Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-052B Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 169-171

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the history and success of Islam during the time of the Battle of missed Islam. The Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam awarded the news of the death of the first-ever Muslims inrows, and the Knuts of Islam subhanaw taala consoled them and punished them for 30 days in a row. The segment also touches on the theory that the deaths of the people who have been killed in the way of Islam are due to the presence of a virus, and the success of hip hop in achieving joy through various means. The importance of "will" in Islam is discussed, with one speaker referring to the "will" of the creator and the "will" of his followers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim I remember 169 while at that seven Alladhina cootie Luffy subby Lillahi wa Tada and never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead, Bella here on your end or be him rather they are alive with their Lord, you're the goon receiving provision in the battle of 170 Muslims were killed. And after the Mushrikeen left, the Muslims had to tend to each other's wounds, they have to shroud and bury the dead. And you can imagine how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam was feeling and how the companions were feeling. We learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praised Allah azza wa jal at this time, and he prayed for the

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shahada, the martyrs of or hood, he consoled the companions, and there was no Janaza prayer, and the companions were commanded to dig the graves for the martyrs, and often two, three, and sometimes even four people had to be buried in one grave, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that let those who know the most Quran be buried first. And you can imagine when the Muslims returned to Medina, and as they gave the people of Medina the news of the martyrdom of so many people, he could imagine how their families were feeling how the women were wailing and the children were crying and there was a lot of sadness that enveloped the city of Medina, and the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam personally visited many families and have not been to Josh radula horn who was married to most Arbib and mermaid and Musa Ruben are metal de la Horne who he was martyred at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave her the news of the death of her husband. And he also consoled her, and he also told her that she should expect the best reward from Allah. Now, this was the day of a hood, right the hours after a hood, and also the next day after hood. But in the aftermath of the Battle of ohada, we learned that various tribes began to conspire together in order to kill Muslims in need. This was a time when Muslim blood was being spilled over and over again,

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many different people were coming betraying Muslims attacking them, killing them in great numbers. So there was loss upon loss. We learned, for example, that in the fourth year after hijra, right at the beginning, some people from certain tribes came and requested the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to send some companions in order to teach Islam to their people. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent around seven to 10 men under the protection of a certain men. Now when they reached a place called Allah, dear 100, archers, from Kavita, who they surrounded them, and they basically said to these companions, seven to 10 companions that come down from the dune that you're

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on, and we will not fight you. So one of the companions, who was actually their leader, he said that you have already betrayed us by surrounding us, and he refused to descend, so the archers actually attacked them. And one by one, every single one of those Muslims fell until three remained alive. Now, again, the Archer said, come down, and we will not harm you. So they did come down. But when they came down, they tied them up. And one of the Muslim said that this is the first treachery, you said you were not going to harm us, but you have harmed us by tying us up, and he refused to comply any further. So they killed him right there. And then and the other two companions have a bit of an

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RD and say the vendetta Hina. These archers they actually took them to Makkah and sold them to the Moroccans who publicly and brutally assassinated these companions. So this was the massacre off of Revere. Now there was another massacre that happened around the same time, and this is known as a massacre of beated Morona and acetyl de la hora, and who reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent about 70 men who knew the Quran by heart. Can you imagine these are 70 companions who knew the Quran and he sent them to the people have nudged and there was actually a peace treaty between them and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but the pagans over there, they

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broke the treaty, and they killed the 70 men. Can you imagine they killed 70 companions who were supposed to have been sent over there in order to teach people to Quran and the prophets of Allah who are the WHO Salam was so upset that he recited keynote, and he prayed against those people for a period of one month, asking Allah

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To punish them. And what happened with the 70 companions is that when the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam sent them, and he at the request of the people of nudged when they reached beated, Morona 500 Men, can you imagine 500 men from various tribes that are a little the Quan or say, yeah, they came, and they surrounded the Muslims and attacked them and all of them died except to now you can imagine, the massacre of a revered the massacre of bitter Morona and he the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was deeply grieved. He was very upset. And he prayed Conneaut against the enemy for 30 days in a row. And Allah subhanaw taala revealed these verses, which teach us that the shahada,

