Tariq Appleby – The 7 Under The Shade

Tariq Appleby
AI: Summary © The Hadith is a comprehensive book that depicts emotions and shaping the image of the god to reflect his presence. It is crucial to protect and confidence in the face of fear, as it is the act of love that makes it possible for people to achieve their goals. The speakers discuss the history and characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad sallam Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while early he was a be a marine Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

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We then got lots of dialogue for bringing us to a gathering like this. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to forgive us all of our sins. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make this a gathering in which his name is remembered, and in which our sins are forgiven. And may Allah subhana wa Taala calls the angels to descend upon this gathering, and May those angels make dua for us.

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Alhamdulillah one of the best ways in which the Muslims can spend their time is to study the Sunnah of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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we know from our scholars from the time of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam until these times that the one of the best ways to spend our time is to study the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he statements, his actions, his physical appearance, his characteristics and his biography.

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What I want to share with you tonight is a hadith that ignore Abdul

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Rahim Allah, a Maliki scholar, a great scholar of Islam. He says that this has he that I want to share with you he says about it, that this is the best Hadith in faba. In in virtues, this hadith that I want to share with you is the best Why? Because it is the most comprehensive, it is the the most concise and comprehensive, it is the most beautiful, it covers not only that which is external meaning in terms of actions, but also and also more importantly, that which is internal matters of the hot. What is this heavy? This is the hadith of Avi hora hora de la hora and narrated by Bukhari and Muslim and other scholars of Hadith in the books and compiled by them. This Hadith in which the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Sir, I told you the Lomo la houfy li yo ma la villa in Willow. Mr. Mona Dylan was shabu fear Eva Tila Rajan con bu y La Puente bill messaggi de Mauro Giuliani Taha burfi La e h Tama la he was what font Rocco

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la lemma, Chima Luma and savatya de novo wala junoon raccordo la hollyanne file but I know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, seven categories or seven people. Allah subhanho wa Taala will shade on a day when there will be no shade but the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala, a just EMA or leader, a young person who grows up in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, a man whose heart is attached to the masjid to men who love each other who love one another for the sake of Allah. They meet for the sake of a law and they depart one another's company for the sake of Allah, and a man who is invited to fornication to Xena by a woman of high status and beauty. And what is he

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reply? He says, indeed, I fear a law and a man who gives charity he gives it secretly so much so that his left hand does not know what his right hand is giving. And a man who remembers Allah privately and his eyes here because of that, let us look at this Hadees in great detail when I was younger,

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quite a long time ago, many, many more years and I would be you know, I would like to share here, but before I went to study at the University of Medina, I used to attend the classes of a chef, a fellow graduate of, of the faculty of hygiene at the Islamic University of Medina. I'll mention his name because I have benefited and continue to benefit from him, Chef Mohamad Adams from Cape Town, South Africa, and I used to attend his weekly Hadeeth classes. And I remember this was in 1999

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that I attended a class and he made

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In this booklet, and I didn't know Arabic at the time that perhaps had taken a few classes, you know how the above on the sell button I'm sure many of you many of you are familiar with these with these introductory beginnings classes, and I was one of those students, but I attended this Shaq's classes as well. And he mentioned this booklet, it was called, feel the layout of children in the shade of the throne of Rockman, by a chef, Mohammed Salim was the chief judge in Medina to mana water. So I remember this name, even though I didn't know Arabic, I remember the name of the book and the name of the ship, and I made some notes there. And I told myself that if I get accepted, I didn't know if

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I was accepted yet at the university. But I said that if I get accepted, this is a book I'm going to get. I'm going to read this book.

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So a year later, I found out that I was accepted to study at the University. And the first year, all I could do was spend my time at the libraries and the books and the book shops looking for this book. I would ask everyone see the layout of your rock, man, we can I find this book. We use this book, no one knew until I went to this big bookshop. It's not there anymore. But it used to be behind message another week. So I waited. So there was an Egyptian working, so I said, an up hustle. And GitHub is Lu fi Ve lyerly obviously rock man, he looked at me, he the lolly, man. Then he said Ah fevzi lolly Arshad Rama, because in Egypt, that's how they pronounce the law. So he found the

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book for me and I was so happy. So since then, since the year 2000. I've read this book I've been in this hadith has fascinated me. And recently I came across another book. In two volumes. the book by chef Mohammed Salim is one volume, it's a booklet it's about 200 pages. And this book is in two volumes 900 pages explaining this hadith I just quoted. Think about that for a moment.

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I'm going to spend 15 minutes talking about the Hadith that this Egyptian Hadith scholar has spent 900 pages explaining this is how much this is why even though Abdul Rahim Allah said about this Hadith, that this Heidi is the best and most comprehensive Heidi infobar in merits and virtues. So let us now come back to this Heidi let us look at it word for word. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says seven

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the number seven when we study the Quran and Sunnah, we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned the number seven many times Allah says that he created the heavens and the earth. Seven

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that I have been commanded to perform sujood on how many body parts seven, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made tawaf around the Kaaba seven times, he threw the JAMA rod seven times, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded us to order our children to pray when they are how old seven. So the number seven is this recurring number. Now, there are many scholars that have looked at this from a mathematical perspective, but because that isn't my field, I will delve into that. But what I would say is that the number seven is used in many of these areas, and a Heidi to talk about a number of things. The Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam was an Arab, and the Arabs use the number seven, and all of its derivatives to talk about something that was that was numerous, when something was over great number, then they will use the number seven to depict it and to discuss it. So this is what we understand from this particular Hadith. Why? Because the prophets Allah long while he was Salaam, mentions many more attributes not mentioned in this particular narration of those people deserving the shade of a loss of Hannah, what data on the Day of Resurrection. Now, seven of these seven men or seven women when I translated the Hadith, what did I say?

