.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:07

Brother Saturday through star one. Dr. Muhsin, start to

00:37:15 --> 00:37:15


00:37:16 --> 00:37:17

right from

00:37:18 --> 00:37:25

here, okay. At home? Would Magetta he Duna

00:37:28 --> 00:37:33

Nan on moisture he doon my asthma or home?

00:37:35 --> 00:37:42

Asthma? Oh home. Yes, Iran was Korea were Musa were Agboola in

00:37:43 --> 00:38:32

wireman. Hola Eric Lu. Lu Kisoro good. Who would judge you fantastic pause Okay, great job guys. Okay, so the first thing that we have as much techie doing that's a sound masculine por el from mujtahid right much deadhead means hard working. And you know, again, imperfect rules you could imagine hard working as applying to more than human beings but here for whatever reason, it is a sound masculine plural. So much towhid is our base form which that he doing sound masculine plural. are they hard working? Yes, they are hard working as Matt Oh home ism right is the singular for name. Plural is a smash

00:38:34 --> 00:38:46

the whole Esma will host now when we say about Allah has the most beautiful names. Now notice with s mat, two things. First of all, this Hamza is a handler to look at that

00:38:48 --> 00:39:06

in SM in the singular form, in the plural form. This is a excuse me, I misspoke. This is a handle to the Wassell in the singular form and this is a Hamza toccata in the plural form. Okay, that changes the way you read it. You're always going to pronounce the Hamza in the plural form Esma Esma

00:39:07 --> 00:39:59

also notice again our rules with Hamza we have Hamza by itself on the line here and then we have only attached to it oh home now it's sitting on top of a well math as smart Wuhan asthma or home and then he lists Yes, it was like a year or Musa or Abdulahi. Very good. We have holiday again while men ha Ola meaning these, the master pronoun for something close but plural. And now we get into another confounding word which seems to apply to human beings but it's actually a broken plural. I've reached out. So before we learned that, the singular for man is a Rajul. And actually a Raju is derived from the word for for leg. Original original is the word for leg in Arabic be

00:40:00 --> 00:40:12

Because the man is expected to walk, and to go out and to seek provision and to, you know, to provide the livelihood and so that's why men are kind of named for this

00:40:13 --> 00:40:19

activity of going out and going around and stuff like that. l Raju Lu

00:40:20 --> 00:40:23

becomes I'll read gallu

00:40:29 --> 00:40:55

three, jab. So you see clearly how the broken plural right the initial singular noun is all broken up. We've introduced an ally we've changed the habit cats, the feds have on the RA went to a Castra the Bama on the gene went to a Fattah, etc, etc. And then they saw is the plural of Cassia. So Cassia is short.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:00

I guess it's not an insult over there to say these short guys.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:06

I'll see you short baseball

00:41:07 --> 00:41:08

is the plural

00:41:09 --> 00:41:15

and finally home hook jejune. Okay, this is the plural of had John

00:41:16 --> 00:41:18

which is a person on hija pilgrim

00:41:21 --> 00:41:23

the plural hood judge

00:41:33 --> 00:41:37

so we've added an extra gene, and we've added an LS

00:41:39 --> 00:41:41

and we've changed this to a bomb

00:41:46 --> 00:41:48

any questions? How's everybody doing?

00:41:51 --> 00:41:53

unrelated question.

00:41:54 --> 00:41:58

Musa Ahmed me? Yes. Correct. Is that Korea and Musa are many

00:41:59 --> 00:42:00


00:42:03 --> 00:42:07

In this particular situation? Yes. Not everything that is rebney.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:09


00:42:11 --> 00:42:57

is not Arabic. But in these cases, I mean, the names people. Yes. Yes. On anyway. Yes. Because when I say not Arabic, obviously the whole Quran is Arabic. But you're right. You know, you're right. No, no, this is, you know, that whole thing is a is a semantic issue. Right? So some people say, okay, linguistically, Musa is not an Arabic name. Zecharia is not an Arabic name. It came before Arabic was a language. Right? And then some people will say, Well, wait a second. Wait a second. But Allah says that the Koran is in Arabic, right. But this is, you know, it's a non issue because in English, right? We have words that come from other languages. Right? Yeah, like baranda. Yeah, everything

00:42:57 --> 00:43:14

like lemon comes from Arabic, right? The moon, and pants. pantaloon comes from, you know, and everything from Roman, from Latin, from French, from German from all these sorts of languages, right? But through usage, they become English. Can anybody say that pants is not an English word?

00:43:15 --> 00:43:37

No, nobody can say that. Just because it has a linguistic root somewhere else. Right. So in Arabic, in the Koran, there are words, not a whole lot, honestly. But there are words that have roots that are Persian, or roots that are other languages, even when they got out of bites. Yes, exactly. And especially the names of the prophets,

00:43:38 --> 00:43:45

from Aramaic, and from Hebrew, other Semitic languages that existed before Arabic. Right.