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the martyrs, those who are killed in the way of Allah are pleased with what they have found with their Lord. And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then discontinued the Knut Allah subhanaw taala says, well, after seven Alladhina cootie Luffy, Seville Allah He or muerta never think that those who have been killed in the way of Allah have died. Never think that they have perished. Even though you see that they have been killed in the law here in the on the surface. Yes, they appear to be dead, but don't think that they are dead dead. Because Bella here when they're in the Ruby musical, they are alive with their Lord, they're given sustenance. Now, the person who is

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dead, if you think about it, the person who is dead no longer experiences life, right, no longer eats any food or drinks anything, right? But those who are killed in the way of Allah, experience life, and they enjoy food and drink, so they are not dead, the way that you think of dead, they live a life that Allah knows better about, well, here they are alive. And this is the life of Bursa. And Vasa is basically the place the time, that is any after this world until the beginning of the hour, any when a person leaves this world they are in bizarre until the Day of Judgment begins. And this life is hidden from us. And we only know about it what Allah subhanaw taala has informed us off of

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this I approves the certainty of the life of bizarre there are many people who deny the possibility of punishment in the grave or reward in the grave. But there are so many Hadees so many verses that show for fact that there is an existence after this world. And in that existence, there is punishment or there is reward, and there is our that will cover punishment of the grave for those who deserve it. And there's also the Hyatts Shahadat the life of the martyrs and a whole spectrum in between. Now here while at the Savannah and never think, let that Savannah This is a prohibition, right and the address over here is to every listener, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and

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also after him every single person who listens to this ayah and latter seven, the known wish had that the noon with a shudder at the end it is for emphasis. So let the savannah never ever think never ever think that those who have been killed in the way of Allah are dead. Now the word that's a banana This is from Hacienda and cassava is to think to suppose basically the word cassava This is from our little club, this is from the actions of the heart, all right, and this action, any of Hasib has to objects, okay. It is to think okay to suppose to think something as something so for example, a person says hasip, to Sally her hasip, to who I think of object number one, him meaning

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that person as object to silent, righteous, and he I think him to be righteous, here, Allah subhanaw taala saying, never think of who Alladhina cootie Luffy subete Allah those who have been killed in the way of Allah never think about them, that they are a muerta that they are dead. So do not think of Alladhina kuti, Luffy subete Allah as a martyr. Now in the previous verses also we have learned regarding the martyrs off are heard that you know the hypocrites especially they were saying things like low can or in dinar mama to warm up booty Lu If only they had been with us they would not have died and they would not have been killed. Right. In verse 168. We learned that they said low up

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Aruna, Makati Lu if they had obeyed us they would not have been killed. Any people were expressing the hypocrites were expressing a lot of regret over the death of those who had been

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killed in a herd. Right? As if they were pitying them. They were feeling bad for them. So Allah subhanaw taala responds to all such thoughts, all such a negative commentary that well at our seven Alladhina cootie Luffy Sabina lye and water. Never think that those who have been killed in the way of Allah are dead. No bail are here on our indoor Beam us upon rather they are alive with their Lord they are given sustenance. Now there is a question who are Alladhina Cuttino visa vie de la Alladhina the ones who are Tillu they are killed feasable Allah in the way of Allah Who are these people? These are people who are killed when fighting for the cause of Allah. They're killed when

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they're fighting in order to glorify the word of Allah. And he the intention behind fighting the intention behind going to battle is to elevate the word of Allah as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and he they want the name of Allah the word of Allah to be superior, because this is feasable Allah so Alladhina cootie roofie Serbian Allah, those who are killed in the way of Allah never think that they are um, what? And yes, if you think about it, once they're killed, they no longer have a pulse in their body. Yes, they are shrouded and yes, they are buried but never think that they're finished never think that their life is over. Never think that they are in need of your

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pity because they're not like the other dead. They're actually here alive near Allah living a different kind of a life and here is the plural of the word Hi, um What is the plural of the word my yet? Okay, um, what from meanwhile TA and are here from hayah. Now Masaru he said that we asked Abdullah even our basketball de la Mourinho about the IR letter seven Alladhina Portillo visa vie de la he and water. And Abdullah de la Marne, who said that we asked the meaning of this verse from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And he explained that the souls of the martyrs live in the bodies of green birds, who have their nests in the chandeliers hung from the throne of the Almighty.

