Nadim Bashir – Lessons For Young Brothers and Sisters from the story of Musa AS

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The importance of trust and faith in Islam's teachings for young people is emphasized, along with the need for everyone to be present for support and learning from their parents. The speakers emphasize the importance of humility and protecting oneself in difficult situations, as well as the need to learn from the story of the Hcento of Islam and find people who need help. The segment also touches on the success of working hard and learning from the story of the Hcento of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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So don't want to live

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along walkabout along walk

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walk through

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a shadow

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How are you

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are you

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are you

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how are you

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Alhamdulillah Allah who who when I started you know when I started when I was a bit ly miniature already and fusina Woman sejahtera Marina Mejia the healer who for Loma Linda will mean you'll follow her the Ella wanted to do Allah Allah illallah wa de who lash at ICA wanted to do I know Muhammad Abdul rasuluh I'm about for the call of La de Barco Tala for crying Mojito for one Hamid brother I will be lavished with on rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Yeah, you're not stopping Robert Kumala the Halacha Minassian Wahida wahala caminhadas oda obasa min humare Jelena cathedra. One is what double la Hala. Rita's will be you are harming Allah canonical nativa

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will Allah to Isla un Adina Amrita Kula haka, Ducati what at the Moto Nila one to Simone lokala to Isla Yeah, you holiday in Amarillo double la Kulu Conan said either, you still like them. Amara la comida de la cama de Nova calm or military la hora Sula PHIPA differs 1000 All the muscle up a load all the fighting that struggle Hadith Kitab Allah will highly How do you have you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were shuttered Ohmori Martha to her work will then be the work will be the art in Walla Walla Kula dot infinity I'm about I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala that just as he has gathered us here today on the day of Juma May Allah subhanho wa Taala gather us along with our

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families in Jeddah for those that Allah in the companionship of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I mean your Ramadan I mean

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as you all know that the third Juma hookah is always mostly geared towards our young brothers and young sisters. And keeping that in mind today inshallah I've chosen some ayat of the Quran, especially from syllabuses from the story of Musa alayhis salam, some important things that are very relevant for our young brothers and sisters today in this day and age. Once again, Allah subhanho wa Taala he reminds us in the Quran first of all by saying look at the kind of feed passes to him are able not only oral Al Bab this Quran is filled with stories and anecdotes that is relevant to me

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Every single segment of the community, if a child says, what is in the Quran for me, there are so many stories that we can find the Quran for children, things that they can learn from. If a young man or young woman says what is in the Quran for me, there are so many stories that we can learn from in the Quran. If a parent says what's in it for me, there are so many stories that we find in the Quran. And likewise, any person of any age there you will find verses of the Quran that is relevant to them, not only in terms of age, but in terms of our even our socio economic status, will find stories is relevant to all of us. So that is why today Inshallah, the story that I've chosen,

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of course, is a Musa alayhis salam. But of course, we know the story of Mussolini, some is big, but just few points inshallah we can learn from the story of Mussolini, Assam, especially in light of sort of across us, first of all, is that I want to remind everyone that if you ever want to study the life of Musa alayhis, salaam, you have to start off with sort of causes. And the reason I'm starting off into the process today is because this talks about when Musa you said, I'm sister was a teenager, and then also talks about when Mussolini Islam was a teenager himself. And that is why keeping that in mind, along with the third quote by Inshallah, that's why I've chosen today's topic.

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Now, of course, it doesn't mean that everyone else was not considered as a young man or young woman should just shut themselves off and just be oblivious throughout this entire hookah. Now, all these things are very relevant for every single one of us. First of all, is that we all have to understand when it comes to our relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala, we need to have a certain level of trust and faith in Allah subhanho wa taala. And that means two important things. It means number one, no matter what the situation looks like, we think that we know the situation, we think that we know what's going to happen, but we always have to put our trust in Allah subhanho wa taala. Number

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one, number two is often people will say that you don't know what I'm going through. I'm going through a very traumatic time in my life, I'm going through distress, I'm going through anxiety, I'm going through depression, no one knows exactly what I'm going through. And the reality is that from the same story, we learned that even emotionally speaking, no matter what the situation is, no matter where your emotional health is, and your status is always put your trust in Allah subhanaw taala we learn from the story of the mother of Mussolini, Assam to begin with in this in the sutra that Allah subhanho wa Taala he talks about that how Allah inspired put in the heart of the mother