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I said a young person shabu not sharp batoon, a female, young person. I said it's a male, and a man whose heart is attached to the masjid and a man whose will two men who love one another for the sake of Allah, and a man who was invited to Xena by a beautiful woman, a man a man a man. So does this Hadeeth does it apply to women as well? And the answer to this question is yes, because the general rule

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Regarding virtues and furball in is that whatever applies to the men applies to the women, that in Islam concerning our Eva and our worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Men and women are equal in that regard. Each and every one of us must pray five times a day and fast the month of Ramadan, and we must be sincere in that worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, regardless of our gender. So now we know two things that Firstly, this hadith when it speaks of seven people, we shouldn't think that they are restricted to this number of seven. In fact, let me give you one example. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that if someone owes you money, if someone owes you money that you have lent

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money to a person, and when the time for you to take back that loan has come, if that person is in difficulty, and you do one of two things, you say, don't worry about it, it's okay pay me when you can. Or you say to that person, that

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that that loan that you owe me, I forgive it, it's okay. You don't owe me this money anymore. If you do that for someone in great financial difficulty, then you will also be under the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment. And one more example, I think it's important that if we help those fighting in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala whether it be in terms of money or food, whatever, whatever help it might be, that that is also a reason for us to be under the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala In fact, it is Kalani and Mr. Basu, UT wellness, mercy be upon these two great scholars, they have mentioned up to 70 different characteristics that will earn us the the

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shade of a loss of a partner who what Tyler

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the second word, you then know whom Allah Allah will shade them. The first question we must ask ourselves, my dear brothers and sisters, why would we need shade? Why would we need protection? Why would we need coolness? These are all the things we associate with the word shade. Why would we need a lot to shade us on this day? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us why he says on the Day of Judgment, when the people await for the judgment of Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala will cause the sun to come closer to them than a male. And the scholars differ about the meaning of this word. What did the Prophet mean when he said a male? Did he mean a mile 1.6 kilometers? Or did he mean

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that instrument which is used to apply curl to the eyes, which is about that big? What did he mean? Regardless of what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam intended by the word, the meaning the implication is clear that the sun will be so close to us. I mean, now we talk about the I'm not an astrophysicist or an Astronomer, I'm sure this these are things that you can google and read about, of how far the sun is. And you know, many I've heard many scholars and many scientists talk about if the sun was closer, or if the sun was further, that's a different discussion. But I want us to think about this other day, we will gather and wait for a loss of a hand or data to judge us. The sun will

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be closer to us than then what it is now. And now we talk of it's hit. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that it will be that close. And on that day because of our sins some people will have will be sweating and the sweat will reach their ankles and others the sweat will reach the knees and others it will reach the next and some other even others will be struggling to keep their noses and their mouths above the old sweat. That is how close the sun will be.

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We will need the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala on that day, we will need his shade. We will need to be cool and comfortable. And we'll come back to this concept of protection and confidence safety at the end of this discussion.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the Quran of how severe this day is, Allah subhanho wa Taala says although been Himanshu Pani Raji yo.

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Omen, he may be well saw he was he was Bernie licola namely him in loomio

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Nui oni on that day, the day of judgment and man mulata run away you will flee from his brother. He will flee from his mother and his father. He will flee from his wife and his children. Every single one of them on

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That day will have an a fee that will keep him busy and occupied, you will not think about anything else. Each and every one of us. Just think about this for a moment, you will run away from your own rather your own system, your own husband or wife, your own children, the ones that you will die for in the dunya. But on that day, you will run away from them, you will flee from them, your parents, your children, your spouse.

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So on that day, we will need the protection of a law. The third matter that we need to discuss what is meant by the shade of a law.

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Now we might use our intellect, we might use reason, we might develop a set of philosophical or theological principles here. But we there's no need to do any of that. Why? Because one of the principles in explaining a hadith or an ayah is that we use the Koran to explain the Koran. And when it comes to the sudden now one of the principles is that we collect all of the different durations and wordings of a particular Heidi, and we have them all in front of us and then we examine them. And when we examine the different rewired generations of this Hadith, we find that in one of them, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, three village outreachy in the shade of Allah throne.

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So that is why when we say that we will be shaded by Allah shade, what is meant is the shade of Allah stone. So there is no need to enter into interpretation or to use a metaphorical or figurative interpretation. No, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam explained it to us himself, that will be the shade of Allah thrown.

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On that day, there will be no other protection, there will be no other, no other authority, there'll be no other way and there will be no one who will protect us, everyone will run on that day, because of the severity, they will run to the profits, and they will big them and employ them and say, please ask a law to stop the judgment. What will they say?

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Not see enough. See, myself, myself, me, me, I cannot be concerned of your face. I've only had my own face to be concerned of. Not even the prophets will be able to protect us what then about our prime ministers and our presidents of our generals are kings and our queens. We turn to them in this dunya we turn to them for protection to protect us from our enemies to protect us from crime, to protect us and grant us prosperity. But on the Day of Judgment, we will not be able to turn to them nor will we be able to turn to the prophets and the messengers except Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because what will he say? And

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I am for it. I am for it and he will intercede on our behalf. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the shafa of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam starts with the first category of people. Mr. Medina Dino, the just email.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam starts with this person, because when this person is pious, when this person is just when this person makes it, his duty to establish justice on Earth, then everything will run smoothly.

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If you think about this for a moment, if you look at your study, every Empire if we every country that has ever existed. If you examine the reasons for the decline, then you will find that one of the reasons for the decline is oppression.

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When the leaders begin to oppress the followers, the citizens This is a reason upon for which Allah subhanho wa Taala causes the destruction. So the Prophet starts with the just Imam. He has two characteristics, because in another Elijah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Mr. Moon is the lone, pious and righteous, trustworthy. This person who is a Muslim establishes the deen of Allah in himself first, a person who upholds the commands of Allah avoids that which Allah subhanahu wa taala has prohibited in himself for himself. And then he's able to take that piety and that righteousness into into his political responsibilities.

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Because adna Joshi before he accepted Islam, what was he? He had $1 trustworthiness or he had an idol, I should say, but he did not have Adela meaning he was not a Muslim until he accepted Islam. Did he have both of these two important characteristics that every Muslim leader must have piety and

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The ability to implement justice and equality and the law of a loss of a higher level. What Allah now what's up festival is a fascinating linguistic issue here. And that is that the word adult comes from the word love. And love is when you are placing a burden on a camel to make sure that the load is evenly distributed.