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They eat the fruits of Paradise from wherever they like, and then nestle in these chandeliers. And once their Lord cast a glance at them and said, Do you want anything? They said, what more shall we desire? We eat the fruit of paradise from wherever we like, their Lord asked them the same question three times. And when they saw that they will continue to be asked and not left without answering the question. They said, Oh, Lord, we wish that you may return our soul to our bodies, so that we may be slain in your cars once again. Allahu Akbar. So they are alive are in love be him, but are here on our inner beam or in that means very close to their Lord. And yes, they are very close to

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their Lord because they nestle in the chandeliers hanging from the Throne of Allah azza wa jal, and then they are used as a cone. They're provided they're given sustenance, use the coolness from risk, Rosa cough, Kenny, they enjoy food and drink, and the one who enjoys food and drink is not dead, right? Because the dead person, any if you think about it, the person who is dead in this world, he you put food in front of them, you put drink in front of them, they're not going to have it. They don't even know if it's there. Right? So the shahada are with their Lord now they're very close to Allah azza wa jal, and they're, they enjoy food and drink, Allahu Akbar, and the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam mentioned in a hadith which is reported and was that they are given sustenance morning and evening and he sustenance is brought to them morning and evening. And then we also learn that they actually move around freely in paradise, right? They go in paradise wherever that they want, and they have beautiful homes in paradise. We learn in a hadith in Sahih Bukhari the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned about our two angels came to him, and they made him ascend a tree, and he go high, and then they admitted him into an excellent house. Any doubt on here, I sent off Dalu Lum, rokkaku arsena minha. And he a house that was so beautiful, and so good that he said,

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I've never seen any house better than that. And then the angels told him that this is the home of the martyrs. So when this is the state of the martyrs, that they're alive, they're close to their Lord, and they're given sustenance, then you don't have to pity the martyrs. You don't have to feel that they have missed out on the good things of this life. You don't have to express any regret and sorrow for them that all I wish they had obeyed us and they should not have gone for the battle had to listen to us they wouldn't

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I'd have been killed. There's no need to say such things. We learned that the prophets of Allahu alayhi wa sallam said there's a hadith and of Buddhahood, that when your brethren were killed at the Battle of earth, Allah put their souls inside green birds, which go down to the rivers of Paradise, and they eat its fruit and nestle in lumps of gold, In another Hadith chandeliers in the shade of the throne, then when they experienced the sweetness of their food and drink and rest, they asked that who will tell our brethren any who will tell our brothers back at the world about us that we are alive in paradise, who's gonna tell them somehow if they could know that we are actually alive

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in Jannah, and we are provided with provision, somehow someone could tell them in order that they might not be disinterested in Jihad and recoil and war, because of course, jihad is difficult, that is hard. So Allah the Exalted, said, I shall tell them about you. And so Allah subhanaw taala revealed while at x seven Alladhina, potty Luffy, Sabine, Allah He and water and you see the kind of risk that the shahada are given, it is so good, it is so beautiful, that they have no desire to return to the risk and the things of this world. If they want to return to the world. It's not so that they can eat the ice cream that you're eating or they can enjoy the things that you are

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enjoying know, if they want to return to the world it is for a very different reason. What is that? Listen to this hadith. This hadith is from even Raja Javid ibn Abdullah Radi Allahu Anhu said that when his father of the Libyan arm would have been haram was killed on the day of or heard, then after some time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he met jabot Alright, so Abdullah bin Hamad bin haram died and his son jab it is still alive and the prophets of Allah who earn instead of Mad Javid Lt. Allah horn who and he said Oh, Javid, why do I see you brokenhearted? So Jabba replied that O Messenger of Allah, my father has been martyred and he has left behind dependents and deaths.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Shall I not give you the good news of that with which Allah met your father? And he shall I tell you about the things that Allah subhanaw taala gave to your father, how your father has been received Jabil de la Horne who said yes, O Messenger of Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah never spoke to anyone except from behind his screen. But he spoke to your father directly. He spoke to your father directly. And he said, Oh, my slave, ask something for me and I shall give it to you. And he said, Oh, Lord, bring me back to life, so that I may be killed in your cause a second time. So Allah subhanaw taala said, I have

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already decreed that they will not return to life. So our beloved and haram said, My Lord then conveyed this news to those whom I have left behind. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed while at the seven nil Lavina Cuttino visa vie, I'm whatta Bella here on render of B him user cone, they have no interest in what you have the good things that you are enjoying, because they're enjoying something that is even better, In another Hadith, which is reported in Behati. And there is another version and other books of Hadith in which the prophets of Allah who already have set them set that no one who dies, any there's no soul, there's no slave who dies and finds good reward with Allah, okay,