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of Musa alayhis salam to put him into a basket. Now why put them into a basket to protect him first of all, from fit own in his army. But on top of that, how can a mother put her child in a basket not knowing where this basket is gonna go? She on one hand was putting her child inside the basket to protect the child from fit her own. Realizing that this basket is in a water in a river, that's gonna pass by fifth rounds palace. But see, at the end of the day, she may have thought the logic logic says the Why should I put him in the water because if I'm trying to protect him on one end, he's gonna get caught on the other end. Logic says don't put the order of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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says put the child in the basket. And what she gave preference to was not logic, but she gave preference to what Allah subhana wa Taala wanted. And I think that is where a lot of times we get caught up. We feel like we know what's going to happen. And if I do this, I'm gonna get in serious trouble. I can put myself in a very difficult situation. But we always have to put our faith and Eman in Allah subhanho wa Taala and not only that, but Allah subhanho wa Taala also highlights the emotional distress of the mother of Musa Islam and he says, What else about her for me Musa rehaul see in the Quran when Allah talks about the heart, Allah uses two different words. He uses the word

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hello and foo and the word Pub is the heart in itself. But when you talk about the emotional state of a heart, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will journey bring the word for God. So Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, Well us behalf of Musa ferry or incur that lead to be dB he Lola or Roberto called Bihar is Hakuna Momineen like she was when she saw her child being you know, just going away in that basket. The waves are carrying the child away the carrying the basket away. She wanted to call out but she

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She realizes that on one end, she calls out she's also endangering the child. This emotional distress that she's going through, she put her trust in Allah subhanho wa taala. And we learn from the same Surah that when you learn how to put your trust in Allah subhana wa Taala no matter what the situation looks like, no matter what the state of our, what the emotional state of our of our situation may be, when you put your trust in Allah Subhana Allah Allah, Allah will never, ever let you down. Allah subhanho wa Taala not only did he return Musa Islam, back to his own mother, but now you have a mother, who in the Quran does not mention anything about the father of musante Islam. So

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we assume that we're talking about a single mother, here, a single mother is taking care of her child, but now we take care of her child but Allah created an arrangement that she will be paid to taking care of her own child. Subhanallah so when you put your trust in Allah subhana what to Allah, I want our young brothers and young sisters to always remember when you first of all, it takes a lot of heart to put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes, you know, they say you take you take a leap of faith. But when you take that leap of faith for Allah subhanho wa Taala The first thing we learn from this story is Allah will never let you down. Now there's many of the things that

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we can learn from the story of Musa alayhis salam, and we'll go through them. The free first thing that we can also learn from unearthing that we can learn from the story of Musa alayhis salaam is that when the child was taken away, or when the water took the child away, the mother Mussolini's son was, of course very concerned about the safety of her child. So what she did was that she told the sister of Musa alayhis salaam, she told the sister of Musa alayhis salam that Allah Akihiko see the Quran says that she the mother Musa told the sister of Musa Go and inquire about your brother. Now the Quran does all that it says of policy for for boss to not be here on gentlemen who are

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homeless. Yeah, Sharon, all the Quran says that she was told to go follow her brother. And she followed her brother in such a way where she did it where she did it in a very stealth mode in a way that no one was suspect her was interesting to note about this is that this child did not say to the mother that are you crazy. You're asking me to go in this situation? What do I wear? What do I not wear? Where do I go? Where do I not go and so forth. She did not ask any questions. She was there to support her mother in all circumstances. Not only that, but we also find in the same story of Musa Islam, to other women who came who did not have a mother, but they had a father. And they came there

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to support to bring water to the animals to support who their father. So what we learned from the story of Musa you some is for our young brothers and sisters is that always be there to support your parents. Once again, in the case of the sister of Musa it was her supporting her single mother. In the case of those two girls who came later on in the story of Musa alayhis salam after he had become a teenager, and he fled Egypt. Now you have them supporting their father, this is a single father. But in both cases, the story teaches us that for our young brothers and sisters, always be there to support your parents always be there by their side, always learn from them. And yes, there is no one

