Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-019D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 135-141
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next ayah Allah Subhana Allah says we'll call Kuno who then owner salata do they say be Jews or Christians, so that you will be rightly guided any first of all, this is understood as that the Jews and the Christians in their enmity to Muslims, they become united in spite of their division. And together they say that you're only guided if you are Jewish or Christian. Whereas we learned earlier that the Jews say the Christians are not upon anything the Christians say the Jews are not upon anything, but in their enmity to Muslims, they come together, that you're only guided if you're Jews or Christians, not if you're Muslim, okay. And this can also be understood as that each group claims
meaning the Jews claim that if you are Jewish, then you will be rightly guided and the Christians claim that if you are Christian, then you are rightly guided will call you Hakuna who then owner Salah that Allah subhanaw taala says Cole, you say to them, and you don't be afraid of these people, you should say Belle militar Ibrahima Hanifa. Rather, we follow the religion of Ibrahim inclining toward truth, one Academy and Mushrikeen and he was not at the polytheists. And if you think about it, the Jews and the Christians any there's elements of polytheism in both of these religions now, right, because if you think about it, the Christians clearly you know, when they say animacy herb
Nola, when they say that bizarrely Islam is a son of Allah, when the dedicated worship to Allah, that is shirk, Ibrahima and As Salam did not do that, Ibrahima is Sam did not associate any partner with Allah. When it comes to the Jews. You know, there have been many times that groups among them associated partners with Allah. So for example, we don't include the Toba 30 that they say arose at Uniblue law that arose as early as Salam is the son of Allah. All the Jews don't believe in that, or did not believe in that, but there were some of them, who did have that belief. And then it's well known in the Bible. Also, there is a lot of mention of this idol barle B A L, which many of the Jews
began worshipping. So you say that be Jews or Christians and then you'll be guided that's not true. Because in the different versions of Judaism and Christianity that have existed over time there has been so much shit. And our way is that we follow the original truth the original religion, which is the wave Ibrahim early his sinau Wolmar Academy no more should he keen, he was not of those who associate partners with Allah. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent with the same religion, the way of Ibrahim alayhis salam, we learned in SUID. Earlier Imran is 67. That Makana Ibrahim whoo yah hoo, Dee and well, Ana serrania. Ibrahim, Melissa was not a Jew, nor was he a
Christian. Well, I can kind of Hanifa Muslim or rather he was a Hanif, he was a Muslim, when I came in and was really keen, and he was not of those who associate partners with Allah. And if you think about it, you know this claim that corner wouldn't own a solid data do we use are Christians then you will be rightly guided this is a strange claim that people make, because any the way that Judaism has evolved, it's not for everybody. It is for a certain people exclusively. And Christianity, there's so much confusion, there's so much assumption, there's way too much gray area. So how can you be rightly guided if you follow something that is not even for everybody, and that is
built upon confusion and assumption Kulu next if Allah subhanaw taala says You all should say meaning you Muslims should declare this that Amma Nabila he we believe in Allah. Why am I on Zillow Elena? Why am I on Zillow Illa Ibrahima Ismar. Isla what is harkaway are Kuba will us about? We believe in Allah and we believe in what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Ibrahim and Ismar eel and his help and your Kob and the descendants, the prophets among the Bani Israel, we believe in all of them. So, look at how the ayah begins Pulu he won't say any all Muslims, you should say this, first of all, in response to what the Jews and the Christians say. So,