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will want to return to the world. Any when a person dies, and finds good reward with Allah, they have no desire left to return to the world, except for the martyr. The martyr wants to return to the world, why he will wish to return to the world and be killed 10 times because of the honor that he sees, because of the honor that he has been given and the reward that he has been given. So you're pitying them. They don't need your pity. They have succeeded. You are crying over them, and they are funny. Hina Bhima Tahoma la hoomin focali They are rejoicing in what Allah has given them of his favor. Allahu Akbar. The word Fuddy Hain is the plural of the word Fuddy and it's from the root

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letter spell. Ah ha. Funny forehand is someone who is very happy, joyful, they are enjoying something funny is basically someone who is in the state of enjoying something. So imagine if you're eating something delicious and you're really enjoying it, then you are funny. And after half an hour when you're no longer eating that, right, you're no longer in that state. So this is a temporary state but what it indicates is that a person is in the state of enjoying any they are in the state of being joyful. They are current

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ugly, glad happy and funny is also used for someone who is content, who is well pleased. So funny. Hanaa Bhima artha Humala whom and fugly they are rejoicing, they are happy, enjoying the things that Allah has given them, and they are content, they are well pleased with all the favor that Allah subhanaw taala has bestowed upon them. And he they have no regrets. They have no regrets. They're not sad about having left the world. No, they're joyful. They're happy for the honor that Allah has given them the reward of martyrdom, this life that Allah has given them, this risk that comes to the morning and evening, Fatih Hanaa Bhima artha Humala, human folly and an even Malik Radi Allahu Anhu

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he reported that, you know, for 30 days the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed connote, and he he continued to invoke Allah to curse those who had killed the companions of bitter Morona and who had committed that massacre, and he especially prayed against a lot of the Quan Russa in either people who surrounded that group of companions and killed them. And an Acero de la Mora annual reported that there was actually a verse that was revealed regarding the martyrs of Morona, which we use to recite and later on, it was abrogated. And that verse was that ballyhoo, coalminer and Cadila Pina Robina fuddled, Liana, what Alina I know, that convey our people in the back of the world, that

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we have met our Lord, and He is pleased with us. And he has also made us very happy Subhan Allah. So when that was sent, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he stopped praying for not against the enemy. And what this hadith is telling us is exactly what this is telling us that funny Hanaa Bhima Tao whom Allah whom and finally they are happy, they're pleased with what Allah has given them. You know, for example, if a person moves from one city to another, one country to another, from one job to another, alright, other people that they have left behind, they might, you know, miss them and they might feel bad for them every time that they're enjoying something nice,

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they feel bad that you know, so and so is no longer with us. But if that's so and so happens to be in a much better place. They don't have any regrets. Right? They have no regrets. They don't feel like they're missing out. So for the Hanaa Bhima atta, whom Allah whom in fugly were stabbed Sharona, Binladin alum el hecho B, him, Allahu Akbar. Furthermore, any first of all, they are joyful. They're currently enjoying the things that Allah has given them, they're very content, and then on top of that were sub Sharona. They delight in receiving good news, good news of who have been Lavina La Miel Hakuba him of those who have not yet joined them, Min kullfi him behind them.

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And who are these people, the people back in the world because they have not yet joined the martyrs. Right? They have not died yet. And they're behind them in the world. I love how often I lay him wala homea is unknown. So they delight in the good news of the fact that those behind them will also be among those who will have no fear on them, nor will they grieve, meaning they're very happy to know that those behind them in the world are continuing to do jihad continuing to fight in the way of Allah and that soon, they will also meet the ranks of the martyrs where there will be no fear on them and they will not grieve. Now let's look at this part of the eye again. Wait a step Sharona

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Bill Medina La Miel ha Kobe him. They rejoice over those in the world? Who are those who love me el hecho la mi el hecho la HCA Lam hatkoff la HCA is to join to catch up with so they did not join them who did not join who? The people in the world. They have not joined them beat him in the martyrs. They have not died yet. Right. And what this means is that they are on the same path. They're coming in their footsteps and there have been healthy him there behind them. Right now is that shot Yes. Sharona, this is from bashing raw, and is to have shot is to be happy upon receiving good news. So they delight in receiving good news of the people back in the world. Okay, so basically, when they