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who is considered as perfect. There is no parent who is perfect, there is no child who's perfect. But in these kinds of situations, you learn the best that you can from your parents, and whatever and wrong they may have whatever bad habits they may have, whatever things they may do wrong, you leave that you don't have to become disrespectful to them. But we learned that we have to always be by the sight of our parents, if we see that our parents want something. Our parents are in need of something without even them asking or putting too many details into it. We should be very inquisitive, and just go and try to figure out for yourselves. I mean, subhanAllah when I was

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growing up, we never had YouTube. We never had the internet. We just had you know, computers and CD ROMs and, and other things today. Alhamdulillah. There is no I mean if any person says I don't know how to do something, and I can't figure out how to do something, then I would question that person's intelligence. I mean, like there's so many ways to know how to do something, as if YouTube and the internet was not enough and now you have Chad GBT and so many other sources of AI that you can ask any question they will tell you how to do anything in life. So when your parents wants something from you, always be there for them and even if you don't know how to do it, try to figure it out by

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yourself. You see that? Musala Islam

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sister did not have to be told, given every single small instruction, she figured out things on her own. So the very first so one of the things that we learn is always be there to support your parents. Number two is always trying to be responsible for yourself. So what we learn from this is that Musa alayhis salam, there came a time in his life, where he did,

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he did do something which was unintentional, we know the story of Musa alayhis salam is mentioned. So the passes, that he went outside, and he saw two people one from, you know, from his native tribe, and someone else from Egypt. And they both were in a conflict. And he did not realize his physical abilities, I will say, and all he tried to do is he just tried to push one person away. Some people say that he punched him, he never punched him, he just push a person away. But he didn't realize his strength and just giving a person a small push. He that person fell down and he eventually passed away. Now Musala is somebody that unintentionally but what he did right away was

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he took responsibility for his actions, and he repented to Allah subhanho wa taala. The reason why I'm talking about this is because many people, especially many of our young brothers and sisters, when things do not go well in their life, we like to blame a lot of other people for our miseries and our challenges are in our life. I'm going through this because of my parents. I'm going through this because my siblings, I'm going through this because of my teacher, I don't get good grades, because my teacher hates me, or I'm not going I'm not doing this because my boss hate my boss hates me. Yet, someone who can walk into work two, three hours late, and they feel like that there should

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be no repercussions. And when they are consequences, we want to blame everything on anyone on everyone else. And to our young to my young brothers, young sisters, you have to learn how to take responsibility for your own actions. Once again in the story of Mussolini. Mussolini is some is a young man, just like many of you are young men and women, and he did something which was unintentional. And yes, if you do something also unintentional. Remember they take responsible of your actions, learn from them, and move forward in life. Do not let your challenges not let yours mistakes, or your sins hold you back. But take responsibility and move forward. This is what we

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learn from the story of Mussolini Islam. In fact, we also learned that later on, the person that Mussolini Hassan was trying to escape from Allah is telling him go back to that same person, go back to that same person. And so the Haisla fit Oh, and when he saw Musa Islam, he read he said something very sarcastically wished the Quran highlights till today. He says what for Altia Falletta Keleti for Altova antamina caffeine. Look at the word farla. Fall at the gala tea for Altova antamina. Caffeine I was being sarcastic, like, you know, Aren't you the guy? You know, you did something I remember you did something. And here Musala is some knows that he's guilty of what he did. Many

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people may not be aware of it or own he's taking. He's having a field day with his he's just being so sarcastic and so forth. But what did Mussolini some do? He remained steadfast? And he Yes, he did something that is wrong. He took action. He took responsibility for it. And Allah is telling him to go back to Finland, you never said, Yeah, Allah, that's the same guy I ran, I ran away from it. Now you want me to go back to the same guy to the same person, I am going to do that. No, he went forward, as Allah subhana what I told him, the next thing that we learned something that is very interesting, and that is very important to us, for our young brothers, young sisters, is the

