Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-044D Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 55-63

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the history and context of Islam, including the return of the son of god to the Earth and the return of a woman to the Earth. The importance of showing one's true followers in face of false accusations is emphasized, as is the return of the return of the return of the son of god to the Earth and the return of a woman to the Earth. The use of "has" in the Bible and the confusion surrounding the legalization of Islam is discussed, along with the use of "naive" in English to describe a situation or event.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah subhanaw taala says it call Allah Who ye or ISA recall when Allah said ye isa or ISA in the mutawa fika indeed, I will take you away while our fear hookah and I will raise you, Elijah to myself, when will the hero come in Alladhina Cafaro and I will purify you from those who disbelieve by removing you from them. Now, when the soldiers came to arrest recited, salam, Allah subhanaw taala, removed a Silas and and from the face of the earth, and before taking him away, Allah subhanaw taala informed him that this is what's happening. Allah subhanaw taala said Ye, Isa, in the motto of fika or ISA, indeed, I am going to take you away now. Meaning your time on Earth is over

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for now for this period of time, and the word that has been used over here is Muto a fika. Now the word mutawa fee This is with our fee and cut with our fee. One who recalled ka u and the word mutawa fee is from the root letters welfare Yeah, what a what fee is the one who does throw a fee? So Allah says I am the one who will do to a fee of you and he I will take you away. I will recall you now to what FIFA yet offer is to take something or someone away fully, okay you need to recall to take away fully and the word toa fee in the Quran is used for death and it is also used for sleep into the Zuma I have 42 Allah's Panthera says Allah Who Yet Allah fell enforcer, Hanaa motiva Allah is the

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One who yet oh Alpha he takes the souls at the time of their death will let the lamp turn what female Anamika and those who do not die, Allah subhanaw taala takes their souls female Anamika in their sleep. So though AlFalah means Allah took his soul meaning by giving him death or by causing him to sleep. Okay, so in the Moto a fika it doesn't mean that I'm going to cause you to die. All right, because we believe that Eastern Islam did not die. The people did not kill him will market aloo masala boo they did not kill him. They did not crucify him and he did not die a natural death. Rather Allah subhanaw taala took him away while he was alive, and somewhat Allama interpret Muto.

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fika as money MK meaning I'm going to make you sleep and then after I make you sleep, what off Heruka I am going to raise you up either year to myself.

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Meaning raise you with your body and soul. Okay, so these are this Anna was literally lifted away from the world in body and soul. Okay, at the time of Mira Raj, rather Islam, What is Islam Islam is the ascension the Prophet sallallahu reducido was taken up into the heavens, in body and soul, right. And this is while he was awake, he wasn't asleep, he was awake. And Gibreel took him and the prophets of Allah who earlier salaam physically went on that journey because when he returned, we learned in the narration about how when he returned, but you know, to his home in his bed, it was still warm, right? So Allah is on aqualisa encoded Allah is Able to do all things. So in the motto

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of fika, I am going to take you some Vader or Lama said that with a fika means that I will cause you to die. Okay. But majority of the Allama have opposed that because there is no evidence that recited Salam died. Okay. And Allah subhanaw taala informed me that I'm going to take you away, and we learn the prophets, Allah who already was and I mentioned that surgery Silas and I will return and when he will return it won't be that he will be born again as a child, and then he will grow up to be an adult. No, he will descend from the heavens. And this is an indication that you know, he went up into the heavens and body and soul and he was going to return the same way back to the earth. Close

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to the end of time. So yeah, Isa in the motto of fika I am going to recall you were off Heruka and I'm going to raise you up Rafi Rocha. This is from Rafa Iein okay Rafa is to raise so I am going to raise you up Ilya to myself any I'm going to raise you up into the heavens. And we learned about how when the prophets of Allah who are innocent and went for the ascension, you saw recently salon and your hair really salon and other prophets as well. So in the Moto Feeco Rafi Rocha Isla Yeah. Okay, one will die Heruka Mina livina cafardo And I'm going to purify you from those who disbelieved. Muda Heruka from Bahara, that leaders to purify, meaning I'm going to purify you from the false things

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that people have said about you. From there.