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are informed when the martyrs are informed about their brethren in the world, that they are fighting in the Cause of Allah, right, and that they are striving in the way of Allah than the martyrs are very happy. They're very happy to know that there are

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others are following in their footsteps that they have not left jihad. The martyrs are excited for the people in the world you are in their footsteps as if eagerly waiting to meet them in a state where law hopeful Orlean, Willa homea has known any they rejoice for their brothers future, any future reward and future rank of martyrdom. Okay. Now, this means that the martyrs want, that the people whom they have left behind in the world should do what they themselves did any what the martyrs have done any they should be like them, because they have found the reward and the honor of martyrdom. And they want that reward for their brothers back in the world. And this is a sign of

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Eman as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that none of you can truly believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself. So they want the rest of the believers to be like them. Because what they have received is so great. It is so beautiful. It is so generous, it is so abundant that they want those after them to come and have a share of it. You know, we learned in the Quran in surah Tia seen about the man who believed in the messengers and was killed by his people. Allah subhanaw taala says about him, Pilla told Jana, it was said to him enter Jannah and he the people killed him so he was admitted into Jana kata yell at the Komiyama moon. He said, I wish my

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people could no be male or volunteer or be with Darla Neiman and Mikami of how my Lord has forgiven me and placed me among the honored Kenny, if only they could know then they would follow me. So the marchers also expressed the same wish, which is why these verses were revealed. And when they're informed that yes, your brothers back in the world are motivated, they are carrying on your legacy, they're striving in the way of Allah, then the martyrs could even even happier. Yes, sub Shuna Allahu Akbar. And this is so amazing. He they have received the beginning of their reward in the Hereafter. And they have not forgotten those after them. They want those behind them in the world,

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to follow in their footsteps to continue to strive in the Cause of Allah, so that they can be together forever in the gardens of delight. So this idea is telling those who fight in the way of Allah or those who intend to fight in the way of Allah, that rejoice, be happy. receive good news, have no fear of grief, you're heading towards a MACOM in which there will be no fear or grief, meaning if you die in the Cause of Allah, you are heading towards eternal happiness. Allah joven RLA him Willa homea Xin Hoon, there is no fear upon them, nor will they grieve. Because if you die in the way of Allah, then this is a fact you will have no fear and you will have no grief, fear is a

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future. Right? When a person dies, then of course, the soul is afraid, afraid of what of the punishment of the grave, right of the consequences of their sins, of the tears of the Day of Judgment, but not the martyr. Why because in Hadith, we learn that the martyr is forgiven, the martyr is forgiven, when the first drop of blood of his falls to the earth. He the moment he is killed, he is forgiven. And in the Hadith, we also learn that the martyr is where you gentlemen are adopted. He is protected against the punishment of the grave and weigh up monomial physeal Akbar he will be granted security against the great fright any on the Day of Judgment when the hours

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established and people will be in fear. The martyr will not be in fear Allah subhanaw taala will grant him security so lack of an early him will Omaha's unknown and they will not grieve. Grief Herzen, I've told you numerous times that it is over past any over what has happened over what a person has lost. So the martyr has no grief over what he has left behind in the world. Why? Because when the martyr dies and he leaves the world than what happens, he is shown His abode in Jannah Allahu Akbar, and he is adorned with the garment of Eman Subhan Allah and you need for all of this honor all of this reward and good news. Why would the martyr be in grief? So the Shaheed remember

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the Shaheed has no fear, no grief on departure from this world, no grief over what he has left behind a various possessions and established life, friends, family, etc. No, there is no grief and there is no fear of what is to come because Allah's Pantheon has given him safety. Allah when I lay him, Willa home yes or no. So the martyrs rejoice for their brothers who are coming behind them.

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Hello, Aqua they rejoice over their brothers who are following in their footsteps that they're also on the path towards martyrdom. Allah joven Orlean Willa homier has known. Now there is an another interpretation of this ayah. And that interpretation is that we're substituting a bit levena La Miel hakobyan alladhina la Mian Hakuba him, this is not just the future martyrs, but this is actually referring to all of the Muslims Alladhina La Miel Hakuba him men call for him this is referring to all the Muslims, okay? Because when the martyr dies, right when the martyr is killed, and he is given the reward by Allah azza wa jal what does the martyr know for sure that Islam is helped?

