Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 05

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of phrases like "fit," "fitless," and "fitless" in Arabic language, as it relates to sentences and is common in English. They also discuss the use of "fit" in Arabic writing and its meaning, as it is not common. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning different types of noun and encourage participants to participate in a class for practice learning. They also mention the use of "naught" in Arabic writing and its meaning, and the importance of practice learning the process.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Ashraful MBIA will most certainly be watching a Muhammad Ali he offered a surah was good to slim. Along Marlena, you only found out when found to be my island and I was in their element. Yeah, but I mean,

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somebody come up to LA, he would occur to everybody and welcome

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to beginning classical Arabic.

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Today is a very important lesson.

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But just to contextualize it.

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In things that we have learned before, we will briefly ask a couple of review questions that are more conceptual in nature.

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Can anybody volunteer? To answer the question? In the Arabic language? How many types of words do we have?

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This is way back to lesson one.

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You can answer by unmuting yourself or by using the chat?

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Three, very good. Three, what are those three types of words?

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Some feral have. Excellent, very good. So we have three types of words in the Arabic language we have. So

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we have fit.

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And we have have.

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to have these three,

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you can use to begin a sentence. We said that the first two, we're gonna box this and exit out right there. These first two is so unfair, you can begin sentences with in Arabic, or we should say that these are the two types of sentences in the Arabic language. We said it was a Joomla, which the word for sentence

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is me.

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And we had Joomla fairly,

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which simply means a sentence that begins with an essence or a sentence that begins with a fair, why am I saying so unfair, instead of saying the translations, because as I said before, when it comes to grammar terms, I'm going to slowly transition you into using Arabic terms for the grammar, because sometimes it translates correctly. And sometimes it doesn't, like for example, fair, an error Arabic translates pretty much one to one with the concept of verb in English, however, is some does not translate 100% One to One, even though it's commonly it's commonly translated as a noun.

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But really is some is a little bit more general than the category of nouns because it's some contains both nouns and adjectives, and a couple other different types of words. That is not included in the English.

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category of nouns.

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Excellent, yes. Good question. What about a sentence beginning with the letter? Well, meaning and is that not a hot? Correct? That is a hot, hot it's off. However, that's why I kind of like

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I corrected myself because the first thing I said was

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a sentence beginning. And then I think the second thing I said was rather the two types of sentences. Right? Because

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if we begin a sentence with a well, it does not represent a third type of sentence. Right? The well in the beginning of a sentence is

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superfluous to the grammar by meeting extra doesn't affect anything grammatically, right? If we are beginning a sentence, a whole new sentence with a well, we could conception we could possibly begin both a Joomla SME or a Joomla. Fairly with Wow, Allah doesn't know for n but the

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While doesn't have any effect on the grammar of the sentence, why do we isolate SM and Fer to typify two types of sentences? Because whether we categorize it as Joomla is MIA or Joomla Philia is going to determine what are the parts of that sentence? What has to be there? And what is icing on the cake? What doesn't have to be there? Right. So this was going to be my next question. What are the two parts of Joomla is Mia, I'll just say for example, over here, Joomla philia has two essential parts, sometimes three, depending on what type of verb is, right? It has a fair, a fair URL, and sometimes in the URL and B, the verb, the doer of the verb and sometimes an object of the verb. So

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those are the essential parts of the sentence. And a Joomla is Mia has two essential parts of the sentence. None of that is affected by whether you stick a while before either the Essam in a sentence or before a fair, shahada family chimes in and says no to that, and I'll cover excellent work. Yes. So we have the two essential parts as moved to that. So does that sound right? Does that answer your question? Like, yes, you're right, technically, we can stick a well in or other other whole roof at the beginning of a sentence. But it doesn't typify an entire type of sentence such that it's a third type of sentence with distinct parts from Joomla is MIA or Joomla philia.

