Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-031F Tafsir Al-Baqarah 229

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The process of divorce is complicated and requires consideration for emotional and financial reasons. It is important to not give back anything given to her in marriage, as it is considered a personal decision. The history of Islam is also discussed, including the discovery of the Prophet's statement that women are not supposed to be married to their husband, the use ofverables to remove sandals, and the symbol to indicate a woman is the woman is the woman is the one. It is important to avoid bad behavior towards one another and avoid sinful behavior towards a woman. The third party in Islamic history is discussed, including the pressure on face masks, the pressure on women to wear masks, and the pressure on women to comply with laws.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now where there is hierarchy, okay, so a man has a degree above his wife in the marriage. Of course there is a chance of abuse. Okay, and that happens. So does a woman have any say in regard to her marriage? Can she get out of her marriage? If she does not want it if she feels it is abusive? Yes She Can and that is detailed in the next ayah Allah subhanaw taala says a Tala or mandala tan divorce is twice okay, divorce is twice what does that mean? That it is in two instances, meaning a man gives the lock to his wife once, okay, and then there is a waiting period and then He reconciled he takes her back after some time he gives her to lock again, that is the second divorce. Okay, and

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then there's a waiting period and then He reconciled okay. So this is only possible two times. So the divorce after which the man has the right to take back his wife, okay, which was explained in the previous idea. This is permitted only two times and this type of Talaq is called Pollock or luxury, Pollock or luxury. So he only has two chances, basically, because from the above verse, you know, we learned that when a man gives divorced his wife, she's going to observe a waiting period during the waiting period, the man has the right to take her back. Okay? Now this could happen hundreds of times, right, where a man would give divorce to his wife, she's in waiting period. Now

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as soon as her waiting period is about to end, he takes her back, some time goes by He gives us a lock again, and then he takes her back some time goes by He gives us a lock again and he takes her back and this keeps happening. Now imagine how harmful it is for the woman that she is constantly in a state of waiting period basically. Okay, this is not fair to her. So Attala coma rotten. Okay. There is a narration in which we learned that a man said to his wife, I will neither divorce you nor take you back. She said how? He said, I will divorce you and when your term of return nears its end, I will take you back. So the woman went to the prophets of Allah who were to Saddam and told him

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what happened and this ayah was revealed that upon our CO medulla tan divorce is twice any revocable divorce. Tanaka luxury is two times in our basketball de la Mourinho said that the man used to have the right to take back his wife, even if he had divorced her three times. Okay, and Allah abrogated this and said a thorough ko medulla tan. So he basically has two chances to take her back. Okay, now, then it is sad for him Sercombe morale roofing out the city home BSN. Then either keep her in an acceptable manner, or release her with good treatment, leaning after pronouncing the divorce in the waiting period. Either you keep her in a good way and do to Jure and if you don't want to then

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wait for the waiting period to be over and let her go her way with dignity. And if you want to live with her, then live with her in an acceptable manner the way a husband and wife are supposed to for him Sakhalin be my roof. If you don't want to live with her. Let the waiting period come to an end without doing Rudra This is the city home bearson Okay, and if it's the third divorce, then send her away with your son. Okay, given our bustle de la Horne, who said that when the man divorces his wife two times, let him fear Allah regarding the third time, he should keep her with him and treat her with kindness or let her go her way with kindness without infringing upon any of her rights. Well, I

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actually Lulu come and tell who don't remember, Tatum Ohana che and in that Enya Hoffa, Allah, you Kima who do the Allah and it is not lawful for you to take anything of what you have given them unless both fear that they will not be able to keep within the limits of Allah. So the apostle in it, the basic rule is that when a man gives Maha to his wife at the time of marriage, he cannot take back any of it. Okay, not even a little bit. Now thought out is issued by the man. So he is not allowed to take back anything he had given her previously, whether it was Maha, or it was any gifts that He gave her, okay, he should not demand it openly, nor should he demanded indirectly through

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aggression, in certain Nyssa verses 19 to 21, Allah Subhana Allah says, within these verses that while at our Bulu Hoonah Lita, the hub will be BB Lima Arteta Munna that do not make difficulties for them in order to take back part of what you gave them. Meaning do not make the life of the woman so hard and difficult that you emotion.