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Absolutely. Right. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke the truth he had he attained before of course, but now he has even greater European right because he has received the reward of dying in this cause. So then the marchers are so happy for all of the people of Islam who are still alive who have not yet died, that Allah joven are lay him below him yours and they are upon the truth, right? And yes, when they die on Islam, there will be no fear on them and they will not grieve. So this is another interpretation that Alladhina La Miel Hakuba him first interpretation is that it is referring to the future shahada All right. And the second interpretation is that this is referring

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to all of the Muslims. Allahu Akbar, then Allah says yes tub she Runa veneer Mateen min Allah he will follow your steps she Runa they rejoice, they delight in good news of what binaire Mateen min Allah of blessing from Allah fuddle and favor. He again it is said yes step Sharona. They're happy on being given good news. They rejoice over the Bashara that they are given. And this emphasizes how very happy the martyrs are when you look at the different words that have been mentioned over here so far to tell us about the delight of the martyrs right Fuddy Hanaa and then yes sub Sharona and now again, yeah, stop Sharona. He, they're so happy. You're crying and they're rejoicing, Allahu

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Akbar, and then the first yes sub Sharona. And he in verse number 170, that they are happy because of the future shahada right or they're happy for the rest of the Muslims. And the second time that yes, stepchildren, as mentioned I 171 This is referring to any they're happy because of the blessings and the favor that they're receiving from Allah subhanaw taala and what is the Nirma near Mateen mean Allah by the way near Metin any This is Nikita So, this is huge blessing of Allah and fuddle fuddle is extra any what is given as an additional favor, okay. So binaire materion Allah he will fuddle one interpretation is that Nirma here is referring to the reward that the martyrs get

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and fumble is the additional reward that they get, then it is also said that nirvana is paradise alright and fuggle is any further emphasizing that reward so your steps you don't have been there my two min Allah he will fuddled. They are happy for those who are behind them in the world, on their way to martyrdom, on there who are fighting in the way of Allah and they're also happy for the blessings that they're receiving from Allah, and he that the martyrs are receiving from Allah. So this really makes us wonder that those who have gone any those who have left the world, yes, they're gone. The question is, what are we doing? What path are we choosing for ourselves? And even though

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these verses are about the shahada, Alladhina Portillo visa vie de la specifically those who have been killed in the way of Allah. Okay? And remember that shahada is of various degrees, right? There's a hadith in which the prophets of Allah who are Lucena mentioned about, you know, for example, the Muslim who dies while guarding his family, or dies because of something in his stomach, right, and there's different types of deaths. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, all of them are shahada, but there's levels of shahada, okay, and these verses are specifically talking about those who are killed in the way of Allah. All right, but any there's a spectrum of rewards,

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right? And there are various levels of rewards. So if this is the height, okay, you can imagine that those of a lower rank of martyrdom will have yes less reward than this. But even that reward is so beautiful. It is so great compared to the good things of this life, that these verses should make us think that you know, the people who have died have died. What are we doing in their footsteps and

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How are we carrying on their legacy? Yes, does she want to be near mctimoney Allah he will follow what Anila Hala, you do a journal meaning and they rejoice over the fact that Allah does not allow the reward of believers to be lost. Those who believe any, when they believe when they do righteousness, when they strive in the way of Allah, when they're patient for the sake of Allah, then Allah subhanaw taala does not waste their reward. Allah subhanaw taala certainly rewards them. And the martyrs have experienced this firsthand that those who believe their budget is not wasted. Allah subhanaw taala rewards them so generously. Now, who are the believers whose reward Allah

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subhanaw taala does not waste of course those who believe and then there's different ranks among them, those who are killed in the way of Allah and other ranks as well. One is mentioned in the following verses but before we get there let's listen to the recitation of these verses again well

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Vinnie Musa Hoon very Hey Shayna Reema

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where service you're gonna

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help him in country him

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Yes, service you.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:35

mean Allah He was

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Meaning, the statement is so beautiful, that Allah does not let the reward of the believers go to waste, any, anything you do with iman, anything for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala anything big or small? Allah subhanaw taala will not waste that. And the martyrs know this for a fact because they see how Allah subhanaw taala rewards them so generously.

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