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lies and their accusations and I want to purify you from them by separating you from them. You no longer have to be within such filthy people who showed that they're believing but in their hearts, they're hiding this belief who come to you as your own, but behind you, they're plotting in order to have you killed. When will the hero come in and Latina Cafaro. I'm going to purify you from those who disbelieved. And notice how now the Bani Israel are called Alladhina Cafaro those who disbelieve because this is what they prove themselves as that they disbelieved in the prophets of Allah. When they plotted to kill it. He started his salon, when he started his salon was such an honorable

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messenger, the son of such an honorable woman. So in the motto of FICO, Rafi Rocha, Lal motohiro, come in and Latina Cafaro. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, We're Jerry lo Latina to baroka and I am going to make those who follow you, Jim, I in lamb is the route. I'm going to make those who follow you it to verruca from turbine, notice it has not been said just those who believe you rather those who follow you, I'm going to make them fo Kalinina Cafaro, above those who disbelieve. So on the one hand, or those who follow the Saudi center, and on the other hand, are those who disbelieve in Saudi Sena. So those who follow you will be above those who disbelieve in you, Eli Young will

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piano until the day of resurrection. And Allah subhanaw taala informed these artists and him about this, even before taking him away from the Earth. And this is an assurance for Sid Sena that you have not failed. Allah will grant you success, you will have many followers at this time, when he was taken away. The Hawaii Yun were very few. Right? So Allah subhanaw taala consoled him, that I am going to give you many followers, and your followers will be above those who disbelieve in you until the day of judgment. Now what does this word fo coming, phone call means above, but it can mean above any superiority in many different ways. First of all, it can mean superiority in terms of

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proof and evidence, meaning those who follow you will always be above those who disbelieve in you until the day of judgment, meaning they will have the proof of your truthfulness, the evidence of your prophethood of the truth about you. Okay, and really, if you think about it, all of the different explanations or the theories regarding the so called crucifixion, death, resurrection of realism, all of them on the one hand, alright, it's just all jumbled up. You try to put in chronological order what happened and you cannot make sense of it. There's so many conflicting details. And on the other hand, you have what Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, that the

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people plotted, and Allah subhanaw taala had a counter plot. And Allah subhanaw taala saved reciting his sunnah they for a fact did not kill him, and the matter was made ambiguous to them. He This is the truth about reciting surah. And this makes more sense, this makes more sense wotja It will ladina Toluca fo con Medina Cafaro, Eli Omar PM, and not just about the departure of Israelis and I'm from the world, but otherwise also the truth about recited Islam with regard to his birth with regard to his infancy with regard to his miracles with regard to his messages, all right, all of that he what the Quran teaches us what the Prophet sallallahu Erden said has taught us this truth is

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much stronger compared to the lies that people have fabricated about him, right. So they will be above those who disbelieve in terms of proof and evidence. Secondly, focus superiority can also mean in terms of power in terms of Allah, meaning in the world in respect of rank and honor, any those who follow you will have dominance over those who disbelieve

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Okay, and the true followers off reciting a synonym are who those who believe in Him with a correct belief, the Muslims, alright, they will have dominance over those who disbelieve in you. And this will continue to happen, especially it will happen at the return of a salary center. When restarted Islam will return close to the Day of Judgment, then we learn that everyone will believe in every Saturday, sinner, everyone and they will overcome they will defeat those who disbelieve in him. So we're J Lo ladina. It to verruca folk Alladhina Cafaro, Elijah will PM, those who follow you will always have dominance over those who deny you, they will have the evidences of your truth. And it

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has also been said that folklore means in number, so those who follow you who believe in you will