for example, when they say Kuno, who then own the salah data do right be Jews and Christians then you will be rightly guided or it is some kind of you know, debate that they begin whether it is a friendly discussion or it turns hostile, whatever discussion it is, this is something that you should see am a nebula humor on Zillow, Elaine, this should be your response and the word Kulu. You all say this also teaches us that we should declare our belief openly. We should not hide it. We should say it unapologetically that yes, I believe in Allah. Yes. I believe in whatever has been revealed to the prophets of Allah who already have said no. I believe in whatever that was revealed
to the prophets before whether it's Ibrahim or
So is my reader listener is how present me or Kubernetes Sam or any of the profits from the bunny is slightly warmer Ooh to Musa Issa I don't just believe in Revelation I also believe in the miracles that Allah subhanaw taala gave to different prophets Musala Sam reciting sunnah Alma Otonabee, Yuna, middle of behavior and whatever the prophets were given from there Lord, I believe in all of that law no forget Cobain hadn't been home we do not differentiate between any of them we make no distinction. because who are we to decide? If Allah subhanaw taala gave revelation to a prophet who are we just say, I don't believe in that. Any This is rejecting Allah. When a hula hoop Muslim own
and we are Muslims in submission to Allah to Allah alone. In sort of Hadith i a 25. Allah subhanaw taala tells us about what the prophets were given a last Panthera tells us look at our cell now who Solana will begin at certainly we sent Our Messengers with clear proofs clear evidences will Zella Mara, whom will Kitab or will Meezan and we sat down with them, the Scripture and justice Lea Coleman, NASA Bluecrest, so that people would establish justice. So the prophets were given, you know, scripture, but also teachings other than the Scripture, just like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was given the Quran, and as he said, When Mithila humara, who, and something
like it, along with it, so this is why we believe in what he Mutlu, and also where he laid him at loop, revelation that is recited, which is the Quran, and also revelation that is not recited, which is the Sunnah of the prophets of Allah who already who was in them. So we believe in all of that, for in Amman will be Miss Lima, and can be faculty that are next, if so, if they believe in the same as you believe, and then they have been rightly guided, so whether it is the Jews or the Christians, or the Arabs or anyone, if they believe in the way that the Sahaba believed, and the same goes for us as well. Because over the years, any there has been many, you know, labels and divisions that we
have come up with different labels that we have adopted, and that we strongly adhere to we are very attached to Sunni, Shia, Salafi, you know, Sophie, you know, different labels that we have come up with, if you go back to the time of the companions, did they carry these labels? Did they, when they were asked What's your religion or, you know, when they had to identify themselves? What would they say, we are, this must luck this month hub, this ideology, this was not their way. But we have become so attached to these labels that we identify so strongly with them. And also other people, we will reject them or support them or listen to them or not listen to them or hate them or love them
simply because of the label that they carry. And if someone carries the labeled Salafi, or Sophie or Hanafi or this or that you we have respect for them or we have zero respect for them.
This is wrong, any it's understandable because of forfeit issues, you know, the way that you for example, make will do or the way that you pray or when it comes to legal rulings related to marriage, divorce, finances, et cetera. Yes, you know there are differences, but those differences between different mega Hib doesn't mean that we develop such animosity towards one another. So we should go back to the original way. Right. So for in ama no b myth, Lima and Toby, who is my mentor, you all believe you all this is referring to the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so we should always see what was the way of the companions. You know, some people think it's
just put on. Some people say okay, Quran and Sunnah. And they stop over there and interpret the Sunnah however you want No, you take Quran, you take sunnah and you look at the way of the companions. How did even our bass explain this? How did Ibn Massoud explain this? How did even Erma explain this? What did her model de la Horton who do what did Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu do? What did oh who don't do Lahore on who to write the statements? The ways of the companions have a lot of merit. They have a lot of importance, and we should learn that. And of course, there are differences among them. You know, for example, when it comes to different matters, perhaps there were issues in