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And if we examine that, we can see that that is how important it must be for the leader. One example of this is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When

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Osama bin Zayed radi Allahu Allah Kumar came to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam to intercede on behalf of a wealthy woman, a woman who came from a wealthy, you know, a wealthy family, she had been stealing. And it's very fascinating when you study that Hadith, that this woman wasn't really stealing in the sense of, you know, going to people's houses and taking what was this, you know, secretly, but rather, she would borrow things from people. And then when people would ask for them back, she would say, What are you talking about? I don't know what you're talking about. What what what, what vacuum cleaner? You know,

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of course,

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she didn't he didn't take a vacuum cleaner. But she would ask, she would they would they would ask her for for what she had borrowed, and she would deny that she had ever borrowed these things. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he came to his attention and he ordered that this woman's hand be amputated. So several bin Zayed came to him and said jasola law, you know, she's from this family and she's from the, you know, from the noble people, etc, etc. You know, have mercy on her, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, attached ferrovie had the means to do the law. Do you intercede and the property piece of it many times? Are you interceding in one of the lows of a

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lot one of the capital punishments something that Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed yet in the Quran about

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what law he I swear by Allah, the One in Rousseau and my soul lies that he Fatima, my daughter, the daughter of Mohammed wants to steal I would amputate her hand. And this example of justice and he and the rule of law, not having no nepotism, no favoring your family or your friends, making sure that the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala is established regardless of the the status of the person or the wealth of that person. This is something we see in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and I will walk you and over and earth man and Eileen and in many of the greatest leaders that Islam has has produced, we see that ideal and justice xx is extremely important.

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The second person that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentions is Chabot, Natasha, fear Eva Tila, a young person who is this young person, a young boy or girl,

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whether they be a child, or a teenager or a young adult. Now I unfortunately I no longer show

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because the majority of the scholars of Islam say that your Shabaab, your youth ends at the age of 53. And unfortunately, I have passed by that. But for those of you that are 33 and younger, this heavy definitely applies to you. shabu Nasha fa badda. Tila,

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a young person who grows up and I want you to ponder about what that means to grow up in the worship of Allah. But before I talk about that, let us talk about the modern Hajj, the methodology, the way of raising such a child, it starts number one, by choosing this your spouse, choosing your husband, choosing your wife.

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And there are two main characteristics. It is religion, Deen and it is character.

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It's the other things to think about. And we should not be so naive to think that those are the most the those are the only rather I should say those are the most important, but they are not the only criteria. You should put that first on your list, Dean and hulak character and then everything else should come in education, etc, etc, etc. That's the first thing. The second thing is that when you consummate your marriage, the husband makes a he says Bismillah Allahu Allah Geneva Nibbana shavonda with Jenny bumo Zapata, In the name of Allah With the name of Allah, O Allah keeps shape on away from us and keep shavon away from that which you will provide for us that if you have decreed Allah

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that we should have a child because of this union, through this union, then keeps a father away from it. Then the child is born.

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And that mother and that Father choose a beautiful name.

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For him or her, Abdullah Fatima have saw a beautiful name, then they perform acting on behalf of the child.

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They shave the child's head they give sadaqa, etc. you are familiar with all of these, the love of a newborn. And then that child grows up in a home, where he sees his mother and father, living the lives in the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. I asked you by Allah, such a boy, such a girl? Would it be difficult for them to grow up pious and righteous?

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No, it would not. So we have a we have a great responsibility as parents to raise our children to make sure that they are the second person, a young person who grows up in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala he doesn't know anything but the worship of Allah. I can there are many examples. There are examples from the time of the Sahaba the examples from from the the lives of the of the of the prophets. But I want to mention one example that I think that we are all familiar with a personality that we are all familiar with. Imagine Noah we have a hammer, holla email, but no, he was a young boy. And when the other boys would invite him to come and play with with them. He didn't

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want to why he wanted to read the Quran. He wanted to memorize it. With our children, we look at them, what do they want to do? They want to play Pokemon Go.

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They want to watch movies and TV series. They want to sit at restaurants until the early hours of the morning, engaging in idle talk. This is where our youth are.

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Yes, they are responsible for their actions. But we also have a responsibility as fathers and as mothers, as teachers, as ordinary individuals to remind to invite, this is our responsibility. These are our youth they are the future of tomorrow. And one of the things I want to remind us of is that the youth of today. That's why the prophets, Allah lies have mentioned them second, because they are going to be our leaders in the future. And we cannot have just leaders we cannot have competent leaders. If our youth are going astray.

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We cannot say that Malaysia or South Africa or every every other Muslim

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majority country or minority, you know, community wants to have amazing leaders who are educated what just to, you know, pious and righteous if we are not investing in them now. That's our responsibility.

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If we look back into our past, and it's important that we do, there are numerous examples of people growing up like this. And there are people in our communities right now, young men and women that we can look to for inspiration that we can look to as role models for ourselves and for our own children. And so we need to nurture them, we need to make sure that they are growing up in the worship of Allah. Number three, a man whose heart is attached to the masjid, in another ear wire when he leaves it, he cannot wait to come back. Listen to the wording of the Prophet so carefully chosen in the Prophet did not say a man who loves the masjid. He did not say a man who goes to the

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masjid frequently. He said a man whose heart is attached to the masjid think of this, like a lamp is attached to the masjid. It's part of the masjid. And the Prophet did not say his feet are attached to the masjid. He did not say that his legs are attached to the masjid. No, he said his heart.

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I think about the way in which we use that word. put your heart into it. I love you with all of my heart. Why? Because it's what we consider to be the most important, the most sacred, the most beloved parts of our existence, our bodies, our hearts. The man's heart is attached to it. When he leaves it, he cannot wait to get back. He has a question that we need to ask ourselves. We played Mowgli A while ago. are we waiting eagerly to play Asia?

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Forget about the word must read for a moment. Let's just focus on the word sila.

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You've read my lovely book just a few minutes ago. Are you sitting right now in those chairs thinking I cannot wait to pray by Ayesha whether it be in Java or whether it be at the masjid

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to tell below jacobina Allah give us comfort, contentment, tranquility and outside. Is that how we feel? Is that how we feel about the Salah our hearts attached to it so much so that when we we feel

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We cannot wait for the next one.

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This is something to ponder about. And then the next level is to ask ourselves, our hearts attached to the masjid in that same way. Of course, the masjid is this amazing place? It has this amazing status in Islam. Look at what it was in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a place where people could find sanctuary, like a dormitory, people could sleep there those who didn't have a place to sleep. It was a place to learn with the inheritance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was being distributed like Abu huraira, the Allahu anhu said, Yeah, is a place that is deserving of our attention where our hearts must be attached to.

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And if we get to the last part, the last person mentioned, then we'll connect it again to this point. But we need to ask ourselves that question. Are we attached to it? Does it mean something to us? Do we love our Salah because it is the second pillar of Islam, it is the first thing that we will be judged, or judged for, on the Day of Judgment outside, we can talk about how to perform our Salah beta.