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importance of applying higher in our life. We learned that when those two girls came, they were young girls. Musala is some He's an old man. He's a young man. We understand how hormones work in our bodies, especially when it comes to young men and young women. And we see that how they were available, able to apply higher in their life, and especially in their interactions with Mussolini and Saddam, and how Mussolini's son was able to apply higher in his interactions with those two girls. See, when they make one thing very clear. There are some people who say that men and women should not be talking at all. And then there are some who, you know, they just crossed all

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boundaries and so forth. And there is absolutely no haya in their life. And we have to understand that our deen is very, it's a very practical Dean, or a dean has taught us that if you need to interact with the opposite gender, there are some certain guidelines that you have to apply in your life simple as that. And if you can apply those guidelines and no problem and those guidelines have not been put in place so that we don't have fun in our life is to protect you and I is that we can protect our faith, we can protect our iman and so Allah subhana wa he wants to prevent us from falling into a slippery slope kind of situation. So that is why this is something that especially

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for our young brothers and sisters,

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So many times we see that the light to go into kind of situations where there is a lot of free mixing. And I want to urge everyone that yes, our dean has created higher. And there's higher and main different aspects and forms I don't, I'm not going to go into all of them. But I always urge that especially for our young brothers and sisters, and you know, there are a lot of times like, you know, where they feel like that, oh, this is my sister, or this is my brother, my brother and his son, my sister and Islam, and they crossed boundaries and so forth. We have to always understand that there's nothing wrong in interacting with someone of the opposite gender, as long as we apply

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the rules of Haifa and apply the rules of Sharia, this story of Mussolini, some being a young man, those being young women, the Quran is teaching us how to interact with those kinds of situations. So that is why the next important advice I have for our young brothers and sisters is that always try to put yourself in a situation where you are not endangering your faith where you're not endangering your iman. Once again, we've heard other calls about this about how shaytaan uses. In fact, even Napoleon Rahmatullah lay, he has written a book known as Toby's beliefs. In this he talks about what are the some of the key things that shaytaan uses to deceive and misguide mankind. And one of the

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things that he mentioned is that this, you know, especially when it comes to people of the opposite gender coming together, and so forth, these are one of the things that shaytani uses to deceive and in misguide people. So that is why for our young brothers, sisters, always put yourself in a situation where you're not just, you know, complete, free mixing gatherings and so forth. Try to protect yourself in that situation. The next thing that we learn from the story of Musa alayhis salaam is the importance of humbleness. See, once again, think about this. Imagine if you had a young man or a young woman growing up in a very prosperous family, a very rich family. What do you

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see most of the time with these kinds of kids is, you know, in graduation, they finish high school graduation, and they get like a really, really expensive car, okay. And then after that, they're usually going around in their, you know, and they're like, in their nice ride, and they're just going around, driving around, you know, trying to get friends and so forth. And, and they're just going around and doing these kinds of things. Interestingly, in the case of Mussolini, some he grew up in richness. In the case of Rasulullah sallallahu, ala he was some he grew up in poverty. But we see both of these prophets doing the same exact thing that when they were young, they were not just

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going around showing and flashing off their richness, but they were amongst the people and they always were helping out people. The story of Musa mentions, well, I'm Bella should the whole western thing now Hockman waka Daddy can has a Marcin with the halal Medina Tala Haney Lhasa for what is the fee hydrogenating Yakata. To learn. The Quran mentions the Musa ism did not just sit in the palace of unknown, he grew up in richness, he could get whatever he wanted, but he realized that that is not what I want to do. The Quran says what the halal Medina he went into the city he was amongst the people. What we need to do is that we need to be amongst the people Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam was amongst the people, always looking for people who needed help, always looking for people who needed justice, always looking for people who needed other people to stand up for their rights. And subhanAllah we find that even in the story of hateful football, we find the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was part of this justice pact. He was part of this agreement, though, the people of Makkah will always establish justice, and they will exhibit justice. He was a very young man when he was part of this agreement. So when it comes to our young men and young women, go out and be part of people just don't sit at home, sit on your phones and waste your times and so