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Be more than those who deny you until the day of judgment. Some are either Jamar Jericho for como Vina calm FEMA quantum field of telephone. Sama Ilya Magiera condemned to me is will be your return whose return all of you, all of you people, those who believe in it resign listen, I'm going to also those who don't believe in Him for como Boehner calm then I will judge between you all female quantum field of telephone concerning that in which you used to differ and there are many differences that people have about restarting Sudan and there is a very simple principle that the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said I'm taught us and that principle is dharma UD Buka Illa May Allah UD

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book, leave what puts you in doubt for that, which does not put you in doubt any if something is doubtful, leave that. And when you have something that is certain then adopt that. So what is doubtful about recycling center, whether he was killed or not. So forget about that. He was not killed, whether he was crucified or not whether he was resurrected or not. Where's his grave? Is he in the grave? Or was he taken away from there? Well, what was that body in the tomb?

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So all of these doubtful things, leave them what a certain what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed that I am going to raise you up and I'm going to take you away from the people and I'm going to purify you. So sorry, Hassan was not killed, he did not die. He was not crucified, Allah subhanaw taala took him away. And on the Day of Judgment, all of these differences will be judged by Allah. And we also learned from these verses about the return of a Saturday, his sunnah, right? Because how will his followers be more than those who disbelieve in him? When we see that? Right now at least the Muslims are not the majority of the world. Right? So this is an indication that this will happen

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in the end of time. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this hadith isn't Sahiba hottie that led to poor Musa to the our will not be established until the son of Mary meaning reciting his sunnah descends amongst you, and He will be a Hackerman Monkseaton he will be a just ruler, he will be a just ruler. And what will he do? He will break the cross because the cross is a symbol of what crucifixion, right? And by the way, the cross at the beginning any after ESRD escena. In the years after him, the cross was a symbol of oppression. Okay? It was much later that it was absorbed into Christianity, but resign his salon will break it and fix it to sleep way up to the Lindsay and he

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will kill the pigs. And he all pigs will be finished from the earth. And why is the spin mentioned specifically? Because there are people who say in the name of resigning Sam that God's grace opposes law, God's law. And he basically what that means is that Jesus brought God's grace and what that means is now there is no law that needs to be followed. So eat whatever. Alright, so this is an indication that no, this is not permissible to eat, work to Lindsay, where there are Jizya and he will also abolish the jizya why? Because no Jizya will be needed anymore. Everyone will believe in him and those who don't believe in him will be the helpers of the jail and they will be finished

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with the junk so there is no more Juliana and so way afield on Malhotra lyac Bella who had that money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, meaning nobody will need any charity. Okay, so this hadith isn't Behati there's many other Hadith in sunnah Buddha would in Bahati Muslim also reported by many different companions, which indicate the return off recently said I'm close to the day of judgment. And these verses also indicate that his followers will be more than those who disbelieve in him and this will happen close to the Day of Judgment. Then Allah subhanaw taala says for a Medina Coverdell so as for those who disbelieve, meaning those who disbelieve in recited Sudan

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and that means they disbelieved in Allah that is believed in the other prophets of Allah, they disbelieved in the books of Allah. So those who disbelieve for the boy whom are either been shoddy then for dunya will occur, then I shall punish them with a severe punishment in the world and in the Hereafter, Allahu Akbar, those who disbelieve will be punished in the world and in the Hereafter. And what kind of punishment is the severe punishment? Now the punishment of the Hereafter, it's understandable, it is severe because it is the punishment of *. But what is the punishment of the world that is severe? This is of many different kinds, some orlimar say that this is severe

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In the form of putta, okay, that how the opponents have a silence around any, especially at the time of silence and they will be killed, they will be fought against they will be killed. And not just at that time before us even there have been many times when those who openly opposed reciting his setup were killed, they were captured, they were enslaved, they were expelled from their homes, they had to be heavy taxes, they were humiliated in the world, they lost their wealth and their privileges. So, this is our the urban Chedid and for duniya will ask era Omala Humann NurseLine and they shall have no helpers, and some will say that in the world, a severe punishment is actually confusion,