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And the scholars that I mentioned at the beginning of this talk, those who explained this hadith in great detail, they talk about all of these things like whoa, sure, and praying on time, and the etiquette and the soul of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But the first thing we must ask ourselves is our hearts attached to the masjid

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to the Salah itself, are we eager to get back to it?

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke number four, to people

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who loves one another for the sake of Allah. Now, there are four reasons why you might love another person. The first reason is that that person can benefit you. The first reason that person can benefit you can give you money can give you a position can benefit you in some way. The second reason that you might love someone is if that person helps or protects you and prevents her from coming to you. That's why you like the doctor. That's why when you were a young child, you look to your parents, you love them, because your parents protect you. They protect you from home. That's why you run to them in times of difficulty.

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Number three, we love a person for the beauty, the physical beauty. And number four, we love a person for the character. Those are four reasons for things that draw us and cause us to love another person.

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Now these two people, these two women, these two men who love one another for the sake of a law, they don't they know those four reasons don't apply to them. There is no material benefit. There's nothing that they one from one another. Why do they meet they meet for the sake of Allah? That's the only reason. There's nothing else that invites them to that. And why do they depart they depart in the in the pleasure of Allah big gatherings are in the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's something I want to focus on. Just that point. These two people are deserving of the shade of a lots of data because they have overlooked all the all the material reasons for getting together.

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Why do you meet with your friends, you need to have coffee, you need to talk about the dounia you have business meetings, you meet with your wife, it's because you love her or you meet with your husbands because you love him. You spend time with your children because of that love that you have for them.

00:33:47 --> 00:34:13

But why do you Why is this particular example that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned important because these people don't meet for those reasons. So, next time you meet another brother or sister, another Muslim, make sure that you do it sincerely for the sake of Allah. And equally important that that gathering is not in the disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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because when they get together, it is for the sake of Allah they not they to backbite there are they to you know, trade stories and slander and lies there are they to make fun of the believers. They're not there to engage in anything which is how long they are the for the sake of Allah. That's why they are they.

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So when they get together, they get together for the sake of Allah and when they leave, they leave with that same intention that when we go now, we are not going to disobey Allah subhanaw taala as well. That's how they get together. That's how they leave. They leave with that commitment. And they came together with that intention. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said number five

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Men who is invited to commit adultery or fornication, Xena, a woman invites him. She not only has beauty, but she has high status. Now the beauty that's that's obvious that doesn't need explanation. But why does the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned high status nobility? Because those that's a that's a, that's an extra reason. Because this woman, she's have such a high status and authority that a woman like that is not this obeyed.

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So not only is she beautiful, but she's also from such a societal level that no one says no to her. She's like a dark teen as we say, you know, a madam in another country, or what else could we say? She's from the nobility, a woman like that no one says no to her. If she says pick up, you know, my bag, you would pick it up. If she says open the door, you would open the door. She's obeyed. She's of high authority. And she's beautiful. Now we are all familiar with the story of use of alayhis salaam. She was beautiful. She had great nobility. She was the wife of the king or the minister. She closed the doors and there was privacy. And that's another common thread in these seven types of

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people. These seven categories. That's another common theme. All of them do what they do sincerely for the sake of Allah. But let's come back to this. So what is this man reply? He says in ni a hoffa law. Of course that is true in the story of use of Allah, his Salah, but, you know the Hadith of the seven people who are trapped in a cave, the second man, what is he saying, I love this, this woman. I love this so much.

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And I will try to seduce her. But she would always refuse me in another why she was my cousin. In another UI. She was very beautiful. But always, she would refuse me. Until one day during a time of great drought, great difficulty. People were suffering, she came to me to borrow money, she wanted 120 gold coins. And I was in a position to give it to her. But I made one condition. I said I would give you this amount of money. If you sleep with me. If you commit Zina with me,

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and another rewire it says that this woman was married.

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So now it's not it's not only fornication, like we have understood from the other generations, but now it has become adultery. It's even worse now.

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So, and this is why there's so much to take from this hadith is the ease to study, look at the condition that she's in. She's refused him for a long time, but because of her financial situation. She has she has elected Lee agreed.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam paints a picture for us a very explicit picture. He says when he is between her thighs, when he's in it in that that intimate, you know, position, she looks up at him and she says, Fear Allah and do not break the seal except with that, with the right meaning through marriage. We are not married. Fear Allah.

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For those of you that are married,

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you understand this better than anyone else.

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When you are about to be intimate with your spouse, when your sexual desire is heightened,

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it's not very easy to say. Okay, now let's you know,

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let's stop this now.

00:38:48 --> 00:39:37

Not only is that his physical sexual desire, but this is his emotional desire for a very long time. And what does he do? She says it tequila fear of law. And that's exactly what he does, is alone with her. He is naked, she is naked, he has desired her for a very long time. But with that fear of Allah it is His heart is able to give it up and leave for the sake of Allah. And this is we come back to this Heidi, that person, that man or that woman who is able to say, in the court of law with absolute sincerity, it's coming from the heart, I feel a lot even though everything about my own personal you don't make up the way Allah has created me screams for me to answer my desires, but I

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am willing to give them up for the sake of Allah. And that's exactly what this person does. He doesn't just say it, he does it and he leaves. And in the Hadith of the man who

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was strapped in the cave, he said, Go and take the money with you. And this is why he says Oh Allah if I did that, since

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For your sake, then remove us from this difficulty we find ourselves in.

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And then, you know, we know that the rock moves just a little bit more. So this person is able to overcome his strongest desires for the sake of Allah. And that brings us to number six, a man who gives charity so secretly, that his left hand does not know what his right hand is given.

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Now when we give charity or when we do anything, human nature is such that we like and we love praise, isn't it?

00:40:39 --> 00:40:42

Don't be like to be praised. Don't you like to be praised?

00:40:43 --> 00:40:44

Of course you do.

00:40:45 --> 00:40:48

If I see that you are handsome. hamdulillah Thank you.

00:40:51 --> 00:40:55

Right. I always knew it was true. It's always nice to have it confirmed.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:09

If you give if you do well in an exam and someone says Mashallah, you are so smart, so intelligent, so hard working, etc, etc. We all love praise, we enjoy it.

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It gives us great pleasure. But this person doesn't do that.

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And he overcome something else. He overcomes miserliness and stinginess, give me 500 ringgit, Oh

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brother You see well I had lots of responsibilities, I have bills to pay you know, etc etc. Help me out or you know things a bit difficult you see a poor person or you know, if I give this guy 20 ringgit, then you know, how am I gonna pay for lunch later? Okay, we make excuses and human nature dislikes giving.

