Ammar Alshukry – 99 Names – EP 1 – Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The shokri series covers a range of topics, including man, culture, and the meaning of Iran. The use of the term "the" in the series is a way to describe the person who is the most forgiving of the culture. Forgiveness is important for achieving comfort and happiness in life, and a poets' story gives people a sense of their own success. forgiveness is a combination of mercy and mercy.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. This is Mr. Shipley taking over tag along with me a lot of fun, we're gonna get to some incredibly interesting topics with a whole lot of confusion and convolution. And so that'll be interesting. So with that said, Guys, welcome. For those of you who don't know, this is a model shokri. I am taking back the show taking back the reins. So these series we are going over in 99 Names of Allah. Yep, we're jumping right into a Rahmani Raheem. The two most frequent names that come when you think of a lot as origin, and they come after an investment, or a man means the one who's filled with mercy. And little he means the one who's consistently merciful,

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even though different scholars will mention different things with regards to what the meaning is. and some even hold the opinion that there's actually no difference between a white man or right, but that's not my concern, what the difference is between the names, what is important is that people understand the concept that allows you get is filled with mercy that allows again, is the most merciful, and that this is a name that keeps repeating and repeating and repeating not just in the Koran, one thought that comes to mind is the name of a man

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coupled with any other attributes of Allah in the Quran, because I know they have the logo. You have him a couple of days. A couple of anything I haven't, I don't think I don't mind is actually coupled with anything. Gotcha. So what's the what's the meaning of Iran itself? Sort of man is the one who's actually filled with mercy. There's a difference of opinion with aggressive scholars with regards to what the meaning of our mind is, but the one that I find to be the closest is that Allah is the devil man is the one who's absolutely filled with mercy. So his inventory of mercy is full. Absolutely. Okay. So in Arabic, you'll say that someone is all divine, when they're filled with

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anger, okay. You know, think of some people whose names are abundant. But yes, someone who's filled with something as I wasn't if I love it, it's that it's and then what's the Rahim? Would Rahim be the faucet? So Rahim would be the one who's consistently merciful that it's consistent gifts. Always Oh, man is filled with mercy. But it's not like it's a one time thing. Okay, Rahim is the one who's always merciful, consistently. And some have said that No, man in the dunya and his or him in the he's a man in the dunya for everyone. And in in the official in the Hereafter, he's aim just for the believers. Okay. What are the term of Rahim also be equivalent for the dunya, too, because he's

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giving his mercy to. And that's an argument that people use because there's a there's something that the prophet SAW sent him. He says, Yeah, man, I didn't laugh at all what I hear mahoma He says, Oh, you, who is the amount of the dunya and the hereafter, and the one who is the Most Merciful or the most consistent in their mercy for both of them as well, but both of them. But again, my point is for this is not to debate this issue, but it's just for people to one of the things that has stuck with me is that one of her one of my teachers say that with regards to you know, he was interviewing some some high school kids, and is an assignment school and he asked him, How many of you feel like

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a lot angry with you, okay. And he said, the majority of them raise their hand. And that goes against who a lot of it is. This means that people don't have a concept of who a lot is or get is that he is the one who's mercy over overcame his wrath. A loss, again, is the one who threw up before and even in moments where his name is paired, or his, you know, these two attributes are mentioned together. He mentioned his mercy and you mentioned as punishment, His mercy always overcomes his wrath. So when you say overcome, does it also even in the literal sense of the fact that in the presentation, the mercy follows the anger in the Quran, I don't know about follows it'll

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be mentioned before before but there was there's, you'll have moments where Allah says that his mercy overcame his wrath, but also you have things like, you know, just the sentence structure will indicate for the person who pays attention that the mercy is greater. So you have realized this is not about the Rahim Allah says, tell my slaves, that I am Allah for him. I'll tell my slaves that I am a lover for the most forgiving Rahim, the one who's continuous in his mercy. Great. Well, and I Gabi, what I would tell them that my punishment is the painful punishment. Now someone may be reading this and they're like, Oh, I mentioned this punishment and reward in the same breath and the

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same verse, but the way that the actual verses broken down, there's so much more weight that's given to his mercy even in that verse because it says, tell my slaves tell them that mine they bought it you could have said tell creation, tell the people, there could have been distance but he made it personal or he made this his Okay. Okay. And then he says that I am Oliver Ford. So he made that a name of himself. He says that I am the most forgiving or the most continuous in their mercy. So he attributes within themselves and then he uses the term I twice and neat Anna and the * I am I Hello, Jorge.

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And then when it comes to his punishment, and my punishment doesn't say, and that I am the Punisher, he doesn't call himself that, right? He doesn't do the same thing. Okay? And he doesn't say that.

