Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 13

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of prepositions in Arabic and English, emphasizing their flexibility and nuances in the language. They stress the importance of recognizing the meaning of "enter" in a sentence and the use of "enter" in a sentence to avoid mistakes. They also discuss the structure of verbs and the use of "ar passion" and "ar passion" in English, highlighting the importance of understanding the meaning of "ar passion" and "ar passion" in English. The speakers stress the importance of practicing and being specific when discussing sentences in order to improve understanding.
AI: Transcript ©
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Isn't that hungry? I mean, Assad was salam ala.

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Salim being in our foot watching and Mohammed Ali of Salah was Curtis Nene Allahumma Alleman everybody and founder on Fatima Island Tina was it an arraignment? Er on that on me.

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So, today we have another new and exciting lesson.

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we had learned about prepositions.

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Okay, prepositions, we're using them

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currently as a foil or as an added

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wrinkle in our Joomla SBN.

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In our sentence that begin with

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and so, all of our examples have been

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with elke taboo, starting with an SM I ll McCovey, for example, and we learned previously Isla, the preposition which means on or on top of and fee, which primarily means in or inside.

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And as we said, prepositions are much more flexible in the Arabic language than in English. So you'll find that fee has several meanings. In classical Arabic, it can mean I won't go into it, but just know put it in the back of your head, save it for a rainy day that prepositions are more flexible in Arabic than they are in English. So they can have multiple meanings. But these are the primary meetings especially in everyday speech. So today, we are going to proceed to learn

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to more prepositions, and we're going to use them in the same exact way.

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Which is as the hub for the predicate of a Joomla is meow, a sentence that begins with an essence, what we're also going to use them in a novel way. We're going to use them as part of a verbal sentence. Today, we're going to get our first taste of verbs, and how to construct a sentence that begins not with an ism, but with a fair

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and we're going to learn some vocab. Actually, after this, we have a nice little conversation. So it doesn't seem like there's too many live participants today, but whoever's here can take part in the conversation inshallah. And if we need I can step into.

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So that new prepositions that we're learning our EDA,

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careful to distinguish ILA you hear how it quickly releases from the lamp Illa

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distinguish that from,

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like La ilaha illallah, which is a different word entirely, which means except, right? So Isla means to toward, we're talking about directionality, whether it's in time, but usually in place, and men,

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men, which means from

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same thing, directionality usually in place, but also used with time, as we said that prepositions in the first place, they're mostly used to communicate the relationship between two things, how close is it? How far away is? Where is it in relative location to the other thing, and so on and so forth? Oh, good.

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So those are our goals for today. Those prepositions, working them out, seeing the ways in which we can use them where they can pop up in sentences, Intro to verbs and our first taste of a verbal sentence.

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Okay, I'll get to that in a second.

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Let's just go to the book.

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And we'll do the exercises and then I will circle back to the slides to break it down inshallah. So I need two volunteers to be I need a modalities or modalities as the case may be. And I need someone to play or Hanneman are my first two volunteers? Sure, we can go okay. You too. Okay. Good. So sister, Saira, brother, my son, one of you be the mothers and the other one be Mohamed and you're going to read this entire page is a conversation I'm going to stop you at different places to point out vocab. We will talk about the grammar after you've completed the

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The entire conversation. Okay?

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Go ahead.

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Oh, boy. Okay.

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All right, don't worry.

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And there are a few mistakes are the path to learning. Right? Thanks for not learning what the mistakes, whoever makes the most mistakes learns the most.

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All right, men.

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I know an excellent. Now this has one word that we have not learned up until now. And that is the word Enter. Enter is a pronoun. So previously we had learned who, for he, he or her. And now this I'm sorry for key and she and enter means you.

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So, sister Sarah, if you were to translate that sentence, what would you translate it as?

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or I should say question.

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Where? Like, where are you from? Exactly. Excellent work. Mean aina. And where are you from? Literally, From where are you? But where are you from? Great. What's the response?