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But that's, I love that you're thinking along those lines, because it makes me have to be very precise with my wording. Because you're right, technically, it's not correct to say that, to make it easy on first time learners, I'll say, Okay, this one begins, this type of sentence begins with an SM, this type of sentence begins with a fair. But technically, technically, that's not strictly correct. As I said, sometimes with teaching, you have to give white lies in the beginning.

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One of which we're going to give today, until you learn all the rules, and then you'll learn when the exceptions are and things like that.

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I'll move on, tada, I have an extra little,

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an extra thing in there, I shouldn't be in there.

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Hmoob. Tada. And I'll cover good, we have two distinct parts that have to be there. For a Joomla SME, I'll move to that, which we says roughly translates to the subject of the sentence. And I'll cover which roughly translates to the predicate of a sentence. And we also said that when it came, we talked all about grammatical case and showing grammatical case at the end, we said that both of these types of words, then look to that and the Hubber

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are going to be in one particular grammatical case.

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In English, we call that case, the nominative case. And we said in Arabic, it is what we're going to call it is going to be oops,

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all over the place model for

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model four.

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That's an eye and believe it or not, the cover is also going to be model four. Okay, so the motor and the harbor is going to be model four. What does that mean? For our purposes now, this is one of those half truths that we will learn more of the details of later, but for now, it means that it's going to have a Bama or abama 10 at the end of it.

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Okay, then we said why doesn't have we have a bunch of sentences that began with had hada bait on harbor messenger dune.

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And we pointed out that this was said about Michelle, demonic Allah has already answered my question, which was going to be why don't we see that grammatical case, apparent manifest obvious on the end of that word, because not every type of word shows its grammatical case in Arabic. Some of them are what's called a med knee

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in the kleinem, or they don't show grammatical case and others are more Arab, which means that they do and all we said was that demonstrative pronouns have valleca Our med knee, they do not show on their end. vonleh kestra That's Ha, right here.

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doesn't change no matter where you put it in the sentence have is always had, that ICA is always that ICA and it's not going to change. Okay, so all of that was a lot of grammatical theory, it might, you might feel like it's over your head, you might feel like it is a lot to digest. And it is, which is why I repeat it so much. But just the fact that you're thinking along these lines, if even if you haven't remembered all of the rules and all of the names for the different grammatical categories. The fact that you're thinking along these lines is going to make Arabic easier and easier, the further and further you go. So when we begin, I said forget about the second type of

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sentence, forget about Joomla fairly, we're only going to focus on if we have a house and that house is Arabic grammar. One of the rooms is Joomla. Fairly. The other room is Jimena ischemia. I said, we're going to ignore the whole gym that fairly a room, we're going to go into the door of gymnasts, Mia, we're going to stay there for a long time. And we're going to see what's the different things in this room? What are the different pieces of furniture, what's the floor made of what's the ceiling made of? Are there any windows and so on and so forth. So when we started, we started learning about Joomla Ismailia, the most important thing that we learned was that we have two parts

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and looked at that, and they'll have the second most important thing we learned is that both of them are metaphor. Okay. And we learned a pattern

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of examples. All of this, all of the examples that we learned were on a certain pattern. Okay, what was that pattern, that pattern was using a demonstrative pronoun, meaning this or that, and a noun, Hannah Bateson, that he Catholicism, and so on, and so forth. And I hope that you reviewed some of the examples in the time between classes. Today, we're going to learn that we can do other things or use other types of words for the move to that. Okay, so before we were strictly sticking to have valleca, this and that, okay, there's different types of words that we can use for the Muqtada. And today, we're going to explore a another type of word that we can use. So let's go to the book.

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Okay, now, I'm going to assume that people want to participate with with voice. If you do not want to participate, like you don't want me to ask you questions, then you can type in the chat box that you don't prefer not to be asked, because I'm going to just that'll make it easier for everybody, I'm going to assume that I can call anyone and get a response. Some people might not be

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that they might not want to do that for various reasons. If you don't want to do that, you can use the chat box and you can send me a private message. You don't even have to make it a public message. We have that kind of

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freedom and in zoom. So at Dove su a fatty thought the third lesson

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I would like I'm just gonna go down in order from as they appear on my screen, masala rots. Could you please read the first example here these two words?

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They do. And buy two. Excellent. Buy a ton. LB two. And we said that bait is a house. We're going to talk about what's the difference between these two things in just a moment. Now ima if you're able to participate? Could you please read the second example here to the left?

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Kitab Boone

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kitab. Bone?

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Yes, the first one. The first one was Q tablin. Excellent. And the second one, l kita. Key Jawbone Yeah.

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Go for it.

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Kita Boone, and then

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keep Cebu. Excellent work. Good job. So there's a couple of differences between these two examples we have in each case. So we're noticing a pattern, okay. In the first case, we just have the word like we were learning before Beethoven and it has a ton of lien on the end. That 10 ween is Bama 10 to Thomas. And then the second example

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We have two changes. Okay? First change is that we haven't at least, and the lamp in front of the word L.

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And the second change that we have is that the 10 ween has been split up, we've lost our 10 Wien, and instead of two bundles, we only have one. We're going to explain what that means in a moment after we finish these four examples. Next up is Ibrahim. Ibrahim, can you do the third example?

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kala Moon Excellen. Excellent work. Yeah. Ala Moana pen column as a pen. I won't spill the beans. I'll say the difference in meaning in a second. And finally, someone from the shahada family could you do the fourth example here?

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Gemma loon

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Gemma Lu excellent work.

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Now we're going to talk about what this means. Okay. The concept here

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that is going on

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race on this full screen.

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We are learning two new grammatical concepts. They are opposites. In Arabic today, we are learning the concept of Maori for Marisa

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now refer to him.

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And the second opposite neck era?

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Not key raw tune.

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Fantastic. What is this mowdy phone and Nikita? It translates pretty much one to one to definite

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and the opposite? Indefinite?

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If you can read my writing, may Allah bless you.

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the quality of being definite or indefinite?

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Is a quality that nouns possess. What are we talking about? We're talking about whether we know the identity of the object that we're talking about.

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Whether we're talking about a specific object,

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or the example, an example of that object, okay, we do the exact same thing in English with the or the, and, ah,

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The difference between the pen and a pen is whether you're referring to a specific pen, or an example of a pen.

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Grab me the pen.

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I'm talking about one specific pen. And there's an assumption that you understand which one I'm talking about too. If you bring me a different pen than the one I asked for, I'm going to tell you to go back and get the one that I asked for. Bring me the pen.

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If I use bring me a pen,

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then it doesn't matter which one you bring me

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you can bring me any pen as long as it is part of the category of being a pen. It is sufficient you've satisfied my demand and are cool.

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Right. So wherever you would use the

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we are talking about definite Mousa, wherever you would use a or a, we're talking about indefinite Nikita. This is exactly the difference between each of these two words in the example. So if we have

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to draw a big divider there.

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We began by learning the neck era forms of these nouns. Okay, so when we learn the word for Bates, which means house, we learned it as Beethoven.

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Beethoven doesn't just mean house No, it doesn't.

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It actually means

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In a house, oh,

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where's the A?

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How can we tell that there's an A there, it's right here in the 10. We

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the fact that there's a 10, Wien there, meaning two bombers, you can write it however you want, you can write it like this with a little hump at the end that you can write like that. The fact that there are two of them instead of just one means that it is not key at all. It is indefinite a house,

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which is the literal translation of all the examples we were talking about. We were saying have a bay to him. This is a house.

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We are identifying it as an object that's part of a category. It's not the only house we're talking about. It's one house out of many possible houses.

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Right? What do we do if we want to cross over we want to make that change, we want to now talk about a specific house,

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we have to do two things, the two things that are in that book between the two examples, we have to add something and take something away. The thing that we add is l

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le flam. Now and in particular, here, this is called Elif Latif,

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this is the sign of the

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it means the

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and then we have our normal noun, whatever it was our Essam

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el beit.

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And instead of having 10 When

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it loses its second mama, and it only has one

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it is not possible

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that a word can have le flam and 10 we

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it is absolutely impossible.

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If it has a leaflet it doesn't have 10 me

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if it has 10 When it doesn't have a leaflet

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it's like a seesaw both sides can't be down at the same time unless that thing is broken. It has to be either one's up or the other one's up 10 We caulifla Tonry caulifla

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Okay. So, here we have the house lb two

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and a house Beighton.

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Does everybody understand this concept? Does anybody I should say Does anybody not understand this concept or want me to explain anything related to this?

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It will keep on coming up. So if you ever have any doubt or whatever, okay 100 of that clear? Good.

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Why are we learning this at this point?

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Because we are learning how to make different types of Joomla is Mia.

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We said our first type of Joomla is Mia was have a demonstrative pronoun and ism, had a tone. Have a masculine delicate boy Yvonne, Danica Roger Lun.

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Now we're going to get rid of habit.

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We're going to make a new type of sentence that's also a Joomla Isthmian.

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But we are going to use a different word for the milk to that

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which is a different type of noun. Okay, great. We have a question. Yes. But what about the castle cotta etc are removed? How will we know?

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So one of the things

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the first thing that we should point out is that changes are only happening at the end of words. Okay, so this Fatiha over the bat, it's never going to change.

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Right? Doesn't matter where the word is in the sentence.

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It's not going to change when we're talking about changes that are made to words because of something grammatical. We are only talking about the last Hanukkah.

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We're only talking about the last Hanukkah. We're not talking about the middle, the sukoon not going anywhere. The Fatah not going anywhere. We're only talking about what's on the end. Okay, that's the first part of what I understand the question to be and let me know if I've misunderstood the question. The second part of that question is, how do we know it's going to be done and not capital and not spent?

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hat that has to do with the second most important thing we learned about Joomla ischemia. The first first most important thing was that it has two parts to that uncover. The second most important thing we learned is that both of them are metaphor.

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Metaphor means for now, Bama. Okay? Metaphor means bomber. What is metaphor? We said it's the nominative case, which we don't talk about those sorts of things in English very much. It's a specific case of grammar. All you need to know

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is that the move to that and the hover always have to be martyred for meaning they always have to have Bama for now. Okay.

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I'll move to that is not for a cover is not for that's why it has done. So the question of why is this BOMA and not Cassada? Why is this Dhamma not setup? The answer to that question is because it's not a four?

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Meaning it's in the nominative case.

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Why is it metaphor? The answer to that question is because it's moved to that

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and move to that is always metaphor.

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I hope that answers your that answers your question, does it

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Okay, good. We're gonna get into stuff later. The sukoon is going to represent a different grammatical case, the Fatah is going to represent a different grammatical case. And the casserole is going to represent a different grammatical case. That's not metaphor. Because remember, we said there's four cases in Arabic and they happen to correspond to those how to Cat hamdulillah easy salad. Hello, we have we have Bama. We have Fatah, we have cassava, we have sukham. We have four cases in Arabic, one for each of them.

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Okay, so it's going to be beautiful. Once we get there. Right now, you've only seen one, one case, which is called mark four. It has different types of words that are more for not only move to that is not the only

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type of word that is more for the Mottola is not for and the hover is more for. And when we get into Joomla thoroughly, the farrier, the one who is doing the object is metaphor, there's all these different types of words that are meant for we'll get there, we'll get there. But right now, just know that metaphor is the nominative case, it's a grammatical case, it's represented for now by Bama.

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And in a Joomla ischemia. Both parts have to be more for. That's why it's not LBT

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LBT Jimmy and oh, no, Jimmy Lam. Right? Once you understand this, then you can read these words without the AutoCAD. Because it's only possible to be one thing, it can't be something else. It can never be Kessler, right here.