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He says, I'm not my punishment is severe. My punishment is the severe punishment. Okay, so one is that I am this and the other one is I can do that. And that my punishment is Yeah, but when it came to mercy, he describes it into himself, he makes it an attribute. So it's almost like saying that you know what, I can do that but because you're my slave, I am merciful so that I am the mercy I am the merciful, so therefore, that would take precedence. Yeah. And there's there's there's a whole lot of emphasis in the first round makes a lot of sense. Yeah. I mean, the other thought I had in my mind was the fact that Romana, Rahim proceeds and Maliki on Monday

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It was his medical Dean. Okay. And the fact that on the Day of Judgment, does that mean that people fear his reckoning? Yeah. And not only that, but Rahim appears twice and sort of did that. Right. So you have it in the best manner. And then again, a lot of you had mentioned, and a lot of it. I mean, the first attribute is a man or a man. Yes, it comes before masculinity. Gotcha. Beautiful. And there's just so much I mean, there's nothing really if you look at this video, you'll find all of these little drops in jewels and throughout the Quran. And the Sunnah lies against mercy, so many examples of it that a person who they know that they are the servants of man, and that the one who

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created them as a man over here, it gives them so much in their life. Like, for example, we all go through our hardships, right? Yeah, we all go through problems, we all desire things. And sometimes a lot of what we desire is withheld from us. We don't get it. And so if you simply put in your phrase, you say,

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I didn't get this job that I want. Yeah, I didn't get this spouse that I want. I didn't get whatever is this toy that I want this vacation that I want, whatever it is that I want, if you simply put into that equation, that ohana or Rahim is the one who decreed but the spouse

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isn't the one that I get.

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How does that make you feel? In fact, that is out of our, for our own good, right? Yeah, like the one who withheld this desire of mine or didn't give it to me at this particular time. Whatever it is, you know, the one opposite of you know, those What if type stories when they are not even what if like those wish stories, right? Somebody like those the scary ones where somebody wishes for something, and everything that that gets granted to them is in fact a detriment. detriment to them, but this is like the exact opposite of that it's completely perspective changing You know, it gives you this comfort I'm not saying that a person becomes like stagnant with regards to their life and

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completely complacent but you are comfort in a console that when you're actually going after something and you don't get it, that the one who withheld it from you is

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right, though the one who took away your loved one is more merciful to you than you are to yourself. Right? So this is and that's part of the the, you know, the beauty of believing and knowing that allows you and it gives you a lot of comfort in your life. It is kind of maybe this would be a good point to close on. But I just remembered in the verses of Santa Barbara with Abraham, I said I was making the DA right Oh, after he makes a robina Taco Bell miniconda No.

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I mean it he follows that up later down the line. Urban our Muslim mainly like a woman Juliet inomata muslimah Tilak Marina Manasa kana Baba Bali in Naga and Rahim is asking for the rites of Hajj or the monastic of Hajj as a means of coming closer to the forgiveness of Allah. Who is at the Lago, Rahim. And what is Hydra, except that we come out with a clean slate, beautiful, beautiful. And it's just absolutely like, you know, the person who deals with a line, they know that a lot about him. It always gives them hope, and it always gives them inspiration. You know, there's one of my favorite poets, his name is Edwin Alas, and everyone else was actually an someone who wrote a lot

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of poetry about alcohol. So he was somebody who, you know, he likes his wine. And he's someone that would be considered, you know, a sinner. And when he passed away, a person saw him in a dream. And they said to him, What did your Lord do with you? Like, how did you end up and he said, My Lord forgave me because of some verses that I wrote. And I placed it under my pillow. So his verses were absolutely breathtaking. The verses that he wrote, and he, the point is, is that he was someone who knew who allow us he wasn't someone who was he was distinct in a sense, but he was aware in a sense, what was the name of the Sahaba there was a drunk, but he would always seek out the punishment and

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so but at the same time, he's someone who loves a lot.

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Abdullah him up. Okay, his name. At least that's one of the narrations with regards to that story. I've heard that story a couple of times. But we know is the verses that he said is an album Adobe kesulitan Alpha darling to be in Africa Africa album, he says, Oh my Lord, if my sins are great in number, I know that your forgiveness is greater. If my sins are great, because of their number I know that your forgiveness is greater as a rule cannot become a

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I must also later on I call upon you, My Lord, like you commanded and humiliate T and subjugation.

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God, if you were pulling my hand from him, they are gonna have mercy on me. Like if you're not gonna forgive me, and if you're not gonna have mercy on me with nails, look at that mercy, you know, and if the only one we can have open you are the righteous. All of these these goody two shoes, these guys? For many of them we'll see. And then what about the criminals? Who are we supposed to? You know, the bad guys? What are we supposed to have open? mighty was here to look at it

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with me to Africa to my news, the only path I have towards you is hope and your beautiful forgiveness and that I'm almost. And so as far as the dream goes that that person says says that I saw him his dream and he said that my Lord forgave him. And that's the beauty of knowing.

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Fair enough. We'll see you guys soon.

Ustadh Ammar Alshukry presents a series on the 99 Names of Allah with real life reflections.

In this episode he talks about 2 of the most common names – Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem and how they differ in meaning.

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