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I mean, oh, yeah. Bernie. Excellent. All right, good. So Anna, is another pronoun we have not learned up until now. Just as enter means you. Anna means I

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you could please try to trance Oh, yeah. And obviously earlier than here we have a nice beautiful picture earlier then is Japan. So now we can tell that this conversation, we're going to be talking about where people are from

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and must have done an excellent job of throwing that customer on underneath of that because it's after Min. Min is a preposition. And so that is some after it is going to be men's rule with a customer. So what does this sentence mean?

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I am from Japan. Excellent work. Very good. So now we have a formula mean Anaa answer. Where are you from? And I mean, I am from and Amelia Ben. Good, keep going.

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Well, I mean, I know.

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I'm on my run

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on my run. Excellent. So if Enza was you now we've substituted a proper name so the sentence means or the question is, and the where is Ammar from? So now we're asking about where a third person is from.

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Go ahead.

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Well, Amina seen see me who will who Amina Seanie excellent a scene is China asleep

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say an English like sino right is a route that we often use to talk about things from China so I think that's it probably comes from the same group

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they're a good

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heard me doing well I mean, ain't a ham you don't yep

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Hua mineral hin Hola, Mina al Hindi. Excellent. Very good. And as you can probably guess, I'll hand is India.

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Okay, I'm going to have to

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move this down and erase these. I hope you everybody got the vocab. So now, the second half of the conversation we've gone

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Abbas one. Good and what does that mean? Can you translate that for us?

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Where's Abbas? Yes. And the response.

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Excellent. This is our first verb

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and it means he left.

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We will talk about the structure of verbs after we get through this conversation.

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Go ahead and continue

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that is

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is our second.

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Good that is our second verb. It means he went

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in English we would translate this as. Where did he? Where did he go? He left. Where did he go? Go ahead.

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Zaha l moody. Excellent. Now, l moody is usually the principal we would say.

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Or is it principal? There we go.

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Okay, continue.

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they have Ali? Ali Yan, right? Yes.

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Is that hubba

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mid hottie? Excellent. And we have learned more FOB last class, which had literally means the toilet, right? So if you want to be a little more explicit as to who's going to the bathroom, or the washroom if you're from Canada, then that's what you would say. The hubba eel marhaba

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excellent work. Very, very good.

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You guys did a great job reading everything as everybody caught the new words the vocab?

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I'll say this has anybody not rote written down the new words?

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Okay, I'm gonna assume you have them. And now we're going to talk about the structure of a verb.

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there are three types of verbs.

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Great question. Are countries always definite? Yes, I believe so.

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Now, not all countries are preceded by Ali Lam.

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That's a separate issue.

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Some, for example, like M Rica,

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which is shorthand for L Wilaya. Takeda MV Kia, the United States of America. But over there they say America America, even though there's many Americans North America, South America, Central America. They say America to mean the United States most often. And even though it does not have any phlegm. It is definitely because it is a known specific country just like

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just like a known specific name, like Mohammed.

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There are other countries that are also definite. And in addition to be definite in meaning, they also have the Alif Lam, like El Hynde a scene

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remember our Sun and Moon letters

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as Sudan.

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And this is the same thing that we have in English, right? And even in English, there are countries that we refer to with the like the Netherlands, right?

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So literally, this is the Sudan and the hen. But even without the URL if lamb

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country names are always definitely.

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Good, good question. So let's look at our verbs. Okay.

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Is it ena or aina? We had both of them in that

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in that lesson, so we had ena

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which was aI

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that's written with 100

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and a noon

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and this placeholder leaf which actually is a silent letter.

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And then we have

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which is Hamza on top of them. At least Yeah, with a soupcon and then a noon with a

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so this is i

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and this is where

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so country names without l still have only a single Holika not double.

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And Rica

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we have

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I would need to check on that. Because that's a really, really good question

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For example, proper names, such as Muhammad

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have 10. Wheat, right? Well haven't been doing if they're masculine of the feminine.