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forth. Go out. There are so many people who are in need of how there's so many organizations, Muslim organizations, non Muslim organizations, who are looking for volunteers to help people who are in need. Right now, homelessness is rising. People who don't there are people who don't even have the basic necessities of life, and they're looking for volunteers go out and help out just like we learn from the story of Musa alayhis salam and the story of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Another thing that we learn from the story of Musa Allah Islam is that when you go through difficulty and you will go through difficulty, always turn to Allah subhana wa Tala Musa alayhis salam is in a city

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where he has no idea where he's gonna go. He doesn't have any job security. He doesn't know where he's going to stay. He doesn't know where his next meal is going to come from. He's even married. He's a young man. Where does he start from how many times in life we feel like where do I start from? So Musa alayhis salam in that situation he turned to Allah subhanho wa taala. At that time, a lot of times what we usually do is, before we turn to Allah subhanaw taala we turn to our contacts, we turn to our network, we turn to our friends and so forth. There's nothing wrong in turning to them, but the very

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First one you turn to in all your challenges in all your difficult situations is to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and make dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. And finally, this is something that we learn from the story of Musa in Assam and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and that is the importance of hard work. You know, subhanAllah Janine, we live in a time where if you open up Tik Tok, you open up Instagram, there are so many people who are making videos how to become rich overnight. You know, you can do this and you'll earn. I mean, like, such bizarre numbers in one day. $70,000 one day $100,000. And if you look behind them, they live in small homes. You know, it's, it

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makes you question, what kind of like marketing is is going on online? And so how many of our youth they feel like you know what, I can become rich overnight. I don't have to do any hard work. When you look at Mussolini, some he grew up in a palace. He grew up in richness, but there came a time in his life, where he had to become a shepherd. In fact, even Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is Rasool Allah. Think about this for a moment. He is Rasul Allah He said, Allahu Allah, he was said no.

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I mean, he is the best man ever to walk on the faces earth. And Allah subhanho wa Taala did not just make everything easy for us, hula Salah Sonam he was born without a father. His mother dies at the age of six, his his grandfather dies at the age of eight. And then later on, what does he do? He grew up with his with his uncle Abu Talib, which historically speaking, compared to all the other brothers that he had, he was living in the in the highest level of poverty. He was living in very, you know, he was living a very lavish life. And russula son grew up with him in his household, and he became a shepherd also. So what we need to understand, especially for our young brothers and

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young sisters, that if Allah subhanaw taala blesses you in a very short amount of time. Alhamdulillah and I pray to Allah subhanaw taala that he blesses all of our young brothers and sisters in sha Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala give them a mercy from his treasures, but at the same time, we need to understand the importance of hard work. When Allah subhanaw taala talked about the Buddha Allah his time in the Quran, he says what that would mean for the Big Bang or we be ma who were played while another Hadith. When Allah talked about the job of the Buddha, listen, yes, he highlights when he was a king. But before that, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights that he was a

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blacksmith. He used to work with copper and iron. Not today when a person says I'm just an Uber driver and people say, you know, they they feel very shy and they feel very embarrassed to say I have a halal income even if you're an Uber driver and so forth. People sometimes feel like that is a bad thing. If it's a halal income and finish hard word, then Allah subhanho wa Taala praises that Allah subhanho wa Taala appreciates that. So that is why for our young brothers and sisters, a lot of times we feel we want prestigious jobs and that is why Subhanallah I've seen how there's there are times where I've seen youngsters young men and young women 2528 years old, still living with

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their parents don't want not having a job. Why because they're waiting for you know, probably like an amazing job that will come from nowhere. And they'll have like this dream job and so forth. You have to work from the bottom up in life. So that is why for our young brothers and sisters learn from the story of whistling Islam learn from the story of Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was telling them that in life you have to work hard and nothing comes without hard work. I asked Allah subhana without to grant Sophia May Allah subhanaw taala give us ability to learn from these stories. Um you know, but I mean Allahumma barik Aloha welcome and all the way to find out what yeah compared to

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what they can Hakeem stuff that Allah How do you welcome What are you saying what's the manifesto for you in a hula for him?