00:43:46 --> 00:44:22

And but they got aerobars them through usage. They are just as Arabic as you know, keytab own than anything else. So yes, so these are fixed, you correct? Is that gonna? Yeah, Musa they are more for just like, yes, you don't and Abdulahi, but we can't tell we can't see it, because they're fixed upon the their respective ellipse. And also similar to English the way we use short and well, in English, we use shorter, long and short and tall. Yes, but in Arabic, because you know, we say like, Sabbath day while and we think Assad and Mufasa. And so we do use that for

00:44:24 --> 00:44:48

non human adjective as well as in, like, in English, if we were talking about a human being, we would say, short and tall, but if we're using it for an inanimate object, we will say short and long. Yes. That's a very good question. Yeah, thank you for mentioning that. That's true. In Arabic, there's no separate because we say it's about a while and then we think it's thought and so it's like, yeah, that's a very good point.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:59

That's a very good point, though. What system Sadat's telling us is that is one of the differences in English. We distinguish between human and non human nouns.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:19

When we describe their length by saying something as long or something as tall, right nonhuman we would say it's long human we would say it's tall and Arabic there's no distinction they use. I'll see you and the wheel for both human and non human right which might explain perhaps why it is a broken plural.

00:45:21 --> 00:45:21


00:45:23 --> 00:45:23

Good stuff.

00:45:24 --> 00:45:39

Okay. How much longer Okay, let's just finish this this dialogue and then we will dismiss because we have overtime already. We have Brother Mohammed won't touch them. And Brother Mohammed todich Are you there?

00:45:45 --> 00:45:47

Awesome. All right.

00:45:48 --> 00:45:54

Okay, let's have a brother Mohammed todich Be star one. Mean aina. Home and Brother Mohammed looks awesome. Be started.

00:45:56 --> 00:45:56

mean a

00:45:59 --> 00:46:06

baa baa to whom? minutes? minutes? ThenI. What about whom? In Alia, ban? Good.

00:46:09 --> 00:46:13

I know most of us, the EU.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:29

Da boo, Elon Musk mood. They don't matter me. Very good. Excellent job. Okay, so what do we have here? More of the same man at home? Where are they from?

00:46:31 --> 00:46:38

Now, no, no system is thought about don't worry about it. Like I said, it's a semantic issue. It's a semantic issue. It's a it's a non issue.

00:46:40 --> 00:46:55

This is something that people introduced in order to try to cast doubt on the poor and, you know, to say, Oh, the Koran says it's all Arabic. But look at these words, but anybody who takes literally five seconds to think about it knows that the way that language is evolved, you know,

00:46:56 --> 00:46:59

it doesn't mean that the Koran is

00:47:00 --> 00:47:02

doesn't have words that are

00:47:06 --> 00:47:11

it doesn't mean that the Koran is free from words that originated in another language.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:27

Right? It means that there are no it means that every word in the Koran is understood as an Arabic word. Yes, of course it was. It was an Orientalist argument. And it was also an argument of some of the really esoteric

00:47:29 --> 00:47:31

sects that tried to

00:47:32 --> 00:47:33


00:47:36 --> 00:47:44

make the Koran seem inscrutable, so that they could read meanings into certain things that weren't there.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:45


00:47:46 --> 00:47:50

Because if there are words in the Quran that aren't

00:47:51 --> 00:48:06

Arabic, then we could say that okay, this word, it looks like keytab it looks like book but it really means this other thing, right? So it's all about the scope of meaning and stuff like that.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:13

Okay. Bow Bow home okay. The word bow that means some or part very important word.

00:48:16 --> 00:48:30

Bow. So bow the home model from Adelphi laid some of them mean asleep. are this is my cover, mean acini cover is from China scene is giant.

00:48:31 --> 00:48:37

Like, sino Russian relations, we even have that in English, right? We use the

00:48:39 --> 00:48:49

suffix Finem I think it comes from the same route seen seen as China. Well, that Autohome Amelia van and others of them are some of them are from Japan. Fairly straightforward.

00:48:51 --> 00:48:53

And then the last thing as

00:48:54 --> 00:49:02

well as the heart Oh, where is a Muslim and his friends? So we have our last plural here.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:07

Which is Sadiq friend.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:29

If you've ever gone to Medina, you know that most of the South Asian residents of Medina they say yeah, so the so the they call you friend, which is different from how Arabs usually address you. They usually say Hajj Yeah, Hajj, or pilgrimage Pilgrim, right. They usually say studied, which is friend and the plural is a stick.

00:49:30 --> 00:49:31

So look at how broken that is.