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So through that rule,

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it's not necessarily that a country name, even if it didn't have anything that

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would have just a single halacha.

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However, there are specific rules for foreign words, right. So we were talking just last class about introducing the concept of minored, Mina soft, there are certain words that are foreign

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to the out of victim.

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All right, I should back up minored medicine is a group of words that for whatever reason, or for many, multiple reasons, they never have a 10 win or a castle.

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Okay. Some words that are foreign words come under this category of North Minnesota, which means that it will never get a 10 week, even if it is definite.

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As for I'm not confident enough to say that every single country name

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only has one character,

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or one haddock at the end, and no, totally off the top of my head. That sounds correct.

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But maybe a missile.

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But I can't say with confidence that every single country is like that.

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That's a good question.

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The question would be, it would have to be a name of a country that is an Arabic word or understood in Arabic, it's not a foreign word that does not have anything I'm attached to. That would be our case that would answer your question. If we can identify one of those such countries,

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then we would find out the answer.

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Okay, so that's good. I have some research.

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Looking at

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our verbs, our first verb was

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caught out. Yeah.

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Okay, and is that big, old,

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QA, all jacked

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In the Arabic language.

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There are three types of verbs.

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The first type of verb

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is the past tense.

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We learn

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verbs, starting with the past tense,

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and are not the present tense.

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Why is that? It has to do with which one is derived from the other. So in English,

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you achieve the past tense, usually by adding on a suffix.

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In order to make the past tense, which makes the present tense the default, right, I say, I walk

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in order to make it past tense, then I have to add something to it, I walked.

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Right Ed.

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It's the opposite in Arabic.

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The base form the default form is the past tense verb.

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And we add things to it to achieve the present tense. So that's why we're going to start with past tense verbs. They are the basis of all other verbs. The second we have is present tense.

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And the last we have is not the future because the future in English is the future and Arabic like English is achieved with a particle.

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Similar to will, and not with its own independent

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We have the imperative mood, which isn't really a tense but that's okay.

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It has a separate common conjugation. So, types of verbs and Arabic are just three of them.

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Past tense, present tense imperative,

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are only going to be looking at these for the time being, those are the most important to get down.

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When we began talking about the ysm

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we said that all s mat was the pluralism. All nouns are all words that fit into the category of this.

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You could divide them into two categories.

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Depending on, did they change their endings to show grammar or not?

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We call these two categories, me.

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And more.

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Murghab basically means that, yes, it's declined a lot, it's going to change its ending to show grammar. So we have elevate to Meenal Beatty. And if we made it, the object of a verb L beta, which will maybe we'll see today if we get through it. Okay? There were other isms. If you pardon my angle,

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that word made me like have them. Remember we first learned the word have, how does not going to change? Ever?

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Whether it's the subject, whether it's the predicate, whether it's the doer of a verb, the receiver of a verb, it's always have, it's never going to change.

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And so that type of word is called Magneto. So in the if we have a house on the house is Arabic types of words. The first room we go into, is the room of Islam.

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The default is that Islam is mono.

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That's the default.

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And there are exceptions.

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Okay, that aren't meant to be.

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In verbs, it's the opposite is the opposite. That means that the default, is that verbs that fair?

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Isn't that neat? Meaning this ending here is not going to change to reflect gravity. Absolutely not. And the exceptions are modelled and I'll spill the beans right now. For those who are curious. The only ones that are more of them are the present tense verbs.

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Imperative and past are both met.

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Okay, so you don't have to worry about changing the ending. All this to tell you that, if I look at if I'm reading Arabic, and I see something that's only three letters long, and it looks like it's probably a verb, how do I know how to pronounce it or not? If I don't have these things written on? Well, I'm going to tell you right now that this is always going to be there, it's fixed.

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If we're using the passive voice, which we're not going to talk about the, the, the active voice, I say passive, the active voice, we're not going to talk about the passive voice until way down the road, this is fixed.

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It's not going to change.

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So your only question mark is the middle one.