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confusion, that a person is confused about their core beliefs. And this is the reality of those who disbelieve in a Silas Allah meaning who don't believe in him correctly, that they are confused. What a Molina Alma Nuwara millall Sally hurt and as for those people who believe in do righteous deeds for you a feeding modular home, then Allah subhanaw taala will give them in full their rewards you will feed he will give in full to them who do wrong oh god is a plural of Ajit wala who lay your head below the mean. And Allah does not like the wrongdoers, who are the wrongdoers, those who commit injustice. So those who commit injustice against the prophets of Allah, those who commit

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injustice, even in the form of exalting someone beyond their true status, right. So taking the status of the Messenger of Allah to Son of God, or God Himself, any this kind of Allah subhanaw taala does not like that. And this is an indication that some of them do learn. Will love will lay your head below Alameen Valley Konatsu this is what we recite to you. That Lou from tilava talam Well, I like to you, meaning Oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we recite this to you menial ayat of verses meaning these are the verses of Allah which are being recited to you with a kill Hakeem and this is a vicar of Hakeem, which has been recited to you they can Hakeem precise and wise

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message. Now first of all, we see that Allah subhanaw taala tells us messenger salAllahu alayhi salam that this is something that we are telling you about, we are reciting this to you, these verses are from Allah, which means that this is the ultimate truth. So whatever these verses tell us about reciting setup that is true and any detail that contradicts what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed, that is not true. So that he can actually come in and if with the kill Hakim, and these verses are this Quran is a vicar al Hakim, they could is message right and reminder. And the Quran is called vicar because it is a reminder for people it is a message for people from Allah and it is

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a source of vicar for people meaning a source of mentioned for people any a source of good name, because when a person believes in the Quran follows the Quran, then not only do they gain nearness to Allah, but they also gain status in the sight of Allah. So the Quran is a source of good mention, right? And it's a reminder, it's a message that is clear and easy to understand. And it is described as Al Hakim the ever wise they need the Quran is the Al hikma it is filled with wisdom and especially in its arrangement of verses, the way that the details are given in the Quran. So when they kill Hakeem Allah's PrintWriter tells us in Surah medium verses 34 and 35 that valley curry sub

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pneumonia, this any what the account that has been mentioned in the Quran, that is Risa even Maria ol healthy lady fie him tone and this is the fold of help any the true word allah DVM Tarun about which they doubt any people are in doubt about reciting his center. And the truth about reciting Sam is what Allah subhanaw taala has informed us off mccannon Allah He a tuxedomoon wallet, it does not befit Allah that he should have a child Subhana He is exalted either cada Aman for inner Maya Portola who confiar calm when He decrees a matter then He only says to it be and it is. So this is the truth about reciting his sunnah. Now, Allah subhanaw taala explains to us a very important

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concept. Now a lot of people have difficulty understanding, reciting Salam because they're confused about his miraculous birth. And so they say that if he was born without a father, then he must be God or he must be, you know, incarnation of God or you must be son of God or something like that. And all of these concepts are wrong. Allah's Panther clarifies that in the marthaler Isa in the law, he cometh le Adam, that in

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deed the example of reciting his Sam near Allah is like the example of Adam color. A woman to rob He created him from dust some auditor who can then he said to him be fire cone and he was either morning is Sadam was made without a mother and father, right and Erie. Sarnia Senna was made without a father. So if Allah subhanaw taala can create Adam or any sound without a mother and father, then he's able to create his artisan without a father. Why would that be difficult for Allah? So the example of a Saturday his sunnah is like that of Adam. Okay, that Allah created him from throb from dust. And then he said to him be codifier comb, and he was any other sound came into existence,

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meaning Adam Rene Santa was created from Kalama con, right Kalama con, any Allah's word can be an early Santa was also created by kalima can be all right. Any typically a woman who becomes pregnant and he the egg becomes fertilized with the sperm, right? But here something else happened. The egg became fertilized grew into a child because Miriam was pregnant she gave birth to Reese is Anna, how by Kadima Khan. Allah's parents already said Be and it was, hello calm interrupts knockaloe confer calm. Now, if the claim is made, that is Alison, Adam is God's son because he was created without a father, then the same claim would be fit Adam even more, But such a claim regarding other murders