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So this person is overcoming two things that are part of human nature. miserliness in stinginess, and the love of praise. So when he gives, it's so secret, so secretive, that his left hand, another part of his body doesn't know what his right hand is giving.

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And today, Alhamdulillah, Allah has facilitated for us the means to spend in his in his path, and for his pleasure. And no one will know.

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bank transfers, and all other means of giving anonymously. Allah subhanaw taala has made it easier for us, no one will know where did that money come from? All it says is anonymous. And you can do that.

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And there's this disease in our community. I want to speak about Cape Town especially, we have two radio stations that,

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for lack of a better word, are community radio stations with Islamic ethnos. Now, it's been about 16 years since someone said that to me, and I still have difficulty wrapping my head around what that means. But these are community radio stations that have the alarm five times a day, have Islamic programming, have karate, and you know, things like that. But there's something that disturbs me, it disturbs me. And it still disturbs me today. And it's common in every Muslim community in the world. And that is that people sponsor the jumo broadcasts or the thought all weekend, the month of Ramadan, or different other kinds of religious programming, and they love and they want their

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businesses or their names to be mentioned on radio.

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And I

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I have, personally a very big problem with that. A man who wants his name on the masjid a man who wants his name on the books that he's published. That's why I used to love about Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait and other places. And this happens in many places. It says this book has been published through the charity of anonymous person. Okay, a person who you know, wishes to remain anonymous or some person who is a machine, that's beautiful. And they are countless examples of people who spend in the past have a loss of Hannah hautala and remain anonymous. And they examples from the time of the Sahaba. There are examples from the title of the Tabby a, one of the examples is one of the

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great grandsons of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When the people were fast asleep, he would go in to the people's houses, the houses of the poor in Medina, and he would give them charity and they would not know they didn't know until he passed away.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:50

Imagine, imagine someone has been giving you providing for you, helping you in times of difficulty and you never knew. What would you do.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

If someone was helping you, and you were poor, you never knew but what what kind of do I have

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Would you make with this person?

00:45:02 --> 00:45:29

Yeah, Allah forgive this person. Yeah, Allah reward this person. So that is how secretive we need to be. Think about how focused this individual is on being sincere. People asked me, and they asked the earlier, there was more knowledgeable than me. How can I achieve sincerity? I'll give you two things that you can do to develop your sincerity. The first is the 100.

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Everyone is asleep.

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You wake up at four or 5am

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your family, your neighbors, no one no, no one knows that you've woken up, you've taken will do. And you have worship Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Now you must avoid something.

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And many people make this mistake.

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They get up. No one knows it's secretive, it's private. But then they go to work.

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They have breakfast or brunch or lunch with a colleague or you know, last night. I did 20 Raka tahajjud.

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And my dissertation was so sincere.

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And I was crying. I cried so much that my T shirt might fill but my bio was wit.

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And I made such sincere. That is called Suba. Ria is when I do something where you watch me and praise me, and I do it in your presence. And so is when I do something privately, but then I go and tell you about it.

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The believer avoids both of these things, Ria and so via the second thing that you can do is to give charity secretly, no one knows. No one sees no one hears you tell no one about it. You spent on the machine, no one will ever know you won't tell anyone you gave poor cousin or uncle or aunt some money or some charity, you won't tell a soul about it. If you can even make death without them knowing that's even better.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:54

If you could go to you could drive to your aunt or your uncle's home. Why do I mention uncle a dog? Why don't I just say poor person, because your family members your poor, needy family members are more deserving of your charity than people you do not know. And this is always this is one of my pet peeves. We send money to poor countries around the world when our family members down the road don't have enough to eat uncles and aunts and cousins. We send money to Indonesia, when we have a cousin year who just lost his or her job and can feed his own his own children.

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If you have taken care of the people around you, nothing prevents you from something sending money to Zimbabwe or Botswana or Indonesia or Cambodia. nothing prevents you. But the believers they take care of those around them. They family, their spouses, their children, their family members, they their parents, their siblings, and then they take care of strangers. Make that a principal and a priority in your lives. The last person

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is that man who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala secretly, privately and his eyes here. When was the last time your eyes teared for the sake of Allah?

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When was the last time you remember the loss of Hannah who died and you cried.

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You were alone. No one was around. You thought of the sins that you committed in the past. The different ways in which you disobeyed Allah subhanahu wa taala. And you started to cry, and the tears roll down your cheeks. When was the last time you thought about your shortcomings, those that you have harmed with your actions and with your tongue.

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And you also lost $1 for forgiveness and you turn sincerely to him in repentance and you cry uncontrollably because of it. When is the last time you remember the elders favor upon you. And you cry thinking of every Nirvana that Allah has ever bestowed upon you. When is the last time you remember the last name of Islam and you cry? Your eyes did thinking about this. When was the last time you did that sincerely for the sake of Allah.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that I that he is sincerely for the sake of Allah will not be touched by the fire. And he tells us in this Hadith, that when we remember him, without hearts and without lines without talking

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Without actions, that if we do that sincerely for his sake, if we remember a loss of a higher level of data through our actions, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will shade so the Day of Judgment. I want to focus on three themes that this Heidi teaches us. There's so much to talk about. But let's focus on these three things. Firstly, sincerity.

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The Imam is just no one has greater authority than he but he is just for the sake of Allah. He doesn't have to answer to anyone. The king, the Emperor, who does the answer to he only answers to Allah. No one is above him, who's causing him to be just to be honest and trustworthy.

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Only his fear of a law and his sincerity, that young person, everyone else is engaged in games and popular culture. But he wants to memorize the Quran. He wants to be in the masjid. She wants to go to gatherings have of learning when everyone's not wearing hijab. She wants to wear hijab, when everyone's telling you that you look old in that is no this pleases Allah I will do it. Everything about that person's, you know, youth is telling them to turn away from Allah yet they are turning towards Allah. That is sincerity. That person's heart is attached to the masjid is they for the sake of Allah for no other reason? Those two men get together for for who? For what? Only for the sake of

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Allah. That man says in the law, I feel Allah Why?

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Only for the sake of Allah, no one's going to know. This is a beautiful woman, a handsome man.

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And they are doing it for the sake of Allah. That person is giving charity privately, secretly, why? Only because of sincerity.