which intermodal doula horn who he had a different opinion compared to that of Ibn or bestel de la horn who these differences existed, but we should also see how they managed those differences, right, how they still had respect for one another. So for innominate B myth Lima M and to be fucka datadot We're in total
For in my home Fisher Park, and if they turn away, then they are only in dissension. The problem is with them not with you. The problem is not with the truth, the problem was with them, and they're being stubborn, they are creating this division, they are choosing to be your enemies, forsake fika home Allah, and Allah who will be sufficient for you against them. Well, who was Samuel Arnim, and he is the hearing the noise. And this shows us that I know when you adopt your own identity, when you are unapologetic about your beliefs, you are very clear about you know who you are, how you want to live your life, then of course, there will be a clear difference between you and the rest of the
people. And we experienced this, you know, for example, you go to school, you go to work, there are certain things that people do, and you don't do them. Or when it's lower time, everybody's you know, doing their thing, but you get up and pray. When it's negative time everybody's doing their thing, but you get up and pray. There is a clear difference between you and them. Right? And when you look different, when you are different. Yes, this does create a fear, because all of a sudden, you're noticeable, all of a sudden, you're not eating what everybody else is eating, you're not seeing what everybody else is saying. Right? And for many people being different, is very scary. They'd rather
blend, right? They'd rather be quote unquote, normal like everyone else. It's very scary. And sometimes what happens is that when you are different than some people will just pick on you for no reason. All of a sudden you have an enemy. So yes, this fear is not irrational. Okay? This fear that you have of being different, looking different, is not irrational. Okay? But take comfort in knowing that Allah will protect you. You know, when Allah subhanaw taala says Passaic, fika home Allah, this is an acknowledgment of your fears. Okay? You're not being a weak Muslim, if you are afraid, okay? You're not being a weak Muslim. If you are afraid of looking different, being different, your fear
is not irrational. Allah subhanaw taala acknowledges that fear but Allah subhanaw taala is also comforting you for say, a fika, whom Allah, Allah shall suffice you against them, Allah will protect you, just as He protected his messenger SallAllahu Urdu sentiment every occasion. And you think about it, how many enemies the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam had, how many times people tried to harm him, but Allah subhanaw taala protected him. So the way Allah protected him, he will also protect you. You become Hanif just as Ibrahim alayhis salam, Ibrahim realista. Now what happened to him his own father became his enemy, Allah protected him. So remember that for Allah who hide on
Halophila Allah is the best protector and make dua for yourself when you feel afraid that you're Allah protect me, right? Because in sort of balaclava, three we learn when we add to what color Allah Allah He for who has boo, whoever puts his trust in Allah than ALLAH is sufficient for him. Allah is enough for him, and shows us that don't be afraid of standing up for yourself. Don't be afraid of openly declaring your identity you don't have to hide away. You don't have to become invisible. Islam is not meant to be invisible. It's meant to be a very visible religion. So sometimes when you go into a new place, you come across new people. Some people could be very
hostile, and there are other people who can be very accommodating. Stand up for yourself, advocate for yourself, you will find allies and you will also find enemies. And that's okay, that's life, where you have allies and hamdulillah where you have enemies. Remember Allah, Allah is enough for you. So seek His help seek His protection. next ayah Allah Subhana Allah says civil that Allah He should say, civil that Allah color of Allah, woman So gentlemen, Allah has Sybilla and who is better than Allah in colouring? When 100 Who are I'll be doing and we are worshipers of him. Now, this is very beautiful symbol that Allah, what about symbol that Allah subhanaw? Taala means color of Allah?