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Really abuse her, you threaten her. Why so that she gives you the Maha, she returns it to you. Okay. Also it is said within these verses that if a man intends to divorce his wife will take them into Hoonah, Kintaro and filata who the woman who che, that if you have given her a clean thought, a heap of wealth, then do not take anything of it. You're not allowed to take even a little bit of it. And then it is said what K for Tahuna? Who How could you take it back? We'll cut off the Bardo. Camila Barbin who are hurting them in cometh alcohol yoga, how could you take it back when you have gone in unto each other and you have been intimate with her and they have taken from you a solemn covenant.

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So when a man gives the lock, he is not allowed to take back anything of what he gave to his wife. However, remember, a woman can return the mother to the husband, okay with her own volition. So for example, a man gives the lock to his wife, the waiting period is over, there was no reconciliation, no doer, now she is free from him. Okay, but she has the jewelry that he gave her at the time of marriage as Maha, for example. Okay, and that jewelry is what the ring was, you know, a diamond ring that used to belong to his great grandmother. It's a family heirloom, for example, okay. To her. That ring is a reminder of her ex husband and his family. And she does not want to keep it so she

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thinks about selling it. Now of course when you sell a piece of jewelry like that, okay, you're gonna get some money, but it doesn't just have financial value. It also has emotional value, sentimental value, so she decides that you know what, I don't need that money. And I honestly don't want this jewelry. I'll just give it back to him. Can she do that? Yes, she can with her own volition. Okay. This is permissible for her to do so. And it is permissible for him to take back in Surah Nisa, verse number four Allah subhanaw taala says we'll add on Musa also Ducati hinda Nicola for inclement Allah Kumar and Chi Minh Hoon Epson for Kulu, honey and Maria and give the women upon

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marriage their bridal gifts graciously, but if they give up willingly to you anything of it then take it in satisfaction and ease. So whether they give it to you while married to you, or upon divorce, if they give it with their own volition, the man is allowed to take it. Okay? But remember, a man cannot demand it from his wife that okay, now I have divorced you? Yes, technically, it's not my right but please, I request you please return the family heirloom, okay, return this jewelry. He cannot make that demand. If she gives it of her own volition that is different, but he cannot demand it back. Because in her these we learn that the likeness of the one who takes back his gift, and he

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gave a gift. And then he took it back. He demanded it back, he took it back. The example of this person is that of a dog that eats until it is full and then vomits and then goes back to its vomit and eats it again. Any it's gross. Okay, so a man should not demand the MaHA back from his wife, even when he has divorced her in a year Hoffa, Allah you Pima who do the law, except in the case where they fear okay, that they will not be able to keep within the limits of Allah, who to the husband and wife. So this is referring to a Hola, right. And this is the case where a woman does not want to be married to her husband anymore. Okay, for example, he is verbally abusive or emotionally

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abusive or even physically abusive, or there are unsolvable problems that she is not willing to settle with. Okay. So for example, he says that I have to have my parents live with me in the same house and she says there is no way I will live in a house where your parents are for example, okay. Or he says, I am taking a second wife and he marries a second wife and she says there is no way I am going to be in a marriage where there is a second wife, she has that right. So she is not willing to settle with that. And it is not healthy for her spiritually to remain in that marriage. Why is it not healthy for her spiritually because what's happening now is that every day there is an argument,

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okay? The her o'clock is getting worse, her behavior really bad because she feels that this is more than what she can tolerate. Okay. Then in that case, there is no sin in her to get out of

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This relationship Allah subhanaw taala has made a manage for her a way out for her. So remember a toxic marriage or a marriage that is not working is not supposed to be a life sentence. Okay there is a way out. Now this is called a holler. And holler is the right of the woman to use in order to separate from a husband she no longer wishes to stay married to. Okay and literally color is to remove something to take it off. Like for example, shoes, a person is wearing their shoes and they take them off that is called huller. In the Quran, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala told Musa alayhis salam Fock learner Lake furler Nara Lake remove your sandals. So remove as in takeoff. So

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hula is that a woman takes off any she removes her husband from her basically. Okay. Now, we learned that Habiba been several, okay, she was married to Sabbath in place alone, sorry, Radi Allahu anhu, and Sabbath even case radula Horne who was a great companion, and he was actually given the good news of paradise. We learned that verses of Surah gerat were revealed in which Allah subhanaw taala mentions that do not raise your voices before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lest your deeds be wasted, and Savithri de la Horne who his voice was really loud, and he thought this is about me, and my voice is really loud. And I speak loudly before the Prophet sallallahu earlier said

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and my deeds have been wasted, I have been ruined. So he stayed in his house. He was so depressed he was so upset and embarrassed that he did not leave his house. So the prophets of Allah who already sent have noticed that the cabinet or the Longhorn had not been coming. So he inquired about him, and when he found out that this is what fabric throw de la Horne who thinks, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he is of the people of Ghana. So imagine Sabbath radula Horan, who was given good news of paradise in his lifetime. Okay, now he was married to Habib and son. And what happened? One day Habiba came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and she said that I do not blame

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savage for any defects in his character or his religion. Any when it comes to his clock, when it comes to his Deen, he is good. There is no problem. He's not abusive, okay? He's not rude, he's not harsh. It's not like he is sinful. Again, he's someone who openly commit sins, any immoral, no, nothing like that. She said, Well, I can need less people who, but I cannot endure to live with him. I cannot tolerate him. I cannot put up with him anymore. And then the Prophet sallallahu already said them he said to her that will you return his garden to him? And she said yes. In another version. Also in Behati. We learned that she said, Well, I can eat alcohol COFRA Phil Islam that I

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dislike to behave in an and Islamic manner. Basically, if I live with him, I cannot behave properly. Okay. Now what exactly was the reason was it that she did not find him attractive at all. Maybe he ate in a certain way or he spoke in a certain way that annoyed her any whatever the exact reason was, she did not reveal those reasons. She kept those reasons private, but she did make it clear that she did not want him anymore. And remember a Mikado mean Allah al Milka a dislike for someone. This is also from Allah. And he sometimes this is not in your control, it just that detestation in your heart for someone just comes in and it doesn't go away? It only gets worse with time. So we see

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that the Prophet salallahu already is on did not investigate the reason he didn't say no, no, it tells me exactly what is the reason? Why don't you like him? What is wrong with him? Right. He did not advise her. No, no, be patient. put up with him. Look at his good side. Look at the fact that he is you know someone from paradise. No, he did not even frighten her that you know if you leave him Who will you get married to look at your age. No, he did not shame her. He did not tell her to be patient. He did not tell her to put up with him. He just accepted that if she has come to a point where she is saying that she does not want him anymore. There must be a good reason. When she has

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reached her limit. Then the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and believed her and he supported her in her decision. What do we do? Sometimes we know that a woman has been beaten up by her husband in a you can see the bruises. It's obvious that she is being emotionally abused or physically abused for the you know since the beginning of her marriage, but we tell her to be patient. We tell her to put up with it because you won't find anyone else. Because where will you go and things like that. Now, you see this woman she knew

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Old that she could not uphold her religion while being married to Sabbath Radulov Mourinho because while she was married to him, she knew that she would be constantly disobeying Allah, how by refusing her husband by being rude to her husband and things like that. So she was afraid of Allah. And that is why she wanted to end the marriage in sort of bollock i or two of us parents already says woman yet the pillar Hi yah, yah, yah, hoo. Maharajah, Whoever fears Allah, Allah makes a way out for him. Verse number three, Allah says, well resume in high school, they are the zip. And Allah provides that person from where that person cannot even expect. And at the end of the verse, it is

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Ajarn Allahu liquidly. Che in kodra. Allah has made for everything a determined amount, a determined measure. So there was a number of days that she was supposed to live with him as his wife, this was not going to be forever. This was not going to be until the end of her life. There was a cutter, there was a limit and that limit came to an end. So she wanted a separation. And remember that sometimes that separation is actually good in Surah Nisa 130 Allah subhanaw taala says we're at the Farakka Yoni Allahu coolamon sorority, if the two separate Allah who will enrich each from his abundance in Allah subhanaw taala has abundant has a lot of treasures and Allah subhanaw taala can