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And that man or woman is mentioning and remembering a law privately they are crying. That is a plus. That's the first thing. The second thing is that every one of these people is overcoming something which human nature compels him to do, but they're able to overcome it sincerely for the sake of a law, they're able to overcome it for the pleasure of Allah, the mob, he wants to enjoy his kingdom and his power and his authority. And it's very easy to abuse it but he doesn't. He overcomes that desire and urge the young boy, he overcomes his urges and every single one of these people overcomes the urge to talk about it to be pleased about it. To do it out in the open way everyone can see the

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man who avoids Zina, he does so overcoming his sexual desire, or the woman overcoming her sexual desire, or overcoming the number three,

00:53:03 --> 00:53:43

all of these people wanted a loss of a Hannah who wants to protect them on the Day of Judgment, to protect them. When the deeds are being weighed. On, they wanted a law to protect them when they cross the sea of art. They wanted a lot to protect them from the fire of jahannam. And because they had these qualities, Allah gave them exactly what they wanted. Because what law II think about this, if on the Day of Judgment, and I should not say if but on the Day of Judgment, we ask a loss of a high level what Allah to make us of those under the shade of his throne.

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If you are under the shade of Allah throne that day,

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would you not feel great hope for what lies ahead?

00:53:55 --> 00:54:42

You wanted you did all of these things you were just you spent you youth in the path of Allah. You went to the masjid, only for the sake of Allah. You make your brothers and sisters for the sake of Allah you spent of your wealth for the sake of Allah, you gave up how long for the sake of Allah, you spent your wealth for the sake of Allah, you remember it, Allah made Vicar of Allah, only for Allah. And then because of that sincerity, because of that URI because of that fear of Allah's punishment, and the severity of the Day of Judgment, Allah grants you this, so that he would have that commitment that Allah subhanho wa Taala will grow to protection on that day. And if you are

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granted protection on that day, then everything else that comes after it will be easy. You will be so hopeful you will know that if Allah gives you this shade, that when your deeds are away, that your good deeds will outweigh your bad deeds, that when you cross the sea

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Are you going to cross it quickly? And that you will end agenda? May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant the safety and security in our graves? May Allah subhanho wa Taala make our graves places and gardens of gender and not make them pits of the pits of the fire of of Johanna. May Allah subhanho wa Taala resurrect us with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and all of the prophets. May Allah grant us the shade of his throne, or the day in which they will be no shade but the shade of his throne where lots of hydrodynamic out

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of judgment easy, where Allah subhanho wa Taala goes caused us to cross the Sirat with lightning speed, about lots of high level data caused us to enter agenda. But there are lots of a high level of data growth each and every one of us to be agenda to fulfill those deserve Camilla Heron whatsoever alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

00:56:03 --> 00:56:08

to give to your family members, but isn't it better to give

00:56:11 --> 00:56:13

ties? So

00:56:15 --> 00:56:16


00:56:20 --> 00:56:21

question is

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that when you give to your family members, one of the benefits is that you are strengthening your family ties. And the only way in this case that you are going to strengthen the family ties he said that they know that you are giving it to them, isn't it so? So in that case, you must ask yourself, where does the greatest benefit lie? Okay, what is your intention when you are giving Are you giving for the sake of Allah I to strengthen Family Ties because I can give just to only strengthen family ties, and not do it for the sake of Allah, I had an argument with my aunt, I want to make it up to her. So I buy her a gift, or I give her charity, okay, or I pay some of her loans or bills, okay, as

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a as a as a gift. But I only for the sake of, you know, reconciling or reconciliation? Am I doing it for the sake of Allah? So that's a question that you will have to ask yourself at that time. Okay, sometimes you want to give, if you really have good solid family ties, then give secretly, if you want to strengthen them, then tell them that you are giving them give it to them, but also avoid giving them in front of everyone else. Especially with I know this from experience that some people don't like they are so proud. And this is not something that is blameworthy, but some people are proud and they don't want to know that they are in they want they don't want anyone to know that

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they are in need. Okay, so when you go to your uncle or your aunt and you give them an envelope, you know, do it just the two of you. Okay, not with his with his an audience when you're giving charity that way. Right. So I hope that answers that now.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:04

No questions.

00:58:09 --> 00:58:26

Okay, I have a question. You just raise your hand if you know the answer. I say that there are four reasons that people love that cause as to love someone. Right? What are those four reasons? Yes. That's cheating.

00:58:27 --> 00:58:29

is looking at his notes.

00:58:32 --> 00:58:34

Right, someone benefits you.

00:58:35 --> 00:58:36

Someone protects you from home.

00:58:38 --> 00:58:40

So the physical beauty number four.

00:58:42 --> 00:58:45

What was the name of the book I mentioned?

00:58:47 --> 00:58:49

right at the beginning, I mentioned a book.

00:58:53 --> 00:58:56

fee. fee Villani.

00:58:57 --> 00:59:08

Obviously a rough man in the shade of the throne of a rock man or a rough man's throne. That's a different nother way of translating it. Well. Does anyone know who the author was?

00:59:15 --> 00:59:16


00:59:18 --> 00:59:39

Chef Mohammed Salim. He was an Egyptian scholar, but he was also the chief judge in Medina, and he was a teacher in Masuda, nabawi and a teacher at the Islamic University of Medina and also one of the main or perhaps the main students of chef Mohammed amin extra at the Mauritanian scholar, but I have mercy on all of them.

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00:59:46 --> 00:59:59

You mentioned people, please can you repeat the theme? The third theme is that these people wanted the protection of a loss of a hand wattana they they sought a loss pleasure. They

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They feared almost punishment, they wanted a laws of safety and security and protection. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala granted it to them, okay? So they gave up, they gave up these things, things that the human nature that human desires, each and every one of us have that they gave it all up for the sake of Allah and Allah subhana wa tada rewarded them accordingly. Okay, so the Arabic term for this is Al Jazeera, oh, when Jean says

01:00:31 --> 01:00:34

that the reward is commensurate

01:00:35 --> 01:01:25

with the action, so they sought what were they seeking protection, okay, and they gave up those things fearing a loss punishment. So a loss of a hand they feared. So Allah subhanho wa Taala remove the fear of the Day of Judgment, that's perhaps the best way of saying it. Okay. They're a fear. And they did these things, to protect themselves from this fear or to grant himself security and Allah subhanho wa Taala remove this fear for them. How does one know of if a dream is a euro area? This is not my field. Okay. I have left. Oh, I don't get involved in these things anymore. Okay, I don't do Rokia. I don't talk about dream interpretation, none of these things anymore. I

01:01:27 --> 01:01:45

just thought I'd make that very clear. Right. So I leave that for those more knowledgeable than myself. And how many they are. Any other questions? Okay. I'll ask another question. Since I can see how enthusiastic you are, to answer them.