What about it? Any, it's very clear that the word symbolizes an object, but of what verb the verb is not mentioned. Okay? In the Arabic language, when it is intended to encourage a person to do a certain thing to do a certain action, the verb is omitted. Okay, you don't mention the verb, only the object is mentioned. And this is not just an Arabic language actually, this is in other languages as well. So for example, when you want to tell your children to be quiet, you don't say Please be quiet. You say
Quiet, you just use the word quiet, right? When you're extremely thirsty, and you want water desperately, you don't say please may I have water, you just say water. Right? You don't waste your time you don't mention the verb. So, here also similar to Allah, what is meant is adopt take on the color of Allah. So, the verb adopt take on who LZ mu that verb has been omitted to really highlight and bring importance to the subject over here which is Sybil Attila okay. And others have said that what this means is so Bellona any we have adopted the color of Allah, okay. Now, as I mentioned to earlier color over here is referring to the religion of Allah, why is the religion of Allah called a
color? Why is it described as a color, because especially a color that is put on something, it is very visible, right. So the religion of Allah is supposed to be visible, it is an identity, it is not just something that you keep in your heart that you keep in your private life, it is going to be manifested, when you adopt it, it is going to be manifested in every aspect of your life. Right? without you even realizing in your own language, what begins to happen, you start seeing an hamdulillah Alright, you go to non Muslim doctor, they ask you questions and like 100, Allah that 100 in that 109? Every answer, you say, Alhamdulillah. So this is very normal. And then the religion
of Allah is called Sibylla. Remember that similar is a color that is put on something right, and a color that is put on something is supposed to stay, it's not a light, it's not a phase, it's supposed to be firm, it's supposed to be constant, right? So the same way, the religion of Allah is supposed to become such a part of our lives, an identity of ours that is constant. Just as if a cloth is dyed, with a certain color, then that color now is constant, right? So the religion of Allah, take that on. And this is also very relevant in the context because you see the context, there's verses that are directed to Jews and Christians, when you look at certain Jewish and
Christian traditions, especially when it comes to Christianity, for example, when a person becomes a Christian or a child is born, you know, they have the ritual of baptism, where they baptize a person a child by putting them in, quote, unquote, holy water, right? In Judaism, there's the tradition of Bar Mitzvah, where a child reaches a certain age, then they officially take that child on or declare that child as a Jewish child, right. So, they have a celebration for that. Now, these rituals, whether it is baptism or Bar Mitzvah or other rituals, any they symbolize religiosity, right, but this is not where religion ends, that once upon a time, you were taken to a religious figure, they
poured some water on you, they dunked you in some holy water and now you're a religious person, or when you turn to certain age, your family held a certain feast, there were you know, certain rituals and now, you are a religious person, no, that is not real religiosity. Real religiosity is different it is lived every day, that it is similar to law that you take on and you show your submission to Allah every single day of your life in every aspect of your life. Now, if you think about it as Muslims also, you know, we have done certain things, like for example, a child will start reciting the Quran, they're taught how to recite the Quran, by the time they are eight 910 whatever age, they
will complete the recitation of the Quran, we will have a grand Amin party for them, right where everyone is invited, the child recites a few verses of the Quran. And then you know, we think that we've done our part and the child never recites the Quran again, they have no connection with the Quran. They have no idea what the Quran is actually saying. And we think we have become very religious by having an Amin party. I mean, I'm not saying don't celebrate such milestones, yes, we should celebrate. But these celebrations don't mean that you know, you are become religious. The real thing is similar to Allah that is reflected that is manifested, no matter where you are, no
matter where you go, no matter what you're doing. This religion of ours is supposed to be part of our beliefs, right? Our actions, our language, it's supposed to be reflected in the way that we dress, the way that we marry the way that we live. The way that we earn our
livelihood. You know, this is how we're supposed to live simple that Allah and woman accent Amina Allah has Sybilla who is better than Allah in civil, any be proud of this be confident about this religion, be happy be unapologetic about it. Don't have fear of what people will say. Because this is the truth. In truth UNICEF 35 Allah subhanaw taala says a familia de l happy Haku and your Tabara a Malaya de la Yoda. Any who is worthy of being followed the one who guides to the truth or the one who does not guide in verse 36 of Surah Tunis Allah says were made to be Rocketboom, Ilana, that majority of the people only follow assumption. So you are a Punto heat not upon assumption, right?