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and I was obviously false, then making the same claim about resigned Islam is even more false. And this idea explains to us how rissani Salaam is killing Mateen minhag that he is not God's word, but from God's word meaning created by God's word con. Okay. In Surah Maryam is 3435. I mentioned to you about how Allah subhanaw taala says that he is in eastern Sudan is oldal help Allah DVM, Tarun mccannon Lehi and yet Duffy them in wallet Subhana ADA pada Amman for inner Maya Kulu con Viacom when Allah decrees an affair He only says to it be and it is now Conan is Allah's Kalima, Padre ne It is the word of Allah which is further each other he as in it definitely occurs okay, it cannot be

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avoided, you always comes into effect and nothing can prevent it. Okay, it is decree God's decreed word. And this is why when Allah said Kuhn resigned he said I was created Adam already said I was created and notice how it has been said codifier Cone be then he is it has not been set confer Kana can be for Kana. So, he was because Kana would indicate this was a one time occurrence, okay. But that is not the case. Allah subhanaw taala is able to bring things about by his kalima cone again and again and again. So there's a stim rod over here any Allah is Able to do this again and again, he can say Be and it will be, it will be, it will be, it will be not once, but it can happen again

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and again. So it is said Al hakomi. robic, the truth is from your Lord filata communal monitoring so you do not be among those who doubt. The truth is not what the people say about him that he is the son or that He is the incarnation of God or he is something else. No, the truth is what has come to you from your Lord. And Allah subhanaw taala addresses his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that will help Camilla big, it could have been said, I'll help come in Allah. Rather it has been said I'll help him Arabic The truth is from your Lord, Allah subhanaw taala honors His Messenger by giving him the truth that it is from your Lord. And why is this being said that the truth is from

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your Lord, because this is an indication that after the truth has come, then there is no room left for controversy or doubt. Now the prophets of Allah Who are you setting was not in doubt. Okay. But in this is direction for other people, that the truth is here now. So there is no need to be in any doubt for Allah to come in and monitoring you do not be of those who doubt. And there's also this beat over here for the Prophet sallallahu Ernie who said them that the beat is to make someone firm, anyone people will come to argue with you and they will reject, they will not believe you do not have any doubt. And you know, sometimes it's amazing how if you meet a Christian and you know,

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they're very passionate about their faith or their you know, preaching about their faith, when you start listening to them when you start hearing them it's possible that you begin to doubt you know what you know about reciting his sunnah. So remember this alchemy robic fanatical mineral monitoring no matter how confident

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They appear to be they're not upon the truth. The truth is what has come from your Lord, not what has come from people and think about it. The gospels were written when years and years and years after he started his sunnah. Right? And they were written after the disciples have recited Saddam had been through a whole lot of persecution. Right? Nobody could openly profess their faith, their belief in reciting his salah. And much after that the gospels were written, right? So how could that contain the truth? When you know it's Gospel according to Mark, and it's written by someone called Mark, someone called Matthew, someone called someone else? So I'll help them hoppecke That is not

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the truth. The truth is what has come from your Lord filata communal monitoring, so do not be of those who doubt and mom Terenas a poor love mum, Teddy. Mum, Teddy is one who has media. Alright, one who is in doubt media is a doubt about something factual. So don't be in any doubt about the truth. Now, remember that all of these verses were revealed when the delegation from the Jalon had come, right, and the delegation of Nigeria and they were Christians, and they asked the prophets of Allah who already was an indifferent questions about Ricciardi Salam. And Allah subhanaw taala revealed these verses making the case of the Saudi said I'm very clear that he is not the Son of

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God, he is the messenger of God. People did not kill him. They did not crucify him, Allah subhanaw taala took him away, and that restarted Sudan will return at the end of time. Now, the delegation on the drawn these people basically refused to believe in the Quran. All right, and you know, they kept on bringing an argument or a question one thing after the other. So how do you respond to those people who argue then insisting that what they say is the truth when in reality, it is far from the truth. So Allah subhanaw taala gives a solution and what is that solution? Feldman had Jukka fee, then whoever argues with you in regard to it, meaning, whoever argues with you in regard to the