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With a sense of just like this that begins with elbaite. It'll never ever, ever, ever that be an baity.

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It can only be lb two. So this is what we're undergoing here is the whole process of learning the rules, which make the How to Cat unnecessary. Right.

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Excellent. Good job. So I think that covers everything here. So I think that we're going to go back to the book and look at some examples.

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And we'll continue down the line.

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Oh, right. That was the whole point of bringing up bringing that up. So as before, pardon me for this. Oh, let's see. I'll try to write this down here.

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So the whole point of learning this is to make a new type of Joomla ischemia, one that has an isum

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let's say this an English one that has a noun, and then an adjective. Okay? We have a noun we're going to describe the noun.

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The bait, the bait wasn't an angle because the reality right, the house is beautiful.

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Achmed is tall, right? Tall, beautiful. These are adjectives. They're not nouns in English. Okay, so this is the second type of Joomla ischemia. We're going to learn how to put this type of sentence together and it's going to rely upon

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the first part, having an LE flam. Why? Because

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just as we learned that the Joomla

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s meow has two parts

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move to that

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and hover

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and just as we learned

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that both of them are more for

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meaning there in the demonstrative scuze me not demonstrative, the nominative case.

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There is something else that you need to know

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about mug to Aqaba.

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We just learned Maori for Nikita, definite indefinite move to that. This is one of those half truths that I'm going to teach you all the explanation for all the exceptions to the rule later on. But for now, for now, move to that is modified

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meaning the move to that has to be known. It has to be specific.

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When you said how the and Danica you were talking about a specific object, this is a pen that is a man

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referring to something that you could point to

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and so the rule here is molted up Maori fat

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whereas the hover is not Moustafa. It is Nikita.

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It is indefinite

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Panda, Bali Boone.

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This is a students among many possible students.

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That is a man, just one among many men. The first part of the sentence is Madiba meaning it's definite. The second part of the sentence is Nikita. Meaning indefinite. What's the whole purpose of this because people are confused as to where the word is.

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Would be in an Arabic Joomla. Estonia is is where it crosses over from Maui to net tuna. So if I say had the

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bay tune

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she had the family.

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The word Heather is a mouthful or is it Nikita?

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mattify because you're saying this? Yeah. Exactly. Is Maori for Excellent. Okay.

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Um, to me Batum. is based on Maori thought or Nikita.

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Baytril would be Nikita. It is indefinite it is Nikita is exists or is the meaning of is is implied exactly where mowdy foot crosses over to next year. So we don't have to say, we don't have to add another word. We don't have to say how the kana Batum. For example,

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we don't have to add any word. The fact that we switched from had though, which is not a thought to Beethoven, which is next up implies is right in the middle there for all those who are curious to know. So what we're going to do now is we're going to have another type of move to that. For example, l Bay to

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it has to have Elif lamb, because looked it up is Marisa

00:33:46 --> 00:33:48

and we're going to say something about it.

00:33:49 --> 00:33:55

And the thing that we're going to say about it is going to be Nikita for example capital

00:33:56 --> 00:34:02

is big. And that is going to exist right in this transition here from mowdy photonic you

00:34:03 --> 00:34:04

gotta be

00:34:06 --> 00:34:12

okay, so that's the idea of what's going on. Let's see some examples.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:21

And we're going to be learning some new vocab along with it. So Rashad Could you give us Can you read this example for us?

00:34:23 --> 00:34:41

I'll call mu. Net soon. Excellent job. On Mac soo rune. We have this is a Joomla is Mia. This is the Muqtada the Motorola is Marisa

00:34:42 --> 00:34:53

How come it's mowdy phone because of the ALI flan. That's how we can tell it's Marisa it's also a model for how can we tell it's metaphor, because it has a longer

00:34:55 --> 00:34:59

excellent. The second word metsu means broken you can tell this pen is

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

broken in a very interesting place. Mac so rune

00:35:04 --> 00:35:05


00:35:07 --> 00:35:24

This is the hover of the sentence. It is metaphor as well, meaning it's in the nominative case, we can tell because there's a Bama or technically $2 on the end instead of a Kassala instead of instead of sukoon.

00:35:25 --> 00:35:28

And it is Nikita, it is indefinite. How can we tell?

00:35:29 --> 00:35:34

Because it has a 10 Wien, instead of simply one bomber.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:50

Very good. That's the kind of thing we're going through. It's like we're coming Arabic grammar machines, right? You have like these lenses. And you're processing this type. This is this type of word, which means it has this quality and that quality and that quality.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:01

And this is this type of word. So it has to have that quality and that quality and that quality. If it's moved to that it's Maori fur and metaphor, if it's covered. It's neck era and more for

00:36:02 --> 00:36:08

how do I know because this sign that sign that sign? This is how you make Tafseer of the Quran,

00:36:09 --> 00:36:20

which is a goal of ours. Okay, me. Can you please do the following example? Yes. I'll go to home.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:31

Yes, excellent job. The door is open. Let's talk. And look at that mashallah person lives out in the

00:36:33 --> 00:36:38

in the bad idea. got beautiful trees and a nice sky. The door is open.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:42

So, now I'm going to

00:36:44 --> 00:36:47

be a lot harder on me than I then I was on her husband.

00:36:48 --> 00:36:55

Me a follow up questions for the sentence. Okay, which one of these words is the most?

00:37:00 --> 00:37:03

Is it the first one? Yes, correct. Okay.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:05

Very good.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:07

Is the move to the

00:37:08 --> 00:37:10

Maratha or natira

00:37:13 --> 00:37:28

is going to be not only fast, it is going to be Maori. So there's going to be definite. And the final question you're doing great. How can you tell? What about the word elbow tells you that it's not?

00:37:30 --> 00:37:47

Okay, because you starting with owl and finishing with one thumb in top of the bar. Fantastic. Excellent. Absolutely perfect. I was going to accept just one of those two. And you have both of them. Very good. So it's a Joomla is me.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:51

The first orders of Muqtada. The second word is the hub of

00:37:52 --> 00:38:04

the first word, I'll move to that we know two things about a look to that. It has to be a metaphor, which means it has a dome at the end. And we know that it has to be Madiba.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:07

What does it mean to be Maori?

00:38:08 --> 00:38:21

It means that it's definite. What are the signs of being Madhava? There's two of them. One is that it begins with Eddie flam. And two that it only has one Hanukkah at the end instead of too

00:38:22 --> 00:38:24

much to hone is covered.

00:38:26 --> 00:38:36

What do we know about how about we know that harbor is also metaphor. So at the end is going to be some type of bummer. It's not going to be a casserole, it's not going to be a Fitzharris a cone.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:43

And we also know that the cover has to be natural. It has to be indefinite.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:59

And so it's going to be a 10 ween instead of just one bomber. That's exactly what we're looking for. That's our process. Let's go to the shake family. Shake family. Can you please read the following example?

00:39:01 --> 00:39:16

Oh, well I do Charlie soon. Well muda ri su werfen. Excellent work. John is so mean setting while performing standing. Here's a student mashallah working hard. And there's the teacher slaving away. Hopefully he has union benefits.

00:39:17 --> 00:39:36

So what I do generally is when the child or the boy is sitting one modality so wha here's your one system massage a lot while modality so while this is still a Joomla Izmir, even though begins with a well because the world doesn't affect anything of the grammar

00:39:38 --> 00:39:39

will work out this

00:39:41 --> 00:39:45

this example and then that looks like it'll be all the time that we've had.