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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Anna hamdulillah and I do want to start you know when I started when I was when I mentioned we and for some say yeah Marina manga de la medulla. When we look further ahead yella when I saw Allah either in Allah wa they will show the color when I still don't know Mohammed Abdullah su Amma. But once again, I just want to quickly recap on all the things that we cover today from the story of Musa alayhis salam. First of all is never lose your Eman and faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala number two is always be there to support your parents. Number three is always take responsibility of your actions. Number four is always put yourself in a situation where you can

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apply HIA in your life. Number five is always be humble. Always Be humble always be amongst other people. Number six is whenever you go through difficulty in life, always turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and number seven is always have the habit of working hard and ALLAH SubhanA wa barakaatuh Inshallah, in your hard work, we ask Allah subhana wa to give us their faith in sha Allah and may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the ability to learn from the Quran Amitabha Amin Allahumma Sol is someone with Simeon Allah Who monster is someone Muslim enough equally Maka.

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Allahumma suna Allah Mahalo, Vanna White Fabula then I will ask you how LaDonna was female Alana Why are female with Alana what ha Mota Anna what could be the United actually hide while tsunami Felicia Wofford Nam equally divided along political matter who will be behaving and that will be in a male Celtic I mean particle mountable you're gonna be genetic when you're appealing to her when we are in MSI, but dunya maternelle vs Marina alcova Tina Atena was a little worrisome in which I thought on our alarm and voila mana one sunnah alarm and Ida Anna wala to Dynamo Siva Nafi Deena what are they do me algebra Hamina whatever whatever alumina wala Nerima Sirona Rata solat Elena Mala hamona

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Allahumma Inessa look at my nephew. While I'm an amateur Kabbalah what is on was your worship leader alarm in an older becoming a million? I'm gonna call Bill Yaksha when not Scylla touchbar woman in law used to jab me Robert Alameen in Allaha mobila addley while you're Sandy wait either Obi Wan Han fascia him okay what about AI the company Allah come to the Quran for the Colonials Kuru comb wash good he would have thrown up in Salah

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hola como la como a shadow on

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a shadow and Mohammed muda Roy soon

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hanging out on a sauna and hanging on and fell

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by the arm at your sauna to invite them to sauna I love a

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so so common so the Hello string lines when the gaps

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if you there's there's a lot of space still inside the main hall so brothers in the back two rooms please come inside inshallah

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if there's any space also in the back two rooms if there's any space please make sure you fill up the space there should be no rows that are incomplete

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along who?

00:32:20 --> 00:32:45

Alhamdulillah you Robben Island me in a ramen noodle Rafi man Maliki a woman the ear canal Abu what kind of story and it did not set off on him was that he set off on Eddie and I now I'm I lay him why he didn't I will do the or lay him wala ball Monday and

00:32:50 --> 00:33:08

well I wouldn't be Rob Bell Falco Michelle Lima Holika Wyoming shell Rivas it in either Wakaba Wyoming Charlene nefesh Tiffany Oh call the warming shall be higher seeding either as a law watch boom

00:33:15 --> 00:33:17

semi Allah Hoonah human Hamidah

00:33:21 --> 00:33:23

along with boom

00:33:31 --> 00:33:32

Allahu Akbar

00:33:36 --> 00:33:37

Allahu Akbar come

00:33:47 --> 00:33:49

along walk around

00:33:51 --> 00:34:14

Alhamdulillah you're robbing me in a rahmanir wahi medica you will meet the ear canal boudoir, canister Re and Idina Ciroc and Mustafi set off a levena and I'm thoroughly him Are you still mobile DO WE ARE THEY him one a ball only the

00:34:19 --> 00:34:24

while I will be robbing Mullikin sila in

00:34:25 --> 00:34:28

me, shall real worse worse Ilhan.

00:34:29 --> 00:34:36

ullery USV Sofia sold or in Meenal Jean nathi one

00:34:38 --> 00:34:39

Allahu at Wong.

00:34:47 --> 00:34:49

Samia Allahu Eman Hamidah.

00:34:53 --> 00:34:55

Along watch boom

00:35:03 --> 00:35:04

Allahu Akbar

00:35:08 --> 00:35:10

Allahu Akbar boom

00:35:20 --> 00:35:22

a lot like you're welcome

00:36:01 --> 00:36:08

Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah a Salam, one acre Morocco metal law

00:36:15 --> 00:36:15


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