01:01:48 --> 01:01:48

I said

01:01:50 --> 01:01:52

that the word love or atlatl.

01:01:54 --> 01:01:59

Though the word adilyn ideal comes from the root letter. And what is it loving?

01:02:02 --> 01:02:03

You are disqualified?

01:02:05 --> 01:02:07

Yes, it would not be just of me.

01:02:09 --> 01:02:13

Yes, yeah. So you're doing something with your hands, they're

01:02:14 --> 01:03:01

mainly making sure that the load of the camel is balanced. Because if the camel if the load that the camel is carrying, is not finely balanced, then everything, then the cable will not be able to move it very likely that the whole load will tip over. And everything will be lost on there. So it shows you how important that is. And of course, if we take them the word idle, and ideal, we can see how important it is to be just if we apply to the leader. Now. Anyone else? One of the best examples, or one of the best historical examples of this issue of identity or of justice is already been Abdel Aziz Rahim Allah. And one of the stories that we know about him is that people wrote a letter to him

01:03:01 --> 01:03:06

from Egypt. So they sent the letter to Damascus. Is that me doing that?

01:03:09 --> 01:03:09

That sounds

01:03:12 --> 01:03:20

so the people of Egypt wrote a letter to him complaining about the camels in Egypt, that we're being overloaded.

01:03:22 --> 01:03:22

Just think about

01:03:24 --> 01:03:53

how many people that write to the Prime Minister of Malaysia or Malaysia, talking to telling him about the trucks that are traveling or talking to him about the affairs of the workers working on the MRT or working in construction, calling him about the phase, how often does that happen? And how often, you know, do things change? Right, whether this is in Qatar, because we have heard horror stories coming from the, you know, the conditions of the workers. And this is a common theme, but the candles,

01:03:54 --> 01:04:26

people are what what are they concerned about? They're concerned about the welfare of the capitals, I can give you a long lecture, we can discuss animal welfare, and it's lovely. We're not going to talk about that now. But the point is that he wrote back and he said, that From this day forth, when my lady reaches, you know, camel shall be loaded more, I cannot remember the exact amount. I think it's 20 urato, but not more than that. So he set a standard for the low that every camel in the Muslim Empire could carry.

01:04:28 --> 01:04:59

That was the extent of his idol and justice that even the animals were not being oppressed. And they are examples of the type of our even the love and, and throughout many other beautiful examples in Islamic history. So we are hamdulillah have this amazing, beautiful history, we can look back, and of course the best person, the person who's going to help us explain the Quran and help us to understand it. And to implement it is the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He Sierra

01:05:00 --> 01:05:18

The best blueprint for understanding the Quran and understanding are hided like the one we discussed tonight, if you want to talk about justice and people growing up in the worship of Allah, and people, etc, etc, they look to the life of the Prophet and his companions, or the Allahu Akbar, or the any other Christians.

01:05:19 --> 01:05:23

First one is why is it difficult for people to cry this

01:05:25 --> 01:05:26

characteristic of

01:05:29 --> 01:05:36

females? And the second question is, what are the characteristics of someone who is attached to them?

01:05:37 --> 01:05:49

Now, two excellent questions, right. So why is it that we don't cry? So part of the question was that people can think that crying is restricted to children or to women, or you're not manly or macho, if you're crying.

01:05:58 --> 01:06:01

Just I'm so behind Allah

01:06:02 --> 01:06:04

Yaqoob Allah he set up

01:06:05 --> 01:06:08

when he lost his son, what do you do?

01:06:09 --> 01:06:09


01:06:11 --> 01:06:15

When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam was in Sala in tahajjud. What did he do?

01:06:16 --> 01:06:21

He cried. When the prophet SAW Lions have lost his son, he brought him. What did he do?

01:06:22 --> 01:06:23

He cried.

01:06:24 --> 01:06:28

These are the best men to ever walk on the face of the earth.

01:06:29 --> 01:06:33

The best men, the most macho, if you will,

01:06:34 --> 01:07:09

the best in character, the best indeed. No one had greater love than they were piety. No one was more pious than them. No one was braver. No one had you know all of these noble characteristics that we associate with manhood. The prophets of Allah, never mind the Sahaba or the disciples of those prophets, but the prophets of Allah they cry, so for a man to think that it is below him, that in the minds is his manhood, you know that he should cry, then you need to be assessed what it means to you to be a man.

01:07:10 --> 01:07:19

Because while I've seen this many times, I've traveled to a few countries. This idea that we have there is not in conformity with the sun.

01:07:21 --> 01:07:36

It's not there so many things that we think the way we think we should be. But it's not what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was about as this one is not the example you know. I hope it's, it's it relates to to your question.

01:07:38 --> 01:07:45

Many men in the Muslim world think that being affectionate with their children. It shouldn't be done. You don't kiss and hug your kids.

01:07:46 --> 01:08:15

You know, you just keep arms like that's what that's what your wife to do. Your wife should be affectionate with them. They you need to be the disciplinarian. Do this, do that. Without your homework, get your homework done. That's the Father. That's what the Father needs to be. He needs to be that guy. But how far is that from the sun? Did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam not kiss Hassidim per se. They don't say jasola you kissing them? I have 10 children. I haven't kissed one of them once.

01:08:17 --> 01:08:23

10 Kids ever kissed him once? The Prophet said Masha Allah that man would

01:08:27 --> 01:08:34

be the Prophet say that? No. So what can I do if Allah has removed mercy from your heart?

01:08:35 --> 01:09:16

So the to answer your question, first, the first part of it, that we need to reassess what it means to be men and women. And the best guideline the best baseline for that is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Sahaba the prophets of Allah. Then the second part of that of your your question before we get to your second question, is that it is difficult for us to cry in these times. Because we are so consumed by the dunya one thing I'll share with you think about this often as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam instructed us to do we don't think that will die. We don't think about

01:09:17 --> 01:09:26

the the most the deepest thinking we'll do on this is when we think about inheritance, but even then, it's about the idea

01:09:27 --> 01:09:40

like you know, like who's gonna get my call who's gonna get my house and I was going to split my my shares and my, you know, I've got this bank account and you know, we thought that's how we think but even then we thinking about the dunya.