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The middle one can be a Fatah, it can be a customer, it can be a llama, it doesn't have anything to do with grammar.

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It has to do with the word itself vocabulary.

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So you have learned that call Raja

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and the hubba both have a fat tab as the middle

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letter or the middle vowel.

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There are other verbs that have Obama in the middle, there are other verbs that have a castle in the middle. However, this is always going to be fed. And this is always going to be that time. So we've numbered them 1231 and three are fixed. They are fixed.

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And two, is not what there's only three possibilities.

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Good. So how does that means he left.

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Our basic, most simple verb form is not just the past tense,

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but the past tense conjugated for third person singular, masculine. What is that? I'm saying he, right. The verb will not change. Its ending according to grammar. But it will change its ending according to who's doing the verb, which is called conjugation. We're not going to learn any conjugation. Right now, we're going to learn that bit by bit. But the default shortest, shortest

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verb to make and therefore the basis that all other knowledge of our verbs is going to be based off of, is this. He did the past tense verb he left or he went, say it's the same time as an excellent

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Question. So we cannot say who a holida correct who does not?

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Know, nobody will say who a halogen halogen is enough to say who a halogen is redundant. It would be like saying, He Himself He went

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which you could in very, very, very limited circumstances say, but if that's the way your default talking, you would be looked at and identified as a non native speaker.

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Right? We're gonna get into that your question from the same family actually is a perfect

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Yes. Hello, Allahu Allah, Allah holla Allahu Allah, Allah. excellent example. We're going to get into that right now. So the SE, families question leads us into a perfect segue into how to construct a verbal sentence, it is not like a Joomla. It's

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just a quick very brief

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note here, the second verb that we learned that hubba

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he went,

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notice it's in the same form, it's past tense.

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It's he past tense, this is always going to be fat, this is always going to be That's hot. And this in this particular word that hubba is, is going to be fatter, but it could have been something else. If it were another word, like jelly, sir, to sit or Caboto they get bigger, right? But this is

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this process of learning. The past tense verb is your biggest key to learning vocab quickly, once we learn some morphological patterns, how to make the doer how to make the object of a verb, how to make.

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There's different types of words that we're all going to refer back to this word in order to derive them.

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We talked a little bit about that when it came to web, a phone and jelly. So the two adjectives that we had learned stand sitting and standing.

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In order to make that I basically take the verb and I add an ally, and I switch this to

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a customer and this becomes

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a 10. Week with alumni. That hablen

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a lever, if you will, or a goer, right. Call it

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a lever. Right, but that's just an extra

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bonus extra credit for people who are interested. Okay, good. So the question relates and I'm going to use your example, my son a lot, because it's an excellent example. I'm going to where are we? Yes, you

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look at our

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two types of sentences. And guess what, there's no third type of sentence. So you already know Joomla is me. Now today you're learning Joomla thelia.

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And there's literally no third type of sentence so everything else is just little wrinkles, little flourishes, little bells and whistles that you can put on your sentences.

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But once you have these two patterns, these two formulae in your mind, then everything else is easy inshallah.

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With the Joomla s meow, we began with the essence. This was called a nominal sentence it begins with an Assam, which loosely translates the noun not always

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with a Joomla fairly.

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It begins with a therapy,

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which is a verb translates exactly it's a verb, what are the parts

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of a Joomla thelia.

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There are three possible parts.

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Two of them are essential always one of them. Sometimes essential, sometimes not. The structure of a verbal sentence in Arabic is verb, then subjects then objects.

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In linguistic circles, they identify languages very quickly by their syntax, abbreviated by these three letters. So they say English is an SVO language, because the standard syntax of a sentence is Subject Verb, Object, I hit the ball.

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The Joomla fair Lea and Arabic is B S, O. Verb first subjects next object. Last. Do we need an object not always? Not always just like an English there are different types of verbs.

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There are transitive verbs meaning trends from to carry over the action that I'm doing

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carries over and affects something else.