00:49:34 --> 00:49:36

We add a Hamza in the beginning.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:41

We add an Elif later on we add all sorts of things

00:49:43 --> 00:49:45

as the fall

00:49:50 --> 00:49:59

the hobble they went eel mop army a lot on is the restaurant or a cafeteria.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

Okay, I'll point out two things and then we'll go so now we're over time. Okay restaurant.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:10

Also say cafeteria here, it's probably means cafeteria because it is

00:50:12 --> 00:50:39

because it is in a school setting, right? Let's check out how we get there. Okay. So we said earlier I was giving examples How coincidental or that Allah bomb is food okay, that means that the root word is BA, I mean, if we make mean plus ba, for the spoon, I

00:50:41 --> 00:50:42

mean it is the place

00:50:44 --> 00:50:49

the place of eating or the place of food. Okay, this is a morphological pattern

00:50:53 --> 00:50:56

okay maktab the place of writing.

00:50:58 --> 00:51:06

So, basically what we're looking for if we're going to isolate the phonetic pattern, it would be on the pattern of meth aisle.

00:51:08 --> 00:51:14

The place where something happens meskin The place where you repose or you rest

00:51:15 --> 00:51:17

maktab the place where you write

00:51:19 --> 00:51:20

so what about Musa

00:51:22 --> 00:51:36

masala is different because Salah is Salah, is a feral napus it's a verb that has an irregular phonetic thing to it because it even affects the mean.

00:51:38 --> 00:51:50

No, it also is on form two, right? So this is our form our Babs have or what do you call it? Our verb forms? This is performed one, perform two.

00:51:52 --> 00:52:01

It's different, and we'll get into that later. Right before for for one method. So it'd be Masjid but it'd be Musala. Yes. Must be.

00:52:03 --> 00:52:09

Yes. And the last little thing that we have here that Habu that Habu

00:52:11 --> 00:52:15

okay, we learned before that habba he went,

00:52:16 --> 00:52:37

then we learned that her bat, she went, now we're learning third person, Portal. It's all coming plural. Yes. We were doing plural nouns. Now we're doing plural verbs. Past tense. That habba is the stem. Boo means they went that Habu

00:52:38 --> 00:52:40

How come you will have

00:52:41 --> 00:52:46

to suck in letters doesn't apply you were because there's a while and doesn't allow.

00:52:48 --> 00:52:59

The LF is a placeholder. Here the LF is not an actual letter. If you see it in the Koran, it will have like an egg shaped circle above it, which is not a sukoon it actually means that it was the one that says

00:53:00 --> 00:53:04

yes, yes, assignment letter. Right. And it's just a placeholder. Because

00:53:05 --> 00:53:16

if I recall correctly, it's because if it weren't there, then this would resemble other types of words that it's not. And so in order to avoid resembling other types of words, which is big in Arabic.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:23

It hasn't Elif was a placeholder that's not pronounced. So that Habu and my

00:53:25 --> 00:54:02

what I will say last thing, we're way over time, is that for conjugation I said that, you know, I find conjugating with hand motions to be very, very effective for learning it and getting it down and establishing those connections in your brain. Right? So the basic idea of learning verb conjugation, is to point in a direction that reflects the person right? So third person will be over here to the side because you're talking about someone who isn't present. Second person, you're going to be pointing right ahead of you because you're talking to somebody, first person, you're going to be talking at yourself, because you're talking about yourself.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:24

And then the other part is, however many fingers you hold up, reflects whether it's singular, or plural. Okay, so, the way that I prefer to teach verb conjugation, you've learned two forms that you can practice you can go to that habba that Habu

00:54:25 --> 00:54:50

okay, you see how that works? I'm pointing to the side both times because it's third person I'm using my first my just my index finger to indicate singular that Hamza and I'm using all four fingers to indicate plural that have and you can take any verb that you've learned up until this point and practice with this technique and it will help you remember cat Teva cats Abu gel, jealous,

00:54:51 --> 00:54:52

jealous su

00:54:54 --> 00:55:00

anything else? You know gotta to read, Otto, etc, etc. Okay,

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

We're way over time. Anyone have any questions?

00:55:02 --> 00:55:03

Yes. Sorry.

00:55:07 --> 00:55:13

So there is no gender difference between in this day we can just use for either gender.

00:55:14 --> 00:55:37

Or which one is that we're talking about? That Habu Oh, good. Okay, so this is something that we will get into more detail later in Arabic, just like in the Romance languages, there's something that's called Teva leave, which is that the masculine form is used for groups that are both exclusively masculine. And for mixed groups.

00:55:38 --> 00:55:46

There is a separate form for a group that is only female. But we will learn that at a later time. Right?

00:55:48 --> 00:55:56

The masculine form is the default it applies to both groups of men and groups that are mixed. So we'll learn that first then we'll get to the feminine forms later.

00:55:59 --> 00:56:00

Thank you. Yes. Good question.

00:56:03 --> 00:56:03

Any other questions?

00:56:12 --> 00:56:21

Great work, everybody. Exciting things lie ahead of us. I mean, why Yeah. Okay, I'll see you next time in sha Allah. Tada. That's anomaly

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