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Quran, which contains the truth of a Sarnia salaam, the truth of Meriam the truth of the CReality Suleiman all other accounts that we have learned or fee he can also refer to reciting his Salam that whoever argues with you in regard to him, and in regard to reciting his sunnah, and the word had Jukka had is from her Jean Jean, and Mahajan is to argue this is an argument where each party is bringing their Hoja their argument, their proof their evidence, so it's a back and forth. Okay, so whoever argues with you about him or about it, you need the truth, the Quran mimbar the Majah coming in, after knowledge has come to you which knowledge has come to you this knowledge about a Sarnia

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Sena, which is the truth that has come to you from Allah. And this knowledge is knowledge which people were not aware of until these verses were revealed. And this is a very important point to remember. People did not know about the reality about what happened to reciting his sunnah even his followers did not know. They did not know what happened to resign his sunnah. And his departure from the world basically is all you know, muddled in confusion basically with them. All right. So Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has revealed this knowledge now telling you all of you about what happened to ESRD Sudan who was he but if they still argue with you and they refuse to accept Alerion

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then how do you deal with them for oil then you say meaning say to those people who argue with you, that Diallo come Nether Obinna, Anna, we will call our sons who have been at accom and your sons when he said Anna and our women when he said a comb and your women will unfollow Santa and ourselves will enforce a comb and yourselves, meaning bring your sons bring your women and you come yourselves also, and we will do the same. Then when we all gather together, Suman EBITDA Hill, then we supplicate earnestly together and invoke the curse of Allah for Nigeria learn at Allah He then we invoke the curse of Allah. All right, okay. The been upon the liars, meaning the liars among us,

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that may Allah's curse, descend upon those who are lying among us. If it's us, then let that curse be honest. If it's you, then let that curse be on you and your sons and your women and your families. Now this idea is called the iron off MOBA, Hala because of the word through mana

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With the hill, okay it is called MOBA, Hala. And MOBA Allah is done when people do not accept the evidence and throw moneta Hill is from the root letters ba her lamb and EBITA. Hala is to humble oneself, you know in making dua to make dua very energetically, very humbly. You know, it's earnest supplication. Okay, any mobile or Fedora to really humbly, earnestly implore okay? So it's synonymous to deliver the adulterer you need to really humble oneself while making girl and it's also used for being sincere and honest Endura okay. So some moneta Hill means then let us be sincere in draw, let us pray without hypocrisy. Let's make our supplication without hypocrisy against who

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against the liars that made the curse of a lovey on them Okay, now like I mentioned this was revealed regarding the Christians often are drawn right when they came and they began arguing about reciting said I'm claiming that he was the son of God. And then Allah subhanaw taala revealed all of these verses from the beginning of the surah until now to refute their claims and to explain the truth about reciting his sunnah. But when they did not accept then what happened Allah subhanaw taala revealed this idea that tell them that full Tara low the ILO means you will come you may have heard you know people saying doll come to ILO you all come the WoW attend indicates floral and it's

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for the root letters I mean lamb well Rulu literally means height so thoroughly is to call someone any foreign important purpose come to a height meaning come to an important purpose and then now is just used to call someone that come here. So for call Diallo, Nether Nauru from dial I mean Well, that we will call we will invite a banana will Obinna accom. And here a banana is the plural of the word even and even means son. It's also used for children, but here it means sons. Okay, we will call our sons you will call your sons. Okay? When he sat Anna and our women, and this has been understood as daughters, when he said a comb and your women will unfurl Santa and full circle, and