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enrich both of them. Okay, so here it is mentioned that if the two year halfa cave, the husband and wife fear that they cannot uphold the limit set by Allah, or it is feared regarding them, that they cannot uphold the limit set by Allah. Now, the question is, what are these hurdles? What are these limits? These are the obligations toward one another in a marriage, meaning the obligations of the wife toward her husband and the obligations of a husband toward his wife. Okay, so for example, the man should live in a good way with his wife, but if he beats her, if he mistreats her if he neglects her, he does not provide whether it is money or sexual gratification, he is not upholding the

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limits. Okay. In regard to the woman, what is her obligation that she should obey her husband in general, any in what is acceptable, but if she dislikes him to a point where she cannot accept anything of his any he requests for a cup of water and she gets angry if there's like a fire inside of her, so every small thing turns into an argument and every day there is bickering and argumentation and bad o'clock. This is ruining her Deen. And this is ruining his Deen. Remember that the people with bad luck will be far from the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam on the Day of Judgment. So if it is obvious that it's not working out for in fifth, don't allow your Pima who do the law, so

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if you fear that they will not keep within the limits of alarming that husband and wife cannot uphold the limits of Allah, then follow Gina Hurley, uma FEMA further to be then there is no blame upon either of them concerning that by witchy ransoms herself. So if the woman seeks divorce seeks the end of marriage, then what will she have to do? She will have to return the money that he had given her. And that is called Vidya over here FEMA for that to be so in hula, she has to return the Mahara. Okay, and there is no sin in this. Okay? And it's actually fair because there is no injustice against him against the men, okay. And when he gives the lock, he is not allowed to take

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back the Mahara and so there is no injustice on her on the woman. Okay, so there is no sin in her demanding an end to a marriage that she's no longer able to put up with. And this means that for Lagina Hurley humor this shows that if there is no good reason, and she demands the end of marriage anyway, then she is sinful. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that any woman who asks her husband for divorce without justification, without justification, then the fragrance of Paradise will be forbidden to her. Any there is no good reason. She just wants to end the marriage. And she does it she seeks the end of her marriage. She will not even smell the fragrance of paradise. But if

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there is a good reason, she believes that she cannot live as a wife does. She cannot maintain that marriage. Then follow Jenna Hurley Hema there is no sin on her part in demanding and to her marriage. And there is no sin on his part either in taking back the MaHA that he gave her. Okay? Because remember, in general, he is not allowed to take anything back. Right. But in this case where she demands an end to the marriage, he's not sinful in taking back the money. Now there's a question. The wording is female after that

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So that by which she ransoms herself, what is that amount? How much can he take from her? What exactly can he take from her as ransom? Remember that he can only take what he gave her, okay? So for example, if when he married her, he gave her gold in the form of jewelry. Okay. And now, after five years, she is seeking color, so he can take back all of that gold that he gave her at the time of marriage. Okay, and remember that he cannot take an amount that is greater than what he gave her. Okay? So for example, if he gave her cash at the time of marriage $10,000 For example, now when she's seeking color, he says, I will only agree if you give me 20,000 That is not right. Okay.

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Because we learned in the case of Sabbath in case Radi Allahu anhu, that when his wife came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and she told him that she did not want that marriage anymore. The Prophet sallallahu KineMaster Will you return the garden that he gave you, okay? And she said, Yes. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told Tabitha Dillo on how to take back that garden. And Wallah, Yes, Dad, ILA. And he should not take anything more than the garden. Okay, it doesn't matter whether the value has changed. It's possible that orchard that garden, you know, was cheaper. When the two got married. Now it was more value or vice versa. But the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam

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said he should not take anything more than the garden, or little de la Horne, who also said that the husband should not take anything more than what he gave her. All right. So what can he take from her as ransom only what he gave her not more than that? Because if more than that was permissible, then it would be impossible for a woman to see color. Because then a man could say I will only agree to hula, if you give me a million dollars. Well, how on earth is she supposed to find a million dollars when she does not even have a source of income? And she was not able to build a career for herself or even complete her education because you got married to him? So how on earth is she supposed to

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get that money together? It's not possible for her so he can only take from her what he gave her. All right, either the exact piece of property or its equivalent. Its equivalent. So for example, let's say a man gives gold to his wife at the time of marriage. She sells that gold. Okay, she sells it for $20,000 for example. Okay, so now she has to give in cash or in gold, whatever, its equivalent. Okay. Now, there's a question by kept on saying that he agrees or he does not agree. Does this mean that the man's agreement is needed for Hola? Yes. Okay. Hola only happens with the agreement of both parties. Because then, you know, if his agreement was not needed, then what would

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happen? A woman one day she's very upset with her husband. Okay. And what does she do? She takes out all the jewelry that he gave her the time of marriage, would sit on his desk, and leaves the house and says, You know what, I have ended the marriage. That doesn't happen like that. Okay. It has to be with his agreement. Okay. What if he does not agree? What if he says, No, there is no way I will accept this, then a third party will get involved. And this is why if you look at the words of the IEA, it says for increased Doom, if you all fear who is you all referring to a third party other than the husband and wife, and that third party now will intervene and tell the husband to agree,

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and if he does not agree, they will make the decision that this is fair, that the woman returned the Muhammad and the marriage comes to an end? Because that is what the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam did and remember that this third party does not have to be an authorized judge in an Islamic government know any person even someone like an imam of the masjid can be that third person, okay. And they can annul the marriage. Now in the case of hula, the waiting period is one menstrual cycle. Okay, it is one hate, why because one haled is enough to reveal pregnancy and once the pregnancy is revealed, paternity is clarified. Problem solved. Okay. In the case of talaaq it is three menstrual

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cycles. In the case of hula, it is one okay. Even our bus rodilla horn who said that the wife of Tabitha had been case was granted a hula during the time of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam ordered her to observe and read the off one menstruation and she will spend this ADA were in the house of her family, not his house.

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Okay in a hadith we learned with Genesis V at Lea that the wife of Sabbath in case went to her family, okay, and she spent her daughter over there. And now this means that after one menstrual cycle now she is free to marry someone else. Now why is there a difference how comfortable if there are three menstrual cycles for hola there's one because in the case of Talaq the man issues the divorce okay and a longer time is given so that he has time to retract his decision if he wants in Hola, the woman seeks the end of marriage okay. And this is not his decision, this is initiated from her. So, he cannot take her back he cannot do to do or if he cannot do more than why three months

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Okay, she does not want to be with him. And this is why the holer is happening. So he does not have the right to do to joueur after Hola, and she should be free to move on and one month is sufficient to reveal pregnancy. Okay, now there is a question is holer a Talaq? Okay, is it counted as a Talaq or is it considered an annulment of marriage? Okay, now, the many Allamah they said that color is like one Talaq okay it is like one palak because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Sabbath or de la Mourinho that take the garden with De Luca Toluca and give her a Pollock. So this is a Pollock, okay? But other lemma they say no, hula is not a Talaq. Rather, it is an annulment of

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Nika, it is a fuss. Why? Because if you look at these verses hula is mentioned between the rulings of the luck Okay, first of luck as mentioned, then hula is mentioned and then Philip is mentioned as if this is a separate case. Okay. Secondly, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam ordered the wife of Sabbath or de la Mourinho to observe one hailed as not the wrath at the Kuru. So there is a different waiting period. Thirdly, the wife of Sabbath didn't pay spent her either her waiting period in the house of her family, whereas the waiting period of Bullock Where should it be spent in the house of the husband? Right, then there is the for each is different. It's not the same, right?

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And also interlock. The man cannot take back his wealth in color he does in color, the man does not have the right to do to jewel, but in Talaq, he does. So when the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam asked David Thoreau de la Mourinho to get the lock the Lika Lika this was in its linguistic sense, and you Palika leave her release her, okay. And also at the time, he did not ask her if she was in her head, or if relations had been established during the tour. Okay, because those are conditions for Talaq asuni. Remember that talaaq cannot be given while she's menstruating. It cannot be given in a period of purity in which the two had been intimate. So the prophets Allah who already some did

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not ask her about those conditions. So this means that it was not Pollack, and even our best in Earth Manuel de la Horne, who also did not consider a whole art to be Pollock. Rather, they considered it to be a facade a dissolution of Nika and annulment of Nikka. In fact, there is an opinion that is attributed to Ruth Mandel de la Horne, who, that if the woman was not even living with the husband, okay, let's say there was a fight, and she went to her parents house, and now it's been six months, the two have not been in any contact. She's living with her parents in a different city. Okay. And then finally, she decides that okay, I'm going to see color and the man agrees. So

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she sends back the MaHA and now the marriage has come to an end. So Earth Manuel de la Mourinho was of the opinion that now in a case of such a woman, she does not even have to observe and read though okay, why? Because the two we're not even living together. But anyway, in Hadith, it is clear that woman who seeks color has to observe Rita have one menstrual cycle. So she has to do that. But the point is that this is not the luck this is an annulment of Nica All right. And this means now that after some time, if for example, the man proposes to her Okay, and she agrees can they marry? Yes they can. Okay because this was not a permanent divorce some will really do say that cooler is like

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falak the local bear in and this is by noon a cobra, any the two can never get back together. However, because of the reasons that I mentioned to you, hola is not the luck, which means that the two can get married again. Okay, now can a woman change her mind and say I take back my husband? No, she cannot. Okay, hola means now the two are separated. And if the two wants to get back together, then there has to be a

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A new marriage contract. But remember, there is a difference of opinion among the trilemma. You should be aware of this. I don't want that. You know, later on somebody says sister Tammy has said this I heard this. There is a difference of opinion among orlimar some are mad do consider holer to be Paula called bear in any irrevocable divorce, which means that the two can never get back together. However, other autumn I do believe especially the annual Hadith, they believe that it is not a prologue, it is just a fuss so the two can get back together. Another question. Does the woman need her family's permission to get a holler? No, she does not. Okay, because when the wife of that

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bit of in place came to the prophets of Allah who already is at him, he did not ask her Where's your father? He did not ask her did you talk to your family about this? Do they allow you to do this? No. So the woman does not need anyone's permission for this deal got her to do law he fella Tarta duha these are the limits set by Allah so do not transgress them. Do not violate them do not pretend like they don't exist and do not misuse them to commit abuse. Well may attack the who the life of Allah ecomo body moon and whoever transgresses the limits of Allah it is those who are the wrongdoers. So either party, the husband or the wife, the man or the woman should abide by the limits and they

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should not commit transgression. How would there be transgression. For example, if a man gives the local boundary, he gives the luck when a woman is menstruating. This is a violation of limits set by Allah or a woman hides her pregnancy or her hand during her waiting period. Or the man gifts the luck and demands the MaHA okay. Or in greed for wealth. You know the woman What does she do because she knows that if she seeks hola she will have to return them out and she doesn't want to do that. So she makes her husband's life miserable every day yelling at him every day, you know, being rude to him, you know, using his money, things like that doing strange, weird, crazy things. Why? So that

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he says to her please go away. Right and now when she goes away, she can take the lead on the Mahara with her. This is wrong. This is transgressing the limits set by Allah. Likewise, if the man pronounces divorce, more than once in one sitting, this is also transgressing the limits set by Allah. There's a hadith in which we learned that a man pronounced three divorces to his wife in one time the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam got very angry and he said is the book of Allah being made the subject of jest? Well, I am still among you. Do you do that while I am among you? Were may 3 the hadoo de la vie for hola Erica home Oh golly, moon and whoever transgresses the limits set by Allah

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then it is those people who are the wrongdoers they are unjust, meaning they're guilty of loan and when they're guilty of loan than Allah who will punish them in total for Cana in 19. Allah subhanaw taala says women elderly men come No there are other urban Kabira and whoever does warm among you, we will make him taste a great punishment. So whoever transgresses these limits is inviting the punishment of Allah upon himself.

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