01:09:41 --> 01:09:47

Just think about this. You and I, we are both all of us are going to die.

01:09:48 --> 01:09:50

All of us, everyone sitting here.

01:09:51 --> 01:09:59

No one has lived forever if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't live forever. They do you and I think we will live forever.

01:10:01 --> 01:10:25

No, Alexander the Great language is given a historical example Alexander the Great gets this amazing army from his dead. Right is that dies. This Macedonian army amazing. Okay hoplites based army in the world takes that army conquest Greece, you know, goes over conquers pleasure, you know. And at the age of 53 what happens to him?

01:10:26 --> 01:10:27

He dies.

01:10:28 --> 01:10:36

Biggest Empire the world has ever seen control over hundreds of people speaking 1000s of languages, yet he dies.

01:10:37 --> 01:10:43

What did he think before he died, conquered the world and will live forever? What does Allah say?

01:10:45 --> 01:10:46

Yes, Abu anomala who

01:10:48 --> 01:11:29

he thinks his money will cause him to live forever. That doesn't happen to anyone in history. So I'm going to happen now. So think about this often. Remember it? Ask yourself what you have prepared for it. Ask yourself how you want to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala and then see if your heart is not softened. And your eyes have not yet. Okay, what was the second question? I forget them. So what characteristics Okay, firstly, how can I get my heart attached to the masjid The first thing of course is to make sure that you pray in the masjid. Okay, make sure that you are going to the masjid as frequently and as often as possible. Make it a point some of you are working I know it's

01:11:29 --> 01:12:11

difficult some of you live far from our budget, but whenever you get the opportunity go to the mercy to pray them. That's number one. Number two, another good way of making sure that you are in the masjid is to go to the massages with the gurus and lessons I used to find when I was when I was a student in Medina, it was easy to go to the machine that was attached to the university or the ones closest to the university because they were clauses they have the Sala of the Federal of the opposite of the money between the beneficiary of the Asia they would be clauses they and you would want to go because check so and so I was teaching a class D Okay. Then number three, attach yourself

01:12:11 --> 01:12:28

to the masjid in terms of helping out at that Masjid because many of the massage it has programs feeding the poor, they have you know community outreach programs and so go to those to go to those programs. How else can you make sure that your heart is attached to the machine

01:12:29 --> 01:12:48

is to ask yourself when you are when you finish your solder ask yourself and make or other not ask yourself but make the intention that you are going to come back to the masjid later so that even though you are unable to do so, you may get the reward of someone who

01:12:49 --> 01:13:22

who went because of your intention okay always make that intention when you leaving yeah Allah I want to come back here Allah make or make do I asked a lot to bring you back. Okay, and then constantly ask yourself this your heart when you when we go to the movies? You know we thinking about we saw the trailers before the before the movie, right? So we think in two weeks time that movie is coming out in the car, wait to come back. See if you feel like that we didn't leave the machine next time. And if you don't speak to yourself

01:13:23 --> 01:13:38

inculcated in your heart. I'll give you a simple example. It's not connected to solder is not connected to the machine. But this is something when I when I graduated from the Islamic University of Medina, I weighed 116. Okay.

01:13:39 --> 01:13:40

I'm not going to say what I weigh now.

01:13:42 --> 01:14:00

But I weighed 116 and I didn't know what that I wasn't aware of how overweight I had become. Okay. Because when I when I went to my dinner, I weighed 86. So I picked up 50 kilos in seven years. Okay, that would have been a good thing that was muscle, but it wasn't.

01:14:01 --> 01:14:10

So shapefiles Muhammad was an Australian graduate from the University. He came to Cape Town and he said, he was watching me eat and he said, Mashallah chef you like to eat?

01:14:12 --> 01:14:48

And then he explained to me, you know, he told me that, you know, if you're going to give dry, it's important that you look after yourself and your health and your weight and, you know, you to exercise and what you're eating and, you know, and I that night, I went home and I started looking in the mirror, I was like, You are fat. You know, you have picked up a lot of weight. And I didn't know that. I didn't know why I was having all this joint pain in my knees and my ankles. I just liked them. I was getting older. You know, that's what happens when you get older. And so I made a commitment, right? That's a long story, but I'll try to so I started going to these Brazilian Jiu

01:14:48 --> 01:14:51

Jitsu classes. And at the beginning I didn't like it.

01:14:52 --> 01:15:00

Okay, I didn't like them at all. But I had this goal. I had this this desire to lose weight to get fit.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:10

All right, so even though the first few weeks I didn't like it was like, there's so much you know, it's it's horrible you know, those of you that go to the gym

01:15:13 --> 01:15:53

you know what I'm talking about? Okay the first few times it's difficult it's not easy and then you know you get accustomed to it so how can we apply that to and realize that he would later I started feeling that I was eager to go I would even call the trainer I would like ask him like I'll be having class tonight. You know, I meet you at the machine because that's where we have the classes in the wall of the masjid so that's how eager I became. So the same thing was sought out the same thing with going to the masjid just keep on going even though it's difficult even though you don't like it even though there's so many other things you could possibly be doing. I could just pray at

01:15:53 --> 01:16:00

home and I you know 100 I did my Salah. The scholars differ about whether or not solide diversity is why Jeeva is

01:16:01 --> 01:16:24

hamdulillah Shafi is what do they say? So no aka or you know, the assumption is they say Sparky fire right. So how did I know that some brothers you know, you go to the masjid you get yours you train yourself to get to the point where Alhamdulillah you Your heart is attached to the masjid and you enjoy those of you that struggled to read the Quran.

01:16:25 --> 01:17:11

You can attest to this as well. At the beginning it was difficult. And then you kept on doing it five minutes every day. 10 minutes every day slowly. I don't like it. I don't like it. And now I love it. Or memorizing the Quran. And everything in life is like this if you don't enjoy it at the beginning, but you know that it's beneficial. If you keep on doing it, it will become beloved to you. Bismillah We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make our hearts attached to his a better way lots of data greater sincerity, by lots of Allah grant us a love for his worship. Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us to be with the prophets and the messages of the Day of Judgment. Desert Camilla Heron, I

01:17:11 --> 01:17:23

thank you all for making this effort. May Allah subhanho wa Taala place it this effort in your in your scale of good deeds of the Day of Judgment vertical low FICO whatsoever Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

In this talk, Sheikh Tariq discusses the 7 people whom will receive Allah’s shade from his thrown on the day that there will be no shade.

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