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ourselves and yourselves and forces atorlip nups meaning we will come and you will come so men abita Hill, and after gathering the most dearest of people to us with us, then together we will eagerly supplicate we will eagerly call upon Allah sincerely call upon Allah and then what will we do for ninja I learned at Allah He ll caddy been so that we put the curse of Allah upon the liars meaning the liars among us, Caribbean is a form of cabinet when who lies meaning we will say that oh Allah curse the one that tells lies concerning the affair off reciting his sin. Now what happened with this ayah was revealed. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited it to the leaders of the

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delegation of neutron and among those leaders was a man called an Iraqi and another man called a sacred Okay, so this hadith in Sahih Muslim we learned that or they voted alone or under reported that an octave in a Sayed came to Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the intention of doing Leon ut Danny, au Larry now who, okay meaning mobile Hello, that they will invoke curse. So they were supposed to come the following day mean the prophets Allah who already sent and recited this idea. And then they were supposed to come the following day with their families. And together they were going to do this. But before coming, one of them said to the other that do not do this. Do

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not do this. Because by Allah, if He is a prophet, and we do this layer on any we invoke curse upon the liar, then neither we nor our offspring after us will be successful, because he's a prophet of Allah, and his DA will be accepted. And if we are cursed, any his daughter will be accepted, we will definitely be cursed. And if someone is cursed, that means that they will be far removed from the Mercy of Allah. So don't do this, let us not do this. So then both of them said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we do not want to do this, this hadith of who they follow the lower nose and Behati and we learn in another Hadith in Sahih, Muslim we learn that the Prophet sallallahu

00:34:46 --> 00:34:59

alayhi wa sallam called Ali, not the Longhorn and Fatima will de la Miranda and Hudson and Hussein little de la Mourinho and he called him and he said Allahu Maha Shula e le o

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Allah, these are my family, meaning he gathered them, because it has said that call our sons, your sons, our women, your women, ourselves yourselves. So this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, he called his family and who was his family are the Fatima Hassan and her saying no to a horn home. Okay, and why did he call them because our little the Longhorn, who was counted in he was like a son to the prophets of Allah who were to husana because he was raised by the prophets of Allah who already who was all right. We learned about how with the uncle of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam Abu Talib, he had, you know, many children and he was not very wealthy. So some of his

00:35:46 --> 00:36:00

closest relatives including the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam told him that you know, we will raise your children. So, I will Talib said that leave Thailand with me, but you can take the other ones. So, our little Dylan Warren who was raised by the Prophet salallahu early he was

00:36:01 --> 00:36:48

okay, and Fatima, Nisa. Now when he said a comb, and among the sons are also Hassan and Hussein, okay, the grandsons of the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said no. So he brought them, but then octave and a Sayed did not come. They said, No, we're not going to participate in this learner in this mobile Hala, because we are afraid and what they did instead is that they said to the Prophet salallahu Salam that we will give you whatever you ask meaning we will give you know Jizya we will give some tax and they said that send it trustworthy man with us and do not send any person with us but an honest one. So the Prophet salallahu already sent him accepted that and he sent a will obey the law,

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the Amin of this OMA La Jolla Horne who with them. So this is what happened. Any other Christians have noted Ron refused to do MOBA. Hola. And this is the only way of ending an argument about reciting his sunnah. Because the truth is in the Quran, and what the Masada have what the Christians have, is not the truth. It's all layers and layers of confusion, different theories, different conflicting details, and to try to figure out what happened is very confusing. You know, for example, in the gospel, he certainly said m is referred to as in one place, Son of God. But in the First Testament, also Adam is called Son of God.

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So, they say that, you know, in the First Testament, Adam is called Son of God because this is like a way off calling someone and respectfully, okay, but the same phrase when it's applied to resources, they say no, it means literally Son of God. The Bible makes it very clear that God is one, that he is one any there are verses in the First Testament which make it very clear. For example, in Isaiah 44, six, I am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no God, it's very clear, but yet a child is attributed to God any an extension is made, another being is made, who is supposed to be co equal. How, how? So when people refuse to accept the lien, and they claim