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Right? So in the example that Masada knots winds,

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Ooh, I like the way you're thinking is to have the family but the question isn't, can I add something on? It is, do I have to add something?

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in masalas example, hello below

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is that a complete sentence? A law created?

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It begs the question What did Allah create? A maybe a more clear example, if we say, I hit that's one that's even more unambiguously requires a verb Baba,

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el emammal Barbash. What did he hit? Right you that's a transitive verb, it has to have an object. And so, if that verb is used in an example, then that sentence has to have an object. Other verbs are intransitive. So technically speaking,

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he went

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is an intransitive verb. It doesn't have to have an object, we can put an object we can put a prepositional phrase, if we want to give more information. But as we saw in our conversation, we didn't have to the whole sentence is halogen. He went or he left or the hubba. He went,

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right? It is sufficient to be by itself or like Jelsa Jalisa. He sat.

00:31:50 --> 00:31:54

Right. So there are some verbs that are transitive in some verbs that are interesting.

00:31:57 --> 00:32:11

Now, you could ask the question, and I would hope that you would. So why then, if, in our example, let's go back to our example in the book, it said, college Harada.

00:32:12 --> 00:32:13

He said, Wait a second, wait a second.

00:32:15 --> 00:32:29

We only have a verb here. You said the man, you said that the verbal sentence the Joomla philia has to have a verb and it has to have a subject. Where is the subject? Ah.

00:32:31 --> 00:32:32

There are two types of subjects.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:37

There are two types of subjects.

00:32:39 --> 00:32:40

Sometimes the subject

00:32:42 --> 00:32:54

is explicit, with a separate verb, excuse me a separate word, like in the shahada families example, that hubba Mohammedan. Mohammed went

00:32:57 --> 00:32:59

and sometimes it's implicit.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:14

They have a halogen, which means he went, he left. It's already conjugated. That so the subject is hidden inside of the verb.

00:33:15 --> 00:33:22

Oh, very good. Very good. I liked it. I liked the way you're thinking excellent, excellent, excellent due to

00:33:23 --> 00:33:24


00:33:26 --> 00:33:34

okay. So, we have only learned say it family, we have only learned the conjugation for heat.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:48

We have not learned the conjugation for C yet. Once we get there, we will learn that she has a separate conjugation involving an extra letter on the end. So cottage becomes called a jet.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:53

Which means she left.

00:33:55 --> 00:33:55


00:33:58 --> 00:34:22

In which case I can tell that that is the subject. Because it's right there on the verb. I don't need here. Kata did here. Yes, it's permissible. It's correct Arabic to say that it's actually emphasis. Say how to get here. men how to get who left? She did. I want to add extra emphasis. But from a strictly

00:34:23 --> 00:34:33

bare bones perspective, what has to be there now? This isn't even typical. It wouldn't be typical to use that the typical sentence would be called adept

00:34:34 --> 00:34:43

Sheila, or in our example here cottages but that's an issue for conjugation and we will get to convict conjugation soon Inshallah, does that answer your question.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:54

So in the shahada families example Mohamed went to the store that have a Mohammedan Ill Ill and you can

00:34:56 --> 00:34:59

elect to carry is not a necessary part of that sentence.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:18

Do not have a Mohammedan is a complete sentence. If we wanted to add extra information Yes, we can say it led to can just like we have in the these two examples here. The hubba. Eel moody, the hubba Ilmar having

00:35:23 --> 00:35:31

right. So what's actually going on here? Is that that just as Shahad a family, I'll get to your question in one second.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:36

Just as when we had a Joomla Isthmian.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:46

We started with a move to that. And then we learned that the hover could also become a prepositional phrase, right? L key term

00:35:51 --> 00:35:54

pardon my writing, Allah Max IV.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:29

Okay, this whole thing as a units was the hub became the predicate. Okay, right. So just like that happened in the Joomla is MIA that also happens with the Joomla fairly. So if we have the Hubba, Elan moodini I have verb here the hubba the subject is hidden here, inside of the verb because it's conjugated for key went and then this all of this as a unit this prepositional phrase is actually also my object.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:36

It's not an essential object doesn't have to be there to be complete sentence, but it is there

00:36:37 --> 00:36:41

just like this became covered this can also become the entire object.