00:39:48 --> 00:40:00

Hello, yes. Good. Very good. Yes. Excellent question. So we'll start about says what about a proper noun? What if the weather had a name, Achmed, Mohammed, it would not have

00:40:00 --> 00:40:11

On the Alif Lam, but it will be a specific person, right? And the answer is yes, that's correct. So that will be a third type of Joomla SME that we will learn.

00:40:12 --> 00:40:27

So the first type that we learned was using demonstrative pronouns. However, that ICA had our B Bay tune that Iike message you doing. The second type, which we're learning right now is using a common now.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:32

elewana do Jellison l modality. So where are they from?

00:40:34 --> 00:41:01

And eventually, we will learn a third type of Joomla ischemia where we're not using a common noun, but we are using a proper noun, such as somebody's name. And we will discuss the rules for that as well. Because most subtle Ross is correct that proper names do not have any flam. However, proper names have different rules when it comes to whether there is 10 weeks or no 10 weeks. And we will get into that inshallah when we get there.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:14

But very good, glad you're thinking along those lines. So we have Okay, I'm going to pursue the shape family with further questions. We have a what to do Jellison. Let's take that one just there first.

00:41:15 --> 00:41:17

Which of those two words is the hub of

00:41:22 --> 00:42:04

Jellison excellent work. What are the two things that we know about the hub? What what does it have to be? It has to have the Dhamma at the end, and it didn't have a URL in the beginning? Yes. Excellent. Cool. Yes, excellent. So it has to have a BOMA at the end, which means it's smarter for excellent. And it has to be net zero, which means it has a 10 win at the end or as you said no Alif law, which is saying the same thing just in a different way. Whereas the opposite l what I do here is a common now, it is our move to that. Which means that we know two things about it. First of all, it's metaphor, it's going to have a bummer at the end instead of a casserole instead of a flat tire

00:42:05 --> 00:42:18

instead of a circle. And it is going to only be one sorry, the mantra that is also the second thing we know about it is that it is mowdy file, it is definite.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:37

And because it is definite, that means it is going to have an addict LAN, if it's a common noun, or started off very good. And it's going to only have one Holika at the end instead of two. If it's a common noun, very good. Um,

00:42:38 --> 00:42:46

and then it's really just the same exact thing here for whatever reason, why are they from there very good. For your homework.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:49

I would like you to practice

00:42:54 --> 00:43:16

these here, one through 10. We will go over them in class. But practice going through the process of what we said, okay, there's some words here that you don't know yet. That's okay. You'll learn that you don't need to know the words to understand the meaning. We'll learn the words next time next class inshallah with the vocab means if you look them up ahead of time, even better. But

00:43:17 --> 00:43:22

the thing that we're focusing on now is what's the move to that? What's the hover?

00:43:24 --> 00:43:48

What are the two things that the move to that has to be? What are the two things that the hobbit has to be? And how do you know what's the sign of those things on the word? Right? The move to that has to be Madiba. And it has to be metaphor, the harbor has to be Nikita and it has to also be metaphor. So how does that How can you tell from looking at the word

00:43:49 --> 00:43:59

and that is your homework, we'll get to. We'll get to the rest next time. Anybody have any final questions? Everybody's doing a really great job

00:44:05 --> 00:44:21

you have two options when you teach Arabic. You can either hit people with the grammar right away, which makes it hard in the beginning or easier later. Or you can ignore the grammar until later which makes it easy in the beginning and harder later. So obviously

00:44:22 --> 00:44:24

I'm from the first school of thought

00:44:30 --> 00:44:36

okay, it doesn't seem like anybody has any questions. So I will see you all inshallah Saturday.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:41

Thank you very much for your participation. And

00:44:42 --> 00:44:54

see you next hamdulillah that's good to know. Yes, thank you. Thank you for feedback. give me feedback about the pace and everything I'm trying to go slow enough so that we have jobs we have families so that everybody can

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

take it nice and easy and still learn and benefit inshallah so

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

I'll see you next time inshallah dedica welcome Tada Adam as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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