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to bear past or emotions, then ask them to come and invoke the curse of Allah on those who are lying in their head Allah who will cause us will help us pantherella says indeed this law who assure the it is us the narration and help the true any. This is the true narration about reciting his sunnah. This is the only true story about reciting center and any version that contradicts this is not true. Well, mammon, Ilaha illa Allah and there is no deity except Allah. Neither isa nor Medea, only Allah is Allah only Allah is God. He is the only God were in Allahu Allahu Allah Aziz or Hakeem and indeed Allah. He is surely the one who is LR Z's be Exalted in Might. And the wise Allah Aziz is the one

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who is not defeated, not overcome. So if they say that is our listener is God, well, how was he defeated? According to your version of events, Allah is Allah disease, he is not defeated. And he's al Hakim, the one who is wise and the one whose judgment prevails for interval low, then if they turn away, they turn away any from acknowledging the Oneness of Allah, from the fact that a sign his name is a slave of Allah, a messenger of Allah for in the Lucha Alima Minwoo of Sydney in that indeed Allah is Knowing of the corrupters and this means that those who turn away from the truth are actually move Cid, and those who turn away from the

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Truth are causing trouble, because when they leave the truth, then they live in confusion and they spread confusion. And then to make sense of their confusing concepts, they invent things. They fabricate more lies, and they argue for the sake of arguing, and this only causes more facade facade is what corruption and the worst corruption is a corruption of people's faith, the corruption of people's minds for in the Lucha Lehmann been we've seen and this is a threat. This is a threat to Allah knows them. Allah knows what they're doing. Now, even our best will do longmorn Who said that those who were invited to do MOBA Allah with the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam had

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they gone ahead with it, they would not have found their families or their homes when they returned. Any had they participated in this MOBA Hala with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they would have returned home to find nothing with them, nothing at all. Nene none of them would have remained and this isn't cerebral hottie because who could survive the curse of the Messenger of Allah when it is being done at the command of Allah? Allahu Akbar. Let's listen to the recitation on these verses

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from all

00:41:21 --> 00:41:22


00:41:24 --> 00:41:26

all al How are you

00:41:28 --> 00:41:29

long here

00:41:31 --> 00:41:32

you was shattered he

00:41:33 --> 00:41:34

was named

00:41:45 --> 00:41:46

to the

00:41:47 --> 00:41:50

needy again was

00:41:51 --> 00:41:59

a long long Hi own mCherry been on a long

00:42:02 --> 00:42:05

fika off your own Galeo

00:42:06 --> 00:42:08

gaming lady and I

00:42:09 --> 00:42:12

will move on he'll Kameena lady

00:42:14 --> 00:42:14


00:42:20 --> 00:42:21


00:42:24 --> 00:42:25


00:42:29 --> 00:42:32

my god for mobile enough

00:42:34 --> 00:42:35

to be

00:42:40 --> 00:42:40


00:42:42 --> 00:42:42

the room

00:42:44 --> 00:42:46

Shadi Eden dunya

00:42:50 --> 00:42:52

Nelson getting

00:42:53 --> 00:42:55

malaria in

00:42:56 --> 00:42:59

Saudi hands if you want to be

00:43:00 --> 00:43:08

long moolah Milani me then you can add more or you can

00:43:10 --> 00:43:12

think you really funky

00:43:14 --> 00:43:17

salaries the law he can

00:43:19 --> 00:43:19

call it up

00:43:28 --> 00:43:29

unhelpful milk

00:43:32 --> 00:43:34


00:43:37 --> 00:43:38

Jaquez fee he

00:43:50 --> 00:43:50


00:43:54 --> 00:43:55

on ESA

00:44:07 --> 00:44:12

the law here DB

00:44:13 --> 00:44:13


00:44:17 --> 00:44:19

one I mean Neela

00:44:20 --> 00:44:21


00:44:23 --> 00:44:31

Allah Allahu Allah z is only a hockey game. There is our love in Allah

00:44:33 --> 00:44:47

be removed CD. Alright, inshallah we'll conclude over here Subhanak Allahumma be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta Astok Furukawa Toby Lake wa Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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