00:36:42 --> 00:37:06

If that makes sense. The next question when you say subject in a verbal sentence is that look to that to clarify because Oh yes, yes, yes. Very good. Okay. I so we have a problem between English and Arabic grammar, okay. Our problem is this. In English, there is no verbal sentence, okay. There is no Joomla apparently, and so, and so.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:12

Every sentence in English requires a verb.

00:37:15 --> 00:37:19

What we call the doer of that verb is we call it a subject,

00:37:20 --> 00:37:22

we will usually call it the doer

00:37:24 --> 00:37:31

right. Now, in Arabic, the subject the move to that

00:37:32 --> 00:37:40

is strictly for Joomla Ismene there is no look to that, in Joomla fairly, the parts are different.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:54

What we would say is going on in English is a verb subject object, but this subject does not translate to look to that. It would be a better translation to probably say the doer of the verb. Okay.

00:37:56 --> 00:38:06

So don't get confused between the Arabic grammatical terms and the English ones, right? And English Yes, we will call that the subject we would say the subject comes after the verb.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:11

But move to that is specific to Joomla is

00:38:12 --> 00:38:20

what we call these terms in Arabic, if you're wanting to learn to keep them straight, is we call them fair, which is verb,

00:38:21 --> 00:38:21

part one

00:38:23 --> 00:38:26

Ferien, which is the doer of the verb.

00:38:29 --> 00:38:29

And then

00:38:31 --> 00:38:33

meth ru,

00:38:34 --> 00:38:36

which is the receiver of the verb

00:38:40 --> 00:38:48

those are in Arabic grammatical terms. Those are the three parts of this sentence there. That right and left.

00:38:49 --> 00:39:07

I tried to introduce using the English terms because they're more familiar and quickly understood, but you're right, they are less accurate and precise. Technically, this is their the feral is hidden in the verb and eel movie theory is the math rule.

00:39:09 --> 00:39:12

Excellent. Did I answer everyone's questions?

00:39:13 --> 00:39:23

Yes. So just to circle back to Masada rods example of halacha Allahu Allah Allah okay. This is a good example of a

00:39:25 --> 00:39:28

why don't I just do a whiteboard

00:39:35 --> 00:39:38

translate second to last sentence you're talking about in the book, correct.

00:39:42 --> 00:39:47

Well, ain't the hubba Ali Yoon, and where has Ali gone?

00:39:49 --> 00:39:58

The pre we'll start here we say Aina hubba are okay and I'm best whereas on bass Mohammed says Tada. He left

00:40:00 --> 00:40:12

He says, another habit. Where did he go? The hubba? Elan Modera he went to the principal. What? Aina they have an ally Yun and where did it go? The hubba in Mojave?

00:40:14 --> 00:40:15

He went to the toilet.

00:40:19 --> 00:40:19


00:40:21 --> 00:40:45

So you don't need to be as specific as isn't implied who Yeah, yes, exactly. Chad. So in this particular example, we have a conversation. And conversation always happens with context. We know when the teacher asks Aina Ibis is it's implied we understand that we're talking about a mess. So if we really wanted to be sticklers, we could have said, how to do our best.

00:40:47 --> 00:40:59

But it would be really weird, right? If you're talking with somebody, you say, where did that bass go? Best with a bass left? Where did that bass go? That's left, he went to the vet. And I bested this. And I'm best at that. Normally, you would say he,

00:41:00 --> 00:41:26

or some other sort of abbreviation contraction in order to reduce the amount of words that you have to speak. Oh, the same happens here. It's understood that we're talking about invest. It's understood here. We're talking about invest. And it's understood here that we're still talking about best. And finally, here, we're still talking about on best, how to diversify. And on best, I Besant theory.

00:41:28 --> 00:41:43

Right. If you wanted to put it in there, you could have that Iverson, Elan Modi. But it's implied because we've been talking about him this whole time. When it's no longer implied, we're changing who we're talking about. We have to mention that well, Aina hubba Ali, you

00:41:45 --> 00:41:46

there have been Harvey.

00:41:47 --> 00:42:08

He went to the toilet. And just to looks like we're pretty much out of time. But just to circle back to the example of a sun rot. She said as a really, really good example of perfect thing to end on. We have taught fr which means to create.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:15

Hung up as a past tense verb that means he created ca law or

00:42:17 --> 00:42:18

a law who?

00:42:22 --> 00:42:23


00:42:24 --> 00:42:25

or law.

00:42:26 --> 00:42:28

Iowa. That's what we're going for.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:36

This is a complete, wonderful Joomla philia with all of its parts on display for you.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:40

This suspects this suspects

00:42:42 --> 00:42:43


00:42:44 --> 00:42:46

so let's break it down. We have

00:42:47 --> 00:42:50

what are the three parts of a Joomla fairly affair.

00:42:51 --> 00:42:52

There are in

00:42:55 --> 00:42:55

the for all.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:14

We could translate it as verb, doer of the verb and object of the verb. Ah, notice the ending here on a law is Obama. Yes. Yes, the ferret is metaphor.

00:43:16 --> 00:43:18

Just like your friends that Malta and the hover.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:37

ferret is also more for it will always be more for the doer of the verb, just like in our Joomla Isthmian move to that and hover is always not good. And it will be represented in most words with a Bulma. Whereas, whereas Oh, what do we have over here?

00:43:39 --> 00:43:44

Then that for all is what's called Mon sube

00:43:46 --> 00:43:55

is the object that is in the accusative case, as we would say in English grammar, men sauv. And men so is represented by a photo.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:06

Yes. So now we've covered three out of four possible grammatical cases. Look at that. And it's only what we haven't even done 15 lessons.

00:44:08 --> 00:44:26

We have we know that vonleh represents the nominative case not for we know that casserole represents the genitive case drawer. And now due to our verbal sentences, we know that the fence represents the accusative case, the object of a verb.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:53

This is just an introduction. We're well over time, but we will have lots of opportunity to practice this and show up and there's nothing I don't say there's nothing after that. But as far as sentence structure goes, you're done. Right? You have your to everything else is just learning how to conjugate verbs, learning different prepositions that you can use learning vocabulary,

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

little sort of bells and whistles that you can add to your sentences but

00:45:00 --> 00:45:04

As far as basic sentence structure goes, guess what you have it

00:45:05 --> 00:45:18

you have Joomla s meow you know its parts you know what grammatical case each of its parts have to be in now you know just the idea you know its parts and you know what each of its parts what grammatical case it has to be in

00:45:23 --> 00:45:25

anybody any questions before we depart

00:45:38 --> 00:45:38

I mean what yeah

00:45:47 --> 00:45:53

yes, object is Min Soo Min. So, literally means the accusative case.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:05

The accusative case yes, the subjects are better yet the failure Oh, remember remember it was not about our verb is Magne

00:46:07 --> 00:46:13

our verb our past tense verb as Melanie so it does not have any case does not have grammatical case.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:21

Whereas if we were to use a present tense verb, oh yes it would, but we'll see that when we get there

00:46:30 --> 00:46:37

so we will if you're breaking down dramatically the sentence you would say Mamnoon Alfetta. You say that it is

00:46:38 --> 00:46:39


00:46:42 --> 00:46:44

How would you translate that?

00:46:45 --> 00:46:48

Upon its bedtime? It's stuck there basically.

00:46:51 --> 00:46:52

That makes sense.

00:47:03 --> 00:47:12

Okay, fantastic work everybody. I will see you next time in sha Allah, Allah, Allah Tada and, suddenly a common afterlife.

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