They are on ship, they're on assumption you are on Tahara they are on the Jassa any, there is such a huge difference between civil Hautala the religion that Allah has given and the ways of life that people have invented. So take on the religion of Allah, be happy about it, be confident about it. And it should be manifested in every aspect of your life. You know, sometimes what happens is that when it comes to our you know, prayer, charity, okay, we will do things Islamically when it comes to weddings, oh my God, when it comes to weddings, what happens? Any so much compromise, so much compromise? I'm amazed. Any think about it a basic thing that you know, when it comes to a Muslim
woman and her hijab, hijab is supposed to be worn on the wedding day as well. Alright. And just because you are adorned as a bride doesn't mean that now there is no hijab rules for you. And those same hijab rules people should respect as well. For we don't respect that, you know, we think that if there's a bride, you can just take her picture, and you can show it to different people and you can share it around the world. What about consent? What about, you know, that respect for her hijab? That's not correct. Everywhere else, we will adopt hijab, but when it comes to the bride, we say, no hijab for you. That's not fair. Civil at Allah, you don't switch it off on the day of your wedding.
And you don't tell a woman to switch off her hijab on the day of her wedding. I'm not saying that dressing up is wrong. No, what I'm saying is that when you have dressed up, you still have to wear hijab, whether you're the bride or you are someone who was attending the wedding, and you have to respect the rules of hijab, for yourself and also for other women. So don't take pictures of people without their permission and then show them around. That's not correct. So similar to Allah take that on fully. Next, I call out to her Juna villa, he will who are buena or Bukom. say do you argue with us about Allah? Well, He is our Lord and your Lord. Meaning Why do you argue with us about
Allah? You see, how is it that the Jews and the Christians argue about Allah with the Muslims, basically, when they claim that they have a greater right to Allah, because they are Jews or because they are Christians, that they are closer to Allah, because of who they are closer to Allah. So in total Merida 18, we learn they say national Abernathy, Allahu Akbar, we are the children of Allah, we are His beloved once. Okay. So because of this, they think that they're better than the rest of humanity. And so, if any profit is to come, then that profit has to be for among them, not an Arab, not from a different race. So it is said, Well, who are born out of Bukom he is our Rob and your
Rob, He created us and He also created you. Why do you claim that you have a greater right? You're human, we're human, fine. You're from a different race. We're from a different race. But all of us are equal in terms of humanity. What makes a person closer to Allah or better than the rest of the people? Is their deeds? Well, Anna Arma Luna, welcome Armando. Come for us are our deeds and for you where your deeds right? You are responsible for what you're doing. You're not better just because you are from a certain race. You're not better just because your ancestors were prophets. What are you doing your actions define you? Well enough aren't maluna Welcome are Malecon for us are our
deeds for you or your deeds when a hula homonuclear soon and we are sincere to him? Unlike you, because the Jews and the Christians they were not sincere in their worship to Allah in the sense that they associated partners with Allah. Alright, the Christians associate reciting his sunnah the Jews also I mentioned to you how there was idolatry. So when I heard omake song, what the Prophet sallallahu already said in his talk from day one
Is that we worship Allah alone. So much so that if people, you know, they went a little too far in their respect for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he drew a clear boundary. He taught them very clearly what is appropriate what is not appropriate. There is a narration in which we learned that someone came and made such that the prophets of Allah who are It isn't a matter of respect and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam rejected that he did not accept it. Someone said to him, whatever you want Allah wills alright, and the prophets Allah who already sent him again he rejected that that No, not even in statement should you put me equal to Allah. So when I hear the whole
muchness on, what makes a slam unique is that we worship Allah alone. Next I am Taku Luna Ibrahima is Marilla. Is healthcare COBOL is better can you who didn't own a SATA? Or do you say that Ibrahim is married is how can air Copan the descendants or user Christians? Do they carry all these labels and titles? Did Judaism even exist at that time? Did Christianity even exist at that time? No, it didn't. Well, Anthem Ireland will amila say are you more knowing or is Allah? When Allah has said that there were Muslims? When Allah has told us that they submitted to Allah, they worshiped Allah alone? Why are you fabricating things? In surah? Areum one is 65 we learn? Yeah, hello Kitabi, Lima
200, UniFi Ibrahim, or people of the Scripture Why do you argue in regard to Ibrahim? Well, Matt on Zillow to tell lotto ng Lu LM and Bardi whereas the fact is that the Roth and Injeel were only revealed after him way after him. And when it comes to Judaism, it's related to tau dot Christianity related to Injeel. So these things came about way after Ibrahim ricin it was Woman Oh will Mr. Merriman ketema shahada Turner in the human Allah, who is more unjust than one who conceal the testimony he has from Allah. Which testimony is this? Which evidence is this? When it comes to testimony? This is the testimony that Allah is One. We see Ibrahim Ali Salam, he said, a slim to
little bill Alameen. I've submitted to the Lord of the Worlds he recognized that there is only one Lord, one Creator, the children of Iacobelli. Sana, they also describe the last panel Tara as illa huwa Hida one God. So this is a testimony that is well known. But there are people who will pretend like it does not exist. So they will associate recyling Salam, as a partner to Allah by declaring that he is a child of God.
So this is injustice. This is injustice. And when it comes to shahada, remember, shahada also means evidence. So if we take this as evidence, it means the evidence in the Scripture, whether it's the toad or the Injeel, which talks about the coming of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and his description. So they have concealed this testimony and they have concealed this evidence. So people who do that, who try to hide the truth or pretend like the truth does not exist, then such people are committing a great injustice when Mullah who be lawful in our midterm alone, and Allah is not unaware of what you all do.
So, there have been attempts to hide the truth to pretend like the truth does not exist, that you know, the message of the Bible is different from the message of the Quran. So, Allah subhanaw taala knows all of this injustice Tilka omoton adhaalath This is repeated again. That that is a nation that has passed on Lahoma Casa La comarca septum it will have the consequence of what it earned. And you will have what you earned will add to Aluna McCann, we are Malone, and you will not be asked about what they used to do. What are we going to be asked about our deeds? So what's the main thing that we learned from all of these verses? That we need to focus on our actions? Right? Our Iman
Islam, submission to Allah this is not just you know, related to certain rituals, but it's an entire way of life that is supposed to be constant that is supposed to be manifest, just as the prophets before Ibrahim Ali Salam is married and is Salam is how Carly's I'm just as they lived. Right? And this idea is repeated again. And it's a warning that your salvation depends not on where you were born or what blood you have. But your salvation depends on what you believe in and what you do. So if you want to succeed, then do as the righteous did before you purify your faith and beautify your actions, as Allah subhanaw taala tells us and sort of it and Ron is 67 Maracana, Ibrahim whoo yah
hoo diggin well. Anna serrania One Act
Can Hanifa Muslim a woman can I mean animal shaking, Ibrahim Roseanne was not a Jew. Nor was he a Christian. He was a Hanif. He was someone who was dedicated to Allah, Muslims, someone who had surrendered to Allah. He was not of those who associate partners with Allah. So we also need to think about ourselves, that sometimes we think that if we carry a certain label, I'm a Muslim, that is sufficient. We need to see what kind of a relationship do I have with my Lord? How heavily do I surrender to Allah? And do I surrender to Allah? Just in some matters? is Islam like a family thing? You know, a community thing? This is a community that I belong to, or is it a personal thing? And if
it's a personal thing, how strongly attached Am I to Allah? Because you see, there's some words that are repeated over here, locally soon, Muslim moon, right. So we need to adopt if last sincerity, we need to surrender to Allah azza wa jal and in sha Allah in the next Jaws, just number two, we will learn about many commands, commands related to not only salah but also fasting and eating and Hajj, so many rituals are mentioned. And before those commands are mentioned, we are taught the lesson of submission to Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us all enable us all to surrender to him wholeheartedly. I mean, inshallah we'll conclude over here botica Lo Fi comm I want to congratulate
all of you Masha Allah you did it and hamdulillah and I pray that Allah subhanaw taala gives us the ability to continue with this in the best way. Inshallah Baraka low fecal Subhanak Allahumma behenic eyeshadow Allah Illa illa Anta esta Furukawa to buoy lake was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh